Ix Bio 20 05 2023 1

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 Do all the questions in your fair notebook

 Neatness and presentation are common parameters of work done
by you.

1. Mitochondria are found in all aerobic eukaryotic cells and lack in

prokaryotes, anaerobic protozoans and some cells of mammals. They
may be spherical Oval, cylindrical filamentous or even branched. They
are commonly called powerhouse of the cell.

Plastids are other cytoplasmic organelles found in the plant cell and
certain protists but are absent in animal cells.They are called kitchen of
the cell.

(1) Which cell organelles are bounded by double membrane envelope?

a)Mitochondria b)plastid c)ribosome d) both A and B

(2)The inner membrane of mitochondria is thrown into numerous
folds.What is the name of such folds?

a)villi b)microvilli c)cristae d)lamellae.

(3) What is the main function of mitochondria?

a)Site of photosynthesis b)Site of cell respiration

c) Site of protein synthesis d)site of packaging and cell


(4)Which main light absorbing pigment Is present in green plastids?

A )Xanthophyll b)chlorophyll

C) phycobilin d) carotenoids

2. Cell division is the process by which new cells are formed. It is of 2

main types mitosis and meiosis. Unlike mitosis meiosis is only confined
to specific cells called meiocytes of reproductive organs or tissues in
animals, plants, Protists and fungi. It takes place at a particular time. This
specific cells divide to form gametes.Mitosis on the other hand occurs in
all kinds of cells and make continue towards life.

(1) How many daughter cells are formed in meiosis?

A)1 B)2 C)3 4) 4

(2) Which division is also termed as somatic division?

A)Mitosis B) meiosis C) both A and B D)none of these

(3) What is the nuclear DNA content of each daughter cell after mitosis?.

A)Half as that of mother cell b) same as that of mother cell

C)1 by 4th that of mother cell d)double as that of mother cell.

(4) How many consecutive divisions occurs in meiosis?

A)2 b)1 c)3 d)4

3. Endoplasmic reticulum is an extensive network of intracellular

membrane bound tubes and vesicles that occupies most of the
cytoplasm in almost all eukaryotic cells. The membranes of the systems
are lipo proteinic in nature similar in structure to the plasma membrane.
The endoplasmic reticulum is present in more prominent young and
dividing cells as compared to all the cells. It is absent in prokaryotic cells.
(1) What is the composition of endoplasmic reticulum?

a)lipid and protein b) cellulose

c) carbohydrates d) amino acid

(2) Endoplasmic reticulum is absent in

a) prokaryotic cell b) eukaryotes

c) higher organism d)human cell

(3) What is the function of rough endoplasmic reticulum?

a) protein synthesis b)lipid synthesis

c) carbohydrates synthesis d) cellulose synthesis

(4) What is the function of smooth endoplasmic reticulum?

a)protein synthesis b)lipid synthesis

c) carbohydrates synthesis d) cellulose synthesis

4. Each cells is enclosed by a covering called plasma membrane or cell

membrane.Also most cell organelle are enclosed by sub cellular unit
membranes.These membrane thus compartmentalised the cell.
However,neither the cell nor the compartments in it are totally isolated
from the surrounding medium. The membranes in fact allow continuous
flow of selected material across them as required from time to time.

(1) Plasma membrane is also known as-

A) permeable membrane b)semi permeable membrane

c)semi autonomous membrane d) nuclear membrane

(2) Plasma membrane is present in –

a)plant cell b) animal cells

c) both (a) and (b) d)none of these.

(3) What is the function of plasma membrane

(a)Protein synthesis b) packaging of material

c) maintaining internal composition of cell d)fat synthesis

(4) Nature of plasma membrane is-

a) permeable b)non permeable

c) selectively permeable d) semipermeable

5. Plant cells, in addition to the plasma membrane, have another rigid

outer covering called the cell wall. The cell wall lies outside the plasma
membrane. The plant cell wall is mainly composed of cellulose. Cellulose
is a complex substance and provides structural strength to plants. When
a living plant cell loses water through osmosis there is shrinkage or
contraction of the contents of the cell away from the cell wall. This
phenomenon is known as plasmolysis.
(1) What is the main constituent of cell wall?

(2) What is the reason behind structural strength of plant cell?

(3) What organism lacks cell wall?

(4) What polymer is commonly found in the cell walls of fungi?


6. Payal went to botanical garden with her family. She was observing
different coloured leaves and flowers. She asked her father why is there
so much colour difference between the different leaves. Her father being
unaware of the exact answer, told her that it is due to God's gift to this

Payal's elder brother Prasad intervened and told the exact answer to

(1) What must have been told by Prasad to Payal ?

(2) What are the names of other plant pigments?

7. Raghunath accidentally dropped bag of raisinsinto water. He did not

remove it from water by mistake. Later his Master scolded him for
spoilling raisins. So he placed them in sun. After few hours, the raisins
were apparently dry and resembled to the original raisins.

(1) What did he observe initially and later ?

(2) Which membrane acts as semi-permeable membrane in this

endosmosis and exosmosis?

8. Mount the peel of a Rheo leaf in water on a slide and examine cells
under the high power of a microscope. Put a strong solution of sugar or
salt on the mounted leaf on the slide. Wait for a minute and observe
under a microscope. What do we see?

9. We eat food composed of all the nutrients like carbohydrates,

proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. After digestion, these are
absorbed in the form of glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, glycerol etc.
What mechanisms are involved in the absorption of digested food and

10. Bacteria do not have chloroplast but some bacteria are

photoautotrophic in nature and perform photosynthesis. Which part of
the bacterial cell performs this?


11. What is the importance of a vacuole in a plant cell?

12. Multicellular organisms exhibit division of labour. Comment.

13. Are the different types of plastids interchangeable? If yes, give

examples where they are getting converted fr om one type to another.

14. Why is the plasma membrane described as a” protein iceberg in the

sea of lipids”?

15. Name two structures found in animal cells but not in plant cells. Give
their location and function.

16. Mention the similarity and differences between mitochondria and


17. Briefly give the contributions of the following scientists in

formulating the cell theory

a. Robert Virchow

b. Schleiden and Schwann

18. Describe an activity to demonstrate exosmosis. Draw diagram


19. Identify the diagram and label all its parts from 1 to 10.


20. What would happen if

i)an animal cell is kept in distilled water for 24 hours.

ii) a fully turgid plant cell is placed in a hypertonic solution.

iii) chloroplast is taken out and illuminated.

iv) Excess amount of fertilizer is applied to green grass lawn.

v)Humans had chlorophyll in their skin.



 TOPIC COVERED- structure and function of cell organelles


Write a story about a particular part of an animal or plant cell — this will
be the main character of your story. Beautifully represent your story on
A-3 sheet with the help of pictures or diagrams.

For example the cell wall could be the main character in the plant cell.


● Your story should have a conflict between your main character and the
other functioning parts of the cell. The problem should be resolved by
the end of the story.

● Should include the points to highlights to explain the structure and

function of the main character ( part of the cell)

● The story must be accurate in its representation in either the plant

or animal cell.

● Be creative- keep your reader's attention by developing your

characters by using humor.

 Presentation
 Content of story
 Humours involved
 Accuracy of function and structure

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