Shamballa Attunement Package Descriptions

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Shamballa Multidimensional Healing

Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing is a complete system of energy used

for healing and personal spiritual development. It is now available to all
people of Earth. The Shamballa system is a revival of the ancient Atlantean
healing arts brought forth by Ascended Master St. Germain through John
Armitage. Master Germain used this same energy during his incarnation as
a high priest in the Atlantean healing temples prior to the destruction of

Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing is similar to Reiki in many ways but

it is an independent system. It is a form of energy healing that is effective
and therapeutic to give and receive. Energy of the Ascended Masters and
Mahatma Energy is combined with Shamballa Multi-Dimensional Healing. It
is Multi-Dimensional so not only works on the physical level but on all
spiritual, mental and emotional levels.

Reiki travels to wherever it is required in the body and energy field - so

does Shamballa. Wherever you place your hands on the body, the energy
will find its way to where it is needed. Shamballa is a wonderful energy that
is great to use for both the recipient and practitioner alike. A typical
Shamballa MD Healing treatment takes about 10 minutes. The four
Shamballa attunements open you to receive up to 352 etheric symbols
(revealed in meditation or dream state). You don't need to know all these
symbols as they will come to the practitioner intuitively if they need to be
consciously known. You do not need to have been initiated into Reiki to
learn Shamballa, although the two do work well together.
Diamond Himalayan Reiki

Diamond Himalaya Reiki is a beautiful energy system that was channelled

by Stewart Farquharson.

The main energies of the Diamond Himalaya Reiki will gently initiate you
into the mystical land whose secret entrance is hidden within the Himalaya
mountains. Called by some as Agartha and others as Shamballa. It is
undoubtedly a place which vibrates with a special frequency of energy that
is of pure peace where it is said the inhabitants remain young and healthy
forever. Their hearts glow with the pure universal energies of the universal
light of truth. Some of these inhabitants take delight in caring for plants
and animals, some study and teach, some create beautiful works of music
and art. There is also a belief that some leave Agartha to help in the
ascension of humanity and mother earth when they are called to do so.

As you work with these energies and connect with the 4 Initiations that are
given within the manual you will gain a very special energetic connection
with this hidden land where you can travel during your meditations to gain
insight, wisdom and unique understanding about how they can help you on
your spiritual and life’s path.

Dolphin of Money Shamballa – 2nd Part

By Ramon Martinez Lopez. Every living in EARTH has a DNA. Healing the
encoded information in the kundalini.

These mantras activate your kundalini and cleans your DNA and earth DNA
etherically and physically. It can be combined with previous mantras and

You can use these attunements and affirmations for yourself for others,
banks and bankers… for the entire planet. This is a universal channel. We
are all connected.

Dzhambala Reiki

The origin of the Dzambhala Wealth Gods is very interesting. It is said that
a revered high Lama, Lama Atisha, was walking alone when he found a
man starving and near death.

After looking around and unable to find food for the old man Lama Atisha
cut flesh from his own body and offered it to the starving man. The man
refused to eat the Lama's flesh.
Being depressed and not knowing how else to help the man nearing death
the Lama sat down next to him.

At that point there was a blinding bright white light and before Atisha
appeared the Buddha of Compassion, the Thousand-Armed Avalokiteshwor

The Buddha told Lama Atisha that he was going to manifest himself as the
God of Wealth, Dzambhala, and assure that those in poverty would suffer
no longer.

Jambala (Dzambhala) is the God of wealth and appropriately a member of

the Jewel family. In Hindu Mythology, Jambala is known as Kuber. Jambala
is also believed to be an emanation of Avalokiteshwor Chenrezig, the
Buddha of Compassion, manifesting as the wealth-giving Buddha.

The 5 dzambhalas of wealth and abundance colors are:

• Black (for long life to enjoy abundance and life),

• White (purification of obstacles to wealth),

• Red (wish fulfilling jewel and compassionate energy)

• Green (magnetising or attracting wealth), and

• Yellow-gold (great enrichment and flourishing of wealth).

All five Dzambhala energies are viewed as protectors of weatlh, abundance

and prosperity. Ddzambhala Reiki Will Help You:

Each Jambala has their own mantra and practice to help eliminate poverty
and create financial stability.

• Prosperity

• Wealth

• Abundance

• Enjoy Abundance

• Enjoy Life

• Long Life

• Purification of all Obstacles to Wealth

• Fulfilling your Projects

• Fulfilling Your Wishes

• Increase Income

• Eliminate financial Worries

• Increase Wisdom

• Gain material & Spiritual Benefits

• Dispell Bad Karma

• Good Health

• Cure Diseases

• Dispel you from any Disaster

• Stop Suffering

• Become Popular

• Eliminate Resentment

Dzambhala Reiki has 5 separate attunements.

Himalayan Shaman Reiki

What this reiki is for:

• success
• spiritual protection
• powerful healing
• insight

In this manual, you are led on a meditative journey, wherein you receive
your attunement.

Rainbow Shamballa Twin Heart Diamond Dimensions

There are two attunements included in this system, being Kaladarshan

prana and Rainbow Shamballa twin heart diamond dimensions.

Rainbow Shamballa diamond is simply to realize the radiance, the natural

expression of wisdom, which is beyond all intellectual concepts. It is the
true realization of the Absolute Nature just as it is the ultimate completion.
Through the practice of shamballa diamond, one can unmask this
awareness and let its radiance arise.
the natural arising of visions of discs and rays of light. These visions are
naturally ready to arise from within the central channel that joins the heart
to the eyes. Such an arising from this channel will appear in a gradual
process. In the same way that the waxing moon will increase from the first
to the fifteenth of the month, these visions will gradually increase from the
simple perception of dots of light to the full array of the vast expanse. Like
the sun of 72.000 rays in a manifestation of vital energy through space and
awareness will thus reach its culminating point in our etheric bodies. This
is called kaladarshan.

The ordinary body made of gross aggregates will dissolve into the ‘Rainbow
Body of Great Transference’ or ‘diamond-body’, or dissolve without leaving
any remnants or like a crystal ball that takes on the colour of the material
on which it is placed without itself being changed in a sense of Reality as
limitless wholeness.

Through the practice of rainbow shambala, Love is the ultimate reality in

which the dimensions form a wholeness, with no duality and no karmic

Twin heart diamond dimensions reflects the cosmic love in other hearts
beyond dimensions and balance the elements of your human existence.

There is no master level. For serious spiritual practitioners Meditate on the

mantras, practice is the means to develop these energies.

Responsive Nadi Renewal

Responsive brings to you the cleansing energy of Quan Yin's Lavender Rose
Flame Reiki and the fulfilling energies of Shamballa Multi-Dimensional or
higher energy. You will also be granted the Lotus Jewel of Freedom whose
dispensation is sovereignty.

There are many benefits to having your nadi subtle energy pathways
opened in order to keep the energy flowing smoothly. This manual is
designed to educate you on what type of energies will be working with you
and what your responsibilities are when you activate Responsive Nadi

The function of this cleansing renewal is to clear away any blockages or

less than pure, or dense energy from your body and Lightbody and then to
refill those pathways with the most exalted energy.
Shamballa 12D

12 Dimensional Master Healer, Levels 1-12. There is a prerequisite for

this course as you must be attuned to Shamballa MD Master Level
to receive this attunement.

Shamballa Multidimensional Healing 12D is a new Powerful Energies system

as an addendum to Original 4 levels of Shamballa Multidimensional Healing

You will be initiated into 12 levels of reality..with multi-universal and multi-

cosmic aspects of Shamballa Healing..12D will activate 144 Strands of DNA
in your physical and spiritual bodies.. This will re-connect your entire self
throughout these 12 dimensions.

Initiations List & Techniques

1. Initiations into the order of Melchizedek (The Order of Melchizedek

includes all who elect to serve as guided by the divine within them).

2. Activation of the sacred geometry, cosmic fire and letters from the
cosmic sacred languages in all your bodies.

3. All clearings of implants and negative multiple beings.

4. You will receive a deep connection with your - I am presence and

through this connection will realize who and what we really truly are -

5. You will be able to heal yourself on all levels and do the same for

6. You will learn how to work with your crystalline bodies. As well as heal,
imbalances in them.

7. You will learn ow to connect to your blue print which is the seed of your

8. You will learn about heavenly hosts and the new universe beyond

9. Activation of the Melchizedek diamonds and crystals Matrix.

10. And more beyond explanation...

The central core of Shamballa is Love and Freedom. Love for oneself and
an innate knowingness of one’s connection with Mother/Father God and all
Creation. Freedom from all that stands in the way of that knowingness.
Freedom to know who you are, and to step into your Power, to step into
your Mastery.
The origins of the Shamballa system lie way back in pre-history as we know
it. Germain was incarnate in Atlantis at the time. He brought through the
original system in order to help in the evolution of low vibrational beings
who were being used as slaves. He wanted to make this slavery
unacceptable, and to free these beings from their bondage of ignorance.
The system today is much expanded, for we are ready for much higher
energies now. But its purpose is to free us from our bondage of ignorance,
to bring us into the Love and Freedom of our own mastery. What does it
mean to be a Master? It does not mean power over others. It simply means
being a Master of oneself. As any true Master will tell you.

Shamballa 999

Shamballa 999 combines the energies of Shamballa with the 999 high-
frequency energies associated with the angelic realms.

Shamballa is a range of healing energy frequencies that combine and

expand on three energetic bands namely Reiki, Mahatma Energy (I AM
Presence energy) and the energies of the Ascended Masters.

999 Hz is a very high frequency of energy. This frequency is the highest

frequency in the angelic realms and represents unity, closing of a cycle,
moving forward, and spiritual awareness.

The combinations of Shamballa and 999 frequency energies aim to raise

your vibration, assist you in the ascension process, expand your awareness,
advance spiritually, be more aware of the mysteries around you and
discover hidden aspects of self and the universe.

Despite the focus on spiritual ascension, these energies are also very
healing and nurturing and may support you whilst working through any
change to provide the very highest outcomes. They work across dimensions
and aspects (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) of life.

The energies may also be beneficial in increasing psychic communication

and gifts.

Shamballa Money Activation Line

For changing quantity and quality of Money. Financial matters, distribution

of money in your life and in the planet earth. Connecting material richness
with spiritual ones.

Shift from fear and abuse to freedom and fluency of money. You can send
this energy, for everyone in the planet. Connects your 1st and 2nd chakras
to your heart, soul purpose and divine mind with earth mind, holographic
view of the planet, and been part of it, part of the earth plan not apart from

Activation of 1st and 2nd chakra with money kundalini.

Shamballa Unity Maharic Seals

Shamballa - Unity - Unified Shamballa Symbol Unites Shamballa MDH and

Shamballa1024. Allows all Shamballa symbols to work as one.

PREREQUISITES: Shamballa M-D Healing System and Shamballa


Shamballa 1024

Shamballa 1024 (5th dimensional healing) was founded by June

Stephansen in 2003-4 and it includes the new Shamballa symbols that hold
the higher vibration of Shamballa Energy. Shamballa 1024 symbols go to
the core of one’s being and allow for a deep healing to take place. The
Shamballa 1024 symbols are meant to deactivate illnesses in the human
and animal body. In Shamballa 1024, only the healing symbols required by
the client’s body will be transferred. The energies of the Shamballa 1024
attunement are about divine completion of the Self.

The Knights of Agartha Empowerments

Agartha (sometimes referred to as Agartta, Agharti or Agarttha) is a

legendary city that is said to reside in the Earth's core. Shamballa (also
known as Shambalahor Shangri-La) is sometimes said to be its capital city.
The mythical paradise of Shamballa is known under many different names:
It has been called the Forbidden Land, the Land of White Waters, the Land
of Radiant Spirits, the Land of Living Fire, the Land of the Living Gods and
the Land of Wonders. Hindus have known it as Aryavartha (literally : The
Land or Realm of The Aryans ; the Land of the Noble/Worthy Ones') - the
land from which the Vedas come; the Chinese as Hsi Tien, the Western
Paradise of Hsi Wang Mu, the Royal Mother of the West; the Russian Old
Believers, a nineteenth-century Christian sect, knew it as Belovodye and
the Kirghiz people as Janaidar. But throughout Asia it is best known by its
Sanskrit name, Shambhala, meaning 'the place of peace, of tranquillity.
The capital of Agartha is Shamballa. Other cities include Shangri-la, Telos,
Mikos, Catharia, Petiti, and Mt. Shasta. At least one entranceway near the
North Pole is now beginning to show up on undoctored Google Earth photos.

Agarthan cities are spread around … or rather, inside … the globe. Petiti lies
under the Amazon jungle; Catharia, under the Aegean Sea; and Mt. Shasta,
under the Nevada desert.

An Agarthan communicator named “Mikos” describes his life in Catharia,

deeper than the bottom of the Aegean, off Greece’s mainland.

Here there is peace and comfort and abundance and great wealth of health
and body and spirit.

It was created with Light technology, which turned the Inner Earth into a
paradise. When we enter it, we apparently first notice the gentler, diffuse
glow of Earth’s Central Sun.

Mother Earth’s geomagnetic, geoelectric, and gravitational fields interlink

to form the life-giving essence that is truly her heart and soul. This living
entity is the sacred vehicle we now inhabit.

The knights of Agartha teach us about, sustainability, continuum of life and

self-healing and more.

Adama is known as a light being of fifth dimension of the city of Telos.

Uraneus is the interdimensional energy for the omniversal energies of the

earth, dwelling beyond earth planet. It has a turquoise and gold color.

You are attuned to the energy and wisdom of these masters.

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