Shamballa Attunement Package Descriptions
Shamballa Attunement Package Descriptions
Shamballa Attunement Package Descriptions
The main energies of the Diamond Himalaya Reiki will gently initiate you
into the mystical land whose secret entrance is hidden within the Himalaya
mountains. Called by some as Agartha and others as Shamballa. It is
undoubtedly a place which vibrates with a special frequency of energy that
is of pure peace where it is said the inhabitants remain young and healthy
forever. Their hearts glow with the pure universal energies of the universal
light of truth. Some of these inhabitants take delight in caring for plants
and animals, some study and teach, some create beautiful works of music
and art. There is also a belief that some leave Agartha to help in the
ascension of humanity and mother earth when they are called to do so.
As you work with these energies and connect with the 4 Initiations that are
given within the manual you will gain a very special energetic connection
with this hidden land where you can travel during your meditations to gain
insight, wisdom and unique understanding about how they can help you on
your spiritual and life’s path.
By Ramon Martinez Lopez. Every living in EARTH has a DNA. Healing the
encoded information in the kundalini.
These mantras activate your kundalini and cleans your DNA and earth DNA
etherically and physically. It can be combined with previous mantras and
You can use these attunements and affirmations for yourself for others,
banks and bankers… for the entire planet. This is a universal channel. We
are all connected.
Dzhambala Reiki
The origin of the Dzambhala Wealth Gods is very interesting. It is said that
a revered high Lama, Lama Atisha, was walking alone when he found a
man starving and near death.
After looking around and unable to find food for the old man Lama Atisha
cut flesh from his own body and offered it to the starving man. The man
refused to eat the Lama's flesh.
Being depressed and not knowing how else to help the man nearing death
the Lama sat down next to him.
At that point there was a blinding bright white light and before Atisha
appeared the Buddha of Compassion, the Thousand-Armed Avalokiteshwor
The Buddha told Lama Atisha that he was going to manifest himself as the
God of Wealth, Dzambhala, and assure that those in poverty would suffer
no longer.
Each Jambala has their own mantra and practice to help eliminate poverty
and create financial stability.
• Prosperity
• Wealth
• Abundance
• Enjoy Abundance
• Enjoy Life
• Long Life
• Increase Wisdom
• Good Health
• Cure Diseases
• Stop Suffering
• Become Popular
• Eliminate Resentment
• success
• spiritual protection
• powerful healing
• insight
In this manual, you are led on a meditative journey, wherein you receive
your attunement.
The ordinary body made of gross aggregates will dissolve into the ‘Rainbow
Body of Great Transference’ or ‘diamond-body’, or dissolve without leaving
any remnants or like a crystal ball that takes on the colour of the material
on which it is placed without itself being changed in a sense of Reality as
limitless wholeness.
Twin heart diamond dimensions reflects the cosmic love in other hearts
beyond dimensions and balance the elements of your human existence.
Responsive brings to you the cleansing energy of Quan Yin's Lavender Rose
Flame Reiki and the fulfilling energies of Shamballa Multi-Dimensional or
higher energy. You will also be granted the Lotus Jewel of Freedom whose
dispensation is sovereignty.
There are many benefits to having your nadi subtle energy pathways
opened in order to keep the energy flowing smoothly. This manual is
designed to educate you on what type of energies will be working with you
and what your responsibilities are when you activate Responsive Nadi
2. Activation of the sacred geometry, cosmic fire and letters from the
cosmic sacred languages in all your bodies.
5. You will be able to heal yourself on all levels and do the same for
6. You will learn how to work with your crystalline bodies. As well as heal,
imbalances in them.
7. You will learn ow to connect to your blue print which is the seed of your
8. You will learn about heavenly hosts and the new universe beyond
The central core of Shamballa is Love and Freedom. Love for oneself and
an innate knowingness of one’s connection with Mother/Father God and all
Creation. Freedom from all that stands in the way of that knowingness.
Freedom to know who you are, and to step into your Power, to step into
your Mastery.
The origins of the Shamballa system lie way back in pre-history as we know
it. Germain was incarnate in Atlantis at the time. He brought through the
original system in order to help in the evolution of low vibrational beings
who were being used as slaves. He wanted to make this slavery
unacceptable, and to free these beings from their bondage of ignorance.
The system today is much expanded, for we are ready for much higher
energies now. But its purpose is to free us from our bondage of ignorance,
to bring us into the Love and Freedom of our own mastery. What does it
mean to be a Master? It does not mean power over others. It simply means
being a Master of oneself. As any true Master will tell you.
Shamballa 999
Shamballa 999 combines the energies of Shamballa with the 999 high-
frequency energies associated with the angelic realms.
Despite the focus on spiritual ascension, these energies are also very
healing and nurturing and may support you whilst working through any
change to provide the very highest outcomes. They work across dimensions
and aspects (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) of life.
Shift from fear and abuse to freedom and fluency of money. You can send
this energy, for everyone in the planet. Connects your 1st and 2nd chakras
to your heart, soul purpose and divine mind with earth mind, holographic
view of the planet, and been part of it, part of the earth plan not apart from
Shamballa 1024
Agarthan cities are spread around … or rather, inside … the globe. Petiti lies
under the Amazon jungle; Catharia, under the Aegean Sea; and Mt. Shasta,
under the Nevada desert.
Here there is peace and comfort and abundance and great wealth of health
and body and spirit.
It was created with Light technology, which turned the Inner Earth into a
paradise. When we enter it, we apparently first notice the gentler, diffuse
glow of Earth’s Central Sun.