ProtectiveBubbleReikiAttunement PDF
ProtectiveBubbleReikiAttunement PDF
ProtectiveBubbleReikiAttunement PDF
B ubbl e R e i ki A t t une me nt
Elemental Reiki
P r o t e c t i v e B u bbl e R e i k i A t t u n e me n t
A b o ut T hi s A ttune me nt
The Protective Bubble Reiki Attunement is a method of psychic
protection that is easy to use. Its purpose is to provide a firm layer of
psychic protection from outside negative energies and psychic
attacks, while still allowing for positive energies of love and peace to
flow through.
You may have heard the phrase "living in a bubble," which generally
has a negative connotation of being out of touch with the real world.
However, this Protective Bubble is doing something good - it is
blocking out negative outside energies while promoting feelings of
peace and harmony.
Ho w T o Us e the E ne rgy
Once you have received the attunement (see below), this energy
works by visualization. If you have ever seen the original Wizard of Oz
film, then you may remember Glinda the Good Witch floating into
Munchkinland in a bubble. Imagine a bubble like that surrounding
you. You can imagine it sparking and iridescent, and all sorts of
beautiful colors that you like.
Deep, slow breathing will help you with your visualization and
enhance its healing effects.
Ho w to Gi v e a nd R e c e i v e the A ttune me nt
You can self-attune to this energy. The safest way to do this is by using
the "Spirit-Directed Reiki Attunement Method." The manual is
available for free here:
Or, simply ask your higher power to attune you to the energy, i.e.:
You can also use the Spirit-Directed Reiki Attunement Method to give
attunements. Otherwise, you can use whatever in-person or distant
attunement method that you prefer.
D o na ti o ns
If you would like to donate to the author of this manual, your donation
would be gratefully received. You can do so here: