General Information: Grammar: Past Simple Vocabulary: Verbs: To Be, Grow, Climb, Slip, Fall

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Function of the Language: Lesson Focus (macro skills): Reading Language Focus (sub-skills): Predicting,
Talking about how we have helped Skimming, Scanning.
someone, or if someone has helped Grammar: Past simple
you. By Reading a Fable: “The Ant Vocabulary: Verbs: to be, grow, climb, slip, fall,
and the Dove” see, fill, pull, let, settle, do, save, drop and fly

Cultural Contextualization: Competency: The students will read a text to Main Aims: By the end of the lesson the
The students will read a text that practice reading, by predicting, skimming and students will have a read a fable in past simple,
shows a moral that is similar to scanning, to learn about helping someone, and and they will learn the moral of the story.
their culture showing tolerance and respect towards other
Subsidiary Aims: To give Materials: Pictures of the reading, big poster of
students practice with predicting, Anticipated problems: The students take longer the graphic organizer, copies of the graphic
skimming and scanning. in the activities. Some students can have organizer, copies of the questions and copies of
difficulty finding the information for the graphic the reading text.
Anticipated solutions: Check the time in each
activity and monitor the students work. Help the
students who have problems in identifying the
main details.

Methodology: Learning Strategies: Teaching strategies: With the graphic

a) Lexical Approach: organizer provided, the students will practice the
comprehension of what they read. Social: Students work in pairs and in groups of sub-skills, by identifying the information asked.
b) Communicative language four Also, with the reading comprehension questions
teaching: the students use their own Cognitive: The students will read and analyze and questions of connection with their lives, the
words to give details of the story in the information. They will extract information class will be able to discuss the topic, learn the
a chart, will answer orally some from the text. moral, and practice the language.
questions and will talk about the Memory: By observing pictures and the graphic
connection with their lives. organizer, they will arrange the information.

Lesson plan example by: Ph.D. Priscilla Nuñez Tapia / Teaching Reading
Date: Time: 8:40 am- 9:30 am Group: 1A, public middle school

Whiteboard Plan

Paste images of the story and

new vocabulary Date________________

Brainstorm Write notes Write New Vocabulary

Our Predictions Paste graphic organizer

With the story

Lesson plan example by: Ph.D. Priscilla Nuñez Tapia / Teaching Reading
Warm up Introduce the language Practice the languge Apply the language:
10 min 10 min 30 min 10 min
Review the past tense of
the verbs that will be in Pre-Reading: While-Reading: After-Reading- linking
the reading. Show them flashcards to the topic to their lives:
introduce new vocabulary. Tell the students that they will start
Matching game: The T: Repeat after me to learn new reading individually “The ant and the At the end of the class
teacher will paste on the vocabulary for today’s task. dove”. While reading they will have tell the students that is
board the verbs in Repeat after me: Dove, Ant, to fill in the circle graphic organizer time to link what they
present tense in one Help, love, etc. provided to find out: What happens have learned with their
column and the verbs in Ask everyone to repeat to the Ant? What does Dove do? And lives. Give them copies
past tense in another randomly and ask for some What happens to Dove? What does of the next questions.
column. The students students to tell you the words. Ant do? Tell them to paraphrase the Give them time to
will have to pass and details. answer them individually
link the verb in present Give and introduction of the and in groups. Continue
with their right verb in topic to the students. Also the students have to pay the next class if today’s
past. Draw a brainstorm on the attention while reading if their class is over.
board, and ask the students: predictions before reading that are on
After the game, make “Think about ways to help the board are right or wrong. Individually:
sure the students know others”. The students say what 1.- How can you use the
what the verbs mean. they think. If they are not The Ss start reading. story at home and at
answering elicit answers or school?
Material: Flashcards give examples to help them T Feedback while-reading: Monitor 2. Have you helped
with the verbs in present participate. the students, help them if they didn’t someone? Why?
simple and in past tense. understand the instructions or if they 3.- Has someone helped
are not doing the task correctly. you? Why?
Give the story to the students. 4.- Are you friend with
Tell the students to look at the After reading, the teacher asks the the person that helped
title and the pictures. Ask students to check in pairs their you or that you helped?
them: graphic organizer. To check if

Lesson plan example by: Ph.D. Priscilla Nuñez Tapia / Teaching Reading
everyone identify the main details, In groups of 4:
Our predictions: the problem the characters face and
Who the solutions. 5.-Why is it important to
are the help others that are in
charact T Feedback: need in the world?
ers? The teacher monitors this activity 6.-Who in our
What and checks that everyone has their community needs our
do you graphic organizers filled in with the help? Why?
think is right information. 7.- Who in the world
going The teacher helps the students who needs everyone’s help?
on? didn’t do a good job in finding the Why?
might Materials:
happen Then the teacher pastes on the board Give them copies with
in the a big circle graphic organizer and these questions to answer
story? asks the students for their answers to individually.
Who check them. The students participate. T-Feedback: After, as a
will The Teacher writes the answers. whole group we discuss
help the answers.
someon Also the teacher asks the questions of
e? pre-reading to check their

The teacher asks the students the

In the board do a chart with next comprehension questions orally:
their predictions when
answering the questions above. 1.- What lesson does this story
Then tell them to focus in teach?
finding out if they were right 2.- Why does the Dove help the
while reading. Ant? Why does the Ant help the

Lesson plan example by: Ph.D. Priscilla Nuñez Tapia / Teaching Reading
3.- Do the Ant and the Dove help
Materials: each other for the same reason?
Paste big images related to the Tell why or why not.
story on the board. As also 4.- Would and Ant and a Dove be
pictures about helping others. animals friends in the real world?
Tell what you think.
Copies of the story.
Materials: Circle Graphic organizer


Questions Yes No Comments

Did the students know the verbs in the
warm up?
Did the students make good predictions
before reading?
Were the students able to identify the
aspects asked in the graphic organizers?
Did the students work well in pairs?
Did the students answer correctly the
reading comprehension questions?
Did the find a connection to their lives
when answering the questions in apply
the language?
Were the students interested in this
Did the students learn about the topic by
doing all the exercises above

Lesson plan example by: Ph.D. Priscilla Nuñez Tapia / Teaching Reading
While reading graphic organizer:

1.- What happens to the Ant? 2.- What did the Dove do to
help the Ant?

3.- What happens to the Dove? 4.- What did the Ant do to
help the Dove?

Lesson plan example by: Ph.D. Priscilla Nuñez Tapia / Teaching Reading
After-Reading-linking what you learned to your lives:

1.- How can you use the story at home and at school?

2. Have you helped someone? Why?

3.- Has someone helped you? Why?

4.- Are you friend with the person that helped you or that you helped?

5.-Why is it important to help others that are in need in the world?

6.-Who in our community needs our help? Why?

7.- Who in the world needs everyone’s help? Why?

Lesson plan example by: Ph.D. Priscilla Nuñez Tapia / Teaching Reading
Lesson plan example by: Ph.D. Priscilla Nuñez Tapia / Teaching Reading
Lesson plan example by: Ph.D. Priscilla Nuñez Tapia / Teaching Reading

Lesson plan example by: Ph.D. Priscilla Nuñez Tapia / Teaching Reading

Lesson plan example by: Ph.D. Priscilla Nuñez Tapia / Teaching Reading

Lesson plan example by: Ph.D. Priscilla Nuñez Tapia / Teaching Reading

Lesson plan example by: Ph.D. Priscilla Nuñez Tapia / Teaching Reading

Lesson plan example by: Ph.D. Priscilla Nuñez Tapia / Teaching Reading
Lesson plan example by: Ph.D. Priscilla Nuñez Tapia / Teaching Reading
Verbs for warm up:






Lesson plan example by: Ph.D. Priscilla Nuñez Tapia / Teaching Reading





Lesson plan example by: Ph.D. Priscilla Nuñez Tapia / Teaching Reading




Lesson plan example by: Ph.D. Priscilla Nuñez Tapia / Teaching Reading

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