Angelic Whore Magick S Rob

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Angelic Whore Magick

Copyright © 2017 Werevamp Media Ltd

All rights reserved.


I dedicate this book to my mother and father.


Acknowledgments i

1 Chapter 1 1

2 Chapter 2 Pg 9

3 Chapter 3 Pg 16

4 Chapter 4 Pg 25

5 Chapter 5 Pg 33

6 Chapter 6 Pg 40

7 Chapter 7 Pg 47

8 Chapter 8 Pg 54

I acknowledge the existence of real magick.

Chapter 1

It is easy to think that angels cannot transform a person into a

whore. But I am not saying that you use this magick upon yourself,

but upon some other person of your choosing. In fact, the angels

you will be using will be commanded by you and not simply just

expected to do this. But many people misunderstand the nature of

angels because not just are there many differing types but the

different types have functions, some of which is even to decide

who runs countries and so every dictator in the world has been put

in place and perhaps taken out of place through angelic power.

This means that angels have the power to do many things and so

here is some magick which will enable you to transform anyone of

your choosing into a whore: a person whose body you can sell for

money. But to summon the angels you will be using the assistance

of Saint Peter because he sits atop the gates of Heaven and through

his power the gates can be opened and so angels can come through

into this world. However, he will also close the gateway again and

this too is important,

But do remember that this magick works through the power of

your will, just as much as through the techniques here and so do

perform what is here with a strong and powerful will: you must

intend and will this magick to work so that it does. In fact, the first

type of angel you will be learning to use it a type of angel called a

Seraphim and they are said to look reptilian with three sets of

wings: and one set covers their feet, another covers their face and

with another they fly. The reason that these angels have wings to

cover them is that they are so close to god that they must cover

themselves because they are not worthy to look upon god. They fly

above god singing” Holy, holy, holy” and so announcing god’s

presence. But these angels have other powers too and so here is

some magick using them. However, before you work this magick

you will need the name of someone you wish to transform into a

whore because their name will need to be spoken within the ritual.

However, you will also need to know what they look like because

this greatly aids the power of this magick. To empower this magick

further if you want simply put a hand on this sigil “The square of

the Seraphim”: you can draw it out if you wish: this symbol

represents the Seraphim.

Ritual to prepare a person of your choosing to become a whore

(You can if you choose put your hand on the square of the

seraphim talisman while saying)

Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Seraphim holy angel you with three sets of wings,

you who sing “Holy, holy, holy” I ask that you fly through the

gateway to this place. Seraphim you of the first sphere and first

choir, most holy of angels I ask that you be here with me: the

Seraphim flies through the gateway and is here with me. Seraphim

most holy of angels: you represent the power of god and so I ask

that you prepare state name of chosen person so that they will be

able to become a whore, so that their bodies can be sold for sex

and this is what I ask you to do. The Seraphim agrees to help and

departs back through the gateway. Saint Peter you were a living

man, but are now a saint and you sit atop the gates of Heaven: this

is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask that you close the gateway,

close the gates of Heaven here and now. Saint Peter shut the gates

of Heaven, shut the gateway here and now; Saint Peter shuts the

gateway the gates of Heaven are shut closed. So it is and will be.

It is important to remember that when performing this magick that

you may feel the presence of the Seraphim, or of Saint Peter.

However even if you see or hear them it is important that you keep

going with the ritual and finish it. But that last magick will help to

prepare the person you want to affect. But it is not all that is

needed and so here is some magick for the person of your choosing

to be free of sexual restrictions. You can use the sigil you have just

been showed earlier in this chapter if you wish: you do this by

touching it when you say the words from the ritual: you can do this

with all the rituals in this chapter.

Ritual to prepare a person of your choosing to lose sexual


(You can if you want to empower this magick further by placing

your hand on the square of the Seraphim talisman shown earlier in

the chapter)

Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Seraphim holy angel you with three sets of wings,

you who sing “Holy, holy, holy” I ask that you fly through the

gateway to this place. Seraphim you of the first sphere and first

choir, most holy of angels I ask that you be here with me: the

Seraphim flies through the gateway and is here with me. Seraphim

most holy of angels: you represent the power of god and so I ask

that you free state name of chosen person from sexual restrictions,

so they are liberated and freed sexually and this is what I ask you

to do. The Seraphim agrees to help and departs back through the

gateway. Saint Peter you were a living man, but are now a saint

and you sit atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint

Peter I ask that you close the gateway, close the gates of Heaven

here and now. Saint Peter shut the gates of Heaven, shut the

gateway here and now; Saint Peter shuts the gateway the gates of

Heaven are shut closed. So it is and will be.

That last magick is good and powerful and it is also a type of

preparation but I will now move onto something which is not

merely preparatory. In fact, this next magick is for a person of your

choosing to remove clothes when you ask. However, do not expect

that this magick will get them to remove all clothes: because some

people may require more magick. However, it will mean that

comments such as “You look too hot”, will get them to remove

some of their clothes so that they will be cooler. But do perform

this magick with a strong will so that it will work.

Ritual to prepare a person of your choosing to remove their

clothes when you ask them

(Put you hand on the square of the Seraphim magick square

talisman to empower this magick further)

Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Seraphim holy angel you with three sets of wings,

you who sing “Holy, holy, holy” I ask that you fly through the

gateway to this place. Seraphim you of the first sphere and first

choir, most holy of angels I ask that you be here with me: the

Seraphim flies through the gateway and is here with me. Seraphim

most holy of angels: you represent the power of god and so I ask

that you make state name of chosen person remove their clothes

whenever I ask them to and this is what I ask you to do. The

Seraphim agrees to help and departs back through the gateway.

Saint Peter you were a living man, but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you close the gateway, close the gates of Heaven here and

now. Saint Peter shut the gates of Heaven, shut the gateway here

and now; Saint Peter shuts the gateway the gates of Heaven are

shut closed. So it is and will be.

It should be noted that with time you can train a person to remove

their clothes automatically. This is simply a Pavlovian response

and it is simply done through repetition. But the best way to do this

is to start right away, with some phrase whenever you want them

to remove even some of their clothes. However, this does mean

that you will need them to be near you and so whatever happens

you should keep meeting them and seeing them. This means that

positive reinforcement is important so that they will want to be

around you: give them compliments and make them feel good

about themselves so that they will wish to be around you.

Chapter 2

If you were to look at the sigil from the last chapter: a type of

talisman or magical picture: you may have noticed that it

represents the Seraphim angels. But it was from a talisman similar,

to this that I realised that all magical beings have another side to

them: and this is their negative side or the hidden reverse of the

talisman or sigil. Because of the simplicity of the magick square

that is that last sigil the reverse is itself also quite simple. This is

shown now.

However, it is best to think of this as the twin of the Seraphim.

However, they are the negative to their positive. However, this

does not make them devils: they have their own reverse side too. It

is simply that even the power of god has its negative side, and this

means that the concept of opposites is within all types of beings

even angels. But this side does not have to be thought of as truly

negative and it is better to think of the Seraphim as + and this other

side named the Mihpares as -. But they do have power and they

can be greatly helpful to us and so while performing the magick in

this chapter do try to touch the talisman: sigil: just given to you.

This sigil for clarification is the cross of Mihpares. This next ritual

is for you to get a chosen person to allow you to touch them

however you want.

Ritual for someone to let you touch them as you want

(Place your hand on the cross of Mihpares while saying these


Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Mihpares, holy angel the other side of the seraphim,

you with three sets of wings, you who sing “Holy, holy, holy” I ask

that you fly through the gateway to this place. Mihpares you of the

first sphere and first choir, most holy of angels I ask that you be

here with me: the Mihpares flies through the gateway and is here

with me. Mihpares holy angel: you represent the power of god and

so I ask that you make it so that state name of chosen person will

let me touch them however I want at any time and this is what I

ask you to do. The Mihpares agrees to help and departs back

through the gateway. Saint Peter you were a living man, but are

now a saint and you sit atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to

control. Saint Peter I ask that you close the gateway, close the

gates of Heaven here and now. Saint Peter shut the gates of

Heaven, shut the gateway here and now; Saint Peter shuts the

gateway the gates of Heaven are shut closed. So it is and will be.

It is good to remember that people have a comfort zone and so it is

good to get people used to your contact slowly if necessary. In fact,

if someone is willing to go slowly enough this magick would not

even be required but few have such patience. It should be

remembered that a plan that will be easy to see when performed

over one hour would be more difficult to see if performed over one

week, would be very difficult to see if performed over a month and

if performed over a year would be impossible. This means proceed

with your plan: if you have one slowly: and you will find that they

will get used to you touching them sooner than you think.

However, you may want them to get used to other people touching

them and this next magick will help. But remember that at first the

touching should be only playful and perhaps start with areas less

out of bounds such as the stomach or the arms. This however will

be best if you invite others to do this because this way the other

person will get programmed by the word or phrase you use and

even the slightest touching can be progressed until they will allow

themselves to be groped all over when you use your trigger phrase.

To work the following magick do use the chosen person’s name

within the magick and touch the cross of Mihpares and will this

magick to work.

Ritual for someone to let other people touch them when you

ask them to

(Place your hand on the cross of Mihpares while saying these


Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Mihpares, holy angel the other side of the seraphim,

you with three sets of wings, you who sing “Holy, holy, holy” I ask

that you fly through the gateway to this place. Mihpares you of the

first sphere and first choir, most holy of angels I ask that you be

here with me: the Mihpares flies through the gateway and is here

with me. Mihpares holy angel: you represent the power of god and

so I ask that you make it so that state name of chosen person will

let anyone touch them in any way, when I ask them to and this is

what I ask you to do. The Mihpares agrees to help and departs back

through the gateway. Saint Peter you were a living man, but are

now a saint and you sit atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to

control. Saint Peter I ask that you close the gateway, close the

gates of Heaven here and now. Saint Peter shut the gates of

Heaven, shut the gateway here and now; Saint Peter shuts the

gateway the gates of Heaven are shut closed. So it is and will be.

You will have made good progress if you have performed the

magick; which you can repeat often if you want: while also

following my advice. But it is important to maintain what you have

achieved and this means that you need to keep seeing them, and

getting used to removing some clothes when you ask them, and

you touching them, and inviting others to do so. In short keep

building on what is here. However, if the person feels this is not

what they want to do, then simply fall back a step or two for a

while and progress slower than before. But to be honest it is quite

likely that before you have finished this chapter that the person

will want you to have sex with them anyway: and if this is what

you want this is great, if not simply going through the chapters. In

fact, this is what you should be doing anyway. But I also feel I

should point out that as your magical knowledge is progressing

you are also learning a deep knowledge of angels and even a thing

or two most theologians will be unaware of. But most of all, do use

this magick and will it to work, because it is your will that gives

this magick its power. But also, do not think that you cannot use

this magick on more than one person at a time because you can: of

course, you will then need to keep track as to what stage every

individual is at. But this magick is here for you to use as you wish.

Chapter 3

In this chapter, you will be using a type of angel named a

Cherubim and these have one head but a face on each side: on one

side is the face of a human man, on another is the face of an ox, on

another still is the face of a lion and the last face is that of an eagle.

The Cherubim are certainly nothing like your image of a cherub:

they have nothing to do with these images at all. However, to

empower this magick further here is the square of the Cherubim;

all you must do is to touch it while saying the words of any magick

that is within this chapter and it will strengthen it.

I will now show you a ritual which is for someone of your

choosing to strip naked for you when you ask them to. However,

you may want to build on any phrase that you used earlier to get

them to remove some clothing, and this will build on this, meaning

that it will help to extend and deepen the programming. However,

it is also true that you may wish to start using some nonsense word

so that they can get used to this so that they do not suddenly strip

every time anyone says” It’s hot”. But here is the magick and it

will work, just say the words with a strong will.

Ritual for a chosen person to strip naked for you

(Place your hand on the square of Cherubim while saying these


Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Cherubim, holy angel, you with one head, but four

faces: one of a man, one of an ox, one a lion and one of an eagle: I

ask that you fly through the gateway to this place. Cherubim you

of the first sphere and second choir, holy angel, I ask that you be

here with me: the Cherubim flies through the gateway and is here

with me. Cherubim holy angel: you are guardians of the tree of life

and so I ask that you make it so that the person called state name of

chosen person will strip naked for me when I ask them and this is

what I ask you to do. The Cherubim agrees to help and departs

back through the gateway. Saint Peter you were a living man, but

are now a saint and you sit atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours

to control. Saint Peter I ask that you close the gateway, close the

gates of Heaven here and now. Saint Peter shut the gates of

Heaven, shut the gateway here and now; Saint Peter shuts the

gateway the gates of Heaven are shut closed. So it is and will be.

Using the last ritual, it is quite possible that your chosen person

will do almost anything because many people do when naked. But

it may be easier to choose at first a place where your chosen person

can strip naked where there is only you. In fact, privacy could

make this easier for the person in question. However, if you do not

intend to have sex with the person you may need to think of some

other reason for them to be there, such as a film. However, some

people will not want to be filmed because this is in fact a stage

further. However, when they are naked what you do or do not do is

up to you. But do remember that you must not strip with them,

because this would program the wrong information in them. In

fact, this is so crucial I will mention this again: do not strip along

with them because they must strip naked while you are fully

clothed. However, once they have stripped naked a few times,

what you need is to get them to strip naked for other people too.

This will be easier if you can create a safe environment where

there are not too many people: or where it is somehow alright to

strip naked. This means that a particularly wild party would be a

good place to start, or someone that is perhaps a casting director:

or could be: or you could simply say that it would be a way of

them gaining body confidence. You could even bribe them with

money and remember to say that they will not need to do anything

more than strip: remember to be patient. But press them if

necessary so they will do this, but do use this next magick because

it will help.

Ritual for a chosen person to strip naked for other people

when you choose

(Place your hand on the square of Cherubim while saying these


Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Cherubim, holy angel, you with one head, but four

faces: one of a man, one of an ox, one a lion and one of an eagle: I

ask that you fly through the gateway to this place. Cherubim you

of the first sphere and second choir, holy angel, I ask that you be

here with me: the Cherubim flies through the gateway and is here

with me. Cherubim holy angel: you are guardians of the tree of life

and so I ask that you make state name of chosen person strip naked

for other people when I ask them to and this is what I ask you to

do. The Cherubim agrees to help and departs back through the

gateway. Saint Peter you were a living man, but are now a saint

and you sit atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint

Peter I ask that you close the gateway, close the gates of Heaven

here and now. Saint Peter shut the gates of Heaven, shut the

gateway here and now; Saint Peter shuts the gateway the gates of

Heaven are shut closed. So it is and will be.

You should remember to maintain the groping of your chosen

person: both of you and people you ask to. But at this stage is it

best to do this while they are still clothed. This is because you need

to keep using the chosen key words or phrases, so that you are not

just using magick, but also getting them used to reacting to key

words. In fact, this is the time to keep using the key word phrase

for you and other people to grope them. By now if you have not

already, you must have them at a stage where you and anyone else

can grope them on command practically anywhere at all, when you

ask them to. If not then you need to maintain the stage they are at,

while progressing them to this next stage. But this next magick will

help and this is for you to progress the person to being groped

while naked or clothed only in underwear of bathing costume. Use

this next magick because it will help to progress your aims greatly.

Ritual for a chosen person to allow themselves to be groped

when they are naked

(Place your hand on the square of Cherubim while saying these


Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Cherubim, holy angel, you with one head, but four

faces: one of a man, one of an ox, one a lion and one of an eagle: I

ask that you fly through the gateway to this place. Cherubim you

of the first sphere and second choir, holy angel, I ask that you be

here with me: the Cherubim flies through the gateway and is here

with me. Cherubim holy angel: you are guardians of the tree of life

and so I ask that you make it so that the person called state name of

chosen person will strip naked and allow anyone at all to touch and

grope them in any way at all whenever I ask them to and this is

what I ask you to do. The Cherubim agrees to help and departs

back through the gateway. Saint Peter you were a living man, but

are now a saint and you sit atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours

to control. Saint Peter I ask that you close the gateway, close the

gates of Heaven here and now. Saint Peter shut the gates of

Heaven, shut the gateway here and now; Saint Peter shuts the

gateway the gates of Heaven are shut closed. So it is and will be.

This magick is useful: but to try to keep using the same phrase that

you used before, for you or other people to touch them if you can.

This means that in time this will be progressed to a point where

this will become the natural response. However, to do this you

need repetition and so by now you should be trying to arrange the

person to be stripping at your home regular nights for other people

so that you can get the person used to stripping and being groped.

By this stage however they may be having sex with the people

there. But if they are not, this is fine and it may be even better in

the long term. The reason for this is that stripping without pictures

being taken is a job and even getting paid for this could be thought

of as respectable by the person by now. But remember keep them

getting naked and being touched through the use, of the magick

and the words and phrases you have chosen.

Chapter 4

As with the square of the Seraphim the square of the Cherubim can

also be turned inside out to reveal a cross: in this case the cross of

Miburehc. It therefore should be considered that Miburehc is the

twin of the Cherubim: and if the Cherubim are + then Miburehc is

-. But one is not good and the other bad, but simply balancing

forces, different sides of the same manifestation. I therefore now

show you the cross of Miburehc.

You should touch this cross if you can when performing the rituals

in this chapter. This next magick is for the person of your choosing

to strip naked, be fondled and groped and perform solo sex acts.

However, whether this is through, the use of sex toys or not should

be down to the person them self. The truth is that most females will

need some type of sex toy: while only some men will. But

remember to progress the person through different stages as slowly

as necessary however this next magick will powerfully help also.

Ritual for a chosen person to strip naked, and perform solo sex

acts before other people

(Place your hand on the cross of Miburehc while saying these


Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Miburehc, holy angel, you with one head, but four

faces: one of a man, one of an ox, one a lion and one of an eagle: I

ask that you fly through the gateway to this place. Miburehc you of

the first sphere and second choir, holy angel, I ask that you be here

with me: the Miburehc flies through the gateway and is here with

me. Miberuhc holy angel: you are guardians of the tree of life and

so I ask that you make it so that state name of chosen person will

strip naked and perform solo sex acts for other people to watch

whenever I ask them to and this is what I ask you to do. The

Miburehc agrees to help and departs back through the gateway.

Saint Peter you were a living man, but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you close the gateway, close the gates of Heaven here and

now. Saint Peter shut the gates of Heaven, shut the gateway here

and now; Saint Peter shuts the gateway the gates of Heaven are

shut closed. So it is and will be.

The magick you have just learnt is powerful but do remember that

it is quite likely that the person still feels uncomfortable doing

certain things. However, do not press on these things first, but do

remember the person will be a much more valuable whore if they

can do anything at all. This basically means that you need to get

them to do things which are likely to be uncomfortable, but to do

this by progressing them slowly in time. But do keep working on

progressing the person through stripping and being touched and

even the solo sex acts. But do remember that progression is likely

to occur and it is certainly possible that sex of some type could

occur anyway: perhaps oral sex or penetration not using a penis.

However, you need to get the person to the stage where they are

stripping naked, being touch and fondled all over, performing

some type of sex act for other people at the least. This means that

the person they are stripping for, should know that they are

expected to all make sure they each touch the person over their

entire body: without leaving out any section at all. This is as much

for the help of your chosen person as anything, because this will

help them to feel more desired.

However, they do not need to do this on their own and it is good to

progress the person up to a level where they are happy to be

fondled by many people at the same time. Now is also the time to

start to think about cash, and this means that you may want to

encourage the people to toss some money at the person you have

chosen. However here is some magick that will help you get the

person you have chosen to allow them self to be stripped naked.

This magick therefore introduces a different dynamic and the

person will simply allow this to happen. You can if you choose,

introduce something such as handcuffs: but in fact, a length of rope

is quite sufficient: or nothing at all. But remember this magick is

for them to be stripped and not for them to agree to restraints. But

if you can get them to agree all the better, if not simply proceed as

usual but get the spectators to strip the person. However, this may

need the introduction of a new word or phrase and by doing this in

time, you will be getting them simply to enjoy what happens and to

let things happen. This magick I show you now.

Ritual for a chosen person to agree and let them self be

stripped naked

(Place your hand on the cross of Miburehc while saying these


Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Miburehc, holy angel, you with one head, but four

faces: one of a man, one of an ox, one a lion and one of an eagle: I

ask that you fly through the gateway to this place. Miburehc you of

the first sphere and second choir, holy angel, I ask that you be here

with me: the Miburehc flies through the gateway and is here with

me. Miberuhc holy angel: you are guardians of the tree of life and

so I ask that you make it so that state name of chosen person will

let other people strip them and grope them without stopping them

and with enjoyment whenever I ask them to and this is what I ask

you to do. The Miburehc agrees to help and departs back through

the gateway. Saint Peter you were a living man, but are now a saint

and you sit atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint

Peter I ask that you close the gateway, close the gates of Heaven

here and now. Saint Peter shut the gates of Heaven, shut the

gateway here and now; Saint Peter shuts the gateway the gates of

Heaven are shut closed. So it is and will be.

The magick you have just learnt may well lead to all types of

sexual situations. But remember to try and make this magick and

the sexual practices it is to produce regular. Usually a chosen

person can be progressed slowly at first and then made into a

regular feature. But some things you: or they: may not have

anticipated may have occurred, such as pictures on camera phones,

hidden cameras, people getting into sex very early when you

thought they would need to be progressed more. But do not think

that this is all you need because the person you have chosen must

be progressed so that they are capable and willing to perform any

type of sexual act: and have any type of sexual act performed upon

them. But remember that if at any stage this seems to be going

astray you can fall back to another level. Even if it looks like you

need to start working with a new person you can always perform

the magick to help. However, do not forget that if you think the

person is not sufficiently prepared for advancement through this

chapter. You can start the last or three chapters again but this time

invite people of both sexes there. This also gives you more options

to choose a person who is a spectator if you need to start again

afresh: even with magick people still have free will and some
people will instinctively know what you are doing. But use the

magick here and give yourself the time of your life.

Chapter 5

The magick you will learn now uses a type of angel known as

Virtues or Strongholds and these angels have the power of

producing miracles in the world and so their application to this

magick is obvious. But this chapter also increases on the last and

so we will be moving your chosen person further down the path to

whoredom. You will as before also be able to utilise a talisman to

help to empower this magick further and the talisman you will be

using now is called the square of Virtues and Strongholds and it is

shown now.

But do not think that all you need to do is what you have already

done in terms of magick and so here is some magick that is for the

type of angel known as Virtues and Strongholds to work magick

for you so that your chosen person will have sex with you. Do use

this magick and you will find that it will help you to progress them

to this. But this magick is not simply about having sex with them:

but altering their nature and so as before you should use any trigger

words that is for them to strip or allow themselves to be touched.

This magick is as follows.

Ritual for a chosen person to have sex with you

(Place your hand on the square of the Virtues and Strongholds

while saying these words)

Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Virtues Strongholds angel, holy angel, you look like

humans with wings: I ask that you fly through the gateway to this

place. Virtues Strongholds, you of the second sphere and second

choir, holy angel, I ask that you be here with me: the Virtues

Strongholds flies through the gateway and is here with me. Virtues

Strongholds holy angel: you control miracles and signs and so I

ask that you make it so that state name of chosen person will have

sex with me whenever I want them and this is what I ask you to do.

The Virtues Strongholds agrees to help and departs back through

the gateway. Saint Peter you were a living man, but are now a saint

and you sit atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint

Peter I ask that you close the gateway, close the gates of Heaven

here and now. Saint Peter shut the gates of Heaven, shut the

gateway here and now; Saint Peter shuts the gateway the gates of

Heaven are shut closed. So it is and will be.

Of course, getting the person of your choosing to have sex with

you is only the very start: but it is a good start. I know that some

people may already find that their chosen person will have sex

with them or other people. However, the magick here still has a use

and so do perform this, but do try to keep using the words or

phrases to trigger the appropriate response. But I also want you to

remember that this next magick is for them to have sex with other

people of your choosing. But I am not necessarily saying that they

should have sex with people for free and of course it is quite likely

that others will be willing to pay to have sex with them. But

whether the person you have chosen gets some money or not is up

to you: however, them getting some money will help you to control

them, because the money should flow through you: this means that

if you get paid they get paid. This next magick is for your chosen

person to have sex with anyone you want them to, and whenever

you want them to: perform it with a strong will and it will work.

Ritual for a chosen person to have sex with anyone you want

them to

(Place your hand on the square of the Virtues and Strongholds

while saying these words)

Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Virtues Strongholds angel, holy angel, you look like

humans with wings: I ask that you fly through the gateway to this

place. Virtues Strongholds you of the second sphere and second

choir, holy angel, I ask that you be here with me: the Virtues

Strongholds flies through the gateway and is here with me. Virtues

Strongholds holy angel: you control miracles and signs and so I

ask that you make it so that state name of chosen person will have

sex with whoever I want them to and at any time of my choosing

and this is what I ask you to do. The Virtues Strongholds agrees to

help and departs back through the gateway. Saint Peter you were a

living man, but are now a saint and you sit atop the gates of

Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask that you close the

gateway, close the gates of Heaven here and now. Saint Peter shut

the gates of Heaven, shut the gateway here and now; Saint Peter

shuts the gateway the gates of Heaven are shut closed. So it is and

will be.

However, this magick so far has progressed them to a good point

but this is not all that there are. In fact, there is much further to go

and all you need to do is to perform this magick and will it to work

and it will. However here is some magick for them to strip and

have sex in a public place with anyone you choose.

Ritual for a chosen person to strip and have sex in a public

place with anyone you choose

(Place your hand on the square of the Virtues and Strongholds

while saying these words)

Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Virtues Strongholds angel, holy angel, you look like

humans with wings: I ask that you fly through the gateway to this

place. Virtues Strongholds you of the second sphere and second

choir, holy angel, I ask that you be here with me: the Virtues

Strongholds flies through the gateway and is here with me. Virtues

Strongholds holy angel: you control miracles and signs and so I

ask that you make it so that state name of chosen person will strip

naked and have sex in a public place with anyone I choose and at

any time and this is what I ask you to do. The Virtues Strongholds

agrees to help and departs back through the gateway. Saint Peter

you were a living man, but are now a saint and you sit atop the

gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask that you

close the gateway, close the gates of Heaven here and now. Saint

Peter shut the gates of Heaven, shut the gateway here and now;

Saint Peter shuts the gateway the gates of Heaven are shut closed.

So it is and will be.

This magick you have just learnt will progress things a little

further: and this is a very good way of progressing them further

because this means, that although there is a chance of them getting

arrested in truth it means that nowhere is out of bounds in terms of

locations for them. But do remember that this should be done to

some sort of plan because while some people can be transformed

quickly, some others will take a greater length of time. But with

the method here and the magick anyone can be made into a whore:

anyone you choose.

Chapter 6

The magick in this chapter uses the flip side of the Virtues-

Strongholds angels, and this means that this cross talisman you

will be learning about is also the balancing force of the square of

the Virtues Strongholds. This means that the Virtues Strongholds

angels have another side to them, a twin and it is called Seutriv or

Sdlohgnorts, and it is a balancing type of entity. This means that if

the type of angels called Virutes or Strongholds is + then the

Seutriv or Sdlohgnorts are the -. But try not to think of one as good

and one as bad because this would be incorrect and they are merely

reverse versions of each other: the unseen twins. The cross of the

Seutriv Sdlohgnorts is shown next.

This talisman is useful because touching it will strengthen the

magick that follows. The next magick is for the person you have

chosen to agree to have sex with more than one person at once: to

such an extent that they would be part of an orgy. This is

something which many people do not agree to without the use of

this next magick and so here is this extremely strong magick for

you to use.

Ritual for a chosen person to take part in an orgy

(Place your hand on the cross of the Seutriv Sdlohgnorts while

saying these words)

Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Seutriv Sdlohgnorts angel, holy angel, you look like

humans with wings: I ask that you fly through the gateway to this

place. Seutriv Sdlohgnorts you of the second sphere and second

choir, holy angel, I ask that you be here with me: the Seutriv

Sdlohgnorts flies through the gateway and is here with me. Seutriv

Sdlohgnorts holy angel: you control miracles and signs and so I

ask that you make it so that state name of chosen person will have

sex with many people and take part in an orgy whenever I choose

and have sex with whoever I choose and this is what I ask you to

do. The Seutriv Sdlohgnorts agrees to help and departs back

through the gateway. Saint Peter you were a living man, but are

now a saint and you sit atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to

control. Saint Peter I ask that you close the gateway, close the

gates of Heaven here and now. Saint Peter shut the gates of

Heaven, shut the gateway here and now; Saint Peter shuts the

gateway the gates of Heaven are shut closed. So it is and will be.

This next magick is for you to get the person to take part in

BDSM: bondage sadomasochism, and it is when people have sex

with one person bound or tied and there being an element of master

and slave. This means that the sexual things your chosen person

will take part in will be increased. However, it is important that

you watch this take place to make sure that no one is actually,

hurting your chosen person. This is because it only makes sense,

but also as this person is or will be your whore you need to make

sure they are undamaged. The truth is that some BDSM could be

so hardcore that your person may be useless sexually forever, or so

damages that they do not look the same. What is agreeable should

be worked out beforehand. But this magick essentially makes it

easier for the person themselves to take on the slave role.

However, it could be more likely that they may be asked to tie

other people down and do things to them; and this is something

you may have to also train them by running through with them

while they tie down another person. But this magick will help.

Ritual for a chosen person to take part in BDSM sex with

anyone you choose

(Place your hand on the cross of the Seutriv Sdlohgnorts while

saying these words)

Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Seutriv Sdlohgnorts angel, holy angel, you look like

humans with wings: I ask that you fly through the gateway to this

place. Seutriv Sdlohgnorts you of the second sphere and second

choir, holy angel, I ask that you be here with me: the Seutriv

Sdlohgnorts flies through the gateway and is here with me. Seutriv

Sdlohgnorts holy angel: you control miracles and signs and so I

ask that you make it so that state name of chosen person will agree

to be restrained and have sex in a sadomasochistic way with

anyone I choose at any time I choose and this is what I ask you to

do. The Seutriv Sdlohgnorts agrees to help and departs back

through the gateway. Saint Peter you were a living man, but are

now a saint and you sit atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to

control. Saint Peter I ask that you close the gateway, close the

gates of Heaven here and now. Saint Peter shut the gates of

Heaven, shut the gateway here and now; Saint Peter shuts the

gateway the gates of Heaven are shut closed. So it is and will be.

This next magick is quite simply for the person of your choosing to

agree to you taking naked pictures of them. This may seem easy

and by this stage this may have happened anyway. But the pictures

here are not just to be taken, they are publicity pictures so that you

can get people to pay to have sex with them. But at this stage you

should be thinking of just pictures or very short video. In fact,

these can be placed on the internet even spread around for others to

see: but you need to make sure that the people that see the pictures

can contact you in some way. But here is this helpful magick.

Ritual for a chosen person to agree to you taking naked

pictures of them

(Place your hand on the cross of the Seutriv Sdlohgnorts while

saying these words)

Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Seutriv Sdlohgnorts angel, holy angel, you look like

humans with wings: I ask that you fly through the gateway to this

place. Seutriv Sdlohgnorts you of the second sphere and second

choir, holy angel, I ask that you be here with me: the Seutriv

Sdlohgnorts flies through the gateway and is here with me. Seutriv

Sdlohgnorts holy angel: you control miracles and signs and so I

ask that you make it so that state name of chosen person will agree

to me taking naked pictures of them in whatever position I desire

them to be in and for me to do whatever I want with these pictures

and this is what I ask you to do. The Seutriv Sdlohgnorts agrees to

help and departs back through the gateway. Saint Peter you were a

living man, but are now a saint and you sit atop the gates of

Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask that you close the

gateway, close the gates of Heaven here and now. Saint Peter shut

the gates of Heaven, shut the gateway here and now; Saint Peter

shuts the gateway the gates of Heaven are shut closed. So it is and

will be.

You have now learnt some powerful and potent magick and your

scope of control of your chosen person is now greater than ever

before. But this magick has also empowered you and created a

possibly large income stream for you.

Chapter 7

This chapter is magick that is for you to use the Malakhim angels

help you advance the person of your choosing to be your whore.

But what may seem strange is that many people choose this path

without such help and assistance. But to empower this magick in

this chapter you should perform the rituals while placing your hand

upon the square of the Malakhim talisman: sigil: and this is shown


However, this magick now is for the person of your choosing to

agree to being filmed and so here is some powerful magick for you

to use and it is here for you. You will find that you may need

someone else to film the person if you wish to fully take part. Also,

do remember that some cameras only take film of 15 minutes or

less before they require a memory card to be changed while some

others can film for much longer. You could also think about sound:

but how professional you wish to make this is up to you.

Ritual for a chosen person to agree to you filming them naked

in a sexual way

(Place your hand on the square of the Malakhim while saying these


Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Malakhim angel, holy angel, you look like a human

with wings: I ask that you fly through the gateway to this place.

Malakhim you of the third sphere and third choir, holy angel, I ask

that you be here with me: the Malakhim flies through the gateway

and is here with me. Malakhim holy angel: you take part in human

matters and so I ask that you make it so that state name of chosen

person will agree to me filming them while they are naked, and

posing them however I want and they will do what I want and the

film will be mine to do with whatever I want and this is what I ask

you to do. The Malakhim agrees to help and departs back through

the gateway. Saint Peter you were a living man, but are now a saint

and you sit atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint

Peter I ask that you close the gateway, close the gates of Heaven

here and now. Saint Peter shut the gates of Heaven, shut the

gateway here and now; Saint Peter shuts the gateway the gates of

Heaven are shut closed. So it is and will be.

Some people will agree to be filmed but will back off at being

filmed having sex and so with these people this magick is to help

you. However, do remember that anyone that agrees to be filmed

by you having sex, is also then effectively agreeing to you selling

the film if you want. But the film could also be advertising: but do

you really want to give up this possibly valuable income stream.?

Just think of all the websites online, but also shops worldwide that

could sell the porn videos you make. But this ritual that follows

must be performed while wanting it to work so that it will.

Ritual for a chosen person to agree to you filming them having


(Place your hand on the square of the Malakhim while saying these


Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Malakhim angel, holy angel, you look like a human

with wings: I ask that you fly through the gateway to this place.

Malakhim you of the third sphere and third choir, holy angel, I ask

that you be here with me: the Malakhim flies through the gateway

and is here with me. Malakhim holy angel: you take part in human

matters and so I ask that you make it so that state name of chosen

person will agree to me filming them while them having sex and

the film will be mine to do whatever I want with it and this is what

I ask you to do. The Malakhim agrees to help and departs back

through the gateway. Saint Peter you were a living man, but are

now a saint and you sit atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to

control. Saint Peter I ask that you close the gateway, close the

gates of Heaven here and now. Saint Peter shut the gates of

Heaven, shut the gateway here and now; Saint Peter shuts the

gateway the gates of Heaven are shut closed. So it is and will be.

I hope that this magick has gone well for you: but just in case it has

not I will give you some magick for good luck in all matters

related to sex and nudity. This is because good luck can often help

us when nothing else will. But good luck is nothing but good, and

so perform this magick and it will help you.

Ritual for good luck in matters related to sex and nudity

(Place your hand on the square of the Malakhim while saying these


Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Malakhim angel, holy angel, you look like a human

with wings: I ask that you fly through the gateway to this place.

Malakhim you of the third sphere and third choir, holy angel, I ask

that you be here with me: the Malakhim flies through the gateway

and is here with me. Malakhim holy angel: you take part in human

matters and so I ask that you give me good luck in all matters

related to sex, nudity and getting other people to strip naked and

becoming nude and this is what I ask you to do. The Malakhim

agrees to help and departs back through the gateway. Saint Peter

you were a living man, but are now a saint and you sit atop the

gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask that you

close the gateway, close the gates of Heaven here and now. Saint

Peter shut the gates of Heaven, shut the gateway here and now;

Saint Peter shuts the gateway the gates of Heaven are shut closed.

So it is and will be.

Isn’t it wonderful that you have learnt so much useful magick? But

remember if you find you are having trouble, simply work this

magick again. In fact, there is an advantage in working this magick

regularly. But also realise that this magick shows that people can

be affected by real magick and even their life path can be altered

and changed and this, will change how you see the world. In fact,

for many people the biggest value of this magick will be to help

them to see the nature of the world and how it works so that they

can avoid being made into someone else’s whore: or stooge.

However, for those that are successful they will find that the cost

of this book will earn itself back many, many times over. In fact,

the knowledge here, is of itself, a path to riches for many people.

Chapter 8

The magick you will be using in this chapter will be using the

hidden side of the Malakhim: the twin called the Mihkalam: and

this is a result of the square of the Malakhim talisman being

changed to reveal its other side the cross of the Mihkalam. This

means that the Mihkalam are the – to the Makalhims + or in other

words they balance the Malakhim. This does not make them evil

simply that they are the other side or nature of them: the hidden

side. The cross of the Mihkalam is shown next and you should

touch this when working all magick in this chapter and this is

shown next.

But the magick here takes a different approach to the other

chapters because this magick is to progress someone quickly and

this means that this first magick is to attract someone that will

agree to be filmed. However, you will not tell them the extent of

the nudity and sexual nature of this, and so you will tell them they

will be filmed only in underwear or topless and then work from

there. Anyway, here is this magick to attract someone who will

agree to be filmed by you.

Ritual to attract someone who will agree to you filming them

(Place your hand on the square of the Mihkalam while saying these


Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Mihkalam angel, holy angel, you look like a human

with wings: I ask that you fly through the gateway to this place.

Mihkalam you of the third sphere and third choir, holy angel, I ask

that you be here with me: the Mihkalam flies through the gateway

and is here with me. Mihkalam holy angel: you take part in human

matters and so I ask that you attract to me someone that will agree

to be filmed by me and this is what I ask you to do. The Mihkalam

agrees to help and departs back through the gateway. Saint Peter

you were a living man, but are now a saint and you sit atop the

gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask that you

close the gateway, close the gates of Heaven here and now. Saint

Peter shut the gates of Heaven, shut the gateway here and now;

Saint Peter shuts the gateway the gates of Heaven are shut closed.

So it is and will be.

The objective of this magick and the method is to progress the

person quickly and this means that all the magick here should be

performed when or before you have someone. The method is to get

them to be filmed topless or in underwear and then quickly tell that

they will need to reveal more flesh, the idea is to tell them that they

are wasting your time and to get them to strip naked straight away.

This method is sort of like flooding the person and getting them to

feel that they are committed: and this is done by them being filmed

nude. However, them being nude is only the beginning and you

should move onto the further stages as soon as they are naked by

getting them to pose in certain positions: posing them yourself if

necessary. However here is some magick for them to remove their

clothes and feel committed to do as you say.

Ritual for any person you are filming to remove their clothes

and feel committed to continue

(Place your hand on the square of the Mihkalam while saying these


Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Mihkalam angel, holy angel, you look like a human

with wings: I ask that you fly through the gateway to this place.

Mihkalam you of the third sphere and third choir, holy angel, I ask

that you be here with me: the Mihkalam flies through the gateway

and is here with me. Mihkalam holy angel: you take part in human

matters and so I ask that you make anyone I am filming agree to

remove their clothes if I ask them to and feel committed to

continue with the filming and this is what I ask you to do. The

Mihkalam agrees to help and departs back through the gateway.

Saint Peter you were a living man, but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you close the gateway, close the gates of Heaven here and

now. Saint Peter shut the gates of Heaven, shut the gateway here

and now; Saint Peter shuts the gateway the gates of Heaven are

shut closed. So it is and will be.

You now need to move them from being naked to getting them into

erotic poses; the more erotic the better. You should then move

them as quickly as possible to being touched and a good way to do

this is oil and so move them into an appropriate position: perhaps

lying down, and oil them all over: you can of course touch their

genitals while doing this. But if you have more people there:

perhaps to assist with the filming: then after you have started oiling

them get others to join in. The reason for this is that they will then

move up through the stages so quickly that they feel even more

compelled and sexually turned on. Of course, the person: if lying

down: should be oiled or moisturised both sides; back and front.

Here is some magick that is for the person to be oiled and still feel

compelled to continue.

Ritual for any person you are filming to allow themselves to be

oiled or touched all over and feel committed to continue

(Place your hand on the square of the Mihkalam while saying these


Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Mihkalam angel, holy angel, you look like a human

with wings: I ask that you fly through the gateway to this place.

Mihkalam you of the third sphere and third choir, holy angel, I ask

that you be here with me: the Mihkalam flies through the gateway

and is here with me. Mihkalam holy angel: you take part in human

matters and so I ask that you make anyone I am filming agree to be

oiled or touched all over if I ask them to and feel committed to

continue with the filming and this is what I ask you to do. The

Mihkalam agrees to help and departs back through the gateway.

Saint Peter you were a living man, but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you close the gateway, close the gates of Heaven here and

now. Saint Peter shut the gates of Heaven, shut the gateway here

and now; Saint Peter shuts the gateway the gates of Heaven are

shut closed. So it is and will be.

At this point you now have the person naked and oiled and you

may have them being oiled by more than one person if they are

available. But you need to move them further and so you can

repose them if needed and you should get them to be penetrated or

penetrate other people: this could be anyway suitable. However,

you do not want them to finish completely if there is more than one

person and so be cautious. The importance is to get the person for

example fingered or given a blowjob by all the people there. Or of

you want you can instead tie them down and move onto BDSM:

but the important thing is to move the person through the stages.

Therefore, here is some magick to help you complete this last


Ritual for the person you have naked and are filming to do

whatever you want

(Place your hand on the square of the Mihkalam while saying these


Saint Peter you were a living man but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you open the gateway, open the gates of Heaven here and now.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven, open the gateway here and

now: Saint Peter opens the gateway, the gates of Heaven are open

here and now. Mihkalam angel, holy angel, you look like a human

with wings: I ask that you fly through the gateway to this place.

Mihkalam you of the third sphere and third choir, holy angel, I ask

that you be here with me: the Mihkalam flies through the gateway

and is here with me. Mihkalam holy angel, you take part in human

matters and so I ask that you make anyone I am filming agree to

me and anyone else I introduce them to, to do whatever we want to

them of a sexual nature and this is what I ask you to do. The

Mihkalam agrees to help and departs back through the gateway.

Saint Peter you were a living man, but are now a saint and you sit

atop the gates of Heaven: this is yours to control. Saint Peter I ask

that you close the gateway, close the gates of Heaven here and

now. Saint Peter shut the gates of Heaven, shut the gateway here

and now; Saint Peter shuts the gateway the gates of Heaven are

shut closed. So it is and will be.

Now that you should have them having sex with you or other

people: other people means that you can sell the video without

being on it yourself while otherwise you may wish to erase all or

part of it. But whether they end by having sex with many people,

just you or tied to a bed, you should release them. Then you should

pay them: the others should give money instead if they are there:

you should get your share of the cash first from the other people.

Then tell them that they were great and that they have the job and

you have gotten them through all stages in one night and quite

possibly arranged another meeting. In fact, you should arrange

another date right then if possible, and you have transformed them

in one night. But use all the magick in this chapter before you start

this plan. The advantage with this method is that although the

magick is more advanced, once you get used to the method you

can get many whores this way and transform them quickly.


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