Hemisferio Derecho Comprension
Hemisferio Derecho Comprension
Hemisferio Derecho Comprension
See Sheppard and Hillis (doi:10.1093/brain/awy291) for a scientific commentary on this article.
Acquired language disorders after stroke are strongly associated with left hemisphere damage. When language difficulties are observed
in the context of right hemisphere strokes, patients are usually considered to have atypical functional anatomy. By systematically
integrating behavioural and lesion data from brain damaged patients with functional MRI data from neurologically normal partici-
pants, we investigated when and why right hemisphere strokes cause language disorders. Experiment 1 studied right-handed patients
with unilateral strokes that damaged the right (n = 109) or left (n = 369) hemispheres. The most frequently impaired language task
was: auditory sentence-to-picture matching after right hemisphere strokes; and spoken picture description after left hemisphere
strokes. For those with auditory sentence-to-picture matching impairments after right hemisphere strokes, the majority (n = 9) had
normal performance on tests of perceptual (visual or auditory) and linguistic (semantic, phonological or syntactic) processing.
Experiment 2 found that these nine patients had significantly more damage to dorsal parts of the superior longitudinal fasciculus
and the right inferior frontal sulcus compared to 75 other patients who also had right hemisphere strokes but were not impaired on
the auditory sentence-to-picture matching task. Damage to these right hemisphere regions caused long-term speech comprehension
difficulties in 67% of patients. Experiments 3 and 4 used functional MRI in two groups of 25 neurologically normal individuals to
show that within the regions identified by Experiment 2, the right inferior frontal sulcus was normally activated by (i) auditory
sentence-to-picture matching; and (ii) one-back matching when the demands on linguistic and non-linguistic working memory were
high. Together, these experiments demonstrate that the right inferior frontal cortex contributes to linguistic and non-linguistic
working memory capacity (executive function) that is needed for normal speech comprehension. Our results link previously unrelated
literatures on the role of the right inferior frontal cortex in executive processing and the role of executive processing in sentence
comprehension; which in turn helps to explain why right inferior frontal activity has previously been reported to increase during
recovery of language function after left hemisphere stroke. The clinical relevance of our findings is that the detrimental effect of right
hemisphere strokes on language is (i) much greater than expected; (ii) frequently observed after damage to the right inferior frontal
sulcus; (iii) task dependent; (iv) different to the type of impairments observed after left hemisphere strokes; and (v) can result in long-
lasting deficits that are (vi) not the consequence of atypical language lateralization.
1 Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, London WC1N 3AR, UK
2 Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad del Desarrollo, Concepcion 4070001, Chile
3 FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford OX3 9DU, UK
4 Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit, Emirates College for Advanced Education, PO Box 126662, Abu Dhabi, UAE
5 Department of Neurology, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig 04103, Germany
6 Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, London WC1N 3AR, UK
7 Department of Brain Repair and Rehabilitation, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, London WC1N 3AR, UK
8 Experimental Psychology, Faculty of Brain Sciences, University College London, London WC1H 0AP, UK
Received February 1, 2018. Revised August 16, 2018. Accepted September 12, 2018. Advance Access publication November 9, 2018
ß The Author(s) (2018). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
3390 | BRAIN 2018: 141; 3389–3404 A. Gajardo-Vidal et al.
12 Queen Square
WC1N 3AR, London, UK
E-mail: [email protected]
Keywords: right-hemisphere stroke; lesion-deficit mapping; functional MRI; sentence comprehension; working memory
Abbreviation: VBM = voxel-based morphometry
patients with impaired performance on the language task hemisphere damage; (iii) native speakers of English; (iv) right-
identified in Experiment 1; and (ii) how frequently damage handed prior to the stroke onset; and (v) tested 43 months
to these regions was observed in other patients who had and 510 years after their stroke. Our selection criteria did not
right hemisphere lesions that did not impair performance consider the within hemisphere site of the lesion or the presence
or absence of aphasia. These criteria were met by 109 patients
on the language task identified in Experiment 1. This
with right hemisphere strokes and 369 patients with left hemi-
allowed us to establish whether the identified lesion sites
sphere strokes (see Tables 1 and 2 for demographic, clinical and
were common or rare; and whether the effect of the lesion behavioural data). For each of these groups, we identified and
sites was typical or atypical. compared the language task that was most frequently impaired.
In Experiment 3, we used functional MRI to define which For the right hemisphere patients, we also investigated how
parts of the regions identified in Experiment 2, if any, were consistently impairments on the most frequently affected task
activated when neurologically normal participants per- co-occurred with impairments on other tasks. This allowed us
formed similar tasks to those used in Experiment 1. This to generate hypotheses about the level of processing that was
allowed us to (i) pinpoint which parts of the identified most likely to be affected; and to identify a subset of patients
Table 1 Incidence of impaired performance for all right and left hemisphere stroke patients in Experiment 1
Semantic memory score is a combined score from picture-to-picture semantic matching and recognition memory. The action naming task was not included in the table because of
the high variability in scores across neurologically-normal controls (i.e. low specificity). The incidence of impaired performance is showed in absolute numbers and percentages.
LH = left hemisphere stroke patients; RH = right hemisphere stroke patients; VPI = visual perceptual impairments.
images was 0.3 as recommended in Seghier et al. (2008). Each Experiment 3: Are the regions iden-
binary lesion image was visually inspected by the operator.
The boundaries of the lesion may differ slightly from what is
tified in Experiment 2 involved in
seen by eye but provide an objective rather than subjective normal sentence comprehension?
measure of structural abnormality. There is no gold standard Twenty-five neurologically normal, native English speakers
of true abnormality. As a result classification errors are treated who were all right-handed according to the Edinburgh
as ‘noise’ in the analysis, biasing towards false negatives rather Handedness Inventory (Oldfield, 1971), were included in this
than false positives. functional MRI study, which aimed to identify whether the
The statistical output from the comparison of brain struc- right hemisphere regions from Experiment 2 were activated:
ture in the group of interest versus the control group was (i) during the task of interest from Experiment 1 (i.e. auditory
thresholded at P 5 0.05 after family-wise error (FWE) correc- sentence-to-picture matching; Supplementary Fig. 2); and
tion for multiple comparisons across the whole search volume (ii) by conditions that varied demands on auditory, visual,
(estimated using random field theory as implemented in SPM; phonological, semantic, sentence processing and verbal short-
Flandin and Friston, 2015). Having identified a significant term memory.
lesion-deficit mapping, we then examined the extent of the There were 10 conditions that each presented stimuli com-
effect at a voxel-level threshold of P 5 0.001 uncorrected, prising two pictures, auditory speech or both (Table 3) during
P 5 0.05 FWE-corrected cluster-level. All surviving voxels semantic matching, auditory repetition or speech retrieval
became our ‘VBM region’. Within this region, we report tasks. The 10 conditions contributed to three embedded fac-
the x, y, z MNI co-ordinates corresponding to the peak Z- torial designs (Supplementary Fig. 1). The first factorial design
scores. (Design A) combined six task conditions to compare sentences
Speech comprehension after right-hemisphere stroke BRAIN 2018: 141; 3389–3404 | 3393
Table 2 Demographic and clinical details for all right high definition pictures drawn by a professional artist). Each
hemisphere and left hemisphere stroke patients of the 120 objects was paired to three others making
3 60 = 180 pairs. The first pairing involved two objects inter-
Demographic and Full sample Without VPI acting with one another to indicate an event, with a corres-
clinical details ponding sentence (e.g. the cat is drinking from the jug). These
n = 109 n = 369 n = 93 n = 307 were used for sentence production, sentence repetition,
verb naming and auditory sentence-to-picture matching. The
Age at scan, Mean 59.3 59.6 58.3 58.5
years SD 12.7 12.7 13.1 12.5 second pairing presented two unrelated objects (e.g. ‘car and
Minimum 23.1 21.3 23.1 21.3 plate’), that were used for object naming, auditory repetition,
Maximum 86.9 90.0 86.9 90.0 colour naming or auditory word to picture matching. The
Years since Mean 3.3 3.3 3.2 3.3 third pairing involved semantic pairs that were half related
stroke SD 2.3 2.5 2.1 2.4 (e.g. ‘door and key’) and half unrelated (e.g. ‘deer and
Minimum 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 barrel’). The three different pairings resulted in a total of
Maximum 9.2 10.0 9.2 10.0 180 different pairs (3 60). Stimulus repetitions, within sub-
2 Obj = pictures of two objects or two object names; Aud = auditory presentation of object names or sentences; Aud Rep = auditory repetition; Aud-Pic Match = matching an auditory stimulus to a picture; Inter = interaction between two
conditions, were modelled as single events (Mechelli et al.,
effects; PhR = phonological retrieval (highest for object naming/sentence production); Sem Assoc = matching two objects according to whether they are semantically related or not; Sent = sentences; SP = speech production; Vis = visual
2003). Stimuli with correct responses were modelled separately
Design C Stimulus/task vSTM/PhR
from stimuli with incorrect responses. Stimulus functions were
convolved with a canonical haemodynamic response function.
To exclude low-frequency confounds, the data were high-pass
Details of each of the 10 tasks (illustrated in Supplementary Fig. 1) and the weighting that each task was given in the factorial analysis of the three embedded designs (Designs A–C; see ‘Materials and methods’ section).
filtered using a set of discrete cosine basis functions with a cut-
In Design A, Inter = effect of sentences 4 2 Obj on Aud-Pic Match 4 other tasks. In Design B, Inter = sentences (object names and verbs) 4 object names or verbs. In Design C, Inter = vSTM or PhR.
Second-level analyses
The contrasts from the first level analysis—one for each task
relative to rest—were entered into a 2 10 repeated measures
tions that are not relevant to the current study but have
SP names
SP verbs
SP sent
SP sent
2 Obj
2 Obj
2 Obj
way ANOVA, with eight contrasts, one for each one-back con-
Produce Verb
Task name
There were eight one-back matching with finger press response tasks that factorially manipulated the presence or absence of semantic content, the presence or absence of sublexical
phonology, using heard or written pseudowords (P), words (W) objects (O) or baselines (B). See text for details.
Task/condition of interest.
significant Hemisphere Task interaction [F(1,398) = 11.26, singer hits the soldier’), 7/9 made errors on the sentences
P = 0.001]. Post hoc tests confirmed that patients with unilat- with the simplest structures (e.g. ‘The woman is drinking’)
eral right-hemisphere lesions had poorer language comprehen- and 6/9 reported that their auditory speech comprehension
sion (mean = 65.8) than production (mean = 68.0; P = 0.005), had been compromised by their stroke (see Table 2 for the
while a trend in the opposite direction was observed in results of our self-report questionnaire that was conducted
patients with unilateral left-hemisphere lesions (mean without the patient’s knowledge of the test results).
Comprehension = 59.3 versus Production = 58.6; P = 0.066). Below, we systematically investigate whether their speech
To investigate the processing level that was affected in comprehension impairments might be the consequence of a
the 12 patients with right hemisphere damage and impaired reduction in the overall processing capacity available
scores on the auditory sentence-to-picture matching task, for syntactic, interpretive, and task-related operations
we considered how these patients performed on other lan- (Caplan et al., 2007), particularly in the auditory modality
guage tasks. We found that 9/12 of these patients were able (Thompson and Jefferies, 2013). This involved identifying
to: (i) repeat heard pseudowords and digit strings (two which right hemisphere regions were damaged in the nine
Table 6 Type of errors made by the nine patients of interest in the auditory sentence-to-picture matching task
Type of errors made by the nine patients with impairments on the auditory sentence-to-picture matching task. 1 denotes a score of 1 for an accurate but delayed response, repetition
of the target by the examiner and/or self-correction. 0 denotes a score of 0 for incorrect responses. All other trials had a score of 2. Importantly, all incorrect responses on reversible
sentences corresponded to instances where the subject-verb-object relationship was reversed. For example, in Sentence 13, patients chose alternative (C): The pencil under the shoe
is blue. The last column shows the location in which the target sentences were displayed: R/L = right/left; B/U = bottom/upper. Patients had to select a picture, from a set of four
(2 2 array) that best illustrated the sentence that they heard. Patients 1–9 refer to the following IDs in the PLORAS database: PS0316, PS0383, PS0448, PS0670, PS0870, PS1172,
PS1211, PS1550 and PS2627, respectively.
Speech comprehension after right-hemisphere stroke BRAIN 2018: 141; 3389–3404 | 3397
inferior frontal sulcus (Z-score = 3.3 at + 32, + 4, + 34) small region A was 495% damaged in 3/9 patients of
(Fig. 1A). When the analysis was replicated without includ- interest and in 14/75 control patients. Put the other way,
ing lesion volume as a covariate of no-interest, virtually the 17 patients had 495% damage to region A and 3/17
same lesion-deficit associations were identified. Henceforth, (18%) of these patients had auditory sentence-to-picture
we focus on the results of the VBM analysis that factored matching impairments. Small region B was 495%
out linear effects from lesion size. damaged in 3/9 patients of interest and 5/75 control pa-
Post hoc analyses found that the ‘VBM region’ (i.e. 782 tients. Put the other way, eight patients had 495% damage
voxels in size) was substantially damaged (470%) in 6/9 to region B and 3/8 (38%) of these patients had auditory
of the patients of interest (67%) but only 3/75 (4%) of the sentence-to-picture matching impairments. Small region C
control patients. Put the other way, nine patients had was rare and only damaged in the patient of interest defin-
ing it.
470% damage to the VBM region and 6/9 (67%) of
these patients had auditory sentence-to-picture matching
impairments. In the remaining three patients of interest, Experiment 3: Are the regions iden-
Figure 1 Right hemisphere lesion sites associated with impaired auditory sentence-to-picture matching. (A) The top row shows
the region identified in our voxel-based lesion-deficit analysis (VBM region in Experiment 2). (B) The bottom rows show the ‘small lesions’ A, B and
C from three patients with impaired auditory sentence-to-picture matching and no damage to the VBM region. Numbers below indicate the
corresponding MNI coordinates.
3398 | BRAIN 2018: 141; 3389–3404 A. Gajardo-Vidal et al.
matching (relative to rest) in the right inferior frontal sulcus other conditions (Fig. 2A) with no significant differences
(peak Z-score = 6.3 at + 33, + 3, + 33), and the right med- (P 4 0.001 uncorrected) in these regions for any of the ef-
iodorsal thalamus (peak Z-score = 4.3 at + 12, 9, + 9) fects of interest (Table 3) including: sentences compared to
(Fig. 2A). The same regions were also activated during all objects during any of the three task manipulations (Design
Speech comprehension after right-hemisphere stroke BRAIN 2018: 141; 3389–3404 | 3399
A); sentences, verbs or object names (Design B); or auditory participants performed language tasks and that activation
stimuli, semantic associations, verbal short-term memory, in these regions was more responsive to non-linguistic than
speech production or phonological (name) retrieval linguistic working memory demands. Below, we consider
(Design C). Nor were there any significant effects for the the results of our behavioural, lesion and functional ima-
reverse contrasts. ging analyses in the context of prior literature in order to
In summary, the results of Experiment 3 provide evidence demonstrate the scientific novelty, clinical implications and
that parts of the right hemisphere regions that were limitations of our findings.
damaged in patients with auditory sentence-to-picture
matching impairments (Experiment 2) are activated when
neurologically normal participants are matching auditory
Behavioural data: the language task
sentences to pictures but there was no evidence that these and processing level most frequently
regions were performing exclusively linguistic functions. affected by right hemisphere damage
semantic ‘access’ deficits affecting the auditory modality right hemisphere responds to language and executive pro-
only (Thompson and Jefferies, 2013). cessing in neurologically normal participants.
Abnormally low auditory sentence-to-picture matching
scores, in the context of good perceptual skills (as observed
Functional imaging data: the contri-
in our nine patients of interest) are likely to reflect impaired
speech comprehension in everyday conversations, even if bution of the identified right hemi-
the patients were not fully aware of their own limitations. sphere regions to normal speech
This is because the auditory sentence-to-picture matching comprehension
task includes simple constructions (‘The woman is drink-
ing’) plausibly encountered in everyday speech as well as Formal evidence that the right hemisphere is normally
ones (‘The flower in the cup is blue’) mirrored in everyday involved in matching spoken sentences-to-pictures is pro-
relative clauses (‘And the plans that are available to us vided by Experiment 3. Within the regions that were
range from kind of mediocre to really sweet’; cited in damaged in patients with auditory sentence-to-picture
both the right frontal lobe (Szczepanski and Knight, 2014) disruption to normal functional anatomy. Third, we experi-
and the right mediodorsal thalamus (Van der Werf et al., mentally link the literature on three unrelated topics (sum-
2003); and multiple functional MRI studies have reported marized above) by identifying a right inferior frontal region
activation changes in right inferior frontal cortex (Sebastian that is (i) damaged in patients who have auditory sentence-
et al., 2016) and right mediodorsal thalamus (Andrews to-picture matching impairments; (ii) activated when neuro-
et al., 2006; Minzenberg et al., 2009) under a variety of logically normal participants are performing auditory sen-
test conditions that tax executive functions. Evidence that tence-to-picture matching; and (iii) sensitive to the demands
these two regions work as part of a single executive system on non-linguistic and linguistic working memory. This pro-
is further provided by anatomical connectivity studies that vides the first evidence that the same right hemisphere re-
have identified reciprocal fronto-thalamic connections gions are contributing to both sentence comprehension and
(Behrens et al., 2003; Hwang et al., 2010; Eckert et al., executive function.
2012; Jeon et al., 2014).
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