Data Structure

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Pata 8 ucwe

Douta stwcuha L sadaa Ocqaois a h 2caagemo

tha enables e o a e a h aces s
aad nodtacahda &mGNe eesety adada ducku
s Callechbn da ta alues the stola tenskqpb
amaaq the and {he uac laas e t o ktons he
Cao be aldolu ed thedata

4 RAhog Paxagoaxa.o to Tomplecm.enk liacah deaach

Descxuelm The PcoqMa2 takeso is. aod

ueysas lopuoas the iadex fhe ke
the Rist_ugiag acaxSarch

olukisa 1 1 suoadea sachom aeanSaonch
had hales a s t eand key as aStaumenp.
AloopidMa des nouah the ist h e a aa
ido m madchoq dhe k ey is agund t h e co>ore saaadias

adex is oelunaed
a a o Scheas AdU ad s aeftae d
Code deineax oanch skcog-)
o la eage(an da ta))
dadaL ==kayi
ue n

da a
Lodex i aoa asahda-aa)
t enaxy easeh

Ao)tto a ( ) a) ) ) a(9) aC) aCa)

The uppe aod le can ou ad c Qeomiaond o x

ealealole nidodex uohle rth cokich 4 s b
ae CoaaLed)
mLtonax) /22
lmtd sCemea ud w fhs7
L sless as bouad s paated
a ) 2 O

d ina
d mia ma L2-
mid= ( 1s) /2

i a te d fo Ts

Aqala i d iss Colau laied

m i d mia max)/2
mid Cets)_L2
Da co he
a d i s a(8)
lmidan d CH

S eaneh ucce alas 9 is fou

2dutoo' loLeade unc hen biacoySoab
ha lkos i s e r a d luyASaGumcab
Bthevasialle álanal do Salto D.cmd end i
el to the e ag th 9 heLirl
the v.ani able klad ue eps -lacach tbe tas
abictho-poabtbe lslbaa, éeanched
C e and eepsLnark 4he elomeo oae a de
h e e nd he pat eeag&carched
A hle_eo p i s Cda fed thaiexa lea as
Acmg os &ant is esshoa ead
S mi d is Calculaded os4he
leo.n the.avexaae.
tesaaod end
6) hee leme al isa podex anid Ls lesc thaa
ey 2la is Selto onidtLOmd Ais_nane
ends se fo oaid ohenuoi se ami d e
Aelta ed os the iadex the, touad eleme ak
o ias isne-uaoedL

o e uSen ss plo mFeded to eodena ksy_
Aauoena mmben s
a h e USe
the a she d to
eadena lo ko Seab
Te sb8u is a s sed lo
e aeuan
veua i the kes LSas
mo 22 oae is isploed.
eubble at

iasd ideak cn S 31 13 2
eCo) a) aR a(3) ay
SeCaod idea h'Cn 2 2 2 3
Thi ad eah n 2 92 2
13 2 3) yeale dsack.on iabsle ble Sas

tha taues_ aawmon
a nciele the dohem a te alsop toi h
lop vanialle tha Couas uo.n the leah
h e List to

y a side fhe
_n _aebui qado
eAchea theiames eop

Code= de bu bleSed (dala:
onselealdada) -(a-);
fon 1acaaae 0 )
idaaLt deda liJ:
eta Li]dadalA dala Li4n

Lullle Ssaldote_
PinA &oAded lus nd

Pi nd (da da)
p lono hen Theu s is - Paapded fo
ente o Lr numbes
a The e l s pa ssed to Ahe uble
Soa uach
3 he aelecListisapleyed

Erplanaktaa aoon- a
1 the Usen is pas mpted o oodealist

2 7he use s dbe D. aoluod lo eote Ku o Seach

2 he bslcand kegis RASRed ta isbar eaah-

he eku soa uaLa he lhey i&ao bE
do oadCa eame osaae isdis.played

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