Document (3) (3) - 043040
Document (3) (3) - 043040
Document (3) (3) - 043040
In this paper, I will explain why is freedom crucial in our ability to make moral
his own course of action which goes hand in hand with rationality or the ability to reason and
think logically. Both of which are bestowed to humans. Freedom is an intrinsic right which
no one should illegally and immorally take away from us. Freedom is to choose and act
according to his will but it does not end there. Our freedom is inevitably followed by
consequences that act as our driving force to act reasonably. While moral decision making is
to provide a foundation for making better decisions by setting the ground rules for our
behavior. The process of making a decision results from a series of a belief or action. Every
decision-making process will lead to a choice that may or may not prompt action. Morality
can be referred to personal, cultural values or social conducts. It does not imply objective
claims as there is no absolute formula for what is right and what is wrong. Good moral
decision making involves knowing the two sides of the story, and careful consideration of the
moral values that are relevant to a that situation. Importantly, it also includes compassion to
the moral dimensions of everyday situations, and an awareness of the range of interests
involved in specific decisions is emotion and reason. Why is freedom crucial in our ability to
make moral decisions because if we make a choice that is good, we deserve the resulting
rewards. If we don’t have freedom, we are not morally responsible of our actions. Freedom is
being able to choose the thing I want to choose, while having free will is being able to
choose. The concept of free will comes from the feeling we get when we make choices, the
feeling that we want what we want. One of human basic needs is freedom that play central
role in social process. Human development means to expand human choices, which it
required to freedom concept. Human development is the most important factor of welfare
Freedom is the foundation of morality, because, we people have its own freedom,
and there is no limits onto it, and that is the main reason, Why freedom is base on the moral
act, is to just to give a limit to the people, limit to know what would to the right or wrong
moral responsibility. Human freedom is more than a capacity to choose between this and
that. It is the God-given power to become who he created us to be and so to share eternal
union with him. This happens when we consistently choose ways that are in harmony with
God’s plan. Christian morality and God’s law are not arbitrary, but specifically given to us
for our happiness. God gave us intelligence and the capacity to act freely.
The relationship between human freedom and moral behavior is a crucial one
since it is mostly accepted that our freedom to perform a morally good action or to refrain
from a bad one, is a vital part in the way we evaluate an action. If we believe that every act is
determined then we cannot blame someone from wrong doing as they were not free to make
that choice, however it is easily believable that free will does exist and we are free to make
our own choices nonetheless there could be contributing factors that form how we come
about these choices. Free will is the ability to act intuitively, or in other words, to act without
external compulsion. People are free when they can develop in the way that’s best for them.
You have the freedom of choice because we all have different interests and desires; therefore,
no one can tell another person what to do with their life or how to live it! In order for society
as a whole to not only survive but thrive, it needs a diversity of views and opinions on issues
such as religion, politics, economics, etc. Freedom not only gives people the opportunity to
make choices but also to make mistakes. We need them to grow into mature adults who can
successfully navigate difficult situations with their newly acquired knowledge and experience
from past mistakes without mistakes, we’d never learn from our mistakes and therefore do
nothing to correct them. True freedom is the right to do what you want with your life, liberty,
and property. However, most of us have no idea how to use our freedoms in a way that works
for us. Freedom allows us the opportunity to pursue happiness while ensuring our rights are