IPC Transcript 4 Manresa FULL - 4th Yr

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Intellectual Property Code (IPC) Why is this important?

There was a bar question and it was so

vague. It was so vague. The question was: what is the scope
There are 2 amendments: RA 9502, the Cheaper of intellectual property rights in the Philippines? And the
Medicines Act and also, I hope you know that the IPC has suggested answer is this Sec. 3.
been amended by RA 10372.
Just take note of Section 3.
We are still studying RA 8293, the old IPC, as amended by
other laws. Definitions. There are many intellectual property rights. We
focus on copyright, trademark and patents. I just want to point
The first part has been amended by RA 10372. out TTA under Section 4.2, technology transfer arrangements.

We already looked at the definition of Intellectual Creation. Section 4.2. The term "technology transfer arrangements"
refers to contracts or agreements involving the transfer of
The first provision we are going to look at (we will no longer
systematic knowledge for the manufacture of a product, the
look at the definitions) is Section 3.
application of a process, or rendering of a service including
management contracts; and the transfer, assignment or
Section 3. International Conventions and Reciprocity. - Any
licensing of all forms of intellectual property rights, including
person who is a national or who is domiciled or has a real and
licensing of computer software except computer software
effective industrial establishment in a country which is a party
developed for mass market.
to any convention, treaty or agreement relating to intellectual
property rights or the repression of unfair competition, to
Agreements. Maybe the patent holder, the patentee or another
which the Philippines is also a party, or extends reciprocal
person or entity wherein the patentee will transfer systematic
rights to nationals of the Philippines by law, shall be entitled to
knowledge for the manufacture of a product. The patentee has
benefits to the extent necessary to give effect to any provision
the right to manufacture, distribute his invention. He can enter
of such convention, treaty or reciprocal law, in addition to the
into a TTA with another entity. O cge, ikaw ang mag-
rights to which any owner of an intellectual property right is
manufacture nung aking invention.
otherwise entitled by this Act. (n)
Or it may involve the application of a process, or rendering of
The Philippines is a signatory to several international treaties
a service including management contracts. And it may involve
and conventions on Intellectual Property such as the Burn (?)
transfer, assignment or licensing of all forms of intellectual
Convention in 1981, the Stockholm Act of 1967, the Paris Act
property rights including licensing of computer software except
of 1971, we also exchanged notes between the US and the
computer software.
Philippines and the Treaty of Paris on Intellectual Property.
Meron pang except. Nakakainis noh? Except computer
These are all conventions that the Philippines has adhered to
software developed for mass market. Whatever this is, I don’t
at certain points in time.
know. Just memorize that.
So, any person who is a national or who is domiciled or has a
Let’s go the organizational structure of the Intellectual
real and effective industrial establishment, it may be a factory,
Property Office (IPO).
in a country which is a party to ANY convention, treaty or
agreement relating to intellectual property rights, any of those Section 6. The Organizational Structure of the IPO. - 6.1. The
that we talked about earlier, or the repression of unfair Office shall be headed by a Director General who shall be
competition, TO WHICH the Philippines is also a party, or if assisted by two (2) Deputies Director General.
this country in which this person is a national, domiciliary or ha
a factory or establishment there, if this country extends What department is the IPO under? Department of Trade and
reciprocal rights to nationals of the Philippines by law with Industry (DTI.)
respect to intellectual property, this person shall be entitled to
benefits to the extent necessary to give effect to any provision The IPO under RA 8293 has only 6 bureaus. What was added
of such convention, treaty or reciprocal law. by RA 10372?

What does this mean? Let’s say we have X. He is an inventor Section 6.2. The Office shall be divided into six (6) Bureaus,
of this particular gadget, a new gadget. And then he has a each of which shall be headed by a Director and assisted by an
registered patent in his country which is Nigeria. He is a Assistant Director. These Bureaus are:
Nigerian, he is domiciled in the UK and has a factory in China.
If any of those countries is a signatory to any of the a) The Bureau of Patents;
conventions that the Philippines is also a signatory to, he can
invoke any of those conventions if he sues here in the b) The Bureau of Trademarks;
c) The Bureau of Legal Affairs;
What if somebody copies his gadgets and sells it in the
d) The Documentation, Information and Technology Transfer
Philippines? He can sue for infringement of the patent. He can
invoke the international conventions here. In addition to the
rights to which any owner of an intellectual property right is
e) The Management Information System and EDP Bureau; and
otherwise entitled by RA 8293. He can also invoke RA 8293,
our laws on IP. He can also invoke the treaty or convention in f) The Administrative, Financial and Personnel Services Bureau.
which the Philippines is a signatory and the country in which
this person is a national, domiciliary or has a factory or (g) The Bureau of Copyright and Other Related Rights. (Added
establishment is also a signatory. by RA 10372)
The Bureau of Copyright and Other Related Rights. There was However, if the office that rendered the decision is the DDITT
no Bureau of Copyrights under RA 8293. Now we have the on technology transfer, it is appealable to the DG, but from the
Bureau of Copyright and Other Related Rights. DG you go to the DTI Secretary, NOT the CA.

We have the Bureau of Patents, the Bureau of Trademarks, the Section 8. The Bureau of Patents. - The Bureau of Patents
Bureau of Legal Affairs, and the Bureau of Copyright and Other shall have the following functions:
Related Rights.
8.1. Search and examination of patent applications and the
*5-point quiz answered correctly by Kiang. Yehey!* grant of patents;

This law is not only substantive but also procedural. This is 8.2. Registration of utility models, industrial designs, and
always asked in the bar. integrated circuits; and

We also have the Documentation, Information and Technology 8.3. Conduct studies and researches in the field of patents in
Transfer Bureau (DITT) in charge of the TTAs. And the AFPSB. order to assist the Director General in formulating policies on
the administration and examination of patents. (n)
We now go to the powers and functions of the Director
General (DG.) Section 9. The Bureau of Trademarks. - The Bureau of
Trademarks shall have the following functions:
Section 7. The Director General and Deputies Director
General. – 9.1. Search and examination of the applications for the
registration of marks, geographic indications and other marks
7.1. Functions. - The Director General shall exercise the of ownership and the issuance of the certificates of
following powers and functions: registration; and

a) Manage and direct all functions and activities of the 9.2. Conduct studies and researches in the field of trademarks
Office, including the promulgation of rules and in order to assist the Director General in formulating policies
regulations to implement the objectives, policies, on the administration and examination of trademarks. (n)
plans, programs and projects of the Office: x x x
SEC. 9A. The Bureau of Copyright and Other Related Rights. –
b) Exercise exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all the Bureau of Copyright and Other Related Rights shall have
decisions rendered by the Director of Legal Affairs, the the following functions:
Director of Patents, the Director of Trademarks, the
Director of Copyright and Other Related Rights (as 9A.1. Exercise original jurisdiction to resolve disputes relating
amended), and the Director of the Documentation, to the terms of a license involving the author’s right to public
Information and Technology Transfer Bureau. The performance or other communication of his work;
decisions of the Director General in the exercise of his
appellate jurisdiction in respect of the decisions of the 9A.2. Accept, review and decide on applications for the
Director of Patents, the Director of Trademarks and the accreditation of collective management organizations or similar
Director of Copyright and Other Related Rights shall be entities;
appealable to the Court of Appeals in accordance with
9A.3. Conduct studies and researches in the field of copyright
the Rules of Court; and those in respect of the decisions of
and related rights; and
the Director of the Documentation, Information and
Technology Transfer Bureau shall be appealable to the
9A.4. Provide other copyright and related rights service and
Secretary of Trade and Industry; and
charge reasonable fees therefor. (As amended)
c) Exercise original jurisdiction to resolve disputes relating
Section 10. The Bureau of Legal Affairs. - The Bureau of
to the terms of a license involving the author's right to public
Legal Affairs shall have the following functions:
performance or other communication of his work. The
decisions of the Director General in these cases shall be 10.1. Hear and decide opposition to the application for
appealable to the Secretary of Trade and Industry. registration of marks; cancellation of trademarks;
subject to the provisions of Section 64, cancellation of
Any decision rendered by Director of Legal Affairs, the Director patents, utility models, and industrial designs; and
of Patents, the Director of Trademarks, the Director of petitions for compulsory licensing of patents;
Copyright and Other Related Rights, and the Director of the
Documentation, Information and Technology Transfer Bureau 10.2. (a) Exercise original jurisdiction in administrative
are appealed EXCLUSIVELY to the DG. complaints for violations of laws involving intellectual
property rights: Provided, That its jurisdiction is limited to
The decisions of the Director General in the exercise of his complaints where the total damages claimed are not less than
appellate jurisdiction in respect of the decisions of the Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000): Provided further,
Director of Patents, the Director of Trademarks and the That availment of the provisional remedies may be granted in
Director of Copyright and Other Related Rights shall be accordance with the Rules of Court. The Director of Legal
appealable to the Court of Appeals. Affairs shall have the power to hold and punish for contempt
all those who disregard orders or writs issued in the course of
So DG has exclusive appellate jurisdiction. If you are not happy
the proceedings. (n)
with the DG’s decision, appeal to the CA in accordance with
Rule 46 on decisions of quasi-judicial and administrative

(b) After formal investigation, the Director for Legal Affairs Section 11. The Documentation, Information and Technology
may impose one (1) or more of the following administrative Transfer Bureau. - The Documentation, Information and
penalties: Technology Transfer Bureau shall have the following functions:

(i) The issuance of a cease and desist order which shall specify xxx
the acts that the respondent shall cease and desist from and
shall require him to submit a compliance report within a 11.8. Register technology transfer arrangements, and
reasonable time which shall be fixed in the order; settle disputes involving technology transfer payments. (n)

(ii) The acceptance of a voluntary assurance of compliance or Transcribed by: Garcia, Gil II
discontinuance as may be imposed. Such voluntary assurance
October 23, 2013; Part 2
may include one or more of the following:
Under Sec. 17, it is also the responsibility of the Director
(1) An assurance to comply with the provisions of the
General (DG) to print, make available for distribution, copies of
intellectual property law violated;
the Act and other pertinent laws. So, in other words, if you
(2) An assurance to refrain from engaging in unlawful and need to download any law in relation to intellectual property,
unfair acts and practices subject of the formal investigation; you can go to the IPO website. RA 10372 has already been
posted there, but it’s still on PDF format.
(3) An assurance to recall, replace, repair, or refund the
money value of defective goods distributed in commerce; and Now, there’s also an IPO Gazette. All matters required to be
published shall be published in the IPO Gazette.
(4) An assurance to reimburse the complainant the expenses
and costs incurred in prosecuting the case in the Bureau of Now, under Sec. 19 there are officers and employers of the
Legal Affairs. IPO whom, during their employment and from one year
thereafter shall not apply for a patent. Even though this
The Director of Legal Affairs may also require the respondent particular officer is an inventor, he cannot, within one year
to submit periodic compliance reports and file a bond to from resignation of termination from service, apply for a grant
guarantee compliance of his undertaking; of a patent. He cannot apply for registration of utility model,
industrial design, or mark, trademark or service mark. He
(iii) The condemnation or seizure of products which are subject cannot, if he is a lawyer, act as attorney or patent agent of an
of the offense. The goods seized hereunder shall be disposed application for a grant of patent, or the registration of a utility
of in such manner as may be deemed appropriate by the model, industrial design, or mark. He cannot acquire, except
Director of Legal Affairs, such as by sale, donation to by hereditary succession, any patent, or utility model, design,
distressed local governments or to charitable or relief registration, or mark, or title or interest therein. Ok, so no
institutions, exportation, recycling into other goods, or any licensing agreement, no TPA can be made in his favor, but he
combination thereof, under such guidelines as he may provide; can inherit by hereditary succession, intestate succession, or if
he is a compulsory heir of the patentee or the registered
(iv) The forfeiture of paraphernalia and all real and personal
trademark holder.
properties which have been used in the commission of the
offense; So that is the introduction, the introductory provisions.

(v) The imposition of administrative fines in such amount as We will now go to the first kind of intellectual property:
deemed reasonable by the Director of Legal Affairs, which shall PATENT.
in no case be less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000) nor more
than One hundred fifty thousand pesos (P150,000). In Ok, this is amended by RA 9502, which is the Cheaper
addition, an additional fine of not more than One thousand Medicines Act, and RA 10372. So let’s go first to the definition
pesos (P1,000) shall be imposed for each day of continuing of a patent. This is a grant made by the government to an
violation; inventor, conveying and securing to him the exclusive right to
make use of his invention for a given period. So it has a limit.
(vi) The cancellation of any permit, license, authority, or It is not forever—the grant of a patent.
registration which may have been granted by the Office, or the
suspension of the validity thereof for such period of time as So we know what can be patented? Inventions. But what
the Director of Legal Affairs may deem reasonable which shall specifically are inventions? Under Sec. 21, it is any technical
not exceed one (1) year; solution of a problem. Whatever problem: how to clean a
house; how to make a room colder; how to fly; how to
(vii) The withholding of any permit, license, authority, or WHATEVER. In any field of human activity which (1) is new;
registration which is being secured by the respondent from the (2) involves an inventive step; and (3) is industrially applicable.
Office; Those are the three requisite of patentability.

(viii) The assessment of damages; What are the things than can be patented? A product—a robot
that can clean the house, that’s a product; a process—how to
(ix) Censure; and
turn water into gasoline, that is a process; or an improvement
of a product or an improvement of a process.
(x) Other analogous penalties or sanctions. (Secs. 6, 7, 8, and
9, Executive Order No. 913 [1983]a)
Let’s say there is already a process, turning water into gasoline
but you have to go through 1,500,800 steps. So the
10.3. The Director General may by Regulations establish the
improvement is you just have to go through 800,000 steps.
procedure to govern the implementation of this Section. (n)

So let’s go to the three requisites of patentability. First, it are patented drugs, like maybe for the cure for Alzheimer’s.
must be new. What do you mean by “new”? It must be These are all patented drugs, noh. Big US companies that are
novel. Technicality does not tell us what is new, it tells us what really into developing drugs, noh, like cancer, alzheimer’s.
is not new. And what is “not new” is: “an invention shall not be
considered new if it forms part of prior art.” So, what is prior So, what was are topic? Inventive step. Now, with respect to
art? This is defined by Sec. 24—everything which has been drugs or medicines, according to the Cheaper Medicines Act,
made available to the public anywhere in the world before the there is no inventive step if:
filing date or priority date of the application claiming the
1) the invention results from the mere discovery of a
invention. In relation to that, the case of MAGUAN vs. CA
new form or a new property of a known substance,
(28 NOV 96). Maguan is a patent holder of a powder pack.
which does not result in the enhancement of the
Now, Maguan found out that Lu Chan is manufacturing and
known efficacy of that substance.
selling identical or substantially identical powder packs, of
So, let’s say we have for example, Substance X which
which Maguan is a patent holder. Sabi ni Lu Chan, “My
is for cough. Now, somebody discovers a new
products are different from yours. Even if they are the same,
property of this Substance X. May bagong property
your utility model is not new and patentable.” Now, is it new?
nga, it will be in another form, but the effect is the
The SC said NO. Everything has already been made available
same, it’s still for cough, and it is only to relieve, it
to the public anywhere in the world. Weren’t they using
will not cure the cough. So there’s no inventive step,
powder packs even during the time of Cleopatra? Diba? If you
nakadiscover ka lang ng new form or new property in
watch those old movies, there are different shapes and sizes,
that known substance.
but the function is the same: to put powder on the face. So,
therefore, this is an example of something that is not new
2) If it is a mere discover of any new property or new
because it has already been made available to the public
use for a known substance.
anywhere in the world before the filing date. What’s the “filing
date”? The filing date with the Bureau of Patent, the
Example (worth 2 pts.): Glutathione, it was formerly
application for patent. So, I if I had applied a patent for this,
for the liver, and then it was discovered that it can be
on June 1, 2013, if this has already been made available to the
used for skin whitening. So there is a discovery of a
public anywhere in the world before June 1, 2013, it is not
new use. So, is there an inventive step? None. It just
considered new.
so happens that it can be used to whiten the skin of a
Now, priority date of the application claiming the invention— person.
what do you mean by that? “Priority date”, we will go to that
later. 3) Use of an known process, unless such known process
results in a new product that employs at least one
Now, the second requisite, it involves an inventive step. new reactant
Under Sec. 26, an invention involves an inventive step if,
having regard to prior art, it is not obvious to a person skilled Whatever that is, I don’t know what a reactant is.
in the art at the time of the filing date or priority date. So, let’s Anyway…
say you have something, this one (naa siya’y ginatudlo wala ko
kabalo unsa), do you know how to use this? Obviously! You So, those, under the Cheaper Medicines Act, do not involve
don’t even have to read the manual. That means there’s no inventive step.
inventive step, kasi it’s so obvious how to use this. Now, you’re
Let’s go to the third requisite for patentability, industrial
given a gadget, something like the Google Glass, would you
applicability—an invention that can be produced and used in
know how to use it right away? Akala mo glasses lang! That is
any industry. So it is something that is usable, then it has
an inventive step because it is not obvious to a person skilled
industrial applicability for whatever field of human activity:
in the art at the time of the filing date. So, if you need to read
cleaning, bathing, brushing one’s teeth, driving, whatever,
instructions on how to use it, or what it does, and you are a
anything. Ok? So, those are the three requisites for
person skilled in the art, with regard to prior art, then it
involves an inventive step.
Now, let’s go back to Sec. 25.2. Now, who can apply for a
So let me tell you in advance, what is a “utility model”? A
patent? Who can go to the Bureau of Patents and apply for the
utility model is something that is new but does not involve an
registration of his invention? (Ang maka-answer ug tama, ako
inventive step. Let’s say your invention is new and is
ang maghatag ug 2 points! In 1…2…aaand…)The inventor.
industrially applicable, that’s the easiest requisite to fulfil eh,
Now, the inventor also means, he’s not necessarily the one
but it does not have an inventive step, it will not pass the
who invented the product, it can also be any person who at
requirements for patentability. But it will be registered as a
the filing date had the right to a patent. How can one have a
utility model. So utility model is something which is new and is
right? Perhaps, the inventor transferred all his rights.
industrially applicable. Kaya ito yung powder pack, because
Remember our discussions on ownership. If one is the owner
definitely it does not involve an inventive step. But the issue
of his creation, he can dispose it, he can transfer it to another.
here is: is it new? Obviously, it is not.
And if by virtue of a Deed of Sale or Deed of Donation,
Now, here we have the tedious part. Now, drugs and whatever, he transfers his rights to his invention to X, then X
medicines are patented because this is a product. Drug can be considered the inventor because he had the right to the
companies undergo tremendous amount of research and patent before the filing date. It is important, it has to be
development. R&D budget of these drug companies are before the filing date that the right to the invention has
horrendous, they spend a lot. So, therefore, once they come already been transferred to him. He cannot first apply, and
up with a new drug to cure whatever illness, they would want then it will be transferred to him—no. Kailangan nadiyan na sa
to get exclusive rights to manufacture such drugs. So, there kanya ang right to the patent.
Now, what cannot be patented? (Sec. 22) owner of an intellectual creation and is entitled to legal
protection of said property right from the unauthorized use
1) Discoveries.Scientific theories,what’s the most of the same by another person. While the cancellation
popular scientific theory? E = MC2; that cannot be proceedings are pending, X may ask the court for a
patented.Mathematical method, you know how to preliminary injunction to prevent J from manufacturing the
compute the cotangent and the whatever of this gadget for any purpose.
whatever; the parabola and all these things, these are
not patentable.And in Drugs and Medicines, those  What inventions are patentable?
that we took up, because they do not have an
inventive step. The same noh? This has been Answer: So, the answer is Sec. 21.
amended by RA 9502.
 X invented a bogus coin detector which can be used
2) Schemes. Now, what is a scheme?? I have no exclusively on self-operating gambling devices, otherwise
idea.Rules and methods of performing mental known as “one-armed bandits”. Can X apply for a patent?
acts, playing games or doing business, and
programs for computers. Whatever that means, Suggested answer: No, he cannot, it is against public
just memorize that. So programs for computers policy. The operation of a self-gambling device is a criminal
cannot be patented. offense in our country. The invention is therefore one which
is against public policy.
3) Methods for treatment of the human or animal
body by surgery – mga techniques, noh?  X invented a method of improving the tenderness of meat by
Laser…aahh…or diagnostic methods practiced on injection an enzyme solution into the live animal shortly
the human or animal body. That cannot be before slaughter. Is the invention patentable?
patented, you have to share that, noh. If you have a
new way of operating, you have to share that. Suggested answer: Yes, because it is a process directed
toward improving a commercial product. In general, an
4) Plant varieties or animal breeds or essentially invention possessing the following requisites may be the
biological process for the production of plants subject of an application for patent: Novelty, originality,
or animals. Now, we have a lot of new breeds of _____________, and industrial applicability.
pets like when it comes to dogs, there are so many
different breeds. Before, there was only the English Ok, so who has the right to a patent? The inventor, his heirs,
Bulldog, which were huge, noh? When the French did or assigns. So, assigns, as long as he assigns his invention or
not like those big huge bulldogs, they decided to the right to the invention to somebody else, and it’s legal, then
develop their own French Bulldogs, so they mixed an no problem.
English Bulldog with a French Terrier, so now you
have a smaller one. Can that be patented? No. What if there are two or more inventors? If the invention was
made jointly, the right to the patent should belong to them
5) Aesthetic Creation – you cannot. What is that? It’s jointly. If the invention was made separately, and independent
something that is nice to look at, because it is not of the other, let’s say this is the invented product, this was
industrially applicable. Titignan mo lang siya, it has no invented by X, this was invented by Y, and then you put them
utilitarian aspect. together, it now becomes one product. So, X will get the
patent for this, and Y will get the patent for that.
6) Anything which is contrary to public order or
But let’s say, it’s the same product, this was invented by X, this
morality – even though that is very long, what
was invented by Y, and look at the whole, it’s the same
comes out is normally no. 6.
product. It says here, the right to the patent shall belong to
Examples (Bar Questions): the person who filed an application for such invention. So,
does X own this? Yes. Does Y own his invention? Yes. But the
 X invented a certain device which when attached to the right to the patent, who will be granted the patent? The one
engine of a car would cut consumption of gasoline by 50%. who filed an application first. So, when two or more
Without securing a patent, he started manufacturing the applications are filed for same invention, to the applicant who
gadget in large quantities and promoted its sale. So, he’s the has the earliest filing date, or the earliest priority date.
inventor, he manufactured, and distributed. Now, here we
have J, bright boy, bought the gadget, dismantled and Now, what if the patent is created by commission. Ok, so X
studied it, and in due time was himself manufacturing an commissions Y to invent something that will enhance the
identical device. Before offering it for sale, J secured a growth of her hair. So, the general rule, the person who
patent. Now, X learned of the patent and desired to secure commissions shall own the patent. So, who owns the patent,
his own patent, but fearing that he might be sued for the one who commissions—X, except or unless otherwise
infringement of patent, seeks your legal advice. How can provided in the contract. Meaning, even though Y is the
you help him? inventor, but because he was commissioned, then the one who
commissions hall own the patent. She can be the one to apply
Suggested answer: X should first bring an action for for the patent.
cancellation of the patent illegally secured by J. Why? Who is
What about employment? According to Sec. 30.2, the owner of
the inventor? Who can apply for the patent? The inventor or
the patent, if the employee makes the invention in the course
the one who has the right to the patent before the filing
of his employment contract, it is:
date. J never had the right to the patent, he just copied the
invention. So, X, being the inventor of the gadget is the
1) The employee, if the inventive activity is not a part of application of the corporation and filed his own patent
his regular duties even if the employee uses the time, application as the sole surviving heir of X. So who has the right
facilities, and materials of the employer. to apply? The corporation or H?

Siguro yung mga I.T., let’s say taga-ayos ng mga Suggested answer: The claim of H will prosper. The one
computer ng mga establishment. And then, in the who created the invention, X, is the only one who can file an
meantime, he creates a process, and he invents application for patent over the invention. Remember, who can
something while working their in the facility, he will apply? The inventor, his heirs, or successors-in-interest. His
still own whatever invention he makes. assigns noh? The corporation is not her successor, she’s only
part of the corporation. Kapag wala na siya, wala na rin siya sa
2) The employer, if the invention is the result of his corporation. So the corporation has no right. Y and X’s friends
performance of this regularly assigned duties. who owned 20% had nothing to do with the invention, neither
is there a showing that they acquired by assignment or other
So itong mga drug companies that have scientists modes of transfer of the invention of X. It would have been a
there, they have R&D Dept., and here the scientist different story if X actually assigned her rights over the
invents a certain drug for this new disease. Do you invention to them, but she did not. This is therefore a case of
think the scientist will be the patent holder? No, it is an application of persons who had nothing at all to do with the
the drug company because that is the result of the creation of the invention. So, if X dies, her heirs inherit the
performance of regularly assigned duties, unless of invention and the right to apply for it. If H, the estranged
course there is an agreement to the contrary husband is the only heir of X, then he can file an application
for patent invention.
Now, what do you mean by right of priority? So we have here
for example, this product, this is let’s say a patentable product, Let’s go to the procedure. So where do you apply? Very easy,
an invention with the three requisites. They’re exactly the Bureau of Patent. The application shall contain a request, you
same. It’s just that the color is different, same function. Now, do not just say “I’d like to apply for a patent. This is a patent
this is X and this is Y. So X applied on June 1, 2013. He went for my invention that can cause a car to fly.” That’s not
to the Bureau of Patents and applied for a patent for this enough. You have to submit a description of the invention,
particular invention. So he had the filing date of June 1, 2013. drawings. What is this gadget of yours? How do you connect
Eto palang si Y already applied for a patent in Hong Kong in to it? Or the understanding of the invention. So, take note, no
April 1, 2013. So it says here, by any person who has patent may be granted unless the application identifies the
previously applied for the same invention in another country by inventor. So, if the applicant is not the inventor, the IPO may
treaty, convention, or law, or similar privilege. So let us say require him to submit said authority. What is it? “I am an heir
that Hong Kong affords similar privileges to Filipinos. It says, it of the inventor, and here is the death certificate of my father,
should be considered as filed as of the date of filing the foreign he is the inventor.” “I am the assignee of the inventor, here is
application. So Y has the priority because he already previously the deed of sale/donation/whatever.” Disclosure, the
applied for a patent in another country. What are the application shall disclose the invention in a manner sufficiently
conditions? The local application expressly claims priority. clear and complete for it to be carried out by a person skilled
Meaning, Let’s say Y applies for this application for patent here in the art. So it should not contain formulas that cannot be
at the Bureau of Patents on July 1, 2013. So he must in his understood. But of course, ordinary persons like us are not
application filed here in the Bureau of Patents expressly claim expected to understand. But those persons skilled in the art
that he has priority right (since he already applied in Hong must be able to understand.
Kong on an earlier date). And the next condition, it must be
Now, just like the rule against duplicitous information under
filed within 12 months from the date the earliest application
Sec. 13 or Rule 110, Sec. 38.1 says, the application should
was filed. So, is it within 12 months? April to July, 4 months
relate to one invention only or a group of inventions for a
lang. So that’s fine. What else? A certified copy of the foreign
single general inventive concept. Pareho lang, duplicitous nga.
application together with an english translation is filed within 6
So you cannot put invention A, B, C, one is for cars, the other
months form the date of filing. So, 6 within months from July
one is shampoo, the other one is make up. No. What if several
1, 2013, Y must submit of the certified copy of the foreign
independent applications which do not form a single general
application with an english translation, to prove that indeed
inventive concept are claimed in one application? It is a
there is __________. So nobody can just allege. You know
duplicitous application. The Director may require that the
that noh? You’re a law student, allegations are not enough,
application be restricted to single invention. So you have to
you need proof. So that is the proof of the earlier application
divide your application, you should file 3 instead of 1. Now, in
made in Hong Kong. So with that, Y can claim a right of
a duplicitous information, if it is not quashed, the accused can
priority, the earliest priority date. So priority date means simply
be convicted of all of the crimes charged in the information.
the date of filing of foreign application for the same invention.
Now, what if the Bureau issues a patent for all of the 3
Yun lang, noh.
inventions in the same application? According to Sec. 38.3, the
Now, let’s go to a bar question: fact that a patent has been granted on an application that did
not comply with the requirement of unity of invention shall not
X invented a device that can convert rainwater to automobile be a ground to cancel the patent. That is not a ground for
fuel. She asked Y, a lawyer, to assist in getting her invention cancellation, meaning, nandiyan na, it was already granted,
patented. Y suggested that she form a corporation with other the patent involves 3 inventions.
friends and have the corporation apply for the patent. 80% of
the shares to be subscribed for X, 5% for Y, and 15% for the So, filing date, what is considered the filing date? It is the date
other friends. So the corporation was formed and the patent of receipt. You file your application, of what? They have a
application was filed. However, X died 3 months later of a minimum set of requirements for the filing date to set in. An
heart attack. H, the estranged husband of X contested the express or exclusive indication that a patent is sought;
information identifying the applicant, whether the applicant it infringement can be committed before the patent is granted,
the inventor, heir, or assignee; description of the invention. If but the filing of an action can only be made after the patent is
all of those 3 are submitted on the particular day, then the granted.
application is considered filed. If any of these elements is not
submitted within the period set by the rules, then the Said rights will be exercised by the said person, the right to file
application is considered withdrawn. Now, so once the an action for infringement when that person who looked at the
application is filed, what is the next step? Classification and application with the Bureau of Patents, had actual knowledge
search. This is the job of the Bureau of Patents. It will classify that the invention that he was using was the subject matter of
under what category is this, and it will search for prior art to a published application or this person received notice that the
determine whether that particular invention is new. So this will invention that he was using was the subject matter of a
take some time, the classification and the search. After that published application being identified in said notice by serial
step, the next step is the publication of the application. The no. So, there is already protection after publication.
application itself will be published in the IPO. It says here,
Now, can an application be amended? Yes, an application can
together with the search application established by or in behalf
be amended during examination, provided, the amendment
of the IPO citing any documents that reflect prior art, this
shall not include new matter outside the scope of the
publication should be made within 18 months from the filing
disclosure contained in the application as filed. So, when shall
date or priority date. So the search will go on, the examination
the patent be granted? After the search, after the examination,
will go on, and after that is the publication of the application.
after the publication, and nobody opposes, the patent shall be
What is the purpose? It is to inform interested parties that
granted upon payment of the fees.
somebody wants to apply for a patent for a particular invention
and they can oppose it. It says here, after publication, any
When shall the patent take effect? Sec. 51.3, on the date of
interested party may inspect the application documents. So
the publication of the grant of the patent in the IPO Gazette.
what is published is only the application. Application for a
So even if you already have your patent, naka-frame na dun sa
patent for an invention which can make a car fly; here comes
wall mo, but it has not yet been published, it cannot take
Z, he is interested in the invention, he wants to look at the
effect yet.
specifications, the accompanying documents that were filed by
the applicant. What if the Bureau of Patent says “No. We deny your
application for a patent.” What can the applicant do? He can
Now, according to Sec. 44.3, the DG, subject to the approval
appeal the decision to the Director of Patents. So ganito yan,
of the Sec. of DTI, may prohibit or restrict the publication and
sino ang magdeny? Yung mga tau-tauhan of the Bureau of
application if, in his opinion, to do so would be prejudicial to
Patent, that decision can be appealed to the Director of
the national security and interest of the Philippines. What is
Patents. After the Director of Patents, the DG. Ok? Right to
the application is for a bomb made of food? So people are
appeal, so this is the flow: Application ->and then the
going to be interested, people are going to flock to the IPO
examiner will either grant or refuse. If it is refused -> Appeal
and find out how this bomb is made, and then we will already
to the Director of Patents -> and then appeal to the DG. ->
have bomb makers all over the place. So those things can be
After the DG, to the CA, and then to the SC.
restricted or prohibited by the DG.
Transcribed by: Valles, Daryl
Now, there is a period of confidentiality, from the time of
application until the time of publication of the application, no October 24, 2013; Part 1
one will know about it. It says here, if it has not yet been
published, the application and all related documents shall not We have reached the part where the patent is granted. So
be made available for inspection without the consent of the what is the act of the examiner, either to grant or to deny the
applicant. Nobody can make usyoso on his application. It has application. So if the application is granted, it will be published.
to be kept a secret, whatever it is. Now, hence, once the The grant of the patent shall be published. In other words, in
application is published, what’s the effect? Any interested patent application we have 2 publications:
person can go to the IPO and examine all the supporting
documents, eh di nabuking na siya, his secret formula, his 1) publication of the patent application; and
secret invention will be available to the world. So, under Sec. 2) publication of the grant of the patent.
46, after his application is published, he shall have all the
The patent is the piece of paper. What does it say? Its official
rights of a patentee. What are the rights? Under Sec. 76, the
because it is issued in the name of the Republic under the seal
right to manufacture, distribute, sell, etc. He already has.
of the IPO and signed by the Director of Patent or the Director
Why? Because his invention was already exposed to the world.
General. I think it’s the Director of Patents. Patents siguro. And
Said rights may be exercised against any person who, without
registered together with the description, etc. That is a piece of
authorization, exercise any of the rights conferred under Sec.
paper, could be a hard paper, glossy paper that can be framed
71 in relation to the invention claimed in the published patent
by the patentee. So once again, when the patent is signed by
application. What will stop any Tom, Dick, and Harry from
the applicant, he now becomes the patentee.
copying whatever it is that he saw in the Bureau of Patents?
So he has the right to file an action for infringement against
How long will it last? The protection. 20 yrs from the filing
anyone who manufactures, sells, distributes, the product that
date. Not from the grant but from the filing date. So if the
he invented by copying, as if a patent had already been
application process takes 5 years, then there will be only a
granted for that invention. However, he only has the right.
remaining 15 years for the effectivity of the patent.
Meaning, that person’s already an infringer even though he
(the applicant) does not yet have the patent, but he cannot Now after the patent is granted to the patentee, is that it?
the action yet. The action may not be filed until after the grant Does he still have to do anything? Yes, he must pay annual
of the patent on the published application, and within 4 years fees upon the expiration of 4 years from the date the
of the commission of the acts complained of. So the
application was published. You count 4 years from publication is what I applied for, this is the name of my invention, this is
of the application. It does not matter if the patent had already the procedure that has to be taken, then that can be
been granted or not. And each subsequent anniversary of such corrected.
What if the mistake was made in the application by the
Now what if the patentee is pressured with the patent. He is applicant? Nagkamali siya in writing a certain formula. Then he
being harassed left and right. Can he surrender the patent? can also ask the Director, no need to go to court again as long
According to section 56 he can. He can ask that it be as he pays the prescribed fee. But it has to be formal and
cancelled. We know that cancellation cases are filed before the clerical and not incurred to the fault of the IPO. It cannot be a
Bureau of Legal Affairs (BLA). But when it comes to surrender serious error. Only typo, wrong spelling, those things. As long
of patent by the owner for cancellation he need not go to the as it will not change the essence of the patent, it will not
BLA. He goes to the the Bureau of Patents (BP). Before he can change the formula or the process.
have the patent cancelled or he can surrender his patent, he
must get the consent of all persons having grants or licenses. Opposition cases. We file with the BLA. This is one who wants
Later we will go to licensing. Compulsory licensing or voluntary to oppose the application. If X is applying for a patent for this
licensing. What if the license is to manufacture, manufacture particular invention and Y wants to oppose it, file with the BLA.
like 1M pieces of this product and he is already, the What are the grounds for the opposition? That the invention is
manufacturer has already manufactured 900k and now he not patentable under Sections 21 and 22, that the applicant is
wants the patent to be cancelled so the protection of the not the inventor, his heirs or assigns. X applies for a patent for
manufacturer will be removed. So he needs the consent. But his invention. Y shall oppose on the ground that he is the real
he only needs the consent of those licensees, maybe his inventor.
successors-in-interest, his heirs which have been recorded in
Cancellation this is when the patent has already been issued
the IPO. If we look later in licensing some need to be
by the BP. For opposition, there is no provision as to who can
recorded, some need not be recorded. If the licensee who is
file. For cancellation, any interested person can file a petition
manufacturing is not recorded in the IPO, malay ba ng IPO if
to cancel. It will be anyone as long as he has the proper
his consent was acquired or not. That is the requirement for
grounds. Again with the BLA. What are the grounds? Same.
surrender and cancellation by the patent holder.
What is claimed is not new or patentable, the patent does not
Opposition. Can a person oppose the surrender? Let’s say a disclose the invention in a manner sufficiently clear and
person, who is a licensee but was not registered in the IPO complete for it to be carried out by any person skilled in the
therefore he will be prejudiced if the patent is surrendered and art. Even if this particular product that is already patented is
cancelled. According to Section 56.2, he may oppose the manufactured and sold in the market, nobody will know how to
surrender of the patent. Again, opposition cases are filed use it, it is impossible to use. That is a ground for cancellation.
normally with the BLA but if a person must oppose the And then that the patent is contrary to public order or
surrender of the patent by the patent owner, he goes to the morality. Let your imagination run wild. When the grounds to
BP. What should the BP do when there is a notice of cancellation relates to some of the claims or parts of the claim,
opposition? It shall notify the proprietor of the patent and the cancellation may be effected to such extent only. Perhaps
determine the question as to whether or not the patent can be a cancellation, it could only be made in part. Part of the
surrendered and cancelled. If the patent is surrendered and product, not the entire product. So, what is the effect of
the surrender is accepted by the BP, when shall it cease to cancellation? The rights conferred by the patent shall
take effect? From the day the notice of acceptance is published terminate. Again the notice of cancellation shall be published.
in the IPO. From that day onwards there is no more protection. Take note, the decision of the Director of Legal affairs to
Anybody can copy the product, the process. Anybody can cancel the patent is immediately executory even though an
manufacture, distribute, etc. appeal is filed with the Director General (DG). How do you stop
the execution? Ask the DG to issue a writ of injunction,
We already, as 4th yr students, you already took up those rules preliminary injunction or a TRO. So, immediately executory.
on correction of the errors or entries in public documents. I
think it’s a long process. You have to go to court but if it’s a Remedies of a person with a right to a patent. Here we have a
clerical error or a first name, it can be done administratively. I situation wherein this person is the one who has a right to the
don’t know if it has already been taken up in your Land patent. He could either be the assignee or he could be an heir,
Registration but I heard from the Register of Deeds that for a successor-in-interest. A person referred to in Section 29
clerical errors in the title of the property like iyong mga other than the applicant. We have here X apply for a patent for
technical description there’s always an error, typo. It can be this particular invention. And then we have here Y, he claims
done without going to court. I don’t know. That is what I that he is the one who has the right to a patent. What should
heard. But anyway, what if there are mistakes of the office? he do? First Y must go to court. The court must declare Y to
What if the patent itself mali iyong description or the name of be the person to have the right to apply for a patent for this
the patentee is wrong. The office can correct its mistakes. invention. Once there is a final court order that it is Y who has
Incurred through the fault of IPO when clearly disclosed in the the right to apply for a patent, then he is now allowed to
records thereof, to make the patent conform to the records. prosecute the application as his own application in place of the
(Section 57) It’s possible, diba? Like for example, I am going applicant. So he will go to the BP and say here is my court
to apply for late registration then I fill up the boxes. And then order. The court already declared me to have the right to the
suddenly paglabas ng birth certificate, female. That is a patent. X who is applying for the patent has no right. I want to
mistake of the civil regsitrar but then the victim, who is the be the one to apply. Change the application to my name. Or
person who applied for late registration has to go to court and he can file a new patent application. Sabayan nya. He can
change the gender from female to male. But here, this is request that the application of X be refused. That is with the
already in the law. That it can do so provided that it is proven BLA now. This is tantamount to an opposition. Or seek
that really a mistake was made, shown in the records that this
cancellation of the patent if one has already been issued. We now go to Cheaper Medicine Act. With regard to __ the
Again this is with the BLA. drug companies, they own the patent of these drugs and
medicines that they manufacture. So nobody else can
When can he avail of such remedies? Within 3 months after manufacture or distribute without their authority. According to,
the decision has become final. What decision? The decision of Section 72, with regard to drugs and medicines, the limitation
the court saying that he is the person who has the right to the shall apply after the drug or medicine has been introduced in
patent. He has file the opposition, the cancellation, he can ask the Philippines or anywhere in the world by the patent owner
that the applicant be replaced by him. He has 3 months to do or any party authorized to use the invention. And the right to
so. import the drugs and medicines shall be available to any
government agency or any private party. What else? When the
Section 67 talks about the person who has the right to a
act of manufacturing, selling, distributing, is done privately on
patent by virtue of a court order. Section 68 talks about the
a non-commercial use. It should not prejudice the economic
true and actual inventor. Ito iyong mga, remember the
interest of the patentee. What if it is only done for experiment?
situation of the bar question yesterday, there was this
Like in a science class, a physics class, chemistry lab. The
inventor, he did not bother to register, he manufactured. Then
patent owner cannot prevent that. Again, the amendment by
this one guy bought a product then copied it and applied for a
the Cheaper Medicines Act, in the case of drugs and medicines
patent. So what happens to the true inventor? He wants to
where the act is testing, using or making or selling invention
apply for a patent but somebody has already applied or has
solely for purposes related to the development and sufficient
already been granted a patent. One who has been deprived of
for issuance of the approval by the government regulatory
a patent without his consent or through fraud, again has to go
agency. Syempre no, we have our regulatory agency, like
to court. He must ask the court to issue an order or make a
iyong mga BFAD and all those things. What if testing is
decision that he is the true and actual inventor of the particular
required, then that cannot be prohibited by the patentee.
product. Once the court issues the order, the court can, at the
Iyong mga pharmacists in a pharmacy, if a doctor will make a
option of the true inventor, order for his substitution as the
prescription that is also not prohibited. Take note, all cases
patentee. So the court will issue an order to the BP please
arising from the implementation of this provision, meaning the
substitute this person X as the patentee. Or take note, the
limitation of the right of the patentee, shall be cognizable by
court shall cancel the patent. Meaning, even if cancellation
the courts, not by the IPO.
cases are normally filed with the BLA the court can cancel the
patent if a case is filed by the true inventor and the court Lets say somebody is performing an act under section 72, the
declares him to be the true inventor, the court can cancel the patentee wants to sue him, what will be his course of action?
patent and the court can award actual and other damages in Infringement! Where is it filed? With the court. Or somebody is
his favour. Do not mix up Section 67 and 68. Sa Section 67, he performing an act under section 72 and he is being harassed
has to go to the BLA to oppose or to cancel. Section 68, the by the patentee. He can sue the patentee. Where? In the
court can cancel. regular courts. Well, we have our intellectual property courts.
Courts with appropriate jurisdiction.
When do you file an action in court under 68? For the court to
declare you to be the one who has the right to patent or the TRO. Supreme Court.
one who is the true and real inventor? Within 1 year from the
date of publication. Remember, the date of publication of the If it is used in a vessel, aircraft, etc and used exclusive for the
application for patent or the patent itself. It has to be filed needs of the vessel, aircraft, etc. that is also allowed. That is
within 1 year. While there is an application made the true not tantamount to infringement.
inventor, the one who has the right to patent, go to court and
ask the court to declare him to be one who has the right to But take note of prior user. Let’s say we have X, X is the
apply. patent holder of this invention. Y actually invented the same
thing. Long time ago. And he is using it for his own purposes.
What are the rights of a patentee? Once a patent had been In his garden. Maybe it’s a lawn mower or something or
issued, the patentee has the exclusive right if it is a product to whatever. Y used the invention or has been taking serious
restrict, prohibit and prevent any unauthorized person or entity preparation to use his invention in his enterprise or business
from making, using, offering for sale, selling or importing that before the filing date or priority date of the application of
product. He has the exclusive right to make use of the product. which the patent was granted. He has the right to continue
If it is a process, he can restrict, prevent, prohibit any using it provided he has been using it before X applied for the
unauthorized person or entity from using the process and from patent.
manufacturing, dealing, in using, offering for sale any product
obtained directly or indirectly from such process. Those are the But what about the government? Can the govt perform the
rights of a patentee. What else? Patent owners shall also have acts under section 71 which are reserved to the patentee?
the right to assign or transfer by succession the patent and According to Section 74, a government agency or authorized
conclude licensing contracts for the same. third person may exploit the invention even without agreement
of the patent owner where public interest in particular national
But if we have section 71, we have section 72. Limitations. The security, nutrition, health or the development of public sectors
patent owner, even though he is already the patentee, he has so require. Or a judicial ___ in the matter of exploitation with
no right to prevent third parties to perform any of the following the owner of the patent or the licensee is anti-competitive.
acts number 1 using a patented product which has been put in Those are the 2 instances where the government can actually
the market in the Philippines by the owner of the product or perform the acts under Section 71 even without the consent of
with the express consent insofar as such use is performed the patentee.
after the product has been so put on the said market.
If a person does the following acts he can be liable for
infringement of patents. What is this? Without the

authorization of the patentee. Take note, if one is authorized the foreigner, who has a patent in his home country sue Y for
there’s no infringement. This is always without authorization. infringement? YES. Provided he meets the requirement of
The making, using, offering for sale, selling or importing of a Section 3. He is not engaged in business in the Philippines.
patented product or a product obtained from a patented What do you mean by that? You mean to say anybody, any
process if they use the patent thereof(?). Those are the acts foreigner who is engaged in business in the Philippines cannot
that constitute infringement of patent. sue? Of course not. You already know under your corpo that a
foreign entity can sue in the Philippines if it licensed to do
Who may bring a civil action for infringement? The patentee business, if it is doing business here. It can only sue if it is
himself, or any person possessing any right, title or interest in licensed to do business. If it is not licensed to do business
the patented invention whose rights have been infringed. here, it can’t sue if it is not doing business. Alam niyo yan di
ba sa corpo? That’s what it means. Not doing business
Jurisdiction. RTC. We have our Intellectual Property Court,
meaning he is not licensed he can still sue. And he is a grantee
Branch X here. Judge Fuentes is the judge of the Intellectual
of a patent under RA 8293. It is not required that he is
Property Court here in Davao.
licensed to do business here.
When to bring an action for infringement? 4 years from the
There are times when a person can be held liable for
publication after the grant of the product(?) of the published
infringement but not be held liable for advantages. What are
application. Whether the infringement was committed before
these? When the acts of infringement were committed before
the patent was issued or after it is 4 years from the grant of a
the infringer had known or had reasonable grounds to know of
patent on a published application.
the patent. Is it impossible for X to invent this and Y to invent
exactly or something which is substantially identical to the
The patentee, what can he recover from the infringer?
patented product of X. Of course it’s possible. (Example
Damages that he sustained, attorney’s fees and expenses of
pointing to her 2 thermos again) its substantially identical to
litigation. What else? Can the court issue a writ of injunction to
the product of X and he has been using it, this product. Did he
prevent the infringer from continuing what he is doing.
know? And he has been distributing the product, he had been
Whatever it is. Making, manufacturing, distributing, etc. Award
manufacturing this product. He did not know na meron na
by way of damages is sum equivalent to reasonable royalty if
palang patent si X. Can he be liable for infringement? Yes, he
the damages are inadequate or cannot be ascertained with
can! Because this is a patented product. Only X has the right
reasonable certainty. According to the circumstance of the
to manufacture, distribute, sell, etc. authorize whatever. Si X
case, award damages to a sum above the amount or meaning
lang. Y can be liable for infringement even if he has invented
on top of number 2 provided the award does not exceed 3x
the product, hindi si X kasi may patent na eh. But Y cannot be
the amount of the actual damages. What else? The court may
liable for damages if he did not know of the patent or before
order that the infringing goods, materials, and implements be
he had reasonable grounds to know of the patent. When is it
disposed of outside the channels of commerce or destroyed.
presumed that the infringer had known of the patent? What if
Who else can be liable with the infringer? The one who makes, this product comes in a package. And it is being sold in a
uses, manufactures? Anyone who actively induces the department store and it is placed there in the package,
infringement of a patent or provides the infringer with a Philippine patent with the patent number. Y cannot say
component of a patented product or a product is produced anything else. Kahit hindi nya alam. Evethough he doesn’t
because of the one who gave him whatever it is that he needs know. He cannot say he did not know. He is presumed to
to produce the product. know. This is similar to registration. Notice to the whole world.
It is already in the packaging of the product, the Philippine
So, how do you know that there is infringement? Must the patent then everyone is presumed to know about it. Therefore
copy, be an exact copy of the patented product? The answer is Y can be held liable for damages in addition to being held
no need. In order to constitute infringement, there need only liable as an infringer.
be substantial identity between the 2 devices. (example sa
board) What is the test? The doctrine of equivalents. How do A person is sued for infringement before the courts. What
you know that there is a substantial identity between the 2 defenses can he bring before the court to escape liability? Says
products? The doctrine of equivalents says, when they perform here, in addition to other defenses available to him, he may
substantially the same function in substantially the same way show the invalidity of the patent. Meaning, whatever defense
to obtain substantially the same result even if they differ in he can show is a proper defense along with the defenses that
form, shape or dimension. he may bring or available to him. Maybe he can even include
the patent is invalid. Why? Because the product is not new, the
Example. Vacuum cleaner. How many types of vacuum cleaner product does not have an invented step, the product is not
do we have? What do they look like? Some of them look like industriable. What else? The one who has the patent is not the
robot, some of them look like mops, some use water, air. But real and true inventor. Whatever. On any of the grounds on
they are all vacuum cleaners. They perform exactly the same which a petition for cancellation can be brought. So whatever
function in substantially the same way to obtain the same is available to someone who wants to file a petition for
result. So that is the test that will determine if there is cancellation can also be used as a defense. Baliktad na, hindi
substantial identity. If there is substantial identity, between the na cause of action but defense available to the infringer. These
patented product and the alleged infringing product, then defenses may be brought. What else? The patent is contrary to
there is infringement. public order or morality. That is also a defense. Take note:
where do you file a cancellation case? If you want the patent
Can an action for infringement be brought by a foreign to be cancelled? BLA. Here we have X, he has a patent for this
national? Let’s say the inventor of this patented product product. Here we have Y making distributing his product which
(pointing to her thermos) is a foreign national and here we is substantially identical to the product of X. So X filed an
have a copy (another thermos) with substantial identity with infringement case against Y with the Intellectual Property
this and this is being sold by Y in the Philippine market. Can X, Court. So ito si Y brought up all the defences including the
patent of X is invalid. So he brought up all these arguments. identical or similar powder puffs. So Luchan in July 1974 filed a
What if the court believes him, si Y? Ay, oo nga no, invalid cancellation case before the PPO the Philippine patent office
iyong patent nya! Can the court cancel the patent? The answer before RA 8906. Luchan alleged that maguan’s patent was void
is YES. YES. Eventhough a cancellation case is normally filed because at the time the patent was issued the powder4 puffs
before the BLA, in an infringement case, the court can cancel were not new, obviously. At the same time or one month after
the patent of the one who filed that case. Once the court maguan filed a complaint of infringement with the RTC. The
cancelled the patent, the Director of Legal Affairs upon receipt question is can a cancellation case and an infringement case
of the final judgment of cancellation shall record that fact in proceed at the same time? There is an identity of parties. Is
the register of the IPO and publish it. So no need to go there litispendencia? The SC said NO. In many cases the SC
through another cancellation case with the BLA. In the said in infringement the cause of action is to have the infringer
infringement case, the court cancels then it is as good as declared liable for infringement. In cancellation it is to cancel
cancelled and it will be published in the IPO Gazette. the patent eventhough you are talking about the same patent
and the same parties. They can procedd at the same time.
Is there a criminal action for infringement? Yes under Section
84. If the infringer keeps on repeating. If the infringement is In the case of GODINES VS CA, here we have theppo issued
repeated by the infringer or anyone in connivance with him a patent to xv adolf enterprises for a utility model tractor
after the finality of the judgment of the court against the power tiller. You see how difficult it is to apply for a patent.
infringer. The first case for infringement is normally a civil The luchan was a utility model, here it is still a utility model
case. The court will say, yes you are liable for infringement; but still they applied in the patent office.
stop whatever it is that you are doing. If he does it again, then
this time he can be held criminally liable. When shall the In accordance with the patent, private respondent
criminal act prescribe? Within 3 years from the date of manufactured and sold the patented power tillers with the
commission of the crime. What is the crime? Repeating the patent imprinted on them. In 1979, it suffered a decline of
acts of infringement. more than 50% in sales. Upon investigation, SV-AGRO
discovered that power tillers similar to those patented by it
Transcribed by: Hao, Louie Lynne were being manufactured and sold by petitioner PASCUAL
GODINES. Consequently, SV-AGRO notified GODINES about
October 24, 2013; Part 2 the existing patent and demanded that Godinesstop selling and
manufacturing similar power tillers but he failed to comply so
Bar questions:
SV-AGRO filed before the RTC a complaint for infringement of
patent and unfair competition.
In an action for infringement of patent, the alleged infringer
defended himself stating: 1) the patent issued was not really
Here the SC explained the tests for infringement.
an invention that was patentable, 2) he had no intent to
infringe (not important) 3) there was no exact duplicate but a We have of course the literal infringement wherein the
minor improvement (only substantial identity is needed). copy is exactly the same as the patented product.
Which of the three is a valid defense?
The SC also explained the doctrine of equivalence
Answer: That the patent issued is not an invention that is eventhough the power tiller of godines does not look like the
patentable. (Yes. This is a valid defense if he can prove that power tiller of SG-Agro there is still infringement because it has
the invention is not new etc.) the same function, etc. etc.

Assume that your company is engaged in the business of Now one very important case involves procedure
canning, processing, and manufacturing food products. In a PhilPharmavs Pfizer Nov 17, 2010—Pfizer filed a complaint
highly competitive field protective meaures are to be taken by for infringement againstphilpharm. So Pfizer is this drug
the management. Your legal advise is sought on the following: company. So, philpharma obviously a Filipino company. Pfizer
is the owner of patent 2116 issued by the PPO in 1987 and the
Your firm is interested invented by Mr. Flores. It was
patent is valid until 2004. Now, this patent covers subactam
discovered that an application for patent was filed by Mr.Goko,
ampicillin. Now Pfizer is selling subactan ampicillin under the
a close of Mr. Flores. What steps would you take? (this
tradenameunasyn and the sole and sole and exclusive
question is very structured)
distributor of unasyn products is zueligpharma. Sometime in
feb of 2003, Pfizer came to know that philpharma submitted
Answer: I will ask Mr. Flores to file an action in court to be
bids for the supply of subactan ampicillin to several hospitals
declared as having the right to the patent as the true and real
without the consent of Pfizer, in violation of pfizer’s intellectual
inventor under section 68. After the decision has been made I
property rights.
will ask Mr. Flores to file a petition to have it declared as his
own under Section 68.
The BLA issued a writ of preliminary injunction on July 15,
2003 preventing philpharma from supplying to these hospitals.
Ferdie is a patent owner of a certain invention. He discovered
Prior to the expiration of the 90 day period of the injunction
that his invention is being infringed by Johan. What are the
issued by the BLA, Pfizer filed for a motion to extent the writ of
remedies available to Ferdie? Very easy. If you are the
PI. Remember there is an existing infringement case. However
daughter of Johan in a suit what are the defences that your
BLA denied the motion of Pfizer. So Pfizer filed a special civil
client can assert? Very easy.
action of certiorari with the CA assailing the decision of the
Let’s go back to the case of MaguanvsCA, we already BLA or the IPO. Take note certiorari under Rule 65. Remember
discussed the issue of the powder puffs not being new. But that the patent of Pfizer is valid until 2004. In 2005,phipharma
what happened here procedurally was that Maguan was the filed a motion to dismiss the case for being moot and academic
patent owner and Luchan was distributing and manufacturing contending that pfizer’s patent had already lapsed. Philpharma
industries that the intellectual property right sought to be
protected has been extinguished due to the lapse of the transfer payments, including the fixing of appropriate amount
patent license. Also, the CA had no jurisdiction to review the or rate of royalty. (n)
order of BLA because jurisdiction is vested by law on the DG of Definitely as a patent owner I will not license someone for
the IPO. Diba, the flow. free. I want something in return. If there is a controversy
involving that I will go to the DITT. Remember this is
Issue 1. Can an injunctive relief be issued based on patent appealable to the DG and the SPI not the CA.
infringement where the patent allegedly infringed had already
lapse? The SC said No more. Sec 37 of RA 165, law at the Section 87 is an enumeration of provisions that cannot be
time, explicitly provides “A patentee shall have the exclusive included in a TTA. These provisions are deemed prima facie to
right to make, use and sell the patented machine, article or have an adverse effect on competition and trade. We will not
product, and to use the patented process for the purpose of go there you will have to read because there are too many.
industry or commerce, throughout the territory of the Eto naming Section 88 are mandatory provisions. These
Philippines for the term of the patent.” so it is clear that provisions have to be placed in a TTA. It could also be called a
the exclusive rights of a patentee exists only during the voluntary license because the patentee is voluntarily giving
existence of the patent. Since the patent has already expired license to somebody or giving authority to somebody, an entity
there is no point with continuing with the injunction and or person to manufacture, distribute etc. Read them.
infringement case.

Issue on jurisdiction. Was Pfizer correct in going to the CA

on certiorari when the law says that the flow is from the BLA Section 87. Prohibited Clauses. - Except in cases under
to the DG of the IPO? The SC said correct. Because under Section 91, the following provisions shall be deemed prima
section 67 when you look at the a appeal it pertains to a final facie to have an adverse effect on competition and trade:
order. Order of the BLA denying the motion to extend the writ
of preliminary injunction is an interlocutory order that cannot 87.1. Those which impose upon the licensee the obligation to
be appealed. So under section 7 decisions of the BLA, the BT, acquire from a specific source capital goods, intermediate
the BP are appealable to the DG but this an interlocutory products, raw materials, and other technologies, or of
order that cannot be appealed so the only remedy is certiorari permanently employing personnel indicated by the licensor;
with the CA.
87.2. Those pursuant to which the licensor reserves the right
According to the SC RA 8293 is silent with respect to any to fix the sale or resale prices of the products manufactured on
remedy available to litigants who intend to question an the basis of the license;
interlocutory order issued by the BLA-IPO. Moreover, Section
1(c), Rule 14 of the Rules and Regulations on Administrative
87.3. Those that contain restrictions regarding the volume and
Complaints for Violation of Laws Involving Intellectual Property
structure of production;
Rights simply provides that interlocutory orders shall not be
appealable. The said Rules and Regulations do not prescribe a
87.4. Those that prohibit the use of competitive technologies in
procedure within the administrative machinery to be followed
a non-exclusive technology transfer agreement;
in assailing orders issued by the BLA-IPO pending final
resolution of a case filed with them. Hence, in the absence of
such a remedy, the provisions of the Rules of Court shall apply 87.5. Those that establish a full or partial purchase option in
in a suppletory manner. favor of the licensor;

Now, let’s go to voluntary licensing. 87.6. Those that obligate the licensee to transfer for free to
the licensor the inventions or improvements that may be
Sec. 85. Voluntary License Contract obtained through the use of the licensed technology;
To encourage the transfer and dissemination of
technology, prevent or control practices and conditions that 87.7. Those that require payment of royalties to the owners of
may in particular cases constitute an abuse of intellectual patents for patents which are not used;
property rights having an adverse effect on competition and
trade, all technology transfer arrangements shall comply with
87.8. Those that prohibit the licensee to export the licensed
the provisions of this Chapter. (n)
product unless justified for the protection of the legitimate
interest of the licensor such as exports to countries where
exclusive licenses to manufacture and/or distribute the
This involves TTAs technology transfer arrangements. We
licensed product(s) have already been granted;
already looked at the definition of a TTA so who has
jurisdiction. Syemprenoh, I am the patentee I will license si
Marco to manufacture my product. Not only manufacture but 87.9. Those which restrict the use of the technology supplied
to distribute and sell. So for every product that is sold I will get after the expiration of the technology transfer arrangement,
a royalty because I am the inventor. Kapagnagkaroonkang except in cases of early termination of the technology transfer
problem regarding who is entitled to the royalty, how much is arrangement due to reason(s) attributable to the licensee;
the royalty who has jurisdiction?
87.10. Those which require payments for patents and other
Section 86. Jurisdiction to Settle Disputes on Royalties. - The industrial property rights after their expiration, termination
Director of the Documentation, Information and arrangement;
Technology Transfer Bureau shall exercise quasi-judicial
jurisdiction in the settlement of disputes between parties to a 87.11. Those which require that the technology recipient shall
technology transfer arrangement arising from technology not contest the validity of any of the patents of the technology

supplier; If I enter into a TTA with Marco can I manufacture, distribute
the product myself? Yes, unless you sated in the TTA
87.12. Those which restrict the research and development nahindikopwedenggawin. So those are the rights of a licensor.
activities of the licensee designed to absorb and adapt the
transferred technology to local conditions or to initiate research What about the licensee, the one authorized?
and development programs in connection with new products,
Section 90. Rights of Licensee. - The licensee shall be entitled
processes or equipment;
to exploit the subject matter of the technology transfer
arrangement during the whole term of the technology transfer
87.13. Those which prevent the licensee from adapting the arrangement. (Sec. 33-C (1), R.A. 165a)
imported technology to local conditions, or introducing
So whatever is written in the TTA that’s what he can do.Simple
innovation to it, as long as it does not impair the quality
as that.
standards prescribed by the licensor;
Now look at Section 92
87.14. Those which exempt the licensor for liability for non-
fulfilment of his responsibilities under the technology transfer Section 92. Non-Registration with the Documentation,
arrangement and/or liability arising from third party suits Information and Technology Transfer Bureau. - Technology
brought about by the use of the licensed product or the transfer arrangements that conform with the provisions of
licensed technology; and Sections 86 and 87 need not be registered with the
Documentation, Information and Technology Transfer Bureau.
87.15. Other clauses with equivalent effects. (Sec. 33-C (2), Non-conformance with any of the provisions of Sections 87
R.A 165a) and 88, however, shall automatically render the technology
transfer arrangement unenforceable, unless said technology
Section 88. Mandatory Provisions. - The following provisions transfer arrangement is approved and registered with the
shall be included in voluntary license contracts: Documentation, Information and Technology Transfer Bureau
under the provisions of Section 91 on exceptional cases. (n)

88.1. That the laws of the Philippines shall govern the

interpretation of the same and in the event of litigation, the
Meaning if it does not have all those prohibited provisions, if it
venue shall be the proper court in the place where the licensee
contains all the mandatory provisions you don’t need to
has its principal office;
register. Angproblema if the patentee wants to render his
license hindika din kasali.
88.2. Continued access to improvements in techniques and
processes related to the technology shall be made available Compulsory Licensing. This is entirely new. The provisions on
during the period of the technology transfer arrangement; compulsory licensing are amended by the Cheaper Medicines
Act. What is compulsory licensing? It is the grant of a license
88.3. In the event the technology transfer arrangement shall to exploit the patented invention, even without the agreement
provide for arbitration, the Procedure of Arbitration of the of the patent owner.
Arbitration Law of the Philippines or the Arbitration Rules of
the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law The patent owner is not involved. Who may grant the license?
(UNCITRAL) or the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the The DG of the IPO.
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) shall apply and the
SEC. 93-A. Procedures on Issuance of a Special Compulsory
venue of arbitration shall be the Philippines or any neutral
License under the TRIPS Agreement. - 93-A.1. The Director
country; and
General of the Intellectual Property Office, upon the written
recommendation of the Secretary of the Department of Health,
88.4. The Philippine taxes on all payments relating to the
shall, upon filing of a petition xxx
technology transfer arrangement shall be borne by the
Take note
licensor. (n)
The special compulsory license for the importation
Section 89. Rights of Licensor. - In the absence of any contemplated under this provision shall be an additional special
provision to the contrary in the technology transfer alternative procedure to ensure access to quality affordable
arrangement, the grant of a license shall not prevent the medicines. Precisely because this is the Cheaper Medicines
licensor from granting further licenses to third person nor from Act.Kasingadibamaraming generic drugs that these companies
exploiting the subject matter of the technology transfer are selling at 300- 400% patong when you can actually get the
arrangement himself. (Sec. 33-B, R.A. 165a) generic ones at a much cheaper price. This is what this law is
all about, to be able to get the cheaper version of patented
drugs initially, primarily for domestic consumption.
Now if there is a licensing agreement or TTA inthe absence of
any provision to the contrary, the grant of a license shall not The patent owner, those drug manufacturing companies, if a
prevent the licensor from granting further licenses to third compulsory license is given to x, entity in the Philippines, to
person. directly import the drugs from abroad, the patent owner is
entitled to adequate remuneration to be paid either by the
So if I have a TTA with Marco would allow him to distribute my exporting or importing country. Big time ito.Hindi ito sari-sari
product, Can I enter into another agreement with Jonathan? store negotiation. A country, the Philippines, has to pay the
Yes, unless exclusive siya. Of course if you stated there he is drug company if a special compulsory license is issued.
the exclusive manufacturer, distributor etc, then I cannot enter
into a TTA with Jonathan. The compulsory license shall also contain a provision directing
the grantee the license to exercise reasonable measures to the grant of the patent.
prevent the re-exportation of the products imported under this Okay the other provisions just read.Transmission of
provision. Rights, this is similar to voluntary licensing

Section 103. Transmission of Rights. - 103.1. Patents or

Siyempre, what is the purpose of this law, to provide cheaper applications for patents and invention to which they relate,
medicine for Filipinos to use it for domestic use. Let’s say 10 shall be protected in the same way as the rights of other
containers 40 foot container of generic drugs is sent thru property under the Civil Code.
compulsory license taposieexportsa Bangladesh, sa Laos, di
We will always go back to the rights of an owner: the right
He must take reasonable measure. Pero it’s happening people to enjoy, dispose and recover. So because the owner has
making money out of that. Aside from PDAF and Malapayan. the right to dispose of his property, he can dispose of his
invention, he can dispose the patent. He can assign, he
The grant of a special compulsory license under this provision can transmit by inheritance. He can enter into licensing
shall be an exception to Sections 100.4 and 100.6 of Republic contracts.
Act No. 8293 and shall be immediately executory.
Section 104. Assignment of Inventions. - An assignment
may be of the entire right, title or interest in and to the
So this really a national issue not only a hospital issue. patent and the invention covered thereby, or of an
undivided share of the entire patent and invention, in
What court can issue a TRO or preliminary injunction or such
which event the parties become joint owners thereof. An
other provisional remedies that will prevent the grant of the
assignment may be limited to a specified territory. (Sec.
special compulsory license? Supreme Court. So the drug
51, R.A. No. 165)
company is totally against the issuance of a compulsory
license. It has to go to the SC.
a. Take note, assignment may be of the entire right, title
We have another kind, under special compulsory license.
or interest in and to the patent and the invention or
"93-A.2. A compulsory license shall also be available for the of an undivided share. Therefore the assignee will
manufacture and export of drugs and medicines to any country become a co-owner with the patentee. So what if the
patent is jointly owned? Either the issuance of the
having insufficient or no manufacturing capacity in the
patent is joint or by reason of the assignement. He
pharmaceutical sector to address public health problems.
assigned part of his patent so he is now a co-owner
with the assignee or by reason of succession. Each of
Let’s say a US company has an exclusive manufacturer here in the co-owners is entitled to make, use, sell, or import
the PH for the drugs. X can apply for a license to manufacture the invention for his own profit:
the drugs here. Kasi the formula is not a secret, published So each co-owner, under our lessons on co-ownership,
namanyan. And export these drugs to other countries that has the right to use the property for the purpose for which
have no manufacturing capacity. it was intended.
But because of the co-ownership, Neither of the joint
Provided, That, a compulsory license has been granted by owners shall be entitled:
such country or such country has, by notification or otherwise, a. to grant licenses, or
allowed importation into its jurisdiction of the patented drugs b. to assign his right, title or interest or part thereof
and medicines from the Philippines in compliance with the Without:
TRIPS Agreement. a. the consent of the other owner or owners, or
b. proportionally dividing the proceeds with such other
owner or owners.
These are the 2 kinds of compulsory license This is an act of alteration. If you want to dispose you
need unanimous consent.
1. Importation
2. Manufacturing and Exportation of these drugs Utility models

What is the period for the filing for a petition for a

Section 108. Applicability of Provisions Relating to
compulsory license?
Patents. - 108.1. Subject to Section 109, the
SEC. 94. Period for Filing a Petition for a Compulsory provisions governing patents shall apply, mutatis
License. - 94.1. A compulsory license may not be applied mutandis, to the registration of utility models.
for on the ground stated in Subsection 93.5 before the
expiration of a period of four (4) years from the date of 108.2. Where the right to a patent conflicts with the
filing of the application or three (3) years from the date of right to a utility model registration in the case
the patent whichever period expires last. referred to in Section 29, the said provision shall
apply as if the word "patent" were replaced by the
words "patent or utility model registration". (Sec. 55,
What about the other grounds? R.A. No. 165a)

94.2. A compulsory license which is applied for on any of When shall an invention qualify for registration as a utility
the grounds stated in Subsections 93.2, 93.3, 93.4, and model? When it is new and industrially applicable
93.6 and Section 97 may be applied for at any time after
[Sec. 109.1(a)]. So we don’t have the second requisite TRADEMARK it is ___ capable of distinguishing the GOODS of
of inventive step. an enterprise while SERVICE MARK is capable of distinguishing
the SERIVICES of the enterprise.
What is the term if the Bureau of Patents issues a patent
for a utility model? 7 years from the date of the filing and On the other hand, TRADE NAME-means the name or
cannot be renewed. Hanggangdoonlangsiya 7 years. designation identifying or distinguishing an enterprise.

What are the grounds for cancellation? Ma’am: Can you give me an example of a trade mark and a
1. That the claimed invention does not: trade name belonging to one enterprise.
a. qualify for registration as a utility model and
b. meet the requirements of registrability, in particular Answer:
having regard to Sec. 109.1 and Sec. 22, 23, 24 and Trade name: ADIDAS
27; Trademark: ___
2. That the description and the claims do not comply with
the prescribed requirements; Another answer:
3. That any drawing which is necessary for the Trade name: NIKE
understanding of the invention has not been furnished; Trade mark: the check
4. That the owner of the utility model registration is not the
inventor or his successor in title. Another answer:
Trade name: Coca cola bottlers
The same old grounds. Now, let’s say siRaymund goes to the Trade mark: Coca cola
Bureau of patent and applies for a patent registration. While
the application was pending napaisipsiya, teka sandal may Another answer:
inventive step baangaking invention. Parangwala. Can he Trade name: Procter & Gamble
convert his registration to an application for a registration of a Trade mark: Tide, Mr. Clean
utility model? Yes, at any time before the grant or refusal of
the patent upon payment of the prescribed fees. How many The trade name is the name of the corporation, San Miguel
times can a conversion be made? Once lang. he cannot go Corporation, trade mark niya yung San Miguel Pale Pilsen.
back and forth.
The other way around? Yes, if the original application is for a Now Service Mark, mark of an enterprise that provides
utility model can he convert it into a patent registration? Yes services. Like a DASIA Security Agency, diba they have this
because it’s the same office. When? Anytime before the refusal mark, that is the service mark.
of the grant of utility model registration.
If you convert, what is your filing date? The initial filing date. Now in the case of US vs. Kyburz GR No. 9458, Nov 24,
You will retain your initial filing date even if you convert your 1914, According to the SC how do you distinguish between a
application. Can you file one application for patent and the trade mark and a trade name, one of the distinguishing
other one for utility invention? No, whether consecutively or characteristics of a trade name is, unlike the trade mark they
simultaneously. are not necessarily attached or fixed to the goods of the
Ah, today I will file an application for patent owner.
bukasnalangangisa. No, you cannot.
HAPPY is a trademark. What is the trade name? Langoyan
We will not discuss this anymore (Industrial Design and Layout Corporation (not sure). It is not necessarily connected to the
Designs). Just read. This was amended by RA 9150. Anyway product. What is connected to the product is the trade mark.
very simple, just look at the definition of industrial design. Just
take note ha, an industrial design is any composition of lines A trade name is a name, device of mark by which is intended
or colors or any 3-dimensional form, whether or not associated to be distinguished from that of others, the business,
with lines or colors. Meaning, you design, make a drawing of a profession, trade or occupation. So it identifies the business
machine or something, this can also be registered. A design, the enterprise, not the product, in which one may be engaged
lay-out design, in goods or manufacture sold to the public, work is done to the
Merontayong requirements. It must be new and ornamental. It public or professional services are rendered to the public.
must be original. There is also a term (5 years, renewable for
not more than 2 consecutive periods of 5 years each, by It is not essential that trade names should appear on the
paying the renewal fee). Anyway, I will not ask this in the goods manufactured or dealt in by the person holding or using
exam. I don’t think it will come out in the Bar but there’s no the name. It is sufficient that trade name is used by way of
harm in reading. Read the amended one, RA 9150. That is too advertisements, signs over the place of business or letterheads
detailed na for the exam. We are focused on patent, and in other ways to furnish the public a method of
trademarks, and copyrights.  distinguishing the business, trade or occupation of the person
owning or using the trade name.

Transcribed by: Delfin, Cherry Marie So, that is the discussion of US vs. Kuburz.

October 25, 2013; Part 1 Let’s start with marks whether a service mark or a trade mark.
Just like a patent or in Section 122, the rights of the mark
Let’s go to trademarks and trade names. Under Section 21,
shall be acquired through registration made validly in
these are the definitions:
accordance with the provisions of this law.

There is a taxi company here, MASTERCAB, I do not know who So, in other words you cannot register anything that is similar,
the owner of the taxi Mastercab. Is that a trade mark? Yes. But or confusingly similar to a registered trademark. If that
is it a registered trade mark? We do not know. So there are trademark is registered for the same goods or services or
lots of trademarks all over. But whether it is registered or not, closely related goods or services.
it is a different story.
Going back to that “bee”, can the picture of that bee, be
Only registered trademarks or service marks are protected by registered by X for empanada, ensaymada? NO! because it is
law. Meaning if somebody uses your registered trademark, you still food. Jollibee also serves Filipino meals.
can sue, for what? INFRINGEMENT.
But can that “bee” be registered for electric fan? Yes! Because
they are not closely related goods or services. That is letter “d”
So, Section 123 enumerates what cannot be registered. You
of Section 123.
can run around the place using that trademark as the
trademark of your goods, products, your service but you
A registered mark in the Philippines, you cannot register
cannot register.
anything similar to that or closely related goods or services.

Section 123. Registrability. – 123.1. A mark cannot be Let’s go to letter “e”

registered if it:
You cannot register something or a mark which is identical
a. Consists of immoral, deceptive or scandalous matter, with, or confusingly similar to, or constitutes a translation of a
bastos words, you cannot use that, or matter which may mark which is considered by the competent authority of the
disparage or falsely suggest a connection with persons, Philippines to be well-known internationally and in the
living or dead, institutions, beliefs, or national symbols, or Philippines, whether or not it is registered here, as being
bring them into contempt or disrepute; already the mark of a person other than the applicant for
b. Consists of the flag or coat of arms or other insignia of the registration, and used for identical or similar goods or services:
Philippines or any of its political subdivisions, or of any
foreign nation, or any simulation thereof; One perfect example for that is, whether you believe it or not,
Can you put up a sari-sari store and put the flag of Japan? GR No. 171053, October 15, 2007.

In-n-out burger used to be, not anymore a popular burger

Sure, why not. Can you register that? NO!
chain in US. It’s based in California USA. In-n-out burger filed
before the BLA a complaint against this guy Sehwani, for
c. Consists of a name, portrait or signature identifying a
violation of intellectual property right.
particular living individual,
In-n-out alleged that it is the owner of the trade name “IN-N-
Floresita wants to open an internet cafe, can she put the
OUT” and trademarks “IN-N-OUT,” “IN-N-OUT Burger & Arrow
picture of Jonathan there?
Design” and “IN-N-OUT Burger Logo,” which are used in its
business since 1948 up to the present. These trade name and
Sure why not, if he agrees. But can you register his picture as
trademarks were registered in the United States as well as in
your trademark? If he agrees. Your picture? That’s no problem
other parts of the world, although not registered here in the
because that is your own face.

“the name, signature, or portrait of a deceased President of Now, on June 1997, In-n-out applied with the IPO for the
the Philippines, during the life of his widow, if any, except by registration of its trade mark In-n-out, but it discovered
written consent of the widow; Sehwani has already obtained a registration for the trademark
In-n-out on December 17, 1993, 4 years earlier without his
You cannot register the face name and signature of Ferdinand
Marcos because Imelda is still alive. Unless, she agrees.
So, In-n-out demanded that Sehwani desist from claiming
The most important are letters d, e and f. These are the
ownership of the trade mark In-n-out but Sehwani refused to
favorite sources of BAR questions. You have to be able to
distinguish between d, e, and f.
According to Sehwani, In-n-out lacks a capacity to sue because
(Ma’am is making an illustration on the board)
it is not doing business in the Philippines, and its mark is not
registered here. As registered owner of the In-n-out mark,
So here we have anything that is identical to the registered
according to Sehwani, he enjoys a presumption that it is validly
mark, so, think about a registered mark in the Philippines. Let’s
acquired and he has the exclusive right to use the mark.
say the Jollibee bee, let’s say it is a registered trademark of
ISSUE: Does In-n-out have the legal capacity to sue?
Anything identical to the bee, if you want to register something
SC: Just like in patents, under Section 160, YES!. Because it is
that is similar to that bee, with a different color combination,
a corporation not doing business here, it is based in USA which
it's a little bit different. In respect to the similar goods or
is a signatory of a treaty which is the Philippines is a signatory
services or closely related goods or services, which would
nearly to resemble such a mark, which is likely to deceive or
cause confusion. Next issue: Is the trademark In-n-out considered as
internationally well-known?

SC: According to the Philippines, YES! So definitely, if you use that apple trademark in your electric
fan, people will say na, ngmamanufacture na pala ngayon ang
How do you know that a mark is internationally well known? apple ng electric fan. The interest of the owner of the
registered mark would likely be damaged by such use.
According to Article 6 of the Paris Convention, where it
involves the US and Philippines as signatories, it governs the So, most of the cases are filed from here.
protection of well known trademarks.
Let’s go through some cases.
A trademark is protected under Article 6, if it is well known in
the country where the protection is sought. McDonalds vs. McJoy GR No. 166115, Feb 2, 2007.

So, who will determine if the mark is internationally well- In 1991, McJoy, this is a combination of Bigmac and Chicken
known? Joy. McJoy engaged in the sale of fast food products in Cebu
filed in the IPO of application of the registration of the
It lies in the competent authority of the country of registration trademark “McJoy” for fried chicken, chicken barbecue,
or use. burgers, fries, spaghetti, palabok, halo-halo, sandwiches and
Who is this?
Under the __ agreement, there are different classes of goods.
The Registering authority, meaning the Bureau of Trademark.
These kinds of food falls under classes 29 and 30.
It has the power to decide this or the court of the country in
question. It can be the Bureau of trademark or the courts. McDonalds of USA filed a notice of opposition against the
McJoy application. You know where opposition is filed right?
According to the SC since the Bureau of Trademark found that
Where? The BLA.
In-n-out was able to prove that its mark is an internationally
well-known mark, then it is internationally well-known. McDonald claims that the trademark McJoy so resembles their
corporate logo, otherwise known as the golden arches or the
Because Sehwani is also using that mark for burgers, it is
“M” design. Its marks Mcchicken, Mcfries such have been used
definitely identical or similar goods. Even if the internationally
on identical and related goods the trademark applied for would
well-known mark is not registered here, if you want to use
confuse or deceive purchasers believing that the goods were
that, if you want to register that mark for similar goods or
delivered from the same stores or origin.
services to which it is identified in its country of origin, to
which it is registered, then it cannot be registered here. According to McJoy, why are you accusing us of copying your
design, we used the mark McJoy for many many years already
What should be taken into account to determine whether a
in our restaurants in Cebu. WE spent considerable amounts
mark is internationally well-known, according to our IPC,
money for extensive promotion of our mark McJoy in media,
knowledge of the relevant sector of the public.
especially in Cebu, where we have been doing business long
before the McDonalds outlet opened in 1992.
Knowledge in which has been obtained as a result of the
promotion of the mark. Do they come up in magazines, or are
Our use of the mark would not confuse affiliation with
they sold here in the Philippines.
McDonals restaurants, services, food because of differences in
details and designs of the mark.
The third one that you have to compare is letter “f” of Section
123, is identical with, or confusingly similar to, or constitutes a
SC: It falls under letter “d” of Section 123. It is the same
translation of a mark considered well – known, another
products, food products. It is confusingly similar and the mark
internationally well-known mark which is registered in the
is registered here. The McDonalds mark.
McDonalds vs. LC Big Mac Burger
If it is internationally well-known and it is registered here, you
cannot register that mark for any kinds of goods and services This one naman is Big Mac. It is not confusingly similar daw
whether similar or not. with the Big Mac of McDonalds.

For example that Nike Swoosh, can you use that as your Big Mac has a mark of that burger that particular burger that
trademark in a sari-sari store? Yes you can. But you can be big burger of McDonalds is actually registered here in the
sued for infringement. Philippines. It was registered in 1985. That Big Mac trademark.
So McDonalds is the trade name and the trade mark Big Mac is
Can you register that in the IPO?
Definitely not, even if it is for your longanisa. Because it is
So, ito namang LC Big Mac Burger operates a fast food outlet
registered here.
to a snack buds, yung mga nakapark dyan sa labas.
Like Apple trademark. You think you can register that for
LC menu includes hamburger, sandwiches and other food
potato chips? No way.
items. SO LC applied in 1988 with the IPO for registration of
the Big Mac mark for its hamburger and sandwiches.
You have to be able to identify paragraphs d, e, and f.
Of course this was opposed by McDonalds.
Provided, That use of the mark in relation to those goods or
services would indicate a connection between those goods or
According to LCBM they have been using the name Big Mac
services, and the owner of the registered mark:
burger for their fast food business and that McDonalds does
not have the exclusive right to the Big Mac mark.
So, where does this fall? Letter “d”. Registered mark in the requested as a result of the use that have been made of it in
Philippines and same goods and services. commerce in the Philippines.

There are other issues in this case which we will take up later. So, in other words even though this particular mark or sign or
We will go to some BAR questions later when we finish this. word cannot be registered under Section 123, (i) (j) (k) (l), if it
has already acquired a secondary meaning then the Bureau of
Those are the 3 related provisions, d, e and f. Trademarks may allow it for registration.

Next what cannot be registered? The case that is always cited when it comes to the Doctrine of
Secondary Meaning is the case of Ana Ang vs. Teodoro 74
Something that (g) is likely to mislead the public, particularly
Phil 50, GR No. 48226, Dec 14, 1942.
as to the nature, quality and characteristics or geographical
origin of the goods or services; The term “Ang Tibay”. In the old days maybe in 1950s or
1960s, the term “Ang Tibay” or the brand “Ang Tibay” were
So let us say you are a butcher you have a steakhouse, you
shoes, sandals. This was manufactured by Mr. Teodoro and
want to sell Korean beef. Can you register that? The Korean
the buying public who is always particular about quality, would
beef? NO! because that will make people think that the meat
always associate that brand “Ang Tibay with quality shoes.
was processed in Korea.
Here comes Ang, wanted to use the term Ang Tibay for his
Can you register tasty beef? NO! because it is likely to mislead
own products. So itong si Mr. Teodoro opposed.
the public as to the characteristics or the quality of your beef.
Ang said, “Ang Tibay” cannot be registered because it is an
(h) consists exclusively of signs that are generic for the goods
indication of the quality of your goods, so it cannot be
or services that they seek to identify
registered under the Intellectual Property Code.
In the case of East Pacific vs. Director of Patents GR No.
SC: It can be registered by Mr. Teodoro. Because the term
L-14377, Dec 29 1960
“Ang Tibay” has already acquired a secondary meaning. The
Doctrine of Secondary Meaning is to the effect that a word
The SC said Verbena" being descriptive of a whole genus of
or phrase originally incapable of exclusive appropriation with
garden plants with fragrant flowers, the use of term cannot be
reference to an article of the market, because geographically
denied to others. Meaning you cannot register Verbena
or otherwise descriptive, might nevertheless have been used
because it is a genus of fragrant flowers. So, other people can
so long and so exclusively by one producer with reference to
also use the term.
his article that, in that trade and to that branch of the
But generic terms are only not registrable for the goods or purchasing public, the word or phrase has come to mean that
services that they seem to identify. Like “apple” you can the article was his product.
register apple for the fruits because it is used to identify
What are the other terms that have acquired a secondary
computers, so pwede.
(i)Consists exclusively of signs or of indications that have
Answer: Band-aid
become customary or usual to designate the goods or services
in everyday language or in bona fide and established trade
One case related to this is the term “Selecta”. Arce Sons vs.
Selecta Biscuit 1 SCRA 253, GR No. L-14761, Jan 28,
(j) Consists exclusively of signs or of indications that may serve
in trade to designate the kind, quality, quantity, intended In the past that Selecta brand of ice cream was originated by
purpose, value, geographical origin, time or production of the the Arce Group, the ARCE family. They had bakeries,
goods or rendering of the services, or other characteristics of restaurant and they created that Selecta ice cream, made of
the goods or services; Carabao’s milk. At that time, it was not registered.

(k) Consists of shapes that may be necessitated by technical Here comes Selecta Biscuit Company. So when ARCE wanted
factors or by the nature of the goods themselves or factors to register the “Selecta” name for its ice cream and other
that affect their intrinsic value; products. It was opposed by Selecta Biscuit Company.

(l) Consists of color alone, unless defined by a given form; or According to Selecta Biscuit Company, this word “Selecta”
cannot be registered because it is Spanish for select, meaning
(m) Is contrary to public order or morality. the “cream of the crop”, so it kinda describes your product. So
it cannot be registered.
These are the marks that cannot be registered.
SC: The SC said the term “Selecta” has already acquired a
(i) (j) (k) (l), they are similar to each other. In relation to those secondary meaning in so far as the Arce family is concerned
we have the DOCTRINE OF SECONDARY MEANING. because they have been using that term; it identifies their
products for so long and so exclusively that in the mind of the
Under Section 123.2. As regards signs or devices mentioned public, when you talk about ice cream na masarap, it is already
in paragraphs (j), (k), and (l), nothing shall prevent the Selecta.
registration of any such sign or device which has become
distinctive in relation to the goods for which registration is But the Arce family sold the trademark Selecta to another
entity. Now, who is producing that? I do not know who is

producing that. The trade mark was sold, that is why there is And then pay the required fees.
that Arce ice cream. The trade mark was sold but the formula,
I am not sure if it was sold, because that is not trade mark. This one you already know. Priority Rights. Same as patents
The formula is patent. Look at the beauty of this Section 31 for patents. Section 131
for trademarks.
Arce has its own ice cream now, which is really yummy. 
Section 131.2 No registration of a mark in the Philippines by
a person described in this section shall be granted until such
Under the old IPC, RA 165 or 166, the requirement of a
mark has been registered in the country of origin of the
registration of a mark is prior use. That is the requisite. You
have to show the Bureau of Trademark that you have been
using this mark in your business. It is that you are using to
Take Note: for the priority right to apply, if X applied in the
identify your products or services before you can register it.
Philippines for a registration on June 1 and then Y applied in
the Philippines for registration on July 1 and then he (Y)
But this requirement has been removed under RA 8293. The
applied in his country on April 1, in his country of origin.
requirement now is actual use. A declaration of actual use. It
is okay that you did not use it before registration. But after This one should be granted first. Before this application can be
registration you have to use it. Because there are people who granted. Until such mark has been registered in the country of
would think na gamitin natin tong pangalan na to. This is a origin. (ma’am is making an illustration sa board wala ko
really nice for a business. I will register it so that nobody can kabalo unsa iyang ginarefer na mgrant first, kung si X ba or Y).
use it. If in the future I will put up a restaurant I want to put
this name. Take Note under Section 131.3, said registrant cannot sue
for the acts committed prior to the date for which his mark is
That is fine. But Section 124.2 says, The applicant or the registered in the Philippines.
registrant shall file a declaration of actual use of the mark with
evidence to that effect, you have to attach pictures, proofs as (ma’am referring sa illustration sa board)
prescribed by the Regulations within three (3) years from the
Even though there is an application kung walang registration,
filing date of the application. You have to start using that mark
the applicant cannot sue for infringement. That is the
whether or not the registration has been approved or granted.
difference between trademarks and patents.
Otherwise, the application shall be refused or the mark shall be
removed from the Register by the Director.
For patents, once the application has been published,
somebody replicates the product, manufactures the same
Now, this is the requirement. DAU, Declaration of Actual
product, there is already a right to sue given to the applicant
for the patent.
3 years from the filing date of the application.
But that applicant for trademark registration, as long as the
Section 124.3 says One (1) application may relate to several registration has not been granted, there is no way. Kahit
goods and/or services, whether they belong to one (1) class or marami ang gagaya, it is not registered, so there is no
to several classes of the Nice Classification. infringement.

Now, unlike patents where you can only have one invention for But, the owner of a well-known mark as defined Section (e),
your application, you can have a duplicitous trade mark that is not registered in the Philippines, like the In-n-out, for
application. Meaning, let us say you want to register your example it is internationally well-known but it is not registered,
trademark for shoes, pwede rin siya for food, for electric fan, it can sue against an identical or confusingly similar mark or
everything under the sun that you want to put that trademark oppose its registration or petition the cancellation of its
on. Isama mo dun sa application mo. Because if you do not, it registration or sue for unfair competition, so even though it is
is just like that Omnibus Motion Rule, if it is not there in your not registered here, if it is internationally well-known, it can
application for registration, you cannot stop other people from sue. But it cannot sue for trademark infringement, dahil wala
using your trademark for a different product. siyang trademark dito.

You have to make sure, if you want to register your trademark, (ma’am referring sa illustration sa board)
you include everything that you can think of that you want to
Opposition cases. Who can file?
associate that mark with. So pwede mong icombine goods and
then services.
Section 134. Any person who believes that he would be
damaged by the registration of a mark, so ikaw Floresita if you
Again, the filing date, Section 127. very easy, what you
are trying to register the face of Jonathan as your trademark
should submit for your application to be considered filed:
he can oppose, because definitely he will be damaged if you
(a) An express or implicit indication that the registration of a register his face in your sari-sari store. 
mark is sought;
(b) The identity of the applicant;
(c) Indications sufficient to contact the applicant or his
A: Within thirty (30) days after the publication of the
representative, if any;
application. Just like patents, the application must be
(d) A reproduction, a picture, of the mark whose registration
is sought; and
(e) The list of the goods or services for which the registration Where can you file the opposition?
is sought.
Very easy sa trademark there is no __ and examination the “In case of the use of an identical sign for identical goods or
only thing that needs to be determined is the compliance with services, a likelihood of confusion shall be presumed.” If the
Section 123. If it passes the Section 123 tests then, the Bureau signs are identical, the nike __, also for rubber shoes then
of Trademark will issue and publish the Certificate of obviously, you don’t have to think about it. Like those sold
Registration. there in DCLA, ung crocs dba how much was it? P75 nlng ata
but if you go to the crocs store in abreeza 3K ang isa? And you
When shall it be issued? see exactly the same in DCLA and only for 75 or 3 for 100. You
think the customer would be confused? Obviously not. The
A: When the period for filing an opposition expires. Ipupublish
likelihood of confusion is presumed. Obviously if you only pay
yung application eh, so if nobody opposes, then because
75 crocs that means you buy fake. It is comfortable nman so
before publication they would still have to determine if it
who cares but I am not promoting fake products ha, im just
passes the Section 123 tests, then there is no opposition.
Or there may be an opposition, but the opposition is denied.
Now, going back to well-known mark registered here in the
Then the Certificate of Registration will be issued and
Philippines, “the exclusive right of the owner of a well-known
marks registered here extend to the goods and services not
Where will it be published? similar to which the mark is registered.” As long as you are
international well known mark registered here, nobody can
A: The IPO gazette. register anything and nobody can use it for anything at the risk
of being sued for infringement. Look at mastercab, it is
Take Note: Section 138. A Certificate of Registration shall be confusingly similar with mastercard, just look at the logo, the
a prima facie evidence of the validity of the registration and two circles dba, now the question is like dba ganito yan if
that the registrant’s ownership of the mark and of the mastercard is not register here in the Philippines ung kanyang
registrant’s exclusive right to use the same in connection with trademark, pede gamitin ni (ung may-ari ng mastercab) under
the goods or services and those that are related thereto Sec. 123 D or E kasi it falls with different products taxi nman
specified in the certificate. ung isa, ung isa credit card. But if it is registered here, he can
be sued for infringement because it is definitely confusingly
So if it is registered, the registrant has the exclusive right to
similar and don’t tell me it is not. “Provided that use of that
use the mark for the goods and services that he listed down in
mark in relation to those goods or services…we already talk
his application and written down also in the certificate.
about this.
Section 145. Once a Certificate of Registration is issued it
So, if there is a limitation to the right of a patentee, registered
shall remain in force for ten years.
owner of the mark cannot preclude third parties from using
What is the requirement? bona-fide their names, addresses, pseudonyms etc. I just want
to read this article. How Cesar Gawpo got rob of his name.
A: The DAU or the Declaration of Actual Use or show valid (read the article)
reasons based on the existence of obstacles to such use, if you
were not able to use it within the period of 3 years from filing Anyway, can a registered mark be transferred or assigned?
you have to give reason why within one year from the fifth Yes. ung Selecta trademark; transferred by the Arci family to I
anniversary of the date of the registration of the mark. don’t know who bought it first but how about the business?
Otherwise the mark can be removed from the Register. transferred as well? The answer is no. binenta lang nila ang
pangalan bahala sila maghanap ng formula ng ice cream that
Transcribed by: Paz, Ivy Rose the public will buy.
Oct. 25, 2013; Part 2
When such transfer or assignment be null and void? If it is
So Let’s continue. liable to mislead the public, particularly as regards the nature,
source, manufacturing process, characteristics or suitability for
So a registered mark is good for 10 years. 10 years from the their purpose, of the goods or services to which the mark is
issuance of the certificate. Before that there was no applied.
registration, there is no trademark register unlike in patent so
this can be renewed every 10 years. A certificate of How do you transfer your registered trademark? It shall be in
registration may be renewed every 10 years and every 10 writing, signed by the contracting parties and recorded at the
years after that. IPO. It must be recorded there so the IPO will know who is
now the registered owner. Sec. 149.5 says that assignments
So what are the rights conferred to the owner of a registered and transfers shall have no effect against third parties until
mark? Sec. 147. xxx “Shall have the exclusive right to prevent they are recorded at the Office.
all third parties not having the owner’s consent from using in
the course of trade identical or similar signs or containers for Sec. 151. Cancellation.
goods or services which are identical or similar to those in Who can file? Any person who believes that he is or will be
respect of which the trademark is registered where such use damaged by the registration of a mark.
would result in a likelihood of confusion.” So if you applied for What to file? Petition to cancel.
registration you have to include everything, the drawings of Where? Again, BLA.
the container if it is a box, if it is a carton, a bottle, ung label Prescriptive period for cancellation of registered mark? 5 years
mo, everything should be included so if ever somebody copies from the date of the registration. That is the general
it then that person or entity can be sued of infringement. prescriptive period. Just like those grounds of Sec. 123, you
want the trademark to be cancelled because it falls under any
of those in 123 provisions, 5 years only otherwise the action Sec. 155.1 Use in commerce Any reproduction, counterfeit,
prescribes. But there is a provision which gives us grounds for copy, or colorable imitation of a registered mark, or the same
cancellation which do not prescribed. These grounds are container or a dominant feature thereof in connection with the
available at any time. sale, offering for sale, distribution, advertising of any goods or
services including other preparatory steps necessary to carry
The petition for cancellation may be filed at anytime: out the sale of any goods or services or in connection with
1. if the registered mark becomes the generic name for the which such use is likely to cause confusion, or to cause
goods and services or a portion thereof, for which it is mistake, or
registered; to deceive;
2. registered mark has been abandoned; Definitely, those marks that are similar to popular
3. its registration was obtained fraudulently or contrary to the brands/marks, the purpose is really there, why on earth would
provisions of this Act; a person go on his way to try to imitate popular brand? That is
4. if the registered mark is being used by or with permission to cause confusion or to deceive.
of, the registrant so as to misrepresent the source of the
goods or services on or in connection with which the mark is Sec. 155.2 Reproduce, counterfeit, copy or colorably imitate a
used; and registered mark or a dominant feature thereof and apply such
5. failure to use the mark here in the Philippines during the reproduction, counterfeit, copy or colorable imitation to labels,
uninterrupted period of 3 years or longer. signs, prints, packages, wrappers, receptacles or
So these grounds are available at anytime for cancellation. But advertisements intended to be used in commerce upon or in
if the grounds are under Sec.123 meaning the mark cannot be connection with the sale, offering for sale, distribution, or
registered because of this and that, 5 years from date of advertising of goods or services on or in connection with which
registration. such use is likely to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or to
So the requirement upon registration is that actual use of the
mark. Under Sec. 152 when is the non-use of the mark So lets focus on trademark.
excused. How do you know that there is infringement?
If caused by circumstances arising independently of the will of The test is not the exact imitation but colorable imitation.
the trademark owner. Naaresto xa, solitary confinement.
Is lack of funds excused? The answer is No. Colorable imitation is such a close or ingenious imitation as to
What if the mark is used in form different from the form in be calculated to deceive ordinary purchasers, or such
which it is registered which does not alter its distinctive resemblance of the infringing mark to the original as to
character? (nag.drawing sa board: sign within the circle tas deceive an ordinary purchaser giving such attention as a
tinangal ung circle but it does not alter its distinctive purchaser usually gives, and to cause him to purchase the one
character). It is not a ground for cancellation of removal. supposing it to be the other.
Meaning, substantial compliance, parang ginamit mo narin ang
registered mark. And there are two tests to determine whether colorable
What if the mark is use in connection with one or more of the imitation exists:
goods or services belonging to the class in respect of which the 1. Holistic Test – Mandates that the entirety of the marks in
mark is registered? It shall prevent its cancellation or removal question must be considered in determining confusing
in respect of all other goods or services in the same class. If similarity, or
you have 100 kinds of goods or services in your registration 2. Dominancy Test – Infringement takes place if the
and you only use it for one product, that’s fine. That is already competing trademark contains the main or essential features
tantamount to actual use. of another, and confusion and deception is likely to result.
Duplication is not necessary, nor is it necessary that the
Sec. 154. Cancellation. If the BLA finds that a case for infringing label should suggest an effort to imitate.
cancellation has been made out, it shall order the cancellation
of the registration. When the order or judgment becomes final, And of course the landmark case of Asia Brewery vs CA & San
any right conferred by such registration upon the registrant or Miguel Corp. Now you all know that San Miguel Beer Pale
any person in interest of record shall terminate. Notice of Pilsen is an amber-colored bottle with white print. Everybody
cancellation shall be published in the IPO Gazette. knows what it looks like kahit di ka pa umiinom dba? And here
comes Asia Brewery with its Beer na Beer, the same colored
So Let’s go to infringement-Sec. 155. bottle, same white print. Confusing? Is that bottle packaging of
Beer na Beer confusingly similar with San Miguel. So San
What is infringement then? It is the use by others of a Miguel filed an action for infringement against Asia Brewery
reproduction or colorable imitation of a registered trademark, saying that because of this Beer na Beer, their sales went
tradename or service mark, without the consent of the down, blaming it to infringement. But the Supreme Court said
registrant, with the purpose of causing to mislead or applying the dominancy test, you look at the dominant feature
misleading the public that such goods or services are those of of the two bottles, you will see a lot of dissimilarities. Supreme
the registrant. Court said The dominant feature of SMC's trademark is the
name of the product written in white Gothic letters, Asia
So only REGISTERED trademarks, or service marks are Brewery the dominant feature is the word "Beer" written in
protected against infringement. If you did not have your large amber letters, larger than any of the letters found in the
certificate of registration kahit 20 years ago mo pa file ang SMC label. San Miguel the word "BEER" does not appear. Asia
application mo, you are not protected. Brewery the words "SAN MIGUEL" do not appear. There is
absolutely no similarity in the dominant features of both
It shall either be the reasonable profit which the owner would
What are the other dissimilarities? In SMC, the bottle has a have realized if not for the infringement, or the profit which
slender tapered neck while in AB the bottle has a fat, bulging the infringer actually made out of the infringement, or a
neck. "pale pilsen" on SMC's label are printed in bold and laced certain percentage over the gross sales of infringer, in the
letters along a diagonal band; "pale pilsen" on AB's bottle are event such measure of damages cannot be readily ascertained.
half the size and printed in slender block letters on a straight
horizontal band. What about the back? The back of SMC's 2. Impounding of sales invoices and other documents
bottle carries no slogan. On the back of AB's bottle is printed in evidencing sales
big, bold letters, under a row of flower buds and leaves, its 3. Damages may be doubled in cases where actual intent to
copyrighted slogan: "BEER NA BEER!" The back of the SM mislead the public or to defraud the registered owner
PALE PILSEN bottle carries the SMC logo. The back of BEER 4. Injunction to prevent further use of trademark
PALE PILSEN bottle has no logo. Bottle cap is stamped with a 5. Destruction of goods found to be infringing and all related
coat of arms and the words "San Miguel Brewery" encircling paraphernalia
the same. Bottle cap is stamped with the name "BEER" in the
center, surrounded by the words "Asia Brewery”. SMC was sold Now, Sec. 158 In any suit for infringement, the owner of the
for P7 per bottle at that time 1993 while Beer na Beer was sold registered mark shall not be entitled to recover profits or
for P4.25 per bottle. One who pays only P4.25 for a bottle of damages unless the acts have been committed with
beer cannot expect to receive SMPP from the storekeeper or knowledge that such imitation is likely to cause confusion, or
bartender. The names of the manufacturers are prominently to cause mistake, or to deceive.
printed on their respective bottles. Such knowledge is presumed if:
1. the registrant gives notice that his mark is registered by
What about the term “pilsen”? Sabi ng SMC kami ang dapat displaying with the mark the words "Registered Mark"
gumamit ng word na “pilsen”, we have been using that since or the letter R within a circle (this is the indication that
time immemorial. The Supreme Court said that the fact of SMC mark is registered) or
using “pale pilsen” in their registered trademark does not 2. if the defendant had otherwise actual notice of the
constitute infringement. Why? Because “pale pilsen” are registration.
generic words descriptive of the color ("pale"), of a type of
beer ("pilsen"), which is a light bohemian beer with a strong You look around you. You see this mark, store, malay mo ba if
hops flavor that originated in the City of Pilsen in registered yan. But is there is R there then you know.
Czechoslovakia and became famous in the Middle Ages.
"Pilsen" is a "primarily geographically descriptive word," hence, Limitations to Actions for Infringement.
non-registerable and not appropriable by any beer
manufacturer. What does not constitute infringement? Under Sec. 159.1 a
registered mark shall have no effect against any person who:
So even if San Miguel has a registered trademark of San 1. in good faith,
Miguel Beer Pale Pilsen, the “pale pilsen” term is not 2. before the filing date or the priority date,
registrable and can be use by others. 3. was using the mark for the purposes of his business or
Now, what about the possibility of confusion? According to the 4. Provided, That his right may only be transferred or
SC how can anyone be confuse? Where do you buy beer? Do assigned together with his enterprise or business or with
you buy beer in supermarket? Do you ask “inday, buy me beer, that part of his enterprise or business in which the mark is
san Miguel beer day.” Do you think inday knows what san used.
Miguel beer bottle looks like?--- She will look at the name. ang
sugo man gud kay san Miguel so san Miguel talaga ang bilhin Let’s say, this mark already registered to X and have been
nia. Where else do you buy beer? You buy it by case. You using it on his product. Yun pla si Z has been using exactly this
order one case of san Miguel beer. You think the kargador will same mark even before for his pancit canton. So when X found
be confused? San Miguel ang g.order, San Miguel ang iload. In that Z has been using it for his pancit canton, can he sue for
restaurant, “beer please” and tubag, “anong klase sir?”do you infringement? If Z had been using it long before the filing date,
think the waiter will give whatever he wants? Unless the then Z cannot be sued for infringement. Now look at this
restaurant is serve exclusive. So SC said how can you be “Provided, That his right may only be transferred or assigned
confused? When it comes to beer, the purchaser knows what together with his enterprise or business xxx” earlier we look at
he wants. Anyway, you read the case. a provision which says assign you trademark, you do not have
to assign your good to it. But if this person Z, had been using
Is fraud essential in the infringement of trademark? No. the this mark of X wants to sell his pancit canton business, he
mere use of a similar mark likely to mislead the public is cannot sell the mark because he does not own the mark. If he
sufficient to constitute infringement. As long as there is wants to transfer it, it must go with the business and the
registered trademark, you use something similar in a same transferee or assignee can still use the same mark but only for
good or for well known mark even if for different pancit canton.
good/services, you can be liable for infringement.
Now, xmpre no ung mga packaging involves printing. Ung mga
Can the Infringer be Liable for to Owner of Registered Mark? advertisement.
Sec. 159.2 states where an infringer who is engaged solely in
Sec. 156. the business of printing the mark or other infringing materials
1. Damages. Gusto kasi ng SMC, the loss profits that they for others is an innocent infringer, the owner of the right
experienced will be paid by Asia Brewery. infringed shall be entitled as against such infringer only to an
injunction against future printing.
damaged by the registration of the trademark CANON in the
Nagdala lng ng template si X, malay ba ni printer if this is an name of NSR.
infringing mark. So the printer, he was only ask to print. He is The evidence presented by CKK consisted of its certificates of
an innocent infringer. What can the registered owner do? Just registration for the mark CANON in various countries covering
stop the printer from printing the infringing materials. goods belonging to class 2 consisting of paints, chemical
products, toner, and dye stuff. And it has Philippine Trademark
What if the infringement is contained or is part of a paid Registration No. 39398, showing its ownership over the
advertisement a newspaper, magazine, or other similar trademark CANON also under class 2.
periodical or in an electronic communication. Nasa internet na, CKK alleges that it is entitled to exclusive use of the mark
Philippine star, inquirer. CANON because it is its trademark and is used also for
The remedies of the owner of the right infringed as against the footwear. Naka.register xa sa with paint but they also have
publisher or distributor of such newspaper, magazine, or other footwear.
similar periodical or electronic communication shall be limited BLA dismissed the opposition of CKK and gave due course to
to an INJUNCTION against the presentation of such advertising NSR's application for the registration of the trademark CANON.
matter in future issues of such newspapers, magazines, or What is this? This is paragraph D of Sec. 123.
other similar periodicals or in future transmissions of such According to the SC, there is a world of difference between the
electronic communications. paints, chemical products, toner, and dyestuff of CKK and the
sandals of NSR.
This is not against accomplices of the crime. The publisher only
prints. Magbabayad lng ng fee if gusto magpapublish dba. Then another case. “Gold Toe” and “Gold Top”. Cluett Peabody
(a New York corporation) claims exclusive ownership of the
Injunctive relief shall NOT be available to the owner of the trademark GOLD TOE as used on men's socks and it is
right infringed meaning the registered owner, with respect to registered here in the Philippines. And here comes Amigo who
an issue of a newspaper, magazine, or other similar periodical was able to get registration for GOLD TOP also for men’s
or an electronic communication containing infringing matter socks. Medyas ng lalaki ba. (everyone laughs!☺) Cluett filed a
where restraining the dissemination of such infringing matter case against Amigo for cancellation of trademark. According to
in any particular issue of such periodical or in an electronic Amigo, how can Gold toe and Gold top confusingly similar? But
communication would delay the delivery of such issue, or SC said they are confusingly similar and besides they are both
transmission of such electronic communication is customarily for men’s socks. Buti sana kung ibang product ung Gold top.
conducted in accordance with the sound business practice, and So registration of Amigo was cancelled.
not due to any method or device adopted to evade this
section, or to prevent or delay the issuance of an injunction or Let me just go through the list. There is this case Prosource vs
restraining order with respect to such infringing matter. Horphag where the SC listed all those confusingly similar
sounding names although not identical but this is for the same
Sec. 160 the same as patents. What can a foreign entity do? products.
File a case for opposition, cancellation, infringement, unfair 1. Salonpas & Lionpas, what is the popular one, salonpas dba,
competition, or false designation of origin and false lionpas not allowed registration.
description, whether or not it is licensed to do business in the 2. Gold Dust & Gold Drop, confusingly similar but I don’t know
Philippines under existing laws. what product.
3. “Jantzen” and “Jass-Sea”, confusingly similar
Lets go to this. Authority to determine the right to registration. 4. “Silver Flash” and Supper Flash”
Dba opposition cases & cancellation cases are filed with BLA. 5. “Cascarete” and “Celborite” remember, we are talking about
What do you normally file in court? Infringement cases. The same products.
court will determine the right to registration or order the 6. “Celluloid” and “Cellonite”
cancellation of a registration, in whole or in part, and 7. “Cutex” and “Cuticlean”, what is popular one? cutex.
otherwise rectify the register with respect to the registration of 8. “Hebe” and “Meje”
any party to the action in the exercise of this. 9. “Kotex” and “Femetex”
10. “Zuso” and Hoo Hoo.”
The court then again can cancel trademark registration and 11. “Yusea” and “U-C-A,”
infringement case. 12. “Steinway Pianos” and “Steinberg Pianos,”

Judgment and orders shall be certified by the court to the The subject of this case is the term PYCNOGENOL, a food
Director of trademarks, who shall make appropriate entry upon supplement manufactured by Horphag , Switzerland and
the records of the Bureau, and shall be controlled thereby. distributed by Zuellig Pharma. Prosource of the Philippines
wanted to register PCO-GENOLS. According to SC, NO. what
So no need to go to another cancellation case with BLA. did the Prosource do? They change it. Sabi ng SC, uu you can
change it but still you committed acts of infringement.
Lets go to some cases:
Before we go, there is still important case that I want to
CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA v. CA discuss. These are two cases.
NSR Rubber filed an application for registration of the mark This is the case of Shangri-la vs CA. Now, in 1988, the
CANON. You know this as a brand for camera. NSR Rubber Shangri-la Group, this is the Shangri-la Hotels, Makati
filed an application for registration of the mark CANON for Shangri-la & Edsa Shangri-la filed a petition for cancellation of
SANDALS. An Opposition was filed by CANON KABUSHIKI the registration of the “Shangri-La” mark and “S” device/logo.
KAISHA [CKK], a foreign corporation duly organized and Apparently, before the Shangri-la group entered in the
existing under the laws of Japan, alleging that it will be Philippines, the first hotel that they build was Edsa Shangri-la
then the Makati Shangri-la. But previous to that there was traveled around Asia prior to 1982, and admitted knowing the
already another group, DGC (Developers Group of Companies) Shangri-La Hotel in Hong Kong as early as August 1982.
able to register that term Shangri-la & S-logo.
According to him on how he comes up with the S-logo, the "S-
The Shangri-La Group alleged that it is the legal and beneficial logo" was one of two (2) designs given to him in December
owners of the subject mark and logo; that it has been using 1982, scribbled on a piece of paper by a jeepney signboard
the said mark and logo for its corporate affairs and business artist. The unnamed artist supposedly produced the two
since March 1962 and caused the same to be specially designs after about two or three days from the time he
designed for their international hotels in 1975, much earlier (Syhunliong) gave the idea of the design he had in mind.
than the alleged first use thereof by the Developers Group in October 15, 1982, the unknown signboard artist supposedly
1982. created the "Shangri-La" and "S" designs. DGCI was
incorporated with the primary purpose of "owning or
Aside from the petition for cancellation, Shangri-la group also operating, or both, of hotels and restaurants". On October 18,
filed its own application for registration of the subject mark 1982, again prior to the alleged creation date of the mark and
and logo. So while the cancellation case was pending, Shangri- logo, DGCI filed an application for trademark registration of the
la constructed the Edsa Shangri-la. So what did DGC do? In mark "SHANGRI-LA FINEST CHINESE CUISINE & S. Logo". So
1991, instituted an action for infringement against Shangri-la nauna ang application bago ang submission of the design. And
Group. in 1983, DGC had gotten its certificate of registration therefor.
He is very stupid. He testified & from that alone it clearly
The Shangri-La Group moved for the suspension of the showed that he stole the logo of Shangri-la.
proceedings in the infringement case on account of the
pendency of the cancellation case file with the BLA. But RTC This was decided under the old law. What was the _ was prior
denied. use. So sabi ng SC in order to register a trademark, one must
prove prior use. Prior to 1982, did you use that? No. So you
DGC likewise filed in the cancellation case a motion to suspend DGC is not entitled to register the trademark because it was so
the proceedings because of the pendency of the infringement obvious that DGC copied it.
case. BLA denied.
What about the bad faith of DGC? The fact that he copied the
Can these two cases proceed together? Yes. The RTC ruled in logo. It is a ground for cancellation? Nanduon ba un sa
favor of DGC & held Shangri-la for infringement. It reached grounds natin? The SC said Yes. Not because of the law but
into the SC and the issue was whether or not the two cases because one who imitated a trademark of another cannot bring
can proceed together and at the end of the case, the SC said a case for infringement particularly against the real owner of
“With the decision of the Regional Trial Court upholding the the mark because he would be coming to the court with
validity of the registration of the service mark “Shangri-La” and unclean hand. Priority is of no avail to the bad faith plaintiff.
“S” logo in the name of Developers Group, the cancellation Good faith is required in order to ensure that a second user
case filed with the Bureau hence becomes moot.” So there is a may not merely take advantage of the goodwill established by
decision in 1 venue then the other case becomes moot. Let the true owner.
ssay nauna ang BLA, if it cancels the registration of DGC, then
what is the point of proceeding with the infringement in there So here the SC declared DGC’s mark of Shangri-la & S-logo is
is no more registered trademark. void.

However in the next case between Shangri-la & DGC, the SC ♥Crisz Gogo♥
gave a short history of both sides. The Kuok family owns and -end-
operates a chain of hotels with interest in hotels and hotel-
related transactions since 1969. As far back as 1962, it Transcribed by: Gogo, Forcrissa
adopted the name "Shangri-La" as part of the corporate names
of all companies organized under the aegis of the Kuok Group October 29, 2013; Part 1
of Companies (the Kuok Group). Kouk as Trade name and the
Shangri-la & S-logo as trademark.The S-logo was Where do you register a trade name? Where do you register a
conceptualized by commissioned design artist William Lee & trademark? Meron bang Bureau of Trade name? The answer is
launched it in Feb. 1975. Since 1975 and up to the present, that you don’t have to register a trade name.
the "Shangri-La" mark and "S" logo have been used
Q: When can a name or designation not be used as a
consistently and continuously by all Shangri-La hotels and
trade name?
companies in their paraphernalia, such as stationeries,
envelopes, business forms, menus, displays and receipts. To
A: A name or designation may not be used as a trade name:
centralize the operation of all Shangri-la hotels, the Kuok
Group had incorporated in Hong Kong and Singapore, among 1. if by its nature or the use to which such name or
other places, several companies that form part of the Shangri- designation may be put, it is contrary to public
La International. So that is now the tradename, Shangri-la order or morals and
International. In 1987, put up the Edsa Shangri-la & Makati 2. if, in particular, it is liable to deceive trade circles or
Shangri-la. & bcoz of that they were sued for infringement. the public as to the nature of the enterprise identified
by that name [Sec. 165.1]
Ano naman ang kwento ng DGC? Ramon Syhunliong, President
of DGC testified that he has business interest with restaurant
name“Shangri-la” using the same S-logo. According to him, he So, for example, can you use Mr. Clean as a tradename? That
will confuse the public.
Note: Notwithstanding any laws or regulations providing for 3. shall bear a mark or trade name calculated to induce
any obligation to register trade names, such names shall be the public to believe that the article is manufactured in:
protected, even prior to or without registration, against any a. the Philippines, or
unlawful act committed by third parties [Sec. 165.2(a)] b. any foreign country or locality other than the country
or locality where it is in fact manufactured,
When we look at the registration of trademarks, nothing is said shall be admitted to entry at any customhouse of the
about the registration of tradenames. Why? Because the trade Philippines.
name is the name of your company. It can be your business
name, if you are a single-proprietorship business. Where do Like for example, there was a time when one of the plants in
you register that? Mayor’s office, DTI, wherever. If it is a Canlubang was flooded and they were not able to manufacture
corporation, where do you register? SEC. So, the cars, some of the vehicles produce by Honda here in the
notwithstanding any laws or regulations providing for Philippines. So, there was a time when the vehicles of Honda
any obligation to register. But, it is said here, where do you came from Bangkok. You cannot bring in the vehicles and
register? As long as it is your trade name, it identifies your place there that it was made in the Philippines.
business, it is protected against any unlawful act committed by
third parties. Cases on Trademarks and Trade names

Q: What are acts deemed unlawful when it comes to Levis Strauss vs Vogue (2005)
trade name?
You know Levi Strauss, so we don’t have to go to the whole
Sec. 165.2(b) – Acts Deemed Unlawful: discussion.

1. Any subsequent use of the trade name by a third party, The Levis Strauss is the trade name, and Levi Strauss USA is
whether as a trade name or a mark or collective mark; the trademark.

The Levis is registered here in the Philippines. Levis discovered

So, can you use San Miguel as your trademark? No way. And it
that there is a registration under the name of Vogue Fashions,
is the trade name of San Miguel Corporation
and the trademark registered is LIVES for jeans. Levis applied
for a search warrant and raided the warehouse of Vogue.
2. Or any trade name of any person, if it is used by anyone
Vogue filed a complaint for damages against Levis. So, there
as a trademark, service mark;
was a complaint for damages against Levis. Levis, on the other
hand, filed their answer with counterclaim alleging that there
3. Any such use of a similar trade name or mark, likely to
was infringement and damages.
mislead the public
ISSUE: Can Levis file a counterclaim for infringement in an
action for damages?
1. The remedies provided for in Sec. 153 to 156 and Sec.
166 and 167 shall apply mutatis mutandis. [Sec. 165.3]
The jurisdiction belongs to the RTC, so, it does not matter
whether it is the main case or the counterclaim.
There is such a thing as infringement of trade names even
though it is not registered. SC ruled that there was infringement or colorable imitation
between Levis jeans and Lives jeans.
2. Any change in the ownership of a trade name shall be
made with the transfer of the enterprise or part thereof Diaz vs People (2013)
identified by that name.
Still involves Levis Strauss.
Remember the case of Selecta. The trade name was not
Levis Strauss 501 brand has two horses pulling a pair of pants.
Selecta, it was Arce. So, the Arce Family was able to sell the
Levis received information that Diaz was selling counterfeit
trademark, Selecta without selling the business or the formula
Levis jeans in his tailoring shop. Diaz alleged that he did not
of the ice cream. But, if you want to sell your trade name, like
manufacture Levis jeans, rather LS jeans tailoring. The label of
if San Miguel Corporation is sold, then everything has to go
LSC jeans tailoring was registered with IPO with buffalos as
with it.
the design. His shop makes made-to-order jeans in accordance
to the instructions of the customers, and that the alleged
3. The provisions of Sec. 149.2 to 149.4 shall apply mutatis
horses were not horses, rather are buffalos.
In the other case, Vogue was held liable for infringement. In
this case, the SC ruled that there was no infringement,
Sec. 166. Goods Bearing Infringing Marks or Trade
because the likelihood of confusion is missing. If you apply the
wholistic test you can see between the two patches that they
No article of imported merchandise which: are not confusing. Levis 501 is different from LS Jeans. If you
look closely, the horses are really buffalos.
1. shall copy or simulate the name of any domestic
product, or manufacturer, or dealer, or But the main reason why the SC said that there is no
2. which shall copy or simulate a mark registered in infringement because, where do you buy your new Levi
accordance with the provisions of this Act, or Strauss jeans? You go to malls and department stores. But, in
tailoring shop, you don’t buy ready-made, you order.
The SC said that the products involved are various kinds of 3. by adopting an exactly identical mark, in spelling and
jeans. They are not ordinary household items like ketchup, soy style, Uy should be presumed to have intended to
sauce or soap, jeans are not inexpensive. The casual buyers cash in or ride on the goodwill and widespread
are more cautious in purchasing. So, confusion there is recognition enjoyed by Mattel’s mark.
less likely to happen. The average consumers generally
buy these jeans by brand. They buy specific brand in a On the other hand Uy submits that the case has become moot
particular shop, they just not ask for jeans, rather Wrangler, and academic since the records of the IPO will show that no
Bench, or others. The consumers are more or less DAU was filed on or before Dec. 1, 2001, thus, he is deemed
knowledgeable or familiar with their preference and to have abandoned his trademark application for failure to
cannot be easily be distracted. comply with the mandatory filing of the DAU.

The market of Levis definitely will not go to Diaz tailoring shop ISSUE: Has the case has been rendered moot and academic?
and buy jeans there. The customers of Levis are those
who belong to class A and B. while Diaz’s customers
are those that belong to class D and E for they are only
Uy’s declaration in his Comment and Memorandum before this
sold for only 300 for every pair of pants.
Court that he has not filed the DAU as mandated by pertinent
provisions of RA 8293 is a judicial admission that he has
But, naturally, people, instead of buying Levis jeans, dun ka na
effectively abandoned or withdrawn any right or interest in the
lang sa 300. (haha!)
Just like the Asia Brewery Case, there was no infringement.
Sec. 124.2 of RA 8293 provides that: The applicant or the
registrant shall file a declaration of actual use of the mark
with evidence to that effect, as prescribed by the Regulations
Mattel, Inc. vs Francisco within 3 years from the filing date of the application.
Otherwise, the application shall be refused or the mark shall be
Facts: removed from the Register by the Director.

On Nov. 14, 1991, Jimmy Uy filed a trademark application with In the present case, Mattel is seeking a ruling on whether Uy’s
the Bureau of Trademarks of the IPO for registration of the “Barbie” trademark is confusingly similar to it’s (Mattel)
trademark “BARBIE” for use on confectionary products such s “Barbie” trademark.
milk, chocolate, candies, milkbar and chocolate candies in
Class 30 of the International Classification of Goods. Given Uy’s admission that he has effectively abandoned or
withdraw any rights or interest in his trademark by his non-
On July 19, 1993, Mattel, a corporation organize under the filing of the required DAU, there is no more actual controversy,
laws of the USA, filed with the BLA of the IPO a Notice of or no useful purpose will be served in passing upon the merits
Opposition against Uy’s “Barbie” trademark as the latter was of the case. It would be unnecessary to rule on the trademark
confusingly similar to its trademark on dolls, doll clothes, and conflict between the parties. A ruling on the matter would
doll accessories, toys, and other similar commercial products. practically partake of a mere advisory opinion, which falls
beyond the realm of judicial review. The exercise of the power
Uy files his Answer to the Notice of Opposition denying and
of judicial review is limited to actual cases and controversies.
giving due course to Uy’s application for the registration of the
Courts have no authority to pass upon issues through advisory
trademark “Barbie” used on confectionary products. The
opinions or to resolve hypothetical or feigned problems.
Director held that there was n confusing similarity between the
two competing marks because the goods were non-competing EY Industrial vs Shen Dar
or unrelated.
- Shendar is a manufacturer of air compressors.
Mattel appealed to the Director General, IPO. - EY is the distributor of the air compressors of Shen
Dar. They alleged that the air compressors do not
On September 3, 2003, Emma Francisco, the Director General,
have marks other than SD.
denied the appeal on the ground that there was no proof n
- EY sold these compressors as VESPA Air Compressors
record that Mattel had ventured into the production of
without registering yet.
chocolates and confectionary products under the trademark
- Shen Dar found out applied on June 9, 1997; the
“Barbie” to enable it to prevent Uy from using an identical
application was approved on February 8, 2007 for
“Barbie” trademark on said goods; that the records were bereft
VESPA as trademark.
of the fact that the Director of the Bureau of Trademarks
- EY also applied on July 28, 1999; approved January
(BOT) gas already declared the subject trademark application
18, 2004 for VESPA
abandoned due to the non-filing of the Declaration of Actual
- Shen Dar filed for the cancellation of EY’s cancellation
Use (DAU) by Uy.
contending that there was violation of Sec. 123.1 (d),
which you cannot register something which is similar
Mattel argues that:
to a mark that has earlier filing date, and that EY are
1. its products are items related to Uy’s products, hence, only distributors of the air compressors
identical trademarks should not be used where the - EY alleged that they are the real owner of VESPA
possibility of confusion as to source or origin of the
ISSSUE: Who is entitled to the tradename VESPA?
product is certain;
2. the Director General of the IPO has the power ro act
on a pending trademark application considered as
“withdrawn” for failure to file the DAU;
When we talk about trademark, we are just talking about the HELD:
mark. It does not include the product. Shen Dar is the
manufacturer of the product, but they did not name the YES. A trade name need not be registered before an
product as VESPA. It was EY that named the VESPA, and used infringement case may be filed.
the VESPA, even though they were only the distributors.
The coffee shop is a service mark, but the original one is a
It was EY that actually used the trademark through the use of trade name.
receipts, and other documents.
All that is required is that the trade name is used in trade
The first to file rule – According to the SC that Shen Dar and commerce in the Philippines, and is registered with
filed under the old IPC where prior use is the one applied. the proper government entity that requires registration,
that is already protected.
ISSUE: Has the BLA the power to cancel the appllcation of
Shen Dar, even it is Shen Dar who filed the case? Prior to RA 8293, registration of trade name was required.
However, RA 8293 has dispensed such requirement for
HELD: Remember, EY’s application was the one granted, and registration.
it is Shen Dar’s application that was cancelled.
Transcribed by: Nartatez, Carell
It does not mean that even you were the one who filed, it your
application cannot be cancelled. The BLA, who has jurisdiction October 29, 2013; Part 2
over the case, were able to determine that it is Shen Dar’s
October 29, 2013 (2nd half)
trademark that should not have been issued with registration,
Maam is reading an article about G2000 brand. And about the
even it is the plaintif.
magnolia ice cream.
Kabushi Kaisha Isetan vs IAC
- Tradename: Kabushi Kaisha Isetan
- Trademark: Isetan (registered in Japan since 1936) Let’s proceed to unfair competition. Unfair competition is
- Isetan is a known mall in Japan deemed incorporated in the intellectual property code. It is
- In Cubao, there exist an Isetann Departmene Store also a violation of intellectual property rights.
which is registered with BPO; also a known Japanese
store. Q: What is unfair competition?
- KKI filed for the cancellation of registration of A: The employment of deception or any other means
Isetann. contrary to good faith by which one shall pass off the goods
manufactured by him or in which he deals, or his business,
ISSUE: Should petition prosper? or services for those of the one having established such
What you have to remember in unfair competition is that you
- KKI’s Isetan is NOT registered in the Philippines.
can only sue for unfair competition if you have established a
- Isetan is NOT an internationally-known mark. (not
god will. Let us in your own barangay, you are selling your
covered by Sec. 123 e and f)
own empanada, let us say cheke empanada, that cheke
- Isetann Department Store is NOT a trademark, rather
empadana is already known in that barangay, so eto na si
a trade name which is connected with the
chiki, manufactured its own empanda and iba na ang pangalan
establishment. It does not define the goods. There is
and not one of them is registered. So cheke cannot sue chiki
no Isetann brand.
for infringement but since cheke has already established in the
- Paris Convention cannot be invoked because it does
community a good reputation, cheke can sue chiki for unfair
not involve an internationally-known mark.

Who is protected?
Coffee Partners vs San Francisco Coffee (2010) A person:
1. who has identified in the mind of the public
- San Francisco coffee is a local corporation engaged in 2. the goods he manufactures or deals in, his business or
the wholesale of coffee. It is a registered trade name services from those of others,
with SEC and DTI, San Francisco Coffee Inc. 3. whether or not a registered mark is employed,
- SFC is a supplier of coffee beans to different coffee 4. has a property right in the goodwill of the said
shops. goods, business or services so identified,
- In 2001, Coffee Partners Inc opened a coffee shop which will be protected in the same manner as other property
under the name, San Francisco Coffee in Libis. rights
- SFC demanded to stop using the San Francisco
Coffee. Who can be punished? This is in general.
- CPI alleged that it is already registered with IPO, and Any person:
that it cannot be confused with SFC’s trade name. 1. who shall employ deception or any other means contrary
Further, SFC is not registered with IPO, hence, there to good faith:
can be no infringement. a. by which he shall pass off the goods manufactured by
him or in which he deals, or his business, or services
ISSUE: Can there be infringement of trade name even it
b. for those of the one having established such goodwill,
is not registered with IPO?
2. who shall commit any acts calculated to produce said Ginebra San Miguel is under San Miguel Corporation, but it
result used to be La Tondena Bottlers. La Tondena (LT) filed
before RTC an action of recovery under its claims of ownership
So, now you can see that if you talk about unfair competition of possession against DW. According to LT, there are 80,157
there is now bad faith. Unlike infringement you don’t need bad empty bottles bearing blown-up marks of La Tondena and
faith. The most common unfair competition is those who Ginebra SM. DW was using the bottles for its own Gin
committed by any acts calculated to produce said result. This Seven(?) without the consent of LT in violation of RA 623. So,
has so many cases under 168.3 RTC dismissed the complaint upholding the DW’s contention
that a purchaser of liquor is based on the selling price of the
Sec. 168.3. Any Person Committing any of the following liquor and is not required to return the bottle at any time. The
Particular Acts are Deemed Guilty of Unfair CA reversed the decision. Under RA 623, the use of marked
Competition: bottles by any person other than the manufacturer, bottler or
1. Any person, seller without the written consent is unlawful. The marks of
a. who is selling his goods and gives them the general the LT’s ownership stand or --- in the bottle are sufficient
appearance of goods of another manufacturer or notice to the public that the bottles are LT’s property. Hence,
dealer, either as to the: DW cannot be considered as purchaser in GF. there are 2
 goods themselves or issues here: LT file an action for recovery of possession under
 in the wrapping of the packages in which they are claim of ownership of those 80,157 empty bottles. Is the action
contained, or or claim prospers? NO. Precisely, when you buy a bottle of
 the devices or words thereon, or GSM, included in the purchase price is the price of the bottle.
 in any other feature of their appearance, You do not pay a deposit. So there is a transfer of ownership
 which would be likely to influence purchasers of the content and the container to the buyer. The buyer is
to believe that the goods offered are those of a now the owner and has the right to dispose. And if the buyer
manufacturer or dealer, other than the actual chooses to dispose the bottle to DW, that is his business.
manufacturer or dealer, or When the buyer sold the bottles to DW, DW became the owner
b. who otherwise clothes the goods with such of these bottles. The action for Replevin will not prosper
appearance as shall deceive the public and defraud because in the action for recovery of possession under the
another of his legitimate trade, or any subsequent claim of ownership, LT was no longer the owner of these
vendor of such goods or any agent of any vendor bottles. Second issue is the violation of RA 623. What is RA
engaged in selling such goods with a like purpose; 623? It is an act of use or ---- for marked bottles, boxes,
3. Any person who by any artifice, or device, or who employs cards, and other similar containers. This was amended by RA
any other means calculated to induce the false belief 5700. It was meant to protect the intellectual property of the
that such person is offering the services of another registrants of the containers and prevent unfair trade practices
who has identified such services in the mind of the and fraud to the public. Under RA 623, sections 2 and 3, if
public; or you use the bottles of another entity and it is clearly stated
4. Any person: that the bottles belong to that entity, you are violating RA 623.
a. who shall make any false statement in the course Under section 5 of RA 623, “no action shall be brought under
of trade (paninira), or this Act against any person to whom the registered
b. who shall commit any other act contrary to good faith manufacturer, bottler, or seller, has transferred by way of sale,
of a nature calculated to discredit the goods, any of the containers herein referred to, but the sale of the
business or services of another. beverage contained in the said containers shall not include the
sale of the containers unless specifically so provided.” So, in
That is why here in the Philippines we cannot destroy or other words, this will only apply using the containers of
compare the product of the competitor. Just like in tide and another and you put your product their if the user does not
ariel, unlike in the united states that they will really name their acquire ownership of the bottles, but here the supreme court
competitor. Ok, these are the specific acts of unfair said, there was already ownership by DW, so it does not
competition. matter whether the name la tondena or san Miguel is in the
bottle this is not a violation of RA 623. You cannot use it if it
Q: What is the test of unfair competition? belongs to the manufacture. The bottles are owned by the
A: Whether certain goods have been clothed with an manufacturer..section 6 of RA 623,
appearance likely to deceive the ordinary purchaser exercising
ordinary care Sec. 6. The provision of this Act
shall not be interpreted as
Q: Is fraud essential in unfair competition? [1958 Bar] prohibiting the use of bottles as
A: Yes, there must be fraudulent intent to pass off one’s containers for "sisi", "bagoong",
goods as those of another "patis", and similar native products.

So, if you were the manufacturer of cheke and another chiki is you are not allowed to use coca-cola bottles, why? Coca-cola
copying your products, then you can file a case of unfair bottles are not owned by the consumers, they only pay deposit
competition, same remedies as those with trademarks and and you must return the bottles. Can you use this for your own
trade names. backyard business? Even if you put your patis, sisi, or
bagoong, these manufactures of patis, sisi, they can use it for
This is related to your general discussions on ownership. their own use.
Distillery Washington (DW) vs. La Tondena, October 2,
1997. In relation to that is the case of Coca-cola vs. Quintin
Gomez, November 18, 2013, the last case, coke applied for
search warrant for hoarding of coke bottles in pepsi warehouse even an act within the
and applied for unfair competition, coke alleged that contemplation of the IP Code.
destruction and concealment of the bottles. So the cause of
action of coke was unfair competition for violation of section Sec. 169. False Designations of Origin; False
168.3.C of the intellectual property code in relation to section Description or Representation
173. Is the hoarding of coke containers punishable as unfair
competition under section 168.3.C? who shall commit any Sec.169.1.
other act contrary to good faith of a nature calculated to 1. Any person who, on or in connection with:
discredit the goods, business or services of another. Sabi ng a. any goods or services, or
supreme court, ha? What are you talking about? Does not fall, b. any container for goods,
your cause of action does not fall on this, pepsi does not 2. uses in commerce any:
discredit you or your good faith, kung nagkataon yung a. word,
products ninyo sa kanilang warehouse, this is not an act b. term,
calculated to discredit the goods. What can pepsi be sold for? c. name,
The bottles owned by coca-cola, it should have filed a case of d. symbol, or
theft with prayer of recovery of ownership of the bottles. There e. device, or
is no unfair competition if you find coca-cola bottles in the f. any combination thereof, or
pepsi warehouse. As held by the supreme court in this case: g. false designation of origin, false or
misleading description of fact, or
“true test” of unfair competition: h. false or misleading representation of fact,
whether the acts of defendant are 3. which is likely to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or
such as are calculated to deceive to deceive as to the affiliation, connection, or association
the ordinary buyer making his of such person with another person, or as to the origin,
purchases under the ordinary sponsorship, or approval of his or her goods, services, or
conditions which prevail in the commercial activities by another person; or
particular trade to which the 4. in commercial advertising or promotion, misrepresents the
controversy relates.[13] One of the nature, characteristics, qualities, or geographic origin of
essential requisites in an action to his or her or another person’s goods, services, or
restrain unfair competition is proof commercial activities,
of fraud; the intent to deceive must 5. shall be liable to a civil action for damages and injunction
be shown before the right to provided in Sec. 156 and 157 by any person who believes
recover can exist.[14] The advent that he or she is or likely to be damaged by such act.
of the IP Code has not significantly
changed these rulings as they are Ok now let’s go to penalties.
fully in accord with what Section
168 of the Code in its entirety Sec. 170. Penalties
provides. Deception, passing Independent of the civil and administrative sanctions imposed
off and fraud upon the public are by law, a criminal penalty of imprisonment from 2 years to 5
still the key elements that must be years and a fine ranging from P50,000 to P200,000, shall be
present for unfair competition to imposed on any person who is found guilty of committing any
exist. of the acts mentioned in Sec. 155, Sec. 168 and Sec. 169.1.
(Art. 188 and 189, RPC)
The act alleged to violate the
petitioner’s rights under Section Just take note of the criminal aspect.
168.3 (c) is hoarding which we
gather to be the collection of the Transcribed by: Gleyo, Marco
petitioner’s empty bottles so that
they can be withdrawn from October 30, 2013; Part 1
circulation and thus impede the
The Law on Copyright
circulation of the petitioner’s bottled
products. This, according to the
Take note of the definitions under Section 171.
petitioner, is an act contrary to
SECTION 171. Definitions. — xxx
good faith – a conclusion that, if
true, is indeed an unfair act on the 171.1. "Author" is the natural person who has created the
part of the respondents. The work;
critical question, however, is not
the intrinsic unfairness of the act of A natural person can write, draw or paint. Maybe some robots
hoarding; what is critical for can paint now.
purposes of Section 168.3 (c) is to
determine if the hoarding, as 171.2. A "collective work" is a work which has been created
charged, “is of a nature calculated by two (2) or more natural persons at the initiative and under
to discredit the goods, business or the direction of another with the understanding that it will be
services” of the petitioner. disclosed by the latter under his own name and that
contributing natural persons will not be identified;
We hold that it is not. Hoarding as
defined by the petitioner is not
Now, this one: Communication to the Public. This is found in function or the artistic creation is incorporated in a usual
the amendment- Republic Act 103 something... I forgot. (R.A. article. It is a work of applied art.
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8293, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE 171.10. A "work of applied art" is an artistic creation with
“INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES”, AND utilitarian functions or incorporated in a useful article, whether
FOR OTHER PURPOSES) made by hand or produced on an industrial scale;

171.3. ‘Communication to the public’ or ‘communicate So, what is the definition of the COPYRIGHT?
to the public’ means any communicate to the public,
including broadcasting, rebroadcasting, retransmitting by Copyright - An intangible incorporeal right:
cable, broadcasting and retransmitting by satellite, and
1. to certain literary, scholarly and artistic productions,
includes the making of a work available to the public by wire or
2. granted by statute to the author or creator of the work,
wireless means in such a way that members of the public may
3. giving him, his heirs and assigns, copyright or economic
access these works from a place and time individually chosen
by them;
4. which shall consist of the exclusive right to carry out,
authorize or prevent the acts listed in Sec. 177.
Just take note of the broadcasting and rebroadcasting
because we will take up a case that involves broadcasting and
So, take note of economic rights. What are the economic
So, what do you mean by public performance? Just
read the definition. It depends on the work. (Sec. 177) Copyright or Economic Rights – Shall
Consist of:
171.6. "Public performance", in the case of a work
other than an audiovisual work, is the recitation, playing, The exclusive right to carry out, authorize or prevent
dancing, acting or otherwise performing the work, either the acts listed in Section 177.
directly or by means of any device or process; in the case of
So, the enumerations there are the economic rights of
an audiovisual work, the showing of its images in sequence
the creator.
and the making of the sounds accompanying it audible; and, in
the case of a sound recording, making the recorded sounds What can the creator carry out, authorize or prevent?
audible at a place or at places where persons outside the
normal circle of a family and that family's closest social 1. Reproduction of the work or substantial portion of
acquaintances are or can be present, irrespective of whether the work;
they are or can be present at the same place and at the same 2. Dramatization, translation, adaptation,
time, or at different places and/or at different times, and abridgment, arrangement or other
where the performance can be perceived without the need for transformation of the work;
communication within the meaning of Subsection 171.3;
Maraming novels that are turned into movies like
This concept on copyright means a lot of provisions Lord of the Rings, Twilight Saga, Harry Potter, etc.
which is too much to absorb. So, take note of published
works: Works, which, with the consent of the authors, are 3. The first public distribution of the original and
made available to the public. So, this is with the consent. each copy of the work by sale or other forms of
transfer of ownership;
171.7. "Published works" means works, which, 4. Rental of the original or a copy of an audiovisual or
with the consent of the authors, are made available to the cinematographic work, a work embodied in a sound
public by wire or wireless means in such a way that members recording, a computer program, a compilation of
of the public may access these works from a place and time data and other materials or a musical work in
individually chosen by them: Provided, That availability of such graphic form, irrespective of the ownership of the
copies has been such, as to satisfy the reasonable original or the copy which is the subject of the
requirements of the public, having regard to the nature of the rental;
work; 5. Public display of the original or a copy of the work;

“Reproduction” is also brought by the amendment. Eto yong mga artworks.

171.9. ‘Reproduction’ is the making of one (1) or more

6. Public performance of the work;
copies, temporary or permanent, in whole or in part, of a work
or a sound recording in any manner or form without prejudice
Siyempre noh, if you are the composer of the song,
to the provisions of Section 185 of this Act (Sec. 41[E], P.D.
you do not want any unauthorized person to sing it
No. 49a);
in public... ‘a first public performance. It should be
the author, writer, or the composer himself or a
This “work of applied art,” take note, it is an artistic
person chosen by the composer, di ba? Here in the
creation with utilitarian functions. So, there is a combination
Philippines, etong mga reknown composers, they
of a copyright, patent, work, utility model parang gano’n. But
choose the singer who will sing, di ba?
basically, it is an artistic creation which can be used. Normally,
our art participation is applied, di ba? You read the book,
7. Other communication to the public of the work.
admire a painting, watch a play or musical. It has a utilitarian

So, these are the economic rights of the creator. And The following derivative works shall also be protected by
take note, unlike inventions, trademarks and service marks, copyright:
literary and artistic works NEED NOT BE REGISTERED to be
protected. That’s why there is no task in the Bureau of 1. Dramatizations, translations, adaptations,
Copyright that says registration of copyright. No. So, they are abridgments, arrangements, and other alterations
protected from the moment of their creation. Meaning, when of literary or artistic works; and
an author writes a novel, he has automatically the exclusive 2. Collections of literary, scholarly or artistic works, and
right granted under SECTION 177. That is automatic, okay. compilations of data and other materials which are
original by reason of the selection or coordination
So, this is the enumeration of Literary and Artistic Works. or arrangement of their contents.

SECTION 172. Literary and Artistic Works. —

Derivative works are also protected by copyright, and
these are the dramatization, translation, adaptations,
172.1. Literary and artistic works, hereinafter referred to
arrangement and others, like the screenwriter of the “Return
as "works", are original intellectual creations in the literary and
of the King,” dib a? In novel form, you can turn it out into a
artistic domain protected from the moment of their creation
movie. The screenwriter transforms it into a script, then, that
and shall include in particular:
is subject to a copyright.
a. Books, pamphlets, articles and other writings;
b. Periodicals and newspapers;
Who OWNS it?
c. Lectures, sermons, addresses, dissertations prepared for
oral delivery, whether or not reduced in writing or other That’s a long discussion actually. But anyway, that is a
material form; derivative work.
d. Letters;
e. Dramatic or dramatico-musical compositions; What about collections of artistic works or of literary
choreographic works or entertainment in dumb shows; works? The “Tragedies of Shakespeare,” “Shakespearean
f. Musical compositions, with or without words; Comedies,” this is also considered a derivative work which is
g. Works of drawing, painting, architecture, sculpture, original by reason of the selection or organization or
engraving, lithography or other works of art; models or arrangement of their contents. So, in central books, there is a
designs for works of art; very thick book there. This is a collection of the decisions of
h. Original ornamental designs or models for articles of former Chief Justice Reynato Puno on Constitutional Law. All
manufacture, whether or not registrable as an industrial of these Political Law and Constitutional Law decisions are
design, and other works of applied art; compiled by our present SC Administrator, Justice Midas
i. Illustrations, maps, plans, sketches, charts and three- Marquez. So, the copyright of the collection belong to him
dimensional works relative to geography, topography, even if the original writer of the decisions is former SC CJ
architecture or science; Puno. We will see later that the decisions cannot be
j. Drawings or plastic works of a scientific or technical copyrightable but the collection is, okay. It is because it is
character; original – it means the selection or coordination or
k. Photographic works including works produced by a arrangement of their contents.
process analogous to photography; lantern slides;
l. Audiovisual works and cinematographic works and works So, how are DERIVATIVE WORKS protected?
produced by a process analogous to cinematography or
They shall be protected as new works.
any process for making audio-visual recordings;
m. Pictorial illustrations and advertisements;
173.2. xxxx however, that such new work shall not
n. Computer programs; and
affect the force of any subsisting copyright upon the
o. Other literary, scholarly, scientific and artistic works.
original works employed or any part thereof, xxxx

So, there is a copyright on the original works. If there is

Just look at them... ‘even PHOTOGRAPHIC WORKS. also a derivative work, that is also a copyright for that.

Computer Programs cannot be patented, diba? (con’t. Of 173.2) xxxxxxx, or the new works be
Remember? But they can be COPYRIGHTED. They are subject construed to imply any right to such use of the original
to copyright. Okay, so that is the enumeration. What are the works, or to secure or extend copyright in such original
artistic, literary and scholarly works? Now, this enumeration works.
and concept is NOT EXCLUSIVE. Look at number 10 (or
perhaps the last part): Other or a new kind of scholarly, So, walang pakialam. The copyright owner of the
literary and artistic work is discovered or invented or whatever, derivative work since no right (extended) over the original
that could also be included. work. Of course, they are presuming when one compiles
works of others then they are presuming there was a
So, under Section 172.2, works are protected by the permission provided by the creator of the original work.
sole fact of their creation, irrespective of their mode or
form of expression, content, quality and purpose. Let’s go to Section 174.

Let’s go to DERIVATIVE WORKS. SECTION 174. Published Edition of Work. — In addition to

the right to publish granted by the author, his heirs, or
Sec. 173. Derivative Works assigns, the publisher shall have a copyright consisting

merely of the right of reproduction of the typographical Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as
arrangement of the published edition of the work. (n) a condition the payment of royalties. xxxx
But there are instances where approval is not required for
How do you distribute or publicize your novel? Under use of any purpose of statutes, rules or regulation. So, if
siguro a publisher. Ano yan, i-print out sa computer, basta you want to sell a copy of the Constitution, or this new
you can do that man siguro noh... pero normally, authors go Intellectual Property Code, go ahead. The rules of the
to publishers because they can assist in distributing just like a IPO? Go ahead and no one will stop you.
Rex Bookstore and so is Central Bookstore.
No prior approval or conditions shall be required for the
So, the publisher generates copyright consisting merely
use for any purpose of statutes, rules and regulations, and
of the right of reproduction of the typographical arrangement
speeches, lectures, sermons, addresses, and dissertations,
of the published edition of the work. So, the publisher is under
pronounced, read or rendered in courts of justice, before
the right to prevent or authorize... etcetera. (Publishers have)
administrative agencies, in deliberative assemblies
only the right of reproduction.
and in meetings of public character. (Sec. 9, first par.,
So, this is one of the longest provisions to absorb but you P.D. No. 49)
have to take note of this (Section 175) as this is one of the
important provisions. You do not need permission to publicize or reproduce...

Sec. 175. Works NOT Protected by Copyright So, what are the rights of the authors of speeches, lectures,
No protection shall extend, under this law, to:
176.2. The author of speeches, lectures, sermons,
1. any idea, procedure, system, method or operation,
addresses, and dissertations mentioned in the preceding
concept, principle, discovery or mere data as such,
paragraphs shall have the exclusive right of making a
even if they are expressed, explained, illustrated or
collection of his works. (n)
embodied in a work;

IDEA - I think I have an idea to turn the leaf into a Under 176.1 is works of the Government. What if, let’s just
gasoline. You cannot copyright that. say, the Justice makes a speech during the SC Conference or
PROCEDURE: you can have it patented - the process, as whatever, and this was publicized. What if his office was
long as the three (3) requisites are present. invited to make speeches in these public affairs? Can he
prevent others from reproducing the speech and distributing?
2. news of the day and other miscellaneous facts having NO, because this is the work of the official of the government.
the character of mere items of press information; or But with respect to making a collection of this work and
publish it - the speeches of Justice so and so, his the only one
This includes newspapers. Not subject to protection. who can publish a collection of his speeches. Nobody can
collect his speeches and publish it. It’s okay noh, let’s say X is
Ahhhh, hindi pala ito yong mahaba. Sorry, this is not the a big fan of this particular Justice and he collects all the
one, yong mahaba. speeches of that particular Justice, that’s fine. He can keep it.
He can put it in his room or wherever. But he cannot
reproduce the compilation. It is the Justice himself. Okay.
3. any official text of a legislative, administrative or
legal nature, as well as any official translation thereof. 176.3. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions,
Government is not precluded from receiving and
Eto yong mga laws, decisions, they are not protected.  holding copyrights transferred to it by assignment,
bequest or otherwise; xxxxx
Ahhh, hindi pala ito yong mahaba.

4. Works of the Government. (under Section 176)

So, just like any other right that is owned, copyright of is an
Are these protected by copyright? No. So, the speech of incorporeal or intangible right, which can be disposed of by the
the president can be ---$%^&- or whoever. (Sorry owner.
kaayo, wa gyud nako nasabtan.)
What if the owner wants to donate his copyright to the
Government? Is the Government precluded from receiving it?
176.1. xxxx.
NO, the government can receive it and become the holder of
However, prior approval of the government agency or
the copyright.
office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for
exploitation of such work for profit. xxxxx Xxxx
nor shall publication or republication by the
Government in a public document of any work in which
So, if you like to get money out of government work, copyright is subsisting be taken to cause any abridgment or
ask PERMISSION from that proper government agency or annulment of the copyright or to authorize any use or
office. appropriation of such work without the consent of the
copyright owner. (Sec. 9, third par., P.D. No. 49)

So, let us say, X donates his collection of literary works
(these are poems, let’s say...) to the Government. What if the So, if Madam X wants to have her portrait done by this
government publish his work? Government is not the copyright famous painter and the painting is finished, what does Madam
holder. According to this, it shall not be taken to cause any X owns? She owns the painting. But the right to distribute or
abridgment or annulment of the copyright or to authorize any those rights under Section 177 regarding the copyright belongs
use or appropriation of such work without the consent of to the painter unless there is a stipulation to the contrary.
the copyright owner. Definitely, there’s nothing wrong if you agree. Now, I own the
painting, I’m the only one who could reproduce this. NO, you
Sec. 178. Rules on Copyright Ownership cannot -------------- you agree. (Nah. Ambot sa langit ngano
di nako makuha. Pasensya na po.)
Copyright ownership shall be governed by the following rules:

1. Original literary and artistic works - copyright shall belong

178.5. In the case of audiovisual work, the copyright shall
to the author of the work;
belong to the producer, the author of the scenario, the
2. In the case of works of joint authorship: composer of the music, the film director, and the author of the
work so adapted. However, subject to contrary or other
a. the co-authors shall be the original owners of the stipulations among the creators, the producer shall exercise
copyright and in the absence of agreement, their rights shall the copyright to an extent required for the exhibition of the
be governed by the rules on co-ownership work in any manner, except for the right to collect performing
license fees for the performance of musical compositions, with
b. if a work of joint authorship consists of parts that can be or without words, which are incorporated into the work; and
used separately and the author of each part can be identified,
the author of each part shall be the original owner of the 178.6. In respect of letters, the copyright shall belong to the
copyright in the part that he has created; writer subject to the provisions of Article 723 of the Civil Code.

3. In the case of work created by an author during and in

In the case of audiovisual work, just read that.
the course of his employment, the copyright shall belong to
Letters? You already know that. The copyright should
a. EMPLOYEE - if the creation of the object of copyright is belong to the writer. The letter itself belongs to the recipient
not a part of his regular duties even if the EE uses the time, but the copyright belongs to the writer.
facilities and materials of the ER
Now, what if the work is Anonymous? Do you know
b. EMPLOYER - if the work is the result of the performance what’s Pseudonymous Works huh? Yes, who? Anyone?
of his regularly-assigned duties, unless there is an agreement, Have you heard of “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”?
express or implied, to the contrary. Hmmm... Huckleberry Finn? Who’s the author? Yesss. Is that
his name? Mark Twain is a pseudo name. His real name is
Who owns the COPYRIGHT? Very easy noh. Samuel Clemens.  they are works by anonymous authors

Original literary or artistic works should belong to the SECTION 179. Anonymous and Pseudonymous Works.
author of the work. — For purposes of this Act, the publishers shall be deemed to
represent the authors of articles and other writings published
JOINT OWNERSHIP - the co-authors shall be the original
without the names of the authors or under pseudonyms,
owners of the copyright and in the absence of agreement,
unless the contrary appears, or the pseudonyms or adopted
their rights shall be governed by the rules on co-ownership.
name leaves no doubt as to the author's identity, or if the
But if a work of joint authorship can be separated, let’s say:
author of the anonymous works discloses his identity. (Sec. 7,
Chapter 1 is written by X and Chapter 2 is written by Y, then X
P.D. 49)
will own the copyright of Chapter 1, and so on and forth.

So, nakalagay dyan sa book that it is Mark Twain but

Now, remember the discussion on patents, the same. In
everybody knows his real name. So, who owns the copyright?
the case of work created by an author, the same. So, the
Mark Twain? There’s no Mark Twain... or the author of the
same rule for patents.
anonymous works if he discloses his identity.
But look at the commissioned work:

Transfer or Assignment of Copyright

178.4. In the case of a work commissioned by a person
other than an employer of the author and who pays for it and
SEC. 180. Rights of Assignee or Licensee. –
the work is made in pursuance of the commission, the person
who so commissioned the work shall have ownership of the
work, but the copyright thereto shall remain with the creator, 180.1. The copyright may be assigned or licensed in
whole or in part. Within the scope of the assignment or
unless there is a written stipulation to the contrary;
license, the assignee or licensee is entitled to all the rights
and remedies which the assignor or licensor had with respect
In patents, who owns the patent? It is the one who
to the copyright.
commissions, diba? But look at the copyright, the person who
so commissioned the work shall have ownership of the work,
but the copyright thereto shall remain with the creator, unless
there is a written stipulation to the contrary;
Now, just like any other thing or right owned, can one
transfer, assign the license, the copyright? YES. SECTION 181. Copyright and Material Object. — The
copyright is distinct from the property in the material object
Can it be partly assigned or partly licensed? YES, in subject to it. Consequently, the transfer or assignment of the
whole or in part. copyright shall not itself constitute a transfer of the material
object. Nor shall a transfer or assignment of the sole copy or
What is the licensee or assignee entitled to? All the of one or several copies of the work imply transfer or
rights and remedies which the assignor or licensor had with assignment of the copyright. (Sec. 16, P.D. No. 49)
respect to the copyright.

E.G. the right to sue for infringement. So, we have two things: one is a thing and one is a
right. The THING is one created, it cannot be a right on what
What is the form of the assignment? How do you was created. It could be a poem, short story or a novel, a
transfer ownership of the copyright to your assignee? or how sculpture, a painting. But the COPYRIGHT is the
do you license somebody to do the works that you want? The INTANGIBLE INCORPOREAL RIGHT.
broadcasting, the re-broadcasting, the publication, etcetera. It
says here: So, does the transfer, assignment or licensing of the
copyright automatically constitute a transfer of the material
180.2. The copyright is not deemed assigned or object? The answer is NO. It is separate and distinct. They
licensed inter vivos, in whole or in part, unless there is a are separate and distinct from each other.
written indication of such intention.
What if you transfer, assign or license a sole copy or
So, hindi pwede oral. It has to be written, okay. Well, several copies of the work? Does it follow automatically the
it did not say that it should be in a public document. So... transfer, assignment of the copyright? NO, because they are
what’s the statutory construction? Anyway...  separate and distinct from each other.

So, what if the copyright owner submits his work to Okay. Now, when you submit that written assignment or
the newspaper, magazine or periodical for publication? What is licensed agreement, according to Section 182:
the right given to the publisher? only a license to make a
single publication unless a greater right is expressly granted. SECTION 182. Filing of Assignment or License. — An
assignment or exclusive license may be filed in duplicate with
180.3. The submission of a literary, photographic or artistic the National Library upon payment of the prescribed fee for
work to a newspaper, magazine or periodical for publication registration in books and records kept for the purpose. Upon
shall constitute only a license to make a single recording, a copy of the instrument shall be returned to the
publication unless a greater right is expressly granted. If two sender with a notation of the fact of record. Notice of the
(2) or more persons jointly own a copyright or any part record shall be published in the IPO Gazette. (Sec. 19,
thereof, neither of the owners shall be entitled to grant P.D. No. 49a)
licenses without the prior written consent of the other owner
or owners. (Sec. 15, P.D. No. 49a)
It does not say here who will inform the IPO. Because
the National Library, I do not think it’s part of the IPO. That’s
Okay. So the publisher published 100,000 copies of insane. So, maybe it is the licensee who will go to the IPO.
this book that I wrote. That’s it. What if it is very popular and Anyway, I am not a licensee or the assignee who will publish it
the people clamouring for that? Then, another authority must to the IPO ---#$^$%&&(*()* (ooppps, sorry, wa nako
be given to the licensee or the publisher. nasabtan). Maybe there is an agreement between the IPO
and the National Library. Anyway, according to the provision,
Who can grant a license if two or more persons jointly
it shall be published.
owned a copyright? So, what is this? Is this an act of
administration or an act alteration? Under 180.3, If two (2) or
SEC. 183. Designation of Society. – The owners of
more persons jointly own a copyright or any part thereof,
copyright and related rights or their heirs may designate a
neither of the owners shall be entitled to grant licenses without
society of artists, writers, composers and other right-holders to
the prior written consent of the other owner or owners.
collectively manage their economic or moral rights on their
behalf. For the said societies to enforce the rights of their
members, they shall first secure the necessary accreditation
May any exclusivity to the economic rights in a work from the Intellectual Property Office. (Sec. 32, P.D. No. 49a)”
be exclusively licensed? YES.

180.4. Any exclusivity in the economic rights in a work may Anyway, did you take this up in second year? There is the
be exclusively licensed. Within the scope of the exclusive case of Philippine Society of Composers vs. Tan. JUST
license, the licensee is entitled to all the rights and remedies READ THAT.
which the licensor had with respect to the copyright.
Xxxx G.R.No. L-36402. March 16,1987


So under Section 181.

vs. BENJAMIN TAN Ahh, eto yong mahaba. My God. Okay. We will not
go through this one by one because it is very, very, very, very
FSCAPI is the owner of certain musical compositions long (sakto gyud na nga upat ka VERY hehehehe.) The only
among which are the songs entitled: "Dahil Sa Iyo", "Sapagkat thing that i want you to remember is this noh: we have a song
Ikaw Ay Akin," "Sapagkat Kami Ay Tao Lamang" and "The writer. He is both a composer and a lyricist, George Canseco
Nearness Of You." It filed a complaint with the lower court for for example. What is his purpose in writing a song? Is it only
infringement of copyright against Tan allowing the playing in for him to listen to? Of course, he wants the world to know of
the latter’s restaurant of said songs copyrighted in the name of his talent or hear his song because he has a message in his
the former. song, okay. So under 177, as to the composer, he has the
economic rights. He has the automatic copyright with the
Tan countered that the complaint states no cause of song. What this provision is saying is that if the song is
action. While not denying the playing of said copyrighted performed, once it has lawfully been made accessible to the
compositions in his establishment, he maintains that the mere public, you compile the record, yong mga kanta na “Mga Bituin
singing and Walang Ningning”?? I’m not sure... that’s already made
playing of songs and popular tunes even if they are copyrighte accessible to the public. If that is done privately and free of
d do not constitute an infringement under the provisions charge for a charitable or religious institution or society, dapat
of Section 3 of the Copyright Law. it’s done privately. How about this karaoke or videoke? It’s not
here in the law eh. Maybe this people are authorized, the
ISSUE: Whether or not the playing and signing of musical
ones who made the videoke kits with all the songs noh.
compositions which have been copyrighted under the
Maybe they have the copyrights to perform.
provisions of the Copyright Law (Act 3134) inside the
Sec. 184. The following Acts shall NOT Constitute
of Tan constitute a public performance for profit within the me
Infringement of Copyright:
aning andcontemplation of the Copyright Law of the
Philippines; and assuming that there were indeed public 1. The recitation or performance of a work once it has
performances for profit, whether or not Tan can be held liable been lawfully made accessible to the public, if done
therefor. privately and free of charge, or if made strictly for a
charitable or religious institution or society.

NO. It has been held that "The playing of music in

Anyway, those broadway shows apparently they must
dine and dance establishment which was paid for by the public
be subject to a copyright. You can actually stage a broadway
in purchases of food and drink constituted "performance for
show but you cannot... If you want to copy the entire show,
let’s say “Phantom of the Opera” has been shown abroad kasi
within a Copyright Law." Thus, it has been explained that while
the same yan noh, that can fall under, kumbaga, one company
it is possible in such establishments for the patrons to
or somebody buys the copyright of the “Phantom of the
purchase their food and drinks and at the same time dance to
Opera.” If the songs of the Phantom are performed on stage
the music of the orchestra, the music is furnished and used by
in any place, it is... hala! as long as the maximum number of
the orchestra for the purpose of inducing the public to
songs to perform is three (3) songs. So yong mga broadway
patronize the establishment and pay for the entertainment in
plays or excerpts that’s fine. No violation of the copyright. But
the purchase of food and drinks. Tan conducts his place of
if you want to stage the entire “Phantom of the Opera” then
business for profit, and it is public; and the music is performed
you have to buy, the ticket is 100 dollars. You go to the
for profit. Nevertheless, he cannot be said to have infringed
website and buy (the ticket.)
upon the Copyright Law. His allegation that the composers of
the contested musical compositions waived their right in With respect to MAMA MIA (giggling), they have this
favor of the general public when they allowed their intellectual production, and we staged MAMA MIA (kaw baya ang nagtake
creations to become property of the public domain before sa lead role Ma’am hehe) and how did we get away with it?
applying for the corresponding copyrights for the same is Okay. We did not copy the entire production. Ang gi-copy lang
correct. is yong songs  which has already been made public by ABBA
since time immemorial. I think you were not born yet. This is
The Supreme Court has ruled that "Paragraph 33 of
controllable imitation only, not an exact duplication thereof.
Patent Office Administrative Order No. 3(as amended, dated
But of course noh, who would mind this small Davao
September 18, 1947) entitled 'Rules of Practice in the
productions. They are big broadway companies, diba J? 
Philippines Patent Office relating to the Registration of
Copyright Claims' promulgated pursuant to Republic Act 165, But under Section 184, anything that has been made
provides among other things that an intellectual creation publicized can be performed if you do not charge anything. Di
should be copyrighted thirty (30)days after its publication, if ba yong atin naman J is for charitable institution. So pwede na
made in Manila, or within the (60) days if made elsewhere, yan sa exception. (kaw na J! nagpalaban gyud si Ma’am nimo
failure of which renders such creation public property." Indeed, hahaha peace!)
if the general public has made use of the object sought to be
copyrighted for thirty (30) days prior to the copyright 2. The making of quotations from a published work if
application the law deems the object to have been donated to they are compatible with fair use and only to the extent
the public domain and the same can no longer be copyrighted. justified for the purpose, including quotations from
Under the circumstances, it is clear that the musical newspaper articles and periodicals in the form of press
compositions in question had long become public property, and summaries: Provided, That the source and the name of
are therefore beyond the protection of the Copyright Law. the author, if appearing on the work, are mentioned;
Decompilation, which is understood here to be the
So, if you make a quotation from a published work,... So reproduction of the code and translation of the forms of a
we have a book written by X,, horrible book. Do you know computer program to achieve the interoperability of an
who is my least favourite author John Grisham? Why? independently created computer program with other programs
Things happened. And there’s this FBI chasing. Then, may also constitute fair use under the criteria established by
the person gets from one place to another without the this section, to the extent that decompilation is done for the
author explaining how.  (Then, her story about purpose of obtaining the information necessary to achieve
Grisham continues.......) such interoperability.

(Going back) So, you make a quotation from a published How do you know in determining whether the use made
work if they are compatible with fair use.. of a work is fair use? What are the factors to be considered?
Paulit-ulit lang yan. Please read...
3. The recording made in schools, universities, or
educational institutions of a work included in a broadcast (Con’t. Of 185.1)
for the use of such schools, universities or educational
institutions: Provided, That such recording must be
deleted within a reasonable period after they were first In determining whether the use made of a work in any
broadcast: Provided, further, That such recording may not particular case is fair use, the factors to be considered shall
be made from audiovisual works which are part of the include:
general cinema repertoire of feature films except for brief
excerpts of the work; a. The purpose and character of the use, including whether
such use is of a commercial nature or is for non-profit
educational purposes;
...and recording made in schools. Do you record my
lectures? Then you must delete it ha within reasonable b. The nature of the copyrighted work;
time after transcribing and pass on.. and send. Okay.
c. The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation
to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
8. The public performance or the communication to d. The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value
the public of a work, in a place where no of the copyrighted work.
admission fee is charged in respect of such public
performance or communication, by a club or
institution for charitable or educational purpose Section 190 is new.
only, whose aim is not profit making, subject to such
other limitations as may be provided in the SEC. 190. Importation and Exportation of Infringing
Regulations; Materials. – Subject to the approval of the Secretary of
Finance, the Commissioner of Customs is hereby empowered
Eto, public performance where no admission fee is to make rules and regulations for preventing the importation of
charge for charitable or educational purposes.. paulit ulit lang infringing articles prohibited under Part IV of this Act and
man ito ba. Just read. under relevant treaties and conventions to which the
Philippines may be a party and for seizing and condemning
Eto, gwapo ito. and disposing of the same in case they are discovered after
they have been imported or before they are exported. (Sec.
(part of the amendment) 30, P.D. No. 49)
The reproduction or distribution of published articles or
materials in a specialized format exclusively for the use Eto yong mga pirated movies. Do not say pirated DVDs
of the blind, visually- and reading-impaired (hehehe. Grabe katawa ni Ma’am. Sakto man pud noh? Guilty
persons: Provided, That such copies and distribution as charged. hehe)
shall be made on a nonprofit basis and shall indicate
Aw okay. Let’s go to deposit.  This is entirely new. The
the copyright owner and the date of the original
entire provision was amended. Look at the old 191, it’s longer.
SEC.191. Deposit and Notice of Deposit with the
National Library and the Supreme Court Library. – At
Sec. 185. Fair Use of a Copyrighted Work any time during the subsistence of the copyright, the owner
of the copyright or of any exclusive right in the work may, for
The fair use of a copyrighted work for criticism,
the purpose of completing the records of the National Library
comment, news reporting, teaching including multiple copies
and the Supreme Court Library, register and deposit with
for classroom use, scholarship, research, and similar purposes
them, by personal delivery or by registered mail, two (2)
is not an infringement of copyright. xxxxx
complete copies or reproductions of the work in such form as
the Directors of the said libraries may prescribe in accordance
Now, de-compilation may also constitute fair use. Just read
with regulations: Provided, That only works in the field of law
what decompilation is.
shall be deposited with the Supreme Court Library. Such
(con’t of 185) xxx
registration and deposit is not a condition of copyright

If you want to write a law book, so you have to deposit.. SECTION 194. Breach of Contract. — An author cannot be
or where do you deposit it? in the Supreme Court Library. If compelled to perform his contract to create a work or for the
you want to write comics, and you want to copyright your publication of his work already in existence. However, he may
comics, doon ka sa National Library. Okay, take note, such be held liable for damages for breach of such contract.
registration and deposit is not a condition of copyright
protection. This emphasizes the fact that copyrighted works Kunwari, X commissions Y to write a novel... so, this and
are protected on the moment of creation. that, eto yon ha... okay, so may kontrata na sila. Pero si Y, he
just cannot come out of... Can he be forced to create
SECTION 192. Notice of Copyright. — Each copy of a work something that he cannot? NO. What can X do? Just sue him
published or offered for sale may contain a notice bearing the for breach of contract. He cannot be forced, an artist, to
name of the copyright owner, and the year of its first create something if he does not like it.
publication, and, in copies produced after the creator's death,
the year of such death. What if the work is already created? Let’s say this
composer already contracted with the recording company –
SO that’s why if you buy books, nakalagay do’n noh: Star Records that his song will be performed or whatever, and
copyrighted this year; then, republished this year; first he changed his mind. Can he be forced? NO. but he can be
publication, second publication, etcetera. sued for breach of contract.

Moral Rights Can moral rights be WAIVED? According to Section

ASIDE from economic rights, we also have moral rights.
Under section 193... SECTION 195. Waiver of Moral Rights. — An author may
waive his rights mentioned in Section 193 by a written
SECTION 193. Scope of Moral Rights. — The author of a instrument, xxx
work shall, independently of the economic rights in Section 177
or the grant of an assignment or license with respect to such So, the moral right exists. You do not have to register
right, have the right: that anywhere. It is given. This is a moral right of an author,
etcetera. If he wants to waive, there must be a document.
193.1. To require that the authorship of the works be
attributed to him, in particular, the right that his name, as far Xxxx but no such waiver shall be valid where its effects is to
as practicable, be indicated in a prominent way on the copies, permit another:
and in connection with the public use of his work;
195.1. To use the name of the author, or the title of his work,
xxxx or otherwise to make use of his reputation with respect to any
version or adaptation of his work which, because of alterations
He should be identified with the work if he wants. That’s therein, would substantially tend to injure the literary or artistic
a moral right. It has nothing to do with reproduce, the right to reputation of another author; or
authorize, the right to prevent, right to be recognized as the
creator of the work, etcetera. Of course, since he’s the 195.2. To use the name of the author with respect to a work
creator, he’s the only one who can make alterations. he did not create. (Sec. 36, P.D. No. 49)

193.2. To make any alterations of his work prior to, or to What is the term of moral rights? How long? This is also
withhold it from publication; amended. Under the old law, it is only 50 years after death.
But the new law changed it to perpetuity. So, the works of
Don’t tell me the licensee or the assignee, NO!! it’s the Shakespeare, the works of Jose Rizal, there’s no prescriptive
AUTHOR. OR to withhold the publication, kung ayaw nya i- period. So, if you see a “NOLI ME TANGERE” nandiyan ang
publish. That is his right. pangalan ni Jose Rizal. So, simple as that. So, that’s the first
moral right.
193.3. To object to any distortion, mutilation or other
modification of, or other derogatory action in relation to, his Sec. 198. Term of Moral Rights. –
work which would be prejudicial to his honor or reputation;
and 198.1. The right of an author under Section 193.1. shall last
during the lifetime of the author and in perpetuity after his
193.4. To restrain the use of his name with respect to any death while the rights under Sections 193.2. 193.3. and 193.4.
work not of his own creation or in a distorted version of his shall be coterminous with the economic rights, the moral
work. (Sec. 34, P.D. No. 49) rights shall not be assignable or subject to
license. Xxxx

What if somebody makes a distorted form of his work? What can be sold, assigned, or licensed? Only economic
Nagpaalam sa kanya. Di nya feel. What if the composer writes rights.
a very beautiful classical song tas ginawang hiphop? Di ba may
mga songs na ginawagang rap like “Every Breath You Take” by Xxxx The person or persons to be charged with the
the Police, diba? You know that? Huh? What if the Police or the posthumous enforcement of these rights shall be named in a
writer, do you know Gordon Sumner? Huh? Si Sting!  what if written instrument which shall be filed with the National
he does not want the hiphop version? ------ ------ That is his Library. In default of such person or persons, such
moral right. enforcement shall devolve upon either the author’s heirs, and
in default of the heirs, the Director of the National Library.

c. the transmission is for public perception and the
means for decrypting are provided to the public by
SECTION 199. Enforcement Remedies. — Violation of any the broadcasting organization or with its consent.
of the rights conferred by this Chapter shall entitle those
charged with their enforcement to the same rights and So when you broadcast, you must be a broadcasting
remedies available to a copyright owner. In addition, organization. It is only upon the presence of the above
damages which may be availed of under the Civil Code may elements can a determination that DEH is broadcasting and
also be recovered. Any damage recovered after the creator's consequently rebroadcasting ABSCBN signals in violation of
death shall be held in trust for and remitted to his heirs, and in Section 211 and 177. Therefore, the transmission
default of the heirs, shall belong to the government. contemplated presupposes that the origin of the signal is the
broadcaster. Hence, a program that is broadcasted is
This is still very long but i just want you to see the attributed to the broadcaster, in the same manner as the
definition of BROADCASTING. rebroadcasted program is attributed to the rebroadcaster.
Here, PMSI is not the origin, nor does it claim to be the origin
202.7. "Broadcasting" means the transmission by wireless of the programs. It is still stated as Channel 2 – ABSCBN,
means for the public reception of sounds or of images or of Channel 23 - Studio 23. PMSI did not make or transmit on its
representations thereof; such transmission by satellite is also own but merely carried the existing signal. Yung
"broadcasting" where the means for decrypting are provided to nabobroadcastyung ABSBN; PMSI is merely carrying whatever
the public by the broadcasting organization or with its consent; signals ABSCBN is transmitting. While PMSI subscribers view
ABSCBN and Studio 23, they know that the origin thereof but
So, who could broadcast? Broadcasting organization. the medium from which PMSI carrying ABSCBN signals, that is
Okay, you can take a five-minute break. (finally! Humana.) via-satellite does not diminish the fact that it functions as a
cable TV. It remains that PMSI’s transmission of signals
Note: classmates, tanan naka-underline, bold, or italic sa mga
through DEH satellite service cannot be considered within the
provisions kay gi-emphasize or gibasa gyud ni Ma’am. Thank
purview of broadcasting. Therefore, DEH cannot be considered
you everyone.
having infringed ABSCBN’s broadcasting rights and copyrights.
--end of first part--
Another reason.Uhm. Why is Channel 2 and Studio 23 included
in the line-up in the same way as – why is GMA 7 and GMATV
TRANSCRIBED BY: SUZETTE TAN News included in Sky Cable? This is because of the Must-Carry
Rule. The carriage of ABSCBN signals by virtue of the must-
"It is not what they take away from you that counts. carry rule, this is the NTC’s rule noh. It is under the direct
It's what you do with what you have left." supervision of the government to the NTC which is vested with
Hubert H. Humphrey the exclusive jurisdiction to regulate and control
telecommunications and broadcast facilities, accordingly the
October 30, 2013; Part 2 must-carry rule falls under the category of the limitations on
copyright. So if Dream is infringing on the copyright of ABSCBN
Case: ABSCBN VS Multi-Media over Channel 2 and Studio 23, ediangSkycablenarin on GMA7
and GMATV News. But this is an exception because it is
Facts: If you watch GMA News TV, there is a warning there, “If imposed by the NTC. There are standard line-ups and the
you experience any technical difficulties, call blah blahblah” providers have no choice but to include.
anyway. Here we have PMSI, the operator of Dream
Broadcasting, a satellite provider, whatever you call that. PMSI ABS-CBN vs Philippine Multi-Media System (2009)
was granted a legislative franchise and granted by NTC a
franchise top operate and maintain a nationwide TV, direct to Held: Neither is PMSI guilty of infringement of ABS-CBN’s
home satellite TV. Dream offered ABSCBN channels – Channel copyright under Section 177 of the IP Code which states that
2, 23, with other program channels. ABSCN demanded to copyright or economic rights shall consist of the exclusive right
cease and desist Dream Broadcasting from rebroadcasting to carry out, authorize or prevent the public performance of
Channel 2 and 23. ABSCBN contended that PMSI’s the work (Section 177.6), and other communication to the
unauthorized rebroadcasting constitutes infringement of its public of the work (Section 177.7).
broadcasting rights under the Intellectual Property Code. To
rebroadcast is to broadcast again. So, did PMSI infringe on Section 202.7 of the IP Code defines broadcasting as “the
ABSCBN’s copyright under Section 177 which states copyright transmission by wireless means for the public reception of
or economic rights shall consist of the exclusive right to carry sounds or of images or of representations thereof; such
out, authorize, or prevent reproduction of the work? Section transmission by satellite is also ‘broadcasting’ where the means
211.1 says broadcasting organizations shall enjoy the exclusive for decrypting are provided to the public by the broadcasting
right to carry out, authorize or prevent the rebroadcasting of organization or with its consent.” xxx
their broadcasts.
The carriage of ABS-CBN’s signals by virtue of the
Issue: So was there rebroadcasting when the two channels must-carry rule in Memorandum Circular No. 04-08-88 is under
were included in Dream’s lineup of channels/package? the direction and control of the government though the NTC
which is vested with exclusive jurisdiction to supervise,
Held: The answer is NO. The elements of broadcasting are : regulate and control telecommunications and broadcast
a. there is a transmission of sounds or images or the services/facilities in the Philippines. The imposition of the
representations thereof; must-carry rule is within the NTC’s power to promulgate rules
b. the transmission is through satellite and regulations, as public safety and interest may require, to
encourage a larger and more effective use of communications, So if the author dies on December 31, 2013, one year nasiya
radio and television broadcasting facilities, and to maintain by the next day. Not December 31 of the next year.
effective competition among private entities in these activities
whenever the Commission finds it reasonably feasible. As Section 216 are the remedies for infringement, just read that.
correctly observed by the Director-General of the IPO: In 216.2, it says in an infringement action, the court shall also
have the power to order the seizure and impounding of any
article which may serve as evidence in the court proceedings.
Accordingly, the “Must-Carry Rule” under Criminal penalties in Section 217, you have imprisonment, just
NTC Circular No. 4-08-88 falls under the read that.
foregoing category of limitations on
copyright. This Office agrees with the Now let’s go to the case of San Rio vs Edgar Lim.
Appellant [herein respondent PMSI] that the
“Must-Carry Rule” is in consonance with the Case: San Rio vs Edgar Lim
principles and objectives underlying
Executive Order No. 436,1[28] to wit: Facts: Are you familiar with San Rio? Hello Kitty and Little Twin
Stars, made in Japan. The official distributor of San Rio
The Filipino products here in the Philippines is Gift Gate Corporation. Now,
people must be given the products are manufactured in the Philippines. San Rio, the
wider access to more Japanese Corporation is the trade name. The trade marks are
sources of news, Hello Kitty, Little Twin Stars. They are sold internationally.
information, education, Now Gift gate entered into some licensing agreements with
sports event and some manufacturers. GGI entered into licensing agreements
entertainment programs with JC Lucas Creative Products, Inc., Paper Line Graphics,
other than those provided Inc. and Melawares Manufacturing Corporation. These local
for by mass media and entities were allowed to manufacture certain products (bearing
afforded television petitioner's copyrighted animated characters) for the local
programs to attain a well market. So we are talking about toys, pencil cases, keychains –
informed, well-versed and these are copyrighted.
culturally refined citizenry
and enhance their socio- Due to the deluge of counterfeit Sanrio products, GGI asked IP
economic growth: Manila Associates to conduct a market research. The
research's objective was to identify those factories, department
WHEREAS, cable stores and retail outlets manufacturing and/or selling fake
television (CATV) systems Sanrio items. After conducting several test-buys in various
could support or commercial areas, IPMA confirmed that respondent's
supplement the services Orignamura Trading in Tutuban Center, Manila was selling
provided by television imitations of petitioner's products. So San Rio filed with the
broadcast facilities, local Task-Force on Anti-Intellectual Property Piracy (TAPP) of the
and overseas, as the Department of Justice against respondent for violation of
national information Section 217 of the Intellectual Property Code on Infringement.
highway to the So sabini Lim, “I did not violate the Intellectual Property Code
countryside. because I am a retailer. I did not reproduce or manufacture
any of San Rio’s copyrighted items. Thus, I did not transgress
the economic rights of San Rio. ” TAPP finds that while it
Limitations on Protection, that is Section 212. Term of appears that some of the items seized during the search are
Protection – the copyright in works shall be protected during not among those products which GGI authorized these
the life of the author and for fifty (50) years after his death. In establishments to produce, the fact remains that respondent
213.4, in case of works of applied art, the protection shall be bought these from the legitimate sources. At this juncture, it
for a period of 25 years from the rest of making. The rest of bears stressing that respondent relied on the representations
the periods here are 50 years. of these manufacturers and distributors that the items they
sold were genuine.
Now, how do you calculate the term?
Issue: So the question here is, is Lim criminally liable for
Sec. 214. Calculation of Term. - The term of protection infringement under 217?
subsequent to the death of the author provided in the
preceding Section shall run from the date of his death or of Held: The Supreme Court here said NO. To be liable for
publication, but such terms shall always be deemed to begin violation of 217.3, the following requisites must be present:
on the first day of January of the year following the event 1. possession of the infringing copy and
which gave rise to them. 2. knowledge or suspicion that the copy is an infringement of
the genuine article.

So in other words, since Lim is just a retailer, he cannot be

penalized under the IPC, maybe those manufacturers who sell
or those who manufacture exclusively for Gift Gate under the
license. The CA agreed with the DOJ that petitioner failed to
prove that respondent knew that the merchandise he sold was
counterfeit. Respondent, on the other hand, was able to show thing here is, the contract also terminated. So, there are two
that he obtained these goods from legitimate sources. Okay? reasons why the complaint of Bayanihan cannot prosper. There
So the next case is…Bayanihan Music vs BMG (I love this part! are cases on copyright, Colombia, some cases on piracy, just
 ) March 7, 2005. read that.

Do you know Jose Mari Chan? O get ready ha. We will go on some Bar Questions.
1. There is a 1965 BQ, what is copyright?
Case: Bayanihan Music VS BMG Records and Jose Mari Chan
2. Next question, the widow of a former President
Facts: On July 16, 1973, private respondent Jose Mari Chan commissioned Neptalino to write a biography of her
entered into a contract with petitioner Bayanihan Music late husband for a fee. Upon completion of the work,
Philippines, Inc. , whereunder the former assigned to the latter the widow paid Neptalino the agreed price. The
all his rights, interests and participation over his musical biography was copyrighted. Can the widow sell the
composition "Can We Just Stop and Talk A While" and “Afraid original book without the consent of Neptalino? Yes,
For Love To Fade”. O for 5 points, Benedict and Resci, because she owns the book. Can she transfer the
magduetkayo . copyright without the consent of Neptalino? No.
Section 178.4 In the case of a work-commissioned by
<Can we just stop and talk a while, get to know each other, a person other than an employer of the author and
who are we to know? Love could be waiting at the end, 'round who pays for it and the work is made in pursuance of
that bend and so let's stop and talk a while. ♫ > the commission, the person who so commissioned the
work shall have ownership of work, but the copyright
O now you have 7 points for your 2nd exam. (Yehei!!!) thereto shall remain with the creator, unless there is a
written stipulation to the contrary. In this case, there
Okay, so these two songs were assigned by Jose Mari Chan to is no stipulation. Hence, the copyright remains with
Bayanihan Music. On the strength of those contracts, Neptalino.
Bayanihan applied for and was granted by the National Library
a Certificate of Copyright Registration for each of the two 3. Solid Investment commissioned Ramon Blanco and
musical compositions, thus: November 19, 1973, for the song his son, Steve, both renowned artists, to paint a
"Can We Just Stop and Talk A While" and on May 21, 1980, for mural for a contract price of 2M. Who own the
the song "Afraid for Love To Fade." But without the consent of copyright? The artist, Ramon Blanco and his son
Bayanihan, Chan authorized BMG Records to record and Steve. If they want to reproduce, they may do so,
distribute the aforementioned musical compositions in a then that is their economic right.
recently released album of singer Lea Salonga. In 1999,
Bayanihan informed BMG of its existing copyrights. So the 4. This next question, I don’t know where the suggested
composer was being sued for its infringement of the said answer came from. Felix copyrighted the oil painting
copyright under Section 216. According to Chan, (1) it was showing the oathtaking of Aquino and VP Laurel after
never his intention to divest himself of all his rights and the EDSA Revolution. Val engaged an artist to paint
interest over the musical compositions in question; (2) the the same scene to be used as pictures in postcards.
contracts he entered into with Bayanihan are mere music Val then sends postcards to his friends abroad. Is
publication agreements giving Bayanihan, as assignee, the there a violation of the copyright of Felix who painted
power to administer his copyright over his two songs and to the oathtaking? That is the extent of the question ha,
act as the exclusive publisher thereof; (3) he was not but I don’t know why is this the answer –NO, because
cognizant of the application made by and the subsequent grant it was part of the reports of media on the oathtaking.
of copyrights to Bayanihan;and (4) Bayanihan was remissed in See! Nagdagdagsiyang facts! Weird!
its obligations under the contracts because it failed to
effectively advertise his musical compositions for almost 5. Miss Solis wrote a script for Regal Films One Day,
twenty (20) years, hence, he caused the rescission of said IsangAraw. Miss Badidaywatched themovie at Ermita
contracts in 1997. Theater discovered that the story is exactly similar
with an unpublished autobiography she wrote which
Issue: Should the complaint of Bayanihan prosper? was uncopyrighted. Nandunsailalimngkanyang pillow,
and now she is watching that in the theater. Miss
Held: NO. Why? Badiday sued Miss Solis for infringement of copyright,
it was however conclusively proven that Miss Solis
Chan, being undeniably the composer and author of the lyrics was not aware that the autobiography of Miss
of the two (2) songs, is protected by the mere fact alone that Badiday was protected by copyright. Is Miss Solis
he is the creator thereof, conformably with Republic Act No. liable? Suggested answer is yes, for infringement. The
8293, otherwise known as the Intellectual Property Code, mere fact of the repetition of it, or a substantial
Section 172.2 of which reads: Works are protected by the sole portion of it without the authority from the author or
fact of their creation, irrespective of their mode or form of writer of the copyrighted work is sufficient. The good
expression, as well as of their content, quality and purpose. faith cannot in any manner be a defense for the
But the thing is, even though he allegedly entered on an infringement committed. So even the work is under
exclusive contract with Bayanihan, he can still, as composer, Miss Badiday’s pillow, there is already a copyright.
exercise the economic rights available to him under the law.
Just because there is a license, it has to be very clear, that the
composer has absolutely no more rights in his creation. The
But for example, Kris Aquino has an autobiography in her safe, such Christmas cards and distributed them to his
but everybody knows just the same. Diba?(*laughs).So can friends. One year later, X printed the same design
one who writes her biography be liable for infringement? But and intended it for sale to the general public. Q sued
this is old. But that came out thrice in the Bar (1997, 1988, X for damages despite his failure to have it copyright.
1977). Can Q claim damages from X? YES. Registration and
deposit is no longer a requirement before the
6. Jose Molina Junior inherited the musical works of his copyright owner can file a suit. Before RA 8293,
talented father, Jose Molina Sr. who in his lifetime copyright registration is required, but now, no more.
composed a number of well-known songs but did not
take the precaution of procuring secure copyright for 10. Jose Santos has written many poems, some of these
these songs. After his death, the more practical- were publishes in Panorama magazine but never
minded son, succeeded in having his father’s registered these in the copyright office. Among those
intellectual creation registered. One of the musical poems, were the poem “In the Rose Garden”. He was
compositions is the song “Habangbuhay” which had surprised when he heard over the radio a song whose
been popularly sung and in fact internationally lyrics were lines from his song. It appears that music
acclaimed before the senior Molina’s demise. sheets were published under the name of the
VilmaAunor was requested to sing “Habangbuhay” in composer without the acknowledgement of Jose. Jose
a free cultural presentation in Luneta Park. Jose wants to know what his rights are against the
Molina sued VilmaAunor for infringement. Will the composer. What will you advise him? Suggested
case prosper? Suggested answer: NO. Section 184 answer: Jose, the author of the poem, may enjoin the
provides that the following acts shall not constitute publisher from publishing the sheets without putting
infringement of copyright: a. the recitation or his name. His poems are protected from the moment
performance of a work, once it has been lawfully of creation. Read the other provisions.
made accessible to the public and free of charge or if
made strictly for a charitable or religious institution or Distinctions
Trademark Copyright Patent
But angproblemadidto, sa Bar, yungvideoke, diba? You can file Goods and services Literary, scholarly Inventions
a case, anyway, hopefully they won’t ask that. works
50 years - duration 50 years 50 years
7. X copyrighted a scientific research paper consisting of
50 pages about the Tasadays. Y wrote a 100-page How many cases do we have left? 2. Khovs Summerville.
review of X’s work, criticizing X’s findings as a hoax
and reproducing 90% of X’s paper. Can X sue Y for Case: ElidadKhovs Court and Appeals and Summerville (one of
infringement? NO. A critique on a copyrighted work as the cases in PROVREM on injunction)
to produce portions before it can be understood by
the readers is not copyright infringement. This is Facts: Elidad C. Kho filed a complaint for injunction and
under Fair Use of Copyrighted Work (Section 185) damages with a prayer for the issuance of a writ of preliminary
injunction against the respondents Summerville General
8. The Victoria Hotel reproduces copies and distributes Merchandising and Company and AngTiamChay.
and makes them available to hotel guests. This is
when you were you not yet born noh? Mga BETAMAX. Kho alleges that Kho, doing business under the name and style
Can I rent this movie? It charges a nomial fee for the of KEC Cosmetics Laboratory, is the registered owner of the
use of the videotape. Can Victoria Hotel be enjoined copyrights Chin Chun Su and Oval Facial Cream
and made liable for damages? YES. Victoria Hotel has Container/Case, Kho also has patent rights on Chin Chun Su &
no right to use such in its hotel business without the Device and Chin Chun Su for medicated cream after
consent of the owner of the copyright. Would it make purchasing the same from Quintin Cheng, the registered owner
any difference if the hotel does not charge any fee? thereof in the Supplemental Register of the Philippine Patent;
NO. The use of the videotapes is for business and not that respondent Summerville advertised and sold petitioner’s
for home consumption. Read the case of Philippine cream products under the brand name Chin Chun Su, in similar
Society of Composers VS Tan. containers that petitioner uses, thereby misleading the public,
and resulting in the decline in the petitioner’s business sales
and income. Summerville alleged as their defense that
Okay, what is the test for infringement? The test for Summerville is the exclusive and authorized importer, re-
infringement is ah, according to the case of Rodinasvs Court of packer and distributor of Chin Chun Su products manufactured
Appeals, the court has adopted the Doctrine of Equivalence in by Shun Yi Factory of Taiwan.
infringement cases. Kasingadiba, if a song is composed by X
and you have here Y composing a confusingly similar song. Issue: whether or not the copyright and patent over the name
When we talk of the Doctrine of Equivalence, we also talk of and container of a beauty cream product entitle the registrant
the purpose some authors would say. to use in ownership of the same to the exclusion of others.

9. Q designs for R a personalized Christmas card with an Held: The answer is NO. Why? The container is not subject to
artistic motif depicting a Philippine rural Christmas a copyright, but a trademark. Trademarks, copyrights, and
scene with a woman and child and a man astride a patents are different intellectual property rights that cannot be
carabao beside a tree. Underneath the design is the interchanged. (Whoohapitnajudnahuman. T_T)
name of Q, the artist. R ordered from Q 500 copies of
Khovs Summerville Held: The SC said NO!
Held: Trademark, copyright and patents are different
intellectual property rights that cannot be interchanged with P & D vs SM
one another. A trademark is any visible sign capable of
distinguishing the goods (trademark) or services (service mark) Held: Copyright, in the strict sense of the term, is purely a
of an enterprise and shall include a stamped or marked statutory right. Being a mere statutory grant, the rights are
container of goods. In relation thereto, a trade name means limited to what the statute confers. It may be obtained and
the name or designation identifying or distinguishing an enjoyed only with respect to the subjects and by the persons,
enterprise. Meanwhile, the scope of a copyright is confined to and on terms and conditions specified in the statute.
literary and artistic works which are original intellectual Accordingly, it can cover only the works falling within the
creations in the literary and artistic domain protected from the statutory enumeration or description.
moment of their creation. Patentable inventions, on the other
hand, refer to any technical solution of a problem in any field P & D secured its copyright under the classification class “O”
of human activity which is new, involves an inventive step and work. This being so, petitioner’s copyright protection extended
is industrially applicable. only to the technical drawings and not to the light box itself
because the latter was not at all in the category of “prints,
Petitioner has no right to support her claim for the exclusive pictorial illustrations, advertising copies, labels, tags and box
use of the subject trade name and its container. The name and wraps.” Stated otherwise, even as we find that P & D indeed
container of a beauty cream product are proper subjects of a owned a valid copyright, the same could have referred only to
trademark inasmuch as the same falls squarely within its the technical drawings within the category of “pictorial
definition. In order to be entitled to exclusively use the same in illustrations.” It could not have possibly stretched out to
the sale of the beauty cream product, the user must include the underlying light box. The strict application of the
sufficiently prove that she registered or used it before anybody law’s enumeration in Section 2 prevents us from giving
else did. The petitioner’s copyright and patent registration of petitioner even a little leeway, that is, even if its copyright
the name and container would not guarantee her the right to certificate was entitled “Advertising Display Units.” What the
the exclusive use of the same for the reason that they are not law does not include, it excludes, and for the good reason: the
appropriate subjects of the said intellectual rights. light box was not a literary or artistic piece which could be
Consequently, a preliminary injunction order cannot be issued copyrighted under the copyright law. And no less clearly,
for the reason that the petitioner has not proven that she has neither could the lack of statutory authority to make the light
a clear right over the said name and container to the exclusion box copyrightable be remedied by the simplistic act of entitling
of others, not having proven that she has registered a the copyright certificate issued by the National Library as
trademark thereto or used the same before anyone did. “Advertising Display Units.”

Another case is the case of Pearl and Dean vs SM. In fine, if SMI and NEMI reprinted P & D’s technical drawings
(Classmates, it seems ngagi-read judni Ma’am ang entire ruling for sale to the public without license from P & D, then no
aninga case) doubt they would have been guilty of copyright infringement.
But this was not the case. SMI’s and NEMI’s acts complained
Case: Pearl and Dean vsShoemart of by P & D were to have units similar or identical to the light
box illustrated in the technical drawings manufactured by
Facts: Pearl and Dean (Phil.), Inc. is a corporation engaged in Metro and EYD Rainbow Advertising, for leasing out to
the manufacture of advertising display units simply referred to different advertisers. Was this an infringement of petitioner’s
as light boxes. Yung mga poster ads, with the pictures of copyright over the technical drawings? We do not think so.
artistas, yungmgaganun. These units utilize specially printed
posters sandwiched between plastic sheets and illuminated During the trial, the president of P & D himself admitted that
with back lights. Pearl and Dean was able to secure a the light box was neither a literary not an artistic work but an
Certificate of Copyright Registration dated January 20, 1981 “engineering or marketing invention.” Obviously, there
over these illuminated display units. The advertising light appeared to be some confusion regarding what ought or ought
boxes were marketed under the trademark “Poster Ads”. The not to be the proper subjects of copyrights, patents and
application for registration of the trademark was filed with the trademarks. In the leading case of KhovsCAwe ruled that
Bureau of Patents, Trademarks and Technology Transfer on these three legal rights are completely distinct and separate
June 20, 1983, but was approved only on 1988. From 1981 to from one another, and the protection afforded by one cannot
about 1988, Pearl and Dean employed the services of Metro be used interchangeably to cover items or works that
Industrial Services to manufacture its advertising displays. exclusively pertain to the others:
However, narealizeng SMna “angdali-
dalilangnamanpalanggawinngmga boxes”, so it did not renew Trademark, copyright and patents are different
the contract, and made their own. So Pearl and Dean sued SM intellectual property rights that cannot be
for infringement, unfair competition and damages against SM. interchanged with one another. A trademark is any
Issues: visible sign capable of distinguishing the
1. Did SM commit copyright infringement? goods(trademark) or services (service mark) of an
(1) if the engineering or technical drawings of an enterprise and shall include a stamped or marked
advertising display unit (light box) are granted container of goods. In relation thereto, a trade name
copyright protection (copyright certificate of means the name or designation identifying or
registration) by the National Library, is the light distinguishing an enterprise. Meanwhile, the scope of
box depicted in such engineering drawings ipso a copyright is confined to literary and artistic works
facto also protected by such copyright? which are original intellectual creations in the literary
and artistic domain protected from the moment of
their creation. Patentable inventions, on the other engage in or market these goods. On the contrary, it dealt in
hand, refer to any technical solution of a problem in electrically operated backlit advertising units and the sale of
any field of human activity which is new, involves an advertising spaces thereon, which, however, were not at all
inventive step and is industrially applicable. specified in the trademark certificate.

Assuming arguendo that “Poster Ads” could validly qualify as a

2. If, despite its manufacture and commercial use of the trademark, the failure of P & D to secure a trademark
light boxes without license from petitioner, private registration for specific use on the light boxes meant that there
respondents cannot be held legally liable for could not have been any trademark infringement since
infringement of P & D’s copyright over its technical registration was an essential element thereof.
drawings of the said light boxes, should they be liable
instead for infringement of patent? NO. 4. Did SM engage in unfair competition? NO!! (*high
notes si Ma’am)diba, in unfair competition, one must
Held: For some reason or another, petitioner never secured a establish goodwill!
patent for the light boxes. It therefore acquired no patent
rights which could have protected its invention, if in fact it Held: There can be no unfair competition under the law on
really was. And because it had no patent, petitioner could not copyrights although it is applicable to disputes over the use of
legally prevent anyone from manufacturing or commercially trademarks. Even a name or phrase incapable of appropriation
using the contraption. In Creser Precision Systems, Inc. vs. as a trademark or tradename may, by long and exclusive use
Court of Appeals, we held that “there can be no infringement by a business (such that the name or phrase becomes
of a patent until a patent has been issued, since whatever right associated with the business or product in the mind of the
one has to the invention covered by the patent arises alone purchasing public), be entitled to protection against unfair
from the grant of patent. x xx (A)n inventor has no common competition. In this case, there was no evidence that P & D’s
law right to a monopoly of his invention. He has the right to use of “Poster Ads” was distinctive or well-known. As noted by
make use of and vend his invention, but if he voluntarily the Court of Appeals, petitioner’s expert witnesses himself had
discloses it, such as by offering it for sale, the world is free to testified that “ ‘Poster Ads’ was too generic a name. So it was
copy and use it with impunity. A patent, however, gives the difficult to identify it with any company, honestly speaking.”
inventor the right to exclude all others. As a patentee, he has This crucial admission by its own expert witness that “Poster
the exclusive right of making, selling or using the invention. On Ads” could not be associated with P & D showed that, in the
the assumption that petitioner’s advertising units were mind of the public, the goods and services carrying the
patentable inventions, petitioner revealed them fully to the trademark “Poster Ads” could not be distinguished from the
public by submitting the engineering drawings thereof to the goods and services of other entities.
National Library.
This fact also prevented the application of the doctrine of
There is no such scrutiny in the case of copyrights nor any secondary meaning. “Poster Ads” was generic and incapable of
notice published before its grant to the effect that a person is being used as a trademark because it was used in the field of
claiming the creation of a work. The law confers the copyright poster advertising, the very business engaged in by petitioner.
from the moment of creation and the copyright certificate is “Secondary meaning” means that a word or phrase originally
issued upon registration with the National Library of a sworn incapable of exclusive appropriation with reference to an
ex-parte claim of creation. article in the market (because it is geographically or otherwise
descriptive) might nevertheless have been used for so long
Therefore, not having gone through the arduous examination and so exclusively by one producer with reference to his article
for patents, the petitioner cannot exclude others from the that, in the trade and to that branch of the purchasing public,
manufacture, sale or commercial use of the light boxes on the the word or phrase has come to mean that the article was his
sole basis of its copyright certificate over the technical property. The admission by petitioner’s own expert witness
drawings. that he himself could not associate “Poster Ads” with petitioner
P & D because it was “too generic” definitely precluded the
Stated otherwise, what petitioner seeks is exclusivity without application of this exception.
any opportunity for the patent office (IPO) to scrutinize the
light box’s eligibility as a patentable invention. The irony here This was asked three years ago, what is the Denicola Test?
is that, had petitioner secured a patent instead, its exclusivity Mygawd.When I saw the question, I said “I haven’t
would have been for 17 years only. But through the simplified encountered this.” So I did my research. (Unfortunately, sa
procedure of copyright-registration with the National Library — Wiki na unveil ang answer, Wiki ang source niMa’am ).
without undergoing the rigor of defending the patentability of
its invention before the IPO and the public — the petitioner (from wiki) Courts often rely on the Denicola test, which asks
would be protected for 50 years. This situation could not have whether the artistic design was significantly influenced by
been the intention of the law. functional considerations. If so, copyrightability depends on
the extent to which the work reflects the artistic expression
3. Is SM liable for trademark infringement? NO. inhibited by functional considerations. As discussed by Judge
Held: This issue concerns the use by respondents of the mark
“Poster Ads” which petitioner’s president said was a Copyrightability "ultimately should depend on the extent to
contraction of “poster advertising.” P & D was able to secure a which the work reflects artistic expression uninhibited by
trademark certificate for it, but one where the goods specified functional considerations." To state the Denicola test in the
were “stationeries such as letterheads, envelopes, calling cards language of conceptual separability, if design elements reflect
and newsletters.” Petitioner admitted it did not commercially a merger of aesthetic and functional considerations, the artistic
aspects of a work cannot be said to be conceptually separable
from the utilitarian elements. Conversely, where design
elements can be identified as reflecting the designer's artistic
judgment exercised independently of functional influences,
conceptual separability exists.

Useful articles, okay. If a pictorial, graphic, or sculptural work,

or a work of art is useful as well…can you copyright
something aesthetic which is also useful as well? According to
xxx, it is copyrightable only when its aesthetic features are
separable from its utilitarian features. A useful articleis an
article having intrinsic utilitarian features not merely…the
appearance of an article. They must be separable from the
functional aspect to be copyrighted. So you can only copyright
the portion that is aesthetic, noh? So how do you know that
the useful part can be separated from the aesthetic part?

There are several tests used:

1. Primary Use Test – how is the thing primarily used,

did you buy it as a gadget or something which you
would admire or show?
2. Marketable as Art Test – Can the article be sold as
art? This test doesn’t have much backing.
3. Temporary(?)displacement (Not sure, mejo noisy ang
audio, if temporary or temporal) – Can an individual
conceptualize the article as art without
conceptualizing functionality at the same time?
4. Denicola Test – Copyrightability should ultimately
depend on the extent to which the work reflects the
artistic expression and functional consideration, if
something is in pleasing shape because it is functional
the artistic aspect is constrained by it, meaning it
should be pleasing to be admired because it is
pleasing to look at and not because it is useful. So
that is the Denicola Test.

So I think that’s it. (whew!)

Read the cases ha.


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