Importance and Implementation: Smart Card-Based Attendance Monitoring of Yca Students

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San Vicente, Pili, Camarines Sur

A/Y 2022-2023





Attendance is one of the essential activities in class, and it is vital to connect the
contribution of knowledge between the teachers and the students in school. It also
serves as a way to monitor students' performances and determine whether they are
present in school. And it plays a significant role in the academic achievement of school

The attendance rate is essential because pupils who attend school on a regular basis
are more likely to thrive academically. When a big number of students are regularly
missing, it is difficult for the instructor and the class to develop their abilities and
progress. It has an impact on the roles and performances of kids in school if attendance
is not properly monitored. Traditional methods of attendance tracking, such as paper-
based and manual sign-in processes, are time-consuming, error-prone, and frequently
result in poor levels of accuracy.As a result, smartcard technology is rapidly being used
in a variety of sectors and has shown to be a dependable and effective solution to this
problem. The process of collecting attendance may be expedited by employing a
smartcard-based attendance tracking system, decreasing the time and effort necessary.
Smart card technology is delivering a variety of new solutions to schools, colleges, and
institutions across the UK education system. The benefits include decreased worker
workloads, better security, and service enhancements (Allcock,2019). This solution will
eliminate the challenges and frustrations associated with the existing method of tracking

Smart cards, which are typically the same size as a driver's license or credit card.
When the student places the card in front of the RFID card reader, it reads the data and
compares it to the data stored in the 8051-family microcontroller. If the data matches, it
displays a message on the LCD confirming that student's entry, otherwise it displays a
message denying the attendance. The major purpose of this initiative is to track student
attendance using RFID cards. Each student is issued an approved tag that they must
swipe over the scanner in order for their attendance to be recorded.

Student monitoring utilizing RFID with SMS advice, as at Polytechnic University of the
Philippines, goal is to monitor the arrival and departure of Polytechnic University of the
Philippines students (Del Rosario,2012).The major aim of having smartcard-based
attendance is presented in this study. The primary purpose of this research is to get
access to and assist teachers in facilitating attendance marking for all students present
in class. This will be one of the easiest ways to record each student's class attendance.
This is also to assess the smartcard-based attendance system's efficiency in terms of
precision, reliability, and student and teacher convenience.

Most schools, at least in the Philippines, use attendance monitoring is time-consuming

and tiresome. Some employ paper-based forms that students must submit along with
their department and name. A practical approach, particularly there is a seating
arrangement in big classrooms to readily check for open seats. Then allocate them to
the appropriate learners. Following collection any of these solutions would still require
the data that must be encoded in order to create a report on attendance. Because of
chronic absenteeism, some because of this, 10% of students miss 10% of the school
year. A school might having 90% regular daily attendance, while just 40% of its kids are
frequently missing because different students are absent. On other days, make up those
90 percent (IJITEE,2021).

Hence, manual attendance tracking in schools in the Philippines has a negative

impact and causes obstacles for students and instructors. It resulted in teacher-inflicted
student absences, as well as student performance in class, and seating arrangement or
organization. It was also demonstrated in the condensed research released in June
2021 by the International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploration Engineering

To sum up, the smart-based attendance monitoring is literally necessary for the YCA
students. That had already been proven by the other schools outside and inside the
country for implementing this system. It will give the students of YCA the advantages
that they deserve: all student data merged into a single card; efficient student tracking;
strengthened student security; an advanced form of attendance marking; and so on.

The study's goal is to evaluate the smartcard-based attendance tracking system's

accuracy, dependability, and convenience for both students and instructors. The findings
of this study might be useful for colleges wishing to implement comparable technology
and enhance their attendance tracking methods.

Moreover, the study seeks to elicit information about the possible experiences and
feedback of students and teachers in using the system, as well as the current status or
stands of implementing this system and dealing with any potential issues that may arise
during the project execution. The researchers hope to provide guidelines for the
assimilation of smartcard technology into attendance monitoring processes in
educational institutions by conducting this study.

Statement of the Problem

This research aims to find out the usefulness of smart-based attendance monitoring
for the primary implementation in YCA. The following questions will be addressed by this

1) What are the stands of the following about smartcard-based attendance:

a) Students

b) Teachers

c) Parents

d) Management
2) What are the reason/s they chose that stand?

3) What are the advantages of smartcard-based attendance?

4) What are the disadvantages of smartcard-based attendance?

Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of smartcard-based

attendance monitoring among Yobhel Christian Academy students who want to learn
and present ideas and thoughts in this field. Here are the following:

 Determine the stands of the following about smartcard-based attendance:

a.) Students
b.) Teachers
c.) Parents
d.) Management
 Determine the reason/s they chose that stand.
 Identify the advantages of smartcard-based attendance.
 Know the disadvantages of smartcard-based attendance.

Significance of the Study

a.Students of YC -This study will be advantageous to YCA students, especially

those who are short on time for their first lesson, as it will eliminate the need to record
their names manually in attendance and will also be beneficial to them and easy to
utilize the system as a member of the new generation.
b.Teachers of YC -This will make it easier for them to keep track of their
students' attendance in class. It will also save time by not writing the current students
who will have a factor in their time of discussion.

c. Parents of YCA Students - For them to have peace of mind that according to
the text message that parents will receive when their child arrives at school, they will be
able to guarantee that their children arrive at school safe and present in class.

d. YCA Management -It will enable them to quickly identify and address any
variables or difficulties about student absences that are affecting the academic
performance of the children and the school.

e. Other Researchers -the study will serve as their references that will help their
study to be more informative.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study looks at the effects and relevance of smart card-based attendance for
YCA students from San Vicente, Pili, and Camarines Sur. This study is limited to
determining the benefits and drawbacks of applying the smart-card-based attendance.
Respondents were chosen at random and included fifteen (15) elementary pupils, fifteen
(15) high school students, seven (7) instructors, seven (7) parents, and three (3)
members from Yobhel Christian Academy's management. The study began in the first
week of March and will be completed by the end of March 2023.

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