Instructions Manual: Electronic Module
Instructions Manual: Electronic Module
Instructions Manual: Electronic Module
Electronic module
62 205 827 15 ed00
1.2 - Functions 2
1) Control 2
2) Data 2
3) Regulation 2
4) Control of condensate drain-off 2
5) Signalling of maintenance operations 2
6) Management of operating defects 2
7) Programmin compressor startup and stopping 2
1.5 - Definitions 6
Chapter 2 - Menus 7
2.1 - Initialisation Menu 7
2.2 - Programming Menu 8
2.3 - Machine status information menu 9
2.4 - Machine configuration information menu 10
3.3 - Warnings 15
3.4 - Maintenance 16
3.5 - Faults 16
Chapter 4 - Options 18
4.1 - Serial cable 18
4.2 - Serial interface 18
62 205 827 15 1
Chapter 1 - General description
The battery is used to keep date and time when the power As soon as a fault signal appears, the PCI07 stops the
supply is off. Its working life depends upon the length of time the compressor, signals the fault through the red light of the reset
machine is off. key and displays a message allowing the cause of the incident to
We recommend replacing the battery every 4 years. be quickly located.
However, should the date and time disappear, change the The 8 last faults occurring on the compressor are kept in the
battery as follows (no other parameter is lost): memory and can be displayed by a technician holding the
• Turn the power off electronic key (See 2.3).
• Open the flap at the rear of the PCI07
• Replace the old battery with a new one ref. CR2032 7) Programming compressor startup and stopping
• Close the flap
• Reset the date and time After programming the timers, the real-time clock on the
PCI07 allows automatic starting and stopping of the compressor.
The clock which operates when the compressor is
deenergized is supplied by a lithium battery with 8 years' service
1.2 - Functions life. The maximum battery service life is 8 years with the
compressor energized.
1) Control
5 keys on the front face of the PCI07 can be used by the
operator to control and monitor the compressor:
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1.3 - PCI front panel (Fig.1)
1) LED indicators Reset key (F3)
Color: yellow
Power supply indicator Symbol: R
Color: green
Pressing on the reset key:
Symbol: lightning
• trips a lamp test and condensate drainage,
This indicator remains on as long as the machine is • in the presence of an alarm or a defect, displays the
energized. message for maintenance when the compressor is stopped,
• when the machine is stopped, in defect or alarm mode,
enables the defect or the alarm message to be cancelled
Alarm indicator after maintenance.
If several defects or alarms are activated at the same time, it
Color: yellow will be necessary to press on the reset key the same number
Symbol: spanner of times necessary to eliminate them all,
• enables the cancel of an under-pressure stop,
This indicator flashes as soon as a maintenance operation is
• when the machine is stopped, enables the machine
needed, either because the machine has reached a number of
configuration information menu to be scrolled,
hours requiring servicing, or because a sensor has detected a
threshold. A message indicating the operation to be executed is • when the machine is operating, enables a return to the
displayed. “onload” or “offload” display,
• when in the programming or initialising menu, enables
modification of settings.
Under-pressure shutdown indicator (F2)
Color: red Machine start key
This indicator comes on as soon as the machine is stopped Color: green
by the under-pressure stop key. Symbol: |
Color: red
Symbol: oil tank which empties 3) Display
Pressing the "under-pressure shutdown" key: The 2-line, 16 character back-lit liquid crystal display panel
• when the machine is operating, enables the machine to be can be used to display status, alarm, fault messages together
stopped while maintaining the air pressure in the internal with operating parameters (pressure, temperature, etc.).
machine circuit during 2 or 3 minutes in order to: On energizing the compressor, an initialising message gives
- drain the oil more easily, the version of the software displayed (e.g.: EPROM P01PCI21).
- carry out a check on the leaktightness of circuits under After initialising, the display of the data and the time is used to
pressure, detect an eventual disturbance in the memory.
• when in the programming or initializing menu, enables
validation of selected settings.
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1.4 - PCI rear panel (Fig.2)
1) Description of inputs/outputs
• 8-pole withdrawable connector for the option or the
5 connectors on the rear of the PCI can be used to connect connection of the electronic key (X6).
the inputs/outputs and the PCI power supply.
20 and 21. TS
Temperature probe
Analog sensor for measuring the temperature at In addition to these 5 connectors, a double Faston lug on
element output. rear plate of the PCI allows connection of the PE conductor
22 to 24. PT and cable screening.
Pressure sensor Push button F1 in the middle of the rear panel of the PCI
Analog sensor for measuring the pressure at the allows access to the initializing menu.
machine output (user).
4 62 205 827 15
Fig.1 : Front panel of the PCI07
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1.5 - Definitions
• Analog sensor
An analog sensor is a sensor which has a continuous • Remote control option
measuring range. This option allows the compressor to be started or
The PCI07 manages two analogue inputs: one for the stopped remotely and a general fault reported (light, siren,
pressure sensor (0 to 17 bar), and one for the oil etc.).
temperature probe (-20 to +151°C). - Operation as main compressor and back-up for 2
compressors (serial cable).
- To control and display the status of a remote
• Timer compressor (serial interface).
A timer is used to program automatic startup and
shutdown of the compressor. Starting and stopping can be
programmed for one day of the week, work days (Monday to • Serial port option
Friday), week-end or every day of the week. Using an interface, this option allows alternating
8 timers can be programmed. operation of 2 compressors or all the operating parameters
Examples: from the compressor to be displayed on the PC.
• Timer 1 active for Monday, Start timer 1 = 8 a.m. and
stop timer 1 = 4 p.m. Î the compressor will operate on • Automatic restart
Mondays from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.. This option enables automatic restart of the compressor
• Timer 5 active for Thursday, Start timer 1 = 6.30 a.m. after a power outage.
and stop timer 1 = 8.15 p.m. Î the compressor will
operate on Thursdays from 6.30 a.m. until 8.15 p.m..
• Max. number of starts authorized per hour
When a compressor is pending restart by a timer, the This function is for defining the minimum operating time
message « WARNING AUTO RESTART BY TIMER » moves of the motor between its last startup and automatic shutdown
through the display. as a result of prolonged no-load operation.
If the compressor is pending restart by a timer, the If, on a prolonged no-load operation, the motor no-load
compressor can be forced to start manually by dual pressing operating time is exceeded, compressor shutdown will only
on the start key ( I ). This forced operation will not alter the be authorized if the number of maximum restarts per hour is
timer settings. complied with.
Examples :
In the examples above, if the key is double pressed Example:
before Monday 8.00 a.m. or Thursday 6.30 a.m., the - The maximum number of restarts authorized per hour is
compressor will start and stop automatically on Monday at 4 set at 3,
p. m. or on Thursday at 8.15 p.m.. - the motor operating time is 10 minutes.
• Onload operation
The compressor is generating at full load (inlet valve
100% open) or at part load (inlet valve partly open).
• Offload operation
The compressor operates at nil flow and with the oil tank
6 62 205 827 15
Chapter 2 - Menus
For selecting the display language, maintenance cycles, startups, condensate drain and real-time clock.
DAY Real-time clock
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2.2 - Programming menu
The back-up pressure and the back-up deviation are only adjusted for the 2-compressor mode, compressor A (option).
8 timers are available. The choice of the active timers and their adjustment is only possible when operating 'with timers'.
8 62 205 827 15
2.3 - Machine status information menu
Hours operation
SEPARATOR Maintenance
Tuesday 01/01/98
Date and time
12 : 00
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2.5 - Machine configuration information menu
For displaying the startup mode, the pressure and temperature protection limits and the option.
Machine configuration
P and T protections
10 62 205 827 15
Chapter 3 - Description of messages
** LANGUAGE selection **
(Initializing menu)
LANGUAGE Select the language for displaying the information on the PCI (Eight language options).
OFFLOAD MINIMUM Input the compressor no-load operating time before motor stops (minutes).
UNIT NUMBER Input the machine number.
CONDENSATE DRAIN Input the frequency of condensate drain valve opening (minutes).
CONDENSATE DRAIN Input condensate drain valve opening time (seconds).
MOTOR STARTUPS Input star startup phase time lag (seconds).
MOTOR STARTUPS Input maximum number of motor starts/hour.
CLOCK YEAR Input the year to set the clock real time.
CLOCK MONTH Input the month to set the clock real time.
CLOCK DAY Input the day to set the clock real time.
CLOCK HOUR Input the hour to set the clock real time.
CLOCK MINUTES Input the minutes to set the clock real time.
Once the date and time have been set, the clock only starts after quitting the setting menu using key F1 on the rear of the PCI.
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** Setting the REGULATION pressure **
(Programming menu)
REGULATION Input the regulation pressure leading to compressor no-load operation (bars).
DIFFERENTIAL Input the deviation between the regulation pressure and the pressurizing pressure corresponding to
PRESSURE the no-load operation range (bars).
STAND-BY When two compressors are operating alternately, inputting the regulation pressure leads to no-load
PRESSURE operation of the back-up compressor (bars).
DIFFERENTIAL When two compressors are working alternately, input the deviation between the regulation pressure
STAND-BY and the pressurizing pressure for the backup compressor corresponding to the no-load operation
range (bars).
INTERNAL Operation with a serial interface. The regulation instructions set on PCI07 and the analog pressure
REGULATION sensor are used for load and no-load operation of the compressor. Regulation is dependent on the
internal compressor settings.
EXTERNAL Operation with a serial interface. The load and no-load start orders are external to the compressor
REGULATION (load/no-load start inputs from the serial interface). The compressor internal pressure sensors remain
active for the protection functions.
OPERATION Compressor operation through timers (8 timers can be programmed to stop and start the machine
WITH TIMERS automatically).
12 62 205 827 15
3.2 - Compressor data
** RESTART and COOLING modes **
(Machine configuration menu)
MANUAL Manual restart of the compressor after a current outage lasting more than 250 ms.
RESTART Automatic restart of the compressor after a current outage.
Maximum value authorized for regulation pressure setting (bar) = maximum service pressure
Maximum compressor operating temperature (C°) leading to compressor fault trip (temperature
TEMPERATURE MAX protection).
Minimum compressor operating temperature (°C) It is impossible to stop the compressor below the
TEMPERATURE MIN minimum operating temperature (temperature protection). --- : the low temperature safety
mechanism is inhibited.
** OPTION **
(Machine configuration menu)
SERIAL CONNECTION No option has been selected. The compressor operates in self-contained mode and makes
OPTION OFF adjustments based on its own settings and sensors. Default adjustment.
SERIAL CONNECTION Serial connection option selected (serial interface or connection cable between 2 compressors)
SERIAL Configuration allowing the connection of the serial interface. The compressor can operate without
INTERFACE the interface if the internal regulation mode is selected
SERIAL The two compressors can operate alternately (one main compressor and one back-up). The PCI07
CABLE for both compressors have to be linked by their X6 option connectors to the connection cable.
COMPRESSOR A When two compressors operate alternately, automatic permutation takes place every 24 hours.
DAILY Setting the regulation set points takes place on this compressor.
COMPRESSOR A When two compressors operate alternately, automatic permutation takes place every week. The
WEEKLY regulation set points are input on this compressor.
COMPRESSOR B When two compressors operate alternately, compressor A is controlled by compressor B.
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** DRYER **
(machine configuration menu)
DRYER ON Actives the On/Off control of the dryer via the digital output SOV1.
(initialization menu)
00.0 BAR 000 °C Displays the use pressure measured at the machine output (bars) and the temperature at the
discharge of the compressor part (C°).
POWER ON The compressor is energized and stopped.
OFFLOAD The compressor operates at nil flow and with the oil tank empty.
The pressure measured by the analog sensor at the use is within the regulation deviation.
• No-load operation start:
- The use pressure (analog pressure sensor) reaches the regulation pressure.
• End of no-load operation:
- The compressor output pressure falls and reaches the pressurizing restart pressure
(regulation pressure – regulation deviation).
- The offload operation time exceeds the offload minimum time and the compressor stops (if
allowed by the maximum number of starts per hour data).
In the event of alternating operation of 2 machines (optional), message displayed on the compressor
DUTY ONLOAD used as main compressor when this operates at full load or part load.
In the event of alternating operation of 2 machines (optional), message displayed on the compressor
DUTY OFFLOAD used as the main one when this operates at nil flow and with the oil tank empty.
In the event of alternating operation of 2 machines (optional), message displayed on the regulating
ST-BY ONLOAD compressor as the backup when operating at full load or part load.
In the event of alternating operation of 2 machines (optional), message displayed on the regulating
ST-BY OFFLOAD compressor as backup when operating at nil flow and with empty oil tank.
Flashing display during compressor time-lagged stop.
During compressor shutdown, the led associated with key | flashes.
Before full shutdown of the compressor, the PCI operates at no load for a minimum of 30 seconds in
STOPPING order to bring down the pressure in the tank and thereby avoid back flow of oil via the air filter.
If, when pressing on stop key O , the compressor is already empty, the time lag is adapted in order to
ensure minimum 30 seconds no-load operation.
During compressor shutdown, this may be restarted by pressing on key |.
(Machine status data)
Displays the total number of hours of compressor operation (main motor rotating). Hourmeter
TOTAL HOURS incrementation takes place when output KM1 (line) is active.
Displays the number of compressor load operation hours. The load operation hours is incremented
ONLOAD HOURS when the output KM1 (line) and SOV2 (control valve) are activated simultaneously.
LOAD RATIO Displays the ratio between the number of hours load operation and the total number of hours.
** Maintenance **
(Machine status data)
AIR FILTER Displays the remaining service life of the air filter before next maintenance (hours).
OIL FILTER Displays the remaining service life of the oil filter before next maintenance (hours).
SEPARATOR Displays the remaining service life of the separator filter before next maintenance (hours).
OIL CHANGE Displays the remaining service life of the filter before drainage by maintenance (hours).
Displays the remaining service life for the main motor bearings before any maintenance work
BEARINGS (hours).
14 62 205 827 15
(From programming menu)
TEMPERATURE SYSTEM Test of the temperature protection trip has been selected. The maximum temperature setting is
TEST lowered to 60 °C. The compressor is on operating standby ready to begin the test.
The temperature protection trip test has been executed and the compressor fault has been activated.
The test is valid.
SENSOR OK Reset by pressing on the reset key F3.
The maximum temperature setting is brought to its initial value for normal operation.
** OTHER information **
STAR STARTING Displayed during all the motor start star phase (based on the star duration setting).
Displayed while the microprocessor checks that transfer to delta mode has indeed been executed
(around 3 seconds).
DELTA TRANSITION At the end of the passage onto delta, the compressor transfers to load and condensate drainage
takes place.
OPTION for belt drive compressor
PRESSURE The compressor is on restart standby.
ABOVE 1.5 BAR The pressure in the tank is greater than 1.5b.
Restart as soon as the pressure in the tank falls below 1.5 bar.
STOP UNDER The compressor has been stopped using the under pressure stop key F2.
PRESSURE, DOT NOT Restart is only possible after resetting (key F3) and for a pressure in the tank less than 1.5 b
RESTART (OPTION for belt drive compressor).
• Displayed on stopping the compressor after prolonged no-load operation.
Restarts when the build-up pressure has been reached.
• Displayed in the event of compressor startup although the pressure measured by the analog
RESTART sensor is situated in the regulation deviation range.
Restarts when the build-up pressure has been reached.
• On a micro-break (less than 250 ms), message displayed for 10 seconds before compressor
• OPTION. If the compressor is in automatic restart configuration, message displayed as a result
of a current break (micro-break or long-duration break). After 10 seconds display, the compressor
• Displayed for 10 seconds before compressor restart by a timer.
CAUTION: AUTOMATIC When operating with timers, this message is displayed when a timer(s) is active and outside the
programmed operating times. Compressor startup possible:
RESTART • Automatic by timer, when within the programmed operating times.
BY TIMER • Forced by double pressing on the start key (I) of PCI07.
AUTOMATIC LOW Displayed when the temperature meausured by the temperature probe at the element output is less
TEMPERATURE than or equal to the minimum operating temperature (protection).
RESTART The compressor cannot start as long as the temperature is below the minimum threshold.
WARNING : REMOTE Displayed on remote stopping of the machine.
START Remote restart available.
On local mode stopping of the compressor, remote restart is not available.
3.3 - Warnings
Message is displayed when the temperature measured by the analog sensor at the element outlet
WARNING , HIGH reaches the maximum alarm threshold (max. temperature of the protection less than 5 °C).
TEMPERATURE The compressor continues to operate.
The alarm is cancelled after pressing on reset key F3, with the compressor stopped, if the
temperature has fallen below the max. alarm threshold.
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3.4 - Maintenance
1 display of the message when the remaining air filter life is 5 hours.
CHANGE AIR FILTER 2 display of the message when the air filter life counter has reached 0.
After changing the filter and resetting the life counter, cancellation after pressing on reset key F3.
2 case:
CHANGE AIR/OIL • displayed after deoiler clogging detected by differential pressure gauge.
1 display of the message when the separator filter life is 5 hours.
2 display of the message when the separator filter life counter has reached 0.
After changing the filter and resetting the life counter, cancellation after pressing on reset key F3.
1 display of message when the remaining oil life is 5 hours.
CHANGE OIL 2 display of the message when the oil life counter reaches 0.
After drainage and resetting the life counter, cancellation after pressing on reset key F3.
1 display of message when the remaining oil filter life is 5 hours.
CHANGE OIL FILTER 2 display of the message when the oil filter life counter reaches 0.
After changing the filter and resetting the life counter, cancellation after pressing on reset key F3.
1 display of the message 5 hours before main motor bearing lubrication.
2 display of the message when the bearing lubrication counter has reached 0.
LUBRICATION After bearing lubrication and reinitializing the counter, cancellation after pressing on the reset button
3.5 - Faults
16 62 205 827 15
HIGH PRESSURE FAULT The HP is tripped after detecting overpressure in tank or the analog pressure sensor at the machine
output has reached the safe HP level (max. pressure+1bar) .
Compressor stops.
Possible cause:
• intake chamber valve does not close
• Analog pressure sensor fault
Restart possible if pressure falls below HP trip value after resetting by pressing on reset key F3.
The analog temperature probe measures a temperature at the element outlet which is above the
compressor maximum operating temperature (temperature protection).
HIGH TEMPERATURE The compressor is stopped.
FAULT Possible causes:
• low oil
• ambient temperature too high
• obstruction of cooling air passage through oil radiators
• clogging of oil/water exchanger
• obstructed oil circuit
• stopped fan
• defective temperature probe
Restart possible if the temperature has fallen below the maximum safe temperature and after
resetting by pressing on reset key F3.
This fault is detected when the compressor is onload or offload (water cooling).
The fault is displayed after a 6 second confirmation time laps.
WATER FLOW FAULT The compressor stops.
Possible causes:
• general inlet closed
• solenoid valve has not opened
• clogging of exchangers
• water flow controller defective
Restart is possible after having eliminated the fault and after resetting by pressing on reset key F3.
The compressor is operating with the serial interface option. The EXTERNAL regulation mode has
been selected. The serial interface is not detected by PCI07. The compressor stops.
SERIAL Possible causes:
INTERFACE FAULT • the communication cable connecting the electronic board to the serial interface has not been
• the serial interface is not supplied
• communication cable fault
• serial interface electronic board fault.
Restart possible after eliminating the fault and resetting by pressing on the reset key F3.
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Chapter 4 - Options Alternancy:
The operation described previously is reversed every 24
hours or every week based on the selected operating mode.
The 8-pole connector situated behind the PCI07 is used to
During a permutation, compressor A is regulated according
connect up the 2 following options:
to the main set point and compressor B according to the backup
- Serial cable
set point.
- Serial connection interface
On the next permutation, compressor A regulates according
to the backup set point and compressor B according to the main
In order to connect one of the options, PCI07 has to be set to
set point.
'SERIAL CONNECTION OPTION ON' (machine configuration
Timer management:
Each compressor operates through its own timers. As
4.1 - Serial cable soon as one compressor is outside its programmed operating
Alternating operation of 2 compressors times, the « CAUTION: AUTOMATIC RESTART BY TIMER »
(Kit ref.: 62 590 810 00, cable ref.. 62 363 691 00) message is displayed. The second compressor then operates
independently and based on its own settings and its own sensor.
This option can be used to operate 2 compressors The « MAIN » and « BACKUP » display disappears.
alternately after connecting their PCI07 using the connection When both compressors are in their programmed operating
cable. times, the main/backup mode is automatically reactivated.
18 62 205 827 15
Inputs / outputs: Chapter 5 - Temperature protection
(See diagram ref. 62 139 444 00)
• input 1: remote start / stop
This input controls starting and stopping of the compressor. The temperature protection trip of a compressor can be
• input 2: load / no-load operation tested. This test has to be carried out once every year in order to
This input can be used to force load or no-load operation of check that this protection operates properly.
the compressor. The input is activated if the external
regulation mode is selected in the programming menu.
Test procedure:
• output 1: unused • Set the compressor to shut down, and energize.
• output 2: compressor internal regulation status • When the temperature measured by the analog sensor
Pressure switch type output reflecting the compressor exceeds 60 °C, place the cursor in the programming
theoretical operating mode (load or no load) relative to the menu (press on key F4 longer than 3 seconds).
regulation instructions set on PCI07. Active output when • In the programming menu, press on keys Ο and |
operating with load. simultaneously. The « TEMPERATURE SYSTEM
• output 3: local / remote regulation TEST » message comes on.
This output reflects the regulation mode configured on PCI07
(internal or external regulation). With internal regulation, the When the « TEMPERATURE SYSTEM TEST » message is
compressor uses its own settings and internal pressure displayed, the compressor is ready to carry out a temperature
sensor to regulate operation. In external regulation, input 2 is protection trip test. For this test, the maximum operating
used for the load or no-load start order. Active output in temperature setting is less than 60 °C in order to cause tripping
external regulation. of a protection in the normal conditions of operation.
• output 4: load operation
Active output when the compressor motor is rotating
• output 5: availability • Set the compressor to On by pressing on key |.
Active output when the compressor is ready to operate (no • Wait for the temperature protection to trip. Check that
fault, machine energized and start pressed) this trip takes place at 60 °C.
• output 6: general fault • After tripping the protection, the « SENSOR OK »
Active output when no fault. message is displayed. The fault indicator is on. The test
is valid.
On a break of the communication cable connecting PCI07 and
• Eliminate the fault by pressing on the reset key F3.
the interface, the outputs are inactive (open). If PCI07 is
configured for external regulation, this changes to fault.
After eliminating the fault, the maximum temperature setting
automatically adopts its initial value. The compressor is able to
operate normally .
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Chapter 6 - Factory settings
Data Message example Unit Possible choices Factory setting
Language selection English / English
Air filter service life Air filter h 500 to 9500 2000
Oil filter service life Oil filter h 500 to 9500 2000
2000 – 3000, 15 - 40 40 to 220
Separator service life Separator h 500 to 9500
4000 h 6000 h
Oil service life Oil change h 500 to 9500 2000
100 to 9900
Bearings service life Motor bearings h ---
--- : inhibited counter
No-load motor operating time Offload minimum time min 1 to 30 1
Machine number Unit number / 0 to 7 0
Condensate drain ≤100ch >100ch
Condensate drain frequency min 1 to 30
Freq. 3 2
Condensate drain <50ch 50/100ch >100ch
Condensate drain duration s 1 to 15
Duration 2 4 6
Motor startups <50ch ≥50ch
Star phase time s 1 to 15
Star time 7 10
Maximum number of motor starts per Motor startups
/ 0 to 15 6
hour No/Hour
Clock year 00 to 99
Setting of clock date Clock month / 1 to 12 Date
Clock day 1 to 31
Clock hour h 0 to 23
Setting of clock time Effective time
Clock minutes min 0 to 59
On/Off Prog
Min.: 4
Regulation pressure Regulation pressure bar A 8 8,5 8
Max.: as per version
B 10 10,5 10,5
C 13 13,5 13
Regulation deviation Differential pressure bar 0.2 to 4 1.5
Operation with Operation Operation with timers
/ Operation without timer
or without timer with timers Operation without timer
Timer x active
Timer activation Timer x active / /
Timer x inactive
Monday, Tuesday
Day setting for timer x Timer x day / /
Weekday, weekend, all
Start timer x hour h 0 to 23
Timer x startup time /
Start timer x minutes min 0 to 59
Timer x stop time Stop timer x hour h 0 to 23 or --
Stop timer x minutes min 0 to 59 or --
Dryer timeout Dryer duration mm / 0
Manual restart Manual restart
Selection of restart mode Manual restart /
Automatic restart (except option)
Air cooling
Cooling type Air cooling / According to machine
Water cooling
Maximum use pressure Maximum pressure bar 4 to 16 A 8 8.5 8
B 10 10.5 10.5
C 13 13.5 13
Maximum operating temperature Max. temperature °C 80 to 150 110
Minimum operating temperature Min. temperature °C -10 to 20 or -- 2
Serial port option On OFF
Option Serial port option OFF /
Serial port option OFF (exception option)
Permanent drain Drain during stop / Yes / No No
Dryer activation Dryer ON/OFF / ON/OFF OFF
On/Off: on/off regulation Prog: progressive regulation BD: Belt Drive DD: Direct Driver
h: hour min: minute s: second °C: degree Celsius /: NA Setting by electronic key
20 62 205 827 15
Chapter 7 - Alphabetic list of messages
*** A ***
Air cooling info 10,13
Air filter setting/info 7,9,11,14
Automatic restart info/option 10,13
*** C ***
Change air filter maintenance 16
Change air/oil separator maintenance 16
Change oil maintenance 16
Change oil filter maintenance 16
Clock day setting 7,11
Clock hour setting 7,11
Clock minutes setting 7,11
Clock month setting 7,11
Clock year setting 7,11
Compressor A daily info/option 10,13
Compressor A weekly info/option 10,13
Compressor B setting 10,13,17
Condensate drain duration setting 7,11
Condensate drain fréq. setting 7,11
*** D ***
Delta transition info 15
Differential pressure setting 6,8,12
Differential stand-by setting/option 6,8,12
Drain during stop info 10,13
Dryer setting/info 7,14
Dryer ON/OFF setting/info 10,14
Duty offload info 14,18
Duty onload info 14,18
*** E ***
External regulation setting/option 8,12,18
*** H ***
High temperature fault fault 17
High pressure fault fault 17
*** I ***
Internal regulation setting/option 8,12,18
*** L ***
Language setting 2,7,11
Load ratio info 9,14
Low temperature automatic restart info 15
*** M ***
Main or fan motor overload fault fault 16
Manual restart info 10,13
Maximum pressure info 10,13
Motor startups No/Hour setting 6,7,11
Motor startups star time setting 7,11
62 205 827 15 21
*** O ***
Offload info 14
Offload minimum time setting 7,11
Oil change setting/info 7,9,11,14
Oil filter setting/info 7,9,11,14
Onload info 14
Onload hours info 9,14
Operation without timer setting 8,12
Operation with timers setting 8,12
*** P ***
Power on info 14
Pressure above 1.5 bar info 15
Pressure sensor failure fault 16
*** R ***
Regulation pressure setting 6,8,12
*** S ***
Sensor OK info 15,19
Separator setting/info 7,9,11,14
Serial cable info/option 10,13,18
Serial interface fault fault 17
Serial Interface info/option 10,13,18,19
Serial port option OFF info/option 10,13,18
Serial port option ON info/option 10,13,18,19
Short circuit in temperature sensor fault 16
Stand-by pressure setting 6,8,12
Star contactor fault fault 16
Star starting info 15
St-by offload info 14,18
St-by onload info 14,18
Stopping info 2,14
Stop under pressure, do not restart info 15
*** T ***
Temperature max info 10,13
Temperature min info 10,13
Temperature sensor not connected fault 16
Temperature system test info 15,19
Timer x day setting 8,12
Timer x off setting 8,12
Timer x off time hour setting 8,12
Timer x off time minutes setting 8,12
Timer x on setting 8,12
Timer x on time hour setting 8,12
Timer x on time minutes setting 8,12
Total hours info 9,14
*** U ***
Unit number setting 7,11
22 62 205 827 15
*** W ***
Warning : auto restart info 15
Warning auto restart by timer info 6,15,18
Warning, high temperature alarm 15
Warning : remote restart info 6,15
Water cooling info 10,13
Water flow fault fault 17
62 205 827 15 23
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France Great Britain
Worthington - Creyssensac
Zone industrielle - BP 80419 - 4 rue Émile Zola - 60114 Méru Cedex
26 62 205 827 15