BREW Separator Selection Guide
BREW Separator Selection Guide
BREW Separator Selection Guide
Alfa Laval has been cooperating with craft brewers for many Settling tanks or centrifugal separation?
years to get more high-value quality beer with less overall The Alfa Laval complete, ready-to-use BREW separation
investment. Examples include optimizing filtration, reducing modules make the choice easy
the need to invest in tanks by using separators to improve Regardless of your brewery size or capacity, each tailored
tank utilization, creating special craft brewery modules for "plug’n play" separation system is equipped with the neces-
deaerated water, high gravity brewing and beer cooling. sary features and accessories to get you started on the right
centrifuge path - designed to grow with your brewery.
In the area of high-speed separators and decanter centri-
fuges Alfa Laval is an established brewery market leader with The BREW beer polishers and classical clarifiers are specially
over 125 years of proven, separation experience. created to satisfy the needs of many craft brewers: Compact,
energy efficient and easy to operate plug’n play modules with
Craft brewers can choose among three Alfa Laval BREW hermetic design and all equipment mounted into one skid.
separator modules:
For larger capacity breweries, several other BREW separator
• BREW 80 clarifier module for smaller capacities up to models are available in capacities up to 750 hl/h, with bottom
90 hl/h, also suitable for near bright beer styles feed arrangement as well as with eDrive and conventional
• BREW 250 polisher module for up to 250 hl/h motors.
• BREW 301 clarifier for up to 250 hl/h.
Other solutions for craft brewing
As a supplement to separation modules, Alfa Laval
offer a diverse range of other solutions. These are described
on the back page.
The Alfa Laval BREW 250 separator module for beer polishing
Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification Separator modules for craft brewing 3
Alfa Laval offers a diverse range of other proven,
ready-to-use modular solutions for craft brewing
Each process module is pre-engineered, fully automatic, self-contained, pre-assembled
and tested. Customerizations are also available on demand.
Starting capacity from 3,000 hl/yr Starting capacity from 6,000 hl/yr
(2,556 bbl/yr) production. (5,113 bbl/yr) production.
PFT00657EN 1402 Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification