Inert Gas Solutions For Crude Oil Tankers
Inert Gas Solutions For Crude Oil Tankers
Inert Gas Solutions For Crude Oil Tankers
Two things play a major role in how tankers. To avoid costly delays, penalties of burning extra fuel, the Smit Flue Gas
profitable your crude oil tanker can be. and above all catastrophe, your system system produces inert gas by scrubbing
One is flexibility, the other is keeping must work whenever needed, despite the flue gases from your oil-fired boilers. In
costs to a minimum. Both depend on continuous exposure to high tempera- other words, you save money by utilizing
certain equipment, such as your inert tures and seawater. the gas you already have on board.
gas system during offloading. Alfa Laval
understands the importance of reli- This is why Alfa Laval uses durable Very clean inert gas
ability in operation and predictability materials and best-quality components, The quality of your inert gas is important,
in maintenance, which is why our inert and why we back up our inert gas sys- even if the oil you carry is less than clean.
gas systems can be found on almost tems with proven maintenance solutions. Alfa Laval is a leading supplier of marine
2000 vessels. Spare parts are readily available and scrubber solutions for exhaust gas clean-
easily installed, and our systems require ing and has decades of scrubbing experi-
Your crude oil tanker’s inert gas system little maintenance overall. The Smit Flue ence in inert gas production. So you can
is vital to safety and efficiency during off- Gas system is also low in complexity, count on excellent results with the Smit
loading. We designed the Alfa Laval Smit which means there is little chance for Flue Gas system.
Flue Gas system – our main solution for things to go wrong.
the crude oil tanker market – to be both In fact, the scrubbed gas is clean enough
reliable and efficient in every way. that you can diversify your operations.
Fuel and money saved
Equipped with a Smit Flue Gas system,
Reliability matters Alfa Laval also values fuel efficiency,
your tanker can carry distilled oil products
For good reason, regulations demand which is important for both your tanker’s
in addition to crude.
inert gas systems on new crude oil economy and the environment. Instead
The Alfa Laval Smit Flue Gas Topping up
inert gas system If your boilers are offline during your
As the market leader in inert gas systems, voyage, you may not want to start them
Alfa Laval has provided them to hundreds up to produce only a small amount of
of crude oil tankers in the past 50 years. inert gas. In such cases, a combustion-
In the Smit Flue Gas system, those decades based inert gas generator is the ideal
of experience have been consolidated solution for topping up the tanks. As
into a truly streamlined solution. the proven leader in inert gas systems,
Alfa Laval can provide a small and fuel-
Capacity range efficient generator that complements
3000-30,000 m3/h your Smit Flue Gas system perfectly.
Flue gas cleaning
0.1 bar(g)
Why choose Alfa Laval?
Fuel Type Alfa Laval is the standard-setter and
Flue gas from oil-fired boiler market leader, having spent decades
optimizing cargo safety under the Smit
name. You get the highest reliability,
Dew point
both from our inert gas systems and
from the organization that supports
MDD00612EN 1703 Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.