Setting Up A Unisphere Management Station For The VNX Series 300-013-508 Rev 01
Setting Up A Unisphere Management Station For The VNX Series 300-013-508 Rev 01
Setting Up A Unisphere Management Station For The VNX Series 300-013-508 Rev 01
300-013-508 Rev 01
This document describes the different types of Unisphere™ management stations and tells how
to install and configure software on each type. It also tells how to start Unisphere on a station
running the Unisphere Client.
Topics in this document include:
Note: The ESRS IP Client for VNX and the Unisphere Server for Windows cannot coexist on the same
server. A pre-installation check in the ESRS IP Client for VNX prevents installation of the ESRS IP
Client for VNX on a system that already has the Unisphere Server installed on it.
Depending on the type of Unisphere management station, you may or may not be able to
access the Unisphere UI from it.
You can update a Unisphere management station with new VNX ® software without requiring
a host reboot. You cannot update a system with new operating environment software, which
includes the Unisphere Client and Unisphere Server, without a system reboot.
Full-function station
A full-function station is a one-stop Unisphere management station because it runs all software
that can be installed on an Unisphere management station and performs all the functions
that any other type of station can perform.
From it you can use Unisphere to:
Note: We strongly recommend that you do not connect an Unisphere management station that is
running event monitor or ESRS to the system’s data ports.
You can make it the domain master, if you want to offload a small amount of overhead from
a storage system. You can use this station to add a storage system running a newer version
of the Unisphere Server and Unisphere UIs to a domain made up of storage systems running
earlier versions.
Note: A Unisphere 1.0 domain member station can be added to any domain containing legacy
CLARiiON systems, but not to a domain containing VNX systems.
A Unisphere 1.1.25 domain member station can be added to any domain of VNX systems, but not to
a domain contain legacy CLARiiON systems.
Note: The Unisphere Server Utility and Unisphere UIs are part of the system’s operating environment
software (OE).
The domain member station must be running the latest Unisphere Server Utility and
Unisphere UIs versions or at least the same versions that are running on the storage system
you are adding to the domain. Without a domain member station, you must update the OE
software version running on one of the storage systems in the domain to get the latest or
same version of the Unisphere Server Utility and Unisphere UIs. This update is more difficult
and disruptive than updating the Unisphere Server Utility and Unisphere Client on a domain
member station.
Note: We strongly recommend that you do not connect an Unisphere management station that is
running event monitor or ESRS IP client to the system’s data ports.
Unisphere Client Unisphere Server Host Agent ESRS IPClient for Unisphere Ser-
VNX vice Manager
Note: Host Agent is bundled with ESRS IP Client and does not require a separate installation.
This Windows host must be on the same network as the system management ports.
Download and install the Unisphere Server Utility from the EMC Online Support website
to your Unisphere Management station:
1. From the EMC Online Support website, locate the VNX support by product page.
2. From the Downloads section, select the management server version of the Unisphere
Server Utility you want to download.
Download and install the EMC Unisphere Client from the EMC Online Support website to
your Unisphere management station:
1. From the EMC Online Support website, locate the VNX support by product page.
2. From the Downloads section, select the EMC Unisphere Client version you want to
3. Select the option to save the software to your off-array management station.
If the Unisphere management station that you are setting up is a ESRS IP client, you do not
need to install the host agent because it is installed automatically as part of the ESRS
installation. You need to install this software only on an Unisphere management station
that you are setting up as an event monitoring station.
This port is used by the host agent. If this port is not opened, the host agent will not
function properly.
4. Follow the instructions on the installation screens to install the Unisphere Host Agent.
If you selected the default destination folder, the software is installed in the C:\Program
Files\EMC\HostAgent (32–bit) or C:\Program Files
(x86)\EMC\HostAgent (64–bit).
Once the Unisphere Host Agent installation is complete, the Initialize Privileged User List
dialog box is displayed.
5. In the Initialize Privileged User List dialog box, select Create/Overwrite File and browse to
the agent.config file. You will then need to add users to the Privileged User List (login
names for this server). Only users logged in as listed in the Privileged User List can send
CLI commands to the storage system.perform one of the following:
◆ If the Config File field contains a file entry, then a host agent configuration file already
exists on the server from a previous agent installation. Select Use Existing File to use
this configuration file or select Browse to use a different file. The host agent
configuration file contains a list of login names for this server. Only users logged in
as listed in the Privileged User List can send CLI commands to the storage system.
◆ If the Config File field does not contain a file entry, a host agent configuration file does
not exist on the server. Select Create/Overwrite File and browse to the agent.config
file. You will then need to add users to the Privileged User List (login names for this
server). Only users logged in as listed in the Privileged User List can send CLI
commands to the storage system.
Note: There must be at least one entry in the Privileged User List or an error message will appear.
6. Click OK to save the new privileged user list and/or the new configuration file.
The program saves the host agent configuration file with the new privileged user entries
and starts the host agent.
7. Click Finish.
A command line window opens indicating that the host agent service is starting.
Windows servers with NIC initiators – If you do not reboot before you run the
Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator, the NIC initiators cannot log in to the storage system.
9. If you updated the host agent and were using event monitor, restore the event monitor
configuration from a previously copied Navimon.cfg file:
a. Stop the agent:
c. In the Services pane, right-click Unisphere Host Agent and select Stop.
d. If asked to confirm your request to stop the agent service, click Yes, and close the
Services pane or dialog box.
c. In the Services pane, right-click Unisphere Host Agent and select Start.
d. If you want the host agent to start automatically at system startup:
◆ Right-click Unisphere Host Agent and select Properties.
The Unisphere Host Agent Properties dialog box opens.
11. If you have a multihomed host (multiple NIC cards installed on the host), create an
agentID.txt file to ensure that the agent finds the correct NIC card.
Note: A multihomed host machine has multiple IP addresses connected to networks; it is physically
connected to multiple data links that can be on the same or different networks. When you install
Unisphere Host Agent on a multihomed host, the host agent, by default, binds to the first NIC in
the host. If your host is multihomed, for the host agent to successfully register with the desired
system, you need to configure the host agent to bind to a specific NIC. You do this by setting up
an agentID.txt file.
a. Using a text editor that does not add special formatting, create a file named
agentID.txt (case sensitive). Save this file by doing one of the following:
◆ Set the EV_AGENTID_DIRECTORY environmental variable to the location you want
to save the agentID.txt file. The Unisphere Host Agent will then look for the
agentID.txt file in the location you specified.
◆ If you do not specify a location in the EV_AGENTID_DIRECTORY environmental
variable, Unisphere Host Agent will look for the agentID.txt file in the location
specified by the registry entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\
EMC\Agent\1.0\ConfigPath. This location is usually C:\Program
SOFTWARE\EMC\Agent\1.0\ConfigPath does not exist, create the
agentID.txt file in the C:\ directory.
b. Add the following two separate lines to the agentID.txt file, with no special
For example, if your host is named host28 on the domain and your
host contains two NICs, HBA1/NIC1 with IP address and HBA2/NIC2
with IP address, and you want the host agent to use NIC 2, you would
configure agentID.txt as follows:
Note: The agentID.txt file should contain only these two lines, without any formatting.
The first line should contain the hostname and the second line should contain the IP address
of the NIC port as described above. Both lines should end with a carriage return. As a result,
the cursor will be on a third line but this line should not contain any text.
e. Once the host agent has restarted, verify that the host agent is using the correct IP
address that is entered in the agentID.txt file by doing one of the following:
◆ In Unisphere, verify that the host IP address is the same as the IP address that you
entered in the agentID.txt file. If the address is the same, the agentID.txt
file is configured correctly.
◆ View the new HostIdFile.txt file. You should see the IP address that is entered
in the agentID.txt file.
12. Verify that Unisphere Host Agent is installed using the Add/Remove Programs dialog
Note: Refer to the EMC ESRS IP Client Release Notes for the latest ESRS IP Client environment and
systems requirements.
The version of ESRS IP Client for VNX software must be at or later than the version of the
management software bundled with the VNX Operating Environment (OE) running on each
VNX for Block or legacy system that is being monitored. Also, legacy file system is not
supported by ESRS IP Client, only VNX for File is supported. ESRS IP Client for VNX
installation requires:
◆ Monitor station:
The monitor station must be a host or virtual machine with a CPU speed
of 1.0 GHz or greater, have a total physical memory size of 2 GB or greater
and 1 GB of hard disk space, must be running a supported Windows
operating system, have the .NET Framework version 2.0 installed, and
use the latest JRE version 1.6.0_xx (version 1.6.0_24 or later). The monitor
station cannot be a client (host connected to storage-system data ports),
and the monitored systems must be able to connect to it over your
network. Also, the ESRS IP Client for VNX and the Unisphere Server for
Windows cannot coexist on the same server. A pre-installation check in
the ESRS IP Client for VNX prevents installation of the ESRS IP Client for
VNX on a system that already has the Unisphere Server installed on it.
Note: For the latest list of supported Windows operating systems, refer to the
EMC ESRS IP Client for VNX Release Notes.
◆ Proxy server:
If the monitor station connects to the Internet through a proxy server, you
must indicate this during ESRS IP Client installation and provide the IP
address, port, and protocol (HTTPS or SOCKS) for the proxy server. If
◆ Portal system:
The portal system must be a VNX for Block or legacy system running the
latest VNX Operating Environment (OE) version that is running on the
VNX for Block or legacy systems it is monitoring. You must provide the
IP address for either SP of the portal system during ESRS IP Client
installation. You must also supply global administrator login credentials
for the portal system during installation.
Note: If your ESRS IP Client installation will use the optional email notification, for example, as a
backup communication method for the Call Home feature, you will need connectivity to an outgoing
SMTP server. You must provide the IP address for the SMTP server during ESRS IP Client installation.
You must also provide your email address (in the from field) for email notification.
Download and install ESRS IP Client software (EMC Online Support website)
You can access and download the ESRS IP Client UI-based installer wizard from the EMC
Online Support website. Use the wizard to download and configure all the ESRS IP Client
software components required to set up a centralized monitoring environment for your
VNX for block or legacy systems.
Note: The ESRS IP Client for VNX and the Unisphere Server for Windows cannot coexist on the same
server. A pre-installation check in the ESRS IP Client for VNX will prevent installation of the ESRS IP
Client for VNX on a system that already has the Unisphere Server installed on it. If this is the case,
uninstall the Unisphere Server before installing the ESRS IP Client for VNX. The ESRS IP Client for
VNX uses the presence of the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\EMC\
ManagementServer to determine if the Unisphere Server is installed. If that key is not removed
by the Unisphere Server uninstaller, it can prevent the ESRS IP Client for VNX from being installed.
You can delete the key from the registry by using regedit and then you should be able to install the
ESRS IP Client for VNX.
1. Go to the EMC Online Support website at and locate the link
to download the ESRS IP Client software.
2. Select Download ESRS IP Client and save the software to your monitor station.
3. In the folder where you saved the ESRS IP Client, double-click the ESRS IP Client
executable file or if necessary, right-click the file and select Run as to run the installation
wizard using a different user's credentials.
Note: For all CX4 systems that are running FLARE version 04.29 or later and VNX for block systems
and that are deployed in this ESRS IP Client configuration, you must add the monitor station IP
address to the RemotelyAnywhere filter tables of those systems.
The ESRS IP Client software installation generates four log files. Two of these log files
(esrsagent_installer.log and esrsipclient_installer.log) are located under
the user's home directory in the EMC\ESRSIPClient folder. The other two logs,
esrs_rscapi.log, and esrs_jema.log, are located in the directory where the ESRS IP
Client is installed. The esrs_rscapi.log log is created for VNX for block registrations
only. The esrs_jema.log log is created for VNX for file registrations only.
Download and install ESRS IP Client software (VNX Installation Toolbox CD)
You can access and download the ESRS IP Client UI-based installer wizard from your VNX
Installation Toolbox CD. Use the wizard to download and configure all the ESRS IP Client
components required to set up a centralized monitoring environment for your VNX for
block and legacy systems.
Note: The ESRS IP Client for VNX and the Unisphere Server for Windows cannot coexist on the same
server. A pre-installation check in the ESRS IP Client for VNX will prevent installation of the ESRS IP
Client for VNX on a system that already has the Unisphere Server installed on it. If this is the case,
uninstall the Unisphere Server before installing the ESRS IP Client for VNX. The ESRS IP Client for
VNX uses the presence of the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\EMC\
ManagementServer to determine if the Unisphere Server is installed. If that key is not removed
by the Unisphere Server uninstaller, it can prevent the ESRS IP Client for VNX from being installed.
If that is the case, you can delete the key from the registry by using regedit and then you should be
able to install the ESRS IP Client for VNX.
Note: If your PC or browser is running pop-up blocking software, you must disable it before using
the software on the VNX Installation Toolbox CD.
2. After reading the license agreement, click Accept and then click Submit to continue.
The Install Your VNX Storage System screen appears.
3. Select the applicable model and storage type from the respective list boxes.
5. Follow the hardware installation instructions and when directed to download the ESRS
IP Client wizard, return to the Install Your VNX Storage System screen and click ESRS IP
A File Download dialog box appears.
6. Either select Run to run the ESRS IP Client executable file from the VNX Installation Toolbox
CD or select Save to save the software to your monitor station.
Double-click the ESRS IP Client executable file you saved to a folder, or if necessary,
right-click the file and select Run as to run the installation wizard using a different user's
Note: For all CX4 systems that are running FLARE version 04.29 or later and VNX for block systems
and that are deployed in this ESRS IP Client configuration, you must add the monitor station IP
address to the RemotelyAnywhere filter tables of those systems.
The ESRS IP Client software installation generates four log files. Two of these log files
(esrsagent_installer.log and esrsipclient_installer.log) are located under
the user's home directory in the EMC\ESRSIPClient folder. The other two logs,
esrs_rscapi.log, and esrs_jema.log, are located in the directory where the ESRS IP
Client is installed. The esrs_rscapi.log log is created for VNX for block registrations
only. The esrs_jema.log log is created for VNX for file registrations only.
Use the wizards within the USM to perform hardware installation tasks, such as adding a
new disk drive or disk-array enclosure, or hardware maintenance tasks, such as replacing
a faulted disk drive or verifying that your storage system is operating normally. You can
also use the USM to update your system software.
If you do not already have USM installed on your host or management station, download
and install the latest version:
1. From the EMC Online Support website, navigate to the VNX support by product page.
2. From the Downloads tab, select the Unisphere Service Manager link and save the software
to your host or management station.
3. In the folder where you saved the USM, double-click the executable (.exe) file.
After you accept the license agreement, the wizard verifies that the host or management
station is running the latest supported Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version.
◆ If the server is running an earlier version of the JRE, select Yes when asked if you
want to continue with the installation.
The installation wizard prompts you to download and install the latest supported
version of the JRE from the Oracle website.
◆ If the server is running a later version of the JRE, the installation wizard asks if you
want to continue with the installation.
Select Yes to continue or No to quit the installation.
If you select Yes, the USM may not work properly with a later JRE version. If you select No, and
manually remove the later version of the JRE, other applications that require this version may
not work properly.
Note: If you have multiple LAN cards or ports, select one of the IP addresses from the drop-down
list or use the default IP address.
◆ Management Ports lists the ports of the server that are available for communication.
This IP address is the same IP address listed in IP to listen on when you configured the
Unisphere management station.
4. In the Confirm: Add User? dialog box, click Yes to add the new user.
6. In Unisphere, log in as the global administrator using the account that you just created
(File ➤ Login).
Note: A Unisphere 1.0 domain member station can be added to any domain containing legacy
CLARiiON systems, but not to a domain containing VNX systems.
A Unisphere 1.1.25 domain member station can be added to any domain of VNX systems, but not to
a domain contain legacy CLARiiON systems.
Start Unisphere using a browser, the Unisphere icon on the station’s desktop, or the path
Start ➤ All Programs ➤ EMC ➤ Unisphere ➤ Unisphere Management UI. If you want to connect
to the station using a connection type other than the station’s IP address, you must use the
Unisphere icon.
2. In the browser, enter the IP address or host name of the Unisphere management station.