SAFcollector User Guide

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HPE Assessment Foundry

SAFcollector User guide

Technical Marketing Engineering
Version 4.10.7354.19062, February 19th, 2020

User Guide
User Guide

Confidentiality notice
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for Hewlett Packard Enterprise products and services
are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting
an additional warranty. Hewlett Packard Enterprise shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.

© Copyright 2020 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP.

User Guide

Collector architecture..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Using the SAFcollector........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
HPE StoreServ 3PAR arrays.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
EMC VMAX arrays ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................9
EMC VNX arrays ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Pure Storage arrays ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Linux Host Collector ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Windows Host Collector .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Microsoft Host Collector ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
VMware................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
HPE Nimble arrays ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Dell EMC XtremIO arrays........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 33
IBM XIV arrays .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Backup Environment Collectors ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
NetApp arrays .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 38
Which information is collected by the SAFcollector ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 41
HPE 3PAR arrays .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
EMC VMAX ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
EMC VNX .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 45
Pure Storage arrays ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Linux.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
HPE Nimble arrays ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Dell EMC XtremIO ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
IBM XIV ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
NetApp arrays .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 52
Microsoft Windows ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
VMware................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 60
Auto update .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 61
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
Learn more at ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62

User Guide

List of figures
Figure 1 SAF Overview .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4
Figure 2 Task Specific Collector Module architecture ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................5
Figure 3 Enabling "Root Cause Analysis" ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 4 Collection diagram for VNX arrays ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 5 Administration menu ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 6 vCenter Server Settings .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 7 Changing the Statistics level .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 8 vCenter Statistics Level settings ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 9 Browser logon to vCenter server .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 10 Changing the Statistics level in the vSphere Web Client ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 11 Properties of SAFcollector.exe ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 61

List of tables
No table of figures entries found.

User Guide


The HPE Assessment Foundry (SAF) is a set of tools that Channel Partners and Storage Architects can use with minimal effort and minimal system
and customer impact, whilst providing detailed data collection from the customer environment. It includes smartly designed reports available to
both novice (Sales Rep) and experienced users (SA’s).

The third party storage collector, part of SAF, is collecting data to be returned to HPE for further analysis. The collected data may be transmitted
directly within the application (where Internet connectivity is available) or manually uploaded via the SAF Upload Portal.

Execution of the third party storage collector may be automated using the SAF Controller or manually via the Command Line Interface (CLI) as
described later in this document.

Figure 1 SAF Overview

Collection Transportation Repository Reporting

Collector architecture

In the SAF nomenclature, the script, executable or third party diagnostic tool is called Task Specific Collector Module (TSCM). The TSCM can run
‘‘standalone’’, in which case the output has to be manually uploaded to the SAF portal to be processed by HPE. Under normal conditions, the TSCM
is started and controlled by the Collection Controller (CC), which then transports the output of the TSCM into the HPE cloud for further processing.

This process allows for the obfuscation of the TSCM output data before transmission to HPE, if required by the customer. The obfuscation process
is performed by the Collection Controller which obfuscates data, for example, IP addresses, hostnames, etc. The default is to not obfuscate the
collected data.

User Guide

Figure 2 Task Specific Collector Module architecture

SSH Connection to Console, execution of native CLI V1 V2

commands to produce required output.

“Data Source” may be native CLI output, pre-existing SSH / Native CLI 3rd Party Application
diagnostics output and logs, or other forms of
application produced data. CSV, XML, Diagnostics Interface
unformatted, etc Output

“Task Specific Collector Module” gathers the required Task Specific Task Specific Task Specific
data using the most appropriate method and format.
Collector Module Collector Module Collector Module

“Data Object” formatting is defined by the Data Object Data Object Data Object
“Task Specific Collector Module”. Allowing
native data formats to be retained, and no
re-formatting required.

Collection Controller
“Collection Controller” assigns “Engagement” and “Collection
ID” meta data and controls execution of the “Task Specific
Collector Modules” according to execution requirements.

User Guide

Using the SAFcollector

The SAFcollector supports collecting configuration, capacity and performance data for several third party arrays and the HPE StoreServ 3PAR
platform, all combined into a single executable file. The array family type must be specified when calling the SAFcollector.exe, if not, then the help
will be displayed:
Available commands are:

About - Show program version, license information, etc

BackupISVs - Create scripts and User Guide for backup environment data collection
Examples - Show examples how to run the SAFcollector
Linux - collecting configuration and/or performance data for Linux based systems
NetApp - collecting configuration and/or performance data for NetApp arrays
Nimble - collecting configuration data for Nimble arrays
Pure - collecting configuration and/or performance data for Pure Storage arrays
SS3PAR - collecting configuration and/or performance data for StoreServ 3PAR
Update - The SAFcollector will check for a newer version
VMAX - collecting configuration and performance data for VMAX
VMware - collecting configuration and/or performance data for VMware environments
VNX - collecting configuration data for VNX arrays
Windows - collecting configuration and/or performance data for Windows systems
XIV - collecting configuration and/or performance data for XIV arrays
XtremIO - collecting configuration data for XtremIO arrays

help <name> - For help with one of the above commands

To get help on a specific collector module, for instance SS3PAR, type:

SAFcollector.exe help SS3PAR
'SS3PAR' - collecting configuration and/or performance data for StoreServ 3PAR

This can be used to gather configuration and capacity data and/or performance statistics. It
requires the use of the Restful API, make sure the API is running at the SS3PAR array

Expected usage: SAFcollector.exe SS3PAR <options>

<options> available:
-u=VALUE mandatory - User name, with minimum read privileges
-p=VALUE optional - specify password
-i=VALUE mandatory - IPv4 IP address
-a=VALUE optional - output path to the output file(s)
-o=VALUE optional - Port number
--sshport=VALUE optional - SSH port number (default is 22)
-d optional - include detailed performance
information - do not use unless instructed by
[email protected]

The next paragraphs will handle the prerequisites, both the required and optional parameters for each available array family.
The SAFcollector runs on most Windows platforms, without installing additional components. The SAFcollector will require version 4.5(.2) for the
.NET client as the minimum.

User Guide

HPE StoreServ 3PAR arrays

The SAFcollector supports all recent SS3PAR models (V-class, 7000, 10000 and 20000) running HPE 3PAR OS 3.2.2 or higher. The collector has
some prerequisites.
Almost all data is collected using the Restful API protocol, only two sets of data are collected using Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. Before running the
SAFcollector make sure port 22 is reachable on the network and the RestAPI is running on the array.
To verify that the WSAPI is running, login to the array and start showwsapi:
cli% showwsapi
-Service- -State- -HTTP_State- HTTP_Port -HTTPS_State- HTTPS_Port -Version-
Enabled Active Disabled 8008 Enabled 8080 1.6.2
The SAFcollector requires the HTTPS port to be enabled. If the WSAPI is not running (by default, the Web Services API server is not started), start
it using the following command startwsapi
cli% startwsapi
The Web Services API server will start shortly.
The user specified when running the SAFcollector only requires read-only rights on the 3PAR array. If the customer has any doubts, then Hewlett
Packard Enterprise suggests creating a (temporary) user with read-only rights to be used by the SAFcollector, thus guaranteeing the customer
that no changes can be made to the 3PAR system. Just note that the SAFcollector does not make any changes (nor attempts to do so), using a
read-only account simply guarantees this from an array (and customer) perspective.

Running the collector

The collector can be run using the GUI or command prompt, it does not need to be run with admin rights (assuming the user is allowed to write to
the current directory). Instructions here are provided for the Command Line version, the GUI accepts the same inputs. To collect capacity,
configuration data and/or performance statistics for HPE StoreServ 3PAR arrays, run SAFcollector SS3PAR with the required options:
SAFcollector.exe help SS3PAR
'SS3PAR' - collecting configuration and/or performance data for StoreServ 3PAR

This can be used to gather configuration and capacity data and/or performance statistics. It
requires the use of the Restful API, make sure the API is running at the SS3PAR array

Expected usage: SAFcollector.exe SS3PAR <options>

<options> available:
-u=VALUE mandatory - User name, with minimum read privileges
-p=VALUE optional - specify password
-i=VALUE mandatory - IPv4 IP address
-a=VALUE optional - output path to the output file(s)
-o=VALUE optional - Port number
--sshport=VALUE optional - SSH port number (default is 22)
-d optional - include detailed performance
information - do not use unless instructed by
[email protected]

The options u and i are mandatory, the collector will run the configuration collection first, then it will collect hourly-based performance data for the
last seven days. When the password is not set using -p (useful for batches), the SAF collector will ask for the password and it can be typed (masked)
in the CMD window .
When the SAFcollector completes, it will show the filename of the ZIP file containing the capacity and/or performance data, including the
SAFcollector log file which can be uploaded to the SAFportal for further processing.

Example of a performance collection run:

User Guide

SAFcollector SS3PAR -u 3paradm -p 3pardata -i 15.ip.ip.183 -o 8080

C:\HPE Assessment Foundry>safcollector SS3PAR -u 3paradm -p 3pardata -i 15.ip.ip.183

Executing SS3PAR (collecting configuration and/or performance data for StoreServ 3PAR):

SS3PAR collector will be run with the following selections:

user :3paradm
password :********
ip address :15.ip.ip.183
mode :performance
Interface :RestAPI
port :8080

Item 3 of 3 . (100%)
SAFcollector main task completed
Item 16 of 16 . (100%)
Collecting configuration information for array with serial MXN7303F74 is completed
Item 11 of 11 . (100%)
Collecting 7 days of hourly summary and detailed statistics completed
Item 3 of 3 . (100%)
Collecting performance histogram information for array with serial MXN7303F74 completed

Finished collecting data with 0 errors and 1 warnings...

Compressing files, please wait...

Thank you for using the SAF collectors, please upload the output,
C:\SAF\, to the SAF
portal at
For questions and support, please emailto: [email protected]
(c) 2016-2018 Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Technical Marketing Engineering (TME)

User Guide

EMC VMAX arrays

The SAFcollector supports collecting configuration, capacity and performance data for VMAX and DMX arrays (though information gathered for
DMX arrays maybe limited).
The user specified when running the SAFcollector only requires read-only rights on the Unisphere for VMAX management software. If the customer
has any doubts, then Hewlett Packard Enterprise suggests creating a (temporary) user with read-only rights (Monitor role) to be used by the
SAFcollector, thus guaranteeing the customer that no changes can be made to the VMAX system. Just note that the SAFcollector does not make
any changes (nor attempts to do so), using a read-only account simply guarantees this from an array (and customer) perspective. However, when
collecting performance data, the user specified must have ‘‘Performance Monitor’’ role as a minimum.

To setup user authentication in Unisphere for VMAX:

Prior to using the Unisphere for VMAX REST API, user authorization must be assigned for each VMAX array the user is permitted to access.

1. Log into Unisphere for VMAX.

2. From the system selector, select ‘‘All Symmetrix’’.
3. Select ‘‘Home’’ > ‘‘Administration’’ > ‘‘Security’’ > ‘‘Authorized Users and Groups’’ to open the Authorized Users and Groups list view.
4. Click ‘‘Add’’ to open the ‘‘Add Authorization Rule’’ dialog box.
5. Select the ‘‘Roles’’ tab and create a user login profile for each VMAX array to be accessed by the user, and assign them to any of the following
Users that are allowed VMAX access:
o Administrator ----- Can initiate GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE methods.
o Storage Administrator ----- Can initiate GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE methods.
o Performance Monitor ----- Can initiate GET and POST methods.
o Monitor ----- Can initiate GET methods.
Users that are not allowed VMAX access:
o Auditor
o Security Administrator
o None
6. Click ‘‘OK’’.
Collecting VMAX or DMX array information requires the Restful API services, which is not natively running on the array. It requires the ‘‘EMC
Unisphere for VMAX’’ to be installed on a separate server. The SAFcollector has been tested with Unisphere versions 7.x and 8.x.

When collecting performance data the ‘‘root cause analysis’’ (and either have 5, 10 or 15 minutes as the interval) has to be enabled in the Unisphere
software (as this enables querying for historical performance data).

User Guide

Figure 3 Enabling "Root Cause Analysis"

Running the collector

The collector can be run using the GUI or command prompt, it does not need to be run with admin rights (assuming the user is allowed to write to
the current directory). Instructions here are provided for the Command Line version, the GUI accepts the same inputs. To collect capacity,
configuration data and/or performance statistics for EMC VMAX/DMX arrays, run SAFcollector VMAX with the required options:
>SAFcollector.exe help VMAX

'VMAX' - collecting configuration and/or performance data for VMAX and DMX

This can be used to gather configuration and capacity data and/or performance statistics for EMC
VMAX and DMX systems

Expected usage: SAFcollector.exe VMAX <options>

<options> available:
-u=VALUE mandatory - User name, with minimum read privileges
-p=VALUE optional - specify password
-i=VALUE mandatory - IPv4 IP address
-a=VALUE optional - output path to the output file(s)
-o=VALUE optional - Port number
-d optional - include detailed performance
information - do not use unless instructed by
[email protected]
-s=VALUE mandatory - specify the (12 digit) serial number

For questions, feedback and support, please email to: [email protected]

(c) 2016-2019 Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Technical Marketing Engineering (TME)

The options u, i and s <serial> are mandatory, the collector will run the configuration collection first, then it will collect hourly-based performance
data for the last seven days. When the password is not set using -p (useful for batches), the SAF collector will ask for the password and it can be
typed (masked) in the CMD window .
When the SAFcollector completes it will show the filename of the ZIP file containing the capacity and/or performance data, including the
SAFcollector log file which can be uploaded to the SAFportal for further processing.
User Guide

Example of a performance collection run:

SAFcollector.exe VMAX -u smc -p smc -i 16.ip.ip.221 -o 8444 -s 000294900405

Executing VMAX (collecting configuration and performance data for VMAX):

VMAX collector will be run with the following selections:

user :smc
password :********
ip address :16.ip.ip.221
mode :performance
interface :RestAPI
port :8444

Item 3 of 3 . (100%)
SAFcollector main task completed
Item 8 of 8 . (100%)
Collecting configuration data for 000294900405 completed
Item 5 of 5 . (100%)
Collecting configuration data: system completed
Item 4 of 4 . (100%)
Collecting configuration data: miscellaneous completed
Item 13 of 13 . (100%)
Collecting configuration data: miscellaneous completed
Item 6 of 6 . (100%)
Collecting configuration data: replication completed
Item 4 of 4 . (100%)
Collecting configuration data: VVols completed
Item 5 of 5 . (100%)
Collecting configuration data: workloads completed
Item 3 of 3 . (100%)
Collecting performance data completed
Item 17 of 17 . (100%)
Collecting global array performance data start date is Mon Jul 23, 2018 08:15:00 end date is Tue
Aug 07, 2018 08:45:00 completed
Finished collecting data with 0 errors and 0 warnings...
Compressing files, please wait...

Thank you for using the SAF collectors, please upload the output,
C:\SAF\, to the SAF
portal at
For questions and support, please emailto: [email protected]
(c) 2016-2018 Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Technical Marketing Engineering (TME)
User Guide

When the performance is selected the collector will try to collect seven days of performance data (which is the maximum number of days of data
available, using the API).

User Guide

EMC VNX arrays

The SAFcollector supports collecting configuration, capacity and performance data for VNX and CX arrays (though information gathered for CX
arrays may be limited). The SAFcollector does not communicate with the VNX directly, it uses the NaviSecCli.exe as a proxy to query the VNX
Figure 4 Collection diagram for VNX arrays

The SAFcollector uses the Navisphere Secure CLI to collect configuration, capacity and performance data from VNX and CX arrays, which create
the requirement for the NaviSecCli.exe to be installed on the same platform as where the SAFcollector is running. When the NaviSecCli binary is
not installed in the default directory, use the -c option to specify the directory pointing to the location of NaviSecCli.exe.
When the VNX array is using (self-signed) certificates, they must be stored on the platform where the SAFcollector is running, to test if the certificate
has been stored, run:
>naviseccli -User sysadmin -Password sysadmin -Address 10.ip.ip.63 -Scope 0 getAgent -serial
If the certificate has not yet been stored, it will offer the option to do so, select ‘‘[2] Accept and store’’, please note this has to be done for spA and
spB (as they both have their individual certificates).

To collect performance data, the Navisphere/Unisphere Analyzer Enabler must be installed on the storage array, also the (optional) Analyzer
license must be installed at the array - this is not a requirement of the SAFcollector, it is required by the array to produce readable statistic log files,
called NAR files, which will be used for analysis.

The user specified when running the SAFcollector, only requires read-only rights on the VNX/CX array. If the customer has any doubts, then
Hewlett Packard Enterprise suggests creating a (temporary) user with read-only rights to be used by the SAFcollector, thus guaranteeing the
customer that no changes can be made to the VNX/CX system. Just note that the SAFcollector does not make any changes (nor attempts to do
so), using a read-only account simply guarantees this from an array (and customer) perspective.

User Guide

When collecting performance data, the .NAR performance archive files must have been created on the array prior to starting the performance
collection using the SAFcollector. By default, performance collection on the array is not started and performance files are not archived - to check
the status run:
>naviseccli -User sysadmin -Password sysadmin -Address 10.ip.ip.63 -Scope 0 analyzer -status
Stopped on 12/25/2015 15:27:21

Set the performance logging to run for a period of 7 days (so it automatically stops collecting after 7 days), with a collection interval of 600 seconds
(at 600 seconds an archive should have approximately 26 hours of data) and enabling periodic archiving, to do so use the following command:
>NaviSECCli.exe -User sysadmin -Password sysadmin -Address 10.ip.ip.63 -scope 0 analyzer -set -
logperiod 7 -narinterval 600 -periodicarchiving 1

When NaviSecCli does not accept the -periodicarchiving option, the Analyzer software license has not been installed.
Then start collecting performance data at the array and verify that it is running:
>naviseccli -User sysadmin -Password sysadmin -Address 10.ip.ip.63 -Scope 0 analyzer -start
>naviseccli -User sysadmin -Password sysadmin -Address 10.ip.ip.63 -Scope 0 analyzer -status
Running. Started on 10/28/2016 03:14:20

Another option is to use the GUI to activate performance logging, start a browser to one of the SPs, select ‘‘System’’ > ‘‘Monitoring and Alerts’’ >
‘‘Statistics’’ and click ‘‘Performance Data Logging’’, this brings up a dialog where the same settings can be activated:

This preparation must be done (at least 7 days) prior to starting the SAFcollector to collect performance data from the VNX array.

User Guide

Running the collector

The collector can be run using the GUI or command prompt, it does not need to be run with admin rights (assuming the user is allowed to write to
the current directory). Instructions here are provided for the Command Line version, the GUI accepts the same inputs. To collect capacity,
configuration data and/or performance statistics for EMC VMAX/DMX arrays, run SAFcollector VNX with the required options:
>SAFcollector.exe help VNX
'VNX' - collecting configuration data for VNX arrays
This can be used to gather configuration and capacity data for EMC VNX systems
Expected usage: SAFcollector.exe VNX <options>
<options> available:
-u=VALUE mandatory - User name, with minimum read privileges
-p=VALUE optional - specify password
-i=VALUE mandatory - IPv4 IP address
-a=VALUE optional - output path to the output file(s)
-c=VALUE optional - path to the external executable:
-d optional - include detailed performance
information - do not use unless instructed by
[email protected]
For questions, feedback and support, please email to: [email protected]
(c) 2016-2019 Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Technical Marketing Engineering (TME)

The options u and i are mandatory, the collector will run the configuration collection first, then it will collect hourly-based performance data for the
last seven days. When the password is not set using -p (useful for batches), the SAF collector will ask for the password and it can be typed (masked)
in the CMD window .

When the SAFcollector completes, it will show the filename of the ZIP file containing the capacity and/or performance data, including the
SAFcollector log file, which can be uploaded to the SAFportal for further processing.
Example of a performance collection run:

>SAFcollector VNX -u sysadmin -p sysadmin -i 10.ip.ip.140 -c "C:\SAF\EMC\Navisphere CLI"

Executing VNX (collecting configuration data for VNX arrays):

VNX collector will be run with the following selections:

user :sysadmin
password :********
ip address :10.ip.ip.140
mode :performance
interface :CLI

Item 3 of 3 . (100%)
SAFcollector main task completed
Item 6 of 6 . (100%)
Collecting configuration data completed
Item 4 of 4 . (100%)
Collecting performance data completed

Finished collecting data with 0 errors and 0 warnings...

User Guide

Compressing files, please wait...

Thank you for using the SAF collectors, please upload the output,
C:\SAF\, to the SAF
portal at
For questions and support, please emailto: [email protected]
(c) 2016-2018 Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Technical Marketing Engineering (TME)

Running the collector should take only a couple of minutes, when performance mode is selected this can be a bit longer (depending on the
amount of available .nar files) up to fifteen-twenty minutes.

User Guide

Pure Storage arrays

All data is collected using the Restful API protocol, embedded in the storage array. Before running the SAFcollector, make sure port 443 is reachable
in the network and the RestAPI is running at the array.
Running the collector
The collector can be run using the GUI or command prompt, it does not need to be run with admin rights (assuming the user is allowed to write to
the current directory). Instructions here are provided for the Command Line version, the GUI accepts the same inputs. To collect capacity,
configuration data and performance statistics for Pure storage arrays, run SAFcollector Pure with the required options:
>safcollector help pure

'Pure' - collecting configuration and/or performance data for Pure Storage arrays
This can be used to gather configuration and capacity data and/or performance statistics. It
requires the use of the Restful API, make sure the API is running at the Pure array

Expected usage: SAFcollector.exe Pure <options>

<options> available:
-u=VALUE specify username with (minimum) read privilege
-p=VALUE specify password
-i=VALUE Pure IP address
-a=VALUE sets the output path for the output file(s)
Do not add the trailing '\' to the path

For questions, feedback and support, please email to: [email protected]

(c) 2016-2018 Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Technical Marketing Engineering (TME)

Example of a performance collection run:

c:\SAF>SAFcollector.exe pure -i 10.ip.ip.130 -u pureuser -p pureuser

Executing Pure (collecting configuration and/or performance data for Pure Storage arrays):

Pure collector will be run with the following selections:

user :pureuser
password :********
ip address :10.ip.ip.130
mode :performance
interface :RestAPI

Item 3 of 3 . (100%)
SAFcollector main task completed
Item 19 of 19 . (100%)
Collecting configuration data for array with serial e322a6d0-44b7-4093-8d39-f59e75d7a5b3 completed
Item 2 of 2 . (100%)
Collecting performance data completed

User Guide

Finished collecting data with 0 errors and 0 warnings...

Compressing files, please wait...

Thank you for using the SAF collectors, please upload the output, C:\SAF\SAFPure.e322a6d0-44b7-, to the SAF portal
For questions and support, please emailto: [email protected]
(c) 2016-2018 Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Technical Marketing Engineering (TME)

Running the collector should take only a couple of minutes, depending on the number of installed disks, volumes, etc.

User Guide

Linux Host Collector

The SAFcollector supports collecting configuration, capacity and performance data for Linux hosts (we do support the mainstream Linux distros,
like RedHat, SuSe, Ubuntu, etc).

The Linux system must have SSH enabled and have a network connection to the (Windows) system where SAFcollector.exe will be running. A root
account is not required on standard Linux installations, if the host has been tweaked, a ‘power-user’ might be required.
To be able to collect performance data, the system must have the ‘sysstat’ package installed, with version 10.0.3 being the minimum. The sysstat
package is a port of ‘sar’ from Unix to Linux and collects performance data - it creates a month’s worth of history and performance data.
To begin gathering sysstat history information, you must add to, or create a privileged user's crontab. The default history data location is /var/log/sa.
The user running sysstat utilities via cron must have write access to this location (The crontab, startup script and link or systemd service file may
be automatically created and installed for you when you enter "make install", providing that you have set configure option "--enable-install-cron"
during configuration stage). Make sure the history files (by default in /var/log/sa) are available before running the SAFcollector, if not enable
collecting sar history files and wait for seven days before running SAFcollector again!

An example of the sysstat cron job:

sudo cat /etc/cron.d/sysstat
# Run system activity accounting tool every 10 minutes
*/10 * * * * root /usr/lib64/sa/sa1 1 1
# 0 * * * * root /usr/lib64/sa/sa1 600 6 &
# Generate a daily summary of process accounting at 23:53
53 23 * * * root /usr/lib64/sa/sa2 -A

Running the collector

The collector can be run using the GUI or command prompt, it does not need to be run with admin rights (assuming the user is allowed to write to
the current directory). Instructions here are provided for the Command Line version, the GUI accepts the same inputs. To collect capacity,
configuration data and/or performance statistics for Linux hosts, run ‘SAFcollector Linux’ with the required options, The options u and i
are mandatory; the collector will run the configuration collection first, then it will collect hourly-based performance data for the last seven days.

>SAFcollector.exe help Linux

'Linux' - collecting configuration and/or performance data for Linux based systems

This can be used to gather configuration and capacity data and/or performance statistics. It
requires the use of secure shell (SSH)

Expected usage: SAFcollector.exe Linux <options>

<options> available:
-u=VALUE specify username with (minimum) read privilege
-p=VALUE specify password
-i=VALUE Linux IP address
-a=VALUE sets the output path for the output file(s)
Do not add the trailing '\' to the path
-o=VALUE sets the SSH port number (default is 22)
-k=VALUE optional - key file to be used to identify
For questions, feedback and support, please email to: [email protected]
(c) 2016-2019 Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Technical Marketing Engineering (TME)

The following shows an example of a Linux host collection run:

User Guide

>SAFcollector.exe Linux -u marks -p ********* -i 10.ip.ip.63

Executing Linux (collecting configuration and/or performance data for Linux based systems):

Linux collector will be run with the following selections:

user :marks
password :********
ip address :192.ip.ip.100
mode :performance
interface :SSH
port :22

Item 3 of 3 . (100%)
SAFcollector main task completed
Item 20 of 20 . (100%)
Collecting configuration data, completed
Item 10 of 10 . (100%)
Collecting performance data, completed

Finished collecting data with 0 errors and 0 warnings...

Compressing files, please wait...

Thank you for using the SAF collectors, please upload the output, C:\Visual Studio Projects\HPE
Foundry\SAFcollector\bin\Debug\SAFLinux.dev01.236B72D58B2AA54BC8AE12C57068E508.20180807.124832.d310, to the SAF portal at
For questions and support, please emailto: [email protected]
(c) 2016-2018 Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Technical Marketing Engineering (TME)

If there are any errors or warnings, please have a look at the log file located in the same directory where SAFcollector.exe is located, or open the
log file from the created zip file.

User Guide

Windows Host Collector

The Windows Collector has been marked as deprecated. Please use the Microsoft Collector which adds GUI support and also does not require
creating a Data Collector Set (DCS).

The SAFcollector supports collecting configuration, capacity and performance data for Windows hosts. SAF supports collecting from Windows
2008 and newer, although older versions of Windows may work. For the collector to be able to gather Windows configuration data, it must be
able to communicate with the WMI service (normally regular users are allowed to access WMI data, so no Administrative account is required).

To collect performance data from a Windows-based platform, Windows Performance Monitor can be used to examine how the computer is
performing, both in real time and by collecting log data for later analysis.
Windows Performance Monitor uses performance counters, event trace data, and configuration information, which can be combined into Data
Collector Sets.

Performance counters are measurements of system state or activity. They can be included in the operating system, or can be part of individual
applications. Windows Performance Monitor requests the current value of performance counters, at specified time intervals.

Collecting log data for later analysis (creating historical performance data) is not enabled by default, it requires creating a Data Collector Set. As
part of the prerequisites the Data Collector Set has to be created (and started) seven days prior to running the SAFcollector.

To simplify this task we have a PowerShell script available that will create the correct Data collector Set, enabling it to run for seven days, with a 30
minute sample interval, while limiting the total output files to 100 MB in size (to prevent filling a (small) root disk) and writing the output to
c:\ProgramData\HPE\SAFcollector\SAFcollectorWin (do not change this path). Running this PowerShell script does require Administrative rights
(either local or Domain). Collecting the performance data itself, using the SAFcollector, does not require an Administrative account.

The PowerShell script can be found in the file, or create it using the commands in the appendix Error! Reference source not
found.. Running the PowerShell scripts remotely, requires a Trust relationship between the machine and the Domain (or WorkGroup for stand-
alone servers). If that does not exist, configure the Trust relationship by adding the destination machine to the ‘‘TrustedHosts’’ configuration
setting. Another option is to run the PowerShell script locally at the target machine.

User Guide

Running the collector

The collector must be run from a Command Prompt to be able to add the required arguments to the collector, however it does not need to be run
with admin rights (assuming the user is allowed to write to the current directory). To collect capacity, configuration data and/or performance
statistics for Windows hosts, run ‘SAFcollector Windows’ with the required options. The options u, p, i and D are mandatory; the collector
will run the configuration collection first, then it will collect hourly-based performance data for the last seven days. When the password is not set
using -p (useful for batches), the SAF collector will ask for the password and it can be typed (masked) in the CMD window .

>SAFcollector.exe Windows -u Administrator -p *********** -i 16.ip.ip.221 -D MyDomain

Executing Windows (collecting configuration and/or performance data for Windows systems):

Windows collector will be run with the following selections:

user :Administrator
password :********
ip address :16.ip.ip.221
mode :performance
Interface :WMI

Item 3 of 3 . (100%)
SAFcollector main task completed
Item 4 of 4 . (100%)
Collecting configuration data for server with serial GB8907J00F completed
Item 3 of 3 . (100%)
Collecting performance data completed

Finished collecting data with 0 errors and 0 warnings...

Compressing files, please wait...

Thank you for using the SAF collectors, please upload the output,
C:\SAF\, to the SAF
portal at
For questions and support, please emailto: [email protected]
(c) 2016-2018 Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Technical Marketing Engineering (TME)

User Guide

Microsoft Host Collector

The SAFcollector supports collecting configuration, capacity and performance data for Windows hosts including Hyper-V information
and supporting Clusters.
Performance information is collected in realtime mode only and will poll each server in the cluster every 5 minutes, this means that SAFcollector
must be left running for the entire collection period --- by default this is 7 days. The absolute minimum collection period is 1 hour, however at least
6 hours is the minimum recommended. Once started, the collector can be interrupted safely using either Ctrl+C on the command line or by pressing
the Stop button in the GUI. Do not just close the Window as the data collected until that point will be lost.

SAF supports collecting from Windows 2008 and newer, although 2012 is the minimum to collect Hyper-V information. The collector must be able
to communicate with the WMI service (normally regular users are allowed to access WMI data, so no Administrative account is required).
o Enable "Remote Management" from Server Manager
o Enable "Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)" in "Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall".
For more information about WMI connections, you may refer to the following article:

Running the collector

The collector can be run using the GUI or command prompt, it does not need to be run with admin rights (assuming the user is allowed to write to
the current directory). Instructions here are provided for the Command Line version, the GUI accepts the same inputs. To collect capacity,
configuration data and/or performance statistics for Windows hosts, run ‘SAFcollector Microsoft’ with the required options. The options
u, i and D are mandatory; the collector will run the configuration collection first, then it will collect performance data at 5 minute intervals for the
next seven days (or until stopped by the user). A custom duration can be specified (in minutes) with the --duration option. When the password is
not set using -p (useful for batches), the SAF collector will ask for the password and it can be typed (masked) in the CMD window .

C:\SAF>SAFcollector.exe Microsoft -u Administrator -i 16.ip.ip.113 -D MyDomain

Executing Microsoft (collecting configuration and performance data for Microsoft Windows systems):

Microsoft collector will be run with the following selections:

user :Administrator
password :********
ip address :16.ip.ip.113
Item 2 of 3 . (66 %) #################################
SAFcollector main task, now collecting performance data
Item 3 of 3 . (100%) ##################################################
Collecting configuration data for server with serial USEQ4GHCO9 completed

User Guide


The SAFcollector has two modes for collecting data from a VMware vCenter server environment: Historical Mode, and Realtime Mode.

The historical mode involves enabling a setting on the vCenter server to allow vCenter to collected and store the performance statistics. The
advantage of this approach is that the SAFcollector, when run hours or days later, can collect all the statistics in just a few minutes. This approach
is best used when a customer is able to enable the setting days before the scheduled run. It makes collecting the recommended 7 days of
performance data considerably simpler.

The realtime mode involves running the SAFcollector so it polls the vCenter server every 30 minutes, until enough performance data has been
collected. Although this approach has the advantage of not requiring any setting to be enabled ahead of the collection, it has the downside of
requiring the SAFcollector to be left running for the entire collection period. SAF requires a minimum of 6 hours of data in order to perform an
accurate assessment, and recommends collecting 7 days worth of data.

Both the historical mode and realtime mode use standard VMware APIs to request data from the vCenter Server.

VMware Historical Mode Collection (default)

Collecting data from VMware using the historical mode, requires enabling a vCenter setting - hours or days before the SAFcollector is run.

The vCenter server is continuously collecting full (level 4) statistics and performing roll-up calculations every 20 seconds to be able to display its
own Real Time Performance charts. In order to use the SAFcollector’s historical mode, a vCenter setting needs to be changed from the default of
level 1, to level 3, to request that it store the already-collected performance statistics, and roll them up into 30 minute intervals.
The level setting in the vCenter settings dialogue is only there to control what is stored into and retained by the statistics database. Changing to
level 3 (from typically default level 1), is a normal activity. VMware vCenter Performance Best Practices states: "Use [level 3] for short-term
performance monitoring after encountering problems, or when device statistics are required". To enable the SAFcollector in historical mode to get
the performance details the Level 3 for Statistics is required.
The settings dialogue window provides an "estimate" of the amount of disk space that will be required by the database, but in our testing, this
estimate is very conservative indeed and we routinely see less than 50% of what it estimates. The default settings in the space estimator are set
at 50 physical hosts and 2000 VMs, just change the estimator to a more appropriate number. The impact on the vCenter CPU and IO workload is
not expected to be significant, as the performance data is already being collected and rolled up - the additional workload is required to write more
detailed data into the statistics database.
Also remember, this is a temporary change; after the SAF collection has been performed, just revert back to the previous setting.
To change these settings from the default Statistics Level 1, use the vCenter client to open a connection to the vCenter server and select ‘‘vCenter
Server Settings…’’ from the Administration menu:

User Guide

Figure 5 Administration menu Figure 6 vCenter Server Settings

From the left-hand pane select ‘Statistics’, and when the window opened, select the ‘‘5 Minutes’’ row, click edit and set to ‘‘Level 3’’; repeat the same
for the ‘‘30 Minutes’’ row.

Figure 7 Changing the Statistics level

After the changes the setting should be similar to Figure 8 below:

User Guide

Figure 8 vCenter Statistics Level settings

When using vCenter version 6.x and higher, there is no vCenter console, instead logon to the vCenter server using a web browser and select
‘‘vSphere Web Client (Flash)’’ --- do NOT use HTML5, as that will show the statistic settings, but it will not have the ‘‘Edit’’ button to change them.
Figure 9 Browser logon to vCenter server

1. In the vSphere Client, navigate to the vCenter Server instance.

2. Select the ‘‘Configure’’ tab.
3. Under ‘‘Settings’’, select ‘‘General’’.
4. Click ‘‘Edit’’.

Figure 10 Changing the Statistics level in the vSphere Web Client

User Guide

Running the collector in Historical Mode

After updating the vCenter statistics level to 3, you must wait for a minimum of 6 hours for enough performance data to be collected.

The collector can be run using the GUI or command prompt, it does not need to be run with admin rights (assuming the user is allowed to write to
the current directory). Instructions here are provided for the Command Line version, the GUI accepts the same inputs. When running the
SAFcollector against a vCenter server, a read-only account will be sufficient. To collect capacity, configuration data and/or performance statistics
for a VMware environment, run ‘SAFcollector VMware’ with the required options. The options u and i are mandatory; the collector will run
the configuration collection first, then it will collect 30-minute-based performance data for the last seven days. Run SAFcollector help
VMware to see more details:

'VMware' - collecting configuration and/or performance data for VMware environments

This can be used to gather configuration and capacity data and performance statistics, it will use
the traditional VMware SDK to connect to the VCenter server

Expected usage: SAFcollector.exe VMware <options>

<options> available:
-u=VALUE mandatory - User name, with minimum read privileges
-p=VALUE optional - specify password
-i=VALUE mandatory - IPv4 IP address
-a=VALUE optional - output path to the output file(s)
--duration=VALUE optional - How long (in minutes) must the
collector sample for performance data (default
10080 (7 days))
--novm optional - Do not collect performance statistics
for each guest VM
--realtime optional - Use VMware RealTime statistics. This
requires the collector to wait and poll the
vCernter server to get data. A minimum of 6
hours of data is needed for a performance

When the SAFcollector completes, it will show the filename of the ZIP file containing the capacity and/or performance data, including the
SAFcollector log file which can be uploaded to the SAF portal for further processing.
Example of a performance collection run:
SAFcollector VMware -u [email protected] -p ******** -i 16.ip.ip.21 -a C:\SAF

Executing VMware (collecting configuration and/or performance data for VMware environments):

VMWARE collector will be run with the following selections:

user : [email protected]
password :********
ip address : 16.ip.ip.21
mode :performance
interface :Api
Item 3 of 3 . (100%)
SAFcollector main task completed

User Guide

Item 7 of 7 . (100%)
Collecting configuration information for VCenter server server 16.ip.ip.21, completed
Item 4 of 4 . (100%)
Collecting performance information for VCenter server 16.ip.ip.21, completed
Item 22 of 22 . (100%)
Collecting performance metrics for VCenter server 16.ip.ip.21, HostSystem - 16.ip.ip.218, completed
Item 22 of 22 . (100%)
Collecting performance metrics for VCenter server 16.ip.ip.21, HostSystem - 16.ip.ip.180, completed
Item 22 of 22 . (100%)
Collecting performance metrics for VCenter server 16.ip.ip.21, HostSystem - 16.ip.ip.178, completed

Finished collecting data with 0 errors and 0 warnings...

Compressing files, please wait...

Thank you for using the SAF collectors, please upload the output, C:\SAF\SAFVMWARE.115adcff-cf7d-, to the SAF portal
For questions and support, please emailto: [email protected]
(c) 2016-2018 Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Technical Marketing Engineering (TME)

User Guide

VMware Realtime Mode Collection

Running the collector in Realtime mode

Although running the SAF VMware collector in realtime mode does not have any prerequisites, it does require that the SAFcollector be left running
for the entire period where data is being collected. The collector can be run using the GUI or command prompt, it does not need to be run with
admin rights (assuming the user is allowed to write to the current directory). Instructions here are provided for the Command Line version, the GUI
accepts the same inputs.

When running the SAFcollector against a vCenter server, a read-only account will be sufficient. To collect capacity & configuration data and/or
performance statistics for a VMware environment using the realtime mode, run ‘SAFcollector VMware’ with the required options. The options
u, p, i and -realtime are mandatory; the collector will run the configuration collection first, then it will collect realtime performance data and sleep
for 30-minutes before collecting more data.

Run SAFcollector help VMware to see more details:

'VMware' - collecting configuration and/or performance data for VMware environments

This can be used to gather configuration and capacity data and performance statistics, it will use
the traditional VMware SDK to connect to the VCenter server

Expected usage: SAFcollector.exe VMware <options>

<options> available:
-u=VALUE mandatory - User name, with minimum read privileges
-p=VALUE optional - specify password
-i=VALUE mandatory - IPv4 IP address
-a=VALUE optional - output path to the output file(s)
--duration=VALUE optional - How long (in minutes) must the
collector sample for performance data (default
10080 (7 days))
--novm optional - Do not collect performance statistics
for each guest VM
--realtime optional - Use VMware RealTime statistics. This
requires the collector to wait and poll the
vCernter server to get data. A minimum of 6
hours of data is needed for a performance

Executing VMware (collecting configuration and/or performance data for VMware environments):

VMWARE collector will be run with the following selections:

user :root
password :********
ip address :
mode :performance
interface :rtApi
Item 2 of 3 . (66 %) ##########################################
SAFcollector main task, now collecting performance data
Item 7 of 7 . (100%) ###############################################################
Collecting configuration information for VCenter server server, completed

User Guide

Collecting realtime performance information every 30 minutes for 24.0 hours on VCenter server

Type Control-C at any time to stop collecting data and generate the final collection file.
Start Time : 12/13/2018 2:50:42 PM
Completion Time : 12/14/2018 2:50:42 PM
Lastest collection: 12/13/2018 2:51:34 PM [Currently collected 0.51 hours of data.]

User Guide

HPE Nimble arrays

The SAFcollector supports all Nimble models running Nimble OS 4.2.x or higher. The collector has some prerequisites.

All data collected is using the Restful API protocol --- this is already running by default on port 5392 and accessible from the ‘‘Management’’ IP
The user specified when running the SAFcollector only requires read-only rights on the Nimble array. If the customer has any doubts, then Hewlett
Packard Enterprise suggests creating a (temporary) user, using the ‘‘guest’’ role as the user to be used by the SAFcollector, thus guaranteeing the
customer that no changes can be made to the Nimble system. Just note that the SAFcollector does not make any changes (nor attempts to do so),
using a read-only account simply guarantees this from an array (and customer) perspective.

Running the collector

The collector can be run using the GUI or command prompt, it does not need to be run with admin rights (assuming the user is allowed to write to
the current directory). Instructions here are provided for the Command Line version, the GUI accepts the same inputs. To collect capacity,
configuration data and/or performance statistics for HPE Nimble arrays, run SAFcollector Nimble with the required options:
SAFcollector.exe help Nimble
'Nimble' - collecting configuration and performance data for Nimble arrays

This can be used to gather configuration, capacity and performance statistics for HPE Nimble

Expected usage: SAFcollector.exe Nimble <options>

<options> available:
-u=VALUE mandatory - User name, with minimum read privileges
-p=VALUE optional - specify password
-i=VALUE mandatory - IPv4 IP address
-a=VALUE optional - output path to the output file(s)

The options u and i are mandatory, the collector will run the configuration collection first, then it will collect hourly-based performance data for the
last seven days.
When the SAFcollector completes, it will show the filename of the ZIP file containing the capacity and performance data, including the SAFcollector
log file, which can be uploaded to the SAFportal for further processing.

Example of a collection run:

SAFcollector Nimble -u admin -p admin -i 10.ip.ip.200

C:\SAF>safcollector Nimble -u admin -p admin -i 10.ip.ip.200

Executing Nimble (collecting configuration and performance data for Nimble arrays):

NIMBLE collector will be run with the following selections:

user :admin
password :********
ip address :10.ip.ip.200
mode :performance
interface :RestApi
port :5392

User Guide

Item 3 of 3 . (100%) ##################################################

SAFcollector main task completed
Item 19 of 19 . (100%) ##################################################
Collecting configuration data completed
Item 2 of 2 . (100%) ##################################################
Collecting performance data completed

Finished collecting data with 0 errors and 0 warnings...

Compressing files, please wait...

Thank you for using the SAF collectors, please upload the output, C:\SAF\SAFNIMBLE.AF-, to the SAF portal at
For questions and support, please emailto: [email protected]
(c) 2016-2018 Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Technical Marketing Engineering (TME)

User Guide

Dell EMC XtremIO arrays

The SAFcollector supports XtremIO models running XtremIO OS 4.x or higher, and is written using version 2.0 of the Restful API. The collector has
some prerequisites.
All data is collected using the Restful API protocol --- this is already running by default on the standard secure port 443 and is accessible from the
management (XMS) IP address.
The user specified when running the SAFcollector only requires read-only rights on the XtremIO array. If the customer has any doubts, then
Hewlett Packard Enterprise suggests creating a (temporary) user with read-only permissions to be used by the SAFcollector, thus guaranteeing
the customer that no changes can be made to the XtremIO system. Just note that the SAFcollector does not make any changes (nor attempts to
do so), using a read-only account simply guarantees this from an array (and customer) perspective.

Running the collector

The collector can be run using the GUI or command prompt, it does not need to be run with admin rights (assuming the user is allowed to write to
the current directory). Instructions here are provided for the Command Line version, the GUI accepts the same inputs. To collect capacity,
configuration data and/or performance statistics for Dell EMC XtremIO arrays, run SAFcollector XtremIO with the required options:
SAFcollector.exe help xtremio
'XtremIO' - collecting configuration and performance data for XtremIO arrays

This can be used to gather configuration, capacity and performance statistics for Dell EMC XtremIO

Expected usage: SAFcollector.exe XtremIO <options>

<options> available:
-u=VALUE mandatory - User name, with minimum read privileges
-p=VALUE optional - specify password
-i=VALUE mandatory - IPv4 IP address
-a=VALUE optional - output path to the output file(s)

The options u and i are mandatory. The collector will run the configuration collection first, then it will collect hourly-based performance data for
the last seven days. When the password is not set using -p (useful for batches), the SAF collector will ask for the password and it can be typed
(masked) in the CMD window .
When SAFcollector completes, it will show the filename of the ZIP file containing the capacity and performance data, including the SAFcollector log
file, which can be uploaded to the SAFportal for further processing.
Example of a collection run:
C:\SAF>SAFcollector.exe xtremio -u tech -p Xtrem10 -i

Executing XtremIO (collecting configuration data for XtremIO arrays):

XTREMIO collector will be run with the following selections:

user :tech
password :********
ip address :
mode :performance
interface :RestApi
Item 3 of 3 . (100%) ##################################################
SAFcollector main task completed
Item 40 of 40 . (100%) ##################################################

User Guide

Collecting configuration data completed

Item 7 of 7 . (100%) ##################################################
Collecting performance data completed

Finished collecting data with 0 errors and 0 warnings...

Compressing files, please wait...

Thank you for using the SAF collectors, please upload the output,
C:\SAF\, to the
SAF portal at
For questions and support, please emailto: [email protected]
(c) 2016-2018 Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Technical Marketing Engineering (TME)

User Guide

IBM XIV arrays

The SAFcollector supports XIV models running software of 11.5.x or higher, and is written using at least version 4.8 of the XCLI client. The collector
has some prerequisites.
All data is collected using the IBM provided XCLI client. This client is installed either standalone or alongside the XIV GUI.
The user specified when running the SAFcollector only requires read-only rights on the XIV array. If the customer has any doubts, then Hewlett
Packard Enterprise suggests creating a (temporary) user with read-only permissions to be used by the SAFcollector, thus guaranteeing the
customer that no changes can be made to the XIV system. Just note that the SAFcollector does not make any changes (nor attempts to do so),
using a read-only account simply guarantees this from an array (and customer) perspective.

Running the collector

The collector can be run using the GUI or command prompt, it does not need to be run with admin rights (assuming the user is allowed to write to
the current directory). Instructions here are provided for the Command Line version, the GUI accepts the same inputs. To collect capacity,
configuration data and/or performance statistics for IBM IXV arrays, run SAFcollector XIV with the required options:
SAFcollector.exe help xiv
'XIV' - collecting configuration and performance data for XIV arrays

This can be used to gather configuration, capacity and performance statistics. It requires that the
XCLI client is installed on this host

Expected usage: SAFcollector.exe XIV <options>

<options> available:
-u=VALUE mandatory - User name, with minimum read privileges
-p=VALUE optional - specify password
-i=VALUE mandatory - IPv4 IP address
-a=VALUE optional - output path to the output file(s)
-c=VALUE optional - path to the external executable:

The options u and i are mandatory, specifying c is optional and can be used if the XCLI executable is installed in a non-default location. The collector
will run the configuration collection first, then it will collect hourly-based performance data for the last seven days.
When the SAFcollector completes, it will show the filename of the ZIP file containing the capacity and performance data, including the SAFcollector
log file, which can be uploaded to the SAFportal for further processing.
Note that collections for XIV will take longer than most other arrays, expect at least 5 minutes, but it may be longer.

Example of a collection run:

C:\SAF>SAFcollector.exe xiv –u admin –p admin -i=10.ip.ip.67

Executing XIV (collecting configuration and performance data for XIV arrays):

Item 3 of 3 . (100%) ##################################################

SAFcollector main task completed

XIV collector will be run with the following selections:

user :admin
password :********
ip address :10.ip.ip.67
mode :performance
User Guide

interface :Cli
Item 78 of 78 . (100%) ##################################################
Collecting configuration data completed
Item 1 of 1 . (100%) ##################################################
Collecting performance data completed

Finished collecting data with 0 errors and 0 warnings...

Compressing files, please wait...

Thank you for using the SAF collectors, please upload the output,
C:\SAF\, to the SAF portal
For questions and support, please emailto: [email protected]
(c) 2016-2018 Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Technical Marketing Engineering (TME)

User Guide

Backup Environment Collectors

Due to the sensitive nature of backup environments where many customers wish to inspect code that runs, the SAFcollector does not directly run
collectors targeted at backup environments. The backup environment collector scripts are Linux bash scripts and Windows cmd scripts, that are
written for the specific backup software being used. In addition, for some backup environments, the documentation describes an option for
submitting a database backup from the environment.

The collector must be run from a Command Prompt to be able to add the required arguments to the collector, however it does not need to be run
with admin rights (assuming the user is allowed to write to the current directory). To extract the collector scripts for backup environments, run
‘SAFcollector BackupISVs’ with the required options. The available options for use when extracting the collector scripts for backup
environments include:

--BackupExec extracting BackupExec scripts

--Commvault extracting Commvault scripts
--DataProtector extracting DataProtector scripts
--NetBackup extracting NetBackup scripts
--NetWorker extracting NetWorker scripts
--TSM extracting TSM scripts
--Veeam extracting Veeam scripts
--All extracting All scripts

For example, to extract all of the backup environment collector scripts and the User Guide, use the command:

>SAFcollector.exe BackupISVs --All

Executing BackupISVs (Create scripts and User Guide for backup environment data collection

Executing BackupISVs (Create scripts and User Guide for backup environment data collection):

Creating the scripts and User Guide for backup environment data collection...

Finished: the scripts and User Guide for backup environment data collection are available from
C:\Users\testuser\Documents\NPP ...

Uploading Script Output Files

The resulting output generated from running the collector scripts, is a zip file that needs to be uploaded to the NinjaProtected+ (NPP) tool.
For Channel Partners, the NPP Support team ([email protected]) is ready to assist with this step.
For HPE employees with access to the HPE internal network, the collection file can be uploaded directly.

The link to the self-service portal can be found on the NPP information page at

Submitting Database backups

Database backups must be submitted with the assistance of the NPP Support team ([email protected]) .

User Guide

NetApp arrays

The SAFcollector supports NetApp models running Ontap 8 and Ontap 9, both in 7-mode and in cluster mode.
The collector has some prerequisites.
The collector uses the Ontap API, aka. Ontapi, or Zapi, to communicate with the NetApp system.
This XMLHttpRequest based API is present on all NetApp systems, even very old ones.
(Note that it's not the same as the OnCommand REST API, that can optionally be installed on recent models only.)
So there's nothing to install on the NetApp system for the collector to work.
Likewise, the performance records are constantly being recorded by the NetApp system, whether the user enabled the ‘‘AutoSupport’’ mode or not.

The only requirement for the collection to work, is that the NetApp system must have http or https access enabled.
Most recent systems have https enabled, and this is the default protocol that the collector will use.
Some old systems may only have http enabled, in which case you need to use the '-P http' command-line option.
If neither http nor https are enabled, you must ask an Administrator to enable one of them, preferably https.

Running the collector

The collector can be run using the GUI or command prompt, it does not need to be run with admin rights (assuming the user is allowed to write to
the current directory). Instructions here are provided for the Command Line version, the GUI accepts the same inputs. To collect capacity,
configuration data and/or performance statistics for NetApp arrays, run SAFcollector with the required options:

C:\Temp>SAFcollector.exe NetApp help

'NetApp' - collecting configuration and/or performance data for NetApp arrays

This can be used to gather configuration and capacity data and/or performance statistics. It
requires the use of ONTAPI, either via HTTP or HTTPS

Expected usage: SAFcollector.exe NetApp <options>

<options> available:
-u=VALUE mandatory - User name, with minimum read privileges
-p=VALUE optional - specify password
-i=VALUE mandatory - IPv4 IP address|host name
-a=VALUE optional - output path to the output file(s)
-P=http|https optional - Protocol http|https (Default: https)
-o=VALUE optional - Port number (Default: http:80, https:443)

The options u and i are mandatory. The password is also mandatory, but option ---p is not: If you don’t specify it, you will be prompted for it.

Important: You only need to run the collector once, even to collect data from a multi-node NetApp cluster.
The SAFcollector first gets the entire system configuration from the node specified with the ---I option. This stage takes about one minute.
Then it collects, in parallel, one week worth of performance records from every node. Despite the parallelism, this stage may take several hours.
The parallel access to all nodes is shown very clearly in the user interface, with several progress bars moving simultaneously, one bar for each node.
Below each progress bar, you see the name of the Ontap performance records file that is currently being transferred.
These files are very large, and the Ontap API for transferring them is unfortunately very slow. This is why these transfers can take many hours.
Finally, we select the records we need, and all that data collected from all nodes is stored in a single SAF collection file.
On standalone systems, the process is the same, except that there's just one node to download from.

When the SAFcollector completes, it will show the filename of the ZIP file containing the capacity and performance data, including the SAFcollector
log file, which can be uploaded to the SAFportal for further processing.
User Guide

Example of a collection run:

C:\Temp>timex SAFcollector.exe NetApp -i new -u admin -p password

Executing NetApp (collecting configuration and/or performance data for NetApp arrays):

NetApp collector will be run with the following selections:

user :admin
password :********
ip address :
mode :performance
interface :OnTapi
protocol :https
port :443

Collecting tm-af300-cluster configuration

Item 143 of 143 . (100%)

Collecting tm-af300-cluster performance data. This might take a long time.

Downloading 680 sets of files from tm-af300-cluster-03. Total: 2964910420 bytes
Item 680 of 680 . (100%)

Downloading 680 sets of files from tm-af300-cluster-04. Total: 2932449049 bytes
Item 680 of 680 . (100%)

Downloading 680 sets of files from tm-af300-cluster_1. Total: 3200856106 bytes
Item 680 of 680 . (100%)

Downloading 680 sets of files from tm-af300-cluster_2. Total: 3161360282 bytes
Item 680 of 680 . (100%)
User Guide

Finished collecting data with 0 errors and 0 warnings...

Compressing files, please wait...

Thank you for using the SAF collectors, please upload the output, C:\Temp\SAFNetApp.1-80-, to the SAF portal at
For questions and support, please emailto: [email protected]
(c) 2016-2018 Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Technical Marketing Engineering (TME)
Duration: 01:51:31.780

We have tested the collector with Ontap 8 and Ontap 9, both in 7-mode and in cluster mode.
It probably works with Ontap 7 (As Ontap 8 running in ‘‘7-mode’’ is supposed to emulate Ontap 7), but this is not tested nor supported.

Another limitation is the performance records files format: (Also called ‘‘Cluster Counter Manager Archive’’ = CCMA file format.)
- Ontap 8 uses a file format ‘‘version 5’’.
- Ontap 9 uses a file format ‘‘version 6’’.
The collector only knowns about these two formats, and is currently not able to extract data from any other version.

User Guide

Which information is collected by the SAFcollector

This varies per array vendor and array type, so in the next paragraphs an overview is shown, which commands are run against the specified array.

HPE 3PAR arrays

The collector uses the API to communicate with the HPE 3PAR array and runs the following commands:
https://<IP address>:8080/api/v1/system
https://<IP address>:8080/api/v1/system
https://<IP address>:8080/api/v1/cpgs
https://<IP address>:8080/api/v1/volumes
https://<IP address>:8080/api/v1/hosts
https://<IP address>:8080/api/v1/hostsets
https://<IP address>:8080/api/v1/volumesets
https://<IP address>:8080/api/v1/ports
https://<IP address>:8080/api/v1/vluns
https://<IP address>:8080/api/v1/remotecopy
https://<IP address>:8080/api/v1/remotecopygroups
https://<IP address>:8080/api/v1/flashcache
https://<IP address>:8080/api/v1/capacity
https://<IP address>:8080/api/v1/users
https://<IP address>:8080/api/v1/aoconfigurations
https://<IP address>:8080/api/v1/qos
When the performance is specified the collector will attempt to collect 7 days of, hourly, performance information for all available categories using
the API. The categories are:
The collector also collects the histograms, which are not available using the API as of today, using SSH:
srhistvlun -hourly -rw -metric both -sizecols 1 11
command srhistport -hourly -rw -metric both -sizecols 1 11

User Guide


The collector uses the API to communicate with the VMAX array, and will collect data using the following commands (note that this is an example,
and it can differ on the details (serial number, ports, host names, etc) :
User Guide

The SAFcollector will, when specified, collect the following categories:
Command=<IP address><port>/univmax/restapi/81/performance/host/metrics
Command=<IP address><port>/univmax/restapi/81/performance/array/metrics
User Guide

Command=<IP address><port>/univmax/restapi/81/performance/bedirector/metrics
Command=<IP address><port>/univmax/restapi/81/performance/diskgroup/metrics
Command=<IP address><port>/univmax/restapi/81/performance/disktechpool/metrics
Command=<IP address><port>/univmax/restapi/81/performance/fedirector/metrics
Command=<IP address><port>/univmax/restapi/81/performance/portgroup/metrics
Command=<IP address><port>/univmax/restapi/81/performance/snappool/metrics
Command=<IP address><port>/univmax/restapi/81/performance/storagegroup/metrics
Command=<IP address><port>/univmax/restapi/81/performance/thinpool/metrics

User Guide


The following commands will be run to collect configuration data:
Command="-User sysadmin -Password ******** -Address <IPaddress> -scope 0 arrayconfig -capture -
output config.saf -format XML -schema SAN -o"
Command="-User sysadmin -Password ******** -Address <IPaddress> -scope 0 -Xml storagepool -list -
availableCap -subscribedCap -consumedCap -rawCap -prcntFull"
Command="-User sysadmin -Password ******** -Address <IPaddress> -scope 0 -Xml getlun -capacity"
Command="-User sysadmin -Password ******** -Address <IPaddress> -scope 0 -Xml getdisk -capacity -
Command="-User sysadmin -Password ******** -Address <IPaddress> -scope 0 -Xml getrg -tcap -ucap"
When collecting performance data, all available performance objects will be captured:
Object Name,Poll Time,Owner Array Name,Current Owner,Utilization (%),Utilization-Optimal
(%),Utilization-Nonoptimal (%),Queue Length,Queue Length-Optimal,Queue Length-Nonoptimal,Response
Time (ms),Response Time-Optimal (ms),Response Time-Nonoptimal (ms),Total Bandwidth (MB/s),Total
Bandwidth-Optimal (MB/s),Total Bandwidth-Nonoptimal (MB/s),Total Throughput (IO/s),Total
Throughput-Optimal (IO/s),Total Throughput-Nonoptimal (IO/s),Read Bandwidth (MB/s),Read Bandwidth-
Optimal (MB/s),Read Bandwidth-Nonoptimal (MB/s),Read Size (KB),Read Size-Optimal (KB),Read Size-
Nonoptimal (KB),Read Throughput (IO/s),Read Throughput-Optimal (IO/s),Read Throughput-Nonoptimal
(IO/s),Write Bandwidth (MB/s),Write Bandwidth-Optimal (MB/s),Write Bandwidth-Nonoptimal
(MB/s),Write Size (KB),Write Size-Optimal (KB),Write Size-Nonoptimal (KB),Write Throughput
(IO/s),Write Throughput-Optimal (IO/s),Write Throughput-Nonoptimal (IO/s),Full Stripe
Writes/s,Prefetch Bandwidth (MB/s),Used Prefetches (%),SP Cache Read Hits/s,SP Cache Read
Misses/s,SP Cache Reads From WC/s,SP Cache Reads From RC/s,SP Cache Read Hit Ratio,SP Cache Write
Hits/s,SP Cache Write Misses/s,SP Cache Write Rehits/s,SP Cache Write Hit Ratio,SP Cache Write
Rehit Ratio,SP Cache Forced Flushes/s,Disk Crossings (%),Average Busy Queue Length,Average Busy
Queue Length-Optimal,Average Busy Queue Length-Nonoptimal,Disk Crossings/s,Service Time
(ms),Service Time-Optimal (ms),Service Time-Nonoptimal (ms),LUN Read Crossings/s,LUN Write
Crossings/s,Average Seek Distance (GB),SP Cache Dirty Pages (%),SP Cache Flush Ratio,SP Cache MBs
Flushed (MB/s),SP Cache High Water Flush On,SP Cache Idle Flush On,SP Cache Low Water Flush Off,SP
Write Cache Flushes/s,Reads From Snapshot Cache,Reads From Snapshot Copy LUN,Reads From Snapshot
Source LUN,Writes To Snapshot Source LUN,Writes To Snapshot Cache,Writes Larger Than Snapshot Cache
Chunk Size,Chunks Used In SnapShot Copy Session,Read 512B,Read 1KB,Read 2KB,Read 4KB,Read 8KB,Read
16KB,Read 32KB,Read 64KB,Read 128KB,Read 256KB,Read 512KB,Write 512B,Write 1KB,Write 2KB,Write
4KB,Write 8KB,Write 16KB,Write 32KB,Write 64KB,Write 128KB,Write 256KB,Write 512KB,Total 512B,Total
1KB,Total 2KB,Total 4KB,Total 8KB,Total 16KB,Total 32KB,Total 64KB,Total 128KB,Total 256KB,Total
512KB,Average Transfer Size (KB),Time Lag (min),Data Lag (MB),Queue Full Count,Cycle Count,Average
Cycle Time (min),Explicit Trespass Count,Explicit Trespass Count-Optimal,Explicit Trespass Count-
Nonoptimal,Implicit Trespass Count,Implicit Trespass Count-Optimal,Implicit Trespass Count-
Nonoptimal,FAST Cache Read Hits/s,FAST Cache Read Misses/s,FAST Cache Read Hit Ratio,FAST Cache
Write Hits/s,FAST Cache Write Misses/s,FAST Cache Write Hit Ratio,FAST Cache Dirty Pages (%),FAST
Cache MBs Flushed (MB/s)

User Guide

Pure Storage arrays

The following commands will be run to collect configuration data:
https://<IP address>/api/<api_version/
https://<IP address>/api/<api_version/hardware
https://<IP address>/api/<api_version/drive
https://<IP address>/api/<api_version/port
https://<IP address>/api/<api_version/hgroup
https://<IP address>/api/<api_version/pgroup
https://<IP address>/api/<api_version/host
https://<IP address>/api/<api_version/host?all=true
https://<IP address>/api/<api_version/host?connect=true
https://<IP address>/api/<api_version/host?personality=true
https://<IP address>/api/<api_version/host?space=true
https://<IP address>/api/<api_version/volume
https://<IP address>/api/<api_version/volume?connect=true
https://<IP address>/api/<api_version/volume?snap=true
https://<IP address>/api/<api_version/volume?space=true
https://<IP address>/api/<api_version/array
https://<IP address>/api/<api_version/array?controllers=true
https://<IP address>/api/<api_version/array/connection
The following commands will be run to collect performance data:
https://<IP address>/api/<api_version/array?action=monitor&historical=7d

User Guide


The following commands will be run to collect configuration data:
cat /sys/class/net/*/address
hostname -A
free -m
cat /proc/meminfo
cat /proc/version
cat /etc/os-release
cat /proc/cpuinfo
df -h
cat /etc/fstab
lsblk -lf
/sbin/lspci -mm
rpm -qa

When collecting performance data, all available performance objects will be captured:

sadf -j -- -pd /sa$(date +%d") -d '1 days ago'

sadf -j -- -u /sa$(date +%d") -d '1 days ago'
sadf -j -- -P APP /sa$(date +%d") -d '1 days ago'
sadf -j -- -r /sa$(date +%d") -d '1 days ago'
sadf -j -- -S /sa$(date +%d") -d '1 days ago'
sadf -j -- -b /sa$(date +%d") -d '1 days ago'
sadf -j -- -w /sa$(date +%d") -d '1 days ago'
sadf -j -- -q /sa$(date +%d") -d '1 days ago'
sadf -j -- -n ALL /sa$(date +%d") -d '1 days ago'

Where -d '1 days ago' is iterated from -d '1 days ago' to -d '7 days ago' to collect seven days of
performance data.

User Guide

HPE Nimble arrays

The collector uses the API to communicate with the HPE Nimble array and runs the following commands:
https://<IP address>:5392/v1/arrays/detail
https://<IP address>:5392/v1/controllers/detail
https://<IP address>:5392/v1/disks/detail
https://<IP address>:5392/v1/fibre_channel_configs/detail
https://<IP address>:5392/v1/fibre_channel_interfaces/detail
https://<IP address>:5392/v1/fibre_channel_ports/detail
https://<IP address>:5392/v1/folders/detail
https://<IP address>:5392/v1/groups/detail
https://<IP address>:5392/v1/network_interfaces/detail
https://<IP address>:5392/v1/pools/detail
https://<IP address>:5392/v1/protection_schedules/detail
https://<IP address>:5392/v1/replication_partners/detail
https://<IP address>:5392/v1/shelves/detail
https://<IP address>:5392/v1/snapshot_collections/detail
https://<IP address>:5392/v1/snapshots/detail
https://<IP address>:5392/v1/space_domains/detail
https://<IP address>:5392/v1/volume_collections/detail
https://<IP address>:5392/v1/volumes/detail

The collector will collect 7 days of hourly performance information using the API for aggregated_stats.

User Guide

Dell EMC XtremIO

The collector uses the API to communicate with the XtremIO array and first calls https://10.ip.ip.90/api/json/v2/types which
returns a list of supported objects, the collector will perform a GET request for each of the returned objects. An example of the returned objects
based on XtremIO OS 4.2.2 are the following:

User Guide

The collector will collect 7 days of, hourly, performance information using the following commands:

User Guide


The collector uses the XCLI to run the following commands against the array:
access_list, ldap_list_servers, ldap_mode_get, user_group_list, user_list, cg_list, io_pause_list,
xcg_get_local_cgs, xcg_list, dm_list, dest_list, destgroup_list, event_list, event_list_uncleared,
event_threshold_list, rule_list, smsgw_list, smtpgw_list, fc_connectivity_list, fc_port_list,
host_connectivity_list, ats_list, component_list, component_service_required_list, disk_list,
module_list, serial_consoles_list, service_list, ups_list, cluster_list, host_list,
host_profile_list, mapping_list, ib_port_list, switch_list, ipinterface_list, ipinterface_list_ips,
ipinterface_list_ports, ipsec_connection_list, ipsec_list_tunnels, metadata_list, mirror_list,
rpo_thresholds_get, schedule_list, sync_job_list, target_connectivity_list, target_list,
target_port_list, pki_list, snap_group_list, pool_list, cf_list, cna_list, cod_list, cpu_list,
dimm_list, encrypt_keyserver_list, encrypt_recovery_key_list, fan_list, hca_list,
maintenance_urgency_list, mm_list, module_temperature_list, nic_list, perf_class_list, psu_list,
ssd_list, support_center_list, support_center_status, system_capacity_list, time_list, olvm_list,
reservation_key_list, reservation_list, vol_list, version_get, config_get
The collector will collect 7 days of hourly performance information using the following command (where {startdate} is the date when the collection
is made) :
statistics_get start={startdate} resolution_unit=hour interval=1 count=168

User Guide

NetApp arrays

The collector uses the Ontap API to communicate with the NetApp array and runs the following Ontap API commands:

- On standalone systems running in 7-Mode:

User Guide


- On cluster systems:

User Guide

User Guide

User Guide


When the performance is specified, the collector will attempt to collect 7 days of performance records for all available categories using the Ontap
API. These record files are those that may optionally be send to NetApp in Autosupport mode. They’re present whether Autosupport mode is
enabled or not.
- On standalone systems running in 7-Mode:
Get XML statistics archive files: /etc/log/stats/archive/stats_archive_data_*_DATE_TIME.gz
There’s one file per hour, that is 7*24 files for a week.
- On cluster systems:
Get XML ‘‘Cluster Counter Manager Archive’’ (aka. CCMA) files: /etc/log/stats/ccma/kernel/*_UNIXTIME_*.ccma.[gz,md5,meta]
There’s one set of three files every 15 minutes, that is 7*24*4*3 files per node for a week.
Note that these files may also be browsed at: https://CLUSTER/spi/VSERVER/etc/log/stats/ccma/kernel/

Then, in both cases:

1. The collector eliminates redundant meta data, which is usually the same in every XML file.

User Guide

2. It keeps only the records with data for the following objects:


User Guide

Microsoft Windows

The collector uses WMI to retrieve information from the following classes:

User Guide


The collector uses WMI to retrieve information from the following classes:


User Guide


Configuration information is collected using standard VMware APIs, we collect the fields listed below.

"Datacenter": "Name", "datacenterId", "hostNameList", "num_hosts"

"Cluster": "Name", "TotalHosts", "EffectiveCpu", "EffectiveMemoryGB", "NumCpuCores",

"NumCpuThreads", "TotalCpu", "TotalMem", "OverallStatus", "hostIdList", "DRS_enabled",
"HAEnabled", "Datacenter"

"HostSystem": "Host", "product_line_ID", "version", "build", "vmotion_enabled",

"cpu_mhz", "cpu_model", "TotalMemoryGB", "hw_model", "num_cpu", "TotalCpuCores",
"total_nics", "total_hbas", "uuid", "vendor", "overall_cpu_usage", "TotalMemoryUsedGB",
"uptime", "vmIdList", "total_datastores", "hostId", "NICs", "HBAs", "Multipath",
"esx_version", "TotalMemoryUsagePct", "datastoreIdList", "TotalSizeGB", "TotalUsedGB",
"TotalFreeGB", "TotalFreePCT", "TotalUsedPCT", "Datacenter", "cluster_name", "clustered",
"TotalCpu", "TotalCpuUsagePct", "TotalProvisionedGB"

"VirtualMachine": "VMname", "DNSname", "Memory_GB", "VMPowerstate", "vCPUs", "boot_time",

"OS", "VMTools", "vNICs", "vDisks", "parent", "vmId", "TotalUsedGB", "TotalFreeGB",
"Disks", "MemUsageMB", "CpuUsageMhz", "Datacenter", "TotalSizeGB", "TotalFreePCT",
"TotalUsedPCT", "Host", "Cluster", "Results", "Scan Type", "Status", "HW_version",
"Type", "VM"

"Datastore": "Name", "type", "FreeGB", "SizeGB", "Accessible", "url", "datastoreId",

"ConfigStatus", "provisionedGB", "Datacenter", "UsedPCT", "InUseGB", "FreePCT", "Hosts",
"NumHosts", "Version"

Performance information is collected using standard VMware APIs, we collect the following fields for both HostSystem and VirtualMachine


User Guide

Auto update

The SAFcollector has an auto-update function, available by running SAFcollector.exe update. This requires the SAFcollector to be connected to
the Internet, so run this from a Internet connected system, retrieve the latest version and copy that to the target system(s) to collect the data.

C:\SAF\SAFcollector.exe update

Executing Update (The SAFcollector will check for a newer version):

A newer version is available, downloading...

The SAFcollector.exe has been updated

Once finished, the original SAFcollector.exe will be renamed to SAFcollector(1).exe and is kept for backup. The new version is named
SAFcollector.exe. You can verify the version number by right-clicking the file, selecting ‘‘Properties’’, and viewing the ‘‘Details’’ Tab. It is listed under
‘‘Product version’’.
Figure 11 Properties of SAFcollector.exe

User Guide


After reading the User Guide carefully on how to use the SAFcollector, if any issues arise, please gather the log file which is located in the zip file
created (in case the zip file does not get created, the log file will be in the working directory, which is the directory where the SAFcollector.exe is
located) any additional information, such as the command you ran along with the associated error message displayed and email that to
[email protected] for further support.

SAFcollector returns that it ‘‘Could not find the binaries’’

When running the SAFcollector for VNX it returns ‘‘Could not find the NaviSECCli binaries at <directory>’’ ensure that the full path is in quotes
when it contains any spaces in the path:
>SAFcollector VNX -u sysadmin -p sysadmin -i 10.ip.ip.63 -c C:\SAF\EMC\Navisphere CLI

Executing VNX (collecting configuration data for VNX arrays):

VNX collector will be run with the following selections:

user :sysadmin
password :********
ip address :10.ip.ip.63
mode :configuration
Interface :cli
Could not find the NaviSECCli binaries at C:\SAF\EMC\Navisphere\, see SAFcollector help VNX for
more information
 doubles quotes are required when a space in the path to the binaries.

Learn more at


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