Individual Development Plan

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Action Plan
(Recommended Developmental
Strengths Developmental Intervention) Timeline Resources
Needs Needed

Learning Intervention
Objectives of the
PD Program

Focus on Provide quality Providing quality Participate in seminars Year School

teaching and output, learners output and learners about curriculum Round Fund
learning ready and fully ready. planning, lesson
equipped. planning and teaching

Apply teaching Utilize range of Enhance learner Participate in seminars Year School
strategies and teaching achievement and workshops that round Fund
learning strategies and will discuss new range
modalities to learning of strategies and
enhance learner modalities that learning modality that
achievement enhances enhance learner
learner achievement

Focus on Make lessons Preparing Weekly Attend trainings Year School

teaching and adopted for the Learning Plan orientations, Round Fund
learning new normal align with the and workshops about
class. MELCs. MELCs

Support Provide the Applying the Attend seminars and In – School

Curriculum quality modules assessment tool in training about learning service Fund
Management for Modular choosing learning resources training,
and Distance resources for the LAC
Implementation Learning. modules. Session

Monitor Collaborate and Evaluating student Prepare activities Whole Learners

learners communicate performances suited to the skills and year round Output
performance with learners, based on their interest of the learners
through parents other output
challenging educators,
activities administrators
and the
community to
support student

Professionalish To demonstrate Improve personal Enroll to graduate Year- Trainings

and Ethics the ability to productivity. studies. round and
Self- think that Seminars
management continuously Works Participate in the
Result focus focusses on continuously and planning and
improving collaboratively development of School
with others. Based Management. School
personal Head
productivity to Attend
create higher trainings/workshops/se Master
value and minar
results. Teacher

Work Faculty
with others and
organizations to
goals and

Establishment Engagement of Maintain learning Guide colleagues to Year- Parent-

of learning parents and the environments that strengthen round Teacher
environments wider school are responsive to relationships with Agreement
that are community in community parents/guardian and Form, Self-
responsive to the educative contexts. the wider school Learning
community process. community to Modules,
contexts. maximize their etc.
involvement in the
educative process.

Philosophy of Professional Apply a personal Develop a personal Year- PPST

teaching. reflection and philosophy of professional round Modules,
learning to teaching that is improvement plan LDM2
improve learner-centered. based on reflection of Course
practice. one’s. Modules,

Prepared by:

Rosemarie D. Llamado

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