Maintenance Manual Irv4 Steering Gear
Maintenance Manual Irv4 Steering Gear
Maintenance Manual Irv4 Steering Gear
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Maintenance manual DMN000285832
Rev. Date Reason for issue Author, dept. Authorizing dept. name,
and name sign
A 18 FEB 2021 First issue G.S., B.O. J.Aa.
B 21 JAN 2022 Minor changes B.O J.Aa.
C 07 MAR 2022 Kit revised B.O J.Aa.
D 05 MAY 2022 Changes A.S J.Aa.
E 03 JUN 2022 Weight change tab. 5.2 A.S. J.Aa.
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Maintenance manual
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Maintenance manual
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 7
2. Maintenance Overview ................................................................................................. 7
3. Safety ........................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 General Statement ................................................................................................ 9
3.2 Safety Annotations .............................................................................................. 10
4. Steering Gear Actuator and Power Pack .................................................................... 11
5. Docking Related Service and Maintenance tasks ....................................................... 14
5.1 Tools Needed ...................................................................................................... 16
5.2 Weight of Cover and Rotor .................................................................................. 16
6. Routine Maintenance tasks ........................................................................................ 17
7. Oil Recommendations ................................................................................................ 20
8. System Oil Volume ..................................................................................................... 22
9. Grease Recommendation for Stuffing Box ................................................................. 23
10. Tightening Torque for Bolts ........................................................................................ 24
11. Maintenance Instructions............................................................................................ 25
11.1 Oil Sampling ........................................................................................................ 26
11.2 Venting ................................................................................................................ 27
11.3 Filling and Refilling of Oil ..................................................................................... 28
11.4 Maneuvering Time Test....................................................................................... 29
11.5 Replacement of Gland Seals ............................................................................... 30
11.6 Replacement of Filter Element ............................................................................ 31
11.7 Replacement of Flexible Coupling in Pump Unit .................................................. 32
11.8 Adjustment of Haenni Contents Gauge ............................................................... 33
11.9 Cleaning of Water/Oil Cooler ............................................................................... 36
11.10 Cleaning of Air/Oil Cooler ................................................................................ 37
11.11 FB40 Feedback Inspection .............................................................................. 39
11.12 Stuffing Box (if KONGSBERG delivery) ........................................................... 41
11.13 Function Test of Alarm System ........................................................................ 42
11.14 Function Test of IMO System........................................................................... 44
11.14.1 Manual Operation mode From Bridge ....................................................... 44
11.14.2 Local Operation from IMO Control Cabinet ............................................... 45
11.14.3 IMO Oil Level Detection ............................................................................ 46
11.14.4 Operation of IMO Valves .......................................................................... 48
11.15 Adjustment of Rudder Angle Indicator System ................................................. 49
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Maintenance manual
11.16 Adjustment of Rudder Angle Indicator Amplifier (if KONGSBERG delivery) ..... 50
11.17 Adjustment of Limit Switches in Feedback Unit ................................................ 51
11.18 Adjustment of Amplifier Card (if KONGSBERG delivery) ................................. 52
11.19 Adjustment of FU-Controller (if KONGSBERG delivery)................................... 53
11.20 Replacement of Alarm System Card ................................................................ 54
11.21 Replacement of Pump Control Card ................................................................ 55
11.22 Replacement of Amplifier Card ........................................................................ 56
11.23 Replacement of Selector Card ......................................................................... 57
11.24 Replacement of Start Relay ............................................................................. 58
11.25 Replacement of Solenoid Driver ...................................................................... 59
11.26 Replacement of Limit Switches in Feedback Units ........................................... 60
11.27 Replacement of Proximity Switch..................................................................... 61
12. Troubleshoot Hydraulic Lock Alarm (Only AS02) ........................................................ 62
13. Self-Assessment or Maintenance Inspection .............................................................. 63
14. Spare Parts ................................................................................................................ 64
14.1 Spare Part Kits and Items ................................................................................... 65
14.2 Pump Spare Parts ............................................................................................... 66
15. Contact....................................................................................................................... 67
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Maintenance manual
1. Introduction
This manual provides the Kongsberg Maritime maintenance recommendations and instructions for
all Frydenbö IRV-4 type Steering Gears. Pictures and illustrations used in this manual may deviate
from the equipment on board your vessel. All recommendations are provided in relation to general
Class requirements and guidelines.
The Kongsberg Maritime IMO Steering Gear (IRV) fulfils the single failure criteria of IMO for tankers
over 100 000 DWT. The IRV Steering Gears comprise two identical power actuating systems
separated with a double hydraulic sealing system within a single housing.
2. Maintenance Overview
Kongsberg Maritime (KM) Steering Gears are designed for safe operation with a minimum
maintenance need. However, to prevent unexpected problems or downtime, it is recommended
that the users maintain the Steering Gear system at regular intervals.
For scheduled class survey and general service or repair, it is recommended to use Kongsberg
Maritime service engineers. This will decrease the time of repair to a minimum and ensure
continuous safe operation.
This document describes all relevant maintenance procedures and activities to be carried out by the
crew, in addition to the maintenance recommended to be performed by Kongsberg Maritime service
engineers. Any other information may be found in the Steering Gear USER MANUAL or by contacting
[email protected].
The RV Steering Gears are of robust design and by following the recommended maintenance
schedule, long and reliable operation is secured. However, after a certain number of years in
operation, it is necessary to overhaul the equipment and change internal wear parts. The internal
wear parts mainly consist of internal seals, radial bearings (linings) and axial bearings (thrust
bearing). The overhaul interval is dependent on factors such as:
The condition of most wear parts is possible to detect by visual inspection or testing. However, the
thrust bearing, for example, can normally only be inspected by draining oil from the actuator and
opening the top cover to physically measure the clearance under the rotor. For some of the new
generation actuators there is a measuring device available, as an option, for control of the thrust
bearing without draining oil and removal of the top cover.
Although the internal wear parts are designed to last well in excess of 5 years, it is wise to use the
opportunity during the regular class survey dockings to confirm the Steering Gear internal
condition. If more than half worn, it should be considered if the parts can last until next planned
Monitoring the condition and performance of the equipment and taking notice of any changes is
important in order to reveal any problems developing before a breakdown occurs.
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It is requested that any failures or maintenance work on the equipment, no matter how
small, should be reported to Kongsberg Maritime at; [email protected]
By reporting any failures or maintenance work, an accurate equipment history is maintained. This
history can continuously be monitored and compared to other vessels with similar equipment. With
this information, KONGSBERG can provide better service, faster delivery of spare parts and guidance
for preventive maintenance of the products.
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3. Safety
Please take the time to read this chapter carefully, as it concerns your safety.
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Indicates possibilities for hazards or unsafe practices, which COULD result in fatal or severe
personnel injuries or substantial product or property damage, if the required precautions are
not taken.
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The rudder carrier bearing of the actuator has sufficient capacity to carry the full weight of rudder,
rudderstock and rotor, eliminating the need for a separate rudder carrier bearing. The bearing is
lubricated by the system oil. The sealing system consists of synthetic oil resistant material resting in
seal grooves. The sealing system prevents both internal and external leakage.
Pump unit
Hydraulic nut
Actuator Cooler
Control valve
IMO valve block Power Pack
The IRV Steering Gear comprise two identical actuator power systems separated by a double sealing
system. In addition, the IRV Steering Gear consists of a double set of valves:
Control valves (Power Pack)
Lock valves (Actuator)
Isolating valves (Actuator)
Safety Relief/By-pass valves (Actuator)
The Control valve is activated according to command and initiate rudder movement. The Lock valve
on the actuator is opened by an increase of external pressure. A loss of external pressure will cause
the lock valve to close, keeping the actuator intact for operation by means of the stand-by pump if
necessary. The Interconnecting/Isolating valves connect the two power actuating systems during
normal operation. If one of the systems are defect, the Interconnecting/Isolating valve will isolate the
systems and enable the intact system to continue with normal operation. The Safety Releif/By-pass
protect against excessive external pressure transmitted from the rudder and by-pass the defect
system if necessary.
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The Power Pack consists of two pump units operated separately or combined. Each pump unit
provides oil with sufficient flow to develop the specified rudder angle. One pump unit is normally in
operation, while the other is acting as a stand-by unit. However, it is possible to run both pump units
simultaneously and thereby doubling the turning rate when shortest possible steering time is
required. The pump unit are normally remotely controlled but may also be controlled manually at
the Control valve on the Power Pack in the Steering Gear room.
1 2
Low Low Oil Level system 1 Low Low Oil Level system 2
For a situation where the system starts to loose oil, the following alarms and actions will develop:
1. Common Oil Level switch is activated; 1. Common Oil Level switch is activated;
Low Oil Level alarm will appear. Low Oil Level alarm will appear.
2. Low Oil Level switch is activated; 2. Low Oil Level switch is activated;
Isolation valves will be activated and closed, separating Isolation valves will be activated and closed, separating
system 1 and 2. system 1 and 2. Pump 2 will start automatically!
3. Steering continues with both systems. 3. Steering continues with both systems.
4. Low Low Oil Level switch is activated on defect system; 4. Low Low Oil Level switch is activated on defect system;
by-pass valve on defect system activated. Automatic stop by-pass valve on defect system activated. Automatic stop
of pump unit on defect system will not occur. Pump unit on of pump unit on defect system will not occur. Pump unit on
defect system must be stopped. defect system must be stopped.
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Steering Gear system errors not detected by the Automatic Isolation system
Scenario 2 System works nomally until “Automatic Isolation” is activated by loss of hydraulic oil
1. System working as normal.
2. Loss of hydraulic oil from system.
“Automatic Isolation” will separate system 1 and system 2.
3. Outcome – loss of steering!
Defect system will be identified by “Low Low Oil Level” alarm.
Continue operation – Check situation in Steering Gear room!
Cause: By-pass valve may be locked in CLOSED position.
Scenario 3 System works nomally until “Automatic Isolation” is activated by loss of hydraulic oil
1. System working as normal.
2. Loss of hydraulic oil from system.
“Automatic Isolation” will separate system 1 and system 2.
3. Outcome; Steering continues with system 1 and system 2 working separately.
4. Defect system will be detected automatically and isolated depending on which system
is loosing oil.
Cause: One Isolating valve may be locked in OPEN position.
Scenario 4 System works nomally until “Automatic Isolation” is activated by loss of hydraulic oil
1. System working as normal.
2. Loss of hydraulic oil from system.
“Automatic Isolation” will separate system 1 and system 2.
3. Outcome; Separation fails for line affected by failing isolation valves.
4. Check situation in Steering Gear room!
Cause: Both Isolating valves on same line may be locked in OPEN position.
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Maintenance manual
10 years: Recommended service and maintenance according to above table, and previous service
Open rudder actuator, secure rudderstock and remove rotor. Replace all internal
seals, bearings, upper and lower gland seals and pressure valves.
Power Pack: Replace filter, flexible coupling, tank cover gasket and carry out pump
Self – Assessment prior to docking in order to identify additional service or
maintenance needed (ref. chapter 13. Self-Assessment or Maintenance Inspection).
20 years: Recommended service and maintenance according to above table, and previous service
Open rudder actuator, secure rudderstock and remove rotor. Replace all internal
seals, bearings, upper and lower gland seals and pressure valves.
Power Pack: Replace filter, flexible coupling, tank cover gasket and carry out pump
Self – Assessment prior to docking in order to identify additional service or
maintenance needed (ref. chapter 13. Self-Assessment or Maintenance Inspection).
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System (a) Sub-System (b) Part (c) Maintenance Task (d) Maint (e) Freq (f) Type (g) Skill Level (h) Facility (I)
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Maintenance manual
Column description:
Columns a, b & c illustrate the hierarchical relationship between the components/sub-
assemblies (column c) on which maintenance is performed and the high level module
Column d describes the maintenance activity.
Column e identifies the maintenance activity as either Preventative or Corrective.
Column f details the frequency of the maintenance activity.
Column g groups the maintenance activity into a category which facilitates the rapid analysis
of the maintenance data, eg one can search on OC to identify when the equipment underwent
an oil change.
Column h identifies which skill level is required for the maintenance activity.
Column i identifies what facility is required for the maintenance activity.
Maintenance categories:
Abreviation Description
BC Bearing Change
CHK Check
CL Clean
FC Filter Change
FLU Flush
INSP Inspect
LUB Lubricate
MEA Measure
MEG Megger
OC Oil Change
OVH Overhaul
REP Replace
KM OVH Kongsberg Maritime Overhaul
SAM Sample
TST Test
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Pressure valve
Thrust bearing
Flexible coupling
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7. Oil Recommendations
Using oil other than specified by KONGSBERG MARITIME may cause malfunctions when
maneuvering the vessel. This can cause personal injury and equipment damage. Before
using other brands, please contact Kongsberg Maritime.
Do not mix hydraulic oils.
For vessels operating worldwide, KONGSBERG recommend oil according to ISO-VG 68. Viscosity
Index of minimum 110.
The performance of the unit is highly depended on the viscosity of the oil. The surrounding
temperatures of the hydraulic components when operating at extreme temperature conditions,
tropic or arctic waters, must be considered when selecting type of oil.
The oil must be checked regularly for contamination and the relevant oil company and KONGSBERG
recommendation for oil change must be followed. Change the oil if components in the hydraulic
system are broken down or if significant color or smell change occurs. If laboratory tests show a change
in the number of additives or a high number of insoluble particles in the oil, oil change is required. If
the water content exceeds 300ppm, a separator or similar for water removal should be applied.
The following hydraulic oils are approved and recommended by Kongsberg Maritime:
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For storage of hydraulic oil, follow practice recommended from the relevant oil company. All oil
drums must be stored in horizontal position with oil cap below the maximum level indicator.
For the hydraulic oil circulating in the Steering Gear, it is highly recommended to keep the cleanliness
within 20/18/15 according to ISO 4406-1999 (comparable to NAS 1638 or SAE AS 4059 class 9). If oil
cleanliness is no longer within the above limits, renew the filter elements.
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Standard grease:
The following standard greases are approved and recommended for use in the Stuffing Box delivered
by Kongsberg Maritime:
EAL grease:
The following EAL (Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants) greases are approved and recommended
for use in the Stuffing Box delivered by Kongsberg Maritime:
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Make sure to follow recommended tightening torque and friction coefficient as described
A friction coefficient μ = 0,15 - normally oiled threads, is assumed in the calculations of the preceding
tightening torques. For other values of the friction coefficient, the tightening torques should be
adjusted accordingly.
Dim Qual Nm
M 10 12.9 84
M 12 12.9 145
M 16 12.9 360
M 20 12.9 700
M 24 12.9 1243
M 30 12.9 2400
Torque for actuator cover and stay bolts using Molykote G Rapid+:
Dim Qual Nm
M 24 8.8 500
M 30 8.8 1000
M 36 8.8 1600
Dim Qual Nm
M 24 12.9 650
M 30 12.9 1250
M 36 12.9 1625
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Please see the maintenance support procedure and guidelines described below required for
maintaining the Steering Gear system in a safe and correct manner.
Never work alone when installing heavy components, even when using secure
lifting equipment such as lockable block and tackle. Most lifting devices require
two people, one to oversee to the lifting device and the other to ensure that the
components do not get caught and damaged.
Always wear protective goggles if there is a risk of splinters, grinding sparks and
splashes from acid or other chemicals. Eyes are extremely sensitive and an injury
to them can result in loss of sight.
Using hydraulic oil other than the one specified in this manual may cause
malfunctions when operating the equipment. This may cause personal injury and
equipment damage
Most chemicals intended for the product (engine and gearbox oils, glycol, gasoline
and diesel), or the workshop (degreasing agent, paints and solvents) can be harmful
to your health. Read the instructions on packaging carefully! Always follow
protective measures such as using a protective mask, goggles, gloves etc. Ensure
that other personnel are not unknowingly exposed to harmful substances in the air
that they breathe; ensure adequate ventilation. Dispose used and excess chemicals
according to instructions.
Ensure that the warning or information labels on the product are always visible.
Replace labels that are damaged or painted over.
Take care of the hydraulic oil when replacing parts in the hydraulic system. Any oil
spillage, even a small one, will cause environmental damage. Used filter elements
and worn out hydraulic oil should be disposed safely
To avoid unexpected stops, the importance to maintain the equipment on a regular
basis is emphasized.
Use spare parts supplied by Kongsberg Maritime. Use of other than Kongsberg
Maritime approved spare parts will void the warranty and may result in system
failure or reduced lifetime.
For scheduled class survey, general overhaul or repair it is advised to use Kongsberg
Maritime service engineers. This will limit the time of repair to a minimum and
ensure continuous safe operation.
It is requested that any failures or maintenance work on the equipment shall be
reported to Kongsberg Maritime dep. Steering Gear - Hagavik. By reporting failures
and maintenance work, an accurate equipment history can be maintained by
Kongsberg Maritime. This history will be continuously monitored and compared to
other vessels with similar equipment. With this information, KONGSBERG can
provide better service, faster delivery of spare parts, and guidance for preventive
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6. Again, start the same pump unit by turning the selector switch on the relevant motor controller
to position 3 “LOCAL CONTROL”.
12. Again, start the pump unit and let it run for at least
one minute. This will make sure that any trapped air
will evacuate through the filter and into the tank.
13. Manually move the rudder by using the red and green
Steering Gear handles as illustrated. If any noise or
steering problems present, follow the venting
14. Mark the bottle with AQM type and number, date, oil
type, sample taken by and how long used.
16. Compare the oil sample with new oil. If color or smell has significantly changed or there are
impurities in the oil, change the oil.
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11.2 Venting
1. Start the pump unit not connected to the leakage pipe by turning the
selector switch on the corresponding motor controller to position 3
2. While the pump is idling, open the venting plugs [1] one at a time
and evacuate all air. Close the plugs when only oil is coming out.
4. Loosen the leakage pipe coupling [2] and fill the pipe
connector with oil while turning the rudder.
11. Stop the pump unit by turning the selector switch on the motor controller to position 2
The system shall now operate smoothly without noise. If noise still occur, repeat the venting
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Ensure that the cleanliness of the new hydraulic oil is within what is recommended; 20/18/15
according to ISO 4406-1999 (comparable to NAS 1638 or SAE AS 4059 class 9). If the
cleanliness level cannot be stated, or is not within what is recommended, use a 10μm mesh
sized filter, to filter the oil before filling it into the Steering Gear.
6. Pay attention to oil level in oil tank and repeat the procedure
until the rudder actuator is filled up with oil.
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Performance of this test should be managed by the Chief Engineer when vessel is lying still in sheltered
waters. The test should be done first with pump no 1 and then again with pump no 2.
The maneuvering time must be taken while the rudder is moving. The rudder must start at 35°. When
passing 30°, the stopwatch must be started, and stopped when passing 35° on the opposite side.
3. Operate the Steering Gear using the solenoid valve to 35° STBD.
10. Operate the Steering Gear from the bridge and follow instruction 3-5.
For vessels with two Steering Gears, please perform one test per unit!
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To avoid unnecessary leakage while waiting for new gland seals, run the Steering Gear system with
the pump not connected to the leak oil from the actuator. Remember to start the pump connected
to the leak oil every other day to ensure lubrication of the seals.
All seals are supplied in correct lengths and must NEVER be shortened. The correct way of
inserting the gland seals is shown below.
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After the first 200 hours running, every oil filter units shall be opened for inspection and the
disposable filter elements changed if necessary. If any impurities are found, the element
must be replaced at short intervals until it stays clean. After this, replace the relevant filter
element when the filter indicator is in the RED zone. It is recommended to change the filter
elements at least once a year.
2. Open the cover on the filter housing by loosening the nuts in diagonal order.
3. Lift the disposable filter element with the filter holder out of the housing.
5. By using an Allen key, unscrew the bolt [1] on top of the filter element holder.
7. Remove the internal disposable filter element from its holder, and then replace with new
disposable filter.
The filter elements are disposable and shall be replaced with new filter elements when
clogged. Never rinse or air blow a clogged filter element for reuse, as it will destroy the filter.
8. Before replacing the supporter ring [2], check the condition of the O-
ring. Change to new one if necessary.
9. Fasten the new disposable filter element by replacing the supporter ring
[2] and fastening the bolt [1] on top of the element holder.
10. Insert the new filter element with its holder to the housing
11. Replace the cover and tighten the screws in a diagonal order.
13. Turn the selector switch on the motor controller to position 1 “REMOTE
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5. Align the couplings and lower the motor vertically on to the bell
7. Turn the selector switch on the motor controller to position 1 “REMOTE CONTROL”.
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1/4 1
1. Meter the exact height.
2. Detach the bezel with bayonet fixing, by turning it CCW approx. 1” (until it stops). Carefully pull off
the bezel and the cover glass. Hold the annular top dial by the sides and pull it off the securing
3. Use the tables on the following page and find the conversion factor based on tank height and oil
density (normally 0,88 for ISO 68). Place the adjusting lever accordingly.
4. Perform 0-adjustment by turning the slotted screw CW or CCW maximum 1 revolution until the
pointer shows 0 on the main dial. Confirm the 0-adjustment by tapping the case lightly and
readjust as necessary.
5. Replace the top dial on the securing pins by pressing lightly. Please note that the standard dial is
printed on both sides (0-1/4-1/2-3/4-1). The circular symbol is for horizontal round or oval tanks,
while the rectangular symbol is for vertical and cubic tanks
6. Place the cover glass with the adjusting pointer on the front of the casing and make sure that the
securing pins fit into the recess in the cover glass. Vent the leakage pipe by turning the coupling
1-2 rotations.
7. Put on the bezel by pressing the cover glass lightly against the casing and secure the bezel with
bayonet fixing by turning CW approx. 1” (until it stops).
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Settings for Power Packs w/ integrated storage tanks (oil density 0,88):
Power Pack model Tank Volume Internal Height Haenni Setting
PPSI 2” - small 2X300L + 450L 672 mm 0,74
PPSI 2” - Low 2X350L + 600L 613 mm 0,67
PPSI 2” – 4 Vane 2X700L + 1100L 648 mm 0,71
PPSI 3” – 4 Vane 2X1000L + 1650L 785 mm 0,86
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3. The position where the indicator stops will be the contents (tank) level.
Fault Possible reason Action
Disconnect the connection pipe from the
The pointer goes The connection pipe is blocked.
instrument and check pipe for any obstructions.
beyond the max
value on scale. The measurement range of the
Check tank height or tank diameter setting.
instrument is set incorrect.
Leak on the connection pipe or at the Tighten the screw connections and check the seal
The instrument pump piston. ring on the pump piston.
gives no reading,
Tank is empty
or the reading is
too low. The measurement range of the
Check tank height or tank diameter setting.
instrument is set wrongly.
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1. Clean the Water/Oil cooler by removing all minor deposits by back flushing the cooler with
2. Use 5% phosphoric acid or, when cleaned frequently, 5% oxalic acid or similar light organic acid.
Make sure all acids are removed before restarting the system.
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When cleaning the exterior of the cooler, for instance using water, be aware of the electric
motor protection standard.
The manufacturers are not to be held responsible for any consequences due to
inside cleaning of the pump.
4. Loosen the screws with washer [1] fixing the cooler matrix to
the fan housing, as illustrated.
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Noise level
Fan direction
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Before proceeding with the inspection, make sure to switch motor control cabinet to “LOCAL
CONTROL” position to avoid unintended operation of the Steering Gear while work is carried out.
Figure 1.
1 Feedback Units Make sure the locking nuts [15] is properly tightened. Figure 2
Check that the center shaft is locked against rotation in the flat
bar on the rudderstock/hydraulic nut by tightening the lower nut
2 Shaft [4] and securing it with a counter nut, each properly tightened. Figure 1
Tightening torque; Lower nut, lightly oiled threads – 160 Nm
Counter nut, lightly oiled threads – 100 Nm
The chain shall travel horizontally; make sure the chains is not
3 Chains [6A, 6B] Figure 1
Check that the chain tensioners is positioned halfway between the
4 Chain tensioners Figure 1
two chain wheels when the rudder is in center position.
Check that the chain tensioners is pre-tensioned according to
5 Chain tensioners figure 8, 5mm is ideal, but 4-10mm can be accepted. Pre-tension Figure 3
obtained by adjusting position of bracket.
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7 Feedback Unit Repeat the above test with the opposite pump unit activated.
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
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The walker seal ring is equipped with a compression element with a length of 30-50 mm depending
on size of ring. After the casting is complete, the ring is split in the middle of this compression
element. This compression element is made of rubber only, and the purpose of this element is to
absorb the necessary compression created at installation. In special cases, it can be used for small
adjustment of the length of the Walker seal prior to installation.
During installation, there should be a pressure in the joint, leading to pressure in the compression
element. Without this pressure, there will most likely be a leakage in the joint since the ends of the
Walker seal can slide away from each other. The gap created will then lead to a leakage.
Seal lubrication:
A liberal lubrication during assembly will ensure lubrication from the start. During operation, the
seals should be checked on a weekly basis and grease added once a month as necessary.
The Stuffing Box should be mounted on a levelled deck. In order to avoid sea water from
penetrating between Stuffing Box housing and deck a separate seal between deck and housing to be
used. A seal for this purpose is supplied with the Stuffing Box. The maximum curvature on the
levelled deck when using this seal is 1 mm across the Stuffing Box surface.
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There is a 5 sec delay in the alarm system. If any alarm is present in the alarm system, the auto
start will not work, so please check all alarms on the alarm panel before you test the next alarm.
Alarm test
Overload Test Push Button
Phase failure Remove fuse F17
Power failure Turn of main switch
Power control failure Turn selector switch to position 2
Low oil level Disconnect sensor from PP
Hydraulic lock Keep selector switch in remote and operate the Steering Gear locally
Clogged filter Disconnect sensor from PP
High oil temp Disconnect sensor from PP
Low oil pressure Close handle before starting the pump
Power failure aux. steering Remove fuse F41-42-43-44
Overload alarm:
Push the test button on the overload relay in motor controller. The stand-by pump should start if not
already running.
Power failure:
Turn of main switch S1 in the motor controller or the circuit breaker from switch board. The stand-by
pump should start if not already running.
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Clogged filter:
Remove the plug on the filter sensor. This alarm does not include an auto start of the stand-by pump.
Aux alarm:
Missing feedback from Steering Gear to the control system.
Locate the U10 module inside the control system cabinet. Remove the feedback line wires on
terminals 9 to 11. Alarm should appear after 5 seconds. Vessels with DP2 class or higher also have
“rudder freeze” due to this alarm.
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Manual Disconnection
By activating the push button Manual Disconnection, the system will be disabled, and monitoring of
hydraulic system is switched off. Indication “System Disconnected” shall illuminate.
Expected outcome: the steering will operate as normal but will not meet the IMO requirement.
Manual Isolation
Prior to the test, keep pump 1 running.
1. By activation of push button, “Manual Isolation”. The system will enable isolation mode, both
pumps shall be brought into operation.
2. Apply direction order, first to port and then to starboard, notice the rudder movement.
Expected outcome: rudder movement shall be at expected speed for two pump operation.
3. Deselect Manual Isolation and stop the pump 1 and start pump 2. Repeat test from step 1.
1. By activation of push button, “Manual By-pass System 1”. The steering gear half connected to
pump 1 is by-passed and the steering gear operated by pump 2 only. Indication, “System
Isolated” and “System 1 By-passed” shall illuminate.
2. Apply a direction order, first to port and then to starboard, notice the rudder movement.
Expected outcome: rudder movement shall be at expected speed for two pumps operation. Available
torque is only half.
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3. Stop pump 1, and apply the direction order again, the same rudder response is expected.
4. Return system to automatic mode by deselecting Manual By-pass System 1 push button.
1. By activation of push button, “Manual By-pass System 2”. The steering gear half connected to
pump 2 is by-passed and the steering gear operated by pump 1 only. Indication, “System
Isolated” and “System 2 By-passed” shall illuminate.
2. Apply a direction order, first to port and then to starboard, notice the rudder movement.
Expected outcome: rudder movement shall be at expected speed for two pumps operation. Available
torque is only half.
3. Stop pump 2, and apply the direction order again, the same rudder response is expected.
4. Return system to automatic mode by deselecting Manual By-pass System 2 push button.
1. By the mode selector, select position 3, “Isolation Mode Locked”. The system will enable
isolation mode, both pumps shall be brought into operation.
2. Ask bridge to apply direction order, first to port and then to starboard, notice the rudder
Expected outcome: rudder movement shall be at expected speed for two pump operation.
3. Return selector switch to position 1, ask bridge to stop pump 1 and start pump 2. Repeat the
test from point 1.
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1. By the mode selector, select position 4, By-pass System 1 Locked. Isolation mode and by-pass
system 1 activated.
4. Ask bridge to start pump 2 and stop pump 1, then to apply direction order, first to port and
then to starboard, notice the rudder movement.
1. By the mode selector, select position 5, By-pass System 2 Locked. Isolation mode and by-pass
system 1 activated.
4. Ask bridge to start pump 1 and stop pump 2, then to apply direction order, first to port and
then to starboard, notice the rudder movement.
1. Activate the level switch by pushing the black ball handle and hold for 10 seconds. The ball
handle is connected to a lever which will move the floater and activate the level switch.
1. Activate the level switch by pushing the black ball handle. The ball handle is connected to a
lever which will move the floater and activate the level switch. Maintain activation through all
steps including test of by-pass system 1 and 2.
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Solenoid Y20a, Y20b, Y20c and Y20d activates and isolate the two systems, both pumps will be
brought into running condition and indication in bridge control panel and in the control cabinet shall
state Isolation Mode active.
2. From bridge, apply direction order, first to port and then to starboard, notice the rudder
Expected outcome: the rudder movement shall be at expected speed for two pumps operation.
Solenoid Y21 activates and by-pass system 1, indication in bridge control panel and in the control
cabinet shall state Bypass System 1. Alarm Low-Low Level 1 activates in steering gear alarm panel.
3. Ask bridge to stop pump 1, the then to apply direction order, first to port and then to
starboard, notice the rudder movement.
System status returned to Isolation mode. Both pumps are brought into operation.
Solenoid Y22 activates and by-pass system 2, indication in bridge control panel and in the control
cabinet shall state Bypass System 2. Alarm Low-Low Level 2 activates in steering gear alarm panel.
3. Ask bridge to stop pump 2, then to apply direction order, first to port and then to starboard,
notice the rudder movement.
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4. Release activation of S22 and S20. System returns to normal operation mode.
1. Activate Y20c by hand, then apply a port direction order from pump 2 valve.
2. Activate Y20d by hand, then apply a starboard direction order from pump 2 valve.
1. Apply a port direction order from pump 2 valve to verify that the rudder moves as normal.
2. Activate Y22 by hand, then apply a port direction order from pump 2 valve.
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5. At the terminal block, disconnect the red wire [2] to the center point of the feedback
potentiometer and the end points; green [3] and yellow wires [4].
6. Measure the resistance between one end point and midpoint, red-green and red-yellow wire.
The resistance should be approx. 2,5 kΩ. The resistance between each end point and midpoint
must be equal.
7. If necessary, loosen the locking screws [5] and turn the potentiometer [6] until resistance
between the end points and midpoint to each side is equal.
9. Reconnect the red wire [2], green wire [3] and yellow wire [4] to the terminal block.
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2. If the rudder indicators are out of zero position, a zero adjustment can be done on the rudder
indicator amplifier adjuster P20 (2) (+/- 2 degrees).
3. Operate the Steering Gear manually from the Steering Gear room until the mechanical rudder
indicator reaches 35° port.
4. If required, adjust the gain (P30) (3) on the rudder indicator amplifier until the one of the
rudder indicators show 35° port. Additional rudder indicators can be adjusted separately if
Independent adjustments can be made on each rudder indicator by means of integrated gain
controls on each indicator.
5. If required, adjust the galvanic isolated +/- 10V rudder position signals as follows:
Position the Steering Gear 5° before the Steering Gear mechanical stop.
Adjust the P40 (4) until the rudder position signal equals 9V.
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5. Increase sensitivity setting on adjuster P60 [3] (clockwise) until the follow-up system starts
oscillating on rudder commands. The oscillation can be observed on the 4 LED (ordered signal
port/starboard for each pump) on front of the amplifier card.
7. Turn the controller and check for oscillation. If oscillations are present repeat step 6 until
oscillation stops.
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Make sure that the rudder position is correctly aligned. If not, adjust the potentiometer.
3 2
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5. Set the X8 and X9 nodes on the new card to the same as the defective card and install the
alarm system card(s).
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8. Verify that all jumpers (JP1, JP2 and JP3) are in correct position.
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5. Renew relay.
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8. Switch on the power by turning the S1 isolation switch inside the motor controller.
9. Adjust the limit switch as detailed in chapter 11.17 Adjustment of Limit Switches in Feedback
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2. There will be slight oil spill. Place a suitable container under the
sensors to be replaced.
2” Control valve
Type “L”
IRV 2600-4 4 mm
IRV 3900-4 3 mm
IRV 5500-2 3 mm
IRV 6550-4 3 mm
3” Control valve
Type “L”
All types 3 mm
Control valve
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Input 17 and 18 is from the steering system opto-couplers, and 19 and 20 from the pump control
valve proximity switch. Additionally, the limit switches will disconnect input 17 & 18 at end position
via aux. relays (early version) or a relay module (later version).
Operate the steering from bridge and check the following signals:
Led 17 – OFF Led 17 – ON Led 17 – OFF
Led 18 – OFF Led 18 – OFF Led 18 – ON
Led 19 – ON Led 19 – OFF Led 19 – ON
Led 20 – ON Led 20 – ON Led 20 – OFF
Input is active when corresponding led is ON. Any other condition will activate hydraulic lock alarm
after a 5 second delay.
If input 17 or 18 are missing, aux. relays/relay module should be checked, as well as the rudder
command signal from the optocouplers located on the pump control card.
If signals 19 of 20 are irregular, the proximity switches should be checked. These are located in the
control valve’s end housings. Follow chapter 11.27 Replacement of Proximity Switch for instructions.
If all above checks are found correct, and input 19/20 are still irregular, the proximity switch itself
may be the cause. The proximity switch should therefore be replaced as a complete unit.
The order part number of the proximity switch is: 44771
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The Self-Assessment tool can be accessed through the KONGSBERG Mobile Forms application in App
Store for IOS devices. It is recommended to use a form of tablet such as iPad or iPad mini for the
Self–Assessment inspection.
The condition and availability of the Steering Gear equipment depends on the quality of the
maintenance, how the equipment has been operated and external effects such as exposure to the
elements. Understanding the condition of the equipment is vital to ensure that it is always ready for
service, throughout its entire lifecycle.
Maintenance Inspection:
If you prefer the inspection to be completed by a Kongsberg Maritime service engineer, please send
a request for a Maintenance Inspection to [email protected]. It is recommended that
the inspection take place well in advance of the vessels planned docking survey or regular
maintenance. This will ensure adequate time to process recommendations for spares and resources
in line with any recommended repairs. A Maintenance Inspection can also be offered as part of a
service attendance.
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KONGSBERG recommend keeping the below listed spare parts on board as a minimum of on-board
spare parts.
Mechanic / Hydraulic:
On board spare parts On board Need to replace
1x Gland seals kit
1x Cover seal
2x Flexible couplings
2x Filters
On board spare parts On board Need to replace
2x Proximity switches
1x Phase failure relay
1x Relay
1x Relay socket
1x Solenoid
1x Solenoid driver
1x Pump ECB
When ordering spare parts, please make sure to include the following information to the spares
department. Please see chapter 15. Contact for contact information.
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Maintenance manual
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Maintenance manual
15. Contact
Contact information
Deck Machinery and Motion Control
Ulvenvegen 345
N-5217 Hagavik
You can now download the new KM-Support App for calling/mailing directly to our
support teams in KM Global Customer Support
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