Non Hallucinogenic Psychedelic Analog Design: A Promising Direction For Depression Treatment
Non Hallucinogenic Psychedelic Analog Design: A Promising Direction For Depression Treatment
Non Hallucinogenic Psychedelic Analog Design: A Promising Direction For Depression Treatment
Received: 22 April 2022 / Accepted: 9 June 2022 / Published online: 5 August 2022
© Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2022
Depression is the most common neuropsychiatric disorder, a double-edged sword, which limits their wide application.
affecting 350 million people worldwide; it has been a leading So, it would be a significant achievement if their hallucino-
cause of suicide, causing serious harm to family members genic effects could be eliminated while their anti-depressive
and consuming a large amount of social resources. The onset effects are maintained.
time of traditional antidepressants is usually 3–4 weeks, and Classic hallucinogens, such as psilocybin and D-lysergic
there is no ameliorating effect in nearly one-third of patients acid diethylamide (LSD) mainly bind to the 5-hydroxy-
with depression. Therefore, the discovery of fast and effec- tryptamine 2A receptor (5-HT2AR) [6], a G protein coupled
tive antidepressants has become an international research receptor. Even with the 5-HT2AR structure in hand [7], and
hotspot [1]. Currently, there are two pathways for developing two recent studies reporting non-hallucinogenic psyche-
novel and more desirable antidepressants. First, the most delic analogs with antidepressant effects in rodents [6, 8], it
common strategy is to identify new therapeutic targets by remains unclear how to reasonably design such compounds.
uncovering the underlying mechanisms of depression, resil- Besides, whether the hallucinogenic effect is necessary for
ience to stress, and drugs with ideal anti-depressive but seri- the anti-depressive effect needs further exploration. Grati-
ous side-effects. Secondly, retrofitting existing substances fyingly, scientists from China recently explained the pos-
with antidepressant potential is also an important tactic. The sible mechanisms through which hallucinogens generate
natural hallucinogen psilocybin extracted from mushrooms anti-depressive effects by structural biology, and designed
has been reported to have a fast and lasting therapeutic effect some small molecule drugs that retain antidepressant effects,
on treatment-resistant depression and major depressive dis- but without hallucinogenic effects (Fig. 1) [9]. First, the
order in clinical studies [2, 3]. Moreover, it has been sug- researchers purified 5-HT2ARs, then added the hallucino-
gested that increased spine density at the cellular level and genic drugs psilocin (the active metabolite of psilocybin)
improved brain network integration at the organismal level and LSD, as well as the non-hallucinogenic psychedelic
may underlie the therapeutic effect [4, 5]. Based on this, psy- analogs lisuride and serotonin separately. Subsequently,
chedelic drugs seem to have promise for healing depression. relatively high-resolution density maps of different ligand-
However, their hallucinogenic effects mean that they act as receptor complexes were obtained through X-ray crystal-
lography. By comparing the conformations of four differ-
ent substance-bound 5-HT2AR complexes, the researchers
* Tian‑Ming Gao found two binding pockets inside the 5-HT2AR, named the
[email protected] orthosteric binding pocket (OBP) and the extended binding
1 pocket (EBP), which can accommodate and bind to ligands.
State Key Laboratory of Organ Failure Research, Key
Laboratory of Mental Health of the Ministry of Education, The hallucinogen LSD can occupy both pockets at the same
Guangdong‑Hong Kong‑Macao Greater Bay Area time, while the hallucinogen psilocin is smaller and can bind
Center for Brain Science and Brain‑Inspired Intelligence, to either OBP or EBP. For the two drugs that do not produce
Guangdong Province Key Laboratory of Psychiatric
hallucinations, although the binding modes of lisuride and
Disorders, Department of Neurobiology, School of Basic
Medical Sciences, Southern Medical University, serotonin are similar to those of LSD and psilocybin, respec-
Guangzhou 510515, China tively, both molecules bind EBP less strongly. Functional
Y.-N. Yin, T.-M. Gao: Non-hallucinogenic Psychedelic Analog Design 171
Fig. 1 Mechanisms of action
of hallucinogens and designed
compounds. 5-HT2AR is a G
protein coupled receptor, which
possesses seven transmembrane
helices. Inside the receptor,
an orthosteric binding pocket
(OBP) and an extended binding
pocket (EBP) have been identi-
fied (Pocket 1 refers to OBP
and Pocket 2 refers to EBP),
which binds with hallucinogenic
drugs psilocin and LSD, as
well as the non-hallucinogenic
psychedelic analogs lisuride and
serotonin. The binding to OBP
triggers Gq-mediated signaling
while binding to EBP induces
activation of the β-arrestin
pathway. The hallucinogens
LSD and psilocin bind to both
the OBP and the EBP, and
this leads to strong activation
of both the G-protein and the
β-arrestin pathway and produces
hallucinatory and anti-depres-
sive behaviors in mice. The
compounds designed based on
the structure of the EBP mainly
bind to EBPs and prefer to
activate the β-arrestin pathway.
Meanwhile, these compounds
show significant anti-depressive
effects, but do not cause hal-
lucinations [9].
study showed that the binding of OBP activates the G protein with the assumption, and there is a significant preference
signaling pathway whereas the binding of EBP activates the for β-arrestin signaling. Subsequently, with the help of a
β-arrestin pathway. The hallucinogenic effect of the drugs magnetometer-based detection system, the researchers exam-
may be achieved through the simultaneous strong activation ined the effects of IHCH-7086 and IHCH-7079 (analogues
of both signaling pathways. The second binding mode that of IHCH-7086) on the head twitch response (HTR) in mice,
serotonin and psilocin can be accommodated at the EBP of which aims to evaluate the hallucinogenic effects of the
5-HT2AR is newly discovered and non-classical. Therefore, designed small molecules, and found that even high doses
designing ligands that bypass the OBP and target the EBP of IHCH-7086 and IHCH-7079 did not induce HTR in mice.
may identify 5-HT2AR ligands that specifically activate the Finally, the researchers found that both IHCH-7086 and
β-arrestin signaling pathway, and these EBP-targeting mol- IHCH-7079 significantly improve depression-like behavior
ecules may not have hallucinogenic effects. in mice subjected to acute restraint stress or corticosterone
Based on the structural characteristics of the EBP in injection, and an antagonist of 5-HT2ARs (MDL100907)
the 5-HT2AR, the researchers designed a molecule named blocks this improvement. Overall, the specific and modest
IHCH-7086 that mainly binds to the EBP and avoids bind- 5-HT2AR arrestin-biased activation may be sufficient for
ing to the OBP. By analyzing the crystal structure of the antidepressant effects, but not for hallucinogenic action.
IHCH-7086-bound 5-HT2AR complex, it was found that the This work not only illuminates the molecular mechanisms
binding site of IHCH-7086 in the 5-HT2AR is consistent underlying the anti-depressive effects of hallucinogens in
172 Neurosci. Bull. January, 2023, 39(1):170–172
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the development of fast- and long-acting antidepressants. Program of Guangzhou (202007030013).
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Acknowledgements This Research Highlight was supported Springer Nature or its licensor holds exclusive rights to this article under
by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s);
(82090032 and 31830033), the Key Area Research and Develop- author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of this article
ment Program of Guangdong Province (2018B030334001 and is solely governed by the terms of such publishing agreement and
2018B030340001), Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research applicable law.