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Animallover4813's avatar


Jul 11, 2021


Power Scaling Part 1: Tier System/Attack Potency

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Today i would like to explain power scaling from strength, speed, durability, and intelligence, starting
with Tiering System/Attack Potency:

Attack Potency is the term on how much damage the character can generate.

Note: Sometimes the character just have the ability to harm a another being with the durability of that
tier (mainly tier seven).

Tier 11 "Infinitesimal": The Tier where the being can create, destroy, and affect the whole structure of a
lower-dimensional universe, or lower layers/levels of reality or a 3-D Reality.

11-C "Low Hypoverse Level": Destroy or Create an 0-D Level Construct of any size.

11-B "Hypoverse Level": Destroy or Create an 1-D Level Construct of any size.

11-A "High Hypoverse Level": Destroy or Create an 2-D Level Construct of any size, or 1 level of
infinity/degree of reality/fiction transcendence or similar beneath a 3-D.
Tier 10 "Human": The Tier where the being is as strong or weaker than a human.

10-C "Below Average Human Level": The Power lower than an average human such as smaller animals.

10-B "Human Level": The Level of a regular human such as those who don't exercise.

10-A "Athlete Level": The Level of Power of a human who are physically fit such as trained fighters.

Tier 9 "Superhuman": The Tier where the being is more powerful than a regular human.

9-C "Street Level": The Power level that stand in the strength of a human such as Olympic level athletes
or rigorously trained martial artists, as well as larger animals.

Note: This power level doesn't mean they have the ability to destroy an entire street.

9-B "Wall Level": The Power level to destroy or damage materials such as stone, metal, or steel as well
as boulders and walls.

9-A "Small Building Level": the Power level to destroy rooms or houses.

Tier 8 "Urban": The Tier to destroy buildings and city blocks.

8-C "Building Level": The Power Level to destroy a medium sized buildings such as factories and

High 8-C "Large Building Level": The Power Level to destroy Large sized Buildings such as skyscrapers.

8-B "City Block Level": The Power Level to destroy urban city blocks or equivalent areas of space.
8-A "Multi-City Block Level": The Power level to destroy multiple urban blocks.

Tier 7 "Nuclear": The Tier similar to nuclear power.

7-C: "Town level": the Power level to destroy a town.

High 7-C: "Large Town level": the Power level to destroy a large town.

Low 7-B: "Small City level": the Power level to destroy a small city.

7-B: "City level": the Power level to destroy a city.

7-A: "Mountain level": the Power level to destroy a mountain.

High 7-A: "Large Mountain level": the Power level to destroy a large mountain.

Tier 6 "Tectonic": The Tier to destroy tectonic structures on earth from islands to continents.

6-C "Island level": the Power level to destroy an island.

High 6-C: "Large Island level": the Power level to destroy a large island.

Low 6-B: "Small Country level": the Power level to destroy a small country.

6-B: "Country level": the Power level to destroy a country.

High 6-B "Large Country level": the Power level to destroy a large country.

6-A "Continent Level": the Power Level to destroy a continent.

High 6-A "Multi-Continent": the Power level to destroy multiple continents.

Tier 5 "Planetary Level" The Tier to destroy astrological objects from our moon to dwarf stars.

5-C "Moon level": the Power level to destroy a moon, or an astrological object of similar proportion.

Low 5-B "Small Planet level": the Power level to destroy a small planet.

5-B "Planet level": The Power to create/destroy a planet.

5-A "Large Planet level":

The Power to create/destroy large gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn.

High 5-A "Dwarf Star level":

The Power to create/destroy very small stars such as EBLM J0555-57 (which is the smallest star).

Tier 4 "Stellar" the Tier to destroy/create even larger astrological objects from stars to our entire solar

Low 4-C "Small Star level": The Power to create/destroy small stars.

4-C: "Star level": The Power to create/destroy a star.

High 4-C: "Large Star level": The Power to create/destroy a large star.

4-B "Solar System level": The Power to can create/destroy a solar system.

4-A "Multi-Solar System level": The Power to create/destroy multiple solar systems.

Tier 3 "Cosmic": the Tier to destroy/create entire galaxies or universes.

3-C "Galaxy Level": The Power to can create/destroy a galaxy.

3-B "Multi-Galaxy Level: The Power to can create/destroy multiple galaxies.

3-A "Universe Level": The Power to can create/destroy a universe.

High 3-A "High Universe Level": Beings who demonstrate an infinite amount of energy on a 3-D scale, or
those who can affect an infinite 3-D area or an infinite number of finite or infinite universes when not
accounting for any higher dimensions or time, or more generally any realm of comparable size.

Animallover4813's avatar


Jul 11, 2021


Power Scaling Part 1: Tier System/Attack Potency

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Literature Text

Today i would like to explain power scaling from strength, speed, durability, and intelligence, starting
with Tiering System/Attack Potency:
Attack Potency is the term on how much damage the character can generate.

Note: Sometimes the character just have the ability to harm a another being with the durability of that
tier (mainly tier seven).

Tier 11 "Infinitesimal": The Tier where the being can create, destroy, and affect the whole structure of a
lower-dimensional universe, or lower layers/levels of reality or a 3-D Reality.

11-C "Low Hypoverse Level": Destroy or Create an 0-D Level Construct of any size.

11-B "Hypoverse Level": Destroy or Create an 1-D Level Construct of any size.

11-A "High Hypoverse Level": Destroy or Create an 2-D Level Construct of any size, or 1 level of
infinity/degree of reality/fiction transcendence or similar beneath a 3-D.

Tier 10 "Human": The Tier where the being is as strong or weaker than a human.

10-C "Below Average Human Level": The Power lower than an average human such as smaller animals.

10-B "Human Level": The Level of a regular human such as those who don't exercise.

10-A "Athlete Level": The Level of Power of a human who are physically fit such as trained fighters.

Tier 9 "Superhuman": The Tier where the being is more powerful than a regular human.

9-C "Street Level": The Power level that stand in the strength of a human such as Olympic level athletes
or rigorously trained martial artists, as well as larger animals.
Note: This power level doesn't mean they have the ability to destroy an entire street.

9-B "Wall Level": The Power level to destroy or damage materials such as stone, metal, or steel as well
as boulders and walls.

9-A "Small Building Level": the Power level to destroy rooms or houses.

Tier 8 "Urban": The Tier to destroy buildings and city blocks.

8-C "Building Level": The Power Level to destroy a medium sized buildings such as factories and

High 8-C "Large Building Level": The Power Level to destroy Large sized Buildings such as skyscrapers.

8-B "City Block Level": The Power Level to destroy urban city blocks or equivalent areas of space.

8-A "Multi-City Block Level": The Power level to destroy multiple urban blocks.

Tier 7 "Nuclear": The Tier similar to nuclear power.

7-C: "Town level": the Power level to destroy a town.

High 7-C: "Large Town level": the Power level to destroy a large town.

Low 7-B: "Small City level": the Power level to destroy a small city.
7-B: "City level": the Power level to destroy a city.

7-A: "Mountain level": the Power level to destroy a mountain.

High 7-A: "Large Mountain level": the Power level to destroy a large mountain.

Tier 6 "Tectonic": The Tier to destroy tectonic structures on earth from islands to continents.

6-C "Island level": the Power level to destroy an island.

High 6-C: "Large Island level": the Power level to destroy a large island.

Low 6-B: "Small Country level": the Power level to destroy a small country.

6-B: "Country level": the Power level to destroy a country.

High 6-B "Large Country level": the Power level to destroy a large country.

6-A "Continent Level": the Power Level to destroy a continent.

High 6-A "Multi-Continent": the Power level to destroy multiple continents.

Tier 5 "Planetary Level" The Tier to destroy astrological objects from our moon to dwarf stars.

5-C "Moon level": the Power level to destroy a moon, or an astrological object of similar proportion.

Low 5-B "Small Planet level": the Power level to destroy a small planet.
5-B "Planet level": The Power to create/destroy a planet.

5-A "Large Planet level":

The Power to create/destroy large gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn.

High 5-A "Dwarf Star level":

The Power to create/destroy very small stars such as EBLM J0555-57 (which is the smallest star).

Tier 4 "Stellar" the Tier to destroy/create even larger astrological objects from stars to our entire solar

Low 4-C "Small Star level": The Power to create/destroy small stars.

4-C: "Star level": The Power to create/destroy a star.

High 4-C: "Large Star level": The Power to create/destroy a large star.

4-B "Solar System level": The Power to can create/destroy a solar system.

4-A "Multi-Solar System level": The Power to create/destroy multiple solar systems.

Tier 3 "Cosmic": the Tier to destroy/create entire galaxies or universes.

3-C "Galaxy Level": The Power to can create/destroy a galaxy.

3-B "Multi-Galaxy Level: The Power to can create/destroy multiple galaxies.

3-A "Universe Level": The Power to can create/destroy a universe.

High 3-A "High Universe Level": Beings who demonstrate an infinite amount of energy on a 3-D scale, or
those who can affect an infinite 3-D area or an infinite number of finite or infinite universes when not
accounting for any higher dimensions or time, or more generally any realm of comparable size.

Tier 2 "Multiversal": The Tier to destroy/create entire multiverses.

Low 2-C "Universe Level+": Beings who are capable of significantly affecting, creating and/or destroying
an area of space that is qualitatively larger than an infinitely-sized 3-dimensional space. for Example
spaces representing such sizes are space-time continuums of a universal scale. However, it can be more
generally fulfilled by any 4-dimensional space.

2-C "Low Multiverse Level": Beings who can significantly affect, create and/or destroy small multiverses
which can be comprised of several separate space-time continuums ranging anywhere from two to a
thousand, or equivalents.

2-B "Multiverse Level": Beings who can significantly affect, create and/or destroy larger multiverses
which comprise from 1001 to any higher finite amount of separate space-time continuums.

2-A "Multiverse Level+": Beings who are capable of significantly affecting, creating and/or destroying a
countably infinite number of space-time continuums.

Tier 1 "Extradimensional": The Tier that is at least 5-dimensional and among the most beyond
dimensions of space and time.

This Tier is broken into categories:

Complex Multiverse

Low 1-C "Low Complex Multiverse Level": Beings who can affect, create and/or destroy the entirety of
spaces whose size corresponds to one to two higher levels of infinity greater than a standard universal

This can be equated to 5 and 6-dimensional real coordinate spaces (R ^ 5 to R ^ 6).

1-C "Complex Multiverse Level": Beings who can universally affect, create and/or destroy spaces whose
size corresponds to three to five higher levels of infinity greater than a standard universal models.

This can be equated to 7 and 9-dimensional real coordinate spaces (R ^ 7 to R ^ 9).

High 1-C "High Complex Multiverse Level": Beings who can universally affect, create and/or destroy
spaces whose size corresponds to six to seven higher levels of infinity greater than a standard universal

This can be equated to 10 and 11-dimensional real coordinate spaces (R ^ 10 to R ^ 11).


1-B "Hyperverse Level": Beings who can universally affect, create and/or destroy spaces whose size
corresponds from 8 to any higher finite number of levels of infinity above a standard universal model.
This can be equated to 12-dimensional real coordinate spaces and up (R ^ 12 and up).

High 1-B "High Hyperverse Level": Beings who can universally affect, create and/or destroy structures
whose size is equivalent to a countably infinite number of qualitative sizes above a universal model,
usually represented in fiction by endless hierarchies of layers of existence or more generally a space
with countably infinite dimensions.


Low 1-A "Low Outerverse Level": Beings who can universally affect, create and/or destroy structures and
expanses of uncountably infinite dimensions, or which have a size roughly analogous to them, such as
uncountably infinite sets of hierarchical layers or planes of existence, most specifically ones whose
amount of layers is comparable to the Continuum set theory. the first uncountably infinite cardinal, ℵ1,
for simplicity's sake.

1-A "Outerverse Level": Beings who can significantly affect, create and/or destroy realms or states that
fully transcend infinitely-layered hierarchies and/or dimensional levels on a conceptual or existential
level, normally being portrayed as entirely external abstractions that lie outside of the applications of
spatiotemporal dimensionality as a constant defined by physics on any level.

Note: a character can qualify for this rating even if their verse does not have an infinitely-layered or
equivalent cosmology, as long as it is either stated, shown or left very obvious that the character in
question already bypasses the very nature of such structures altogether.

High 1-A "High Outerverse Level": Beings a character can qualify for this rating even if their verse does
not have an infinitely-layered or equivalent cosmology, as long as it is either stated, shown or left very
obvious that the character in question already bypasses the very nature of such structures altogether.
Note: adding more "layers" to an already infinite 1-A hierarchy (or some structure of equivalent size) is
not enough to reach this tier, and one must be completely external and unreachable by it in any form.

Tier 0 "Boundless" is the Tier where the character is 100% all powerful.

Tier 0 "Boundless": Beings who demonstrate an equivalence to, or can create/destroy/affect,

transcendental abstract levels of existence which conceptually stand superior to even High 1-A levels.
Being “omnipotent” or any similar reasoning is not nearly enough to reach this tier; characters at this
level must transcend High 1-A characters as High 1-A characters would transcend 1-A ones. This tier has
no true endpoint, and can be extended unto any higher level, spiraling infinitely upwards.

Too Be Continued... (Next: Speed).

rawpower powerscaling

Tier 1 can be a little hard to learn completely.

© 2021 - 2023 Animallover4813


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NightmareKing15's avatar


Sep 30, 2022

right you are

Kotkoro's avatar


Jul 11, 2021

Very interesting
More by Animallover4813


Fusion-X Episode 23: Komodo

"Hello everyone, my name is susan violet as you know i have a rare condition where i have two
personality a nice one with black and a mean one with white hair, but here is a story where i helped a
mentally damaged creature and have it be my pet and friend" Susan narrated. The story begins in a
massive zoo-like spaceship with hundreds of alien soldiers with massive guns standing as a space land
down and it show red eyes giving them a growl that scared some of them and one of the comfort her
and the space move back to a massively secured cage and the figure swift in the cage and make a roar to
threaten them and the cage close down quickly and generate energy beams for extra security. "What
you see here is the deadliest individual animal in the galaxy so we secured it with the most advanced
security technology in the galaxy so there's no chance it can escape whatsoever, any questions?" a large
boss said. "Yes uhh is that a Versaurian?, didn't they went extinct 200 years ago?" a

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Animallover4813's avatar


Jul 12, 2021


Power Scaling Part 2: Speed

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Continuing the Power Scaling Info series i'll explain speed.

Speed is the term of how fast the being can travel in a certain amount of time. It sorted in five types.
Attack Speed:

The Speed of a attack the being created.

Combat Speed:

The Speed on the fighting style of a beings (melee combat).

Reaction Speed:

The Speed which a character can dodge a certain attack of another being. for example dodging a bullet
from a pistol.

Travelling Speed:

The Speed of a being travelling via running (flight and teleportation don't count).

Flight Speed:

The Speed of a beings travelling via flight in a certain distance.

Here's the Speed Levels:

Immobile: 0 km/h (0 mph)

Below Average Human: 0 to 18 km/h (0 - 11.1847 mph)

Average Human: 18 to 27.72 km/h (11.1847 - 17.2244 mph)

Athletic Human: 27.72 to 37.08 km/h (17.2244 - 22.436471 mph)

Peak Human: 37.08 to 44.748 km/h (22.436471 - 27.805118 mph)

Superhuman: 44.748 - 123.48 km/h (27.805118 - 76.7269 mph)

Subsonic (Faster than the Eye): 123.48 - 617.4 km/h (76.7269 - 383.635 mph)

Subsonic+: 617.4 - 1,110.6 km/h (383.635 - 690.542 mph)

Transonic: 1,110.6 - 1,358.28 km/h (690.542 - 843.996 mph)

Supersonic: 1,358.28 - 3,087 km/h (843.996 - 1,918.17 mph)

Supersonic+: 3,087 - 6,174 km/h (1918.17 - 3,836.35 mph)

Hypersonic: 6,174 - 12,348 km/h (3836.35 - 7,672.69 mph)

Hypersonic+: 12,348 - 30,870 km/h (7672.69 - 19,181.7 mph)

High Hypersonic: 30,870 - 61,740 km/h (19,181.7 - 38,363.5 mph)

High Hypersonic+: 61,740 - 123,480 km/h (38,363.5 - 76,726.9 mph)

Massively Hypersonic: 123,480 - 1,235,000 km/h (76,726.9 - 767,269 mph)

Massively Hypersonic+: 1,235,000 - 10,793,000 km/h (767,269 - 6,706,166 mph)

Sub-Relativistic: 10,793,000 - 53,963,000 km/h (6,706,166 - 33,531,000 mph)

Sub-Relativistic+: 53,963,000 - 107,900,000,000 km/h (33,531,000 - 67,060,000,000 mph)

Relativistic: 107,900,000,000 - 539,600,000,000 km/h (67,060,000,000 - 335,300,000,000 mph)

Relativistic+: 539,600,000,000 - 1,079,000,000,000 km/h (335,300,000,000 - 670,600,000,000 mph)

Speed of Light: 1,079,000,000,000 km/h (670,600,000,000 mph)

FTL: 1,079,000,000,000 - 1,079,000,000,0000 km/h (670,600,000,000 - 6,706,000,000,000 mph)

FTL+: 10,790,000,000,000 - 10,790,000,000,000 km/h (6,706,000,000,000 - 67,060,000,000,000 mph)

Massively FTL: 107,900,000,000,000 - 1,079,000,000,000,000 km/h (67,060,000,000,000 -

670,600,000,000,000 mph)
Massively FTL+: 1,079,000,000,000,000 km/h (670,600,000,000 mph)

Infinite Speed: beings capable to travel anywhere instantly/move a infinite distance within a finite
amount of time.

Immeasurable: so high it's 100% unable to be measured (or at least to us).

Irrelevant: Beyond and superior to the concepts of time and space (only tier 1-a or higher).

Omnipresent: The Ability to be everywhere whenever and nowhere.

Too be continued... (Next Lifting Strength)





© 2021 - 2023 Animallover4813


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More by Animallover4813


Fusion-X Episode 23: Komodo

"Hello everyone, my name is susan violet as you know i have a rare condition where i have two
personality a nice one with black and a mean one with white hair, but here is a story where i helped a
mentally damaged creature and have it be my pet and friend" Susan narrated. The story begins in a
massive zoo-like spaceship with hundreds of alien soldiers with massive guns standing as a space land
down and it show red eyes giving them a growl that scared some of them and one of the comfort her
and the space move back to a massively secured cage and the figure swift in the cage and make a roar to
threaten them and the cage close down quickly and generate energy beams for extra security. "What
you see here is the deadliest individual animal in the galaxy so we secured it with the most advanced
security technology in the galaxy so there's no chance it can escape whatsoever, any questions?" a large
boss said. "Yes uhh is that a Versaurian?, didn't they went extinct 200 years ago?" a

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Animallover4813's avatar


Jul 12, 2021


Power Scaling Part 3: Lifting Strength

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Now we have lifting strength.

Lifting Strength is the term of a being capable of lifting a certain amount of mass (on earth's gravity).

Here's the levels of lifting:

Inapplicable: N/A (Too low to be calculated thus it's for Tier 11).
Below Average Human: 50 kg (the weight of a Giant Pacific Octopus).

Average Human: 50-80 kg (the weight an adult human).

Above Average Human: 80-120 kg (the weight of a washing machine).

Athletic Human: 120-227 kg (the weight of a cubic meter of Snow).

Peak Human: 227-545.2 kg (twice the weight of a pig).

Superhuman: any class higher than peak human.

Class 1: 545.2-1,000 kg (half the weight of a giraffe).

Class 5: 1,000-5,000 kg (three times heavier than a car).

Class 10: 5,000-10,000 kg (0.7 times the weight of a elephant).

Class 25: 10,000 kg-25,000 kg (twice the weight of a cruise ship anchor).

Class 50: 25,000-50,000 kg (half the weight of a blue whale).

Class 100: 50,000-100,000 kg (the weight of a blue whale).

Class K: 100,000-10^6 kg (3/4 the weight of a sierra redwood tree).

Class M: 10^6- 10^9 kg (40 times the weight of the statue of liberty).

Class G: 10^9-10^12 kg (1,000 times the weight of the golden gate bridge).

Class T: 10^12-10^15 kg (150,000 the weight of The Great Pyramid of Giza).

Class P: 10^15-10^18 kg (0.0000002 times the weight as The Earth).

Class E: 10^18-10^21 kg (1/6000th the weight of the earth).

Class Z: 10^21-10^24 kg (the weight similar to the moon).

Class Y: 10^24-10^27 kg (the weight of larger planets such as Jupiter).

Pre-Stellar: The weight a solid object can reach before the gravitational collapse to a small star.

Stellar: The weight of a smaller star up to the most massive star.

Multi-Stellar: The weight of the most massive star to the mass of the Milky Way.

Galactic: The weight of the Milky Way to the mass of the most massive galaxy.

Multi-Galactic: The weight of the most massive galaxy up to the weight of the observable universe.
Universal: The weight of the observable universe up to any higher finite value.

Infinite: Infinite strength by 3-dimensional standards.

Immeasurable: so Infinite that it can't be measured even by 3-dimensional standards.

Irrelevant: Beyond all dimensional scales (only Tier 1-A or Higher).

Too be Continued...."Striking Strength"






© 2021 - 2023 Animallover4813


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More by Animallover4813

Fusion-X Episode 23: Komodo

"Hello everyone, my name is susan violet as you know i have a rare condition where i have two
personality a nice one with black and a mean one with white hair, but here is a story where i helped a
mentally damaged creature and have it be my pet and friend" Susan narrated. The story begins in a
massive zoo-like spaceship with hundreds of alien soldiers with massive guns standing as a space land
down and it show red eyes giving them a growl that scared some of them and one of the comfort her
and the space move back to a massively secured cage and the figure swift in the cage and make a roar to
threaten them and the cage close down quickly and generate energy beams for extra security. "What
you see here is the deadliest individual animal in the galaxy so we secured it with the most advanced
security technology in the galaxy so there's no chance it can escape whatsoever, any questions?" a large
boss said. "Yes uhh is that a Versaurian?, didn't they went extinct 200 years ago?" a

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Animallover4813's avatar


Jul 14, 2021


Power Scaling Part 4: Striking Strength/Durability

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Our Next part is Striking Strength and Durability which is the same as tiers but i will still explain it.

Striking Strength is the amount of physical force a being can deal in a single strike.

Durability is how much a being can withstand a certain amount of force (not to get confuse with
endurance which is actually stamina).

Here are the level of both striking strength and durability:

Low Hypoverse level

Hypoverse level

High Hypoverse level

Below Average level

Human level

Athlete level

Street level

Wall level
Small Building level

Building level

Large Building level

City Block level

Multi-City Block level

Small Town level

Town level

Large Town level

Small City level

City level

Mountain level

Large Mountain level

Island level

Small Country level

Country level

Large Country level

Continent level
Multi-Continent level

Moon level

Small Planet level

Planet level

Large Planet level

Dwarf Star level

Small Star level

Star level
Large Star level

Solar System level

Multi-Solar System level

Galaxy level

Multi-Galaxy level

Universe level

High Universe level

Universe level+

Low Multiverse level

Multiverse level

Multiverse level+

Low Complex Multiverse level

Complex Multiverse level

High Complex Multiverse level

Hyperverse level

High Hyperverse level

Low Outerverse level

Outerverse level

Outerverse level+

High Outerverse level


Too be Continued...."Range"





© 2021 - 2023 Animallover4813


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More by Animallover4813


Fusion-X Episode 23: Komodo

"Hello everyone, my name is susan violet as you know i have a rare condition where i have two
personality a nice one with black and a mean one with white hair, but here is a story where i helped a
mentally damaged creature and have it be my pet and friend" Susan narrated. The story begins in a
massive zoo-like spaceship with hundreds of alien soldiers with massive guns standing as a space land
down and it show red eyes giving them a growl that scared some of them and one of the comfort her
and the space move back to a massively secured cage and the figure swift in the cage and make a roar to
threaten them and the cage close down quickly and generate energy beams for extra security. "What
you see here is the deadliest individual animal in the galaxy so we secured it with the most advanced
security technology in the galaxy so there's no chance it can escape whatsoever, any questions?" a large
boss said. "Yes uhh is that a Versaurian?, didn't they went extinct 200 years ago?" a

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Animallover4813's avatar


Jul 14, 2021


Power Scaling Part 5: Range

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We now arrive to range (remember these are examples not true facts).

Range is the measurement of a attack created by a being (or using a weapon).

Here are the measurements:

Below Standard Melee Range: 0 - 50 cm (small beings such as insects)

Standard Melee Range: 50 cm - 1 m (beings fighting with their arms or legs and short weapons such as

Extended Melee Range: 1 - 3 m (Fighters with long melee weapons such as spears).

Several meters: 3 - 10 m (Throwing Weapons such as shuriken, bombs, and grenades).

Tens of meters: 10 - 100 m (Fighters who are large in size such as mechs).

Hundreds of meters: 100 - 1,000 m (Long Ranged weapons such as crossbows and firearms).

Kilometers: 1 - 10 km (The Distance of an average city).

Tens of kilometers: 10 - 100 km (Nuclear Bombs such as Tsar Bomba the most powerful nuke in history).

Hundreds of kilometers: 100 - 1,000 km (Twice the length of the Grand Canyon).
Thousands of kilometers: 1,000 - 20,037 km (half as long as The Circumfrence of Earth).

Planetary: 20,037 - 1,391,400 km (The distance from the Earth to the Moon is 384,400 km).

Stellar: 1,391,400 - 50,290,000 km (The diameter of the Sun is 1,391,400 km).

Interplanetary: 50,290,000 km - 4.22 LY (The distance from Mercury to Neptune is 4,443,090,000 km).

Interstellar: 4.22 - 50,000 LY (The Distance between earth and the nearest star Proxima Centauri).

Galactic: 50,000 - 2,500,000 LY (The Radius of the Milkyway Galaxy).

Intergalactic: 2,500,000 - 46.6 billion LY (The Distance between Galaxy by Galaxy in the Universe).

Universal: 46.6 billion LY and up (The Radius of our Universe)

Universal+: Attacks and abilities that are able to reach anywhere within a single 4-dimensional space-
time continuum.
Interdimensional: Attacks and abilities that can reach beyond the conventional space-time of a single
universe, such as into external pocket realities or parts of other universes, but that may not necessarily
travel a universal distance.

Low Multiversal: Attacks and abilities that are able to reach anywhere within two to one thousand 4-
dimensional space-time continuums at the same time.

Multiversal: Attacks and abilities that are able to reach anywhere within 1001 to any higher finite
number of 4-dimensional space-time continuums at the same time.

Multiversal+: Attacks and abilities that are able to reach anywhere within an infinite amount of 4-
dimensional space-time continuums at the same time.

Low Complex Multiversal: Attacks and abilities that are able to reach throughout 5-dimensional to 6-
dimensional space.

Complex Multiversal: Attacks and abilities that are able to reach throughout 7-dimensional to 9-
dimensional space.

High Complex Multiversal: Attacks and abilities that are able to reach throughout 10-dimensional to 11-
dimensional space.
Hyperversal: Attacks and abilities that are able to reach 12-dimensional space and above, as long as it is
a finite number of dimensions.

High Hyperversal: Attacks and abilities that are able to reach an infinite number of dimensions of space
and time.

Low Outerversal: Characters who can reach through an uncountably infinite number of dimension, or
alternatively into realms fully beyond High 1-B levels of existence when there is no further context to
qualify them for higher tiers.

Outerversal: Characters capable of reaching unto realms completely inaccessible in relation to, and
existentially beyond the scope of High 1-B and Low 1-A levels of existence entirely, as well as any further
extensions or "layers" on this scale.

Outerversal+: Characters who can reach an infinite number of hierarchical steps above "baseline"
Outerversal realms and structures.

High Outerversal: Characters who can reach realms or states completely beyond all 1-A hierarchies and
extensions thereof.

Boundless (Well you guys know what it mean infinite reach).

Too be Continued...Intelligence




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Fusion-X Episode 23: Komodo

"Hello everyone, my name is susan violet as you know i have a rare condition where i have two
personality a nice one with black and a mean one with white hair, but here is a story where i helped a
mentally damaged creature and have it be my pet and friend" Susan narrated. The story begins in a
massive zoo-like spaceship with hundreds of alien soldiers with massive guns standing as a space land
down and it show red eyes giving them a growl that scared some of them and one of the comfort her
and the space move back to a massively secured cage and the figure swift in the cage and make a roar to
threaten them and the cage close down quickly and generate energy beams for extra security. "What
you see here is the deadliest individual animal in the galaxy so we secured it with the most advanced
security technology in the galaxy so there's no chance it can escape whatsoever, any questions?" a large
boss said. "Yes uhh is that a Versaurian?, didn't they went extinct 200 years ago?" a

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RZGmon200 Gwen 10 Collection

Into The Omniverse

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Jul 14, 2021


Powerscaling Part 6: Intelligence (Final)

Deviation Actions
Literature Text

We have arrive to the final term of Powerscaling "Intelligence"

Intelligence is the ability where the being can process information and able to be self-aware, creative,
and able to solve problems.

Intelligence Quotients (IQ) is the score of one's intelligence (for example brainstorm's IQ is 1 Nonillion).

Here are the Levels of Intelligence:

Mindless: Those few beings that are literally mindless and have no capacity for intelligence at all.

Animalistic: Beings, such as animals, that only possess basic reasoning, awareness, and problem-solving
skills. While various animals, such as chimpanzees, may possess higher capacities for such things, their
intelligence would still remain animalistic.

Below Average: Characters of below average intellects and unremarkable skills.

Average: Characters of average intelligence. While they have more developed intelligence in certain
subjects, in many cases, their overall intelligence remains average.
Above Average: Characters that show greater cognitive ability than the norm, but do not particularly
stand out in any intellectual or academic fields.

Gifted: Character that demonstrate high reasoning ability, can master concepts with few repetitions, and
display high performance capability in intellectual, creative, or specific academic fields.

Genius: Individuals with an exceptional capacity for knowledge and intelligence, generally in one area of
varying depth, often possessed by fictional scientists and strategists.

Extraordinary Genius: Individuals whose knowledge spreads over many fields of science and who vastly
surpass the intellects of the smartest humans on Earth. At this level, many are capable of creating
futuristic technology.

Supergenius: The highest level of non-omniscient intellect, possessed by those individuals with
unfathomably superhuman intelligence and usually extensive mastery of most, or all, branches of
science. Characters of such a scale tend to be super scientists capable of creating impossibly advanced
physics-defying and reality-warping fantasy technology even with just household items, and outsmarting
even other extremely intelligent individuals.

Nigh-Omniscient: Characters who have knowledge of nearly everything, with only minuscule gaps
existing in their knowledge.
Omniscient: Characters who know literally everything. Be aware that even if they may know everything
in their own setting that this does not grant them knowledge of beings from outside of it.

There you have it the end of another series



© 2021 - 2023 Animallover4813


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More by Animallover4813


Fusion-X Episode 23: Komodo

"Hello everyone, my name is susan violet as you know i have a rare condition where i have two
personality a nice one with black and a mean one with white hair, but here is a story where i helped a
mentally damaged creature and have it be my pet and friend" Susan narrated. The story begins in a
massive zoo-like spaceship with hundreds of alien soldiers with massive guns standing as a space land
down and it show red eyes giving them a growl that scared some of them and one of the comfort her
and the space move back to a massively secured cage and the figure swift in the cage and make a roar to
threaten them and the cage close down quickly and generate energy beams for extra security. "What
you see here is the deadliest individual animal in the galaxy so we secured it with the most advanced
security technology in the galaxy so there's no chance it can escape whatsoever, any questions?" a large
boss said. "Yes uhh is that a Versaurian?, didn't they went extinct 200 years ago?" a

Suggested Collections

Ben 10

Ben 10 Aliens

Omni-Kix's Forms

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