Lesson Plan CNF

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Department of Education

Abulug National Rural and Vocational High School

Abulug, Cagayan
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in SHS English 12 (Creative Non-Fiction)
Writing the Reflection Essay
Content Standard: The learner understands the distinction between and among
creative nonfiction types and forms.
Performance Standard: The learner competently delivers an artistic presentation
summarizing and analyzing the form, theme and techniques of a chosen creative non-
fictional text.
Learning Competency: Deliver an artistic presentation summarizing, analyzing, and
commenting on a chosen creative non-fictional text representing a particular type or
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Define reflective essay.
2. Identify its parts.
3. Determine the different styles in developing the introduction, body, and conclusion
of a reflective essay.
4. Come up with a well-written reflective essay.
Topic: Reflection Essay
Reference: https://www.examples.com/education/reflective-essay.html
Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, chalk, blackboard, CG
Code: HUMSS_CNF11/12-IIb-c-17

A. Preliminaries:
Checking of Attendance
Classroom Management
B. Motivation: 
The class will play 4 pics one word.
1. Review the pictures. You will be shown four photographs. These four photographs
each have something in common. 
2. Below the pictures, you will see blank spaces indicating how many letters are in the
answer. Below that, there will be a scrambled keyboard of possible letters you can
select from where you can guess for the answer. Arrange these letters to spell out the
word you believe to be the answer.
***Answer: Reflection
C. Presentation:
Guide Questions:
1. Have you ever tried reflecting about certain things? Have you tried writing them?
2. What is a reflective essay?
3. What are the parts of a reflective essay?
D. Activity:
The class will be divided into 3 groups. Each group is to arrange the jumbled parts of
a reflective essay to create a well-written output. 
E. Application:
The teacher will play the song reflection and the students will be asked to write a
reflection essay about their understanding of the song.
Following the guidelines on how to write a reflection essay, choose a topic from the
following list and craft your reflective essay. 
1. What is a blog

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