Richard A Vickery III

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Richard A Vickery III

 Disclaimer
 Beginning and overview of the Ancient and
Primitive Rite of Memphis (According to Marconis
De Negre)
 The Start
 The Degrees
 Recognition from the Grand Orient of France
 Albert Pike’s View of the Memphis Rite
 Current Incantations
 Degree peddling
 Conclusion/Questions
 Sources
This presentation/show is done purely for
education on the Memphis Rite, the author does
not endorse, nor believe that the Ancient and
Primitive Rite of Memphis has any place in
Regular Freemasonry. The views and opinions
expressed here are of the authors and not of any
Masonic organization or the Grand Lodge of
 The Rite of Memphis is the sole depository of high Masonry,
the true primitive Rite, the Rite par excellence, which has
come down to us without any alteration, and is
consequently the only Rite which can justify its origin and
the combined exercise of its rights by constitutions, the
authenticity of which cannot be questioned.
 The Rite of Memphis, or Oriental Rite, is the veritable
Masonic tree, and all systems, whatsoever they be, are but
detached branches of this institution, venerable for its great
antiquity, and born in Egypt
 The real deposit of the principles of Masonry written in the
Chaldee language is preserved in the sacred Ark of the Rite
of Memphis, and in part in the Grand Lodge of Scotland, at
Edinburgh, and in the Maronite Convent on Mount
 Bro∴ Marconis de Negre, the Grand Hierophant, is the sole
consecrated depository of the traditions of this Sublime
 Marconis de Negre claims, that a certain Samuel Honis, a
native of Cairo, brought it from Egypt, in 1814
 With Gabriel Mathieu Marconis (father of Marconis de
Negre), Baron Dumas, and the Marquis de la Rogne
 Was granted permission from the Grand Orient of France to
practice the Rite, and established several short lived lodges
in Paris
 In 1860 de Negre brought the Rite to New York to try and
start the Rite in America
 Degrees where conferred (4o-95o) in an hour and a half
 Councils were established in New York, Michigan, Louisiana, and
 Recognized the Rite of Mizraim (French Rite)
which is what the Rite of Memphis is based off of
 Had lodges up until the early 1900s in America
and was considered a regular form of Freemasonry
 Was corrupted by French social elites in the mid-
 In 1877 the Grand Orient of France declared that
Atheist be allowed into the Fraternity.
 Caused off shoots and muddled the already confusing
Masonic landscape in France
 "4° Discreet Master.—The duties are to guard the furniture of the Temple. Teaches through Solomon the
reverence we owe to God. Corresponding degrees—Royal Arch Mason: 4° Ancient and Accepted Rite; 4° Rite
of Memphis, and 4° Rite of Mizraim.

 "6° Sacred Arch.—Alludes to the concealment of the ineffable name of God as given to the Patriarch Enoch, and
discovery thereof by the Sojourners. Corresponding Degrees—Royal Arch; 13° Ancient and Accepted Rite; and
11° Rite of Mizraim.

 "7° Secret Vault.-—Professes to reveal pronunciation of the Sacred Name in all time. Corresponding Degrees—
Royal and Select Master; 14° Ancient and Accepted Rite; 20° Rite of Mizraim.

 "11° Rose Croix.—In this Degree the candidate becomes a Disciple of the Great Benefactor of our race; is
instructed in the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity, and ascent to Elysium. Corresponding Degrees—Knight
Templar; 18° Ancient and Accepted Rite; 18° Rite of Mizraim: Royal Order of Scotland.

 "16° Knights of Kadosh.—Traces the descent of the Knights Templar from the Builders of the Ancient Temple at
Jerusalem through the Knights of the Dawn and of Palastine. Corresponding Degrees—Knights Templar; 30°
Ancient and Accepted Rite; 65° Rite of Mizraim.

 "17° Knight of the Royal Mystery.—Third Degree is here explained by Christian Allegory, and the leading tenets
of the nine principal religions of the World are described. Corresponding Degrees —Knight Templar Priest; 32°
Ancient and Accepted Rite; and 48° Rite of Mizraim.

 "18° Grand Inspector.—Inculcates a spirit of toleration, of love, and of charity, especially addressed to those who
are, or may become, rulers in Masonry. Corresponding Degrees—33° Ancient and Accepted Rite; and 77° Rite of
 First Pike ignored the degrees and did not care if
they were being conferred in Grand Orient Lodges

 Pike later found out about the degree peddling,

selling of degrees that were conferred in an hour
and a half for ~$100 at the time (~$2,000 today)

 Pike said that men who received the degrees were

not allowed to use their degree numbers after the
name, as it wasn’t a recognized Rite
 Not currently being practiced by any recognized
US Grand Lodge (including Prince Hall)
 The degrees are held by the Grand College of
Rites, which was spurred to archive the degrees of
Rites no longer practiced in the US
 Current Lodges that US Grand Lodges recognize
and practice the Rite of Memphis include:
 Grand Orient of Italy
 Swiss Grand Lodge Alpina
 National Grand Lodge of Romania
 Grand Lodge of the Dominican Republic
 The Memphis Rite is still used today for degree
peddling, and attempts to build empires (much
like what Pike accused Marconis De Negre and
his American counterparts of doing
 Was initially started as a “study group” later was
found out by the Grand Master of Georgia as a Rite
and that degrees were being conferred.
 The Members that started the group were suspended for 200
years and an edict went out forbidding any member to join, this
edict was repeated in North Carolina and Indiana Grand
Masters in 2002.
 The dissidents went on to start and fail at multiple irregular
Masonic organizations including, calling themselves the Grand
Lodge of America, Rose Cross of Gold, etc.
 In 2009 the group mis-represented itself to the Grand Orient of
France, was granted a treat of amity and became the Grand
Orient of the United States
 In the 2011 Grand Oreint of France Grand session the amity
was yanked and the Grand Orient of France voted to no longer
recognize the Grand Orient of USA
 Internet scam started in Canada by business man and
self proclaim Duke, Rui Gabirro
 Mixed his Masonic degree peddling of the Rite of
Memphis with his online businesses including selling
oil, stamps, etc.
 Claims to be the international head of the Rite of
 Membership is clouded and only a couple of verified
people have been associated with his work
 SFC Leslie G. Harmanson was peddling degrees in Iraq
under dispensation from a fake Masonic organization
called Regular Grand Lodge of North Carolina
 Intiation fee is $5,000 and annual dues are $1,500
 The Rite of Memphis conception is suspect at
best, and shows one mans desire to be the head
 The Rite will continue to be abused as a degree
peddling scheme because of the lack of any
consistent governing body, and eschewed by
regular Masons
 Alluring men and women with promises of a
94o title, higher than most any other regular
mason in the world
 Men (or Women) who are looking to start their
own irregular lodge have a blue print
 Egyptian Masonic  Dr. S Brent Morris
PM Patmos Lodge No 70
History of the Original PM Quatuor Coronati Lodge No
2076 EC
and Unabridged Ancient
Br. Jack Buta
and Nintey-Six Degree – P.M. Paradise Valley Silver Trowel #
Rite of Memphis Scottish Rite Research Society
Scientia Coronati Research Lodge
 The Spurious Rites of Fellow Philalethes Society
Memphis and Misraim Br Tom Thorton
New Jersey Lodge of Research and
 A Standard History of Education
Freemasonry in the state Br. William H Magil
of New York Volume 1 Pennsylvania Lodge of Research
Br. Jacques Huygherbaret
Internet Lodge No 9659 EC

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