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In the year 1834 a group of Masons of Britain of noble lineage , descendants and keepers of ancient lineages Merovingian and Carolingian , concerned with preserving ancient traditions and the " Holy Empire " , decided to establish a Supreme Council of Higher Degrees of the Scottish Rite . The Central Branch has its headquarters in the city of London - England . Among the criteria are the Seven Sacred Appointments of Guardians of the Holy Empire :

1 - Absolute Secret as the names of its members . 2 - Absolute Secret regarding their meeting places . 3 - Admission only by invitation of the Holy Empire . 4 - Unable to call who can not fulfill strictly all the following criteria : a) Being a Master Mason for more than one (1 ) year;b ) Title of Nobility Owning or Distinction ; c ) have Coat of traditional family ; d ) Understand the secrets beforehand and Sacred Bloodline of the Holy Empire ; e) Being devoid of personal vanity and commit themselves to the cause of preserving the sacred traditions of the Holy Empire . 5 - Obligation to understand the privilege of belonging to the Holy Empire . 6 - Mandatory commitment to defend even with the sacrifice of their lives for the cause of the Holy Empire . 7 - All Sacred Seven Commitments of the Guardians of the Holy Empire , are perpetual and immutable . 02 Currently we are spread in all continents as listed below : Europe - London. North America - Toronto . Central America - Puerto Rico. South America - Montevideo . Africa - Cairo Asia - Tokyo Oceania - Canberra Masons are old-fashioned , retain the old traditions and have the secret Masonic preserving pure Freemasonry . We believe that being a Mason is a total commitment to search for truth and its conservation, without expecting any benefit in return ;Do not expect to get the Freemasons and the Holy Empire no benefit , on the contrary, we devote our lives to this cause .



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