Migrations. Wars Were Prevalent During This: Module 1: Historical Antecedents in The Course of Science and Technology

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Nikki Fallarcuna STS – REVIEWER MKTG-1A


The start of the middle-ages was
A. ANCIENT TIMES marred by massive invasions and
migrations. Wars were prevalent during this
In ancient times, people were concerned
time. Trade and commerce among nations
with transportations and navigation,
increase, which resulted in greater demands
communication and record-keeping, mass
for transportation technology.
production, security, and protection, as well as
health, aesthetics, and architecture. CONTRIBUTIONS OF EACH CIVILIZATIONS :


o Sumeria is located in the southernmost o This is part of the so-called fertile
tip of ancient Mesopotamia. crescent also known as the cradle of
o Sumerians are known for their high civilization.
degree of cooperation with one another o “Mesopotamia” is formed from the
and their desire for great things. ancient words “meso,” meaning
2. EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION between or in the middle of, and
o It is another early civilization famous for “potamos,”.
its legacy which is located in North o They were the first to use the
Africa. potter's wheel to make better
o Greece is an archipelago in the
a. The Walls of Babylon were once
southeastern part of Europe.
considered one of the Seven Ancient
o Known as the birthplace of western
Wonders of the World. Two massive
walls surrounded the entire city.
Archeologists estimate that the walls
o The Roman Empire was perceived to be
were over 50 miles long with each wall
the strongest political and social entity
being around 23 feet wide and 35 feet
in the west. It was considered to be the
cradle of politics and governance during
that period. b. Cuneiform writing. The
o The Greeks were on the first Mesopotamians invented the system of
civilizations to study as a scientific way writing, cuneiform, in which this helps
to cure illness and disease. to record all of the events and
o A lot of discoveries and inventions still transactions of people.
relevant today can be attributed to the
5. CHINESE CIVILIZATION o Various forms of sciences such as
o Chinese Civilization is considered to be astronomy, physics, chemistry,
the oldest civilization in Asia. meteorology, seismology, have
o Also known as the middle kingdom, originated from China.
China is located on the far east of Asia. o The first recorded observations of
o It was famous among other ancient comets, solar eclipses, were made
civilizations because of its silk trade. in China. The earliest inventions
Nikki Fallarcuna STS – REVIEWER MKTG-1A

were abacus (this was a calculator o Later Greek scientist continued

that used sliding beads to help Aristotle’s work by studying and
compute math problems quickly. classifying plants (Kiger, 2019)
o Zhang Heng invented the 5. ROMAN CIVILIZATION
earthquake detecting tool called o One notable distinction of Roman
seismoscope. scientists was their desire for
o Fireworks were bamboo cases filled authoritative answers to any questions
with gunpowder with a fuse on the they had about the world.
side. Later on, they were used to
Below are some of the Romans who
scare off the enemies during the
contributed in science:
war. This invention took place
during the rule of Tang dynasty. o Cato (b. 234 BCE) – the famous orator
(Gregorio Zaide and Sonia Zaide, also wrote a valuable
2015) o Varro (b. 116 BCE) – was the most
3. EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION prolific scientific author, although very
o The ancient Egyptians were very good little of his work survives. One
astronomers of their time. exception is the Res Rusticae, which
o They divided a year into 360 days and describes the best ways to manage a
12 months, each month consisting of 30 large estate.
days. Each day was divided into 24 o Cicero (b. 106 BCE) - famous as an
hours or two parts and each part orator and politician, his great
consisting of 12 hours. At the end of contribution to science was putting the
every year, they added 5 days more Greek corpus into Latin, and his works
only to be spent in feast and merry on philosophy proved especially
making. influential in the field of cosmology and
o The physicians of Egypt knew the use of physics.
castor oil. o Julius Caesar (b. 100 BCE) - his Gallic
o It will not be wrong if the Egyptians are Wars included much on geography, and
termed as the “Father of Medical he composed a lost work on the stars.
Science” o Lucretius (b. c. 94 BCE) - wrote De
4. GREEK CIVILIZATION rerum natura on the major Greek works
o The Greeks were fascinated with of atomist philosophy and was
numbers and how they applied to the especially interested in optics and
real world. biology.
o Unlike earlier civilizations, they studied o Nigidius (1st century BCE) - wrote works
mathematics for its own sake and (which survive only in fragments) on
developed complex mathematical astronomy, zoology, weather, and
theories and proofs like the human nature.
Pythagorean theorem. o Vitruvius (1st century BCE) - wrote an
o They also loved to study the world influential work on architecture (De
around them and thus include living architectura) which included surveying,
organisms. town planning, mathematics, principles
of proportion, materials, astronomy,
and mechanics.
Nikki Fallarcuna STS – REVIEWER MKTG-1A

o Seneca - his work on natural philosophy cover a larger distance. Machines that
included studies of meteorology, required animals to operate must thus be
earthquakes, volcanoes, comets, and upgraded. Faster and easier means to
meteors. communicate and compute should be
o Columella (b. 50 CE) – wrote the most developed to establish connections
comprehensive manual on agricultural between and among nations. All these
best practice. needs resulted in the development of
o Marcus Manilius (1st century CE) - industries.
wrote five volumes on astrology, his
However, due to massive
industrialization, modern times again faced
o Pomponius Mela (1st century CE) -
more complicated problems. Food
composed an extensive survey of
processing and medicine posed some of the
Mediterranean and North European
bigger challenges since health was of great
geography published in his three-
volume De chorographia.
o Aulus Cornelius Celsus (1st century CE) MEANING OF STS
- who compiled a vast encyclopedia,
eight volumes of which, the De o science & technology studies
medicina, examined medical science interaction between science &
(old and new) and such topics as diet, technology & social cultural, political
therapy, and surgery. and economic contexts which shape &
o Scribonius Largus - compiled a are shaped by them.
handbook, the compositons o how social, political, and cultural values
(Prescriptions), of medical remedies affect scientific research &
especially useful for gladiators. technological innovation, & how these
o Pliny the Elder (b. c. 23 CE) - compiled a affect society.
36 volumes encyclopedia, the Naturalis MEANING OF SCIENCE
Historia, on the natural world – animal,
vegetable, and mineral. He claimed that o a systematized body of knowledge
his work contained no fewer than o an organized & dynamic inquiry
20,000 facts. o knowledge gained through observation
o Frontinus (d. c. 103 CE) - composed & experimentation
works on military science, especially o a human activity
war machines, and wrote on the water MEANING OF TECHNOLOGY
systems of Rome in his De acquis urbis
Romae. o Learning new facts
o Solving problems
C. MODERN TIMES o Asking question collecting information
finding answer
The booming world population during the o Inventing new things
nineteenth century onwards demanded that o process by which humans modify
more goods be produced at a faster rate. nature to meet their needs and wants
People needed efficient means of o To make modifications in the world to
transportation to trade more goods and meet human needs.
Nikki Fallarcuna STS – REVIEWER MKTG-1A

KEY EFFECTS OF IT AGE planets are orbiting the Sun each year.
(Heliocentric Theory)
o Digitalization
o Published his book “On the Revolutions
o Disintermediation
of the Heavenly Spheres” (1543)
o Determinism
o Technological CHARLES DARWIN
o Automation
o He is famous for his Theory of Evolution
o Robotization
o He published his book “The Origin of
o Commoditation
Species” (1589)
o Specialization
o Two major contributions are:
o Customization
evolutionary biology and philosophy of
o Globalization
o Introduced the method of
o Threats to human survival
psychoanalysis as a scientific way to
o Ethical dilemmas
study the human mind and neurotic
o Disparities in Human well-being
o Social & cultural conflicts
o Emphasized an unorthodox method
o Production processes
focusing on human sexuality and the
o conversion of agricultural land into
evil nature of man.
urban areas
o Famous for his psycho-sexual theory
o Usage & addiction of gadgets
o Overused technologies in medical CRADLES OF EARLY SCIENCE
Development of Science in Mesoameric
DEFINED SOCIETY (The Original Olmec)


o It is a period of enlightenment when the o earliest civilization in the Americas.

developments in the fields of o the people established a civilization in
mathematics, physics, astronomy, the area we know today as southern
biology and chemistry transformed the Mexico.
views of society over about nature. o Its civilization is the “mother culture” of
o It is the golden age for people Mesoamerica. “A mother culture is a
committed to scholarly life in science way of life that strongly influences later
and painful death and condemnation cultures.”
from the religious institutions who tried o The Olmec empire led to the
to preserve their faith, religion and development of other civilizations, such
theological views. as the Maya and the Aztec.
A. Maya Civilization
NICOLAUS COPERNICUS o covered the Yucatan Peninsula and
stretched down to the northern parts of
o He placed the sun to be the centerpiece
El Salvador and Honduras
of the universe. The Earth and all the
Nikki Fallarcuna STS – REVIEWER MKTG-1A

o Works on astronomy-temples and o astronomy and three types of

religious structures calendars- lunar, solar, and stellar
o Known for growing crops, in the field of o Metallurgy
arts, rubber products, and writing o Mathematics-algebra, geometry and
system known as Mayan hieroglyphics trigonometer
o Invented the idea of the number zero
(made the Maya’s calendar accurate).
B. Inca Civilization
o roads paved with stones I. PRE-COLONIAL PERIOD
o Stone buildings o Beginning of scientific and technological
o Irrigation system development of Philippines.
o Calendar with 12 months o Farming Process-Plants and herbs as a
o First suspension bridge medicine-Shifting cultivation in the
o Quipu, system of knotted ropes to keep Philippines is widely referred to as
records 'kaingin', the staple crops such as rice,
o Inca textiles millet, bananas and root crops were
C. Aztec Civilization grown in swiddens (kaingin)
o The Aztec tribe lived in southern Mexico o Agriculture-Banawe Rice Terraces is
from about 900 CE (AD) to 1521. called “Zone of Refuge”
o Known for Human Sacrifice o Through these terraces, the people
were able to cultivate crops on the
Development of Science in Asia
mountainsides in cold temperature
A. India o Weapon-Balaraw also known as
o known for manufacturing iron and “winged dagger"
manufacturing works o Pre-colonial Filipinos use two kinds of
o Famous for medicine (Ayurveda- swords for combat:
traditional) o Kampilan. Kalasag is for protection,
o Notable in astronomy they wielded padded armor and
o Known for mathematics carabao hide breastplates, and long
o designed Mohenjodaro ruler narrow shields. Lantakas are the small
B. China / Middle East Countries cannons.
o known for traditional medicines o Baybayin is apre-Spanish Philippine
o practice acupuncture writing system.
o developed many tools like compass, o Piloncitos was the currency/coins in
papermaking, gunpowder, printing pre-colonial times.
tools, iron plough, wheelbarrow, o Different mode of Transportation-
propeller Karakao/ korkoa, were of excellent
o Made significant records in astronomy, quality and some of them were used by
heavenly bodies lunar calendars & the Spaniards in expeditions against
seismology rebellious tribes and Dutch and British
forces. Balangay is a plank boat
Development of Science in Africa
adjoined by a carved-out plank edged
o knowledge producers through pins and dowels.
o medicine
Nikki Fallarcuna STS – REVIEWER MKTG-1A


o Spain Colonization by the Spaniards AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE PHILIPPINES
provided the Philippines with modern
means of construction. Spanish
o Embedded in the way of life
government developed health and
o SCIENCE – Planting crops that provide
education systems that were enjoyed
them food – Taking care of animals –
by the principalia class.
Food production – Interpret the
o The Philippines was named in honor of
movements of heavenly bodies to
King Philip II of Spain.
predict seasons and climates –
o Ruy López de Villalobos named the
Medicinal uses of plants
islands of Leyte and Samar Las Islas
o TECHNOLOGY – Building houses –
Irrigations – Developing tools – Musical
o Construction works like walls, roads,
instruments. Metal Age influence –
bridges and other large infrastructures.
Gold and silver jewelry
o Education -The colonial government
o Trading with other countries
recruit American teachers to help
o Indigenous or Folk Science
establish the new educational system.
o Thomasites - a group of 600 American
o Brought their own culture and practices
teachers who travelled from the United
o Established schools and introduced the
States to the newly annexed territory of
concepts of subjects and disciplines.
the Philippines on the transport ship
o Life during the Spanish era – Became
USS Thomas.
modernized. Filipinos replicated
technology brought by the Spaniards
o After achieving independence from the
using indigenous materials.
colonizers, the Philippines, under
o Galleon Trade- The galleon trade was
different administrations, continued to
supplied by merchants largely from port
pursue programs in science and
areas of Fujian who traveled to Manila
to sell the Spaniards spices, porcelain,
o President Ferdinand Marcos -Marcos
ivory, processed silk cloth and other
saw that the key to nation-building is
valuable commodities.
the continued development of science
and technology.
o More influence in the Development of
o He established and strengthened:
S&T. Public education system, Improved
1. PAGASA (Philippine Atmospheric
engineering works and health of the
Geophysical and Astronomical Services
people, Mineral resources were
explored and exploited
2. NAST (National Academy of Science
o “Americanize” the Filipinos.
and Technology)
Reorganized the learning of science.
3. NSTA (National Science and
o The country had a difficult time to
Technology Authority)
rebuild itself from the ruins of the war.
o Use of Overseas Development
Allocation to improve scientific
productivity and technological
Nikki Fallarcuna STS – REVIEWER MKTG-1A

MODULE 4: HUMAN FLOURISHING IN SCIENCE of the most original and important philosophers
AND TECHNOLOGY of the 20th century.

1. Flourishing a state where people experience JASON HICKEL’S PARADIGM OF DE-

positive emotions, positive psychological DEVELOPMENT
functioning and positive social functioning,
Jason Edward Hickel is an economic
most of the time," living "within an optimal
anthropologist whose research focuses on
range of human functioning."
global inequality and political ecology. He is
2. Human Flourishing is an effort to achieve self- known for his books The Divide: A Brief Guide to
actualization and fulfillment within the context Global Inequality and its Solutions and Less is
of a larger community of individuals, each with More: How Degrowth Will Save the World.
the right to pursue his or her own such efforts.
Jason Hickel coined the term Degrowth,
3. Human flourishing involves the rational use Degrowth is a planned reduction of energy and
of one's individual human potentialities, resource use designed to bring the economy
including talents, abilities, and virtues in the back into balance with the living world in a way
pursuit of his freely and rationally chosen values that reduces inequality and improves human
and goals. well-being.

4. Human civilizations and the development of MODULE 5: THE GOOD LIFE

science and technology. Human person as both
the bearer and beneficiary of science and
1. Mortality Rate
2. Average Lifespan
5. Human flourishes and finds meaning in the
world that he/she builds. 3. Literacy Rate
6. Human may unconsciously acquire, consume 4. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
or destroy what the world has to offer.
7. Science and Technology must be treated as
part of human life that needs reflective and 1. To achieve man’s end and that which
meditative thinking. constitutes human activities.

8. Meditative thinking is kind of thinking that 2. Allows human to confront the unknown and
thinks the truth of being, that belongs to being see how they would react.
and listens to it. GOOD LIFE
9. Science and Technology must be examined o the end goal of life
for their greater impact on humanity as a o 2 REALITIES OF LIFE: -
whole. 1. world of matter - things are changing
2. world of forms - entities are only
MARTIN HEIDEGGER copies of the ideal and the models, only
real entities
is a German philosopher and a seminal
o Happiness- the be all and end all of
thinker in the Continental tradition of
everything that we do; grand
philosophy. It is widely acknowledged to be one
Nikki Fallarcuna STS – REVIEWER MKTG-1A

motivating force in everything that he THE CONTRIBUTION OF GREEK, PERSIAN AND

o John Stuart Mill – declared the Greatest AND TECHNOLOGY
Happiness Principle -an action is right as
Three Powers:
far as it maximizes the attainment of
Happiness (utilitarianism) Power of the sword – weapons
o It is a state of mind
o Materialism-the concept of atomo/ Power of the jewel – money
seeds - world is made of matter, Power of the mirror – self-image
including human beings (Democritus) -
only material entities matter. THE CLASSICAL GREEK PHILOSOPHERS (400-B.C.-
o Matter – what makes us attain 400A.D.
happiness 1. Thales of Miletus – developed the theory of
o Material wealth - primary source of matter based upon water.
o Hedonism- acquiring pleasure is the end 2. Socrates – emphasized the study of human
goal of life and the end the priority of nature in relation to society, established the
life Famous- the mantra of this school- theory of skepticism.
no motion of afterlife (Epicurus) “Eat,
3. Empedocles – assumed that there were more
drink, and be merry for tomorrow we
than one kind of matter and postulated four
roots of elements – earth, air, water, and fire.
o Stoicism- to generate happiness one
must learn to distance oneself and be 4. Hippocrates – started the science of
apathetic. medicine; the greatest physician of antiquity-
o Apathea- to be indifferent the father of medicine
o Theism- God as the fulcrum of human
5. Aristotle – father of Biology- classify plants
existence. Ultimate basis of happiness is
and animals
the communion with God. (heaven
supernatural reality) 6. Archimedes – discover the laws of the lever
o Humanism- the freedom of man to and the pulley, calculated the value of pi, a
carve his own destiny and to legislate geometrical calculation
his own lives, free from the shackles of
a God that monitors and controls. 7. Ptolemy – founded the Geocentric theory
o Humanists- man is literally the captain (Earth-centered and wrote the Almagest.
of his own ship. 8. Democritus – developed atomic theory-
o Technological advancements- means to matter consists of atoms
attain good life
o GOOD LIFE, ETHICS and TECHNOLOGY - 9. Pythagoras- numbers were basic to matter;
the balance of these three has to be Pythagorean Theorem
o Soul- seat of humanity
o Good life - a life of flourishing A. Nas’taliq - most beautiful and complicated

B. Pottery
Nikki Fallarcuna STS – REVIEWER MKTG-1A

C. Domes – mostly mosaic faced which creates 3. Architecture- Mosque of Damascus

magical view
4. Water wheel and irrigation
D. Various structures –mosques, mausoleums,
5. Algebra and geometry- algorithm, arabic
bazaars, bridges, palaces
numerals, fractions
E. Wind tower – to catch prevailing wind
o Physics & Chemistry – rainbows
ROMAN CIVILIZATION (“eternal city”) o Pendulum and water clock
o Science of mechanics
A. Used water power and watermills
o Camera obscura- field of optics
B. Used aqueducts, dams, bridges, and o Theory of relativity – Einstein
amphitheaters o Paper making- paper mill
o Advances in industry- weaving wool,
C. Studied astronomy, astrology, geography, silk, pottery, jewelry, leather and
and other sciences perfume
D. Used sundials to tell time; advanced CHINESE CIVILIZATION
glassblowing techniques
o Paper and calligraphy- oracle bones
E. Focused on military upgrades. (animal bones)
Notable Roman Scientists o Place value number system –abacus
(used sliding beads to compute math
1. Galen – great physician and surgeon problems)
2. Vitruvius – the first architect of Rome; also an o Observations of comets, solar eclipses;
engineer kite and lantern, clock, magnetic
compass, gunpowder, fireworks
3. Pliny – described thousand species of seismological detectors (seismoscope)
medicinal plants inventions
o Fans, paper printing, seed drill, iron
Persian carpet (persian rug)- heavy
plough, porcelain, silk, wheelbarrows,
textile made for a wide variety of utilitarian and
umbrella, hot air balloon, matches,
symbolic purpose
acupuncture, iron casting, paper money
Roman Roads (30 military highways,
made of stone, 372 roads and connected 113
provinces o Aryabhata-presented an astronomical
and mathematical system, Heliocentric
theory of gravitation •
o Brahmagupta- estimated the
circumference of the Earth (36,000 km)
ARABIC CIVILIZATION o Jantar Mantar-one of the six major
observatories built by the Maharajah
Science and Technology Development:
Ancient India – an early leader in metallurgy as
1. Trigonometry, Sine, Tangent, Co-Tangent
evidences by the wrought Iron Pillar of Delhi.
2. Astronomy- astrolabe (observe stars)
Nikki Fallarcuna STS – REVIEWER MKTG-1A

Astrolabe – measures the position of stars and according to the instructions provided
the solar system. by a user and then returns the result.
o Today it has become part of our
everyday activities.
o Ibn Moosaa’s – the calculation of o Charles Babbage - referred to as “the
integration and equation father of computers”, conceived an
o Muhammad bin Moosa Al analytical engine in 1830 which could
Khawaarizmi-founders of Algebra, the be programmed with punched cards to
word algorithm or Algorizm carry out calculations
o Kamaluddeen-examined the refraction o Konrad Zuse – built the very first
of sunlight in raindrops electronic computers in Germany in the
o Ibn Haytham-camera obscura period 1935 to 1941.
o Haaroon Ar-Rasheed – Invention of the o Zuse is often regarded as the “inventor
pendulum and the presentation of a of the computer”
water clock o Z3 – was the first working,
o Zhang Heng – invented the earthquake programmable and fully automatic
detecting tool called seismoscope digital computer
o Chuko Liang – inventor of wheelbarrow o Computer systems using vacuum tubes
o Rakesh Sharma- first Indian to go to are considered the first generation of
outer space computers.
o Computer systems using transistors are
REMARKABLE INVENTION THAT HAD MAJOR considered the second generation of
1. THE AIRPLANE/ AEROPLANE o Computer systems using integrated
o was invented by the Wright brothers, circuit are considered the third
Wilbur and Orville generation of computers.
o It is a powered, fixed–wing aircraft that o Computer systems using
is propelled forward by thrust from a jet microprocessors are considered the
engine or propeller. fourth generation of computers.
o The extensive uses of airplanes include 3. MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING
recreation, transportation of goods and o It is a non-invasive medical test that
people, military and research. physicians use to diagnose medical
o It had a presence in all major battles of conditions.
World War II. o It uses a powerful magnetic field, radio
o The first jet aircraft was the German waves or pulses and a computer to
Heinkel He 178 in 1939. produce detailed pictures of the inside
o The first jet airliner, the de Havilland of your body such as organs, soft
Comet. tissues, bone and virtually all other
o The Boeing 707, the first widely internal body structures.
successful commercial jet. 4. THE INTERNET
2. COMPUTERS o It was the work of dozens of pioneering
o It is an electronic machine that accepts scientists, programmers and engineers
information, stores it, processes it who each developed new features and
technologies that eventually merged to
Nikki Fallarcuna STS – REVIEWER MKTG-1A

become the “information 9. ARTIFICIAL EMBRYOS

superhighway” we know today o Artificial Embryos are made from stem
5. OPTICAL FIBER cells alone without using egg or sperm
o It is preferred over electrical cabling cells. It is a breakthrough that will open
when high bandwidth, long distance, or new possibilities for understanding how
immunity to electro-magnetic life comes into existence – but clearly
interference, it has large advantages also raises vital ethical and even
over existing copper wire in long- philosophical problems.
distance, high-demand applications. 10. CELL-FREE FETAL DNA TESTING
o It is used by many telecommunications o These tests require an acquisition of
companies to transmit telephone cells that are quite invasive for the
signals, Internet communication, and unborn baby. The test brought risk of
cable television signals. miscarriage and increased stress for
o Today, fiber is present in virtually every pregnant mothers. With medical
nation on the Earth, forming the advances, it is now possible for doctors
absolute strength of the modern to test cell free fetal DNA by using the
communications infrastructure. mother’s blood.
o Primitive air-conditioning systems have o Nano devices and technology are
existed since ancient times. already in wide use, and as the years
o Attempts to control indoor temperature pass, the technology in pharmaceuticals
began in ancient Rome, where wealthy and medicine will only continue to
citizens took advantage of the improve.
remarkable aqueduct system to o One of which is an emerging cancer
circulate cool water through the walls treatment technology that implements
of their homes. nanomaterials in a more aggressive
7. GENE THERAPY method
o It attempts to treat genetic diseases at
the molecular level by correcting what
is wrong with defective genes.
o It relies on finding a dependable
delivery system to carry the correct
gene to the affected cells. The gene
must be delivered inside the target cells
and work properly without causing
adverse effects.
o Fatty molecules known as liposomes
may also be used as can micropipettes,
sometimes called “gene guns” to insert
genes into cells physically.
o It is one the advances in the technology
that provide instant metal fabrication.

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