Migrations. Wars Were Prevalent During This: Module 1: Historical Antecedents in The Course of Science and Technology
Migrations. Wars Were Prevalent During This: Module 1: Historical Antecedents in The Course of Science and Technology
Migrations. Wars Were Prevalent During This: Module 1: Historical Antecedents in The Course of Science and Technology
o Seneca - his work on natural philosophy cover a larger distance. Machines that
included studies of meteorology, required animals to operate must thus be
earthquakes, volcanoes, comets, and upgraded. Faster and easier means to
meteors. communicate and compute should be
o Columella (b. 50 CE) – wrote the most developed to establish connections
comprehensive manual on agricultural between and among nations. All these
best practice. needs resulted in the development of
o Marcus Manilius (1st century CE) - industries.
wrote five volumes on astrology, his
However, due to massive
industrialization, modern times again faced
o Pomponius Mela (1st century CE) -
more complicated problems. Food
composed an extensive survey of
processing and medicine posed some of the
Mediterranean and North European
bigger challenges since health was of great
geography published in his three-
volume De chorographia.
o Aulus Cornelius Celsus (1st century CE) MEANING OF STS
- who compiled a vast encyclopedia,
eight volumes of which, the De o science & technology studies
medicina, examined medical science interaction between science &
(old and new) and such topics as diet, technology & social cultural, political
therapy, and surgery. and economic contexts which shape &
o Scribonius Largus - compiled a are shaped by them.
handbook, the compositons o how social, political, and cultural values
(Prescriptions), of medical remedies affect scientific research &
especially useful for gladiators. technological innovation, & how these
o Pliny the Elder (b. c. 23 CE) - compiled a affect society.
36 volumes encyclopedia, the Naturalis MEANING OF SCIENCE
Historia, on the natural world – animal,
vegetable, and mineral. He claimed that o a systematized body of knowledge
his work contained no fewer than o an organized & dynamic inquiry
20,000 facts. o knowledge gained through observation
o Frontinus (d. c. 103 CE) - composed & experimentation
works on military science, especially o a human activity
war machines, and wrote on the water MEANING OF TECHNOLOGY
systems of Rome in his De acquis urbis
Romae. o Learning new facts
o Solving problems
C. MODERN TIMES o Asking question collecting information
finding answer
The booming world population during the o Inventing new things
nineteenth century onwards demanded that o process by which humans modify
more goods be produced at a faster rate. nature to meet their needs and wants
People needed efficient means of o To make modifications in the world to
transportation to trade more goods and meet human needs.
Nikki Fallarcuna STS – REVIEWER MKTG-1A
KEY EFFECTS OF IT AGE planets are orbiting the Sun each year.
(Heliocentric Theory)
o Digitalization
o Published his book “On the Revolutions
o Disintermediation
of the Heavenly Spheres” (1543)
o Determinism
o Technological CHARLES DARWIN
o Automation
o He is famous for his Theory of Evolution
o Robotization
o He published his book “The Origin of
o Commoditation
Species” (1589)
o Specialization
o Two major contributions are:
o Customization
evolutionary biology and philosophy of
o Globalization
o Introduced the method of
o Threats to human survival
psychoanalysis as a scientific way to
o Ethical dilemmas
study the human mind and neurotic
o Disparities in Human well-being
o Social & cultural conflicts
o Emphasized an unorthodox method
o Production processes
focusing on human sexuality and the
o conversion of agricultural land into
evil nature of man.
urban areas
o Famous for his psycho-sexual theory
o Usage & addiction of gadgets
o Overused technologies in medical CRADLES OF EARLY SCIENCE
Development of Science in Mesoameric
DEFINED SOCIETY (The Original Olmec)
MODULE 4: HUMAN FLOURISHING IN SCIENCE of the most original and important philosophers
AND TECHNOLOGY of the 20th century.
8. Meditative thinking is kind of thinking that 2. Allows human to confront the unknown and
thinks the truth of being, that belongs to being see how they would react.
and listens to it. GOOD LIFE
9. Science and Technology must be examined o the end goal of life
for their greater impact on humanity as a o 2 REALITIES OF LIFE: -
whole. 1. world of matter - things are changing
2. world of forms - entities are only
MARTIN HEIDEGGER copies of the ideal and the models, only
real entities
is a German philosopher and a seminal
o Happiness- the be all and end all of
thinker in the Continental tradition of
everything that we do; grand
philosophy. It is widely acknowledged to be one
Nikki Fallarcuna STS – REVIEWER MKTG-1A
B. Pottery
Nikki Fallarcuna STS – REVIEWER MKTG-1A
Astrolabe – measures the position of stars and according to the instructions provided
the solar system. by a user and then returns the result.
o Today it has become part of our
everyday activities.
o Ibn Moosaa’s – the calculation of o Charles Babbage - referred to as “the
integration and equation father of computers”, conceived an
o Muhammad bin Moosa Al analytical engine in 1830 which could
Khawaarizmi-founders of Algebra, the be programmed with punched cards to
word algorithm or Algorizm carry out calculations
o Kamaluddeen-examined the refraction o Konrad Zuse – built the very first
of sunlight in raindrops electronic computers in Germany in the
o Ibn Haytham-camera obscura period 1935 to 1941.
o Haaroon Ar-Rasheed – Invention of the o Zuse is often regarded as the “inventor
pendulum and the presentation of a of the computer”
water clock o Z3 – was the first working,
o Zhang Heng – invented the earthquake programmable and fully automatic
detecting tool called seismoscope digital computer
o Chuko Liang – inventor of wheelbarrow o Computer systems using vacuum tubes
o Rakesh Sharma- first Indian to go to are considered the first generation of
outer space computers.
o Computer systems using transistors are
REMARKABLE INVENTION THAT HAD MAJOR considered the second generation of
1. THE AIRPLANE/ AEROPLANE o Computer systems using integrated
o was invented by the Wright brothers, circuit are considered the third
Wilbur and Orville generation of computers.
o It is a powered, fixed–wing aircraft that o Computer systems using
is propelled forward by thrust from a jet microprocessors are considered the
engine or propeller. fourth generation of computers.
o The extensive uses of airplanes include 3. MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING
recreation, transportation of goods and o It is a non-invasive medical test that
people, military and research. physicians use to diagnose medical
o It had a presence in all major battles of conditions.
World War II. o It uses a powerful magnetic field, radio
o The first jet aircraft was the German waves or pulses and a computer to
Heinkel He 178 in 1939. produce detailed pictures of the inside
o The first jet airliner, the de Havilland of your body such as organs, soft
Comet. tissues, bone and virtually all other
o The Boeing 707, the first widely internal body structures.
successful commercial jet. 4. THE INTERNET
2. COMPUTERS o It was the work of dozens of pioneering
o It is an electronic machine that accepts scientists, programmers and engineers
information, stores it, processes it who each developed new features and
technologies that eventually merged to
Nikki Fallarcuna STS – REVIEWER MKTG-1A