Computer Networks: BITS Pilani
Computer Networks: BITS Pilani
Computer Networks: BITS Pilani
Uma Maheswari
Learning outcomes:
Resource sharing.
Resources can be programs, equipment and especially data to
be available to anyone on the network without regard to
physical location of resource and the user
➢ The dichotomy of
service can be applied to different
communication layers. We will return
later to the concept of layering.
Chapter 1: Introduction 11
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Chapter 1: Computer Networks and the Internet
Chapter 1: Introduction 12
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1.2 What’s a protocol?
… specific msgs (messages)
protocols define format, order of sent
messages sent and received among
… specific actions taken when
network entities, and actions taken msgs received, or other
on msg transmission, receipt events
network protocols:
human protocols:
• machines rather than
“what’s the time?” humans
“I have a question” • all communication activity in
introductions Internet governed by
➢ An important concept is that Communication protocols are
structured in layers. Each protocol layer makes uses of the services
provided by the layer below and provides a service to the layer
above. E.g., HTTP, SMTP, ,DNS, TCP, IP , …
Chapter 1: Introduction 13
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What’s a protocol?
network edge:
applications and hosts
network core:
– routers
– network of networks
Chapter 1: Introduction 15
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Chapter 1: Computer Networks and the Internet
Chapter 1: Introduction 16
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1.3 The network edge:
end systems (hosts):
– run application programs
– e.g., WWW, email
– at “edge of network”
client/server model
– client initiates requests to and
receives service from server
– e.g., WWW client (browser)/ server;
email client/server
peer-peer model:
– host interaction is symmetric
– e.g.: teleconferencing
Chapter 1: Introduction 17
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Client Server or C/S Model
Some examples of end devices are
Chapter 1: Introduction 20
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Network edge: connectionless
Goal: data transfer between App’s using TCP:
end systems
• HTTP (WWW), FTP (file
– same as before!
transfer), Telnet (remote
UDP - User Datagram login), SMTP (email)
Protocol [RFC 768]:
Internet’s connectionless
service App’s using UDP:
– unreliable data transfer
– no flow control
• streaming media,
– no congestion control teleconferencing,
– but faster! Internet telephony
Chapter 1: Introduction 22
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1.4 Network Core
Chapter 1: Introduction 24
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Transport Layer
TCP and UDP are Transport Layer protocols that provide connection-oriented
and connectionless services to Application Layer clients
Switching Paradigm
Circuit Switching vs Packet Switching (or Message Switching) occurs at the
physical switching layer. Circuit Switching is the system usually used by
telephone networks but is not used in the Internet (except, e.g., when you
dial up to an ISP using a modem).
Chapter 1: Introduction 25
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Network core : Ckt and Packet switching analogies
Restaurant analogy:
❖ Go to restaurant without reservation of
table, so you wait until you get a table to
have food.
❖ The queueing delay is analogous to the
amount of time one spends waiting for a
❖ Packet loss is analogous to being told by
the waiter that you must leave the premises
because there are already too many other
people waiting at the bar for a table.
Circuit Switching
call setup (and tear-down)
split bandwidth into “pieces” by
– frequency division or
– time division
Bandwidth and switch resources
reserved for the duration of a
dedicated resources:
no sharing
circuit-like (guaranteed)
Ex: telephone network
Chapter 1: Introduction 28
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Network core :CKT Switching
How is circuit switching implemented since resources should not be shared ie.,
should be dedicated ?
TDM and FDM tech
Chapter 1: Introduction 33
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Network Core: Packet Switching
10 Mbs
A Ethernet statistical multiplexing
1.5 Mbs
queue of packets 45 Mbs
waiting for output
➢ A is sending at 100Mbps and B is ending at less bps so you could see dark
blue dominate over light blues from B
➢ This called statistical multiplexing
➢ The sequence of A and B packets does not follow any periodic ordering; the
ordering is random or statistical – packets are sent whenever they happen to
be present at the link.
Ie., If we want video to be sent live one ie., like teleconferencing on pkt switched
network then we bandwidth should be big and channel should be reserved.
Chapter 1: Introduction 38
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Packet switching versus circuit switching
Chapter 1: Introduction 40
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Packet-switched networks: routing
Chapter 1: Introduction 41
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Transport Layer
TCP and UDP are Transport Layer protocols that provide connection-oriented
and connectionless services to Application Layer clients
Switching Paradigm
Circuit Switching vs Packet Switching (or Message Switching) occurs at the
physical switching layer. Circuit Switching is the system usually used by
telephone networks but is not used in the Internet (except, e.g., when you
dial up to an ISP using a modem).
Chapter 1: Introduction 42
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Core Network - Summary
Chapter 1: Introduction 43
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Chapter 1: Computer Networks and the Internet
Chapter 1: Introduction 44
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1.5 Access networks and physical media
Chapter 1: Introduction 45
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Residential access
Chapter 1: Introduction 46
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Institutional access: local area networks
Chapter 1: Introduction 47
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Wireless access networks
Chapter 1: Introduction 48
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Physical Media
Chapter 1: Introduction 49
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Physical Media: coax, fiber
Coaxial cable: Fiber optic cable:
❑ wire (signal carrier) within a
concentric shield glass fiber carrying light
– Baseband (50 ohm): single pulses
channel on cable. ~1cm
thick, popular in old 10 Mbs high-speed operation:
Ethernet 100Mbps Ethernet
– Broadband (75 ohm):
multiple channels on cable,
high-speed point-to-point
each channel shifted to a transmission (e.g., 10 Gps)
different frequency band.
Thick and stiffer, common in
low error rate
cable TV systems.
❑ bidirectional
Chapter 1: Introduction 50
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Physical media: radio
Chapter 1: Introduction 52
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1.6 Delay & Loss in packet-switched
3 probes 3 probes
3 probes
Chapter 1: Introduction
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Chapter 1: Introduction 62
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Chapter 1: Introduction 63
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Loss in packet-switched networks
Is R server
Is R client
Suppose Rs = 2 Mbps, Rc = 1
Mbps, R = 5 Mbps, and the
common link divides its
transmission rate equally among
the 10 downloads.
Then the bottleneck for each
download is no longer in the
access network, but is now
instead the shared link in the
core, which only provides each
download with 500 kbps of
Thus the end-to-end throughput
for each download is now
reduced to 500 kbps.
Chapter 1: Introduction 73
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1.7 - Protocol “Layers”
Chapter 1: Introduction 86
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1.8 Internet structure: network of networks
Chapter 1: Introduction 88
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1.8 Internet structure: network of networks
Chapter 1: Introduction 98
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Internet History
Chapter 1: Introduction
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Lab and experiments:
3. Practise Wireshark