Computer Networks: BITS Pilani

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Computer Networks


BITS Pilani Lecture 1

Pilani Campus
BITS Pilani
Pilani Campus

Uma Maheswari
Learning outcomes:

➢ Computer network and need of it.

➢ Types of networks (network topology, LAN, WAN, MAN)
➢ Internet and its services
➢ Web or www
➢ Network edge (end devices or hosts)
➢ Network core (circuit and packet switching)
➢ Access networks (residential, institutional and wireless)
➢ Physical links ( guided and unguided)
➢ Delay ,loss and throughput
➢ Protocol
➢ Service models (C/S , P2P and Hybrid)
➢ History of computer network

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Computer Networks

• It’s a collection of autonomous computers interconnected by a

single technology.
• Computers are connected by either wire or wireless.
• Networks come in different sizes ,shapes and forms.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

When do you need a network?

Resource sharing.
Resources can be programs, equipment and especially data to
be available to anyone on the network without regard to
physical location of resource and the user

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Chapter 1: Computer Networks and the Internet

Chapter goal: Overview:

❑ get context, overview, • 1.1 what’s the Internet?
“feel” of networking • 1.2 what’s a protocol?
❑ more depth, detail later in • 1.3 network edge – end devices
course • 1.4 network core – circuit, packet, and
❑ approach: message switching
– descriptive • 1.5 access networks & physical media
– use Internet as • 1.6 performance: loss, delay
example • 1.7 protocol layers & service models
• 1.8 Internet backbones, NAPs, ISPs
• 1.9 history

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

What’s the Internet: “nuts and bolts” view

❑ Internet: “network of networks”

– loosely hierarchical: company
networks, access networks,
local ISPs (Internet Service
Providers), regional ISPs
– millions of connected
computing devices: hosts, end-
– pc’s workstations, servers
– PDA’s phones, toasters…, IoT
running network applications
❑ communication links made up
of different physical media:
– fiber, copper, radio, satellite
❑ routers: forward packets
(chunks) of data thru network

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BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

What is IoT?
IoT is short for Internet of Things.
The Internet of Things refers
to the ever-growing network of
physical objects that feature
an IP address for internet
connectivity, and the
communication that occurs
between these objects and
other Internet-enabled
devices and systems.
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers
to the use of intelligently
connected devices and
systems to leverage data
gathered by embedded
sensors and actuators in
machines and other physical
objects. In other words, the
IoT (Internet of Things) can be
called to any of the physical
objects connected with
More on IoT :
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
1.1 What’s the Internet: “nuts
and bolts” view
protocols control the sending and receiving of information
(messages) within the Internet
– e.g., TCP, IP, HTTP, FTP, PPP
Internet standards
– IETF, the Internet Engineering Task Force, is where much of
“standards” in used in the Internet today were discussed and
created. IETF is a forum that is open to any interested individuals.
The standards it created are contained in documents known as
RFC, Request for comments.
– Important websites:
• Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) –
• Internet Society –
• The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) –
and others listed in section 1.1.3 of the text.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

What’s the Internet: a service view
communication infrastructure enables
distributed applications:
– WWW, email, games, e-commerce,
database, voting,
– more?

communication services provided:

– Connectionless
– Connection-oriented

➢ The dichotomy of
service can be applied to different
communication layers. We will return
later to the concept of layering.

Chapter 1: Introduction 11
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Chapter 1: Computer Networks and the Internet

1.1 what’s the Internet?

1.2 what’s a protocol?
1.3 network edge – end devices
1.4 network core – circuit, packet, and message switching
1.5 access networks & physical media
1.6 performance: loss, delay
1.7 protocol layers & service models
1.8 Internet backbones, NAPs, ISPs
1.9 history

Chapter 1: Introduction 12
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1.2 What’s a protocol?
… specific msgs (messages)
protocols define format, order of sent
messages sent and received among
… specific actions taken when
network entities, and actions taken msgs received, or other
on msg transmission, receipt events

network protocols:
human protocols:
• machines rather than
“what’s the time?” humans
“I have a question” • all communication activity in
introductions Internet governed by
➢ An important concept is that Communication protocols are
structured in layers. Each protocol layer makes uses of the services
provided by the layer below and provides a service to the layer
above. E.g., HTTP, SMTP, ,DNS, TCP, IP , …
Chapter 1: Introduction 13
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What’s a protocol?

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A closer look at network structure:

network edge:
applications and hosts

network core:
– routers
– network of networks

access networks, physical media:

communication links

Chapter 1: Introduction 15
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Chapter 1: Computer Networks and the Internet

1.1 what’s the Internet?

1.2 what’s a protocol?
1.3 network edge – end devices
1.4 network core – circuit, packet, and message switching
1.5 access networks & physical media
1.6 performance: loss, delay
1.7 protocol layers & service models
1.8 Internet backbones, NAPs, ISPs
1.9 history

Chapter 1: Introduction 16
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1.3 The network edge:
end systems (hosts):
– run application programs
– e.g., WWW, email
– at “edge of network”
client/server model
– client initiates requests to and
receives service from server
– e.g., WWW client (browser)/ server;
email client/server
peer-peer model:
– host interaction is symmetric
– e.g.: teleconferencing

Chapter 1: Introduction 17
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Client Server or C/S Model
Some examples of end devices are

➢ Computers (work stations, laptops, file servers,

web servers)
➢ Network printers
➢ VoIP phones
➢ TelePresence endpoints
➢ Security cameras
➢ Mobile handheld devices (such as smartphones,
tablets, PDAs, and wireless debit/credit card Client Server Model
readers and barcode scanners)

➢ every host device has an id.

➢ message sent or recvd : actual message+ A 's addr (sender) + B's addr (receiver)
➢ This message sent between A and B.
➢ Servers are hosts that have software installed that enables them to provide
information and services, like email or web pages, to other hosts on the
➢ Clients are hosts that have software installed that enables them to request and
display the information obtained from the server.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Peer to Peer or P2P Model

➢ In modern networks, a host can act as a client, a server, or both.

➢ Software installed on the host determines which role it plays on the network.
➢ Each node is considered as a peer.

Qn: Of C/S and P2P which is expensive?? C/S

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Network edge: connection-oriented service

Goal: data transfer TCP service [RFC 793]

between end sys.
handshaking: setup • reliable, in-order byte-
(prepare for) data stream data transfer
transfer ahead of time – loss: acknowledgements and
– Hello, hello back human retransmissions
protocol • flow control:
– set up “state” in two – sender won’t overwhelm
communicating hosts
TCP - Transmission
• congestion control:
Control Protocol
– senders “slow down sending
– Internet’s connection-
oriented service rate” when network

Chapter 1: Introduction 20
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Network edge: connectionless
Goal: data transfer between App’s using TCP:
end systems
• HTTP (WWW), FTP (file
– same as before!
transfer), Telnet (remote
UDP - User Datagram login), SMTP (email)
Protocol [RFC 768]:
Internet’s connectionless
service App’s using UDP:
– unreliable data transfer
– no flow control
• streaming media,
– no congestion control teleconferencing,
– but faster! Internet telephony

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Chapter 1: Computer Networks and the Internet

1.1 what’s the Internet?

1.2 what’s a protocol?
1.3 network edge – end devices
1.4 network core – circuit, packet, and message switching
1.5 access networks & physical media
1.6 performance: loss, delay
1.7 protocol layers & service models
1.8 Internet backbones, NAPs, ISPs
1.9 history

Chapter 1: Introduction 22
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1.4 Network Core

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1.4 Network Core

Circuit Switching vs. Packet Switching

❑ The fundamental question: how is data transferred through net?

– Circuit switching: dedicated circuit per call: telephone net
– Packet switching: data sent thru net in discrete “chunks”
➢ In circuit switching, a channel of fixed rate (bandwidth) is provided
between the communicating end-points. In packet switching, packets
are exchanged only as needed.
➢ In circuit switching, identity of the data being transferred is provided
implicitly by its time slot or frequency assignment. In packet switching,
identity of data must be explicitly specified by a header.
➢ Circuit switching must be connection-oriented. Packet switching can be
connectionless (datagram), or connection-oriented (virtual circuit).
❑ Modern computer communication is based on packet switching

Chapter 1: Introduction 24
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Transport Layer
TCP and UDP are Transport Layer protocols that provide connection-oriented
and connectionless services to Application Layer clients

Switching Paradigm
Circuit Switching vs Packet Switching (or Message Switching) occurs at the
physical switching layer. Circuit Switching is the system usually used by
telephone networks but is not used in the Internet (except, e.g., when you
dial up to an ISP using a modem).

Network Layer (Assuming Packet Switching)

Datagram and Virtual Circuits are network service models at the Network
Layer. Current Internet architecture only provides a Datagram service.

Chapter 1: Introduction 25
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Network core : Ckt and Packet switching analogies

Like table reservation at restaurant

Restaurant analogy:
❖ Go to restaurant without reservation of
table, so you wait until you get a table to
have food.
❖ The queueing delay is analogous to the
amount of time one spends waiting for a
❖ Packet loss is analogous to being told by
the waiter that you must leave the premises
because there are already too many other
people waiting at the bar for a table.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Network Core - Circuit Switching

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Network Core - Circuit Switching

Circuit Switching
call setup (and tear-down)
split bandwidth into “pieces” by
– frequency division or
– time division
Bandwidth and switch resources
reserved for the duration of a
dedicated resources:
no sharing
circuit-like (guaranteed)
Ex: telephone network

Chapter 1: Introduction 28
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Network core :CKT Switching

How is circuit switching implemented since resources should not be shared ie.,
should be dedicated ?
TDM and FDM tech

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Network core :CKT switching

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Network Core: Packet Switching

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Network Core: Packet Switching

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Network Core: Packet Switching
each end-end data stream resource contention:
divided into packets  aggregate resource
user A, B packets share demand can exceed
network resources amount available
each packet transmitted at  congestion: packets
full link bandwidth queue, wait for link use
resources used as needed,  store and forward:
packets move one hop
at a time
Bandwidth division into “pieces”  transmit over link
Dedicated allocation
 wait turn at next link
Resource reservation

Chapter 1: Introduction 33
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Network Core: Packet Switching
10 Mbs
A Ethernet statistical multiplexing

1.5 Mbs
queue of packets 45 Mbs
waiting for output


statistical multiplexing : Packets from different hosts are interleaved without a

fixed pattern

Packet-switching : human restaurant analogy

Chapter 1: Introduction 34
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Network Core: Packet Switching

➢ A is sending at 100Mbps and B is ending at less bps so you could see dark
blue dominate over light blues from B
➢ This called statistical multiplexing
➢ The sequence of A and B packets does not follow any periodic ordering; the
ordering is random or statistical – packets are sent whenever they happen to
be present at the link.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Packet switching versus circuit switching

Packet switching allows more users to use network!

❑ 1 Mbit shared link
❑ each user:
– 100Kbps when “active” N users
– active 10% of time 1 Mbps link
❑ If circuit-switching then ? users
– Ie., 1 M/100k = 10 users
➢ Suppose users share a 1 Mbps link.
❑ If packet switching then ? users ➢ Also suppose that each user alternates
and prob. > 10 users between periods of activity (when it
– with 35 users, the probability that generate data at a constant rate of
100 Kbits/sec) and periods of inactivity
more than 10 users are active in a
(when it generates no data).
given time is less than .004. ➢ Suppose further that a user is active only
When it happens, excess packets 10% of the time (and is idle drinking
are queued up and suffer coffee during the remaining 90% of the
additional delays. time).
Chapter 1: Introduction 36
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Packet switching versus circuit switching
Which circuit or packet-switching more efficient?
With circuit-switching, 100 Kbps must CKT switching :The users'
be reserved for each user at all times. packets flow through the link
Thus,the link can support only ten
simultaneous users.
essentially without delay, but
when users increase more than
With packet switching, if there are 35 10 and if keeps growing then
users, the probability that there are 10 output link cant handle it.
or more simultaneously active users is
less than .0004. If there are 10 or less PKT switching it allows 3 times
simultaneously active users (which
happens with probability .9996), the
the number of users having
aggregate arrival rate of data is less same delay as ckt switching
than 1 Mbps (the output rate of the
Qn: Today's circuit-switched telephone networks are slowly migrating towards
packet switching why?.
Save overseas calls cost.
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Packet switching versus circuit switching

Is packet switching a “slam dunk winner?”

❑ Great for bursty data
– resource sharing
– no call setup
❑ Excessive congestion: packet delay and loss
– protocols needed for reliable data transfer, congestion
❑ Q: How to provide circuit-like behavior?
– bandwidth guarantees needed for audio/video apps
still an unsolved problem (chapter 6)

Ie., If we want video to be sent live one ie., like teleconferencing on pkt switched
network then we bandwidth should be big and channel should be reserved.
Chapter 1: Introduction 38
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Packet switching versus circuit switching

Takes L/R seconds to

transmit (push out)
packet of L bits on to
link or R bps Example:
Entire packet must arrive • L = 7.5 Mbits
at router before it can • R = 1.5 Mbps
be transmitted on next • delay = 15 sec
link: store and forward
delay = 3L/R

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Packet Switching: Message Segmenting

Now break up the message into 5000 packets

 Each packet 1,500 bits

 1 msec to transmit
packet on one link
 pipelining: each link
works in parallel
 Delay reduced from 15
sec to 5.002 sec

Chapter 1: Introduction 40
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Packet-switched networks: routing

Goal: move packets among routers from source to

– we’ll study several path selection algorithms (chapter 4)
datagram network:
– destination address determines next hop
– routes may change during session
– analogy: driving, asking directions
virtual circuit network:
– each packet carries tag (virtual circuit ID), tag determines next
– fixed path determined at call setup time, remains fixed thru call
– routers maintain per-call state

Chapter 1: Introduction 41
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Transport Layer
TCP and UDP are Transport Layer protocols that provide connection-oriented
and connectionless services to Application Layer clients

Switching Paradigm
Circuit Switching vs Packet Switching (or Message Switching) occurs at the
physical switching layer. Circuit Switching is the system usually used by
telephone networks but is not used in the Internet (except, e.g., when you
dial up to an ISP using a modem).

Network Layer (Assuming Packet Switching)

Datagram and Virtual Circuits are network service models at the Network
Layer. Current Internet architecture only provides a Datagram service.

Chapter 1: Introduction 42
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Core Network - Summary

Chapter 1: Introduction 43
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Chapter 1: Computer Networks and the Internet

1.1 what’s the Internet?

1.2 what’s a protocol?
1.3 network edge – end devices
1.4 network core – circuit, packet, and message switching
1.5 access networks & physical media
1.6 performance: loss, delay
1.7 protocol layers & service models
1.8 Internet backbones, NAPs, ISPs
1.9 history

Chapter 1: Introduction 44
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
1.5 Access networks and physical media

Q: How to connect end

systems to edge router?
❑ residential access nets
❑ institutional access
networks (school,
❑ mobile access networks
Keep in mind:
❑ bandwidth (bits per
second) of access
❑ shared or dedicated?

Chapter 1: Introduction 45
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Residential access

Point-to-point Cable Modem

❑ Dialup via modem  HFC: hybrid fiber coax
– up to 56Kbps direct access to  asymmetric: up to 10Mbps upstream, 1
router (conceptually) Mbps downstream
❑ ISDN: integrated services digital  network of cable and fiber attaches homes to
network: 128Kbps all-digital ISP router
connect to router  shared access to router among homes
❑ ADSL: asymmetric digital  issues: congestion, dimensioning
subscriber line  deployment: available via cable companies
– up to 1 Mbps home-to-router
– up to 8 Mbps router-to-home

Chapter 1: Introduction 46
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Institutional access: local area networks

❑ company/univ local area network

(LAN) connects end system to edge
❑ Ethernet:
– shared or dedicated cable
connects end system and router
– 10 Mbs, 100Mbps, Gigabit
❑ deployment: institutions, home LANs
❑ LANs: chapter 5

Chapter 1: Introduction 47
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Wireless access networks

❑ shared wireless access

network connects end system
to router router

❑ wireless LANs: base

o radio spectrum replaces wire station
o e.g., Lucent Wavelan 10 Mbps
❑ wider-area wireless access
o CDPD: wireless access to ISP
router via cellular network

Chapter 1: Introduction 48
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Physical Media

physical link: transmitted Twisted Pair (TP)

data bit propagates • two insulated copper
across link wires
guided media: – Category 3: traditional
– signals propagate in solid phone wires, 10 Mbps
media: copper, fiber Ethernet
unguided media: – Category 5 TP: 100Mbps
– signals propagate freely,
e.g., radio

Chapter 1: Introduction 49
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Physical Media: coax, fiber
Coaxial cable: Fiber optic cable:
❑ wire (signal carrier) within a
concentric shield  glass fiber carrying light
– Baseband (50 ohm): single pulses
channel on cable. ~1cm
thick, popular in old 10 Mbs  high-speed operation:
Ethernet  100Mbps Ethernet
– Broadband (75 ohm):
multiple channels on cable,
 high-speed point-to-point
each channel shifted to a transmission (e.g., 10 Gps)
different frequency band.
Thick and stiffer, common in
 low error rate
cable TV systems.
❑ bidirectional

Chapter 1: Introduction 50
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Physical media: radio

❑ signal carried in Radio link types:

electromagnetic spectrum  microwave
❑ no physical “wire”  e.g. up to 45 Mbps channels
❑ bidirectional  LAN (e.g., waveLAN)
❑ propagation environment  2Mbps, 11Mbps
effects:  wide-area (e.g., cellular)
o reflection  e.g. CDPD, 10’s Kbps
o obstruction by objects  satellite
o interference
 up to 50Mbps channel (or
multiple smaller channels)
 270 Msec end-end delay
 geosynchronous versus
Chapter 1: Introduction 51
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Chapter 1: Computer Networks and the Internet

1.1 what’s the Internet?

1.2 what’s a protocol?
1.3 network edge – end devices
1.4 network core – circuit, packet, and message switching
1.5 access networks & physical media
1.6 performance: loss, delay
1.7 protocol layers & service models
1.8 Internet backbones, NAPs, ISPs
1.9 history

Chapter 1: Introduction 52
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1.6 Delay & Loss in packet-switched

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Delay & Loss in packet-switched

How do these delays happen?

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1.6 Delay & Loss in packet-switched

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Delay in packet-switched

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Delay in packet-switched networks

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Caravan analogy

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Caravan analogy

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Queuing delay (revisited)

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

“Real” Internet delays and routes
What do “real” Internet delay & loss look like?
Traceroute program: provides delay measurement from
source to router along end-end Internet path towards
destination. For all i:
– sends three packets that will reach router i on path towards
– router i will return packets to sender
– sender times interval between transmission and reply.

3 probes 3 probes

3 probes

Chapter 1: Introduction
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets

1 betamach ( 1.141 ms 0.727 ms 0.648 ms

2 ( 1.204 ms 0.709 ms 0.652 ms
3 ( 1.709 ms 1.735 ms 1.769 ms
4 ( 2.480 ms 10.606 ms 11.267 ms
5 ***
6 ( 5.270 ms 9.637 ms 9.987 ms
7 ( 10.554 ms 10.694 ms 11.474 ms
8 ( 10.873 ms 12.380 ms 11.008 ms
9 ( 53.747 ms * 48.373 ms
10 ( 11.893 ms 7.637 ms 10.137 ms

Chapter 1: Introduction 62
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traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets

1 betamach ( 1.231 ms 0.703 ms 0.640 ms

2 ( 0.796 ms 0.938 ms 0.786 ms
3 ***
4 ***
5 ( 2.767 ms 3.081 ms 3.723 ms
6 ( 235.428 ms 234.831 ms 234.870 ms
7 ( 244.737 ms 238.280 ms 238.537 ms
8 ( 259.712 ms 258.783 ms 258.455 ms
9 ( 263.580 ms 263.689 ms 268.510 ms
10 ( 265.515 ms 267.031 ms 265.328 ms
11 ( 267.300 ms 268.220 ms 266.764 ms
12 gigagate1.Princeton.EDU ( 266.824 ms 267.111 ms 267.585 ms
13 csgate.Princeton.EDU ( 269.710 ms 267.470 ms 266.836 ms
14 targe.CS.Princeton.EDU ( 268.235 ms 268.071 ms 267.733 ms
15 ignition.CS.Princeton.EDU ( 268.132 ms 268.364 ms 267.561 ms
16 web0.CS.Princeton.EDU ( 268.589 ms 268.695 ms 268.591 ms

Chapter 1: Introduction 63
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Loss in packet-switched networks

What is Packet loss?

Buffer is full and then incoming packet
will be dropped

To make for the lost packet it has to be

retransmitted from previous node or
retransmitted by source. It depends on
type of protocol used.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Loss in packet-switched networks

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Throughput in packet-switched networks

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Throughput in packet-switched networks

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Throughput in packet-switched networks

Is R server

Is R client

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Throughput in packet-switched networks

For a) with two-link network,

The throughput is min{Rc, Rs}, that is, it is
the transmission rate of the bottleneck link.
Having determined the throughput, we
can now approximate the time it takes to
transfer a large file of F bits from server to
client as F/min{Rs, Rc}.

For b) with multiple links

The throughput for a file transfer from
server to client is min{R1, R2,..., RN},
which is once again the transmission
example, suppose you are downloading an rate of the bottleneck link along the
MP3 file of F = 32 million bits, the server has path between server and client.
a transmission rate of Rs = 2 Mbps, and you
have an access link of Rc = 1 Mbps. The time
needed to transfer the file is then 32 seconds.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Throughput in packet-switched networks

With 2 links from source to

destination is again the minimum of Rs
and Rc, that is, throughput = min{Rs,
Rc}. Therefore, the constraining factor
for throughput in today’s Internet is
typically the access network.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Throughput in packet-switched networks

Suppose Rs = 2 Mbps, Rc = 1
Mbps, R = 5 Mbps, and the
common link divides its
transmission rate equally among
the 10 downloads.
Then the bottleneck for each
download is no longer in the
access network, but is now
instead the shared link in the
core, which only provides each
download with 500 kbps of
Thus the end-to-end throughput
for each download is now
reduced to 500 kbps.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Throughput in packet-switched networks

➢ The throughput depends on the transmission rates of

the links over which the data flows.

➢ We saw that when there is no other intervening

traffic, the throughput can simply be approximated
as the minimum transmission rate along the path
between source and destination.

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Chapter 1: Computer Networks and the Internet

1.1 what’s the Internet?

1.2 what’s a protocol?
1.3 network edge – end devices
1.4 network core – circuit, packet, and message switching
1.5 access networks & physical media
1.6 performance: loss, delay
1.7 protocol layers & service models
1.8 Internet backbones, NAPs, ISPs
1.9 history

Chapter 1: Introduction 73
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1.7 - Protocol “Layers”

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1.7 - Protocol “Layers”

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

1.7 - Protocol “Layers”

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

1.7 - Protocol “Layers”

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1.7 – Layered Architecture

The basic elements of layered architecture are services,

protocols, and interfaces.

➢ Service: It is a set of actions that a layer provides to the

higher layer.

➢ Protocol: It defines a set of rules that a layer uses to

exchange the information with peer entity. These rules
mainly concern about both the contents and order of the
messages used.

➢ Interface: It is a way through which the message is

transferred from one layer to another layer.

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Protocol Layering and Data

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Internet protocol stack

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ISO/OSI reference model

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TCP/IP reference model

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1.7 - Protocol “Layers”

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Example of Layering: logical

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Layering: physical communication

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Chapter 1: Computer Networks and the Internet

1.1 what’s the Internet?

1.2 what’s a protocol?
1.3 network edge – end devices
1.4 network core – circuit, packet, and message switching
1.5 access networks & physical media
1.6 performance: loss, delay
1.7 protocol layers & service models
1.8 Internet backbones, NAPs, ISPs
1.9 history

Chapter 1: Introduction 86
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1.8 Internet structure: network of networks

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National Backbone Provider
e.g. BBN/GTE US backbone network

Chapter 1: Introduction 88
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1.8 Internet structure: network of networks

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

1.8 Internet structure: network of networks

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

1.8 Internet structure: network of networks

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

1.8 Internet structure: network of networks

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

1.8 Internet structure: network of networks

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

1.8 Internet structure: network of networks

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

1.8 Internet structure: network of networks

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

1.8 Internet structure: network of networks

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

1.8 Internet structure: network of networks

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Chapter 1: Computer Networks and the Internet

1.1 what’s the Internet?

1.2 what’s a protocol?
1.3 network edge – end devices
1.4 network core – circuit, packet, and message switching
1.5 access networks & physical media
1.6 performance: loss, delay
1.7 protocol layers & service models
1.8 Internet backbones, NAPs, ISPs
1.9 history

Chapter 1: Introduction 98
BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Internet History

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Internet History

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Internet History

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Chapter 1: Summary
Covered a “ton” of material!
Internet overview
what’s a protocol?
network edge, core, access network
performance: loss, delay
layering and service models
backbones, NAPs, ISPs

Chapter 1: Introduction

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus
Lab and experiments:

1. Practise net commands

2. Case study Using NS2 software

3. Practise Wireshark

4. Case study Packet tracer from Cisco .

BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

Computer Networks


BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus

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