INSET 2020 - Challenges and Best Practices (Quarter 1)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
Division of Camarines Norte
San Vicente – San Lorenzo Ruiz District




1. Learners Some of the learners need Hire additional para-teachers to

assistance in answering and doing assist the learners – 1 para-teacher
the activities/tasks in the modules. every section or at least 1 per grade
level to easily monitor their
performance and situation at home.
Some learners was not able to finish Conduct home visitation to monitor
the set of SLMs in a week that leads the learners encountered problems
to the late submission of modules. and learners progress.
2. Learning Materials / Resources Difficulty in the reproduction or The school provided additional
printing of modules. supply of bond paper thru MOOE.
* The printer needs to reset because
it already reached the maximum The teacher initiated to buy bond
number of pages that can be paper to continue the printing of
printed. SLMs.
* Some SLMs like Araling
Panlipunan have the large number
of pages to be reproduced.
Every module in Araling Talked with the parents on the
Panlipunan consist of 2-5 lessons reason/s of an specific situation
weekly which students find it hard encountered.
to accomplish on a given time.
There are no Answer Keys The teacher constructed Answer
provided in some SLMs. Keys for the SLMs.
3. Instructional Delivery / Difficulty among the teachers to Asked help with the Learning
Management assess the learners considering the Facilitators in monitoring and
competencies needed to acquire in assessing the learners most
the distance learning. especially those who lags behind.
Some of the learners’ Seek assistance from the Barangay
parents/guardians were not able to Officials to help in the delivery of
arrive on the scheduled time and the SLMs to the learners with
date of distribution because of the parents who always failed to get
distance at home, work, and some SLMs on the scheduled date.
personal matters.
4. Teachers Some teachers become sickly Attend webinars that will relax their
because of the adjustment and minds and to take a little break
multi-tasking needed for the new amidst overlapping and multi-
normal class set up. tasking or work they faced.
5. Parents / Community / LGUs Most of the parents do not have Ask the Learning Facilitators to
enough time in teaching and monitor the learners whose parents
monitoring their child/ren because was not able to teach because of
of work. work.
Some parents do not have the Conducted home visitation to
capability to teach and facilitate monitor the situation of the
learning of their child/ren. learner/s at home in order to
provide the assistance needed.
Some parents did not understand Involve and let the parents, the
the essence and purpose of the community, and the LGUs attend
implementation of the distance webinars for them to realize and
learning in the time of pandemic. understand the very purpose of
distance learning and why the
modules given to them are called
“Self-Learning Modules”. Also, for
them to feel motivated to teach and
guide their child/ren in the new
normal even after work and lessen
their worries and burden about so
many things with regards to the
education of their child/ren.
6. Logistics NONE NONE


1. SLM Printing The printing and Sometimes, the printers NONE
preparation of the SLMs did not function well that
were done earlier than the leads to paper jamming
scheduled date of and spoiling of bond
distribution. papers.
The printing of the There was a shortage on
modules were done the supply of bond papers
individually by the for the last weeks of the
teachers based on the quarter due to the large
subject they taught to number of pages of the
easily reproduce the modules in some subjects.
2. SLM Distribution A schedule for the SLMs Some of the parents did Giving of extention on the
distribution were given not come on the submission of SLMs
and announced during the scheduled time and date especially for those
parents’ orientation. of distribution because of parents who work for a
work and some personal living.
The parents were divided
into groups and given a
scheduled time on the
distribution and retrieval
of modules to avoid
overcrowding in the area.
3. Teacher Training The teachers were Some were not able to Allocate Load Allowance
interested to join and join the virtual seminars for the teachers in order to
participate on the actively because of the participate virtual
different training / poor / unstable internet seminars or webinars.
seminars conducted by access.
4. Online Learning NONE Poor / unstable internet
connections and lack of
budget to support online
learning for some of the
families in the locality.
5. Training / Orientation An orientation among the Some of the parents do
of Parents / Learning parents was done (by not attend the orientation,
Facilitators / Learning group) a week before the and sent only a
Support Aides opening of the classes. representative for
The advisers continuously Some of the parents do
updated the parents / not have cellular phones
guardians through texts, as a means of
calls, and/or chats on communication.
messenger on the
schedule of retrieval and
distribution of modules,
and other concerns.
6. Radio – Based NONE Most of the families
Instruction nowadays, does not have
radios at home in order to
use in the distance
There is a problem on the
signal reception to those
who have radios at home.
7. Video Lessons The division provided a Most of the families do
link that will let the not have the required
students visit the site gadget/s in able to access
where the video lessons in the given link.
were uploaded.
8. Health and Safety The teachers and parents Some parents forgot to
Protocols are well-informed on the wear their face masks and
health and safety follow the 1-meter social
protocols to be followed distancing. Teachers
once they entered the continuously remind the
school grounds. parents to strictly follow
the protocols.
Supplies were provided
among teachers to be used
while having on-site like
surgical and washable
face masks, face shield,
alcohol, soap, chlorine,
and other disinfectants.
Washable face masks and
toiletries kit were also
given among the learners.

Prepared by:


Master Teacher II Teacher 1

Teacher II

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