Safety & Prevention of Accidents
Safety & Prevention of Accidents
Safety & Prevention of Accidents
Prepared by Sanjoy Pondit, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Unit-I: Safety & Prevention of Accidents Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
It is a health condition or disorder, other than resulting from an injury
A fatality is a classification of a death resulting from a Work Injury or Occupational Illness,
regardless of the time intervening between injury and death.
Substandard Acts or Unsafe Act:
It’s a human error or person mistake by which there is a chance of accident or property loss.
Substandard Condition or Unsafe Conditions:
It is the condition by which there has a chance of getting accidents and property losses.
Near Miss:
A Near Miss is an Incident, which results in no injury, illness, damage, product loss or harm to the
company reputation.
Prepared by Sanjoy Pondit, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Unit-I: Safety & Prevention of Accidents Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Following are the some precautions while dealing with an electrical equipment or machine:
(i) Beware of live conductor.
(ii) In case of an electric shock, which a person is still, in contact with a live conductor which you
cannot switch off immediately, insulate yourself on a dry wood or thick paper or dry mate, before
Prepared by Sanjoy Pondit, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Unit-I: Safety & Prevention of Accidents Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
attempting to get him clear even then do not touch his body, pull his clothes if they are dry or
push him clear with a piece of dry wood.
(iii) Never temper unnecessarily any electrical gear which is live.
(iv) Always insulate yourself and switch off the main switch before replacing a blown fuse.
(v) Before switching on a current to any equipment make sure that it is correctly earthed.
(vi) In the case of an electric fire, disconnect the supply immediately and do not throw water on
live equipment.
(vii) Always maintain an earth connection in satisfactory condition as safety depends upon good
(viii) Do not open or close a main-switch without permission from authority.
Electric shocks are received by touching the metallic casing of an electrical appliance or control
equipment, machine or other devices, when the phase wire comes in contact with the metal
parts of equipment machines etc, the immediate effect of these shocks may be the heart effect
or the death depending upon the strength of current and on the path, it takes in passing to earth.
If the path of leakage current is without involving, the chest or heart, survival is possible. When
the frequency is low, the electrical shock is more severe and dangerous, and the direct current
shock is more severe. If the duration of contact is for more time, the situation becomes
dangerous. Resistance decreases with the area of contact with the live part and the contact
pressure. The accidents are nearly fatal in such situation.
Prepared by Sanjoy Pondit, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Unit-I: Safety & Prevention of Accidents Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
A. General
(i) In most of the accidents due to electric shock and collapse it is the lungs and diaphragm (the
thin sheet of muscles which lies below the lungs) that are most affected and there. is very good
chance of revival by providing immediately artificial respiration.
(ii) While providing artificial respiration, excessive and sudden pressure should be avoided so as
to avoid injury of internal organ.
(iii) In case of severe shock, respiration is seldom established under an hour while 3 to 4 hours or
more might be found necessary to restore normal breathing. It is therefore essential that in all
cases of electric shock where the condition of the patient or the patient is unconscious or not
breathing, artificial respiration should be continued until death is diagnosed by a physician or
until rigor mortis sets in.
B. Removal From Contact
(i) If a person is still in contact with the apparatus that has given him shock, switch off the electric
circuit at once. If it is not possible to switch off the circuit quickly, no time should be lost in
removing the body from contact with the live conductor.
(ii) The victim's body should not be touched with bare hands; instead rubber gloves should be
worn. However, if the rubber gloves are not available the victim should be pulled off from the
live conductor by his coat, shirt etc. if they are not wet or newspaper folded into 3 or more
thickness. Wooden rods or broom handle may also be used to raise the body or to detach it from
Prepared by Sanjoy Pondit, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Unit-I: Safety & Prevention of Accidents Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
live conductor. A good plan is to sland on dry board or stool or on few layers of thick newspaper
bundles or even dry sacking and remove the victim from the live conductor.
C. Preliminary Steps
If the patients clothes are smoldering, the sparks should first be extinguished. The doctor should
be immediately sent for and, in case the breathing is stopped immediate action should be taken.
D. Immediate Action to Recover Patient
(i) When a man has received a severe electric-shock, his breathing usually stops. In accidents of
this kind, speed may save the injured man's life. Hence, no time should be wasted in sending for
a doctor but the patient should not be neglected during this period.
(ii) The patient should not be placed in such a position which may bring pressure on the burns he
may have sustained. He should also not be exposed to cold, stimulants should not be
administered unless recommended by a doctor, cold water may be given in small quantities in
cases of electric fire or asphyxia and smelling salts may also administered in moderation.
(iii) Artificial respiration without interruption until natural breathing is restored should be
continued. Cases are on record of success after about 3 to 4 hours effort and even more.
(iv) Resuscitation should be carried on at the nearest possible place of accident. The patient
should not be removed from this place until he is found breathing normally, and then also
removed only in a lying position should be necessary due to extreme weather conditions or prone
position and placed on a hard surface or on the floor of a conveyance, resuscitation being carried
on during the time that he is being moved.
(v) A brief return of spontaneous respiration is not a certain indication for terminating the
treatment. Not infrequently the patient, after a temporary recovery of respiration, stops
breathing again. The patient should be watched and if normal breathing stops, artificial
respiration should be resumed at once.
Upon Recovery
When the patient revives, he should be kept lying down and not allowed to get up or be raised
under any circumstances without the advice of a doctor. If the doctor has not arrived by the time
the patient has revived, he should be given some stimulant, such as tea, spoonful small glass of
water or drink of hot ginger, tea or coffee. The patient should then have any other injuries
attended to and be kept warm, being placed in the most comfortable position.
The following points should be taken into consideration at time of treatment for electric shock
(i) Switching off the supply: When a person comes in contact with live conductor, switch off the
main immediately, if it is nearly. If the switch is at far of the distance, then pull the plug out, if
possible, or cut the wires with insulated pliers from the wiring circuit.
(ii) Removing the person from the contact of current: Push the person with a dry stick of wood
or pull him from the clothes, if they are dry. Remove him from the contact of current without
touching his body. If voltage is 440 volts, every attempt should be made to free the person from
Prepared by Sanjoy Pondit, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Unit-I: Safety & Prevention of Accidents Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
contact with the live wire after protecting oneself with any dry insulating material. But in case of
high voltage circuits switching off the supply is obligatory.
(iii) Removing the person from fire: If a persons cloth catches fire, torn the clothes, wrap him in
the blanket or coat and roll him on the ground to extinguish the fire.
(iv) Treating the burns: If any burns or wound occurs on the body of the operator use proper oil
or ointment on them and cover them with proper dressing. Send for a doctor.
(v) Giving artificial respiration: In most cases of electric shock, the lungs and lower chest muscles
stop working. Hence, artificial respiration becomes necessary without time delay. If the person is
not breathing immediately, start artificial respiration until the medical aid arrives.
There are several methods of applying artificial respiration. All concerned should learn these
methods. Training classes by red-cross or home-guards should be held occasionally train the
personnel charts, explaining the various method of artificial respiration and should be displayed
at suitable places. The important method of artificial respiration are:
(a) Schafer's prone pressure method.
(b) Silvester's method (Arm-Lift-Chest Pressure Method)
(c) Nielson's arm-Lift Back-Pressure Method
(d) Mouth to mouth method.
Duration of these processes should be 12 to 15 minutes when the patients begins to breath on
his own, the operation should be synchronized with the natural breathing and continued till be
breathes itself:
(a) Schafer's Prone Pressure Method
(i) Lay the patient on his belly, one arm extended directly overhead, on the other hand, the other
arm bent at elbow and with the face turned outward and resting on the second hand or fore arm,
so that the nose and mouth are free for breathing.
(ii) Kneel, straddling the patients thighs, with your knees placed at such a distance from the hip
bones as will allow you to assume position 1 shown in Fig. 1 place the plams of the hands on the
small of the back with fingers resting, on the ribs, the little finger just touching the lowest rib,
with the thumb and fingers in a natural position, and tips of fingers just out of sight.
(iii) With arms held straight, swing forward slowly so that the weight of your body is gradually
brought to bear upon the patient. The shoulder should be directly over the heel of the hand at
the end of forward swing (see position 2). Do not bend your elbows. This operation should take
about two seconds.
Note: Pressure should not be excessive and should be suited to the size and body structure of
the patient pressure should be applied gradually and not suddenly.
Now immediately swing forward backward so as to completely remove the pressure (see
positions 3).
(iv) After-2 seconds, swing forward again, thus repeat deliberately twelve to a minute the double
movement of compression and relaxation, a complete respiration fifteen times in 4 to 5 seconds.
Prepared by Sanjoy Pondit, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Unit-I: Safety & Prevention of Accidents Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
(v) As soon as this artificial respiration has been started and while it is being continued, an
assistant should be losen any tight clothing about the patient's neck, chest or waist Keep the
patient warm. Do not give any liquids whatever by mouth until the patient is fully conscious.
Prepared by Sanjoy Pondit, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Unit-I: Safety & Prevention of Accidents Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
second man may be available. If however, large thick pad is placed behind the shoulders, so that
the head lies dangling downwards the tongue does not seem to obstruct
Prepared by Sanjoy Pondit, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Unit-I: Safety & Prevention of Accidents Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Prepared by Sanjoy Pondit, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Unit-I: Safety & Prevention of Accidents Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Prepared by Sanjoy Pondit, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Unit-I: Safety & Prevention of Accidents Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
(iii) A very good earth should be provided to every equipment or machinery so that, if at all any
earth fault takes place very large momentary current should flow to earth causing melting of fuse
immediately or operation of earth fault relay.
(iv) Other material used for providing connection should also be very good quality and should not
damage either due to atmospheric conditions or due to overheating of connecting wires, and
should be resistant of fire.
(v) If at all wires are to be jointed in between, the joints should be mechanically strong or loose
may result into sparking at joint and cause an electric fire.
(vi) As far as possible the electrical installation should be free from moisture, effect of chemical
fumes, dust, dirt etc., it should not be carried out near water lines or on wet walls.
(vii) Fire fighting equipments, such as fire extinguishers, buckets filled with sand etc. should be
kept ready at all times, and one should be in position to make use of it, if at all it is required.
Prepared by Sanjoy Pondit, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Unit-I: Safety & Prevention of Accidents Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Prepared by Sanjoy Pondit, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Unit-I: Safety & Prevention of Accidents Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Hose Reels
These provide best method of fire aid fire-fighting for A-class fires. They consist of 25.4 m of
length 63 mm diameter of reinforced rubber tubing connected to a pressurized water supply with
a shut off nozzle attached to the end of the hose.
It is necessary that this type of extinguisher is maintained in the correct operating position during
use. When it is reversed from this position, the gas generated will escape through the nozzle
leaving the water in the container. This type of extinguisher is unsuitable for petrol, oil, sprit and
electrical fires. It can extinguish fire with a distance of 10 meter. (Fig. 5)
Prepared by Sanjoy Pondit, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Unit-I: Safety & Prevention of Accidents Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
It consist of container filled with carbon-tetra-chloride. When the solution of carbon tetra
chloride (CCI) is sprayed over the electric fire with compressor, then liquid carbon particles being
heavy in weight gets deposited over the effective area and cover it all around. Thus it helps to
cut the supply of oxygen and hence fire extinguisher. This type of extinguisher is used to
extinguish fire in electric cables etc. (Fig.7).
Prepared by Sanjoy Pondit, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Unit-I: Safety & Prevention of Accidents Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic
Prepared by Sanjoy Pondit, Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering, Ghatal Govt. Polytechnic