GRID CODE 2005 & 2021: Understanding and Comparison

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GRID CODE 2005 & 2021

Understanding and Comparison

Engineer Hammad Amer Hashmi
B. Sc. Electrical Engineering
MBA Finance, M. Phil Economics
What is Grid Code
Grid Code is the bible for the Operation of a transmission system which
• The Operation & Maintenance
• Dispatching & Scheduling and
• Metering & Connections

It provides the smooth and effective functioning of System Operator,

Power Generators and Distribution Companies.
Purpose of Grid Code
• To provide Unambiguous Guidelines, Rules and Procedures to all the users of Grid
• To understand and abide by the obligations and responsibilities placed upon the users
of the Grid Code.
• To cover day-to-day and long term principles, standards, procedures and guidelines
under normal and abnormal Transmission System Conditions for
• Planning
• Dispatch
• Operation
• Connection with system
Objectives of Grid Code
• To achieve the performance standard to be defined under this code
• To facilitate the efficient, coordinated, reliable, safe and economical
transmission system for electrical power
• To facilitate competition in the supply of electrical power
Sub Codes of Grid Code

Grid Code 2005 Grid Code 2021

a) Code Management a) Code Management

b) Data Registration Code b) Planning Code

c) Operation Code c) Connection Code

d) Connection Code d) Operation Code

e) Planning Code e) scheduling and Dispatch Code

f) Protection and Metering Code f) Protection and Control Code

g) scheduling and Dispatch Code g) Metering Code

h) Code Definitions h) Data Registration Code

i) Definitions
Sub-Codes Explanation
a. Code Management
Sets out general terms & conditions and procedures to be adopted by all parties in the process of
administrating, updating and amending of the Grid Code.
b. Planning Code
Deals with principles, standards, processes and procedures in order to undertake planning and
development to ensure an efficient, safe, reliable and secure economic and timely development of
transmission system to meet the system power demand
c. Connection Code
It sets out the minimum technical and operational criteria to be complied by the users connected with
the transmission system
d. Operation Code
It sets out the principles, criteria, standards, guidelines and procedures in order to be followed by the
System Operator and the Users for safe, secure and an efficient operation of the Transmission System
for real time and dealing with Normal and Abnormal circumstances
e. scheduling and Dispatch Code
It sets out the principles, criteria, processes and procedures to ensure the security constrained economic
dispatch (SCED), including the dispatch and balancing process, requirements for ancillary services and
provision of frequency control.
It also put obligations upon the users to supply certain data information to the SO in Timely manner
Sub-Codes Explanation
e. Protection and Control Code
It places the protection requirements upon the users in terms of principles, standards, design and
procedures to ensure safe, reliable, secure and effective functioning of transmission system.
It also includes the relay coordination procedures between the different entity.

f. Metering Code
It places the metering requirements upon the users in terms of principles, standards, design and
procedures to ensure accurate, reliable, secure metering among the users of transmission system.

g. Data Registration Code

It sets out a unified listing of all data required by SO from Users and by the Users from the
system operator, from time to time under the grid code

h. Definitions
Definitions provide the explanation of the special terms used in the grid codes.
Code Management
2021 2005 Remarks /Comparison
• Code Management contains provisions applicable to all the Sub-
CM-1 Introduction CM-1
codes so that these may work collectively and in harmony.
• Specify the legal and regulatory framework
Unforeseen • Specify the functions, and composition of the GCRP
CM-2 Objective
Circumstances • Procedure for any amendment to/ derogation from the Grid
CM-3 SCOPE CM-1 • CM will be applied to the code participants.
• System Operator (SO) shall be responsible for
CM-4 AND Between NTDC and
implementing and enforcing the Grid Code
THE GRID CODE • Composition of GCRP
CM-5 CM-3
REVIEW PANEL • Functions of GCRP
GRID CODE • NEPRA shall be the approving authority for the Grid Code
Ownership of Plant
AMENDMENT AND • The Grid Code shall be thoroughly reviewed and revised
CM-6 and Facilities and
DEROGATION after every 5 years or earlier as and when required
Code Management

2021 2005 Remarks /Comparison
• The SO can treat the Code Participant’s Plant and Apparatus as
CM-7 SYSTEM CONTROL CM-7 part of the Transmission System
ASSISTANCE IN • Code Participants are required to provide the SO with rights of
CM-8 Force Majure
IMPLEMENTATION access, services and facilities and complying with its instructions
• The Facilities, Plant and Apparatus used by the Code Participant
OWNERSHIP OF under an agreement with a third party shall be owned by code
CM-9 FACILITIES, PLANT AND CM-8 participant.
APPARATUS • Code Participant shall immediately communicate to SO any
changes in Plant and Apparatus
DEVELOPMENT OF • In case where the Grid Code does not specify procedures,
CM-10 STANDARD OPERATING Standard Operating Procedures shall be developed by the
PROCEDURES SO, in consultation with Code Participants
• All operational communications shall be through Control
• All non-operational communications (data information
and notices) shall be in writing
Code Management
2021 2005 Remarks/ Comparison
• The SO shall establish, operate and maintain a website
• It shall provide necessary information about the
INFORMATION Transmission System status
CM-12 CM-10
DISSEMINATION • It shall include daily demand and generation status at
• Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
PRESERVATION OF • For the agreements that were executed prior to Grid
CM-13 CONTRACTS PRIOR TO CM-12 Code coming into force, conditions contained in this
ENACTMENT OF NEPRA ACT Grid Code shall be applicable.
• In the event of any conflict between the provisions of
CM-14 HIERARCHY the Grid Code and any contract, agreement, the
provisions of the Grid Code shall prevail.
• Non-compliance of any of the provisions of this Grid
Code by the SO or any of the Code participants shall
be subject to penalties as per NEPRA Fees & Fines
Code Management

2021 2005 Remarks/ Comparison
INDEMNITY TO • Code Participant shall keep the SO indemnified at all times
CM-16 CM-11
• Role of Consultation by SO.
CM-17 - • The SO shall refer all such unforeseen circumstances, and any such
determination, to the GCRP as appropriate for consideration.
• Relaxation for SO/Code Participant in compliance of Grid Code in case
of Force Majeure.
CM-18 FORCE MAJEURE CM-8 • Defaulting party will notify to NEPRA & other concerned party
• Mere economic hardship/Act of negligence or wrongdoings shall not
be considered Force Majeure.
• If any provision of the Grid Code is ruled to be illegal or partially
invalid by any applicable court of law for any reason, the legality and
validity of all the remaining provisions of the Grid Code shall remain
Code Management

2021 2005 Remarks/ Comparison
UNRESOLVED • In case a Code Participant is not clear about any particular provision
MATTERS AND of the Grid Code, that Code Participant may seek interpretation on
CM-20 -
GRID CODE that provision from the SO, OR GCRP if not satisfied or NEPRA if not
Code Participant seeking new or modification of their existing
CM-21 MISCELLANEOUS CM-5 connections with the transmission system, shall seek Derogation from
NEPRA through GCRP
Where applicable all data items shall refer to nominal voltage and
CM-22 Data and Notices -
Specific Definitions, Mandatory Provision, Plural or Gender, Person or
entity etc.
Planning Code

2021 2005 Remarks/ Comparison

• Objective of Planning Code

• Scope of Planning Code
• Responsibilities of SO
• Connection Studies
Types of System Planning Data
PC-3 PLANNING DATA PC-5 i. Standard Planning Data
ii. Project Planning Data
Forecast and • Integrated System Planning Flowchart
PC-4 INTEGRATED SYSTEM PLAN Generation • Integrated System Planning Cycle
Expansion Plan
• Planning Studies and Horizons
PLANNING STANDARDS AND • Transmission Planning Criteria
PC-5 PC-2
Connection Code

2021 2005 Remarks/ Comparison
CC-1 INTRODUCTION CC-1 Objective ; Scope
Principles of Connection Process :
Connection Process
CC-2 CONNECTION PROCESS Purpose and Aim Information Required for Intention Application
Information Required for Formal Application
More Clarity in Process
Shall be defined in Connection Agreement or Tee
Clamp of dropper from Gantry Span
All User Plant and Apparatus shall comply with the
Establishment or
Grid Code, applicable standards and specifications
of the NGC.

Connection Code discusses technical standards for

SYSTEM PERFORMANCE Disconnection and provision of connection.
PARAMETERS Reconnection Transmission System Voltages
Frequency Withstand Capabilities
Connection Code
2021 2005 Remarks/ Comparison

SPECIFIC The Users’ Plant and Apparatus should be designed to be

Data capable of sustained operation within a range of
Requirements Transmission System conditions.
Service and Every User shall design protection and control system of its
CC-7 Network Design facility in accordance with the Protection and Control Code.
User shall comply with Power Quality requirements of
Power Factor, Harmonic Distortion, Voltage Unbalance,
Voltage Fluctuation, Flicker Severity and Rapid Voltage
Changes at 132kV voltage level and below
User shall install, modify, upgrade and integrate SCADA and
SCADA AND the associated communication system within its facility and
CC-9 COMMUNICATION - up to the designated control Center.
SYSTEM User shall provide SCADA integration readiness certificate to
SO for consent/ approval before energizing its facility.
Connection Code
2021 2005 Remarks/ Comparison
User shall submit nomenclature of its new Plant and Apparatus for
Plant and Apparatus
CC-10 - review and approval of the SO before Testing and Commissioning of
the User Facility
ANCILLARY User(s) shall provide ancillary services to the Transmission System as
CC-11 per the requirement of the SO. List of Ancillary Services
User shall perform Testing and Commissioning in accordance with
CC-12 technical standards and provisions of the Grid Code and/or relevant
Agreement(s), witnessed jointly by SO, NGC and relevant TNO.
User shall provide 400 / 230 V ac power supply at its Plant and
Apparatus through:
CC-13 POWER SUPPLIES (a) an auxiliary; and
(b) a standby Plant and Apparatus capable of supplying for minimum
ten (10) hours.
Connection Code

2021 2005 Remarks/ Comparison
User shall ensure safety of personnel and equipment during
construction, Testing and Commissioning of Plant and Apparatus as per
Prudent Utility Practices and NEPRA Power Safety Code.
Operation Code

2021 2005 Remarks/ Comparison
The Operation Code (OC) specifies the technical and operating criteria,
OC-1 OC-1 and procedures to be followed by the System Operator (SO) and Code
Participants in the operation of the National Grid.
• Pre-Operational Phase (Year 1 and Year 2)
OPERATIONAL • Operational Phase, (3-Month ahead of the Schedule Day)
OC-2 DEMAND OC-2 • Control Phase, (day ahead of the Schedule Day and real-time
FORECASTS operation)
• Post Control Phase (the day following the Schedule Day)
DEMAND Defines the principles for demand management to be exercised on the
OC-3 OC-3
The mechanisms by which proper planning and coordination of
OPERATIONAL maintenance activities among the Transmission Network Operators,
OC-4 OC-4
PLANNING Generators, DISCOs, BPCs and Interconnectors is achieved are formalized
in this Operational Planning Code (OC4).
Operation Code
2021 2005 Remarks/ Comparison
• Frequency Control;
SYSTEM • Operating Reserve;
OC-5 Operating
SERVICES • Voltage/Reactive Power Control; and
• Black Start
All Transmission connected facilities/Apparatus shall be under the
control of SO.
NETWORK Operationa
OC-6 Any switching operation or Control Action carried out without prior
CONTROL l Liaison
instructions/authorization of SO shall be deemed as non-compliance
and dealt as per NEPRA Rules.
HVDC User-specific details regarding connection, design, operation,
OPERATION performance and communication with HVDC systems shall be as per
OC-7 Informatio
and relevant Agreement(s) and Standard Operating Principles, agreed with
n Exchange
OC.8 sets out the requirements for the exchange of information
OPERATIONAL relating to Operations, Events and Significant Incidents on the
OC-8 OC-6
LIAISON Transmission System that may have, or have had, an Operational Effect
on the Transmission System or systems of other Users
Operation Code
2021 2005 Remarks/ Comparison
OPERATIONAL This OC specifies the details of the communication facilities required
COMMUNICATIO between the SO and Users and also establishes the procedures to be
OC-9 OC-7
N AND DATA used by the SO and Users to ensure timely
RETENTION exchange of information.
OC.10 deals with the responsibilities and procedures for arranging and
OC-10 OC-11 carrying out Operational Tests which may have an effect on the
Transmission System or the system of any User
Periodic Monitoring by SO Testing is required by the SO to validate and
verify performance of the Users.
The primary objectives of OC.11 are to establish procedures for verifying
that Users are operating within their design, operating and connection
requirements, as specified in the Grid Code, Connection Agreements,
Ancillary Services Agreements or any other Agreements.
The objective of OC.12is to ensure that in the event of a Partial Shutdown
SYSTEM or Total Shutdown of the Transmission System, normal supply is restored
OC-12 OC-8
RECOVERY to all Customers as quickly and as safely as practicable in accordance with
Prudent Utility Practice. This objective can be subdivided
Operation Code

2021 2005 Remarks/ Comparison
The objective of OC13 is to ensure that the Users and their respective
subcontractors operate in accordance with approved safety rules, which
WORK ensure the safety of personnel working on or in close proximity to
OC-13 OC-9
SAFETY Transmission System, Plant and Apparatus, or personnel who may have to
work at or use the equipment at the interface between the Transmission
System and the User's System.
Scheduling and Dispatch Code

2021 2005 Remarks/ Comparison
Unit Commitment, Scheduling & Dispatch;
Objectives of IOS ;
Publication of IOS
Scheduling Process – NIOM
CONTROL SCHEDULING Objective of Dispatch and Control Code
Methods of frequency control, Protection
scheme settings for frequency control
Protection and Control Code

2021 2005 Remarks/ Comparison
This sub-code (PCC) specifies the requirements that are to be
complied with by the Users to ensure System’s Security,
PCC-1 INTRODUCTION Reliability, and Stability of the National Grid by using necessary
and appropriate Protection Schemes at their facilities, especially
at the Connection Point.
(a) Bus-Bars
(b) Transmission lines
(c) Transformers
(d) Generators
(e) Shunt Reactor
(f) Circuit Breakers
(g) Grid Station auxiliary systems
(h) Interconnectors
GENERATING Protection System shall be designed to provide adequate
PCC-3 UNIT PMC-3 protection of the Generating Unit and its substation/switchyard
Protection and Control Code
2021 2005 Control Remarks/ Comparison
USERS • fault clearance period
SUBSTATION/SWITC • Back-up protection
HYARD PROTECTION • Breaker fail protection shall be provided between the
PCC-4 FOR CONNECTION User's substation/ switchyard and the Transmission
WITH System
TRANSMISSION • Facilities Interconnection between new User and
SYSTEM existing User, responsibilities of new and existing users
• Relay settings’ review and approval by NGC.
• Relay coordination shall be checked and updated each
PCC-5 PMC-2.2 time the system characteristics are substantially
• state-of-the-art relay-coordination software
• C.B, Disconnecting Switches for C.B and Transformers,
PCC-6 _ Earthing Switches to be provided.
• SO’s Compatible SCADA System to be installed.
INSPECTION AND The facility shall be witnessed and inspected jointly by SO,
Metering Code
2021 2005 Remarks/ Comparison
Metering Code sets out the rights, responsibilities and obligations
of entities. Obligations of Entities
MC-2 SCOPE - Scope of Metering Code
a) Energy meters along with meter communication devices;
b) Instrument transformers;
MC-3 METERING SYSTEM c) Secondary circuits of Instrument Transformers including
interconnecting cables; wires, metering cabinets and
associated devices.
Applicable Standards
METERING SYSTEM Characteristics of Energy Meters
MC-4 PERFORMANCE Instrument Transformers
Meter Communication Devices
Metering Code
2021 2005 Remarks/ Comparison
ADVANCED METERING • Parameters for Advanced Metering Infrastructure
(AMI) • Dispute in Metering Data
• MSP shall be responsible for testing of Metering System
• MSP shall conduct commissioning tests of the Primary and
MC-6 PMC 2.1
TESTING • User shall be responsible for conducting commissioning
tests of the dedicated metering CTs/VTs in the presence of
authorized representatives of the stakeholders.
• MSP shall have the right to enter premises of the relevant
MC-7 PMC 2.1 User for the purpose of installing, checking, testing and
maintaining of Metering System.
Data Registration Code
2021 2005 Remarks
Listing of all data required by the System Operator from Users.
The data is specified in each sub-code of the Grid Code.
The specific procedures and timelines for the submission of DRC
data are specified in the respective sub-codes.
DRC-2 SCOPE DRC-1 Scope of DRC
DRC-3 DRC-2 Categories for Data Registration
DRC 4.1 Responsibility for Data Submission
DRC 4.2 Methods of submitting data
DRC-4 DRC-3 DRC 4.3 Changes to Users Data
DRC 4.4 Data not supplied
DRC 4.5 Confidentiality obligation

Question Answer if Any?

Functions of GCRP
a) To keep the Grid Code and its workings under constant review;
b) To make recommendations to NEPRA for approval,
c) To Review all requests for Amendments to the Grid Code
d) To Make recommendations to NEPRA for approval of any amendment
e) To Evaluation of any request by any Code Participant seeking for Derogation
from any provision(s) of the Grid Code
f) To publish all the approved Amendments on NEPRA website and incorporate
these in the Grid Code,
g) To issue interpretation on any provision(s) of the Grid Code,
h) To resolve any dispute between the SO and any Code Participant
i) To consider any modification(s) which may be necessary to the Grid Code, arising
out of any unforeseen circumstances and Force Majeure
Objectives of Planning Code

• To specify the responsibilities of the SO and TNOs in the planning and

development of the National Grid
• To specify the planning data requirements from the Users seeking new
Connection or a modification in their existing Connection to the
Transmission System
• To specify the planning standards, procedures and technical studies that
shall ensure the safety, security, reliability, and stability of the National

• The sub-code applies to the SO and following Users:

• Transmission Network Operators (TNO)s

• Generators connected to the Transmission System

• Bulk Power Consumers connected to the Transmission System

• Interconnectors
Responsibilities of SO

• Preparation of Global Demand Forecast

• Consolidate area Demand Forecasts to prepare Spatial Demand Forecast

• Annual preparation of 10 year IGCEP

• Review of 10 year TSEP submitted by NGC annually

• Annual submission of IGCEP + TSEP to Authority by 31st June

• Preparation of Long-term Transmission Plan (LTP)

• Performance of the required system studies for incorporating new facilities into
National Grid

• Preparation of Annual System Reliability Assessment and Improvement Report

(ASRAIR), in coordination with TNOs if required, for submission to Authority
Responsibilities of TNOs

• Preparation of Area Demand Forecasts and submit to SO.

• Preparation of transmission expansion plans for their respective territories

• Annual preparation of 5 year TIPs and submission to Authority for Approval

• NGC shall prepare TSEP in coordination with other TNOs

• Connection studies for demand users

• Conduct Facility Assessment Studies for all User Development

System Planning Data

1. Standard Planning Data

2. Project Planning Data

i. Preliminary Data

ii. Committed Data

iii. Registered Data

Standard Planning Data

• Data required from the existing User at regular intervals (annually) related to their
respective Connection Sites

• To be submitted to the SO/NGC by 30th November each year and shall cover 10
succeeding years

• Standard Planning Data will be used for:

• Preparation of Spatial and Global Demand Forecast

• Preparation of IGCEP

• Preparation of TSEP

• Preparation of Long-term Transmission Plan

Project Planning Data

• Project Planning Data is the data provided by a new or existing User, applying for any
User Development to the involved TNO for the evaluation of its connection

• Data related to the development of Generators shall be shared by the involved TNO
to the SO

• Data related to the Demand Users shall be processed by the involved TNO

• Further categorized into the following three sub-categories

i. Preliminary Data

ii. Committed Data

iii. Registered Data

Next Slide
Project Planning Data
i. Preliminary Data
• At the time the User applies for a Connection (Intent Application),
• This data will be treated as confidential

ii. Committed Data

• Once the “Offer to Connect” has been formally accepted by the prospective User, the
data relating to the User Development, will become Committed Data.
• Now the data will not be treated as confidential to the extent SO is obliged to use

iii. Registered Data

• As soon as is practical, and not later than a date which is the earlier of 18 months prior to
the firm Connection Date or six months after the signing of the Connection Agreement,
all data requirements, not previously required by the SO/TNOs and/or supplied by the
User, will be submitted by the User to the SO/TNOs.
• This will include confirming estimated values/parameters assumed for planning purposes
• The data submitted at this stage will become Registered Data,
Next Slide
Project Planning Data

• Project Planning Data is the data provided by a new or existing User, applying for any
User Development to the involved TNO for the evaluation of its connection

• Data related to the development of Generators shall be shared by the involved TNO
to the SO

• Data related to the Demand Users shall be processed by the involved TNO

• Further categorized into the following three sub-categories

i. Preliminary Data

ii. Committed Data

iii. Registered Data

Integrated System Planning
Connection Studies
Feasibility Study
(Load Flow)

Formal System Impact Assessment
Application (Load Flow, Short Circuit & Transient
Evaluation Stability)

Facility Assessment
Planning Studies and Their Horizons

Sr. No. Planning Study Horizon

1 Global Demand Forecasting 20 Years

2 Spatial Demand Forecasting 10 Years

3 Indicative Generation Capacity Expansion Plan 15 Years

4 Long-term Transmission Plan 15 Years

5 Transmission System Expansion Plan Minimum 5 Years

6 Investment Plan Minimum 3 Years

Transmission Planning Criteria and Standards
• Connection Studies
• Contingencies
• N-1; N-1-1; N-2; N-M; Less Probable High Impact.
• Performance Requirements
• Loading and ASRAIR
• Voltage Limits
• Voltage Step
• Frequency Ranges
• Short Circuit Levels
• Transient Stability
• Power Factor
Objectives of Connection Code
The key objectives of the Connection Code are:

a. To provide a set of fair and non-discriminatory open access basic rules and standards for
accessing and using the Transmission System

b. To provide the minimum performance standards according to which the SO and TNOs will
operate the Transmission System under normal and contingency operating conditions, which
the connection must not negatively impact; and

c. To provide minimum design and performance requirements for Users Plant and Apparatus
when Connected with the Transmission System.

This sub-code applies to the SO and the following Users:

a. Transmission Network Operators (TNOs);

b. Generators connected to the Transmission System;

c. Bulk Power Consumers connected to the Transmission System; and

d. Interconnectors.
Principles For Connection

• Users will be able to assess opportunities for connecting to, and using, the Transmission
System that are most suited to a new, or modification of an existing, Connection(s) through
the IGCEP and TSEP by the SO or directly request a connection application solicitation to
the involved TNO.

• Principles for Connection

a. All Users shall have a fair and equal opportunity to get a new, or modification of an
existing, Connection with the Transmission System and benefit from the services
provided by the TNO(s) and the SO; and

b. The SO shall provide a fair and non-discriminatory treatment to all Users when setting
the terms and conditions for new, or modification of an existing, Connection with the
Transmission System.
Connection Process

Both Generator and Demand Users, seeking a new connection directly with
the T/S or modification in its existing connection with the T/S, shall submit
the Intention Application to the involved TNO (s).


Intention Application Evaluation of Demand User shall be carried out by the

Intention involved TNO with the concurrence of SO. Intention Application Evaluation
TNO Application SO of Generator shall be carried out by the SO


User shall submit the Formal Application along with requisite data as specified
Formal to the involved TNO(s)
Formal Connection Process (Contd.)


Formal Formal Application evaluation of Demand User shall be carried

TNO Application SO out by the involved TNO(s)
Evaluation Formal application evaluation of Generator shall be carried out
by the SO and TNO coordination with SO


TNO Application SO
User TNO shall issue “Offer to Connect” to the User.

Connection Process- DC (Distribution Voltage)



Preliminary Submit
Application Intention
Evaluation Application

Invitation for Additional
Formal Information

Offer to Connect
Connection Process- DC (Contd.)

Offer to Connect

Negotiation Negotiation


Make Connection
Intention Application for Connection/Modification

• For the purpose of User Development, the User shall file an application to the involved
TNO(s) along with the requisite documents, by paying the admissible application processing
fees, and providing the Project Planning Data as per requirement specified in the Planning
Code, and the following information:

a. The type of facilities it intends to establish (generation, distribution, loads, etc.);

b. Magnitude of generation capability and/or Load demand/profile for the facility;

c. Proposed location(s) of the Connection Point(s); and

d. Tentative date by which the connection is sought.

Formal Application for a New, or Modification of an Existing Connection

The Formal Application package shall include the following:

a. Project Planning Data as per requirement of the Planning Code;

b. Preliminary design of the User Facility that the applicant intends to install;

c. Expected Connection date;

d. Information required as per the CC annexes of this Connection Code;

e. Any other information/data as deemed necessary by the SO and/or the TNO for the
purpose of evaluation; and

f. Application processing fees, if any.

Transmission System Voltages Limits
Frequency Withstand Capabilities

• The Power System Frequency is nominally 50 Hz but could rise to 53.0 Hz or fall to 47.0 Hz
in exceptional circumstances. Design of User Plant and Apparatus shall ensure stable
operation of their facility within that range in accordance with the following table

Frequency Requirement
47.0 Hz - 47.5 Hz At least 20 seconds

47.5 Hz – 48.0 Hz At least 15 minutes

48.0 Hz - 49.0 Hz At least 90 minutes

Nominal 49.0 Hz – 51.0 Hz Continuous operation
51.0 Hz - 51.5 Hz At least 90 minutes

51.5 Hz – 52 Hz At least 15 minutes

52.0 Hz – 53.0 Hz At least 20 Seconds
Protection And Control System

• Protection and control system of the User facility may include but not limited to the

• Over current protection; • Over/under-voltage protection;

• Distance protection; • Over/under-frequency protection;
• Differential protection; • High speed automatic reclosing (HSAR);
• Impedance protection; • Breaker failure protection;
• Load unbalance (negative sequence)
• Any special protection scheme (SPS) or
remedial action schemes (RAS); and
• Out of step protection;
• Reverse power protection.
• Loss of excitation protection;
Ancillary Services

• User(s) shall install such Plant and Apparatus in its Facility to provide ancillary services as per
system operational requirement, as determined by SO:

• Voltage/Reactive Power support; • Secondary Frequency Response normally

taken through Automatic Generation
• Primary Frequency control;
Control (AGC), Load/Frequency
• Frequency response from ESU; Control (LFC), etc.;

• Synthetic Inertia; • Reactive Power support from

Synchronous Condenser or FACTs
• Demand Response; devices or switched shunt capacitors.
• Black Start Capability;

• Hot Standby;
Unit Commitment, Scheduling and Dispatch

• The process of continuously adjusting the output of power plants to meet electricity
demand is known as dispatch of power plants.

• Availability notice by generators • Scheduled Plants instructed
to run
• Forecast of VREs • Dispatch Schedule • At particular time on specific
• Demand Forecast • Reserves Schedule load

Real Time

• The dispatch decision is driven primarily by economic factors, but other types of
operational considerations such as ramp rates and minimum run times are also
considered in the dispatch decision
Unit Commitment, Scheduling and Dispatch

Load Profile (June 02, 2021)




19,000 19,130



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Objective of Indicative Operations Schedule

Preparation of the day ahead "Indicative Operations Schedule" to:

• maintain sufficient Scheduled Generation and Demand Management capacity to meet total
Demand on the System at all times together with adequate Operating Reserves;

• ensure the Integrity, Security and Quality of Supply in National Grid;

• minimize system operating cost on principles of Optimal Power Flow;

• publish the Indicative Operations Schedule as provided for in this SDC1;

• comply with the applicable environmental regulations; and

• keep a set of potential Special Actions, to deal with any credible contingency on the
Transmission System.
Scheduling Process

• The SO to develop an Indicative Operations Schedule (IOS) a day-ahead of the

Schedule Day.

• This process will be phased and iterative to allow appropriate interactions of the
SO with Generators and other Users to match Supply with Demand in the

• The Schedule Day shall begin at 00:00 hours on the Schedule Day and shall last
for 24 hours until 00:00 hours on the next Schedule Day.

• The Users must submit the requisite data and information to the SO as detailed
in this code to allow it to prepare the IOS.
Scheduling Process - Availability Notice

• By 1000 hours each day, each User shall notify the SO by means of an
Availability Notice its Availability, Available Transfer Capability or Demand
Response Capability (as may be the case) for each of its:

• CDGUs;
• Energy Storage Units (for their generation or demand);
• Interconnectors;
• Demand Side Units; or
• Small/Embedded generators whether represented through an Aggregator or some other
arrangement (if required by the SO).
Scheduling Process - Availability Notice
• Thermal Generators: Availability at the ambient site conditions, fuel.

• Hydro Generators: Capability of each Unit in MW adjusted with respect to the

inflow and head of its pond or reservoir (if applicable)

• Interconnectors: Available Transfer Capability of the Interconnector

• VREs: By 1200 hrs, a forecast of the expected Generation of its plant on

hourly resolution (or a finer resolution if so notified by the SO)

• Demand Participants: Demand Side Unit MW Availability and the Demand

Unit MW Response Time (or any other parameter as may be specified by the
Scheduling Process - Revisions

• Availability Notice

• Technical Parameters

• Default Availability
Scheduling Process – Preparation of IOS

• Each day by 1700 hours, the SO shall develop, a day ahead IOS on hourly
resolution (or a finer time resolution, if considered necessary and notified by the
SO in future) for the next Schedule Day using the last valid set of Technical
Parameters for the Users as applicable.

• In compiling the IOS, the System Operator shall take account of the following
Forecasted Demand and its geographical distribution; Declared MW capabilities of Generators;
Variable operating cost of each Generating Unit; The Start-up cost of each CDGU; In respect
of CDGUs, the values of their registered Technical Parameters; Generating Unit/Station
Outages; Transmission Network Outages; The need to provide the required Operating Reserve
by using the various categories of Reserve as specified in OC5; Voltage Control and MVAR
reactive reserves requirements; System Stability considerations; Transmission System losses;
Transmission System operating constraints from time to time; etc…
Scheduling Process – Publication of IOS

• By 1700 hrs each day, the IOS will be published for the following Schedule Day

• The IOS is intended to provide a guide to the expected output requirements

from Users and shall not be construed as Dispatch Instructions or orders by

• The information contained in the IOS will indicate, where appropriate, on an

individual Generator, Energy Storage Unit, Demand Side Unit, and/or
Interconnector basis, the period and MW output (at the Connection
Point/Delivery Point) for which it is Scheduled.
Scheduling Process – NIOM

Notice of Inadequate Operating Margin (NIOM)

• The SO will monitor the output data of the IOS against forecast Demand to see whether the
anticipated level of the Operating Reserve for any period is insufficient.

• Where this level for any period is anticipated to be insufficient, the SO will indicate through a
Notification of Inadequate Operating Margin (NIOM)

• The monitoring by the SO will be regular and revised NIOMs may be sent out from time to

• NIOM will reflect any Demand Control which has also been so notified.

• They will also reflect generally any changes in the forecast Demand and the relevant Operating
Scheduling and Dispatch Code – 2


• The objectives of SDC2 are to establish the process, guidelines and procedures:

• to issue Dispatch Instructions by the SO to Generators, ESUs in respect of their supply or

demand, Demand Side Unit, and/or Interconnector; and

• to enable (as far as practicable), the SO to match Supply and Demand in real time while
maintaining adequate Operating Reserves to ensure the Reliability, Security, and Safety of the
Transmission System.
Scheduling and Dispatch Code – 2

• Dispatch Instructions, Target Frequency

• Synchronizing and De-Synchronizing Instructions

• Dispatch instructions for active and reactive power

• Additional Dispatch Instructions: Reserve, System (Ancillary) Services,

Secondary Control Mode, Testing or Monitoring, Fuel.

• Dispatch Instruction to DSUs

• Instructions to be issued at designated control center and designated persons

Rights and Obligations of Entities

Metering Code sets out the rights, responsibilities and obligations of entities with respect to:

a) measurement and recording of electricity quantities i.e. energy and power;

b) provision, installation, commissioning, maintenance, repair, replacement, inspection, testing
and audit of revenue Metering Systems; and
c) provision, verification, communication, security and accuracy of Metering Data for
purposes of billing and settlement.
Scope of Metering Code

This sub-code applies to the SO and the following Users:

a. Transmission Network Operators (TNOs);

b. Generators connected to the Transmission System;

c. Bulk Power Consumers connected to the Transmission System; and

d. Interconnectors.
Applicable Standards
The components of Metering Systems must comply with the latest
applicable standards (international and national) including but not limited
to the following:
a) IEC 62052 and IEC 62053– static meters for active and reactive energy
b) IEC 61869-Instrument Transformers - General and additional
c) IEC 61107 – Standard for electricity Metering Data exchange
d) IEC 62056 – Standards for electricity Metering Data exchange (DLMS,
e) NGC specifications for Metering System
Characteristics of Energy Meters
In addition to compliance with the relevant standards as mentioned in MC
4.1, the Primary and Backup Meters shall have the following minimum
a) Bidirectional, 4-Quadrant electronic, digital, with 3-Phase 4-wire meter
connection configuration with accuracy class as defined in MC 4.6.
b) Meter shall be rated for
i. Reference voltage (phase-phase) = 100-110V
ii. Reference frequency = 50Hz
iii. A current with selectable option for 1A or 5A
iv. Short-time over-current shall be 20 times Imax for 0.5s
v. Impulse voltage withstand level = 8kV
vi. Power frequency withstand level = 4kV
Characteristics of Energy Meters (Cont.)
c) Meters shall be capable of measuring and recording time stamped
Load Profile.
i. incremental or cumulative energy (active & reactive) @ 30 mins
interval for 70 days
i. instantaneous values @ 5 mints interval for period of 10 days;
ii. last interval average values @ 30 mints interval for a period of 70
d) The meter must have the capability of recording active and reactive
power, and energy for defined billing period. The meter-billing period
may be programmable and shall automatically store the accumulated
registers and increment the reset counter for the next billing period.
Characteristics of Energy Meters (Cont.)
e) Meter shall store all Energy and MDI registers for at least 15 previous
billing intervals.
f) Multiplier corresponding to the combination of CT and VT ratios may
be programmable in the meter and any manual meter multiplying
factor shall be avoided.
g) Meters shall have internal time clock for time and date stamping of
Metering Data. Time clock must be capable of synchronization to
Meter Data Management (MDM) server that will be according to the
Pakistan Standard Time.
h) Meters shall support Maximum Demand measurement over
programmable fixed intervals.
Characteristics of Energy Meters (Cont.)
i) Meters should have capability for remote meter reading by Advanced
Metering Infrastructure (AMI) and/or by SCADA and
communication/integration with the central Meter Data Management
(MDM) Server of MSP.
j) Primary and Backup Meters shall be subject to all the type and special
tests as required in relevant IEC standards. Further, the meter shall be
factory calibrated and shall be suitably sealed before dispatch.
Instrument Transformers’ Characteristics

In addition to compliance with the relevant standards, the Primary and

Backup Instrument Transformers shall have the following minimum
(a) The primary dedicated metering CT, VT and cables connected to
Primary Meters shall be dedicated for metering purposes only and shall not
be shared with any other system.
(b) The backup dedicated metering CT, VT and cables connected to
Backup Meters shall be dedicated for metering purposes.
Meters and Instruments Class Accuracy

Equipment Accuracy Class

Current Transformers 0.2s
Voltage Transformers 0.2
Active Energy 0.2S
Meters Reactive
Energy 0.5s
Meter Communication Devices (Modules/Modems)

➢Separate communication modems for Primary & Backup Meters shall

be made available to ensure online availability and redundancy of
Metering Data via appropriate channel e.g.
GSM/4G/VSAT/OPGW/SCADA/PLC to Meter Data Management
(MDM) Server of MSP and then onwards communication to the Market
Operator and to SO (if required).
➢The communication between the Meters and MDM Server of MSP shall
be isolated from other network communications to ensure network
Parameters for Advance metering Infrastructure
a) Active energy import and export registers
b) Reactive energy import and export registers
c) Active import and export billing maximum demand registers (with date time)
d) Reactive import and export billing maximum demand registers (with date time)
e) 30 minutes (or less-than)timestamped Load Profile data for channels including:
i. Active Energy Import
ii. Active Energy Export
iii. Reactive Energy Import
iv. Reactive Energy Export
v. Power Factor each phase
vi. Voltage each phase
vii. Current each phase
f) Meter Local Time
g) MDI reset counter
h) Meter Event Log
SOPs of MSP for AMI
MSP shall formulate Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for operation
and maintenance of the AMI System to achieve uninterrupted and
complete meter data retrieval. MSP SOPs shall also cover the following:
a. Meter Data Reading either remotely by MDM, by locally attached
device or by hand-held data collection device as required.
b. Meter Data Validation, Estimation & Editing (VEE)
c. Time keeping of Meters
d. Meter Display Parameters
e. Sign conventions
Dispute in Metering Data
➢MSP shall resolve errors/omissions in Metering Data (as a result of
metering system error or malfunction) in agreement with the concerned
User(s). Once the agreement is reached, the adjusted/corrected Metering
Data shall be reported to MO, as appropriate.
➢In case MSP and the relevant User(s) do not reach an agreement, the
Dispute Resolution Procedure as provided for in the Commercial Code
shall be followed.
Scope of Data Registration Code
This sub-code is applicable to the following Users:
a) System Operator;
b) Transmission Network Operators (NGC, PGCs, RGCs, SPTLs, DISCOs, etc.);
c) Transmission-connected Generators;
d) Transmission-connected Consumers;
e) Interconnectors (both AC & HVDC);
f) Energy Storage Units;
g) Demand Side Units (DISCOs, Suppliers, BPCs);
h) Meter Service Provider (MSP);
i) Distribution Network Operators (DNO)
j) Market Operator (MO);
k) Small/Embedded generators whether represented through some Aggregators or any other
arrangement (if required by SO); and
l) Third parties contracted by any User.
➢Planning Code (PC) Data list mentioned in Schedule I
➢Connection Code (CC) Data list mentioned in Schedule II
➢Operation Code (OC) Data list mentioned in Schedule III
➢Scheduling and Dispatch Code (SDC) Data list mentioned in Schedule
➢Metering Code (MC) Data list mentioned in Schedule V

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