Cabansag v. Fernandez Ref./Date/ Pn. G.R. No. L8974 October 18, 1957

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Cabansag v.

Ref./Date/ Pn.
G.R. No. L8974 October 18, 1957

Law/ Subject:
CONSTI II / Freedom of Expression
Case Aid:
Petitioner wrote a letter to PCAC – not indirect contempt


This is a contempt proceeding which arose in Civil Case No. 9564 of the Court of First Instance
of Pangasinan wherein Apolonio Cabansag and his lawyers Roberto V. Merrera were found
guilty and sentenced the first to pay a fine of P20 and
the last two P50 each with the warning that a repetition of the of offense will next time be heavily
dealt with. Cabansag wrote a letter to the Presidential Complaints and Action Commission
seeking for the fast resolution of his case pending at the CFI of Pangasinan. Fernandez prayed
that Cabansag be declared in contempt of court for a line in his letter.
Petitioner (Apolonio Cabansag) sought for the ejectment of Geminiana Fernandez from a parcel
of land who, on the other end, filed their answer and a motion to dismiss. Even though
pleadings were submitted, the hearings were suspended several times from 1947 to 1952.
Upon President Magsaysay’s assumption in office and creation of Presidential Complaints and
Action Commission (PCAC), Cabansag wrote the PCAC, a letter copy which he furnished the
Secretary of Justice and the Executive Judge of the CFI of Pangasinan. He claimed that the
case which had been long been pending be decided already. The Secretary of
Justice indorsed the said letter to the Clerk of CFI Pangasinan.
Counsel for defendants (Atty. Manuel Fernandez) filed a motion before Judge Morfe praying
that Cabansag be declared in contempt of court for an alleged scurrilous remark he made in his
letter to the PCAC: x x x “The undersigned has long since been deprived of his land
thru the careful maneuvers of a tactical lawyer. The said case which had long been
pending could not be decided due to the fact that the transcript of the records has not, as yet,
been transcribed by the stenographers who took the stenographic notes. The new Judges could
not proceed to hear the case before the transcription of the said notes. The stenographers who
took the notes are now assigned in another courts. It seems that the
undersigned will be deprived indefinitely of his right of possession over the land he owns. He
has no other recourse than to ask the help of the ever willing PCAC to help him solve his
predicament at an early date.”


WON petitioner should be liable for indirect contempt.

NO. Wherefore, the decision appealed from is reversed, without pronouncement as to costs.


The very idea of a government, republican in form, implies a right on the part of its citizens to
meet peaceably for
consultation in respect affairs and to petition for a redress of grievances. The First Amendments
of the Federal expressly guarantees that right against abridgment by Congress. But mention
does not argue exclusion elsewhere. For the right is one
that cannot be denied without violating those fundamental principles of liberty and justice which
lie at the base of all civil and political institutions principles which the Amendment embodies in
the general terms of its due process clause.
The freedom of the press in itself presupposes an independent judiciary through which that
freedom may, if necessary, be vindicated. And one of the potent means of assuring judges their
independence is a free press. Two theoretical formulas had been devised in the determination
of conflicting rights of similar import in an attempt to draw the proper constitutional boundary
between freedom of expression and the independence of the judiciary. These are
“the clear and present danger” rule and the “dangerous tendency” rule.
The first as interpreted in a number of cases, means that the evil consequence of the comment
or utterance must be “extremely serious and the degree of imminence extremely high” before
the utterance can be punished. The danger to be guarded against is the “substantive evil”
sought to be prevented. And this evil is primarily the “disorderly and unfair
administration of justice.” This test establishes a definite rule in constitutional law. It provides the
criterion as to what words maybe published. Under this rule, the advocacy of ideas cannot
constitutionally be abridged unless there is a clear
and present danger that such advocacy will harm the administration of justice. The US Supreme
Court has made the significant suggestion that this rule “is an appropriate guide in determining
the constitutionality of restriction upon expression where the substantial evil sought to prevent
by the restriction is destruction of life or property or invasion of the
right of privacy.” The Court furthers “clear and present danger of substantive evil as a result of
indiscriminate publications regarding judicial proceedings justifies an impairment of the
constitutional right of freedom of speech and press only if the
evils are extremely serious and the degree of imminence extremely high... A public utterance or
publication is not to be denied the constitutional protection of freedom of speech and press
merely because it concerns a judicial proceeding still pending in the courts, upon the theory that
in such a case, it must be necessarily tend to obstruct the orderly and fair
administration of justice. The possibility of engendering disrespect for the judiciary as a result of
the published criticism of a judge is not such a substantive evil as will justify impairment of the
constitutional right of freedom of speech and press.”
As declared in Craig v. Harney, the US Supreme Court said that the “*freedom of speech and
press should not be impaired through the exercise of the punishment for contempt of court
unless there is no doubt that the utterances in question are a
serious and imminent threat to the administration of justice. A judge may hold in contempt one
who ventures to publish anything that tends to make him unpopular or to belittle him... The
vehemence of the language used in newspaper
publications concerning a judge’s decision is not alone the measure of the power to punish for
contempt. The fires which it kindles must constitute an imminent, not merely a likely, threat to
the administration of justice.”

Furthered in Pennekamp v. Florida, “*and in weighing the danger of possible interference with
the courts by newspaper criticism against the right of free speech to determine whether such
criticism may constitutionally be punished as contempt,
it was ruled that ‘freedom of public comment should in borderline instances weigh heavily
against a possible tendency to influence pending cases.’” Thus, the question in every case,
according to Justice Holmes, is whether the words used are
used in such circumstances and are of such a nature to create a clear and present danger that
they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent. It is a question of
proximity and degree.

The second, which is the “dangerous tendency” rule, has been adopted in cases where extreme
difficulty is confronted in determining where the freedom of expression ends and the right of
courts to protect their independence begins. There must
be a remedy to borderline cases and the basic principle of this rule lies in that the freedom of
speech and of the press, as well as the right to petition for redress of grievance, while
guaranteed by the Constitution, are not absolute. As held in
Gilbert v. Minnesota, “*they are subject to restrictions and limitations, one of them being the
protection of the courts against contempt.”

As furthered by the US Supreme Court in Gitlow v. New York, the dangerous tendency rule may
be epitomized as follows: If the words uttered create a dangerous tendency which the State has
a right to prevent, then such words are punishable. It is not necessary that some definite or
immediate acts of force, violence, or unlawfulness be advocated. It is sufficient that
such acts be advocated in general terms. Nor is it necessary that the language used be
reasonably calculated to incite persons to acts of force, violence or unlawfulness. It is sufficient
if the natural tendency and probable effect of the utterance
be to bring about the substantive evil the utterance be to bring about the substantive evil which
the legislative body seeks to prevent.

It is a fundamental principle, long established, that the freedom of speech and of the press,
which is secured by the Constitution does not confer an absolute right to speak or publish,
without responsibility, whatever one may choose, or an
unrestricted and unbridled license that gives immunity for every possible use of language, and
prevents the punishment of those who abuse this freedom. Reasonably limited, it was said by
story in the passage cited, this freedom is an inestimable
privilege in a free government; without such limitation, it might become the scourge of the
Republic. The Court saw at once that it was far from Cabansag’s mind to put the court in
ridicule and much less to belittle or degrade
it in the eyes of those to whom the letter was addressed for. This is clearly inferable from its
context wherein, in respectful and courteous language, Cabansag gave vent to his feeling when
he said that he “has long since been deprived of his land
thru the careful maneuvers of a tactical lawyer.” Analyzing said utterances, one would see that if
they ever criticize, “the criticism refers, not to the court, but to opposing counsel whose tactical
manoeuvres” has allegedly caused the undue delay
of the case. The grievance or complaint, if any, is addressed to the stenographers for their
apparent indifference in transcribing their notes.
The only disturbing effect of the letter which perhaps has been the motivating factor of the
lodging of the contempt charge is the fact that the letter was sent to the Office of the President,
asking for help because of the precarious predicament of
Cabansag. Such act alone would not be contemptuous. To be so, the danger must cause a
serious imminent threat to the administration of justice. Nor can the Court infer that such act has
“a dangerous tendency” to belittle the court or undermine the administration of justice for
Cabansag merely exercised his constitutional right to petition the government for redress of a
legitimate grievance.

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