Influence of Passive Design Parameters On Thermal Comfort of An Office Space in A Building in Delhi
Influence of Passive Design Parameters On Thermal Comfort of An Office Space in A Building in Delhi
Influence of Passive Design Parameters On Thermal Comfort of An Office Space in A Building in Delhi
Abstract: Energy efficiency measures in buildings, along with maintaining indoor thermal comfort, are increasingly drawing attention.
The most widely accepted indices, Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and Percentage People Dissatisfied (PPD), have been used in this study
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for evaluating thermal comfort of a small office room in Delhi. Various parameters influencing thermal comfort have been measured for
two months and the observations have been used for assessing the PMV and PPD, which have then been compared with the simulation results
from IDA ICE 4.7 Beta software, and found to be in agreement. Moreover, a comparison of the PMV values has been done with other indices
such as Tropical Summer Index (TSI) and Corrected Effective Temperature (CET). Parametric study for the office room has also been per-
formed to predict the shifts in the comfort levels by changing types and thicknesses of wall as well as roof insulations, provision of blinds, and
types of window glazing, using which, the best possible solution to enhance the thermal environment of the office room has been proposed.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)AE.1943-5568.0000406. © 2020 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Predicted Mean Vote (PMV); Mean Radiant Temperature; Thermal comfort; Percentage People Dissatisfied (PPD);
IDA ICE Simulations; Passive Design Techniques.
vironment, although it was inclined toward the slightly cool side the other.
of the thermal sensation scale, while the naturally ventilated class-
rooms were 3°C warmer than the air-conditioned classrooms, and
in this case too, it was observed that the PMV range lay between Studies on Alternative Thermal Comfort Models
−1 and 1 (Kwok and Chun 2003).
PMV has certain limitations as well, rendering it unsuitable to be
In addition, several researchers have carried out CFD analysis
applied everywhere, and thus, certain modifications have been
for envisaging the comfort conditions of buildings employing
made in the model to provide the best results in each fitting case.
Fanger’s model of thermal comfort, such as for a library in
In a study, the possible origins of the biasedness in the values of
Thailand, where it was found that the PMV values range from
−1.5 to 1 (Aryal and Leephakpreeda 2016). Another study carried PMV, both for air-conditioned and non air-conditioned rooms,
out the numerical study for an indoor stadium of the Athens 2004 based on its affecting parameters have been discussed, along with
Olympic Games, where different arrangement were provided for suggesting ways to modify it to reduce the difference between
the angle of the wall jets and the temperature of the incoming air, the PMV value and the actual mean vote (Humphreys and Fergus
and for which a 30° angle of wall jet and a stadium temperature Nicol 2002). A new design of the PMV model was developed in
of 16°C was proposed for the best thermal comfort conditions a research to compare the neutral temperatures with the real indoor
(Stamou et al. 2007). conditions, which included the indoor temperature and the indoor
relative humidity (Orosa and Oliveira 2011). An extension of the
PMV model was proposed in a study by introducing an expectancy
Studies on Energy Efficiency Measures and Their Impact factor, for non air-conditioned buildings in warm climates (Ole
on Thermal Comfort Fanger and Toftum 2002). Researchers have also used an adaptive
thermal comfort model that predicts the neutral operative tempera-
In order not only to benefit from maintaining the comfort, but also
ture based on the mean monthly outdoor temperature (Hwang et al.
to save energy, many investigations have been carried out to
2010). A review of literature on the PMV model and the adaptive
employ energy efficient measures in buildings and to analyze
thermal comfort model concluded that Fanger’s models cannot be
their impact on the thermal comfort. There has been a numerical
study on thermal comfort assessment in an enclosed courtyard, applied globally owing to different physiological factors of each in-
demonstrating the effect of wind and shading on the thermal com- dividual, and hence, an internationally acceptable model should be
fort, thus proposing a specific configuration and orientation of the developed which can accurately predict the thermal comfort of a
building, while also reporting that if a constant building tempera- larger number of people. However, since the perception of the com-
ture is assumed (25°C), adding galleries can be the most beneficial fort temperature is different for different individuals, it is also re-
(Berkovic et al. 2012). The PMV-PPD values have been estimated ported that a global model cannot be applied (Yau and Chew
for an office room in hot and humid climate for 14 windows–door 2014). An investigation on naturally ventilated buildings for differ-
opening arrangements, along with a survey study on the thermal ent climatic zones of north-east India concluded that a generalized
comfort sensation, which suggested that the occupants tend to comfort model is not viable for different regions, and hence, com-
open the windows when the outside wind velocity is high or the fort models based on the local parameters affecting the thermal en-
outside temperature is comparatively lower in order to feel satisfied vironment as perceived by people was developed considering
with their thermal environment (Daghigh et al. 2009). Natural ven- indoor and outdoor temperatures, clothing value, and relative hu-
tilation and building orientation were kept as the prime parameters midity (Singh et al. 2015). From the literature survey, it can be con-
for the study of their potential in achieving the optimum comfort- cluded that it is important to study the conditions in which the PMV
able environment in warm and humid climates in another research, model is valid and gives the best results, and also to provide a better
which demonstrated that by designing a climate responsive build- prospective to increase the thermal comfort along with the indoor
ing with proper natural ventilation, 9%–41% of improvements environment quality.
can be seen in terms of comfort for tropical regions, while it is The objective of this study is to analyze the thermal comfort
only 3%–14% in the case of subtropical climate (Haase and conditions in a building both by measurements and simulation-led
Amato 2009). Traditional dwellings of Western Hunan were ana- analysis, and to study the effects of various parameters on the
lyzed and optimized for the best thermal performance using thermal comfort. The PMV and PPD indices have been used as
10 mm polyurethane foam insulation layer for external wall, tools for assessing the indoor thermal comfort conditions, which
12 mm hollow layer ordinary insulating glass, 0.2 window-to-wall have also been compared with other comfort indices such as
ratio, and 80 mm reed foil for roof insulation, leading to energy TSI and CET. This is followed by a best possible solution prop-
savings as well (Liu et al. 2018). In another study, dimensions of osition for maintaining the thermal comfort of the occupants of
the openings of an office room in Tamil Nadu, India, were varied the office room.
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. 3D view of the office room: (a) north-west side; and (b) north-east side.
Validation of Base Case 2005). A graph between the frequency and the range of the PMV
as well as PPD values obtained through measurements have been
In order to successfully carry out a simulation study, it is imperative plotted, as shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 3(a) indicates that the maximum
to check whether the software provides the desired outcome or not. frequency of readings is between −0.5 and −0.2 PMV values,
Hence, to be able to carry out the analysis of the influence of the which indicate, though ideal, a slightly cooler environment.
While it can be observed that most of the values are falling in cat-
Table 3. Thermal environment categories egories A (−0.2 < PMV < =0.2), B (−0.5 < PMV < +0.5), and C
(−0.7 < PMV < 0.7) (ASHRAE 2010; ISO 2005), there are still in-
Category PMV PPD (%)
stances where the thermal environment lies even beyond the not
A −0.2 < PMV < 0.2 <6 ideal, but acceptable category, C. Similarly, Fig. 3(b) indicates
B −0.5 < PMV < 0.5 <10 that the frequency of PPD values lying below the acceptable
C −0.7 < PMV < 0.7 <15
range (ASHRAE 2010; ISO 2005) is significant, however, a
Fig. 3. Frequency plots for validation: (a) frequency of PMV index; and (b) frequency of PPD index.
large percentage of people were dissatisfied by their thermal envi- Table 4. TSI values for various thermal sensations
ronment during the study period. Thermal sensation Range (°C) Optimum value (°C)
The results obtained through simulation too have been plotted in
Fig. 3, which show that the frequency of occurrence of the range of Slightly cool 19–25 22
Comfortable 25–30 27.5
PMV and PPD values is almost the same, with very minute differ-
Slightly warm 30–34 32
ences. This indicates that the simulation results were in close con-
formance to the actual measurements taken.
A graph between PMV and PPD obtained experimentally was conditions of northern India, shows the temperature of still air at
also compared with the graph obtained using simulation results, 50% relative humidity, which induces a similar thermal perception
shown in Fig. 4, which exhibited that the two curves matched as the provided environmental conditions. It considers the effects of
closely with each other. four environmental factors, that is, air temperature, humidity, air
In order to validate the simulation results, the percentage devia- motion, and radiation, on the thermal sensation of the occupants.
tion of the simulation results from the analytical values was deter- The ranges and values of these are given in Table 4, and their val-
mined using the root mean square percentage deviation for both ues can be obtained for each of the measurement from the follow-
PMV and PPD values. The percentage deviations were obtained ing (Sharma and Ali 1978):
using the following relations (Saxena et al. 2018):
TSI = 0.308tw + 0.743tg − 2.06 va + 0.80 (20)
(ei )
e= (18) A normal distribution curve of the TSI values represented in
terms of PMV values has been plotted, along with the normal dis-
where tribution curve of the PMV values, shown in Fig. 5, to compare the
two thermal comfort indices.
(Xi − Yi )
ei = × 100 (19) Since the comfortable range for TSI is 25°C–30°C, with the op-
Xi timum comfortable temperature being 27.5°C (Sharma and Ali
Using the above equation, the root mean square percentage de- 1978), while on the other hand, the ideal comfortable PMV range
viation obtained for the case of PMV values was 1.27, while for the is −0.5 to +0.5, with a neutral environment at 0 PMV value,
case of PPD values, the percentage deviation was found to be 1.07. hence the 3-sigma values of these means and ranges have been
This validated the simulation results with the actual environment, compared with each other to obtain TSI values in terms of PMV
rendering the software suitable to study the influence of various pa- values. Considering, 27.5°C as the mean comfortable temperature
rameters on the thermal comfort indices. for TSI, it would yield 25°C as −3-sigma and 30°C as +3-sigma.
Likewise, for PMV, 0 being the mean comfortable value, −0.5
would serve as −3-sigma limit and +0.5 would serve as
+3-sigma limit. Hence, for a particular TSI value obtained, corre-
Comparison with Other Indices
sponding PMV value can be obtained by comparing these values,
using the following:
Tropical Summer Index
(27.5 − TSI) × (0 − (−0.5))
The Tropical Summer Index (TSI), developed at the Central Build- PMVTSI = − (21)
(27.5 − 25)
ing Research Institute, India, for hot and dry, and warm and humid
Table 6. Thermal comfort indices with varying thicknesses of different wall insulations
(d) (e)
Fig. 7. PMV-PPD curves for different thicknesses of fiber glass wall insulation: (a) 0.02 m; (b) 0.04 m; (c) 0.06 m; (d) 0.08 m; and (e) 0.1 m.
Fig. 8. Frequency plots for different thicknesses of fiber glass wall insulation: (a) frequency of PMV index; and (b) frequency of PPD index.
interval range considered, the frequency of PMV index is higher for of the plot has shifted from a cooler environment to a zone of
the fiber glass wall insulation of lower thickness, while beyond the warmer environment because of the restriction in the heat flow,
category B, the frequency of the higher thicknesses has increased. this has resulted in the occupants becoming dissatisfied with their
This again indicates that the higher thicknesses are able to suffi- thermal environment. It can be observed that till the PPD index
ciently resist the heat flow from the inside to outside, as compared lying in category B, there is a trend of having lower PPD values
to the material with lesser thickness. However, having a very warm for higher thicknesses of fiber glass wall insulation, which could
environment is also not acceptable to the occupants, and hence, be owing to the fact that the occupants were originally in a cooler
keeping too much thickness of the fiber glass insulation will not environment, and because of the obstruction to the heat flow by the
be very beneficial. For almost all of the thicknesses considered, material of higher thickness, the environment started to become
most of the PMV index frequency lies in category B, however, a slightly warm, thus providing satisfaction of the occupants with
large percentage of the PMV values have now shifted to the warmer their thermal environment. However, beyond a certain point,
side, beyond category C. dues to excessive heat trapped, the warmth inside the room started
Similarly, a frequency plot of the PPD index for different thick- to increase, thus making the occupants dissatisfied with the warmer
nesses has been obtained, as shown in Fig. 8(b). This plot too de- environment.
picts that maximum frequency of the PPD index lies in the category In a similar manner, analysis has been carried out for the remain-
B, however, a large percentage of the frequency also falls beyond ing four insulation materials, and their results are shown in Table 6,
the category C. The possible reason for this is that since the trend wherein similar trends were observed for each of the materials
ied, 20 mm thick expanded polystyrene wall insulation yields a max- ing thickness, however, beyond the upper limit of category C, the
imum reduction in the PMV range, dropping it to −0.49 to 0.92 and frequency of the PMV values increases with increasing thickness,
the PPD reduction of up to 23.23%. indicating the presence of trapped heat. This plot also suggests
that mostly the thermal environment is of category B, however,
Types and Thicknesses of Roof Insulations more frequency of PMV is toward the positive side of the scale, in-
The same five materials mentioned previously have also been cho- dicating a warmer environment, while at some instances, the ther-
sen for the roof insulations to analyze their effects on the comfort mal environment was observed to be too warm, leading to an
levels of the occupants. Analogous to the method mentioned previ- increase in the frequency of the PMV beyond the category C, on
ously, first a layer of fiber glass roof insulation of 20 mm thickness the positive end of the scale.
has been included in the existing construction of the room. The re- Fig. 10(b) also indicates the persistence of the B-type thermal
sults imply that the PMV values have reduced on both the sides of environment for most of the time, be it on the cooler side of the
the thermal sensation scale, from −1.22 to −0.50 and from 1.11 to scale or the warmer side. It is to be noted, however, that the frequency
0.83, as shown in Table 7, while the PPD value has reduced from of the percentage of the people dissatisfied with their thermal environ-
36.61% to 19.51%. This implies that the heat flow to some extent is ment is still significant, extending beyond category C, due to the pres-
resisted by the insulating material, hence the range for PMV values ence of warmer conditions. Nonetheless, beyond category C, the
and the maximum PPD value have reduced. This proposes that al- frequency of the PPD index for each of the thickness considered
though the maximum PMV value does not lie in the range of the was still much less than the base case, suggesting that the insulation
ideal comfort levels, occupants are still satisfied with their thermal is being able to block the outside heat from entering the room.
environment. As the PMV values obtained are very close to the Simulations were also carried out for the remaining four insula-
ideal range with a little inclination toward the warmer side, the oc- tion materials, with varying thicknesses for the analysis, and their
cupants are still satisfied with their thermal environment since the results are shown in Table 7, where similar trends were observed
study has been conducted for the winter season, wherein cooler for each of the materials with minute differences in the magnitudes
conditions were prevailing. This can be observed from the fact of results in each case. With increasing thickness, it was observed
that the PPD value was just below the maximum allowable percent- that the maximum as well as the minimum PMV values were con-
age for the people feeling dissatisfied with their environment. stantly decreasing, thus, moving toward the ideal thermal comfort
For the analysis of this case as well, the same thicknesses of the range. This suggests that the provision of this insulation reduces
insulation have been considered. It was observed that with increas- the slight coldness as well as slight warmness in the thermal
ing thickness, the maximum PMV values obtained, though fluctu- environment, owing to the fact that, to some extent, the insulation
ating, lie well below the PMV value obtained in the base case, and confines the heat inside the room. Similarly, it was observed that
values corresponding to increased thicknesses, that is, 60–100 mm, the maximum PPD values showed either a slight decrease or re-
indicate that a zone of warmer environment has been created. This mained the same with increasing thickness, indicating that the per-
suggests that as the thickness of the insulation is increased, it is ception of the occupants for the thermal comfort was improving.
Table 7. Thermal comfort indices with varying thicknesses of different roof insulations
(d) (e)
Fig. 9. PMV-PPD curves for different thicknesses of fiber glass roof insulation: (a) 0.02 m (b) 0.04 m; (c) 0.06 m; (d) 0.08 m; and (e) 0.1 m.
Moreover, it is to be noted that each case is still an improvement a similar behavior as the previous case, but shifting the thermal envi-
over the base case. Furthermore, out of all the cases studied, ronment of the room towards warmer side, as shown in Fig. 11(b).
40 mm thick fiber glass roof insulation yields a maximum reduction A possible explanation for this could be that the internal blinds emit
in the PMV range, dropping it to −0.46–0.80 and the PPD reduc- the absorbed radiation inside the room only, thus making the internal
tion of up to 18.61%. environment warmer. Similar to the previous case, the PPD value has
decreased here as well, to a value of 23.26%, however, this value
Provision of Blinds crosses the threshold provided by the standards (ASHRAE 2010;
Another passive design strategy employed was the provision of ex- ISO 2005). Moreover, out of all the cases studied, provision of exter-
ternal and internal blinds to all the windows to analyze their effects nal blinds yields a maximum reduction in the PMV range, dropping to
on the thermal comfort levels, the properties (EQUA 2013) of −0.77–0.61 and a PPD reduction of up to 17.55.%.
which have been listed in Table 8. The frequency plots of the PMV index for different blinds, as
The results for the case of external blinds, as shown in shown in Fig. 12(a), suggest that though there were improvements
Fig. 11(a), exhibit that the PMV values extend from −0.77 to in the thermal environment in both the cases as compared to the
0.61, as against the base case, where the range is −1.22–1.11, indi- base case, the external blind shows better enhancement with respect
cating an improvement in the thermal perception of the occupants to the internal blinds. The provision of external blinds maintained
with respect to their environment toward the warmer and the colder the environment in a slightly cooler zone while the internal blinds
sides. This is due to the fact that the blinds provide shading from the led to a zone of warmer environment, owing to the reasons men-
direct solar radiations and can help improve the thermal environment tioned above. The provision of both types of blinds enhanced the
of a building by controlling heat gain or loss. The results also indicate thermal environment, but were still beyond the desired thermal en-
an appreciable decrease in the percentage of people feeling discom- vironment categories.
fort, with a PPD reduction from 36.61% to 17.52%, which is even Plotting the frequencies of the PPD index for both types of
within the acceptable limits, as specified by the standards (ASHRAE blinds, shown in Fig. 12(b), depict that the highest PPD frequencies
2010; ISO 2005). were found in category C, while a large proportion of the values
Whereas in case of internal blinds, results show that PMV values extended beyond the acceptable category, indicating that the PPD
are extending from –0.51 to 0.93, as against the base case; indicating values could be at the borderline of crossing category C, and
Fig. 10. Frequency plots for different thicknesses of fiber glass roof insulation: (a) frequency of PMV index; and (b) frequency of PPD index.
Table 8. Properties of blinds analysis, the properties of which have been listed in Table 9
(Vitro Architectural Glass 2015; EQUA 2013; WINDOWS 2016).
External Internal
blinds blinds
Results for the case of double pane-clear glass windows, as
shown in Fig. 13(a), exhibit that PMV values are stretching from
Multiplier for g (solar gain factor) 0.14 0.65 −0.61 to 0.85, indicating an enhancement in the comfort level of
Multiplier for t (short-wave shading 0.09 0.16 occupants. In addition, the percentage of dissatisfied people has
Multiplier for U-value 1.0 1.0
also reduced, though it barely reaches the allowable threshold
Diffusion factor 1.0 1.0 value. Subsequently, the results of remaining types of glazing
were attained, shown in Figs. 13(b–d), wherein similar trends
were witnessed. The PMV and PPD values were found to have re-
hence, most of the percentages of people dissatisfied with their ther- duced in each case, hence, shrinking the curve toward an ideal
mal environment are extended beyond the C category, owing to the range. Moreover, out of all the cases studied, low-e glass windows
performance of the two blinds. yield a maximum reduction in the PMV range, dropping to −0.64–
0.77 and a PPD reduction of up to 17.53.%.
Types of Window Glazing Fig. 14 represents the frequency plots of the PMV and PPD
Glazing can affect the amount of heat transfer through windows of indices for the different types of window glazing. Similar to the
the buildings, thus affecting the thermal comfort of the occupants. observations made in the case of different types of blinds, it can
Windows with double pane-clear glass, triple pane-clear glass, be noticed that the thermal environment of the room has enhanced,
low-e glazing, and tinted glass have been considered for the as shown in Fig. 14(a), but PMV values beyond the acceptable
Fig. 11. PMV-PPD curves for different blind types: (a) external blinds; and (b) internal blinds.
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Fig. 12. Frequency plots for different blind types: (a) frequency of PMV index; and (b) frequency of PPD index.
thermal environment category still have large frequencies, owing to Maximization of Thermal Comfort for Given Parameters
windows being directly exposed to the sun’s radiation, and thus
The thermal environment of an enclosed space can be affected by
affecting the heat transfer through the room and creating a zone
different passive techniques, therefore, a combination of parame-
of warmer environment. The highest improvement can be seen ters studied previously have been used to obtain a maximized sol-
in the case of low-e glass, which still lies in the category C of ution to bring the thermal comfort index of the office room within
the thermal environments. However, considering the frequency the acceptable range defined by the standards (ASHRAE 2010; ISO
plot of the PPD index for the different types of glazing, shown 2005). The objective function for the maximization was
in Fig. 14(b), low-e glass also represents a thermal environment
extending beyond category C, as is the case with other types of fx = maximize PMV (if PMV ≤ 0) and minimize PMV(if PMV > 0)
plored, this was the best possible solution for improving the ther-
mal comfort conditions within the office room. Fig. 15 shows the
Table 9. Properties of window glazing PMV-PPD curve of the base case combined with the maximized
solution. Frequency plots of the PMV and PPD indices of the
Double pane Triple pane
windows windows Low maximized solution as well as the base case were also obtained,
with clear with clear emissivity Tinted as shown in Fig. 16(a), where it can be realized that most of the
glass glass glass glass frequencies lie in category C of the thermal environment, how-
Solar heat gain 0.76 0.68 0.62 0.60 ever, small percentages of frequencies are seen extending beyond
coefficient (SHGC) the acceptable thermal environments. Nonetheless, the combination
Solar transmittance (τ) 0.70 0.60 0.58 0.47 of parameters shows an enhancement of the thermal environment as
Visible transmittance 0.81 0.74 0.67 0.50 against the base case. Fig. 16(b) also suggests that the majority of fre-
(τvis) quencies lie within category C of the thermal environment, with the
Glazing value, 2.9 1.9 3.8 5.7 highest percentage of frequency observed to lie in category B. Some
U (W/m2-K) percentage of dissatisfied occupants still exist due to the PMV range
Internal emissivity 0.84 0.84 0.1 0.5
of the maximized solution not being within the ideal comfortable
External emissivity 0.84 0.84 0.1 0.5
limits (ASHRAE 2010; ISO 2005).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 13. PMV-PPD curves for window glazing types: (a) double pane windows with clear glass; (b) triple pane windows with clear glass; (c) tinted
window glass; and (d) low-e window glass.
Fig. 14. Frequency plots for window glazing types: (a) frequency of PMV index; and (b) frequency of PPD index.
Fig. 15. Comparison graph of PMV and PPD between base case and maximized solution.
Fig. 16. Frequency plots for maximized case: (a) frequency of PMV index; and (b) frequency of PPD index.
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