holangiocarcinoma (CCA) is the primary cancer of 100,000 in 1979 to 0.82 in 100,000 in 19982 (Figure 1).
C the bile ducts. Although it comprises only 10%–
15% of hepatobiliary neoplasms, its incidence is increas-
Below we present the epidemiology of intrahepatic and
extrahepatic CCA separately.
ing.1,2 CCA arises from malignant transformation of During the 1970s, the average age at diagnosis of
cholangiocytes, the epithelial cells that line the biliary intrahepatic CCA was the sixth decade of life. In the late
apparatus. Traditionally, CCA is divided into intrahe- 1980s and during the 1990s, however, the age at diag-
patic and extrahepatic disease according to its location nosis of intrahepatic CCA shifted toward the seventh
within the biliary tree. Intrahepatic CCA occurs within decade of life. This age change of the affected individuals
the hepatic parenchyma, forms classic mass lesions, and may reflect aging of the adult population, with subse-
often presents with advanced clinical features. Extrahe- quent development of CCA, and close follow-up and
patic CCA arises in large bile ducts (ie, left and right therapy of known risk factors (such as primary sclerosing
hepatic ducts and common hepatic and common bile cholangitis [PSC] and choledochal cysts) in young indi-
ducts). These tumors present with features of biliary viduals. In the United States, the male–female ratio for
obstruction. In epidemiological databases, tumors of the intrahepatic CCA is approximately 1.5. The age-adjusted
left and right hepatic ducts are often classified as intra- incidence of intrahepatic CCA in Caucasians and African
hepatic tumors because they can extend into the hepatic Americans is comparable; Asians, however, have twice
parenchyma; this classification should be discouraged as the incidence of Caucasians. The only ethnic group with
it is confusing. There are similarities between intrahe- a reported gradual increase in the age-adjusted incidence
patic and extrahepatic CCA; however, each entity has of intrahepatic CCA is Caucasian. The incidence of in-
distinct epidemiological and clinical features. More im-
trahepatic CCA varies across the world.2 It is highest in
portantly, the etiopathogenetic pathways of intrahepatic
northeast Thailand (96/100,000 in men and 38/100,000
vs extrahepatic CCA are probably independent.1 Because
in women), probably because of the high prevalence of
of scientific progress in the past decade, a better under-
liver fluke infestations.
standing of the pathobiology of CCA is emerging. As we
The mortality related to intrahepatic CCA is also
begin to shed light on the pathogenesis of CCA, we hope
increasing worldwide.5–7 In fact, the percentage of intra-
that its early detection and therapy will improve.3
hepatic CCA–increased mortality is greater than that
observed for hepatocellular carcinoma. In the United
Epidemiology States, the age-adjusted mortality rate for intrahepatic
Overall, CCA is a rare neoplasm. Nevertheless, CCA increased from 0.07 in 100,000 in 1973 to 0.69 in
during the past 3 decades, its incidence has increased.2,4 100,000 in 1997.6 The 5-year survival of patients with
In the United States, approximately 5000 new CCA cases intrahepatic CCA remains unacceptably low and virtu-
are diagnosed yearly.2 Two thirds of CCAs involve the ally unchanged over the past 20 years. Survival has not
extrahepatic bile ducts, whereas the remaining one third dramatically improved despite diagnosis at less advanced
affects the intrahepatic biliary tree.
Studies indicate that intrahepatic and extrahepatic Abbreviations used in this paper: CCA, cholangiocarcinoma; CT,
CCA have a distinct epidemiology. As a result, incorrect computerized tomography; DIA, digitized image analysis; ERCP, endo-
scopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; EUS, endoscopic ultra-
classification between these 2 types may have affected the sonography; FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization; 5-FU, 5-fluorou-
reported epidemiological observations of CCA. In the racil; MR, magnetic resonance; MRCP, magnetic resonance
United States, the age-adjusted incidence rates of intra- cholangiopancreatography; OLT, orthotopic liver transplantation; PDT,
hepatic CCA increased from 0.32 in 100,000 in 1975– photodynamic therapy; PSC, primary sclerosing cholangitis.
© 2005 by the American Gastroenterological Association
1979 to 0.85 in 100,000 in 1995–1999.2 Conversely, the 0016-5085/05/$30.00
incidence of extrahepatic CCA declined from 1.08 in doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2005.03.040
Table 2. TNM Pathologic Classification of Intrahepatic Table 4. Proposed Preoperative T-Stage Criteria for Hilar
Stage Tumor Node Metastasis Stage Criteria
I T1 N0 M0 T1 Tumor involving biliary confluence with or without unilateral
II T2 N0 M0 extension to second-order biliary radicles
IIIA T3 N0 M0 T2 Tumor involving biliary confluence with or without unilateral
IIIB T4 N0 M0 extension to second-order biliary radicles and ipsilateral
IIIC Any T N1 M0 portal vein involvement with or without ipsilateral
IV Any T Any N M1 hepatic lobar atrophy
T3 Tumor involving biliary confluence ⫹ bilateral extension to
T1, solitary tumor without vascular invasion; T2, solitary tumor with second-order biliary radicles or unilateral extension to
vascular invasion or multiple tumors, none ⬎5 cm; T3, multiple second-order biliary radicles with contralateral portal
tumors ⬎5 cm or tumor involving a major branch of the portal or vein involvement or unilateral extension to second-order
hepatic vein(s); T4, tumor(s) with direct invasion of adjacent organs biliary radicles with contralateral hepatic lobar atrophy
other than gallbladder or with perforation of visceral peritoneum; N0, or main or bilateral portal vein involvement
no regional lymph node metastasis; N1, regional lymph node metas-
tasis; M0, no distant metastasis; M1, distant metastasis.
vascular encasement of the contralateral (ie, nonaffected) CCA require major hepatectomy for complete surgical re-
liver lobe before committing to partial hepatectomy and moval of the malignancy. Thus, many patients are not
to verify vascular patency of the portal vein and hepatic deemed surgical candidates because of comorbidities or
artery. This usually can be accomplished by Doppler advanced age, despite evidence of resectable disease. Regret-
ultrasonography and/or CT or MR vascular studies. Fi- tably, more than half of CCA patients present with ad-
nally, regional metastases should be ruled out. Studies vanced, unresectable malignancy. In such cases, palliative
have shown that EUS is better compared with conven- therapies such as biliary stenting and photodynamic therapy
tional cross-sectional abdominal imaging (ie, CT or MR (PDT) provide symptom relief and may improve survival. A
imaging) to exclude metastatic disease. This is particu- clinical controversy is the presence of an intrahepatic mass
larly important for questionable regional lymph nodes, that may mimic intrahepatic CCA vs metastatic disease of
which can be biopsied during EUS to rule out metastasis. an unknown primary tumor. In our view, a patient who
Indeed, 15%–20% of CCA patients with unremarkable presents with a dominant liver mass and no evidence of
abdominal imaging studies have metastatic lymph node detectable extrahepatic disease by physical examination,
involvement according to EUS evaluation.25 laboratory studies, and body imaging most likely has intra-
hepatic CCA.
Therapy At present, chemotherapy and/or radiation therapies for
Surgical resection is the best available and poten- CCA have not been evaluated in the context of randomized,
tially curative therapy for both intrahepatic and extrahe- controlled trials, and, therefore, their efficacy remains du-
patic CCA. Almost all intrahepatic and most extrahepatic bious, including the use of adjuvant chemotherapy after
surgical resection to diminish the risk of CCA recurrence.3
Finally, at selected liver transplant centers, a small fraction
Table 3. TNM Pathologic Classification of Extrahepatic
of well-chosen patients with hilar CCA may undergo or-
thotopic liver transplantation (OLT), with excellent survival
Stage Tumor Node Metastasis results. Figure 7 provides an algorithm for the overall
0 Tis N0 M0 management of CCA.
IA T1 N0 M0
IB T2 N0 M0 Surgical Therapy
IIA T3 N0 M0
IIB T1 to T3 N1 M0 Extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Most extrahe-
III T4 Any N M0 patic CCAs are hilar tumors. CCA involving the distal
IV Any T Any N M1
bile ducts usually necessitates pancreaticoduodenectomy.
Tis, carcinoma in situ; T1, tumor confined to the bile duct histologi- Below we discuss the surgical therapy for hilar tumors.
cally; T2, tumor invades beyond the wall of the bile duct; T3, tumor
invades the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and/or unilateral branches of
Staging of extrahepatic CCA is a critical step before
the portal vein (right or left) or hepatic artery (right or left); T4, tumor consideration for surgical resection. Clinical staging cri-
invades any of the following: main portal vein or its branches bilater- teria for hilar CCA have been proposed (Table 4). It is
ally, common hepatic artery, or other adjacent structures, such as the interesting to note that these criteria correlate with
colon, stomach, duodenum, or abdominal wall; N0, no regional lymph
node metastasis; N1, regional lymph node metastasis; M0, no dis- tumor resectability (ie, 60% in stage T1 and 0% in stage
tant metastasis; M1, distant metastasis. T3) and patient survival.35 The evaluation for resectabil-
Table 6. Prognostic Factors Associated With Unfavorable consensus for biliary stenting of Bismuth type II, III, or
Outcome After Surgical Treatment of Intrahepatic IV hilar CCA. In a prospective, randomized controlled
trial of patients with hilar CCA (ie, Bismuth I to III), it
Preoperative CA 19-9 levels ⬎1000 U/mL was concluded that unilateral drainage was adequate to
Multifocal disease
Liver capsule invasion
alleviate biliary obstruction; moreover, endoscopic at-
Lack of cancer-free surgical margins tempts to place a second biliary stent were likely to result
Regional lymph node metastases in early complications (eg, bacterial cholangitis) without
Mass-forming or periductal infiltrating-type CCA growth
evidence of a patient survival benefit.46
Expression of MUC1 by CCA cells
Both plastic and metallic biliary stents have been used
to alleviate CCA. Plastic stents have a smaller diameter
and become occluded more easily compared with self-
a shorter survival than those with mass-forming expandable metal stents.43 The latter are also cost-effec-
tumors.18 tive in patients with CCA who survive for more than 3
Palliative Therapeutic Approaches Photodynamic therapy. PDT has also been used
Many patients with intrahepatic or extrahepatic to alleviate malignant obstruction of the extrahepatic
CCA have unresectable disease at the time of diagnosis. bile ducts.47 During the first visit, the patient undergoes
In addition, because CCA affects usually the elderly, a systemic preadministration of a nontoxic photosensitiz-
significant percentage of surgical candidates have comor- ing drug, which accumulates mainly in the CCA. Two
bidities that preclude an operation for tumor resection. days later, the patient has ERCP to activate the photo-
Palliative therapies aim at improving or resolving ob- sensitizer intraductally via direct nonthermal laser appli-
structive jaundice and subsequently ameliorating patient cation. During activation, the photosensitizing agent
symptoms. Palliative therapies of obstructive jaundice reaches an excited reactive state (triplet state); subse-
include biliary stenting, PDT, and intraluminal brachy- quently, the energy is transferred from the triplet state of
therapy. Although the nonsurgical approaches to treat the photosensitizer to molecular oxygen. This process
obstructive jaundice can be performed endoscopically or creates singlet molecular oxygen (1O2), which results in
percutaneously, we discuss here only endoscopic-guided direct or indirect photodamage of the targeted tissue (ie,
therapies. CCA). Specifically, the photosensitizer accrues in the
Biliary stents. In patients with CCA, relief of mitochondria and causes apoptosis of malignant cholan-
obstructive jaundice improves symptoms and quality of giocytes and surrounding tissues, thus resulting in tumor
life, but not survival. Biliary stents are an effective regression (Figure 8).
modality in relieving malignant bile duct obstruction The most common photosensitizer in use is a deriva-
with subsequent amelioration of jaundice. Biliary drain- tive of hematoporphyrin (porfimer sodium; Photofrin;
age of only 25%–30% of the hepatic parenchyma is Axcan, Birmingham, AL). Sodium porfimer is given
required to achieve resolution of jaundice. Parameters to intravenously at 2 mg/kg body weight. In CCA, studies
be considered before palliative endoscopic therapy with have shown that porfimer enrichment is adequate for
biliary stents include location and extent of bile duct PDT between day 1 and 4 after intravenous administra-
obstruction, hepatic lobe atrophy, type of biliary stents tion. Intraluminal photoactivation is achieved by laser
(ie, plastic vs metallic) number of biliary stents (ie, single light (wavelength, 630 nm; light dose, 180 J/cm2). The
vs double drainage), and patient life expectancy.43 Ob- tumoricidal depth penetration of PDT with porfimer is
taining a cross-sectional imaging study before an ERCP approximately 4 – 6 mm. Parameters that determine the
provides guidance for the endoscopist to choose the depth and extent of tissue damage by PDT include the
optimal bile ducts for stenting, thus avoiding atrophied type and quantity of the photosensitizer used, the oxygen
hepatic segments and minimizing the risk of postproce- concentration in the affected tissue, and the intensity,
dural cholangitis.43,44 Having this information before an absorption, and distribution of laser light. The PDT
ERCP not only improves the success rate of stenting indications and contraindications are listed in Table 7.
obstructed bile ducts but also facilitates the resolution of Patients injected with porfimer can tolerate normal
jaundice.45 The type and number of biliary stents to treat artificial room light. Nevertheless, they must keep out of
obstructive jaundice in CCA should be individualized. bright, direct, or indirect sunlight because sunlight ex-
For instance, a patient jaundiced because of Bismuth posure can cause significant skin phototoxicity. Intraduc-
type I hilar CCA can receive successful palliative treat- tal PDT therapy can produce mild to moderate epigastric
ment with a single biliary stent. Nevertheless, there is no pain for up to 3 days after the endoscopic procedure. In
the first 2–3 days after PDT, a transient increase of Nonrandomized pilot studies of PDT for unresectable
aspartate aminotransferase and leukocytosis is antici- CCA have shown promising results on: (1) improvement
pated. Biloma and hemobilia have been reported as PDT or resolution of cholestasis, (2) stabilization of the
complications. No biliary perforation has been reported Karnofsky performance status at almost normal or mod-
after PDT. The rate of cholangitis is not increased after erately diminished rates, and (3) improvement or pres-
PDT as compared with placement of biliary stents alone. ervation of quality of life.48 Recently, a multicenter
The reported 30-day mortality after PDT was approxi- prospective, randomized trial has evaluated the effect of
mately 2%47 because of 2 fatal episodes of pulmonary biliary stenting followed by PDT (group A) compared
embolism, which were probably related to paraneoplastic with biliary stenting alone (group B) in patients with
thromboses rather than to PDT. unresectable CCA.49 Group A showed prolonged survival
To “bleach out” the accumulated porfimer in the skin, (n ⫽ 20; median survival, 493 days; 95% confidence
patients should follow specific instructions. This goal can interval, 276 –710 days) compared with group B (n ⫽
be accomplished by short exposures (5–10 minutes) after
19; median survival, 98 days; 95% confidence interval,
day 4 to mild evening sunlight before sunset. If the
87–107 days; P ⬍ .0001).49 This study failed to improve
initial exposure is endured without skin sunburn, grad-
biliary obstruction and jaundice in group B (bile duct
ual re-exposure is recommended until bright sunlight is
stenting alone). Thus, it is likely that the survival benefit
reported in group A (biliary stenting and PDT) relates to
amelioration of cholestasis rather than tumor burden.50
Table 7. PDT Indications and Contraindications for Hilar Additional prospective, randomized trials of PDT for
CCA48 unresectable CCA are needed to further assess the utility
Indications of this promising approach.
Preliminary indication: nonresectable hilar CCA with unrelieved Intraluminal brachytherapy. During intralumi-
nal brachytherapy, premounted iridium-192 seeds are
Relative indications (ie, within clinical trials)
Nonresectable hilar CCA with successful biliary drainage deployed within a catheter and placed across malig-
Inoperable comorbid patient with resectable hilar CCA nant biliary strictures via ERCP or percutaneous
Borderline resectability of hilar CCA (neoadjuvant PDT for
purging of intrahepatic ducts from tumor cells beyond the
transhepatic cholangiography.51,52 It is expected that
tumor margins) brachytherapy provides focal, greater, and more effec-
Contraindications tive doses of radiation than external beam radiation
Porphyria (all genetic types)
Recent use of photosensitizing or dermatotoxic drugs (eg,
therapy. It is thus anticipated that intraluminal
bleomycin) brachytherapy extends the palliation of obstructive
Insertion of a coated metal stent jaundice while avoiding unnecessary radiation injury
Severe hepatic or renal failure
Relative contraindications
of the surrounding tissues/organs. Until now, the re-
Peritoneal carcinomatosis (cholestasis palliated) sults of intraluminal brachytherapy have varied.52,53
Karnofsky performance status ⬍30% More studies are required to evaluate the effectiveness
Biliary empyema or liver abscess
of this palliative treatment.
Liver Transplantation for Unresectable 5-FU or capecitabine (2000 mg/m2 daily) 2 out of 3
Cholangiocarcinoma weeks until OLT is performed.
The initial experience with OLT for CCA was After completing neoadjuvant chemoradiation ther-
apy, patients undergo staging laparotomy with biopsy of
unsatisfactory.54 – 60 Recurrence of CCA was common,
the regional hepatic lymph nodes, other intra-abdominal
and the 5-year survival rates were only 5%–15%. To this
lymph nodes, or nodules suggestive of tumor. Patients
end, most liver transplant centers consider CCA a con-
with negative staging operations proceed with OLT.
traindication for OLT. It is interesting to note that,
Cadaveric livers or living donor right liver grafts can be
however, a selected group of patients who underwent
used. After transplantation, patients receive standard
OLT and had negative surgical resection margins and
immunosuppression regimens.
negative regional lymph nodes had long-term survival.61
As of May 1, 2004, 56 patients with CCA were
Furthermore, in a small number of patients treated with
enrolled in this liver transplantation protocol at the
radiation, brachytherapy, and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), the
Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Forty-eight pa-
observed 5-year survival rate was 22%.62 Because of these
tients underwent staging laparotomy, of whom 14 (29%)
favorable observations, an experimental liver transplan-
were found to have progression of CCA on laparotomy
tation protocol was developed at the Mayo Clinic that
and were excluded from the protocol. Between 1993 and
was aimed at treating selected patients with early-stage
2003, 28 patients underwent OLT; 6 died after OLT,
unresectable hilar CCA or CCA arising in the back- and 22 are currently alive. The actuarial patient survival
ground of PSC. after liver transplantation was 88% at 1 year and 82% at
To be eligible for this protocol, the diagnosis of CCA 5 years. The time from enrollment to OLT was approx-
needs to be confirmed by biopsy, brush cytology, or imately 4 and 10 months during the first 5 years and the
demonstration of cellular aneuploidy in the presence of second 5 years of the protocol, respectively. After the
malignant stricture based on cholangiographic studies. If described neoadjuvant chemoradiation protocol, the out-
a mass lesion is present in the perihilar region, then the come of OLT in selected patients with CCA was similar
diameter should be ⬍3 cm on cross-sectional imaging to that after liver transplantation for other chronic liver
studies. The CCA also has to be considered unresectable diseases. Of note, the outcome of our liver transplanta-
by the hepatobiliary team after meticulous clinical, lab- tion protocol for CCA surpasses the outcome of surgical
oratory, and imaging evaluation. Intrahepatic and extra- resection with curative intent—the gold standard ther-
hepatic CCA metastases have to be excluded by CT of the apy for CCA. A comparable liver transplantation proto-
abdomen and chest, abdominal ultrasound, EUS with col for CCA has been developed at the University of
FNA of the regional lymph nodes, and total body bone Nebraska and has also shown favorable patient survival
scan. Tumor vascular encasement causing an absence of outcome.63
blood flow without evidence of vessel invasion is not a
contraindication to enrollment. Future Directions
Qualified CCA patients have to be suitable for radia- In view of the increasing incidence of CCA, we
tion therapy, chemotherapy, and liver transplantation, as need better early detection methods and new, effective
determined by the interdisciplinary transplantation therapies to improve the survival of patients with this
team. Patients who meet eligibility criteria receive neo- distressing disease. To date, patients with CCA lack a
adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation therapy. External survival benefit if treated with chemotherapy or radiation
beam radiation therapy is administered (a total dose of therapy.3 Randomized, controlled clinical trials are nec-
4500 cGy in 30 sessions) over 3 weeks. 5-FU is given essary to evaluate novel chemotherapeutic agents in con-
intravenously at 500 mg/m2 daily as a bolus for 3 con- junction with radiation therapy. We hope that as the
secutive days during the initiation of external beam pathogenesis of CCA is elucidated, better pharmacolog-
radiation therapy. Complications of external beam radi- ical and other therapies will be devised to inhibit the
ation therapy include nausea, vomiting, leukopenia, critical pathways of carcinogenesis in these tumors.
cholangitis, gastrointestinal ulceration, and liver abscess.
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