Saint Hyacinth Church: Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 4, 2011

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Established 1961


AMARILLO, TX 79106 (806) 358-1351

Diocese of Amarillo


FAX 467-1708

Staff Rev. James M. Schmitmeyer, Pastor 354-0227 E-MAIL: [email protected] Rev. Barnabus Radke, Parochial Vicar Arnold Schwertner, Deacon Lori Greer Dir. Of Religious Education and Bookkeeper E-MAIL: [email protected] Office E-MAIL: [email protected] Cindy Good, Music Director Adult Education Meets on Sunday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. from September May. Other opportunities are announced in the bulletin. Religious Education First grade through high school Meets on Sunday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. from September May. Register in the office. Adult Bible Study Wednesday evening Call Aline Stocker at 374-6673 for more information.


Office Hours Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m.4:30 p.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m.3:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday Closed Sacraments Reconciliation 4:00 p.m.4:45 p.m. Saturday or by appointment Baptism Call office for appointment Weddings Make Appt. with Priest 6 months prior to marriage Masses Check schedule below Eucharistic Adoration Thursday 9:00 a.m.9:00 p.m. Parish Membership Being officially registered in a parish is very important to every Catholic. If moving, or making any change of address or phone number, please contact the church office.

St. Hyacinth (1257)

Bulletin Deadline Tuesday 4:30 p.m.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

09/05 09/06 09/07 09/08 09/09 09/10 09/11

5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 8:30 AM 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 11:00 AM

NO MASS The Family Of Arlene Pool + Billie Morgan by Aline Stocker Special Intentions of Janice Chatley by Aline Stocker + Joseph by Dieu Thi Hoang + Joseph by Dieu Thi Hoang For The Parish + Mary by Mrs. Dieu Thi Hoang

Please Continue to Pray for

Curtis Anderson, Sue Anderson, Bob and Lena Bailey, Louis Baumhardt, Jesse Benitez, Barbara & Jim Berry, Steve Berry, Dolly Brands, Clay Burney, Betty Byrd, Nicky & Victor Cordova, Carmen Crosier, Msgr. Raymond Crosier, L. V. Dominguez, Darrell Duncan, Bob Forton, Alfred Garcia, Virginia Gerber, Adam Gonzales, D. D. Homen, Goldie Hyland, Hayden Threet, Eric Johnson, Jane Judd, David Keller, Tim Marsh, Dorothy Massie, Herbert Morales, Patricia Nielsen, Carla Norberg, Al Peters, Eva Pierce, Eran Ramos, Omar Sanchez, Emily Schwertner, John D. Shelton, Winnie Sweatt, Geneva Tillman, David Vitali, and Cathy Zoller.

If you are looking for a wonderful weekend that is RELAXING, SPIRIT-FILLED, and EXCITING all at the same time, sign up now for an ACTS retreat. ACTS is an acronym for: ADORATION, COMMUNITY, THEOLOGY, AND SERVICE. Retreats begin on Thursday evening and continue through Sunday. That's 3 special days just for you and GOD. Make plans now to attend the next ACTS retreat at the Bishop DeFalco Retreat Center. YOU DESERVE IT. Registration forms are available at your parish office, or contact someone you know who has attended an ACTS retreat. Upcoming retreats: Womens Retreat-Oct. 20-23, 2011 Teens Retreat - Dec. 29, 2011 - Jan. 1, 2012 Mens Retreat Jan. 19-22, 2012 If you have any questions contact Kim Boyd at 381-9916 email [email protected]. 2011 HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE: Bethlehem, Nazareth, and Jerusalem, Nov. 29 - Dec. 8 Host: Fr. Phan, Pastor of St. Ann. $2,599 + Taxes from Houston. Brochure: 806-6553302 ext. 0, or email: [email protected]. Bishop DeFalco Retreat & Conference Centers 8th Annual Wine Raffle is now underway & going strong The drawing is set for Sept. 21, 2011. All announcements and tickets have gone out in the mail. If you did not receive yours, please notify us and we will gladly mail one out. Wine donations are still needed and will be accepted through Sept. 20, 2011. For more info, please contact the Retreat Center 383-1811. Grief Recovery Support Group sponsored by St. Marys Catholic Cathedral - OUR JOURNEY FROM MOURNING TO JOY. If youve lost a spouse, child, family member or friend to death, youve probably found there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel. GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of lifes most difficult experiences. GriefShare seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. Sessions begin on Wednesday, September 7, 2011 at 7:00pm and will last 13 weeks, ending on December 7th (off Thanksgiving week). Sessions will be held in the adult education center in the Msgr. Smyer classroom center. Cost is $15. To register or for information, contact Cindy Cox at 806 -672-3105. First Diocesan Mens Conference Searching for the light of Christ Featuring Eben Emerson former Church of Christ Minister now; Catholic convert, Guest on the Journey Home Also presenting: Father Arturo Rodriguez Diocesan Priest; Victor Leal Business Owner; Steve Rubio Coach Conference is open to all Men; Cost is 15.00 per person includes meal Saturday Oct. 1 2011 8am-4:00pm Hilton Garden Inn 9000 I-40 West For ticket sales contact: Ricky Frausto 683-5098, Rueben Martinez 444-7601, [email protected] 382-4336. ALL INCOMING FRESHMEN & RETURNING STUDENTS AT WEST TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY & AMARILLO COLLEGE The Catholic Student Center is located at 2610 4th Ave in Canyon, TX. All Amarillo College students are welcome to participate in any activities, Masses & events at the Catholic Student Center in addition to a free home cooked lunch & fellowship at the CUB Building at noon in room 106 each Tuesday beginning September 13, 2011. Please feel free to call the Catholic Student Center at 806-6554345, if you have any questions.


Effective September 1, 2011 Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays NO MASS 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 8:30AM

I would like to thank everyone for all the cards, gifts and well wishes that I received at my retirement dinner. I would like to extend a special thank you to the St. Faustina womens group for hosting the dinner. Once again, thank you so very much for everything and please know you will be in my prayers. God Bless, Msgr. Ray

Come and join St. Joseph Catholic School for our School Carnival October 1 from 12 pm- 10 pm!
There will be day long live entertainment from bands such as Afterthought, Lifeless to Life, Fade, 3 Kings, and much more. Well will have great food, great rides and fun activities for the whole family. We will also be having our 5th Annual Beef Raffle. 1st prize is a freezer with a processed whole beef, 2nd Prize is a Son of Brisket Gill by Tiernan, and 3rd prize is a Convertible Bench/Picnic Table. The tickets are 1 Ticket for $5.00 or 5 Tickets for $20.00. If you are interested in purchasing tickets please contact the school at 806-359-1604.

Offering: August 28: Sunday Offering Childrens Offering Votive Second Collection Scholarship Fund Capital Improvement TOTAL:

From the Pastors Desk $4,103.38 $7.87 $26.60 $418.36 ________ $4,556.21 Fr. Clem and Indiana Jones When I was a boy back in Ohio in the 60s, no one ever got to fly. There were no crop dusters in our part of the country and, as farmers, we certainly didnt have money for air fare, much less vacations. Summer days were spent driving tractors, gathering the cows for milking, then feeding calves and hogs and chickens. But Sunday afternoons brought a break in the work. Id head for a neighbors hayfield to play ball with the rest of the farm boys. One of the families had an uncle who was a priest. His name was Fr. Clem Borchers. He served in the South where there were few Catholics and even fewer priests. This level of dedication impressed me but not near as much as the fact that Fr. Clem flew a plane to get from one mission post to another. Each summer hed visit his family in Ohio and, if you were lucky enough to be playing ball at in the Borchers hayfield on a Sunday that Fr. Clem flew in, youd get a ride in his Cessna. And it would be the ride of your life! Fr. Clem was a dare-devil of a pilot. Hed nose-drive the plane to buzz cattle in the field. Hed skim the surface of lakes. Once, he even flew the plane beneath high power lines. Crazy? Sure it was. But in the eyes of this farm boy Fr. Clem was ten feet tall and made Indiana Jones look like a pansy. When I made it to high school, a friend and I spent a couple of weeks helping out at Fr. Clems churches in Mississippi. By then I was certain that I wanted to be a priest. Fr. Clems adventurous spirit and commitment to Christ had made a lasting impression on me. When I entered the seminary, I was torn between serving in my home diocese or joining up with Fr. Clems group, the Glenmary Fathers. In the end, I chose to stick close to home, but the desire to serve Church in a region in serious need of priests never left me. In recent years, Fr. Clems example led me to petition for permission to come to the Diocese of Amarillo, a place where the Church today, as in the days of Fr. Clem, is in dire need of priests. After eight years of badgering the archbishop of Cincinnati, he finally agreed to loan me out. Since arriving in Texas two years ago, Ive served in Childress and Memphis. As I had hoped, opportunities for adventure abounded. I mastered a basic level of Spanish, fought wild fires in the canyons and got tips on horse training from the cowboys at the Four Sixes Ranch (I break horses in my free time). But mostly, Ive been honored with the privilege of preaching the Gospel and bringing the sacraments to folks who are hungry for God. Who could ask for a better life? Now Ive been appointed pastor of St. Hyacinth Parish in Amarillo and Immaculate Conception Parish in Vega, Im eager for the exciting opportunities that await me here. I am grateful for the work of Msgr. Crosier and Fr. Anthony who preceded me and hope to build on what they accomplished. It will be a privilege to serve you in the name of Christ and I promise to do so to the best of my ability. With the help of Fr. Barnabas, our new associate pastor, and the deacons, the staff and all the good people of St. Hyacinth and Immaculate Conception, I have every confidence that the Holy Spirit will infuse our efforts with a gusto that would that would make Fr. Clem proud. I look forward to serving you! Sincerely yours, Fr. Jim

Scripture Readings for September 11, 2011 First Reading: Psalm: Second Reading: Gospel: Sirach 27:30 - 28:7 103 Romans 14:7 - 9 Matthew 18:21 - 35

SECOND COLLECTIONS FOR SEPTEMBER September 4 - Local Charities September 11 - Capital Improvements September 18 - Catholic Charities (Catholic Family Services) September 25 - Scholarship Fund
AROUND ST. HYACINTH MONTHLY POTLUCK LUNCHEON The Senior Citizens monthly pot luck luncheon is held on the last Wednesday of each month at noon. Please join us on Wednesday, September 28th, 2011 and bring your favorite dish. ST. FAUSTINA WOMENS GROUP The St. Faustina Circle meets the 2nd Thursday of each month. Our next meeting is September 8th in the small social hall at 7:00pm. All women of the parish are invited. CHOIR OPEN HOUSE Wednesday September 7, 2011 in the music room. Come and See what our choir will be doing this yearwith the New Roman Missal. You dont have to sing or join - just come and visit with us. We will have a short presentation at 7:00pm, sing a few sing-a-long hymns and then have refreshments. The St. Hyacinths Choirs have enjoyed the parish's support in the past and hope to continue receiving your support in the transition to the New Roman Missal. If you are interested in joining our choir, please contact any one of the cantors or the organist. Following is our practice times: Sunday mornings 9:45am - 10:30am in the Church And/Or Wednesday evenings 6:30pm in the music room (down in the classrooms).

The Office will be closed Monday, September 5th In observance of Labor Day

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