Improving Productivity and Quality of Indonesian Mangosteen: Acta Horticulturae June 2008
Improving Productivity and Quality of Indonesian Mangosteen: Acta Horticulturae June 2008
Improving Productivity and Quality of Indonesian Mangosteen: Acta Horticulturae June 2008
7 528
4 authors, including:
Sobir Sobir
Bogor Agricultural University
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Komersialisasi Bawang Merah Varietas Baru Untuk Stabilisasi Suplai Bawang Merah Nasional View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Darda Efendi on 30 December 2021.
Indonesia has numerous edible fruit species found over the archipelago. Some
of fruit species have become commercial, but they have not been cultivated optimally;
among of them is mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.). Mangosteen found in Indo-
nesia over the archipelago, grows in compound garden and agro forestry-like garden,
at lowland to up to 800 m above sea level. The production center of mangosteen is in
western of Indonesia, including Sumatra, Java, Bali and West Nusa Tenggara.
Mangosteen fruits are harvested all year long through archipelago. However, main
harvesting season is September to April. Mangosteen production fluctuates from
30,000 to 70,000 tons a year, and high quality fruits are mostly exported. The fruits are
exported to Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, United Arab Emirate, Saudi
Arabia, and Netherlands. The demand of mangosteen in world market has increased
markedly. To meet the export demand, improvement of existing trees and develop-
ment of new orchard should be conducted. Center for Tropical Fruit Studies of Bogor
Agricultural University has been developing several approaches to improve existing
trees and technology package to establish mangosteen orchard, which consists of (a)
introducing new mangosteen clone ‘Wanayasa’, (b) improvement rooting system using
mycorhyza and Agrobacterium rhyzogenes, (c) enhancement of tree growth using
double-rootstock system, (d) cropping system, (e) irrigation and fertilization system,
(f) trees husbandry, and (g) harvest and post-harvest technology. We are also con-
ducting several researches on genetics variability identification and development,
studies on cause of gamboges and methods to overcome the gamboges problem on
fruits, developing non-destructive technology for detection of gamboges, and im-
proving technique for prolonging shelf-life of fruits.
Mangosteen, one of the best of tropical fruits, became Indonesian mainstay fruit
with increasing international demands. Export of Indonesian mangosteen has been
continuously increased from only 425 tons in 1991, 4,868,528 tons in 2001, and
9,304,511 tons in 2003 (Department of Agriculture, 2005). At present, mangosteen is
regarded as the top fresh fruit export. Indonesian mangosteen is exported to Europe,
Middle East and to traditional markets such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
However, increases in export have not been supported by increases in production and
quality. Till this year, Indonesia is relying on backyard mangosteen or small holder grove
without technological input for export increase. Investment on mangosteen orchard has
not been made extensively, probably due to the long juvenility period of 8 to 15 years,
low productivity, and gamboges problem of the fruit. Low productivity is mostly due to
poor flowering and fruit set. Developing technology to improve productivity of the
mangosteen orchard and the quality of the fruits are important for export increases as well
as for domestic market with better quality fruits.
Fertilizer Study
Another problem on Indonesian mangosteen production is less or no fertilizer
application. There is no standard of optimum fertilizer dosages for mangosteen yet. On
the other hand, research showed that mangosteen was highly responsive to fertilizer
applications. Application of NPK fertilizer at 50:10:20 ppm onto young mangosteen
improved the growth of the tree. Our recent work found excessive, optimum, and
deficient ranges of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in mangosteen leaves. Optimum
range of nitrogen is narrow; and excessive nitrogen level in the leaves may result in
severe burn symptom in the leaves.
Young mangosteen needs shading and the growth of the trees are hampered
without proper shading. Use of banana or papaya as shading plants is proven to be
technically and economically promising because both plants appear to prefer the same
agro-ecological zone with mangosteen, both plants could be easily pulled out when the
mangosteen trees grow up, and both plants produce fruit much earlier than mangosteen,
thus providing additional income for the farmers.
Gamboges Studies
Gamboges or yellow latex is one of important problems on mangosteen that
severely deteriorate the quality of mangosteen fruits. The edible part of mangosteen
become bitter and the rind become hard and difficult to open due to this disease. Yellow
latex on mangosteen aril is due to cracking of endocarp. Longitudinal and transversal
section of mangosteen pericarp showed laticifer of yellow latex. Based on our preliminary
research, we found 8 bacterial isolates that were associated with gamboges. Four of these
isolates were pathogenic causing necrosis on tobacco leaves.
confirmation by mean RAPD analysis to mangosteen from Java and Sumatra Island has
successfully detected genetics variability among mangosteen population at 0.27 of
dissimilarity level (Mansyah et al., 2003).
Elucidation of genetical variability in mangosteen population to improve mangos-
teen could be conducted through direct selection from the field population. Our selection
on mangosteen population in Purwakarta Regency provided one potential clone, and
released as new variety named Wanayasa (Center for Tropical Fruits Studies, 2004).
Subsequently, due to pollination handicap for hybridization in mangosteen, we conducted
several experiments for genetical variability improvement, such as Gamma ray irradiation
on seed, callus and cell culture (Harahap, 2005; Qosim, 2005).
Gamma ray irradiation on directly on seed resulted several mutants that indicated
better growth at seedling stages. Subsequently irradiation treatment on mangosteen seed
in in vitro medium affected plantlet growth, morphological performance, and several leaf
anatomical structure, and increasing genetics variability up to 0.60 dissimilarity level.
Cluster analysis revealed that clustering pattern may not be associated to gamma ray
irradiation dose, indicating the effect of the treatments to genetical variability was
randomly occurring (Harahap, 2005; Qosim, 2005).
Center for Tropical Fruit Studies of Bogor Agricultural University has made
several efforts for improving productivity and quality of Indonesian Mangosteen, through
a. Improvement existing trees by converting mangosteen forest to an orchard,
b. Establishment of new orchard technology,
c. Harvest and post-harvest technology consisting of: off season production technology,
shelf-life improvement, non-destructive fruit evaluation, and
d. Genetics improvement trough genetic variability analysis and mutation breeding.
Literature Cited
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