Educational Research Basic Steps

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Fahad Maqbool

M.Phil Scholar
Lecturer at:
IMIT Group of Colleges FSD.
What is Education
(i) The process of getting or giving systematic
instruction, especially at a school or university.
(ii) Education in its general sense is a form of
learning in which the knowledge, skills, and
habits of peoples are transferred from one
generation to the next through teaching,
training, or research.
(iii) Education is the process of getting knowledge
in systematic way.
• It is formal systematic application of
scientific method to the study of
Educational Research
 It is formal systematic application of scientific
method to the study of educational problem
 The goal is to explain, predict, and/or control
educational phenomena
• Four sections of this presentation
• An overview of the scientific method and educational research
• The classification of types of research by purpose
• The classification of types of research by method.
Source of Knowlwdge
• Five ways we can know something
• Personal experience
• Agreement with others
• Tradition
• Experts opinion
• Logic
• Inductive
• Deductive
• The scientific method

Obj. 1.2
Ways of Knowing
• Personal experience
• We us our five senses
• Relying on one’s knowledge of previous
• Limitations
• How one is affected by an event depends on
who one is
Agreement with others
• To discus our ideas, views with others
• Thinking of people about our senses
Obj. 1.2
Ways of Knowing
• Tradition
• Doing things as they have always been done
• Limitations
• Traditions are often based on an idealized past
• Traditions can be unfriendly from current realities
and the complexities associated with them
• Experts opinion
• Relying on the expertise or authority of others
• Limitations
• Experts can be wrong
• Experts can disagree among themselves, as in a
“second opinion” Obj. 1.2
Ways of Knowing
• Inductive reasoning
• Reasoning from the specific to the
• Limitations
• In order to be certain of a conclusion one
must observe all examples
• All examples can be observed only in very
limited situations where there are few
members of the group Obj. 1.2
Ways of Knowing
• Deductive reasoning
• Reasoning from the general to the
• Limitations
• You must begin with true premises in
order to arrive at true conclusions
• Deductive reasoning only organizes
what is already known
Obj. 1.2
The Scientific Method
• The goal of the scientific method is to
explain, predict, and/or control
• This involves the acquisition of
knowledge and the development and
testing of theory
• The use of the scientific method is more
efficient and reliable than any other
source of knowledge Obj. 1.1 & 1.4
The Scientific Method
• Five steps in the scientific method
• Recognition and definition of the
• Formulation of hypotheses
• Collection of data
• Analysis of data
• Stating conclusions
Classifying Research
• Two helpful ways to view research
• Purpose
• The degree of direct applicability of
research to educational practices and
• Method
• The overall strategies followed to
collect and analyze data
Obj. 3.1, 3.2 & 3.5
The Purposes of Research

Obj. 3.3
The Purposes of Research
• Basic research
• Collection and analysis of data to
develop or enhance theory
• Examples related to learning theory
• Piaget
• Constructivism
• Mastery learning
• Gardner’s multiple intelligences Obj. 3.4
The Purposes of Research
• Applied research
• Collection and analysis of data to examine the
usefulness of theory in solving practical
educational problems
• Examples
• Developing a seventh grade social studies
curriculum around a problem-solving approach to
• Examining the effectiveness of a computer-based
algebra program developed around a mastery
learning approach
• Accommodating varied learning styles when
teaching lessons in modern literature Obj. 3.4
The Purposes of Research
• The interaction of basic and applied
• Basic research provides the theory that
produces the concepts for solving
educational problems
• Applied research provides the data to
help support, guide, and revise the
development theory
Obj. 3.4
Research by Methods
• Two general categories of
methods currently being used
in educational research
• Quantitative
• Qualitative
Obj. 3.5
Quantitative Methods
• General purpose
• Collect and analyze data to explain, predict, or
control phenomena of interest
• Describe current conditions
• Investigate relationships
• Study causes and effects
• Assumptions of the researcher
• We live in a stable, uniform, and coherent world
• We can measure, understand, and generalize about
our world
• Generally regarded as a positivistic perspective

Obj. 3.6 & 5.1

Quantitative Methods
• Characteristics
• Numerical data
• Use of formally stated hypotheses and procedures
• Use of controls to minimize the effects of factors that
could interfere with the outcome of the research
• Large numbers of participating subjects
• An objective, detached researcher
• Use of pencil and paper tests, questionnaires, etc.

Obj. 3.6 & 5.1

Quantitative Methods
• Five basic designs
• Descriptive
• Correlational
• Causal-comparative
• Experimental
• Single subject

Obj. 3.7
Quantitative Designs
• Descriptive
• Purpose – to describe the current status of a
variable of interest to the researcher
• Examples
• How many students drop out of school in Louisiana?
• What are the attitudes of parents, students, and
teachers concerning an extended school year?
• What kinds of activities typically occur in sixth-grade
art classes, and how frequently does each occur?
• To what extent are elementary teachers using math
Obj. 3.7 & 4.1
Quantitative Designs
• Correlational
• Purpose – to ascertain the extent to which two or
more variables are statistically related
• Examples
• What is the relationship between ACT scores and freshman grades?
• Is a teacher’s sense of efficacy related to his/her effectiveness?
• Do significant relationships exist between the types of activities used
in math classrooms and student achievement?
• This design does NOT imply causation

Obj. 3.7 & 4.1

Quantitative Designs
• Causal-comparative
• Purpose – to explore relationships among variables
that cannot be actively manipulated or controlled
by the researcher
• Examples
• What is the effect of part-time employment on the achievement of
high school students?
• What characteristics differentiate students who drop out from those
who do not?
• What is the effect of attending a magnet school on student attitude?
• An important characteristic is that the independent
variable has already been manipulated

Obj. 3.7 & 4.1

Quantitative Designs
• Experimental
• Purpose – to establish cause and effect
relationships between variables
• Examples
• What is the effect of teaching with (1) a co-
operative groups strategy or (2) a traditional
lecture approach on students’ achievement?
• What is the effect of teaching with manipulatives
vs. a traditional algorithm approach on students’
test scores?
• The important characteristics are that the
researcher manipulates the independent
variable and controls extraneous variables Obj. 3.7 & 4.1
Quantitative Designs
• Single subject
• Purpose – to investigate cause and effect
relationships with samples of one (1)
• Examples
• What is the effect of a behavior modification program
on John’s conduct in class?
• What is the effect of a behavioral training program on
Joan’s ability to complete her performance tasks?
• The important characteristic is the use of specific
interventions to cause behavioral changes in low
incidence populations (e.g., special education)
Obj. 3.7 & 4.1
Qualitative Methods
• General purpose
• To probe deeply into the research setting to obtain in-depth
understandings about the way things are, why they are like that,
and how participants perceive them
• The need to create a sustained, in-depth, in context study that
allows the researcher to uncover subtle, less overt personal
• Assumptions of the researcher
• All meaning is situated in a particular perspective or context
• Different people and groups often have different perspectives
and contexts, so there are many different meanings in the world
• Generally regarded as a post-positivistic perspective

Obj. 3.8 & 5.1

Qualitative Methods

• Two basic designs

• Narrative
• Ethnography

Obj. 3.9
Qualitative Designs
• Narrative
• Purpose – focus on studying a single person
and gathering data through the collection of
stories that are used to construct a narrative
about the individual’s experience and the
meanings he/she attributes to them
• Examples
• What are the experiences of a veteran teacher who
has been moved into an administrative position in
her school?
• What does “inclusion” mean to a special needs
child who is placed in a regular education
Obj. 3.9 & 4.2
Qualitative Designs
• Ethnography
• Purpose – to obtain an understanding of the
shared beliefs and practices of a particular
group or culture
• Examples
• What is the nature of the problems teachers
encounter when they begin using a constructivist
approach to instruction after having taught using a
very traditional approach for ten years?
• Why does a sense of failure permeate everything
about this particular high school?
Obj. 3.9 & 4.2

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