Cbe-6 1
Cbe-6 1
Cbe-6 1
This guideline discusses the criteria for selecting pipe sizes to be used in cold box designs.
Categories of piping discussed in this guideline include:
2.1 Pipes smaller than ½” PS are not normally used in cold boxes.
2.2 Pipes smaller than 1” are not normally used to process lines.
2.3 Normally, sizes 1-1/4”, 2-1/2”, and 3-1/2” are not used in cold boxes.
2.4 Pipe sizes 5”, 14”, 18” and 28” are also “odd” sizes because valves are not usually
available in these sizes.
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2.5 Small pipes need to be supported at closer intervals than large diameter pipes.
Therefore it may cost less to use a larger size. Spacing of pipe supports is discussed
in CBE-10.3.
Where pressure loss in piping has a $/PSI value, the pipe size is selected to minimize
the sum of pressure loss cost plus installed cost. This selection can be done by any of the
For pipes with large size valves, such as RHX switching and check valves, detailed
cost calculations should be made to determine which size has the lowest overall cost.
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For gas streams which are throttled, or which do not affect compressor power, the
pipe size will be selected so that the pressure loss in the piping does not exceed the pressure drop
available. Pressure drop calculations are discussed in CBE-6.4.
For gas streams at low pressure, the economic pipe size may not be the optimum
choice if the system affects compressor power. A system pressure drop should be estimated to make
sure the delivery pressure is adequate. Examples include waste nitrogen from the upper column all
the way to a blower, product nitrogen to a compressor, and product oxygen to a compressor. All
cold box and warm end piping and vessels and heat exchangers must be included for the system.
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For liquid pipes, 6” P.S. and smaller, the “rules of thumb” for selecting size are:
1. For pump suction piping, the pipe size will usually be larger than requirements of
3.1 a. and 3.1b above. The net positive suction head (NPSH) at the pump inlet
flange must be greater than the pump manufacturer’s requirement with a
comfortable safety factor (>2). To accomplish this the pump suction piping usually
must be sized to give a very low ▲p. See Reference 4, Paragraph, page
2. For gravity loops, th4e liquid piping will usually be larger than the requirements of
4.1 and 4.2 above. See Reference 6.
3. For kettle and shelf liquid see Sections 5.0 and 6.0 below.
The attached chart “Pipe Sizing Chart for Liquids” is based on the rules of thumb listed
above. It can be used to select pipe seizes for liquid process lines up to 6” P.S.
For liquid pipes over 6” P.S., it is recommended that sizing calculations be done
considering the ▲p that is available, and that a pipe size be selected to give an adequate factor of
safety (available ▲p/estimated ▲p). For most cases a safety factor of 3 is adequate.
Maximum flow in kettle and shelf liquid piping downstream of the transfer valves depends
on the amount of flash-off. Expected percent of flash-off is given on the heat and mass balance.
Maximum recommended capacities are give in Table 1.
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Percent Flash 0* 1 5 10 20
10” 70 30 15 11 8.5
12” 130 50 24 18 24
*Use 0 percent flash capacities for sizing pipe upstream of the transfer valve.
These flow capacities will result in a friction pressure loss of no more than 1 psi for each 10’
of pipe. The pressure loss due to liquid head has not been considered. Assumptions are listed in
Reference 5. Table 1 is based on trayed columns. For plants with packed columns and argon, the
cold box engineer should make two-phase pressure loss calculations to confirm that the kettle or
shelf liquid will transfer.
Two-phase flow will exist in the piping downstream of the transfer valve. See Section 6.0
for further considerations when sizing these pipes.
Two-phase flow (liquid and vapor) in piping requires special attention since a condition
know as slug flow can exist. In slug flow large vapor bubbles and large slugs of liquid can cause
pressure pulsations, piping vibrations and unstable operation of the downstream vessel. Lines
likely to contain two-phase flow include shelf and kettle lines downstream of the transfer valves
and inlets to phase separators. Slug flow should usually be avoided.
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Once the TWOPHSDP program has been run, its outputs should be checked to make
sure the flow is not in the slug flow region. To do this, install the outputs from TWOPHSDP into
the Flow Region Spreadsheet located on the X drive at X:\MP\PROGRAMS\ACTIVE\FLOW
REGION SPREADSHEET.XLS. The outputs from this spreadsheet are plotted on Figure 1 to
determine the flow region. Figure 1 is reproduced from an article in Hydrocarbon Processing
magazine; see reference 14. The Slug and Dispersed flow regions should be avoided; the Annular
and Bubble/Froth regions are acceptable. In reality the borders of these zones are broad transition
If the flow is in the slug flow region, make the pipe smaller and/or add vapor lift. If
either of these options are used, the TWOPHSDP program must be re-run with the new design
conditions to check for available pressure drop across the control valve and to get the new inputs
for the flow region spreadsheet. Off-design conditions, such as startup, shutdown or turndown
should also be checked to avoid the slug flow region.
A pipe runs vertically upward from a control valve to a vessel, having a flow rate of
68,369 lb/hr. The line is initially sized at 8” Sch 40, and the TWOPHSDP program is run for this
flow rate and the piping geometry. Output from the TWOPHSDP program shows the discharge
from line into the vessel has a vapor fraction of 0.137. The flow rate, vapor fraction and other
pertinent information are installed in the Flow Region Spreadsheet; see the example below.
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Description Value Units Source
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The outputs of the spreadsheet (By = 7,665 and Bx = 243) are plotted on Figure 1.
The result shows the flow is in the slug flow region. We wish to avoid slug flow, so we install the
inside diameter of a 6” Sch 40 pipe (6.065”) in the Flow Region Spreadsheet. Again the outputs of
the spreadsheet (By = 13,273 and Bx = 243) are plotted on Figure 1, and we notice that the flow is
in the bubble region. Now we must go back to the TWOPHSDP program and install the line as
being 6” PS to verify that there is still enough pressure drop available for the control valve to work
The problem should be re-run for off-design conditions, such as startup, shutdown
or turndown. Also, points can be added to the TWOPHSDP program to report vapor fractions at
various points along the pipe run, these can be checked to make sure they are not in the slug flow
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Slug flow in downward flow can only occur when the liquid volume ratio* is greater
than 0.4 and when the superficial liquid velocity is about the same as the bubble rise velocity. The
second condition will not exist if the Froude number as defined on pages 203-205 of reference 9 is
greater than 1.
If both conditions are present, the pipe size should be selected based on the
minimum flowrate given in Table 2. Also consider flow conditions at turndown, startup, and
ActualCFH , Liquid
* Liquid Volume Ratio =
ActualCFH , Liquid + ActualCFH ,Vapor
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In cold boxes, horizontal runs of pipe are usually relatively short. The flow patterns
in a two-phase horizontal pipe will usually be determined by the vertical pipes connecting to it.
However, for long horizontal pipes (greater than 20 diameters) slug flow conditions should be
avoided. Reference 9 includes a chart for determining flow patterns in a horizontal two-phase
flow. (See Part 2, 4/20/70, page 156. Also see Part 6, 10/5/70, pages 92-94 for a discussion of the
mechanism of slug flow and the problems associated with it.) Reference 14 also includes a
section on flow regions in horizontal two-phase runs.
Thaw piping is sized according to the required thaw flows as shown in Table 3.
Table 3
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This table was first published in Reference 11. Thaw flow rates can be estimated from thaw
heat requirements. It requires a thaw flow rate of about 20 chp-ntp to heat 1 lb of aluminum to
+2120F in one hour. Two to four hours are normally allowed to heat equipment to thaw
temperature, thus a thaw flow of 5 to 10 cfh-ntp is allowed for each pound of aluminum to be
Drain piping should be sized large enough to drain a liquid vessel from maximum
operating level to empty in ½ hour using the flow rates given on the attached “Pipe Sizing Chart
for Liquids.” Exception: Time to drain large storage tanks in cold boxes may be increased to two
When drain piping also serves as thaw vent piping, it should also be large enough to meet
the criteria of Section 7.0 above.
The sizing of relief valve piping is governed by Paragraphs UG 135(b) and (c), Section
VIII, Div. 1, ASME Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels:
b. The opening thorough all pipe and fittings between a pressure vessel and its
pressure-relieving device shall have at least the area of the pressure-relieving device
inlet, and the flow characteristics of this upstream system shall be such that the
pressure drop will not reduce the relieving capacity below that required or adversely
affect the proper operation of the pressure-relieving device. The opening in the
vessel wall shall be designed to provide an unobstructed flow between the vessel
and its pressure-relieving device.
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Instrument piping inside the cold box is normally ½” PS or 3/8” O.D. stainless steel tubing
for shop fabricated packages, and 1” PS for field constructed packages.
A 2” instrument air header is sufficient for typical plants with 30 to 50 automatic valves. 1”
headers should be used on each package. A 1” header provides enough air for about 15 valve
operators. A 1” header made of pipe is less susceptible to damage during shipment than tubing.
5/8” tubing is suitable for groups of 4 to 5 valve operators; 5/8” tubing may be needed for a
single, large operator. 3/8” tubing is suitable for most individual valve operators.
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CBE-6.1 (Revised 3/30/01)
1. Ref. Memo 118, “Economic Pipe Sizing for Gas Phase Pipes”, D.H. May, 2/26/79. (Obsolete)
2. Time Sharing Program GASPS, Ref. Memo 23, “Gas Pipe Sizing”, J.K. Howell, 2/12/75.
3. Ref. Memo 62, “HP-67 Calculator Program for Economic Pipe Sizing…,” J.K. Howell,
7/30/79. (Obsolete)
5. Ref. Memo 132, “Pipe Sizing Graph for Kettle and Shelf Liquid”, J.K. Howell, 7/30/79.
7. Ref. Memo 90, “HP-67 Program to Test for Slug Flow in Two-Phase Upflow”, J.K. Howell,
8. “Sizing piping for Process Plants”, Chemical Engineering, June 17, 1968, pp. 192-214.
9. Ref. Memo 32, “Chemical Engineering Aspects of Two-Phase Flow”, Chemical Engineering,
Reprint, 1970.
10. Ref. Memo 30, Engineering Memorandum 5740, “Two Phase Pressure Drop in Process Piping
and Pipelines”, D.F. Lenox, 11/13/75. (Obsolete)
11. Ref. Memo 38, “Suggested Thaw Line Capacity Chart for Air Separation Plants”, J.K. Howell,
12. EM 7306, “Pressure Drop in Piping with Two-Phase Flow”, A.M. Czikk, 6/23/89, Ref. Memo
182. (Obsolete)
13. CMS Program PIPEDP, for Pressure Drop in Piping with Two-Phase Flow, J.L. Zaremba,
3/2/90, Ref. Memo 183. (Obsolete)
14. CDM Reference Memo 31, “How to Size Process Piping for Two-Phase Flow”, Hydrocarbon
Processing, October 1969, pp. 105-116.
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