Health and Safety Management Plan

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Former Standish Hospital

Gloucester, GL10 3HA
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Sign off

Section 1 Description of the Operation/site/location

Operation/site/location description and programme details
Details of external relationships i.e. client, CDM Co-ordinator, designers, principal contractor
and any other consultants
Extent and location of existing records and plans relevant to health and safety on site.

Section 2 Communication and management of the Work

Management team
Designated responsibilities
Working Hours
Health and safety goals for the operation/site/location and arrangements for monitoring and
review of health and safety performance
Arrangements for regular liaison between parties on site and consultation with the workforce
and the exchange of information between others i.e. client, designers, CDM Co-coordinator and
contractors etc.
Selection and control of contractors, suppliers and equipment
Security, site induction and onsite training
Welfare & Storage facilities
First aid
Reporting and investigation of accidents and incidents including near misses
Details of nearest A & E Hospital
The production and approval of risk assessments and method statements
Site rules (incl. drug and alcohol policy)
Emergency procedures
Emergency contacts
Fire safety plan
Fire action notice

Section 3 Arrangements for Controlling Significant Site Risks

Safety risks including;
Delivery and removal of materials including waste and work equipment taking into account
any risks to the public
Dealing with services –water, electricity and gas, overhead power lines and temporary
electrical installations.
Accommodating adjacent land use
Work with or near fragile materials
Preventing falls
Control of lifting operation/site/locations
The maintenance of equipment
Work on excavation and work where there are poor ground conditions
Work on or near water where there is a risk of drowning
Traffic routes and segregation of vehicles and pedestrians
Storage of materials (particularly hazardous materials) and work equipment
Noise & Vibration
Any other significant safety risks

Section 4 The Health and Safety File (Maintenance activities)

Layout and format
Arrangements for the collection and gathering of information
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Section 5 Appendices



Rev: 1
Rev: 2
Rev: 3
Rev: 4
Rev: 5
Rev: 6
Rev: 7
Rev: 8
Rev: 9
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Rev: 11
Rev: 12

Sign Off

Originator Name: Adam Richardson Date: 09/05/2017

Operation/site/location Name: Adam Richardson Date: 09/05/2017
Health and Safety Name: David Evans & Adam Richardson Date: 09/05/2017
Site Agent Name: To Be Confirmed Date:


Please note: This plan is considered incomplete in the absence of the above signatories.
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Section 1 - Description of the Operation, Site & Location

Construction Management Plan (CMP) is a “live document” which is to be updated as the

operation/site/location develops.

Operation/site/location description and programme details:

Description of Programme

This plan sets out the principles for the positive management of health & safety on this
operation/site/location. It incorporates & develops the health and safety information passed to
us as, and from contractors involved on this operation/site/location; in order to establish
arrangements that will avoid accidents and promote a safe and healthy working environment.

The plan will be reviewed on a regular basis and updated as required by the
Operation/site/locational Management Team. The plan and any revisions will be read by all site
staff and relevant sections issued to all Contractors. It will be identified to all site operatives as
part of their site induction training programme and they will be informed of changes as the works
progress via regular tool box talks. This plan considers potential impacts and details the control
measures which will be used to minimise their effects. The plan includes general and
administrative procedures, environmental procedures & emergency response procedures.

Operation/site/location Details:
Operation/site/location Housemarling Lane, Standish, Gloucester. GL10 3HA

Estimated Period of 48 months

Number of Anticipated Days

Commencement Date:
Summer 2017

Anticipated Completion Date

Summer 2021

Nature of the Build

84 New Build properties

50 Converted properties

134 Total
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Details of client, CDM Co-coordinator, designers, principal contractor and

any other consultants:
CLIENT: P.J. Livesey Group
CO-ORDINATOR: Dave Circuit 07921941079

PRINCIPLE DESIGNER: Adam Richardson 0161 8737878





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Section 2 – Communication and management of the work

Management team:
Position Name Position Phone No.
Operation/Site/Location Gary Graves Commercial &
Manager Construction Director
Adam Richardson Development manager 07793773183
David Circuit Commercial Manager 07815120009

Site Agent To Be Confirmed Project Manager

Site Manager To Be Confirmed Project Manager

Nominated Health and SIS GB Ltd 07801282934

Safety Team
Site Foreman To Be Confirmed
Site First Aider(s) To Be Confirmed Project Manager

Designated Responsibilities
Description Competent Person Responsible Frequency
Construction Adam Richardson Initial production, reviewed regularly and
Management Plan updated as required during
operation/site/location development
Emergency Plans Adam Richardson Prior to commencement – updated during
operation/site/location development
Incident Reporting To Be Confirmed As required
Site Induction To Be Confirmed Prior to individuals commencement on site
– content updated to suit
operation/site/location development
Statutory Inspections Site Agent Weekly/following adaptation/following
and Registers SIS GB Ltd event likely to affect strength and
stability/following fall of material
Welfare Provision
Daily Visual Inspection

Permits to Work (All To Be Confirmed As Required


Tool box talks. To Be Confirmed Monthly Toolbox Talks

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Description Competent Person Responsible Frequency
Communication and To Be Confirmed Communication daily. Minuted meetings
consultation with workforce representatives as required.
Notice Board To Be Confirmed Location and Whereabouts:
Health and Safety Law To Be Confirmed Location and Whereabouts:
Health and Safety SIS GB Ltd As Required
Fire Safety To Be Confirmed Prior to commencement – daily monitoring
during operation/site/location
development, fire risk assessment updates
First Aid To Be Confirmed As Required
Health & safety file To Be Confirmed Relevant information collected monthly.
Forwarded to CDM Co-ordinator

Working Hours

The following hours of operation are to be:

Monday - Friday*: 8am - 6pm

Saturday*: 8am - 2pm
Sunday / Bank holidays: No work – Unless prior agreement in writing with the
local planning authority

*Workforce may arrive on site 30 minutes prior but no working outside these
times, unless changed by prior agreement. Noise to be kept to a minimum in the
first hour.

No work or deliveries will occur outside of the hours nominated unless an

emergency situation arises or approval has been given by the consent of the
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Health and safety goals for the operation/site/location and arrangements
for monitoring and review of health and safety performance:
The targets set are to ensure the operation/site/location is to achieve zero accidents and
incidents, ill health or occupational disease throughout the duration of the operation/site/location
through careful planning and where possible, elimination of known hazards.

A health & safety monitoring report is completed by our site management to ensure that safe
systems of work are implemented at all times, copies of which are held on site.

Our Health & Safety Consultants also visits periodically to carry out health and safety inspections
to ensure our policy, all current legislation and best practice requirements are being followed.

In addition the operation/site/location will be part of the programme of management system

audits which will verify that the systems and procedures are put in place, and that the CMP is
working effectively. Monitoring will also aim to ensure that all relevant personnel are aware of
their responsibilities and legal obligations as they undertake their specific duties on site. The
operation/site/location may also be subject to a Senior Team Safety Tour which would be
undertaken by a Senior Manager & the Health & Safety Team.

Any non-conformance with any health and safety requirements that are encountered are dealt with
in accordance with their priority rating and any new procedure that is felt would benefit the health,
safety and welfare of all our employees will go forward to our health and safety committee for
debate and possible inclusion into our policy.

A subcontractor assessment record and a sub-contractor performance assessment are also

compiled which evaluates their overall health and safety performance.

Results from these monitoring procedures are fed back to the management team in the monthly
Health & Safety report and are reviewed at Management meetings.
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Arrangements for regular liaison between parties on site and consultation with
the workforce and the exchange of design information between the client,
designers, CDM Coordinator and contractors on site and the handling of design
changes during the Construction:
Day to day communication is required by every designer and contractor, to the Site Agent or his
nominated representative, on any health and safety matter which may affect this plan. Every
contractor is to encourage their staff to bring health & safety matters (particularly defects) to our
Site Agent’s attention immediately. If remedial action is required, and it is within the authority of
the contractor, then it must be dealt with by them and the actions taken reviewed with the Site
Agent or his nominated representatives. If the action required is outside the authority of the
Contractor or affects other contractors etc. then it must be brought to the attention of the Site
Agent immediately. A procedure will be established to facilitate consultation on site with all
contractors’ employees with regard to matters that affect their Health and Safety at work.

This procedure will include, but not be limited to consultation based around Construction, Work
gang and Individual Levels:-

Construction Level - Induction procedure, Site / Construction Meetings

Work Gang Level - Tool box talks, Method Statement Briefings, Minutes subcontractors

Individual Level - Open Door Policy, Directly with employees/contractors

Health and Safety will be tabled for discussions as an agenda item within all formal meetings
between P J Livesey, Client, Client’s Representative, Construction Team or other Contractor.
Construction Team Meeting Agenda is to include the consideration of Health and Safety
implications as a result of design changes/proposals or situations arising on site and whether
these are relevant for notification to the CDM Co-ordinator or Designer(s). Any apparent shortfall
in the liaison between Designer(s) and CDM-C will be notified via this meeting to the Client or his

Site specific Health and Safety meetings will take place between the Site Agent and a
representative from each Contractor working on the site where the site has over 25 persons.
These will not exceed intervals of two months and will follow a standard agenda.

Any matters with an effect on Health and Safety shall be discussed and minuted. Each
Contractor’s representative at the meeting shall thereafter be responsible for ensuring persons
under their control who may be affected are advised of such matters. These meetings will be
used to discuss and record any design changes that have been implemented since the last
meeting. Design changes, once received from the designer, will be brought to the attention of
the relevant contractor by the relevant Contracts Manager updating if applicable, the drawing
register accordingly and forwarding it with the drawings by post. It is then their responsibility to
update their workforce on site. Our Site Agent s will ensure that all current revisions of drawings
are being worked to on site.

All Contractors are expected to participate in achieving the highest possible standards of Health
and Safety on site.
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PJ Livesey will co-ordinate meetings with other Contractors, including other Principal Contractors,
where any matters affecting the Health and Safety objectives of the Construction will be

The following methods are used to inform and encourage consultation by P J Livesey;

Direct approach to management (open door policy)

P J Livesey H & S policy
P J Livesey Safety Management System which includes:
Systems approach to work activities
Corrective and preventative action
Management review by senior staff
Best practice policies
Training and personal development
Induction processes
Pre commencement meetings with service providers
Risk assessments and method statements and CDM regulation compliance
Safety representatives
Toolbox talks
Construction management plans
Site and office notice boards, circulation of H, S & E policies and procedures
Notification of relevant changes to legislation or working practices to those concerned
Minuted bi-monthly safety meetings held on site with the relevant subcontractor’s
representatives (where applicable)
Signed copies of the Health and Safety and Environmental Policy statements by P J Livesey
Warning signage, poster campaigns
Health, safety and environmental targets and initiatives

NB – translation will be sought where non English speaking operatives are engaged using the
HSE translation service available on their website. The use of pictograms may be used to assist
in understanding where appropriate.

We will evaluate the impact of any design changes issued during the Construction and discuss
the implications any delays or rescheduling will have on health, safety and environmental
matters (e.g. concurrent working necessitating additional protection, use of new materials
needing analysis for environmental impacts, maintaining handover dates necessitating extended
working hours and supervision or additional work in revising our CMP including risk assessments
and method statements) if we are unable to undertake the work using safe systems of work
originally envisaged.

We will put those options to the Client to gain a decision as to which option is acceptable.
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Selection and control of contractors, suppliers and equipment:

Selection Procedure
All contractors, prior to appointment, will be provided with information from this CMP relating to
their works. All Contractors appointed to this operation/site/location will be assessed for
competence and resources in health and safety. All contractors employed in association with the
operation/site/location will be required to make adequate provision for health and safety. Their
selection shall be from an approved list. Any external resource i.e. contractors etc. is then
evaluted by various deaprtments to ascertain whether they have the necessary competences
and resources to fullfil our requirements. Following successful evaluation they will be added to
our approved list. Health & Safety Information gained from the likes of Clients, Designers, the
CDM Co-ordinator, Contractors, Suppliers and ourselves in relation to the hazards that may be
encountered with either materials, substances or processes must be passed to the
subcontractors to enable them to provide method statements and risk assessments prior to
commencing their works on site.

The operation/site/location team has considered the contract programme and developed a
subcontractor procurement schedule to be used by the operation/site/location team in issuing
enquires and placing subcontractors in good time. A further contractor pre-start evaluation of
competencies, risk assessments, method statements is required and archived accordingly within
the site file. Additional new operatives must also be evaluated to determine compenticies prior
to starting on site.

Material suppliers are legally required to provide adequate health and safety information on their
products. No hazardous materials will be permitted to be used on site without prior submission
of an adequate CoSHH assessment to the operation/site/location management team.

All equipment will be properly selected, used and maintained in accordance with the Provision
and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER), the Lifting Operation/site/locations and
Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) and our Health and Safety Policy requirements.

Statutory inspections
It is a requirement of the Work at Height Regulations that working platforms used for (or for
access to) construction work and from which a person could fall more than 2m are inspected in
place before first use, following any substantial alteration, dismantling or addition, following any
event likely to have affected its strength or stability and at regular intervals not exceeding 7 days.
Where it is a mobile platform, inspection at the site is sufficient without re-inspection every time
it is moved. Site management, who are trained and competent, will take the responsibility for
these inspections and entries will be made into our Working Platform Register (HSE 019) which
will remain on site until the work has completed and then be archived at the regional office.

The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) require that all work equipment
is inspected at regular intervals to ensure that they are maintained in an efficient state, in
efficient working order and in good repair. Equipment Register (HSE 020). Equipment &
equipment operated by contractors will be required to carry out their own inspections and record
them using their own statutory registers.

it remains our duty to ensure that these checks are carried out at the correct frequencies by
competent persons.
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Access –Egress to site

Access for deliveries, staff and sub-contractors parking will be via Housemaning.
➢ PJ Livesey will ensure that suitable precautions are taken to prevent unauthorised
access and to ensure the safe passage of pedestrians and vehicles past the access point
of the site.
➢ Vehicles will not be permitted to reverse out of the site.
➢ A banksman will be employed for access and egress of vehicles.
➢ Parking will not be permitted on the main roads, contractors will park as per drawing.
➢ P J Livesey will designate an area for the unloading of materials and storage of
equipment and materials.
➢ Trained banksmen will be used at all times when vehicles are manoeuvring in and
around the site
➢ P J Livesey will ensure that restrictions on entry to site are known by all contractors, their
employees and visitors. The Site Manager will ensure that all
contractors/employees/visitors attend a site induction prior to obtaining access to site.
A record of all inductions will be kept on site.

➢ All deliveries will receive a wheel wash if necessary prior to leaving site


P J Livesey shall:
➢ Provide trained first aiders as required by the First Aid at Work Regulations 1981 and
current ACOP;
➢ Ensure all contractors are aware of emergency telephone numbers and location of first
aid facilities;
➢ Ensure all contractors are aware of the need to report all accidents and
incidents to P J Livesey
➢ Record all accidents in the site accident book;
➢ Ensure that all notifiable accidents under the RIDDOR are reported to the HSE and (PS)

A first aid box stocked as required by the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations will be located
within the Site Agent’s ‘on-site’ office/individual operatives

The appointed first aiders for this operation/site/location are

identified in the management team listings and will be
displayed on the site notice board via this notice:

In conjunction with the training department, first aid refresher training is to be booked prior to
expiry of existing certificates. All other contractors are to ensure adequate and appropriate first
aid provisions for their employees.
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Reporting and investigation of accidents and incidents including near misses:
All accident/incidents and near misses MUST be reported to the injured parties’ line manager.
All information regarding the reported incidents/accidents will be forwarded immediately to the
Health & Safety team.

All types of incidents, including significant near misses, other than a minor injury shall be
investigated by the individuals Line Manager in conjunction (if appropriate) with the Health and
Safety Team using the Incident report and investigation form A view will be taken on each
individual incident as to whether a full investigation is necessary – a minor injury shall be
investigated by the Site Agent. Refer to the flow charts on the following pages for information on
minor, major incident procedures.

Violent incidents are to be recorded using the Violent Incident Report .Violent incidents can be
categorised as, but not exclusive to, assault, verbal abuse, threats, sexual, disability, racial and
homophobic abuse.

Accidents/incidents and near misses will be investigated to establish root cause therefore
allowing control measures to be introduced to prevent recurrence.

In the event of an incident investigation where support is required, managers will pair up with
the appropriate manager/Site Agent.

Qualified first aiders shall deal immediately with any injured person(s) and inform the emergency
services where applicable

If possible, any injured person(s) shall be interviewed to ascertain their version of events
Details of any injured person(s) job(s) and normal duties and responsibilities shall be obtained
The injured person(s) Site Agent s or person in charge shall be interviewed and their comments

All witnesses to the incident will be interviewed independently to prevent collusion, and are
required to complete a signed statement in their own words. The scene of the incident shall
remain untouched as much as practically possible in order to establish;

• The cause of the incident

• Timed and dated photographs shall be taken of the incident scene;
• A full sequence of events shall be established following inspection of the incident scene
and evidence gained from the witnesses’ statements.
• If there is any obvious damage to structures then a competent structural engineer’s advice
shall be sought immediately.
• If there are signs of damage or defects to any equipment or materials, then the relevant
industry expert‘s advice shall be sought immediately.

All relevant documentation relating to the incident or any injured person(s) tasks shall be made
available and inspected for compliance (Risk assessments, method statements etc.
The Health and Safety Team will ensure that the statutory report (F2508 or F2508(A/G) is
completed and forwarded to the relevant authority for all reportable incidents involving P J
Livesey group operation/site/locations.

The Management Team will ensure that the relevant contractor completes the statutory report
(F2508) for all reportable incidents involving that contractor or their employees.
Site specific method statements and risk assessments are to be reviewed following an incident
to ensure that the control measures are adequate to prevent a recurrence. The results of this
review must be Actioned immediately and reported to the health and safety team and
management team.
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Proximity and Use of Surrounding Land
The surroundings of the proposed development is a mixture of residential, commercial and a


Noise on construction sites results from the use of machinery used for demolition, piling, and
excavation and from plant such as compressors, compactors, concrete mixers and the
movement of plant. Excessive, albeit of short duration noise results from the use of disc
cutters, pneumatic breakers, drills, cartridge operated fixing tools, power saws and wood
working machines etc.

Contractors must address the hazards of noise when preparing their method statements and
the measures they are to take to reduce noise being generated from their activities. For
example by fitting silencers or mufflers on pneumatic equipment, on pneumatic breakers or
exhaust or intakes on internal combustion engines, by damping down noise levels using for
example magnetic damping materials, to prevent the ‘ring’ from impact noise.

Assessment of noise levels will be undertaken by the Principal Contractor to identify all
operatives who are likely to be exposed to the risk of injury arising from exposure to noise.
Where noise levels exceed 85 d(B)The area or operation will be designate as a hearing
protection zone and hearing protection will be provided.

The Principal Contractor will observe the requirements of The Noise at Work Regulations 2006
and guidance contained in CIRIA Technical Note 138 ‘Planning to reduce noise in construction’.
Records of any assessments and monitoring of noise levels will be kept in the site office with
the Construction Phase Plan.

The Principal Contractor shall ensure that all contractors observe the provisions of the Noise at
Work Regulations 2006, Approved Codes of Practice and current guidance notes issued by the

All contractors shall conduct risk assessments to address the hazards of noise within their
method statements and ensure all employees have received information on the hazards of
noise and instruction and training on the control measure to be taken to avoid injury. The
contractor must provide records of training.

Where Contractors are supplying machinery and plant they will provide current specifications of
noise levels generated by that equipment to the Site Manager. All equipment supplied must
generate noise levels lower than the first action level 80 dB (A) under The Noise at Work
Regulations 2006. On installation noise levels will be monitored and equipment failing to meet
these standards will not be accepted on commission unless the level of 80dB(A) is met.
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The harmful effects of dust can range from skin irritation to cancer, with the degree of risk
dependent on the nature and degree of exposure. Dust is not always an obvious hazard,
however, since particles or fibre which cause most damage are often invisible and health
effects of exposure may take years to develop. Chronic effect of dust in the lungs is usually
permanent or disabling
In the construction industry the most likely source of dust arises from the following activities:
* Demolition
* Grit blasting
* Handling loose powders
* Scabbling concrete
* Stone cutting e .g concrete blocks, paving slabs,
* Diamond cutting and sawing
* Sweeping up the workplace

Dust maybe generated when floor cutting, scrabbling, grinding, cutting, etc, is undertaken. The
Principal Contractor will ensure that contractors carry out an assessment of the hazard and
steps are taken to eliminate or reduce the risks generated by these hazards (i.e. water sprays
on the disks/blades/dust collection bags on cutting equipment). When preparing their method
statements contractors must address the hazards arising from the generation of dust and its

Construction activities that contribute to air pollution include: land clearing, operation of diesel
engines, demolition, burning, and working with toxic materials. All construction sites generate
high levels of dust (typically from concrete, cement, wood, stone, silica) and this can carry for
large distances over a long period of time. Construction dust is classified as PM10 - particulate
matter less than 10 microns in diameter, invisible to the naked eye.

Research has shown that PM10 penetrate deeply into the lungs and cause a wide range of
health problems including respiratory illness, asthma, bronchitis and even cancer. Another
major source of PM10 on construction sites comes from the diesel engine exhausts of vehicles
and heavy equipment. This is known as diesel particulate matter (DPM) and consists of soot,
sulphates and silicates, all of which readily combine with other toxins in the atmosphere,
increasing the health risks of particle inhalation.

Diesel is also responsible for emissions of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides
and carbon dioxide. Noxious vapours from oils, glues, thinners, paints, treated woods, plastics,
cleaners and other hazardous chemicals that are widely used on construction sites, also
contribute to air pollution.

PJ Livesey shall endeavour to keep the use of pollutants to a minimum. Make the complaints
log available to the local authority when asked. Record any exceptional incidents that cause
dust and/or air emissions, either on- or offsite, and the action taken to resolve the situation in
the log book.
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Measures to Prevent Pollution

Good construction site practice can help to control and prevent pollution. The first step is to
prepare environmental risk assessments for all construction activities and materials likely to
cause pollution. Specific measures can then be taken to mitigate these risks:

• To prevent erosion and run-off, minimise land disturbance and leave maximum
vegetation cover.
• Control dust through fine water sprays used to dampen down the site.
• Screen the whole site to stop dust spreading, or alternatively, place fine mesh screening
close to the dust source.
• Cover skips and trucks loaded with construction materials and continually damp down
with low levels of water.
• Cover piles of building materials like cement, sand and other powders, regularly inspect
for spillages, and locate them where they will not be washed into waterways or drainage
• Use non-toxic paints, solvents and other hazardous materials wherever possible
• Segregate, tightly cover and monitor toxic substances to prevent spills and possible site
• Cover up and protect all drains on site.
• Collect any wastewater generated from site activities in settlement tanks, screen,
discharge the clean water, and dispose of remaining sludge according to environmental
• Use low sulphur diesel oil in all vehicle and equipment engines, and incorporate the
latest specifications of particulate filters and catalytic converters.
• No burning of materials on site.
• Reduce noise pollution through careful handling of materials; modern, quiet power
tools, equipment and generators; low impact technologies; and wall structures as sound


Health and Safety issues will be dealt with in conjunction with other relevant issues as part of
an integrated management approach.

The co-ordination of contractors’ activities will be planned by the Principal Contractor and will
be set out in the project programme. Day to day co-ordination will however be achieved
between contractors by daily morning meetings between the Principal Contractor’s, Site
Manager and Contractors. Records will be kept of these meeting.

Weekly meetings will be held to discuss progress and plans for the following week and issues
that have been highlighted during the course of daily meetings to ensure al health and safety
issue is being addressed. The record of the meetings will be minuted and copies held in the
site office. Livesey will canvas local business to discuss opening hours, site work and any
possible problems that may arise. Livesey will inform local stake holders of the project, times
and any special deliveries which may impact upon them and take into consideration their
views and wishes where it is reasonable and practicable

Before we start work, contact, in association with the client and main contractor, local residents
to let them know what you will be doing. This can help to reduce hostility towards the works and
will provide an opportunity for you to address the concerns of local people.
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PJ Livesey will develop a neighbourhood comment and complaint procedure for recording and
dealing with complaints from local residents.
When operating in residential areas, display project contact details in prominent locations. This
will give local residents a point of contact and should allow you to address any nuisance issues
that may arise.


The Health and Safety File is a record of information for the client and end user which focuses
on health and safety

The site will be secured by a semi-permanent structure, which will be checked at the end of
each shift to ensure all necessary precautions have been taken. All gateways and access points
will be secured using strong steel chains and heavy duty padlocks. Site management will be
the only key holders.

In order to prevent unauthorised persons on site Identification is to be worn at all times. Anyone
who finds a person that they believe to be unauthorised is to report this to the site management

Security Measures
Material must not be left unsecured on site.

Site Safety
Site has security while not in operation
All visitors and contractors have to have site induction before entering site
Training is dealt with by each individual subcontractor with reference to their staff

Site services, type of service, route, position in relation to construction area and
details and location of incoming service and termination points including water
gas telephone communications and drainage
All existing services are still live to site most will be isolated before work is started however
certain electricity cables will be maintained in the first instance to power site temp offices as
laid drawings have been attained and will be used through this period of work
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Site Induction
All new staff and visitors, if not escorted, will receive a site specific induction upon arrival to the
site/works location. For contractors on site evidence of Induction delivery by the Contractor is
required prior to start of works which is managed, archived and co-ordinated by Site Agent

Induction is not intended to provide general health and safety training, but will include a site-
specific explanation of the following:

1. Senior management commitment to health and safety;

2. The outline of the operation/site/location;
3. The individual's immediate line manager and any other key personnel;
4. Any site-specific health and safety risks, for example in relation to access, transport, site
contamination, hazardous substances and manual handling;
5. Control measures on the site, including any site rules, any permit-to-work systems, security
arrangements and if necessary.
6. Hearing protection zones for operation/site/locations where applicable,
Arrangements for personal protective equipment, including what is needed, where to find it and
how to use it,
➢ Arrangements for housekeeping and materials storage,
➢ Facilities available, including welfare facilities,
➢ Emergency procedures, including fire precautions, the action to take in the event of
a fire, escape routes, assembly points, responsible people and the safe use of any
fire-fighting equipment;
➢ Arrangements for first aid and for reporting accidents and other incidents;
➢ Details of any planned training, such as 'toolbox' talks;
➢ Arrangements for consulting and involving workers in health and safety, including
the identity and role of any appointed trade union safety representatives,
representatives of employee safety, safety committees;
➢ Information about the individual's responsibilities for health and safety.
➢ All personnel receiving a specific induction are obliged to sign our Induction register
as proof of receipt. The induction will be administered on this operation/site/location

Onsite training
Toolbox talks will be given as necessary to ensure the flow of information is maintained. All
personnel attending these toolbox talks are obliged to sign our register) as proof of receipt.

Safety training for all staff & operatives will be in accordance with the Training Matrix. Site
specific training needs may be determined by Contracts Management, with advice from the
Health & Safety Team. All contractors will be required to attend training as identified and agreed
between ourself and the contractor. All training must be recorded and made available to ourself
as required by the Training department.
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Workers whose hands are regularly exposed to high vibration may suffer from several kinds of
injury to the hands and arms. Collectively the injuries are known as ‘hand-arm vibration
syndrome’ (HAV’s), though other names are sometimes used in industry, including ‘dead finger’,
‘dead hand’ or ‘white finger’.

HAV’s is a general term embracing various kinds of damage, including:

➢ Vascular disorders generally known as ‘vibration-induced white finger’ (VWF) causing

impaired blood circulation and blanching of affected fingers and parts of the hand
➢ Neurological and muscular damage leading to numbness and tingling in the fingers and
hands, reduced grip strength and dexterity, and reduced sensitivity both of touch and to
➢ Other possible kinds of damage leading to pain and stiffness in the hands and joints of
the wrists, elbows and shoulders. These forms of damage and the factors contributing to
them are less well understood than the vascular and neurological effects.

Vibrating Tools are tools with handles vibrating at a level that may cause harm to the operator.
This level is defined as a root mean square (RMS) vibration level of 2.5m/s2 or greater. Examples
of vibrating tools include:

Chain Saws Strimmers Jack Hammers

Scabblers Disk Cutters Air Spanners
Sanders Concrete Pokers Rock Drills
Needle Guns Compaction Equipment

This list is not comprehensive, it is safest to regard regular prolonged use of any high-vibration
tool or machine as suspect, especially if it causes tingling or numbness in the users fingers
after 5 to 10 minutes’ continuous operation.

Where hazardous operations are identified a full general risk assessment will be carried out in
line with the procedure on Health & Safety Risk Assessment. For any operation initially thought
to require the use of hand held vibrating tools the risk assessment will apply the hierarchy of risk
controls to the work methodology. For operations potentially requiring the use of vibrating tools
this hierarchy is as follows:
➢ ELIMINATE the need to carry out the operation
➢ SUBSTITUTE hand held equipment with mechanised or automated equipment
➢ REDUCE the exposure by using efficient, new or well-maintained low vibration equipment
instead of old, badly maintained high vibration equipment. Then further reduce the
operatives’ exposure time by job rotation
➢ EDUCATE the workforce regarding risks and controls
➢ SUPERVISE the operation to ensure adherence to the control measures
➢ PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) should be provided as a last resort where an
assessment of the operation shows benefits from suitable equipment

When elimination and substitution have been implemented as far as is reasonably practicable
and the need to use hand held vibrating equipment remains, this residual risk must be measured
and controlled as described in section 5.5 below.
Available information indicates that a currently acceptable level of vibration is such that the total
vibration experienced during an 8-hour working day should not exceed 2.5 m/s2 on a regular
basis {A(8) < 2.5}. The manager will need to determine vibration levels and exposure as part of
the risk assessment.
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➢ All ‘Controlled Waste’ and ‘Special Waste’ will be placed into appropriate containers or
skips provided by the Principal Contractor. It will be clearly labelled in accordance with
the Chemical (Hazards Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations and secured.

➢ All ‘Controlled Waste’ and ‘Special Waste’ generated on site will be removed from site
in accordance with the ‘Duty of Care’ imposed by the Special Waste Regulations and the
Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations.

➢ A waste transfer note must be completed by the Principal Contractor and a register of
transfer notes must be kept in the Principal Contractor’s office, for inspection

Welfare & storage arrangements:

P J Livesey will provide welfare facilities for the use of the contractors/sub-contractors, sufficient
to meet the requirements of Regulation 22 and Schedule 6 of the Construction (Safety, Health
& Welfare) Regulations 1996. That is the provision of clean well-maintained toilets, hot and cold
washing facilities, clean towels or hand dryers, drying room and canteen facilities.
P J Livesey is responsible for ensuring that means of access and egress to all work areas are
safe and comply with the Construction (Safety, Health & Welfare) Regulations 1996
All persons using the welfare facilities must ensure that they are kept in a clean and tidy
condition. Smoking is only permitted in the designated area(s).
Consumption of food and drink outside the appointed canteen accommodation is not permitted
on site.
Welfare and storage arrangements for this operation/site/location will consist of the following;

Item Arrangements Distance From

Site office/ Meeting room On Site
Canteen On Site (no more than 5 minutes’ walk time) (

Toilet On Site (no more than 5 minutes’ walk time) (

Power All existing services are still live to site

most will be isolated before work is
started however certain electricity cables
will be maintained in the first instance
to power site temp offices as laid
drawings have been attained and will be
used through this period of work
Water (Hot and Cold) On Site (no more than 5 minutes’ walk time) (

Compound/external lighting On Site

Site parking On Site
Smoking area On Site (no more than 5 minutes’ walk time) (

Storage On Site
Equipment On Site
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Hospital Details Stroud General Hospital
Address Trinity Rd,
City Stroud,
Post Code GL5 2HY

For route, follow blue line to the red marker

From GL10 3HA to GL5 2HY,

Distance: 4.4 miles

Time: 0 hr 21 min – without traffic
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Minor incidents

What is a Minor Incident?

Any incident that due is to an unplanned or unexpected occurrence results in the upset of
a planned sequence of work or damage to equipment or equipment but primarily results in
an injury that requires a limited 1st aid response and possible onward referral to a hospital
or doctor.












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Major incidents

What is a Major Incident?

Fatality, Major incidents as defined under RIDDOR, any incident that requires admittance
to hospital for more than 24 hours, and incident that involves a member of the public
attending hospital, Structural collapse, major fire, flood, buried ordnance, terrorist






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07801 282 934


WHERE RIDDOR COMMONS made to the press.
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S TEAM TO to an Executive.


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The production and approval of risk assessments and method statements:
Risk Assessments

All risk assessments and method statements are to be in our possession from our supply chain
i.e. designers, contractors etc. prior to their commencement on site for approval. The
Operation/site/location Management team will evaluate the content of these documents to
ensure that they are relevant to the operation/site/location and adequate controls are in place
for all known hazards associated with the work.

A copy of all risk assessments and method statements will be held on site for referral to ensure
that the safe systems of work laid down by the contractors are being followed.

Risk assessments and method statements for any work carried out by our own operatives will
be produced by the site management team in full consultation with the operatives involved. A
full briefing will take place prior to commencement of the task and integral briefing registers
are to be signed as proof that each operative has read, understood and agrees to accept
responsibility for carrying out the works as detailed within each document.

The Principal Contractor will undertake the risk assessment for hazards, which are generic to
the site, including those required under the Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations 1999, and any other specific assessment required under statutory regulations.

All contractors are required to carry out site-specific risk assessments for significant hazards
that fall within their sphere of activity and control. These risk assessments must be submitted
to the Principal Contractors Safety Adviser for vetting prior to work starting on site.

Hazards that are identified from the above assessments that cannot be eliminated at source
will be presented in the form of a site-specific method statement defining the appropriate
control measures. These method statements must be submitted to the Principal Contractors
Safety Adviser for vetting prior to work starting on site.

The method statements will be passed to the Principal Contractor, who will ensure that the
work is carried out in compliance with them, and that they will be kept in a register in the site
office with the Health and Safety plan, with copies being sent to the (PS) Co-ordinator.

A general method statement will be drawn up by the Principal Contractor for the contract and
will be an integral part of the Health and Safety plan.
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Extent and location of existing records and plans relevant to health
and safety on site.

Note: Only existing knowledge of the site is required to be listed here – proposed drawings do not need to
be detailed.

Refer to existing drawings and specification as follows:-

Reference no. Details: Date:

The attached drawing register and listed specifications form the basis of the

Employer’s requirements (dated)

Technical brief (issue number/date)

Reference no. Details: Date:

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SITE RULES (Refurbishment/Maintenance)
All staff must co-operate in keeping the site tidy and clear away debris and rubbish at the end
of each work shift. This includes the welfare facilities. Food should only be eaten on site in
designated areas, and rubbish disposed of responsibly. No burning of waste or rubbish is
permitted on site
No-one is to interfere, damage or abuse any safety sign or item provided in the interests of
safety including fire safety equipment.
No-one is to interfere with any scaffold structure/working platform unless they are trained,
competent, and authorised to do so.
Staff are to report any defects to equipment or equipment to their line manager immediately
All staff are to leave a property immediately and report to their line manager when there is a
presence of discarded needles or other drug related waste.
No works are to be carried out/continued where minors who appear to be under the age of 16
are present without their parents or guardians
Staff are to afford due vigilance where properties have pets i.e. aggressive dogs, spiders,
reptiles etc. Ask the residents to lock away in another room if concerned.
All work areas are to be left in a safe condition when left unattended – this includes removing
tools, materials and packaging even when leaving the property for a short period.
Mobile phones are not to be used when driving, operating equipment and equipment and when
involved in any high risk activity i.e. climbing ladders.
Radios and personal stereos are not permitted on site in the absence of written management
Dusts are to be kept to a minimum to avoid nuisance to residents – vacuum rather than sweep
Foul or lewd language and inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated on site
Permits to work are required for all hot works. Suitable, serviced fire extinguishers must be
available in the work area whilst carrying out hot works.
Site office phones are for emergency calls only unless authorised by site management
Should any Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM’s) be discovered or suspected, works must stop
and the incident reported to the Supervisor.
Smoking is prohibited in all properties and gardens.
All access ladders on working platforms are to be removed and returned to the storage depot
at the end of every shift. Ladders are to be fitted to the extended guardrail so that they are
at right angles to the platform and access gate supplied and securely tied on each stile – not
the rungs
Operators of all mobile equipment are to be suitably certificated i.e. IPAF or CPCS only for
operators of MEWPS (cherry pickers etc.)
Anyone found to be in possession of stolen property or sifting through residents goods whilst
working on site will be dismissed immediately
All staff must be honest, courteous, polite, and respectful and adopt a non-confrontational
attitude at all times.
Unsafe and inappropriate behaviour may result in dismissal from site
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Emergency procedures:
Suitable and sufficient steps shall be taken to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable, the
risk of injury to any person during the carrying out of our activities. Suitable and sufficient
arrangements shall be prepared for dealing with any foreseeable emergency and shall include
necessary evacuation measures. In all properties a suitable number of emergency routes and
exits shall be provided to enable any person to reach a place of safety quickly in the event of
danger, where appropriate, this route will be suitably signed using photo luminescent signage to
assist in providing low lighting levels during primary lighting failure. Other than working in
domestic properties, an emergency plan will be prepared for this site, office and will be made
available before work starts. The plan will be kept up to date and be appropriate for the changing
operation/site/location conditions. The plan will be clear and unambiguous. The emergency
contacts notice, emergency plan and fire action notices for this operation/site/location shown
on the next pages will also be displayed on the site office notice board and other pertinent
locations throughout the operation/site/location.

The Fire Risk Assessment (HSE 005) will be completed, where appropriate for each
operation/site/location and office accommodation by a competent person. The assessment will
be reviewed to ensure that it remains relevant as the operation/site/location develops. The
Fire/emergency marshal will ensure that an appropriate plan is displayed at all times. Where an
operation/site/location involves working in occupied multi floor buildings, the client’s/landlord’s
fire risk assessment is to be obtained prior to commencement and the controls detailed must be
incorporated into our own.

Travel distances will be considered because of the effects of smoke and heat which can spread
quickly it is very important not to overestimate how far people can travel before they are
adversely affected by fire. Appropriate distances to reach safety, will depend on a variety of

For fixed locations, fire points, assembly points, spill kit and means of warning will be detailed
on a site layout plan, which will be displayed on the site office notice board. The requirements
of the operation/site/location emergency plan will be made known to all persons as part of their
site induction training.

The appointed site fire/emergency marshal is identified within the management team section of
this plan.

The duties of the fire/emergency marshal are as follows:

Check the fire precaution rules are observed and that the general fire precautions remain
adequate, available and in good order including escape routes and fire alarms regularly
checked, fire drills carried out in accordance with this CMP etc.
Where appropriate liaison with the occupiers of any shared premises.
To ensure the alarm has been raised
Contact the relevant emergency services
Turn off mobile equipment and equipment and shut any emergency valves if safe to do so
If trained, attack the fire if safe to do so with the appropriate equipment provided
Ensure all persons have evacuated the premises
Take roll call form the Site attendance registers
Meet and liaise with emergency services, providing information to them on access issues,
people trapped and any special hazards – a copy of the site layout plan detailing flammable
substances storage and location is to be kept with the site attendance registers to inform
the emergency services.
Confirm safe return to premises/site

Where more than one marshal is appointed, they will maintain sufficient communication to
ensure a cohesive approach.
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Site: Former Standish Hospital
Gloucester, GL10 3HA

Site Agent: To Be Confirmed Site Telephone No: To Be Confirmed

Service Tel No. Contact Name Address

Fire 01452 888777 Stroud Fire Station Waterwells Dr, Quedgeley,
Gloucester GL2 2AX
Police 01452 753500 Stroud Police The Cross, Parliament St,
Station Stroud GL5 1QQ
Ambulance Staverton Commerce Rd, Gloucester
Ambulance Station GL2 9QJ
Hospital A & E Dept. 0300 421 8080 Stroud General Southmoor Road,
Hospital Wythenshawe M23 9LT
Safety Dept. – HSE Advisor 07801 282 934 David Evans Hanover St
Liverpool 1 3DZ








Health and Safety 0161 952 8200

Executive (HSE)
Environment Agency (EA)
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Emergency Safety Plan

Site address: Housemarling Lane, Standish, Gloucester. GL10 3HA

Fire Marshal: Site Agent

Deputy: Site Foreman

Means of Raising Alarm: Transportable Loud Howlers

Location of alarm(s): SITE OFFICE

No. of assembly points: 1

Location (s): On to Nell Lane

Fire Fighting Point (s): 3

Location (s): TBC

Spill kit: TBC

Location (s):

Review Dates:
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Fire action
Sound the alarm
Notify operation/site/locational management
Extinguish the fire with the equipment provided,
only if trained and safe to do so
Leave the building by
nearest available exit

Report to the assembly point:


Do not return to the building until authorised to do

so by Site Fire Marshal

Call the Fire Brigade

Dial 999 and tell the operator that the fire brigade is required at:
Former Standish Hospital
Gloucester, GL10 3HA
Switch off all equipment and equipment where possible
Do not stop to collect personal belongings
Obey instructions from the Site Fire/emergency marshal

The following is to be included on the emergency plan site layout drawing;

The findings of the site specific fire risk assessment

Fire Points
Fire Escape Routes – (Position of protected shaft and lifts)
Fire engine access and turning
Assembly point
Hydrant or Water Source
Special Hazards – (Including temporary holes in floor slabs)
Temporary Buildings
Spill kits
Fixed equipment showing emergency valves/shut offs
Flammable Stores inside buildings
Flammable Store outside buildings
Designated Smoking Areas
Waste Disposal Areas
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Consideration will also be given to the following:

Activities adjacent to the site e.g. proximity of petrol station, chemicals, public areas etc.
Any high risk new or temporary materials e.g. adhesives, paints, large stores of LPG.
Any high risk activity on site e.g. welding, burning, gas cutting and angle grinding
Vandalism Risks/Arson
Location e.g. lack of hydrants or other water supply, restricted access to site or adjacent
Temporary removal of fire or smoke stops and isolation/covering of fire detection systems
- alternative arrangements should be detailed below:

Escape route signage

All escape route signage is to be photo luminescent to provide low levels of lighting during a
power failure to enable escape to a place of safety - the use of photo luminescent tapes should
be used to indicate changes in floor level where appropriate. In addition, escape lighting is to be
installed and maintained in underground or windowless buildings, stairs without natural,
borrowed or spill lighting, internal corridors without borrowed light and on high risk
operation/site/locations where work continues outside daylight hours.

Security Measures

Unless risk assessment determines otherwise, all accommodation must have lockable doors.
Material must not be left unsecured on site.

Fire Detection and alarm system

Smoke detectors must be provided in all accommodation –these are to be regularly tested.

Heating and Cooking

Freestanding electric heaters are not permitted. Microwave ovens will be provided within the
canteen facility. Adequate ventilation shall be provided:

Combustible materials including flammable liquids and LPG

All combustible materials will be stored and considered within the fire risk assessment

Storage arrangements are as follows:

Container on site
Hot Works (delete or expand as appropriate)

Hot works include all flame, heat and spark producing activities such as soldering, welding and
cutting, grinding, applying weather coatings such as felt, asphalt etc.

Alternative methods to hot work should be adopted where possible. When there is no alternative
to hot work then, if possible, the hot work should be undertaken in a dedicated area away from
the area of work or storage of materials.

All planned hot work must be subject to a hot work permit once fitting out work has commenced
on site and in all buildings which are being refurbished.
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Before starting hot work, the area must be cleared of all loose combustible material and, if work
is to take place on one side of a wall or partition or ceiling etc, the opposite side must be
examined to ensure no combustible material will be ignited by conducted heat.

A suitable number of appropriate fire extinguishers (minimum 1) must be at hand with a careful
watch being maintained for fire breaking out whilst work is in progress.

Exposed wooden flooring and other items of combustible material which cannot be removed
must be covered with non-combustible material i.e. Gyproc Fire line, Minerit board etc.

When welding, cutting or grinding, the work area must be suitably screened using non-
combustible material.

Gas cylinders must be secured in a vertical position and fitted with a regulator and flashback

Any area specified in a hot work permit must be constantly monitored throughout the works and
then periodically examined during the hour immediately following completion of the work (or any
other period as identified by a risk assessment) before the permit is signed off.


Flammable Waste

The following waste is anticipated that may present a fire hazard:

Timber, cardboard, paper, plastics, polythene, polystyrene, general packaging, empty adhesive
containers, some paints/tins. All skips sited in public areas to be lockable or preferable removed
on a daily basis. Skips to be sited at least 3m from any structure and other buildings where

Special Skips / Methods of Disposal

The following waste must be disposed of in skips or bins with close fitting metal lids:

Fuel Storage

Fuel Storage will be as follows:

Petrol/ diesel to be stored in 5 litre max ‘Gerry’ can or similar.

Refuelling – equipment such as generators: Fuel tanks must not be refuelled when engines are
running (allow to cool when refuelling with petrol) and only refuel in appropriate areas.
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Noise & Vibration
PJL and their subcontractors propose to follow the guidance and recommendation
contained within BS 5228-1:2009 the British Standard code of practice for noise and
vibration control on construction sites. We propose to keep our neighbours informed
by notifying them of the duration and progress of potentially noisy periods of work.
PJL propose to obtain licences and approvals relating to noise in accordance with
Section 61 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974. No works shall be conducted outside
of the normal working hours unless the consent of the authority has given approval
to do so.
Noise measuring equipment will be based on site for regular monitoring of the works.
PJL and their subcontractors propose to follow the guidance and recommendation
contained within BS 5228-1:2009 the British Standard code of practice for noise and
vibration control on construction sites. We propose to keep our neighbours informed
by notifying them of the duration and progress of potentially noisy periods of work.


Location/Premise: TBC

MAXIMUM Every 6 months



Emergency drills are to include the testing of the following;

The means of warning

Timed evacuation procedures
The effectiveness of roll call
The use of spill kit
The use of the firefighting equipment
The effectiveness of the equipment and equipment shut down procedure

Once an emergency drill has been carried out, forward a copy of the record of emergency drill to the
Health & Safety Team / Facilities Manager.
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Section 3 – Arrangements for controlling significant site

Where there is a foreseeable risk, no work shall proceed until a suitable and sufficient risk
assessment has been submitted to the site management team. If this is a high risk activity then
advice will be sought from the health and safety manager.

The information contained within the risk assessment must be made known to all people who
may be affected by the risk.

Operation/site/location Management will ensure all of the following risks are assigned adequate
resources. Risk Assessments will be prepared along with Method Statements (where necessary),
produced by the relevant Contractors to ensure all adequate resource and competency levels
are achieved and maintained throughout the operation/site/locations duration.
Risk Assessments and method statements (where necessary) will supplement this CMP as they
are prepared and received and once evaluated by Operation/site/location Management, will
permit the contractor to commence on site.

Safety risks
Risk Control
Delivery and removal of Where possible attempts to avoid busy commuter routes and local
materials including waste and schools will be made which will be included in Traffic Management Plan
work equipment
Dealing with services –water, Where applicable we will establish the following procedures to ensure that any
unidentified services are located in advance of works in the area and that
electricity and gas, overhead identified services are correctly shown and described. Services located on site
power lines and temporary will be carefully checked to determine if they are live or contain any hazardous
electrical installations. materials or substances and all details recorded. In respect of any digging
activities all existing services will be identified to all Contractors involved with the
operation/site/location, to ensure all persons working on site are fully aware of
the location and state of the existing services. Great care must be taken to
ensure all services are accurately identified, using CAT & Genny where
appropriate, located on existing services drawings from all the statutory utilities,
physically accurately located, plotted on drawing and suitably marked and
identified with warning signage/warning tape on site. Any diversion work of
existing services must only be carried out by competent persons. A site specific
Method Statement will be required by the site management prior to any works
commencing on site. This Method Statement will be vetted by
Operation/site/locational Management before any such works proceed. A Permit
to Excavate will be required to ensure that all relevant information on local
services and procedures to be followed are communicated to all parties involved.
The electronic version of the permit is available on the company intranet. It will
be clarified to all Contractors by our site management that no work on live
services will be undertaken unless the above procedures have been followed. All
electrical works to be carried out by competent, qualified contractors. Specific
risk assessments and method statements from specialist contractor. Non
electrical trades must not interfere with any electric items/installations, including
socket, spur and switch face plates.
Isolate service prior to commencement of works – minimise live works. If live
works is necessary this must first be approved by Site Management with
approval of RA/MS and safe work permits. All exposed cables are to be ‘made
dead’ and easily identified with ‘not live tags’ ‘. Emergency procedures to be
identified by contractor. All works to be certified on completion of works. Electric
meters to be fully accessible at all times including at handover, if not possible a
meter relocation is required
Accommodating adjacent land Site Management shall take such steps as necessary, which will be
use communicated during induction training, to protect adjacent properties
from structural damage and to prevent our workforce from trespassing
on neighbouring sites. Party wall agreements will be in place prior to
work near adjacent structures. Access for Police, Ambulance and Fire
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Service to the surrounding properties is to be maintained. Particular
note must be made on ensuring parking by contractors does not cause
a nuisance to the local residents.
Control of lifting Machines are to be isolated and secured when left unattended with no
operation/site/locations loads left suspended. MEWPS are to be thoroughly examined by a
competent person at intervals not exceeding 6 months with a written
report obtained and must be visually inspected weekly by the operator
and an entry made into the ‘Working Equipment and Lifting Equipment
Register’) or contractors equivalent with any faults discovered reported
to the relevant persons so that repairs can be instigated. MEWPS must
be clearly marked to indicate their safe working load.
The maintenance of P J Livesey Group Management must check the 12 month Thorough
equipment and equipment Examination Certificates or Conformance certificates if less than 12
months old for relevant items of equipment before allowing them to
start work on site.
Copies of the certificates must be retained on site as required. The
Contract Manager/Site Agent must ensure that contractors provide
these certificates. All operators of equipment are required to carry out a
visual inspection and record the findings in a suitable register at least
every 7 days. Any defects discovered during these inspections will result
in suitable engineers/mechanics being informed and the defects
rectified as soon as practically possible. In addition, daily checks are to
be carried out to ensure suitable maintenance of equipment checking
things such as tyre pressures, condition of brakes, lights, horns, audible
warning systems, etc,. All equipment and equipment not in use shall be
isolated. All equipment and equipment shall comply with current
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations. .
Preventing falls Scaffolding will be of independent type. All tube and fitting scaffolding
works will be carried out by a competent CISRS trained scaffolding
contractor. They are to submit a suitable and sufficient risk
assessment and method statement for approval prior to
commencement. All scaffolding will comply with current legislation, BS
codes of practice and HSE guidance requirements. Scaffold stairways
will be incorporated from the ground lift upwards on all scaffolds
where the scaffold structure will be 2 storeys or higher. Lockable
security gates are to be incorporated at the bottom and top of the
staircase to deter unauthorised access especially out of normal
working hours. The exception to these rules will be where suitable
hoists are provided or walk through access to scaffold lifts can be
achieved from within an existing building for instance.
On occasions where ladders are in use, (i.e. on scaffolds below two
storeys) they are to be removed at the end of each working day and
placed in a safe, secure location where they cannot be used by
unauthorised people such as site trespassers or children. All temporary
access/working platforms will only be erected and inspected by
competent persons. Access to temporary platforms will be restricted
when not in use. Any scaffold adjacent to occupied properties or road
elevations will be fitted with debris netting, in addition to the standard
protection of brick guards to provide full protection to any third party.
The hierarchy of control will be adopted when selecting work at height
equipment – AVOID – PREVENT- MITIGATE. The erection of mobile
towers, should the need arise; will be carried out by competent, trained
personnel only on firm, level and stable ground. A specific risk
assessment is to be prepared prior to erection. Any holes or openings
in floors will be temporarily, securely covered with a suitable strength
material and signage will be placed. Large openings will be barriered
off using a suitable strength barrier i.e. crowd control barrier. All edges
will have suitable strength protection put in place and where there is a
risk of injury should persons fall, full edge protection will be installed to
a minimum overall height of 950mm with a suitable height toe board
put in place and have no gaps greater than 470mm in between, and
will be supported at the manufacturers recommended centres. Brick
guards will be used where materials are to be stacked above the board
height. Fully meshed cantilever type loading bay gates will be used and
are to remain closed at all times after loading. All palletized materials
are to be stored no more than 2 high on a level firm base.
Traffic routes and segregation The Traffic Management layout plan is to be updated as appropriate,
of vehicles and pedestrians clearly identifying reversing areas and how they will be controlled. The
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Site Agent will be responsible for explaining to any contractors
undertaking works on this operation/site/location and to all new
starters during the induction process.
Storage of materials All materials and/or substances for inclusion within the works shall be
(particularly hazardous correctly stored prior to use in a suitably ventilated and/or secure area
during working and non-working hours. All hazardous materials and
materials) and work substances shall be appropriately stored in accordance with
equipment manufacturer’s instruction for storage and shall not be placed so as to
cause a Health and Safety Hazard on site.
Roof Work A competent contractor will be employed and they are to submit a
suitable and sufficient risk assessment and method statement for
approval prior to commencement. All personnel involved in roof works
will use only the access scaffolding provided by any of the P J Livesey
Groups and must not interfere with any part of the scaffold. Roof
trusses will be lifted into position using a mobile crane on a Contract
Lift basis all as LOLER. Roof tiles will be delivered to the scaffold via a
telehandler and distributed evenly around the scaffold.
Lone Working When a member of staff is left alone to undertake their work activity,
the following measures have been implemented to ensure their
maximum safety:
Personal Attack Alarm technology
Mobile phones

The removal of asbestos The telephone number of the local police station
A method statement from a fully licensed contractor detailing safe
means of working, including containment and disposal will be
obtained prior to commencement of work on site. Operatives to be
informed that all identified ACM have been removed and a
reoccupation certificate has been issued. Operatives are to PROCEED
WITH CAUTION during their works. Any unforeseen ACM and suspect
materials that are uncovered during the works will mean that the
works must stop immediately and the incident be reported to the
relevant Site Agent as soon as possible. Prevent anyone from entering
the area if possible i.e. by taping/sealing off the area, displaying
signage etc. No further works are to be continued until the materials
have been tested and dealt with accordingly including any
environmental clean-up works where the area may have become
contaminated from any airborne fibres accidentally released. Written
confirmation from the licensed asbestos removal contractor is
required before continuing any works. Subsequent works may only
continue following instruction from the relevant Site Agent . The H & S
department are to be informed of such an incident to ensure that the
incident is correctly reported as a Dangerous Occurrence under
RIDDOR (Escape of substances)
Manual handling Manual handling will be reduced where possible by use of mechanical
means Where this is not practical each load will be assessed and other
methods will be adopted i.e. Team lifting, breaking down into smaller
loads etc. Consider the task, load, environment and individual when
completing. Consult employees during the assessment process. Where
several people do the same task, make sure you have some insight into
the demands of the job from all workers perspective. To be used
whenever the need arises – directly employed operations only – all other
manual handling assessments are to come from subcontractors. Ensure
all concerned with the activity receive a briefing and sign the register on
the reverse of each assessment
Use of hazardous substances, All Construction Materials deemed hazardous will be accompanied by a
particularly where there is a CoSHH Assessment prepared by a competent person. The CoSHH
Assessment will be made available to all Contractors who may
need for health monitoring foreseeably be exposed to the substance. The following substances
have been identified for use on this operation/site/location
Reducing noise and vibration All tools and equipment will be chosen to minimise noise and vibration
levels. Noise levels within houses during work will be assessed by
selection of the equipment with the lowest noise output and risk
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assessment by the operation to reduce to minimum practical levels.
Hand operated tools which expose the user to vibration levels will be
assessed to determine the correct tool for the job. Taking into account
the level of vibration produced against productivity. In certain
circumstances it may be preferable to select a high vibration tool which
can accomplish the task in the minimum time (still within the
operation/site/location limit of 2.5m/s over 8 hours; which all tools will
be assessed against) Individual task method statements should include
Exposure to UV radiation (from Advice will be administered during induction training on working in the
the Sun) sun. This will include advice on keeping covered up during the hot
summer months – especially at lunch time when the sun is at its hottest.
Advising workers to regularly apply sunscreen of a suitable SPF. Advice
will follow guidance as laid out in HSE guidance leaflet “Sun Protection
– advice for employers of outdoor workers” (INDG337)
Weil’s Disease (Leptospirosis) Where there is likely to be a presence of rats; all cuts are to be covered,
hands and arms are to be washed thoroughly prior to eating, drinking or
smoking. Leftover food is to be put in the waste bins/skips provided on
Drainage Drainage depths will vary but some deep excavation is inevitable
predominantly to outfalls Ground conditions vary but some excavation
will be through loose fill.
Method statement required addressing trench support system to be
Method statements required addressing sequence of works within
existing building / existing drainage Method statements required for
connection to and working on existing combined drainage system

Ladders Ladders will always be tied and/or footed prior to use.

Seek alternative means of access or move ladder to more accessible
Position ladder ensuring top of ladder is1.05 meters above landing
place (5 rungs).
Ensure ladder is placed on compacted, level ground away from
Plan ladder position, where ladder is adjacent to traffic route position
visible warning aids (cones etc) and/or ‘lookout’ at foot of ladder.
Check area for O/H services and if they are present, and ‘live’ plan
different access.
Position physical barrier and/or signage advising those
passing/working below.
Larger/heavy items should be lifted by alternative means (forklift,
crane etc).

Check physical condition of ladder prior to each use. Report defects

immediately to Supervisor. Never use a painted ladder, any defects
may be hidden
Electrical All electrical testing and commissioning work will be undertaken by
Testing/Commissioning suitably qualified and experienced personnel.
Testing/commissioning will be undertaken in a formally planned,
controlled sequence in accordance with a Method Statement and/or
formal Safe System of Work.
All non – essential personnel will be excluded from the work area.
Fire emergency procedures will be installed prior to commencement of
the works.
Prior to testing new or refurbished systems all fixing and attachment
points will be checked for structural stability.
All equipment covers, control panel doors, guards and protective
devices will be replaced and verified functional before completion of
Site Electrics Qualified and competent electricians only will install, test and
commission site electrics.
The Site Manager will obtain a test/commissioning certificate.
110 volt tools and equipment only will be used on site.
Site offices and welfare facilities will have all electrical appliances PAT
tested at the required intervals with records kept on site.
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All defects to electrical equipment will be notified immediately to the
Company Safety Manager and taken out of use until repaired and/or
The Site Manager will ensure electrical sockets within site offices and
welfare units are not overloaded (1 plug per socket).
Electricity supply cables to site offices and welfare units will be
routed/protected to prevent accidental damage from plant/equipment
and to prevent a trip hazard.

Fire extinguishers of the correct type will be provided in site offices and
welfare units.
All electrical equipment to be isolated at source at the end of each
working day and prior to holiday shutdowns.
Waste Skips Location of skips on site will be planned to prevent creating blindspots
for traffic/pedestrians.

Route for skip trucks will be established to provide firm, consolidated

truck access, avoidance of overhead services and shallow underground
services. Overhead services on route to skips will have adequate
signage and ‘goalposts’ erected.

Skips will not be overloaded to cause difficulty in skip trucks lifting

them. Supervisor to ensure skips containing sheet and/or lightweight
loose materials are netted or sheeted over prior to leaving site to
prevent spillage of contents onto highways.

When moving/lifting skips this will only be done using the correct
lifting points and equipment. Fires within or adjacent to skips will
potentially weaken the welded seams and joints therefore the skip
must not be used.

Confined Spaces Supervisor will not permit untrained operatives to undertake work
within confined spaces.
Atmosphere will be checked initially and then constantly monitored by
a ‘competent’ trained person using adequate, serviceable and tested
gas detection/alarm equipment.
Oxygen levels to be checked by ‘competent’ person prior to each entry
and monitored whilst operatives are within confined space, using
tested, serviceable detector/alarm.
Supervisor will establish presence and nature of harmful substances
prior to entry.
Correct PPE will be issued and worn to prevent direct contact with
harmful agents.
Supervisor will establish location and status of existing services prior
to entry into confined space. Where reasonably practicable ‘live’
services to be isolated.
Noise assessment to be undertaken where risk of hearing damage is
present. Exposure levels to noise will not be exceeded and adequate
hearing protection will be issued and worn by operatives.
In very confined spaces mechanical means will be provided for the
movement of heavy/awkward objects. Where this is not possible an
alternative means of access will be established.
Integrity of confined spaces to be established and monitored by
‘competent persons’.
Temporary works to be designed and constructed by ‘competent
persons’ where required.
Demolition All demolition works will be undertaken by trained and competent
Structural integrity of structure to be demolished will be established
prior to commencement and a planned sequence of work will be
Licensed asbestos removal contractor will establish the presence and
status of asbestos prior to commencement. Operatives will not
commence until asbestos clearance/clean air certificate is issued by
licensed asbestos removal contractor.
Site Manager will check with utility company’s regarding status of
existing services and work will not commence until formal notification
has been issued declaring services isolated.
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Dust reduction/elimination methods will be introduced, where
reasonably practicable ‘damping down’ will take place to suppress
dust. All operatives will wear suitable respiratory protection equipment
during dusty operations.
Noise assessments will be undertaken during noisy operations and
depending upon their results adequate and suitable noise
elimination/reduction methods will be introduced. Exposure limits will
not be exceeded by operatives working in noisy areas and adequate
hearing protection will be provided and worn where required.
All plant movements will be controlled by a banksman. Where mobile
plant is used all operatives will wear Hi – Vis jackets/vests.
Prefabricated Aluminium Alloy This equipment must be erected and used in accordance with the Code
Towers of Practice issued by the Prefabricated Aluminium Scaffolding
manufacturer’s association (PASMA). Clear instruction on the use and
erection of towers and use of outriggers etc must be given
Work and Ground Level Safeguards must be taken where necessary by the provision of
guardrails, toe boards and /or mesh guards to prevent the fall of
persons and materials. Materials must be thrown lower levels. All
materials must be lowered by means of hoists, ginwheels, ropes or
chutes to suitable skips etc
Roof Work Before any roof work commences assessment should be made of the
suitability of the roof and its structure to withstand any loading
including that of operatives and crawling boards etc.
Roof ladders or crawler boards must always be used on pitched roofs
or roofs of a fragile nature. The weight of the operative and equipment
used must always be borne by a roof ladder or crawler board.
Where access to a workplace is alongside a fragile roof, the fragile roof
must be covered or guard-rail provided to protect the access.
Consideration must be given at the planning stage for the need for
scaffolding to aid any roof work and to provide a base for edge
protection etc.

Risks to the Public Site Manager to ensure all risks to members of the public off the site
been identified e.g., site plant and transport (access/egress) and
precautions implemented e.g., scaffold fans/nets, banksman, warning
notices etc.
Before any work commences assessment should be made of the
Site perimeter fencing to keep out the public especially children. Is
the site secure during non-working periods?
Ensure specific dangers on site made safe during non-working periods
e.g., excavations and openings covered/fenced materials safely
stacked, plant immobilized, ladders removed or boarded
Excavations Site Manager will establish location, type and status of all existing
underground services in the vicinity of proposed excavations. Existing
services will be exposed via hand dug test holes prior to mechanical
Site Manager will establish nature of, and known contaminants in the
ground. Operatives will be provided with adequate welfare facilities
and PPE and where required, health monitoring will be instigated.
Adequate support will be provided to excavation sides and trench
headings. Support will be checked daily, prior to first entry of persons,
and subsequently at 7 day intervals with inspection records completed.
Adequate means of access/egress will be provided for personnel
working within excavations.
High visibility warnings will be positioned along excavations. ‘Wheel
stops’ comprised of timber sleepers will be positioned adjacent to
edge of excavations to prevent mobile plant overrunning into
Physical barriers will be provided to prevent persons entering
excavations and adequate signage will be erected warning of hazards.
Arisings will be removed or deposited well away from excavation
edges. Materials will be stored away from edges until required.
Powered plant (compressors, generators etc) will be positioned as far
away from edges as possible and plant will not be left running when
not in use.
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Dust Roads on site and in close proximity to site will have a road sweep
once a week or when required to minimise dust and dirt. A wheel wash
will also be in use for deliveries entering and leaving the site. Dust
suppression units and damping down will take place on site haul roads
when necessary.
Noise & Vibration PJL and their subcontractors propose to follow the guidance and
recommendation contained within BS 5228-1:2009 the British
Standard code of practice for noise and vibration control on
construction sites. We propose to keep our neighbours informed by
notifying them of the duration and progress of potentially noisy periods
of work.
PJL propose to obtain licences and approvals relating to noise in
accordance with Section 61 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974. No
works shall be conducted outside of the normal working hours unless
the consent of the authority has given approval to do so.
Noise measuring equipment will be based on site for regular
monitoring of the works. PJL and their subcontractors propose to
follow the guidance and recommendation contained within BS 5228-
1:2009 the British Standard code of practice for noise and vibration
control on construction sites. We propose to keep our neighbours
informed by notifying them of the duration and progress of potentially
noisy periods of work.
Personal Protective Equipment

Incorrect Boiler Suits leading EN 340 :1993 Standard for mechanical hazards. . EN 465 :1995 for
to risks from mechanical and chemical hazards
Regular cleaning and inspection Staff to report defects.
chemical hazards

Collision with Vehicles High Visibility Jacket or waist coat to minimum standard EN471 Class
2. Regular cleaning and inspection
Staff to report defects
Incorrect Gloves leading to EN 388:1994 Standard for mechanical hazards. . EN 374-1465 :1994
risks from mechanical and Gauntlets or gloves for chemical hazards
Regular cleaning and inspection Staff to report defects
chemical hazards
Manual handling
Incorrect Head Wear leading EN 397:1995 Standard for Head Wear hazards
to risks from mechanical and Regular inspections
chemical hazards

Incorrect Safety Glasses EN 166:2002 Standard for Safety Glasses, with frames and Oculars to
leading to eye injuries from resist coarse dust particles (4) and liquid droplets(3) as a minimum
Regular inspections
risks from mechanical and
chemical hazards
Incorrect Safety Shoes or EN 345:1:1992 Standard for Safety Shoes , with penetration
Boots leading to injuries from resistance with toecap protection to 200 joules
risks from mechanical and
chemical hazards .

Hearing damage from EN 352:1:1993 Standard for Ear Muffs

incorrect Ear defenders and EN 352:2:1993 Standard for Ear Plugs both disposable and reusable
EN 352:3:1997 Standard for Ear Muffs attached to a safety helmet
Respiratory Protective Respiratory Protective Equipment and other PPE Equipment to be
Equipment and other PPE identified from Material Safety Data Sheets for the product
All PPE must comply with and meet the standards of the 1992
equipment not correctly Personal Protective Equipment Regulations
identified leading to risks from
chemical and mechanical
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Section 4 – The Health and Safety File

The health and safety file is a document required under the Construction (Design &
Management) Regulations (CDM) and is a record of information for the “end-user” of the
premises or structure, which focuses on health and safety issues. The information it contains
should alert those responsible for the structure and equipment in it of any significant health and
safety risks that will need to be dealt with during subsequent use of the premises, cleaning,
future maintenance and modification works and ultimately decommissioning or demolition.

Each contractor and supplier will be requested to supply information relating to materials
supplied and or works packages completed.

Information will be requested at the earliest possible opportunity as it becomes increasingly

more difficult to obtain information from contractors or suppliers who have left site or have
completed delivery of materials.

The information will be collected and passed to the CDM Co-ordinator and the main file as soon
as it is available and will not be left towards the end of the contract period.
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Section Content

A A brief description of the work carried out

B Any residual hazards which remain and how they have been dealt with (e.g. surveys
or other information concerning asbestos; contaminated land; etc.)

Key structural/building principles/alterations undertaken on the building (e.g.

C bracing,) and detail of the works completed.

D Hazardous materials used (e.g. lead paint; pesticides; special coatings which
should not be burnt off)

E Information regarding the removal or dismantling of installed equipment and

equipment (e.g. any special arrangement for lifting, order or other special
instructions for dismantling etc.)

F Health and safety information about equipment provided for cleaning or

maintaining the structure

G The nature, location and markings of significant services, including underground

cables; gas supply equipment; firefighting services etc.

Information and as-built drawings of the structure, its equipment and equipment
H (e.g. the means of safe access to and from service voids fire doors and
compartmentalisation etc.)

The health and safety file does not need to include things that will be of no help when planning
future construction work such as;

a. The pre-construction information or construction phase plan (CMP )

b. Construction phase risk assessments, method statements and CoSHH assessments

c. Details about the normal operation/site/location of the completed structure

d. Construction phase accident statistics

e. Details of the contractors and designers involved in the operation/site/location (though it

may be useful; to include details of P J Livesey and CDM-Co-ordinator)

f. Contractual documents

g. Information about structures, or parts of structures, that have been demolished – unless
there are any implications for remaining or future structures, for example, voids.

h. Information contained in other documents, but cross references should be included

Some of these may be useful to the client, or may be needed for purposes other than complying
with CDM Regulations, but the Regulations themselves do not require them to be included in the
file. Including too much material may hide crucial information about risk
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Section 5 – Appendices

The following appendices are attached to this CMP ;

Please write in the relevant column below, the location of any appendices that are removed from the CMP folder once on site

Appendices Where located

Risk assessment/SSoW SITE OFFICE
CoSHH assessments SITE OFFICE
Method statement SITE OFFICE
Permit to work SITE OFFICE
Inspection reports SITE OFFICE
Emergency arrangements

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