Kiltzs-Keto-Cure 2020 Spring Edition

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Autoimmune & Neurological Diseases Graph

Crohn’s Multiple
Disease Sclerosis
Type 1
Asthma Disease (AD)
300 Disease
200 Disorders

1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

Reference American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA)

This is a Wake-Up Call...

the mighty lion who hunts, feasts, and rests until it’s and its microbes also control inflammation and make
time to hunt again. The choice is yours. I choose Dr. many different compounds that can affect brain
Kiltz’s Keto, but there are many high fat/low carb food health. As they say, food for thought.
plans that fall under the “keto” heading, and there is

one that is just right for you. Whether it’s Dr. Kiltz’s Today you have the choice to change what’s going on
Keto, Maria Emmerich’s Carnivore Keto, or a more in your life and your body! Dr. Kiltz’s Keto will increase
conventional keto, there are lots of options that will your blood flow, your brain flow, your reproductive
work. Each of the lifestyles has its similarities and flow, your bowel flow, your muscle flow, the function
differences, and you’ll need to determine what fits of your nerves, joints, your everything. Arthritis,
best with your beliefs and the way you live. Whatever dermatitis, bowel disorders, migraines, epilepsy, even
food plan you choose, my advice is KEEP IT SIMPLE. ALS, MS, Ankylosing spondylitis (AS). So many things
Probably ten or so years ago, you didn’t know anyone tummy troubles and weird rashes that won’t go away Going keto doesn’t mean following a huge book of will be gone. If you don’t believe me, start googling,
with or hear much about Crohn’s Disease, Irritable may point to an underlying autoimmune disease. The crazy recipes or buying all kinds of whacky, expensive listening, and learning, but don’t believe them either.
Bowel (IBS), or similar diseases. You probably wouldn’t carb-heavy, heavily processed foods that many of us supplements. It’s actually a way of simplifying what
have known what they were anyway. Yet today, the consume are largely responsible for this inflammation, you eat and how you live.
NIH estimates that over 23 million Americans suffer
from an autoimmune disease, and that number grows
and it’s time we listened to what our bodies are trying
to tell us. Be mindful about what you’re putting into your
every year with the greatest increases occurring in “bucket”. Our digestive tract – what I refer to as
countries in the Northern and Western Hemispheres. You’re valuable and irreplaceable. You’re in charge the “bucket” –includes some of the most sensitive
These days you can hardly watch TV without seeing a of YOU. You have permission to be responsible for skin of the body. What’s more, recent studies show
pharmaceutical company promoting a new medicine yourself whatever your age or stage of life. Take care that your brain affects your gut health, and your gut God Bless,
to combat one of these ailments. of who you are. This starts with deciding what goes affects your brain health. Scientists have recently
into your mouth and what goes into your mind every discovered that Parkinson’s might originate in the
Why the growth? Primarily diet and likely a little bit of single day. gut and migrate to the brain and hearts of patients.
stress and probably some environmental factors as Researchers studying rats saw harmful proteins make
well. The most common symptom of an autoimmune You can be a grazing pig eating vegetables and the move from the intestines to the brain. The gut
disease is inflammation. This is why any recurring grass 3-6 times a day, or a majestic carnivore like

2 3
Human Ferrari
e seldom take the time to marvel at the or worse, Yugos, that much maligned other Italian- We all have essentially the same
Dr. Kiltz giving his talk “The Human Ferrari” at TedXOCC in April 2018
incredible design and engineering of the designed automobile that was the butt of many jokes genetics. If you put every cell of
human body. It is truly a wondrous thing. and generally regarded as THE lemon of the your body under a microscope and
I call it the “human Ferrari” because like the much- auto industry. compared it to mine, they would not look no
revered Italian-designed sports car, our bodies are
beautiful machines designed by the Master Creator
We have the ability to change all of this! We can
different. Yes, your DNA may code for different
eye color, hair color, skin color, and height, but our
“We already are the human
treat our bodies like the impeccably designed and
to do marvelous things. They are exquisite in both
their design and function.
invaluable entities they are. I’ve seen hundreds of
blueprints are 99.9% the same. It’s what we are
putting into our bodies that is making the difference Ferrari. There’s nothing
people take control of their health by shifting their
and causing so many disorders and diseases. It’s our
It has been my experience, as both a physician
and casual observer, that we humans show more
food plan to a ketogenic lifestyle with a high fat, med
to low protein, and low to no carbohydrate diet.
internal environment that matters. stopping us from being a
You have the ability to change all that. I’ve seen
healthy, powerful machine
appreciation and concern for the high-priced sports
My analogy of the human Ferrari makes another
car than we do for our own bodies. Why is that? so many people stop eating carbs and sugar and
important point that many of us fail to recognize.
We treat the sports car with kid gloves, polishing start eating fat. They are able to stop or reduce their

but ourselves.”
We are ALL human Ferraris.
it, giving it the best gas and oil, driving it carefully insulin; stop the hypertension medicine; and stop the
and cautiously. And we treat our human Ferraris like We ALL have the same exact blueprint and high- cholesterol meds. Irritable bowel goes away; eczema
shit. We put the wrong food into our mouths—sugar, quality parts. There’s nothing stopping us from being clears up and for the first time they feel clear, vibrant,
carbs, alcohol; the wrong ideas into our minds, and we a sleek, powerful machine but ourselves. I hear people free of medicines, and at home in their own bodies.
literally wear them out with exercise and stress. blame genetics for everything under the sun: why They finally begin to feel like a Ferrari again.
they can’t lose weight, why they will likely become
We’re treating these beautiful, expensive,
diabetic, get arthritis, etc. and I call bullshit.
irreplaceable, and amazing bodies like rental cars,

4 5

Dr. Kiltz’s 80%

Keto FAT


The ketogenic diet or “keto” is a high-fat, ad­ We use the term ketogenic to represent ketones.
equate-protein, low-to no-carbohydrate diet that Ketones are supposedly built when the body burns
was first created back in the 1920s and 1930s fat instead of sugar, but I don’t believe we burn
as a treatment for epi­lepsy and diabetes. It was sugar and then convert to burning fat. I believe we
developed as an alternative to fasting, which had are always burning fat (acetyl Co-A that comes
demonstrated success in controlling seizures. The from fatty acids) 24/7/365 regardless of what we’re
later advancement of medications that could eating. Our bodies can either make fat by converting
effectively con­trol epilepsy saw the diet abandoned, carbohydrates in the liver, or use the animal fat we
but renewed interest in the mid-1990s sparked eat for fuel. Acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate,
research into using it to treat other disorders, and acetone are ketone bodies that can be measured.
including heart disease, Parkinson’s, Alzhei­mer’s, ALS,
diabetes, and a host of other medical conditions,
People perceive the elevated level of ketone bodies
including infertility.
in the blood to be evidence of our bodies replacing
Dr. Kiltz’s Keto takes things a step further. It glucose as a fuel source, but the presence of
combines a high fat (preferably animal fat) / low- ketone bodies is really just a reflection of lower
protein diet with intermittent feasting. One meal per glucose levels. I believe they appear to be higher
day at night is what I recommend. I often refer to it when glucose levels are lower. It’s simply a matter
as the B.E.B.B.I. Diet (pronounced “baby”, because I of ratios. An el­evated level of ketone bodies in the
am a fertility doctor after all) for its focus on bacon, blood, a state known as ketosis, leads to a reduction
eggs, butter, beef, and ice cream as its primary foods. in inflammation throughout the entire body. Ketosis
DON’T TRIM THE FAT, EAT IT! Or in the case of bacon, don’t render it. When I say
The idea that bacon, eggs, butter, beef, and ice cream can make you feel less hungry, and it also helps you
“Eat bacon”, I’m not talking about crispy bacon where the fat has been completely liquified and tossed
away. You need to eat the fat. And save any bacon drippings you have for future use! It’s a great way to are good for us doesn’t make any sense to most of maintain muscle.
add fat and flavor to any meal. us, I know. We have been taught and repeatedly told
that they are not good for us, but I’m betting a billion
And when you’re eating a rib eye, don’t trim away the delicious fat or feed it to your dog. If you do, you’re dollars the “experts” are wrong.
giving away the best part!

6 77
Most of us eating the Standard American Diet are loss. Eating fat is one of the easiest ways to reduce
almost always hyperglycemic because we consume inflammation and improve immunologic function.
a low-fat, high carb, high protein diet. By eating
Nutritionists frequently recommend complex carbs
carbohydrates 3-6+ times throughout the day and
and foods with a low glycemic index. We are told
little to no fat, glucose is constantly being secreted
these foods are better for us because they take
into the bloodstream requiring insulin to make fat in
longer for the body to break down. This is exactly
the liver. Because glucose levels are never allowed to
the reason they are so dangerous. They are slowly
drop, we end up with a hyperglycemic environment
digested and absorbed, which never allows glucose
that causes glycation. This leads to cellular damage
levels to drop.
throughout our bodies. What’s more, a high plant-
based diet is putting a “compost heap” into the
bucket that is your bowels, which ferments via the
The truth is we don’t need very much food. By eating
a very narrow diet of bacon, eggs, butter, beef, and
“Eating fat is one of the
bacteria, yeast, and other microbes that love your full-fat ice cream and eliminating carbs, which
bowels. What you get is simple: heat, gas, alcohol, include all fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and fiber, easiest ways to reduce
and aldehydes, or the “ring of fire” as I refer to it. This you get rid of the “compost heap” in the belly and
causes further inflammation everywhere in our bodies. significantly reduce the resulting damage caused inflammation and improve
by glycation.
It’s simple. Inflammation then elicits an immune
response which send our bodies into further turmoil.
immunologic function.”
Immunologic dysfunction is a root cause of many
diseases and can contribute to recur­rent pregnancy



• Hypertension • Dementia
• Diabetes • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
• Crohn’s Disease • Epilepsy
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome • Metabolic Syndrome
• Anxiety • Some Cancers
• Depression • Autism
• Polycystic Ovarian • Parkinson’s Disease
Syndrome (PCOS) • Alzheimer’s Disease
• Colitis • Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver
• Asthma Disease
• Migraine Headaches
• Infertility

8 9 9
You are a
he basis of Dr. Kiltz’s Keto is eating like a lion Most early humans lived amidst an abundance of
or lioness—like the king of the jungle—not wild game and food sources so there was no need
like a lowly pig or other herbivore that grazes to ration food, nor incentive to figure out how to
throughout the day, eating 3-5 meals filled with preserve it. A hunt meant a feast where everything
grass, grain, fruits, vegetables, and fibers—the very was eaten. Once the food was devoured, they hunted
things that inflame our bodies. and gathered again. Acquiring food generally took
place in the early part of the day, which meant that
You need to eat like a lion. For humans, this means people didn’t eat until later. The time between feasts
eating bacon, eggs, butter, beef, and (occasionally) marked periods of intermittent fasting.
full-fat ice cream. It also means spacing out your
meals to give your body adequate time to digest. Over hundreds of thousands of years of human
Lions are the ultimate hunters. They are built to fast evolution, the men and women whose brains and
and then feast. bodies functioned the best in fasted states were the
best at hunting and gathering food, and therefore the
best at surviving and reproducing.
“We came out of the trees not
to eat the grass, but to eat the
grass eaters!”

10 11
Illustration by: Melissa Nograsek
PROPER DIGESTION AND GUT HEALTH ARE The mechanical breakdown of food continues in the
CRITICAL TO YOUR HEALTH & WELLNESS stomach where it is mixed with gastric juices and
transformed into an acidic paste called chyme.

ver 2,000 years ago Hippocrates said, “All
disease begins in the gut.” He also declared The small intestine then has a dual role as both a
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy digestive organ and gland. The acidic pH of the chyme
food.” I see great truth in both statements. Scientists are stimulates the production of messenger hormones that
starting to find hard evidence that what we eat has a signal the pancreas and gallbladder. The pancreas is
profound effect upon our overall health—both mentally signaled to release bicarbonate (i.e., baking soda) to
and physically. I’ve witnessed it personally in myself. neutralize the chyme and pancreatic juice to help with
Anything good or bad that is happening in the gut digestion into the small intestine. The gallbladder is
creates a domino effect throughout the body, and that signaled to release bile, which emulsifies and absorbs
includes fat.
the mind.
Our bodies take the carbon particles from
The digestive tract is an amazing machine that allows carbohydrates, break them down in the gut, and takes
us to take in complex foods, plant material, animal the micronized carbon particles that have been broken
material, and pretty much any material and break it down from complex sugars to simple sugars and passes
down into the simple components of simple sugars, them in to the hepatic portal system where they’re
amino acids, and fatty acids. shuttled off to the liver. In the liver, the sugars are
converted to fat.
Digestion involves many different organs, and the
process begins even before we put anything into our The large intestine recycles water, captures any lost
mouths with our salivary glands that are activated by nutrients that are still available (with the help of the
the sight or smell of food and begin to secrete saliva. bowel flora), converts the nutrients to Vitamins K/B1/B2/
B12 and butyric acid (fatty acid), and forms and expels
Food is manually broken down by our teeth and fecal waste.
coated in saliva, which contains enzymes required for
carbohydrate digestion.

12 Illustration by: Melissa Nograsek 13

The ability to make fat fast and burn it slow allows
us to go days and weeks without food. We’re a fat-
making and fat-burning machine. We must convert all
fuel (sugar and amino acids) in the liver. Fat is made
in the liver via insulin that comes directly from the
pancreas. If you don’t have insulin or a liver, you can’t
make fat, and if you don’t have fat, you die.

But if you eat real fat in the form of butter fat, cream
fat, or animal fat, it’s able to be absorbed via the
chylomicrons that are developed in the GI tract from
the secretion of bile into the gut, which is then taken
up into the thoracic duct, the lymphatics of the GI
tract. The fat helps absorb the dirt and the dust in
the bowels, and likely bind the microorganisms in the
gut and trap them in the chylomicrons, deliver them
to the lymphatics (the thoracic duct), which delivers
them to the filter system of the body which are the
lymph nodes.
This is the way we capture them in the gut to send
them to the thoracic duct/lymphatics to cleanse the • 70-80% of our immune system
real fuel of the body which is fat and deposit it in the resides in the gut. Good gut health
outside periphery—the adipose tissue of the butt, the is necessary for a healthy immune
belly, the thighs, and the arms. This is the fuel tank for system.
the Ferrari which allows you to go days, weeks, and
even months without consuming food.
• If digestion is impaired, our bodies
can’t absorb nutrients properly.
Ultimately all foods are used to produce ATP
• Chronic digestive issues create
(Adenosine triphosphate), which is the necessary
chronic inflammation and stress,
source of energy for every cell in our bodies.
which can wreak havoc on the
body and lead to hormonal
Digestion is a parasympathetic process, which means
the body must be in a relaxed state in order for things
to work properly. This is why the parasympathetic • The gut microbiome synthesizes
process is also referred to as the body’s “rest and short-chain fatty acids, which are
digest” mode, while the sympathetic mode is known healing, and a number of other
as the body’s “fight or flight” mode. key nutrients (including biotin and
vitamin K2).
If you’re exercising or stressed, the body de-prioritizes
and begins to shut down aspects of digestion in order • The majority of the body’s
to provide blood flow to the muscles or other organs serotonin (a.k.a. the feel-good
that require it more urgently. This is another reason I hormone) is produced in the gut.
say, “One meal at night, then rest and digest.” This is why the gut is often referred
to as “the second brain” and is so
intimately linked to mental health.

1414 15 15
What Does the
Body Require? “ There’s no such thing as an
essential carbohydrate. Our body
requires that we consume fat and

protein, nothing else.
hat’s it. We require no carbohydrates. We acids and amino acids are essential to our health and
need a constant supply of oxygen; a little bit wellness. Just to be clear, the body does not require
of water; and either fat stores or fat (animal carbohydrates or sugar to be consumed EVER!
fat) to eat. The fact that a hiker lost in the woods can
survive for weeks and even months without food and
just a water bottle that can be refilled from melting WHAT’S A CARB?
snow or a clean river is not an anomaly. It’s by design.
Carbon dioxide in the air plus sunlight and water
Our DNA was raised on keto. Like our early ancestors, make plants. This is the process that builds trees,
we’re meant to get fat for survival, but the world vines, leaves, fruits, and roots (fiber). Most of us
we live in has changed. Prior to the development believe these to be “healthy” carbs, but in fact, our
of large-scale agriculture and industrialized foods, body can’t tell the difference between a candy bar
early man’s eating patterns were far different from and an apple. Carbs and sugars have a very similar
how we eat today. Hunters and gatherers ate when chemical makeup and get processed in the body the
they could find berries or kill a deer, and then they same way. Every carb we eat is eventually broken
fasted (not necessarily by choice) until they could down into sugar.
hunt and gather again. Depending on the season
and resources, early man could go days and weeks
between meals. Now with grocery stores and fast
food available on every corner, it’s difficult to fight
the primal urge to refuel often and to excess.

The human body was built for survival, requiring fat

and protein to provide the energy needed to bear
the elements and go about the necessary functions
of the day. We have the potential to eliminate our
biggest health problems and concerns —including
issues of fertility—by going back to a basic diet, the
one man first followed when he hunted the earth for

Food can be classified into three major categories:

carbs, protein, and fat. This is it. There’s nothing
else. Out of all of the plants and animals we eat,
these are the three macromolecules. Surprisingly,
Nature’s Toilet Paper + Sugar
our body requires zero carbohydrates. There are no
essential carbohydrates in the universe, but fatty

16 17
The Dangers of Complex
& Simple Carbohydrates

IF WHAT YOU’RE EATING ISN’T EITHER FAT OR A PROTEIN, not necessarily what we think of as sweet. Ketchup, Sugar and carbs are making us fat. Fat is not making
salad dressings, marinades, jarred tomato sauce, us fat. Because of its lack of nutrients, sugar makes
IT’S SUGAR. granola bars, yogurt, BBQ sauce, sports drinks, it easy to consume lots of it and not fully understand
canned soups, cereal, breads, and bottled smoothies the dangers. With no immediate negative physical

he average American consumes a staggering Sugar goes by over 60 different names: glucose, are some great examples of grocery items with effects to warn us of the perils, we keep on eating
3 pounds of sugar each week, much of it fructose, sucrose, maltose, just to name a few, but hidden sugar. Take a look at the nutrition label on your it. Fats and proteins offer a sense of fullness and
“hidden” in processed foods, sauces, and our body can’t tell the difference between them, and favorite snack or condiment. You might be surprised! satiation. Sugar gives you calories, but not the full
drinks. Worldwide, most of us eat 500 extra calories they are all processed the same—sent to the liver It’s not enough to just avoid cookies, cakes, pastries, feeling that you’ve had enough you get when you eat
a day just from sugar. It’s quite common for food to be converted into fat. Although we’re told that and the obvious suspects. This is one of the reasons fat or protein. That’s why you can eat an entire bag of
manufacturers to bump up the sugar for flavor when lettuce, for example, is a “complex” carb, it’s really full I feel so strongly that people should avoid buying and candy at the movies and still be ready for dinner after
they make a product low-fat. And that fancy drink on glucose because every plant material we consume eating anything processed and/or packaged. Natural the credits roll.
from the coffee shop or dressing on the “healthy” is sugar. Our body processes lettuce the same as it is best, and prepare it yourself so you know exactly
salad you had for lunch has a lot more sugar than you would table sugar. That fruits and vegetables are in fact sugar makes
what you’re eating.
would guess. the recommendations by the American Diabetes
HERE ARE SOME THINGS I’VE LEARNED Sugar has the same toxic effect on the liver as Association and the American Heart Association so
When people hear the word “sugar”, they visualize the ABOUT SUGAR: alcohol. There are lots of people who strongly feel frustrating to me. I lost my beautiful sister, Maria Ann,
white granular stuff used for baking cakes. This type that sugar should get the same type of warnings we to diabetes. She was diagnosed at age four. She died
of sugar can be deadly, but even more dangerous are Sugar is addictive. If you’ve ever felt like you might see on alcohol. Why? Because there’s evidence that at 52 from heart disease and blindness as a result of
the leafy greens, fruits, and vegetables. They too are have a sugar addiction, you are likely closer to the fructose and glucose in excess quantities can have diabetes. I now know that the diet recommended to
sugar, but they come with the added danger of plant truth than you imagined. When you eat sugar, you the same toxic effect on the liver as alcohol. Sugar her by her doctors was completely wrong.
antigens and phytochemicals. To this end, seeds and activate opiate and dopamine receptors in your brain. also increases the risk for several of the same chronic
nuts are also harmful to your body despite what you Ironically, these are the same “happy” chemicals that Sugar comes from all plant material. Eating a
conditions that alcohol causes. And being a healthy
may have heard. cause you to feel good when hanging out with loved diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, as they
weight doesn’t make you immune from liver damage
ones and good friends. But with sugar, we get stuck recommend, raises glucose levels in the body. In a
caused by fructose. Studies show that liver damage
Do we need to eat sugar? In a word, NO. We do not in a compulsive loop of consumption despite the diabetic, this expedites organ damage.
can occur even without excess calories or
need to eat sugar. Ever. Just like your liver makes fat

negative consequences like weight gain, hormone weight gain.
and cholesterol, it also makes glucose, which can be imbalances, and inflammation. Studies suggest
broken down and used for energy by every cell that every time we eat sweets, we are reinforcing Sugar may be aging your brain. All of that excess
in the body. those neuropathways, causing the brain to become sugar you are eating might be accelerating the We do not need to
increasingly hardwired to crave sugar. The more sugar aging process. Scientists have discovered a positive

Your liver can make all the glucose it needs from
just about anything—protein, fat, or carbs. Contrary we eat, the more tolerance we build up, as with any
other drug.
relationship between glucose consumption and the
aging of our cells. Aging cells can result in something
eat sugar. EVER.
to what you might hear and think, sugar is a non-
as minor as wrinkles and as concerning as chronic
essential part of our diet. Sugar is a quick energy Sugar hides in many non-sugary foods. As I disease. Excessive sugar consumption has also been
source and breaks down quickly, but fat is a much mentioned earlier, sugar is an ingredient in most linked to deficiencies in memory and overall
better fuel. packaged and processed foods even when they are cognitive health.
18 19
How Can Fruits & √Sugar
Vegetables Be Bad for Us? √Phytochemicals
√Plant Antigens
√ PLANT ANTIGENS Fruits by percent composition of sugar
Ranked by metabolic fraction of fructose

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 √Bacteria
√ LECTINS Casaba Melon

V √Lectins
egetables are sugar. Whole grains
Cherries, sweet
(which come from plants) are sugar Nectarine
too. This is a simple yet difficult truth Fig
for many to accept. Other than the revelation Plum
that fat is actually good for us, the one Sour Cherry
component of Dr. Kiltz’s Keto that is particularly Banana
surprising to anyone I talk to is the fact that I

Passion Fruit
recommend little to no fruits, vegetables, and Lemin e humans eat every part of the plant, produced by plants as a natural insecticide.
Kiwi Fruit
fiber to be consumed. For those who grew up from seeds to roots, stems, leaves, and Humans have even genetically engineered some
with the idea that a big salad was the epitome Grapefruit fruit. We eat it all! Whether it’s in the form plants to produce extra lectins to ward off insects.
of health, this is a direct challenge to all Starfruit of chocolate chip cookies to that bowl of oatmeal Unfortunately, humans aren’t immune to their
they know. with brown sugar and raisins, we are all damaging effect.
Guava consuming a plant-based diet. Oats are
Fruits and vegetables are carbohydrates, and
“Most of our
Peach the seeds of a plant. Sugar comes We can’t digest many lectins,
many of them contain high amounts of sugar from a plant. Raisins are fruit. so some get into our G.I. tract
(just check out the glycemic index on some of Grape Most of our “unhealthy” foods completely intact where they
the more common fruits and vegetables you
likely eat). They also contain a tremendous
are simply derived from our
“healthy” plant-based foods.
“unhealthy” can inflict damage by blocking
various vitamins and nutrients
number of plant antigens and phytochemicals
that can be dangerous and even deadly to our
Why is that dangerous you
foods are simply derived and allowing bacteria into
our blood stream creating

from our “healthy”

bodies. Phytochemicals are molecules that Guava (Strawberry) might ask? Well, plants are an immune response that
actually harm our bodies on a cellular level. They Watermelon very clever. Much like animals, is inflammation. Lectins
elicit immune reactions in our bodies that are Apple
they too are built for survival. have the ability to disrupt
damaging and deadly.
Mamey Apple
Pear Plants don’t have the benefit of
sharp teeth or talons to protect
plant-based foods.” communication between cells
when one neuron is trying to
While our ancestors did eat some fruits and their leaves. While some may relay a message to another neuron.
vegetables while they were ripe and in season have thorns, frequently their tools of This includes disrupting endocrine
(likely during summer months), the basis of their survival are invisible to humans and other receptors and hormone function.
diet was animal meat. What’s more, the fruits predators. They’re hidden and take the form of
and veggies they did eat look NOTHING like Sucrose
phytochemicals. Most plants pose no threat until they A lectin-free diet would basically eliminate all plant-
what we’re buying year-round from the produce Glucose
are ingested. based foods. In this light, it’s not surprising that the
section of our grocery stores. Scientists have Carnivore Diet is so effective at
hybridized and cultivated most produce to be Lectins are one of the ways plants protect reducing inflammation.
bigger, sweeter, juicier, and available themselves and their seeds. Lectins are a protein
365 days a year.

20 21 21
Inflammation How Inflammation
Affects the Body
Pro-inflamatory cytokines THYROID
cause autoimmune reac-
tions in the brain, which Autoimmunity as a
can lead to depression, result of inflammation
autism, poor memory, Alz- can reduce total
heimer’s disease and MS. thyroid receptor count
& disrupts thyroid
hormone function.

THE CAUSE OF ALL DISEASE Inflammation in the heart
Chronic inflammation

& arterial & venous walls
compromises the liver
contributes to heart
n order to understand keto and why it works, you Pinpointing exactly why it happens in the uterus, disease, strokes, high
& kidneys, resulting in
rashes, dermatitis,
first must understand inflammation, what are its tubes, ovaries or in the male reproductive organs, blood sugar (diabetes)
eczema, acne, psoriasis,
and anemia.
likely causes, and the havoc it wreaks on every we’re not completely sure, but I believe it has wrinkles & fine lines.

organ and system in our bodies. to do with the blood flow that deposits these
microorganisms and plant phytochemicals and
The body’s immune response is a mysterious thing.
When it functions properly, inflammation is a quick
antigens in those areas. Plus, it’s secondary to LIVER
response that actually helps the body to heal. But
the excessive heat in the G.I. tract—the colon and
Build-up of inflammation MUSCLE
small intestines—and as the fermentation of these leads to an enlarged liver Pro-inflamatory cytokines
when it doesn’t turn off, inflammation simmers at or fatty liver disease. cause autoimmune
particles (fruits, fibers, vegetables) occurs, it creates Increased toxic load reactions in the brain,
a chronic level and begins to damage healthy cells
an exothermic reaction that heats and damages the build-up in the body. which can lead to
instead of healing damaged cells, contributing to a depression, autism, poor
local organs and tissues. memory, Alzheimer’s
long list of diseases. disease and MS.
Inflammation is the body’s reaction to these insults.
Inflammation isn’t always obvious. It can appear
You can work to prevent inflammation by reducing
as joint pain or swelling, as well as gum disease,
the quantity of plant molecules you put into your GI TRACT
fatigue, headaches, unexplained rashes, and muscle KIDNEYS
body and reducing the heat in your body by slowing it
stiffness. Sometimes inflammation goes unnoticed Chronic inflammation
down. Using products like low dose naltrexone, which damages our intestinal
Inflammatory cytokenis
until a diagnosis of heart disease, diabetes, or an lining and can result in
restrict blood flow to the
also reduces inflammation, and CBD oil, along with kidneys. Complications
autoimmune condition (where the immune system issues like GERD, Crohn’s like edema, hypertension,
acupuncture, massage, meditation, light therapy, and disease and Celiac dis- nephritis & kidney failure
mistakenly attacks your body) such as lupus, multiple ease. and MS.
visualization can be very beneficial. can result.

sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Inflammation is linked to nearly all of our diseases.

Infertility is just one among a long list of diseases Inflammation is BONES
caused by acute and chronic inflammation due LUNGS
to infection from a microorganism, or glucose and linked to nearly all of Inflammation interferes
with the body’s natural Inflammation induces

glycation, or various phytochemicals and plant ability to repair bone autoimmune reactions
mass, increasing the
antigens—lectins and particles of plant material that
our diseases.
against the linings of
number of fractures & airways. Can result in
actually elicit inflammatory responses from our leading to conditions allergies or asthma.
like osteoporosis.
own body.

22 23
Causes of
& Disease
1. Glucose

2. Plant Antinutrients
& Lectins

3. Plant Phytochemicals

4. Fiber + Bacteria + Yeast=


5. Excessive Exercise

24 25 25
Proteins found in the skin, namely energy that runs our cells. That Fat is the fuel for the body. All
collagen and elastin, are prone energy is called ATP (Adenosine sugar and amino acids must be
to glycation which results in triphosphate). taken to the liver and converted
discoloration, wrinkles, saggy skin, to fat via insulin in the liver cells.
and a dull appearance that we When a person eats more food, Without that conversion, we would
frequently associate with aging. generally they will produce more not live. It is unlikely that our cells
energy. But with sugar, when you utilize glucose on a routine basis. It
Unfortunately, glycation is an eat more, it actually slows the may be true when they’re damaged
inevitability. It happens to all of us, production of the energy, so it has or there’s nothing else for a short
and its cumulative effect begins to an opposite effect. You produce amount of time—they’re able to
show up around the age of 30-35. less energy, and you accumulate convert sugar to energy (ATP), but

You can blame refined sugar, but it more fat. The more sugar you eat, also other toxic products and lactic
isn’t the only culprit. Whole grains, the more damage is caused to the acid. Cancer cells thrive and survive
fruits, and vegetables all turn to mitochondria. Over time, you may on sugar, and likely sugar and other
glucose when digested too, so they actually lose mitochondria. At that plant phytochemicals and antigens
are also at fault. point, you are almost locked into are the causes of cancer.
a lower energy state. Unless you

In short, glucose kills mitochondria. can stimulate the growth of more There’s no way to completely
lucose is a tasty fuel that we’re driven to consume Mitochondria are the essential mitochondria to allow you to get stop glycation, but avoiding
and eat in abundance. The human body is really energy factories for our cells, like back to your original energy level. carbohydrates and sugars can help
smart. It has happy little sensors that say, “Wow! mini turbines. They produce the slow the process.
This makes me feel good!” It knows how to get you to eat. It
knows how to get you fat because you are meant to be fat.
We’re driven to eat all carbohydrates, and some are more
sugary and sweet for a reason: to get us to consume them WHEN YOU HAVE A
more often and in larger quantities. CONTINUOUS SUPPLY
If you’re eating the standard diet, you’re likely consuming 70% OF SUGAR MOLECULES
carbs, about 20% protein, and about 10% fat, including what IN YOUR SYSTEM, THEY Neurodegenerative
we think of as healthy fats--olive oil, coconut oil, avocado Disorder
oil, which are not really that healthy. They are industrialized,
man-made oils, not nature’s fat like that found on beef cattle CELLS LIKE A METEOR
or pigs. If this is how you’re eating, you’re producing a steady SHOWER Cardiovascular
stream of glucose that is constantly fed into the blood stream
and transported around the body. Advanced
Glycation End
When you have a continuous supply of sugar molecules in your
system, they bombard the body’s cells like a meteor shower—
binding themselves to fats and proteins in a process known
as glycation. This forms advanced glycation end products
(commonly and appropriately known as AGEs), which cause Ovarian Disease
protein fibers to become stiff and malformed. Much of what Aging
is known about glycation’s destructive effects comes from
diabetes research. AGEs affect just about every organ system
in the body, most conspicuously the skin. Glucose can make
cells abnormal and cause the mitochondria to die or convert to Chronic Kidney
tumors or cancer cells. Disease

26 27
Lectins: modified many fruits and vegetables, which, given the right circumstances,
Particularly dangerous antinutrients which has caused them to express even can lead to the formation of
are lectins. Lectins are a type of more lectins. kidney stones.
carbohydrate-binding protein that
Cellular Disruption: Foods with the highest concentration
stick to cell membranes in the
One of the most concerning aspects of oxalates include rhubarb, spinach,
digestive tract. Humans are unable
about lectins is that they can cause beet greens, almonds, Swiss chard,
to digest lectins, so they travel
cellular disruption. They can block cashews, and peanuts. The leaves of
through our gastrointestinal tract
transmissions between cells disrupting plants almost always contain higher
completely unchanged. Foods high in
communication and resulting in brain oxalate levels than the roots, stems,
lectins include nightshade vegetables

2. Plant
fog and decreased mental performance. and stalks. And unfortunately, oxalates
(tomatoes, potatoes, goji berries,
Lectins can also block or alter the aren’t easily “cooked out” of foods and
peppers, and eggplant), all legumes
messaging between hormone receptors there is little you can do to rid them
(lentils, beans, peanuts, and chickpeas),
resulting in endocrine disruption. from the fruits and vegetables in which
peanut-based products such as peanut

they are contained.
butter and peanut oil, all grains and Oxalates:
products made with grains or flour, and Oxalates can attach to cells When we blend up fruits and veggies to
many dairy products including milk. throughout the body leading to the make those “healthy” green smoothies

& Lectins
Cooking these foods can help to limit disruption of the normal function of and shakes, the end result is an oxalate
the effects of the lectins. Lectins are nerves, glands, bones, and other cells. smoothie. Even though some of the
found in many foods, but nightshades, They are also known to prevent calcium green veggies have valuable nutrients,
legumes, and grains are the biggest absorption. Oxalates can become the oxalates prevent our bodies from
culprits. To add insult to injury, in our problematic if they over accumulate absorbing them.
efforts to maximize crop yields, the inside our body. The likely location for

lant antinutrients are plant compounds that interfere agriculture industry has genetically this overaccumulation is in our kidneys
with our ability to absorb vitamins and minerals and other THE VITAMINS IN THE PLANTS
nutrients, can damage our intestinal lining, and trigger AREN’T NEARLY AS BIO-
inflammatory responses in the body. They are found in a variety of Masters of Disguise
plant-based foods – particularly grains, beans, legume, nuts, and
seeds. Antinutrients include things like phytic acid, leptins,
MEATS Believe it. They are hiding in our midst, disguised as tasty produce we can’t get
and saponins. enough of. Take the tomato—brightly colored, a summer farm stand favorite, and
seemingly innocuous, but tomatoes are a member of the nightshade family.
You probably don’t think of grains (wheat, barley, rye) as being
10 ANTINUTRIENTS TO AVOID Nightshades are known to cause inflammation because of a compound
seeds, but all grains are really the seeds of cereal grasses. Their
called solanine, which can irritate the digestive tract and even cause
antinutrients repel pests and bugs that can harm their development.
They are part of the plant’s immune system, but they also pose a
1. Phytic Acid (also called a breakdown in red blood cells. Nightshades can worsen arthritis
in many people, as well as exacerbate irritable bowel syndrome,
problem for humans, making them unabsorbable. Phytate)
heartburn, acid reflux, and other GI issues, and may even affect
Additionally, the vitamins in the plants aren’t nearly as bio-available 2. Gluten brain neurotransmitters like acetylcholine. Solanine is primarily
as those in meats, which means not as many nutrients are absorbed. found in potatoes, while the tomato version of this
3. Tannins
Even some plants that are higher in nutrients (like spinach) don’t is called “tomatine”.
result in that many nutrients being absorbed into the body due 4. Oxalates
to the presence of antinutrients. Animal proteins don’t have this Other nightshades include potatoes, peppers, and eggplant.
5. Lectins
problem. You are able to absorb almost all the nutrients. It’s important to note that while our ancestors may have eaten
6. Saponins tomatoes, they likely only did so on a seasonal basis, consuming
If you choose to include seeds in your diet, it is best to soak, sprout, them for only the 2-3 months per year during which they
or ferment the seeds prior to consuming. This helps to reduce the 7. Trypsin Inhibitors
naturally grew and ripened, not 12 months of the year like we do
concentration of antinutrients so they are less problematic. While
8. Isoflavaones now. While tomatoes are heralded for their lycopene and several
the safest option is eliminating all plant-based foods altogether other beneficial nutrients, you have to take the good with the bad.,
from your diet, I understand many are reluctant to draw that line. 9. Solanine so they are best eaten with limited frequency (or avoided altogether),
Second best would be eating locally grown, in season organic fruits particularly if you have arthritis, a digestive disorder or other
10. Chaconine
that are ripe and focusing on seed-bearing fruits rather than eating autoimmune disease.
the seeds themselves.

28 29

Flowers Stems

3. Plant Roots



If you doubt the effects of phytochemicals

Flowers: cauliflower, broccoli, artichoke are real, consider this example of sheep in

Seeds: corn, peas, lima bean, string bean, Australia. Back in the 1940s, several farmers
hat are plant phytochemicals? These are the nutrients discovered “clover disease” in their populations
often concentrated in the skins of many fruits and legumes, peanuts, nuts
of grazing sheep. Sheep who ate from fields of
vegetables that are responsible for their color, hue, Stems: celery, asparagus, rhubarb subterranean and red clover in turn developed
scent, and flavor. Examples of foods rich in phytochemicals infertility that caused lambing rates to drop by
WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW ABOUT Fruits: pumpkin, cucumber, apple, tomato,
include: tomatoes, red onions, green tea, grapes, red cabbages, 60%–80%.
PLANTS: eggplant, peppers, squash
sweet potatoes, broccoli, kale, parsley, spinach, blueberries,
raspberries, blackberries, melons, garlic, and the list goes on. • 99% of all plants in the Roots: carrots, radishes, potatoes, beets, The clover species they were eating contained
Plants produce phytochemicals to protect themselves from insect
world are inedible. turnips, sweet potatoes hormonally active phytochemicals (HAPs),
attacks and plant diseases. These compounds belong to four major particularly phytoestrogens. An ewe affected
categories: alkaloids, glycosides, polyphenols, and terpenes. They • Nearly 100% of animals are Leaves: cabbage, lettuce, spinach by clover disease can develop mammary gland
are also referred to as phytonutrients and are frequently touted as edible. hypertrophy, infertility, cervical deformities
being essential nutrients that help to optimize health and preventing conception, a prolapsed uterus (the
fight cancer. • Plants are designed for WHAT PART OF THE PLANT ARE YOU uterus falls out through the vulva), or
survival. We think we are EATING? difficulty lambing.
These phytochemicals we’ve been using as herbs and medicines to
using them, but they are
heal for thousands of years or to hurt as poisons. Herbal medicine Humans eat every part of plants from the seeds
was just the earliest form of the pharmaceutical industry. Native really using us. and roots to the stem and flowers. Many of us don’t
Americans and tribes in the Amazon have relied on “Medicine Men” know which is which or that each part of a plant
• 99.9% of all pesticides in our
or shamans to find natural remedies among the indigenous trees comes with its own particular plant poisons. Seeds
and plants. From using the bark of a tree to create an anesthetic diets are natural chemicals are some of the riskiest because they represent the Carotenoids
or cure for malaria to using flowers to prevent the growth in plants, produced to deter reproductive capabilities of the plant so they have Polyphenols
of tumors. predators from eating them lots of mechanisms to help ensure the continuation of Flavonoids
the species.
(including humans!), they’re Anthocyanins
Approximately 7,000 medical compounds prescribed by Western
doctors are derived from plants. Now we’ve figured out how to not chemicals sprayed by And surprising as it may be, any grains
take those pharmaceuticals and grind them down, process them, farmers! that you’re eating (wheat, corn, oats, and rice – pretty Indole-3-carbinol
separate them into their entities. For as many phytochemicals that much any breakfast cereal) are the seeds of grasses. Isoflavones
are curative, there are also many which are addictive and deadly, Nuts are the seeds of trees like walnuts, hazelnuts Resveratrol
namely heroin and cocaine, even marijuana. Unfortunately, the and pecans. And beans are the seeds of legumes like
good aspects of plants can’t always be isolated from the peas, lentils, soybeans, and chickpeas.
negative ones.

30 31
Bacteria and yeast make heat, alcohol, and aldehydes Our bodies are remarkable and amazing. Healing
that fuel the inflammatory processes in the body is their nature, but we can’t heal if we’re constantly
leading to colitis, irritable bowel, Crohn’s, hemorrhoids, feeding them inflammatory products (alcohol, fruits,
cancer, you name it. Gas is bad. Alcohol is made in fibers, vegetable) and a lack of fat.
the colon, the rectum, and the digestive tract, which
basically travels to every cell of our body and damages
the body even more.
The immense number of bowel surgeries and bowel IN OUR GASTROINTESTINAL
problems people are experiencing as a result are

4. Fiber + Bacteria +
overwhelming. A high vegan/vegetarian, plant-based
diet sounds like it’s the healthiest thing for us, but I IN THE GUT.
believe it’s likely doing more harm than good. There’s

Yeast = Fermentation
an increasing body of research studying the Gut-Brain
Axis. The gut is sometimes referred to as the body’s
“second brain” as it controls about 70% of your body’s
immune response. If your gut is out of balance, your
entire body health can get off-balance as well.

ibers are complex carbohydrates and strands of poorly My general recommendation is to eliminate all fruits,
or non-digestible carbs that essentially fuel the fire of fiber, and vegetables. After reading Fiber Menace by
the bowels. Fiber is like steel wool in our gastrointestinal Konstantin Monastyrsky, I had a better understanding
tract and sandpaper in the gut. It damages and destroys the of the danger of fiber. I didn’t believe it until I
very sensitive mucosal lining of the gastrointestinal tract that is IF YOUR GUT IS OUT OF eliminated the fruits and vegetables I thought were
meant to be cared for in a delicate manner. BALANCE, YOUR ENTIRE healthy, and my bowels became the best ever.
We have been given the recommendations to fill the gut with
poorly or non-digestible fiber (carbohydrates) that add bulk OFF-BALANCE AS WELL.
to the diet, push along the bowels, and help improve the daily
constitutional or elimination. But, in fact, fiber may be adding to
the damage and disease by fueling the bacteria and yeast with
the food they love, which ultimately breaks down to sugar.
When you chew fiber, you simplify it and expose it to enzymes
which break it down during the process of digestion. But fiber
creates heat, gas, aldehyde, alcohol, and methane. It’s bad for
the bowels. It’s pushing down to create hemorrhoids. It’s pushing
up to produce GERD, and eventually all of that inflammation
causes disease.

The fiber gets down to the colon where it adds bulk to enlarge
the feces in order to make it more difficult to get through the
small exit portal. We have been given advice by health care
practitioners and nutritionists to eat lots of fiber, but quite

Fiber & Gas=

possibly (and likely) doing so is having the opposite effect on our
health. Fiber fuels the fire of inflammation. Bacteria and
yeast love it.

Bloating & Disease

32 33
High impact exercise on a regular basis is bad for you. Believe it or not, dancing is a great choice and can
I’m not suggesting you sit still and become a couch reverse the signs of aging on the brain and improve
potato. Intentional movement is important. But there physical health. On top of strengthening the area
are other ways to de-stress that are less harmful to of your brain involved with memory (hippocampus),
your body: yoga, meditation, Tai Chi, walking, and light dancing also improves endurance, flexibility, balance
motion activity that is simple, easy, and regenerative. and body coordination—all great things especially in
Go for a walk in the woods and connect with nature. an aging population.
Walk with a friend to catch up and reconnect. Do
something creative that uses your mind and your body. Again, we need to take our cue from the king of the
Paint. Make pottery. Make jewelry. Write. Sing. Dance. jungle. Lions don’t exercise! Yes, they move a little bit.
Do something that inspires you every day, They hunt. They feast, feed, and reproduce. All animals
These types of activities allow the flow of blood to the do. We’ve got to get back to the fact that we are a
core, brain, and bowels where it’s needed and don’t human animal that requires breathing, eating, drinking,
create an immune reaction that is more damaging and reproducing. And we require the protection and
and destructive. A 2017 study from Alimentary presence of the herd and connections to others. These

5. Excessive Exercise Pharmacology and Therapeutics found that as

exercise intensity and duration rise, the likelihood of
intestinal injury increases.
connections vibrate in a positive way.

Good Excercise Bad Excercise

WHEN YOU EXERCISE, YOU Tai Chi Spinning Class

ots of us use exercise as a way to de-stress (and an ARE HEATING UP YOUR Pilates Speedwork on Track
opportunity to show off our strong bodies and abilities to BODY CAUSING DNA AND Barre Heavy Weightlifting
create and protect like a mating call). That post-work run or MY ADVICE: PROTEIN DEGRADATION, PAIN, Walking Cross-Fit
spin class makes us feel good, productive, and provides an outlet
for working out frustration with our boss, our spouse, or life in SLOW IT DOWN. I say this to my SWELLING, FRICTION, AND Casual Bike Ride Endurance Training
general. The endorphin rush feels great, so we put on our work out clients, co-workers, and friends like MORE HEAT. Gentle Weights
gear, lace up our sneakers, and hit the treadmill day after day. a broken record. Get off the hamster Resistance Bands
wheel (my name for the treadmill),
Americans in particular seem trapped in a vicious cycle of eating
way too much and then working out way too hard to burn all of the elliptical, and racing bike. Exercise
extra calories they’ve consumed. We are a society of excesses for raises ketones, which is good, so don’t
sure. The common belief about exercise is that if a little is good,
sit still, but you don’t have to be so
a lot must be great. Not so, unfortunately. When you exercise, you
are heating up your body causing DNA and protein degradation,
pain, swelling, friction, and more heat. It stimulates epinephrine
intense with the exercise.
“Exercise causes heat in the gut.
and cortisol and steals blood flow from the core central organs. The
kidneys and digestive track take a huge hit! Exercise and digestion
Walk instead of run. Remember the
tortoise and the hare? Slow and
It robs the blood flow from our
tend to be mutually exclusive activities. When you exercise, your
body doesn’t use its energy for digestion. Instead, it slows any
digestion currently taking place so it can divert as much blood as
steady may not win every race, but
who wants to get to life’s finish line
core where it’s needed, sending it
it can to feed your muscles and your lungs.
first? The average life span of a
tortoise is over 100 years with some
to the arms and legs, and taking
During exercise, the perfusion of blood increases to the lungs,
myocardium, and skeletal muscles as it’s re-routed from the
kidneys and digestive tract. Repetitive exercise increases the
species living almost twice that.
Coincidence? I think not.
it away from the brain. It puts
destruction of our bodies causing rapid damage and dysfunction.
Repetitive motion injuries are yet another concern – tennis elbow, the adrenals into super-drive and
runner’s knee, tendonitis, just to name a few.

constricts our blood vessels.”

34 35
“Almost no food today is free from the impact of the
Agricultural, Industrial, and Technological Revolutions.
Eliminating the 3 biggest offenders will go a long way.
Get rid of grains, vegetable oils, and sugar. Soy is a close
4th. And an interesting thing happens when you do this. You
start eating a meat-based diet. A healthy diet
is one build around meat.”

– Dr. Kevin Stock, Strict Carnivore & Researcher

36 37
Good Fats vs.
Bad Fats
Super Foods Have Us Super It goes without saying, but not all fats are
created equal. We see lots of lists of “Good
Fats” and “Bad Fats” but even those labels

Fooled, NOT Super Fueled are misleading. And can fat really come from
a vegetable? Not without a lot of help from
humans to extract it. Any oil that isn’t solid at
room temperature should be avoided, in my opinion.
Vegetable oils are extracted from seeds and nuts
which carry a host of harmful plant antigens and
phytochemicals. So, while we might think of them
There are lots of health food buzz words as “heart healthy”, they are certainly not
Per Apples Blueberries Kale Beef Beef
out there: antioxidants, super foods, multi- immune-friendly.
Serving Liver
grain, GMO-free, artisanal, organic, all-
Calcium 9.1 4.5 63.4 11 11
natural, pro-biotic, but what do they really ALL PLANT BASED OILS =
(mg) Oil Type PUFA SFA
mean? We are told they pack a nutritional INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS
Magnesium 7.3 4.5 15.0 19 18 Coconut Oil 1.9% 92.0%
(mg) wallop, and we should pack them in our
carts every chance we get. A year or two To help protect against heart disease, you want to Palm Oil 2.0% 82.0%
Phosphorus 20.0 9.0 24.6 175 387
ago, everything was KALE. Kale chips, kale increase your intake of fat, particularly saturated Cocoa Butter 3.0% 60.0%
salads, kale smoothies. And before that, it fatty acids (SFAs). Fat in its best and purest, most
Potassium 163.8 57.8 200.6 370 380 Beef Tallow 3.1% 49.8%
was blueberries. natural form comes from animals (lard, tallow, butter,
(mg) Ghee 4.0% 48.0%
ghee, duck fat). Secondarily, there are several fruits
Iron (mg) 0.2 0.2 0.8 3.3 8.8
They sure sound good, but do they really and vegetables that are high in fat, like coconut Butter 3.4% 50.0%
Zinc (mg) 0.2 0.2 0.2 4.5 4 do everything we’re told they do? If they oil, cocoa butter, and hemp seed oil. They protect High Oleic 9.0%
Selenium 0.0 0.1 0.4 14.2 39.7 did, I think we’d all be a whole lot healthier against oxidation and inflammation and have many Sunflower Oil
and taking fewer prescription drugs. If you other important health benefits. Macadamia Oil 10.0% 15.0%
Vitamin A 69.2 40.5 13530.9 40 53,400 asked 50 people to answer “What’s healthy
for us?”, you would likely get 50 different Stay away from vegetable oils like soybean, canola, Avocado Oil 10.0% 11.0%
Vitamin B6 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.4 1.1 answers, but the majority of them would be vegetable, sunflower, and corn oil. They lower your Lard 12.0% 41.0%
(mg) good LDL. The higher the saturated fat content,
greatly influenced by food marketing and Duck Fat 13.0% 25.0%
Vitamin B12 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 11
advertising. We believe the hype and believe the better:
(mcg) Hazelnut Oil 14.0% 10.0%
what we read on the packaging and
Vitamin C 7.3 7.3 36.1 2 27 Almond Oil 17.0% 8.20%
hear in commercials. FATS TO AVOID
(mg) Olive Oil 9.90% 14.0%
Vitamin D 0.0 0.0 0.0 7 19 There is nothing that comes in a box or
All plant oils are industrial oils that are not good for Source:
a bag that is any better for our bodies us. Animal fats are much healthier. If you choose to *Don’t use olive oil for cooking. Heating it will cause oxidation.
Vitamin E 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.7 0.63 than animal fat and protein. And to keto use plant oils, I recommend coconut oil. Only use in dressings.
naysayers who think meat cannot provide
Niacin (mg) 0.2 0.3 0.4 4.8 17 all of the vitamins found in fruits and
Folate (mcg) 0.0 4.5 11.4 6 145 vegetables . . . think again!
Chart Source: Keto: The Complete Guide to Success on The Ketogenic Diet,
including Simplified Science and No-cook Meal Plans.

38 39
Why We Need FAT Dr. Kiltz’s B.E.B.B.I. Diet

Ice Cream


The B.E.B.B.I. Diet


ur bodies are made of mostly fat— Eggs
lipoproteins—and require fat for the survival, The common misconception that is perpetuated
growth, and the reproduction of cells. Cells by doctors and nutritionists everywhere is
require fat as fuel. In order to be used as energy, that fat is the enemy of a heart-healthy diet. Intermittent Feasting
all food must first be converted into fat in the liver. Saturated fats are not the enemy, and they play
Without fat, we die. All carbs and all amino acids a vital role in our body chemistry and total
(amino acids come from protein) must be converted body health.
into fat in order to be utilized as energy. Everything
we consume—proteins, carbs, sugars, fruits, 1. Our bodies are made of fat. Saturated
vegetables, fiber—must go from the stomach, to the fatty acids make up around 50% of our Reduce Inflammation, Eat Fat, Get Fertile
liver, where they are converted into fat in the form of cell membranes. Fat is what creates the
Acetyl CoA, which is the energy for the mitochondria necessary stiffness and integrity in cell walls.
that will then make ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) in 2. Bone health depends upon fat. In order for Remember:
order to maintain the body’s cellular function calcium to be effectively incorporated into Heart disease is caused by
and structure. our skeletal structure, it’s necessary that at
least 50% of our dietary fat intake “Fat is our glycation, plant antigens and
“We are built to get fat.” be saturated.

You do not convert the fat to sugar and then burn the
3. Saturated fats help protect the liver from
alcohol and other toxins, such as Tylenol energy. Everyone blames fat, but obesity
sugar as energy. You convert all sugar into fat in the and metals. causes NO diseases. It’s nothing
liver. When you eat fat, it does not go to the liver. It
goes directly to the lymphatics to be distributed via
the heart to every cell, nook and cranny of your body.
4. Saturated fats help our immune system to
function correctly. Without it, more than a sign that you’re a high
carb eater. Obesity is a result of
5. Saturated fats have antimicrobial
It can be stored, so you can go days, if not weeks,
without food. Your body was designed to store fat in
anticipation of a famine that, in our present day, is
properties that help protect us from harmful
microorganisms in the digestive tract. we die.” the Standard American Diet.

not likely to happen.

6. A number of vitamins – A, D, E, and K, for Fat doesn’t make you fat; carbs
example—must have fat to disolve so your make you fat.
body can absorb them,

40 41 41
Cholesterol is Not Your Enemy
here’s a lot of misinformation about hsCRP is indicative of a higher risk of heart disease. A
cholesterol in the medical community and score of < 1.0 m.g. indicates a low risk, while a score of
popular press. Cholesterol is not a good metric > 3.0 m.g. indicates a higher risk.
for overall health, nor is it a good marker for coronary
artery disease. A better indicator is the Coronary Although most Americans fear high cholesterol
Artery Calcium Score (CAC test). It’s an MRI scan of readings, the truth is that low cholesterol is far worse
your coronary arteries that scans for tiny specks of than high cholesterol.
calcium on the walls of the arteries that supply blood
to the heart (coronary arteries).
Check out Jimmy
Your doctor will refer to these specks as calcifications Moore’s Cholesterol

or plaque. In healthy people, there should be no sign Clarity for a lot more
of calcifications. If there is, it is considered one of info on cholesterol
the early signs of coronary heart disease. Scores can
myths and what all of
range from 0-XX. A score of zero is normal. In general,
the higher your score, the more likely you are to have
heart disease. If your score is high, your doctor may
your numbers mean
(and don’t mean).
Inflammation is a
recommend more tests. Unfortunately, cholesterol
levels really give you no idea of what the level of My advice: focus on
reducing inflammation
much better predictor
plaque is in your arteries.

Inflammation is a much better predictor of heart

and don’t worry so
much about cholesterol. of heart disease
disease than cholesterol. Another good test is a

hsCRP or high-sensitivity C-reactive protein. CRP is
a biomarker for inflammation. The liver makes it when than cholesterol.
there is inflammation present in the body. A higher

42 4343
Benefits of Cholesterol
“ Your body is a fat-making
and fat-burning
ver the past several decades, cholesterol has gotten a bad rap. Fear of high cholesterol

levels on bloodwork panels during annual physicals steered us away from eating too many

eggs and fatty meats and toward lean proteins and man-made fats like margarine and
vegetable oil. In truth, eggs, fatty meats, and butter don’t raise cholesterol levels in our bodies.
It’s really eating diets high in sugar and carbs. Our bodies need cholesterol to function correctly.
Cholesterol helps us to maintain proper hormone function and fight inflammation. The liver makes
about 75% of the cholesterol we need, but we need to take in the remaining 25% through our diet.
And the primary source for this additional cholesterol is animal fats.

Cholesterol is a necessary building block of growth and development, so important that breast
milk from a healthy mother has about 50 to 60 percent of its energy (kilocalories) as fat. The
cholesterol in breast milk supplies an infant with close to six times the amount most adults
consume. This is especially important during infancy-- the most rapid period of growth and
development we experience as humans.

1 4
Cholesterol, along with saturated fats, gives Cholesterol acts as a precursor to important
our cells required stiffness and stability. When hormones that help us deal with stress and

the diet contains an excess of polyunsaturated protect the body against cancer and heart holesterol can become damaged by exposure My advice:
fats (vegetable oils or omega-6) instead of disease. It is also important to our sex hormones to heat and oxygen. This oxidized cholesterol
tends to promote damage to the arterial cells STOP TRYING TO REDUCE YOUR CHOLESTEROL
saturated fats in the cell membrane, the cell like androgen, testosterone, estrogen and
and cause buildup of plaque in the arteries. Damaged INTAKE. It does NOT cause disease. Your body is
walls become flabby. If this happens, cholesterol progesterone. Which is why women trying to
cholesterol is found in powdered milk; which is added made of cholesterol. Your body is a fat-making and
from the blood drives into the tissues to give get pregnant have more success on a high
to reduced-fat milks to give them body. That is why I fat-burning machine.
them structural integrity. This is why serum saturated fat diet!
cholesterol levels may go down temporarily NEVER suggest drinking skim milk! It is also found in

Cholesterol is necessary for us to use vitamin D; powdered eggs and in meats that have been heated
when we replace saturated fats with
which is an essential fat-soluble vitamin needed to high temperatures in frying and other high-
polyunsaturated fats in the diet.
for healthy bones and nervous system, insulin temperature processes. So fast food items come into

Cholesterol is vital for production and function production, reproduction and immune system play here.
of serotonin receptors in the brain. Serotonin is function, proper growth, mineral metabolism,
the body’s “feel-good” chemical. Low cholesterol and muscle tone. Hypothyroidism can result in high cholesterol levels.
levels have been linked to depression and When thyroid function is poor, usually due to a diet

Bile is vital for digestion and assimilation of low in usable iodine, fat-soluble vitamins and high
aggression. Anti-depressants often don’t work
fats in the diet; which is made from cholesterol in sugar, the blood gets filled with cholesterol as a
for patients who are eating a vegetarian diet.
that we eat. protective mechanism, providing a large amount

Mother’s milk is VERY high in cholesterol and of minerals needed to heal tissues. Hypothyroid
Current studies are now showing that
has an important enzyme that assists the baby individuals are particularly susceptible to infections,
cholesterol performs as an antioxidant, which
in using this nutrient. Babies and children need heart disease and cancer.
is why cholesterol levels go up with age. As an
foods high in cholesterol to guarantee proper
antioxidant, it protects us against free radical Source: Maria Emmerich
development of the brain and nervous system
damage that leads to heart disease and cancer. IF YOU SOMEHOW REMOVED ALL
(BUT we also need these as adults!!!)
Dietary cholesterol helps maintain the health
of the intestinal wall. People on low-cholesterol AND DISAPPEAR. THE BRAIN IS MADE OF
vegetarian diets often develop leaky gut FAT AND CHOLESTEROL.
syndrome and other intestinal disorders.

44 45
The Incredible
Keto Edible Egg
Egg yolks got a bad rap for quite a while. Health eggs provide the nutrients you need in a perfect little
conscious consumers ditched them and put egg package that’s super affordable too. A large egg
white omelets on breakfast tables and in restaurants contains less than 1 gram of carbs, 5 grams of fat,
around the country. While egg whites are a great and approximately 6 grams of protein—ideal for keto.
source of protein, if you’re just eating the white, you’re
missing out. Here’s why: egg yolks contain other You could say that eggs are the new apples . . . an egg
essential nutrients like Vitamin A, D, E, K, B12, folate, a day will keep the doctor away and with none
choline and even the beneficial antioxidant lutein. of the sugar!
Eggs are the perfect blend of low carb, high fat, high
protein, and they are so versatile. Fried, scrambled,
hard boiled, soft boiled, poached, in egg salad,
omelets, and frittatas. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner,

NUTRIONAL VALUES COMPARISON CHART (100g each)- Egg with vegetables

Nutrients Egg Potato Spinach Cauliflower Green Peas Tomato Brinjal
Choline (mg) 294 12.1 19.3 44.3 28.4 6.7 6.9
Iron (mg) 1.75 0.78 2.71 0.42 1.47 0.27 0.24

“An egg a
E.A.A (gm) 5.6 0.6 1.11 0.75 1.4 0.17 0.33
Protein (gm) 12.6 2 2.86 1.92 5.4 0.88 1
Folic Acid (mcg) 47 16 194 57 65 15 22
Zn (mg)
Calories (Kcal)
day will keep the
Vit. A (IU) 540 2 9377 absent 765 833 27
Vit. E (mg) 1.05 0.01 2.03 0.08 0.13 0.54 0.3 doctor away –with
Phosporus (mg) 198 57 49 44 108 24 25
Good Fat (gm)
Calcium (mg)
none of the sugar!”
46 47
hen we talk about health and wellness, Amazingly, the entire intrabdominal cavity, the left
people don’t spend much time discussing side of the chest, the left side of the face, and the
the lymphatic system, yet it is critical lower extremities all dump into the thoracic duct. It’s a
to maintaining optimal health. When we eat fat, it huge collector of fluid and fat that needs to circulate
lubricates the lymphatics, and acts like a solvent and return back to your blood system.
within the gut to micronize, capture and filter (via the
Meanwhile, the lymphatic tissue is sent through lymph
lymph nodes) the waste residue that is brought in
nodes that employ a filter system and immunologic
through the foods we eat. If we don’t eat fat, many of
system with white blood cells that identify the foreign
those antigens get stuck in your gut where they can
particles and make antibodies against the antigens
get into the submucosal layer and interstitial layer of
so that your body can react against them, clean them
the GI tract leading to inflammation.
up, and be ready for the next barrage.
While other antigens are delivered to the liver where
All of the fat in the GI tract goes to the lymphatics
they interfere with the blood system and pollute every
and the thoracic duct. The majority of the antigens
nook and cranny of our bodies. This is an essential
and dirt dissolve in the fat.
part of why a high carbohydrate / low fat diet is
deadly. Sugar causes glycation in the lymph system. When you eat the fat, it lubricates the lymphatics
And since the lymph system does not have smooth and filters out the pathogens you bring into your body
muscle to help propel the lymphatic fluid, it relies with the food you eat.
on the natural flow and pressure of a system that’s
intact and lubricated by quality fat. Lymphangitis, Our bodies need natural fats—butter, cream, and
lymph node swelling, lymphomas, and leukemia are animal fats to keep the lymphatic system
rampant worldwide because of a low fat / high carb running strong.
diet filled with excessive frequency, volume, and
variety of sugar and carbohydrates.

Our bodies need
natural fats—butter,

cream, and animal fats.

48 49
Can I Go Keto
If I’m . . .

Yes, but I recommend cooking the vegetables down Focus on fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and herring
to reduce the effects of phytochemicals and add that are high in omega-3s, known to be anti-
the fat. The key is to simplify the carbs and cook inflammatory. Be careful about eating too many
the vegetables down with some avocado oil, hemp varieties with high mercury levels (swordfish and Ahi
seed oil, or coconut oil. Don’t consume them in the tuna). Salmon, anchovies, and sardines canned in oil
raw form. Raw fruits and vegetables contain lots are a great source of fat, tasty right from the can,
of bacteria, yeast, and plant antigens which are and provide on-the-go protein.
dangerous. Vegetarians will have an easier time doing
this if they’re still consuming eggs, butter, and cream. DIABETIC?
Vegan is a little harder. Look to add more fat. Ideally
butter fat and cream are best, but avocado oil and Before starting a keto diet, it’s best to have a
coconut oil can work. Really separate out the meals conversation with your doctor and continue to
to one every 12-24 hours. We’re not a grazing animal. maintain your diabetes management plan prior to
Limit the greens, fruits, and vegetables, and keep making any dietary changes. The keto diet can be
variety to a minimum. very helpful for people with are prediabetic or have
type 1 or 2 diabetes by decreasing the body’s demand
Make sure you’re getting enough protein from eggs for insulin and helping to keep blood glucose levels at
(if vegetarian) or soy/beans or vegan-friendly a low yet healthy level. Many diabetics who switched
protein powder (if vegan). You might need to consider to a keto diet found they were able to reduce their
supplements for vitamins you’re not getting medications because they were consuming far less
from meat. sugar and carbohydrates.

50 51 51
Tips for Vegetarians/Vegans Keto Goat Cheese and
Mushroom Frittata

5 oz. mushrooms 4 oz. goat cheese
an vegans and vegetarians still reap the benefits of keto? They can, but it takes a little more work
when you’re not eating animal proteins and fat. Because of this, there is a tendency to feel hungry more 3 oz. fresh spinach Salt and pepper
often and there’s the potential for deficiencies in some essential fats, vitamins, and minerals. The more 2 oz. scallions For serving:
restrictive your diet, the better the chances of deficiencies. 2 oz. butter 5 oz. leafy greens
6 eggs 2 tbsp olive oil
Watch Your Carbs: Vegans or vegetarians who Eat Enough Protein: While fruits and vegetables
want to eat keto still need to be cognizant of their provide some protein, it usually isn’t enough. You’ll need
carb intake or they’ll never get into ketosis. Make sure to make sure you consume higher sources of protein, INSTRUCTIONS:
the fruits and vegetables you choose to eat are low which include eggs, Greek yogurt, hemp seeds, cottage 1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). 5. Add spinach to pan and sauté for another 1-2
in carbs. We suggest including: spinach, zucchini, cheese, parmesan or romano cheeses, other hard and minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
2. Crack eggs into mixing bowl and whisk. Grate or
avocado, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower, all of which soft cheeses (Swiss, feta, blue, brie, cheddar), peanut or
crumble cheese and add to mixture. Season with salt 6. Pour the egg mixture into the skillet. Place skillet,
have lower carbs. almond butter.
and pepper to taste. uncovered, in the oven and bake for about 20 minutes
3. Cut the mushrooms into wedges. Chop the scallions. or until golden brown and set in the middle.
Use Healthy Fats & Oils: Stay away from highly
processed oils such as sunflower and canola. Stick to 4. Melt the butter in an oven-proof skillet and cook the
butter, ghee, coconut oil, olive oil, and avocado oil for mushrooms and scallions over medium heat for 5-10
meal prep and at the table. Recipes and Photos Courtesy of
minutes or until golden brown.


Nuts and Seeds Vegetables

Keto Cauliflower Hash with
Almonds Artichokes Eggs and Poblano Peppers
Chia Seeds Broccoli
Flax Seeds Brussels Sprouts INGREDIENTS:
Hemp Seeds Kale 1 lb grated cauliflower 3 oz. pimientos de padron or
Pumpkin Seeds Mushrooms poblano peppers
3 oz. butter
Walnuts Spinach
½ cup mayonnaise
100% Dark Chocolate Swiss Chard salt and pepper
Unsweetened Cocoa 4 eggs 1 tsp garlic powder or onion
powder (optional)
Fruits Dairy 1 tsp olive oil

Avocado Plain Greek Yoghurt INSTRUCTIONS:

Olives Cheese 1. Mix mayonnaise and garlic or onion powder in a 4. Brush some oil on the poblanos. Fry or grill until the
small bowl and set aside. skin starts to bubble a little bit.
2. Grate the cauliflower, including the stem; either use 5. Fry the eggs as you like them. Season with salt
a grater or chop into rough but fairly small pieces in a and pepper to taste. Serve directly with the roasted
food processor. poblanos and cauliflower hash. Top with a nice dollop
3. Fry grated cauliflower for about five minutes in a of the seasoned mayo.
generous amount of butter or oil. Season with salt and
pepper to taste. Recipes and Photos Courtesy of
52 53
Creamy “What makes us fat- the
Low-Carb quality of carbohydrates
Broccoli and we consume- also
Leek Soup makes us sick”
—Gary Taubes, Why We Get Fat:
1. Rinse the leek thoroughly and chop finely, both And What to Do About It
the green and the white parts. Cut off the core of
the broccoli and slice thinly. Divide the rest of the
broccoli into smaller florets, and reserve.
2. Place the leek and the sliced broccoli core in a 1 leek
pot and cover with water. Add bouillon cube. Season
2⁄3 lb broccoli
with salt, and bring to a boil for a few minutes
on high heat until the broccoli stem is just easily 2 cups water
pierced with a knife. 1 vegetable bouillon cube

3. Add the broccoli florets. Lower the heat and 7 oz. cream cheese
simmer for a few minutes, until the broccoli is bright 1 cup heavy whipping cream
green and tender. Add cream cheese, cream, freshly
½ tsp ground black pepper
ground pepper, basil and garlic.
½ cup fresh basil
4. Blend with an immersion blender until
1 garlic clove, pressed
desired consistency.
Notes: If the soup is too thick, thin it out with
water. If you’d like it to have a slightly thicker
consistency, add a touch of heavy cream. CHEESE CHIPS:
4½ oz. cheddar cheese or edam cheese
½ tsp paprika powder
Salt and pepper
Fit a large, rimmed baking sheet with parchment
paper. Grate the cheese, and place mounds by the
tablespoon on the parchment. Leave 1 inch between
the cheese mounds.
Top each cheese mound with paprika.
Bake in oven at 400°F (200°C) until the cheese has
melted, about 5-6 minutes. Enjoy with a soup or
as a snack.

Recipes and Photos Courtesy of

54 55 55
Should You Go How Do I Get
Dairy-free as Well? Started?
t’s helpful to “buddy up” when starting Keto. The good news is that a keto diet is generally more
Adopting the Keto lifestyle with a partner or friend fulfilling than one heavy in carbs and sugar.
allows you to share, learn from and support each
other. Many of our client couples go Keto together Fats are filling. Even though you are eating less,
and find they are both happier and healthier. When it you will feel fuller faster and not get hungry as fast
comes to fertility, both the man’s and woman’s health because your sugar levels aren’t on a roller coaster
are important and play a role in conception. anymore.
And you don’t have to go 100% Keto cold turkey. It’s
okay to take baby-steps and gradually incorporate
the Keto lifestyle into your everyday living. Start by
decreasing your carb intake and cutting out sugar.
Consider eliminating all processed foods from your GETTING STARTED ON
diet. If it comes in a bag or a box, it’s processed. DR. KILTZ’S KETO:
A good pantry and refrigerator clean-out
can help reduce temptation. Donate
1. Get rid of all sugar—
unopened boxes and bags to your
local food pantry. Then re-stock any type.
your refrigerator with real food, the 2. Get rid of all grains —
way nature made it: fatty meats,
poultry, and seafoods. Avoid foods wheat, corn, rice, oats.

ost of us lived through a childhood My advice: with preservatives and coloring, 3. Get rid of all hydrogenated or
bombarded by commercials and jingles both of which can be detrimental
partially hydrogenated oils (e.g.
telling us to drink our milk and how good it Try giving up all dairy. That means eliminating ALL to our health. Buy organic when
milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream for two weeks and vegetables oils)—canola oil,
was for our health and development. Remember the possible and grass-fed beef.
see if you feel better. You may notice improvements Farmers markets are a great place grapeseed oil, corn or sunflower
ad campaign where lots of famous people sported
milk mustaches? “Milk, it does the body good” was a with your sinuses, post-nasal drip, headaches, to find locally grown/raised foods. oil, and most vegetable oils
popular slogan, but does it? irritable bowel syndrome, energy, and weight. Then contain Polyunsaturated fatty
start eating dairy again and see how you feel. If you And don’t expect to be perfect.
acids (PUFAs) and are very
Many people have trouble processing dairy. In fact, feel worse, consider adopting a dairy-free diet. None of us is. You will have days
when you don’t stick to your goals inflammatory. These should be
about 75% of the world’s population suffers from
lactose intolerance—a genetic inability to properly While dairy products are a good source of protein and you make bad food choices— eliminated (or kept to a minimum
digest milk and other dairy products. Common sense and fat (especially full fat cream), the decision to you have a glass of wine with a like peanut or sesame oil).
would tell us this isn’t surprising given that we are consume/ not to consume really must be made on an friend or eat a couple
individual basis.
4. Get rid of all fruits, vegetables,
humans, NOT cows. What’s more, between the ages French fries. That’s
okay. Just
and fiber.
of 2 and 5 (weaning age) , the majority of humans
naturally stop producing lactase, the enzyme required get back 5. Practice intermittent feasting —
to properly metabolize lactose—the sugar found on track
(1-2 meals per day spaced out)
in milk. and stay
Some of us don’t even know we have a dairy
intolerance until we give it up for a period of time
and are amazed at the changes we experience.

56 57
CREAM Find the FAT


nyone who has spoken to me has heard me

NEW repeat these five foods like a mantra. They

are the basis of Dr. Kiltz’s Keto Cure. They
point back to this simple truth: Our bodies require
fat for energy. If we can’t eat fat or make fat, we
die. Unfortunately, the majority of fat we consume is

ORANGE industrial, man-made fat. What we really need to be

eating is nature’s fat—that stuff that surrounds the
animal or is intertwined and marbled in every nook
and cranny of the meat.

JUICE. Stay away from lean meats and try to choose grass-
fed, all-natural meats. You want to consume fatty
meats like a rib-eye steak, not lean, fat-free chicken
breast. You need to eat the fat. By adding fat, cream,
butter, and eggs, you reduce inflammation, you
reduce your appetite, you reduce your glucose levels,
and your energy is so much better. All of the bowel
problems go away, the skin problems and the joint
Adding full-fat heavy
problems are gone.
cream to your coffee or THINGS TO AVOID:
Minimize the variety and simplify your meals.
tea is an easy way to add Eliminate pasta, bread, yogurt, milk, seeds, and nuts.
Plant oils which harden when exposed to oxygen • Sugar
fat back in to your diet, likely contain a multitude of plant antigens, which • Carbohydrates
and it tastes great too! are harmful.
• Alcohol
Give up the non-dairy Eating fat in its purest form is the simplest energy • High-intensity exercise
source for our bodies. There are a lot of different
creamers, sugary flavored food plans out there that focus on high fat / med-low
• Probiotics
mix-ins, almond or soy protein / low carbs. They are pretty similar, but tend • Fiber
to differentiate themselves by their recommended • Seeds & nuts
milk. Go with full-fat fat and carb consumption. Paleo is about 20%
protein, 70% fat, 10% carbs. Dr. Kiltz’s Keto is 80%
heavy cream to
fat, 20% protein, zero carbs. This is the key to
fight inflammation. health and wellness.Any combination of bacon, eggs,
butter, and beef (or fatty meat) is crucial to reducing
inflammation. We call this The Lion King Plan. To
eat like the king of the jungle means eliminating
all fruits and vegetables that produce sugar and
phytochemicals, and focusing only on high quality,
high fat foods. A nice, fatty rib-eye is a mainstay in
Dr. Kiltz’s Keto.
58 59
Tips for Avoiding
the Keto Flu
You may have heard people talk about the “keto flu” like it’s an unavoidable
rite of passage. It’s not, and the symptoms are completely avoidable and
the result of an electrolyte imbalance.

Drink plenty of water and keto-friendly fluids to stay hydrated. As
you transition to burning ketones, your muscles release water
causing frequent urination. Be sure to replenish fluids.

Keto Sustainability 2
Add a little sea salt to your bone broth to help maintain

sodium levels. Processed foods are a huge source of Berries

sodium. Without them in your diet, keto-eaters need

to add back in the salt.

P 3

atients and friends ask me all the time whether Only you can determine what is sustainable. Keto is
Consider potassium and magnesium
keto is a sustainable way of life. People are for me. It’s healthy. It’s easy. It’s simple. I know people

so convinced they cannot live without sugar, like Maria Emmerich who have lived keto for the

bread, and various fruits and vegetables that they majority of their lives, raised their kids on it, and eat Nuts, Green, Vegetables
refuse to accept any reality where those things keto as a family. She has cook book after cook book

aren’t required. with recipes that are flavorful and satisfying. It’s a

change in mindset for sure, but the results “The USDA Food
Because of the proliferation of alternative sweeteners are undeniable.
like Stevia and flour substitutes, one can be keto and
People have the impression that being a vegetarian
Guide Pyramid has no
enjoy some facsimile of sugar and bread should you
require it in your life. But the truth is, you don’t need or vegan is so healthy. I’m not knocking the decision
to be either, but the reality is that neither of these
connection with scientific
any of it. You can absolutely live without sugar or
Oil, Butter, Healthy Fats
bread. I eat sweet stuff (Kiltz’s Keto Ice Cream) and lifestyles would work without grocery stores to
provide enough food and calories to satisfy your
facts. The new Keto
occasionally French fries dipped in mayo. But. I don’t
need it, and it’s not really necessary. nutritional needs. Animal fat and protein is a lot for
efficient and satiating then any leaf, flower,
pyramid turns it
The question of sustainability assumes the crap that
is making people fat and sick is required for some
seed or nut.
on its head.”
kind of quality of life. It’s not.


Meat, Dairy, Eggs

60 61
Kiltz’s Keto
Ice Cream
In Dr. Kiltz’s Keto, even “treats” are full fat, that Note: Recipe can be doubled depending on the
includes my guilt-free ice cream which can be capacity of your ice cream maker
enjoyed as a treat or actually as an entire meal. Yes,
there’s a little bit of sugar in there, but that small Directions: Shake cream and pour into a large
amount of pure cane sugar in that much heavy cream bowl. Add sugar, eggs, and vanilla extract. Whisk
isn’t a concern, even on the keto diet. This is the most until well combined and frothy. Pour into ice cream
delicious ice cream you can imagine and it’s packed machine and follow manufacturer’s instructions.
with all of that healthy fat your body needs.

What you’ll need:

• 1 Pint of High-Quality Heavy
“Eating fat in its purest form
Cream (preferably grass-fed)

• 2 TBSP of granulated pure

is the simplest energy source
cane sugar

• 2 TBSP pure vanilla extract (can use vanilla bean

for our bodies.”
scraped as well)

• 1 egg (organic preferred) (optional)

62 63
Feasting: WHAT TO DRINK:
Water, Coffee, Tea. Copious amounts
of water are not required. Have a cup
TRUE FASTING: EAT ONCE PER DAY of coffee or tea (with added cream
or butter, if you like) and a glass of

asting between meals gives your body time to Our bodies are well- designed to go without food, yet water (still or bubbly with no added
rest and digest and allows the glucose levels in most of us consume more calories than we could ever sugar) when you are thirsty. The whole
the bloodstream and throughout the body to burn through in a day. This adds fat to our bodies. Fat 8 glasses of water a day mandate is
go down. Some refer to this as “intermittent fasting”, is meant to be there to help ensure our survival during overkill. Over-drinking of water likely
but I find the term “intermittent feasting” to be more times of famine and drought. robs our bodies of essential minerals
accurate. I believe your best health comes from that are inadvertently flushed out.
eating one meal a day in the evening and giving the Dr. Jason Fung has a lot of good information on
Avoid alcohol in all forms. Alcohol is
body time to rest and digest during sleep (allowing incorporating intermittent fasting into your lifestyle.
toxic to your body and fuels the fire of
12-24 hours between feedings). This is in line with inflammation in the gut.
“Carbo-caine” When I talk to patients or friends
how prehistoric man lived: going for days to weeks
about eating bacon, eggs, butter, and beef and
without eating, not knowing where or when his next
removing carbohydrates and sugar from their diets, HOW MUCH TO EAT:
meal was coming, feasting and then fasting, fasting,
most worry they won’t be able to do it. Carbs and
fasting while on the hunt for food. Frequency is more harmful than
sugar have a real grip on most of us, you’re not
imagining it. I actually call carbs “carbo-caine”. Like intermittent abundance. With
Our bodies were not designed to eat 3-5 meals a day
cocaine, they are addictive. Eating carbs affects intermittent feasting, your allowed to
with snacks in between like a grazing animal. Eating Illustration by: Melissa Nograsek
the pleasure centers in the brain just like a drug. feast since you’re only eating one meal
several meals a day fills the gut with fiber and carbs
High carb consumption spikes insulin which allows per day. But you will find that eating fatty meats or
that ferment and feed the bacteria and yeast causing
tryptophan to enter the brain and make serotonin, the adding fat to your food is more filling than eating
more disease. The more we eat, the more we fill
feel-good neurotransmitter. lean meats. You will likely feel full before you finish
“the bucket” that is our digestive system. We fuel
the fire of inflammation; we fill our intestines, never
Eating carbs quite literally makes us happy, but only
your meal. “Your best health comes from
allowing them to diminish their contents because of When you eat lean meats, your body must convert
temporarily. A steady diet of high carbs and sugar
the continuous supply of food.
will create a host of problems that affect your daily them to amino acids which are then converted to
sugar in the liver and finally into fat. CUT OUT
eating one meal a day in
Intermittent feasting allows time for digestion, enjoyment of life and can shorten your lifespan.
reduces glucose and insulin levels in the bloodstream,
thereby reducing the damage that causes foggy
THE MIDDLE MAN! Choosing to eat natural
animal fats allows your body to send fat right the evening and giving your
to the lymphatics.
brain, digestive issues, and aches and pains
throughout the body. NARROW AS AN ARROW: Variety, spices, and body time to rest and digest.”
sides are deadly. Stick to bacon, eggs, butter, beef,
and Kiltz’s ice cream. Skip the spices and
the sides dishes.
64 65
Fatty, Flavorful, “Fat is the fuel for
and Filling cells in the muscles.
need energy.”
consider a rib-eye steak to be the perfect keto Fat
meal, and it’s one I eat quite often. Here’s why: A
Fat comprises the other half of rib eye steak’s
rib-eye steak is cut from the rib section of beef
calories. About 40 percent of that fat comes from
cattle. Known for their tenderness, rib-eyes also have
saturated fat. The body needs dietary fat for energy
a high fat content. Generally, the higher the grade
and for the essential fatty acids it contains that
of meat, the more fat it contains. It’s half fat and
the body can’t produce. These fatty acids reduce
half protein in a delicious package and contains no
inflammation, control blood clotting and aid in brain
carbohydrates, sugar, or fiber.
function. Fat also allows the body to absorb vitamins
All that beautiful marbling in a rib eye means fat— A, D, E and K.
great for flavor and your body.

General Nutrition
A serving of rib eye steak offers 239% of the
A 242-gram serving, or about 8.5 ounces, of recommended daily intake of vitamin B12 for an adult
grilled, boneless, choice rib eye steak with its fat male. Vitamin B12 helps red blood cell formation,
trimmed contains 520 calories, 133 percent of the neurological health, DNA synthesis, and may play a
recommended daily intake of protein, 44 percent of role in reducing the risks of dementia and age-related
the fat and 6 percent of the sodium. I recommend you cognitive decline. A rib eye also provides 84% of
don’t trim the fat and eat it instead. daily recommended intake of niacin, which helps in
red blood cell formation, neurological function and
maintaining healthy digestion, skin and nerves.

Protein makes up about half of the calories in rib eye Minerals

steak. Your body breaks proteins down into amino
acids. Amino acids are essential to the creation, An 8.5-ounce serving of rib eye supplies 153% of
repair and maintenance of cells. There are three the daily need for zinc. Zinc is integral to energy
types of amino acids: nonessential, conditional, production, protein and nucleic acid synthesis,
essential. Your body can produce nonessential amino healthy immune function and cell division. The same
acids and conditional amino acids, but may need serving of rib eye has 145% of the daily requirement
supplemental sources in times of illness or stress. Your for selenium. Selenium combines with proteins to form
body cannot make essential amino acids, which come antioxidant selenoproteins that help prevent cellular
only from the food you eat. Rib eye steak offers both damage from free radicals, which may help lower
conditional and essential amino acids. cancer and heart disease risks. Selenium may also
play a role in alleviating arthritis.

66 67
Dining out on Keto
any people do well sticking to keto when they are preparing meals themselves from their keto-
equipped pantries and kitchens. It’s another story entirely when traveling for work or meeting
friends for dinner at a restaurant. “Many restaurants
Between the bread basket in the center of the table and a long list of tempting (but not keto-friendly)
appetizers to share, it can be a struggle to stick with the plan. The good news is that as keto has become
more popular, many restaurants have adapted their menus and even note keto-friendly options. have adapted their
menus and even note
keto-friendly options.”
• Burger without a bun (but skip the fries)
• If you have a say about where you’ll be eating,
your best bet is a steak house, seafood • Chicken wings (most restaurants have these on
restaurant, Greek or Middle Eastern restaurant, or the appetizer menu)
Chinese. Some BBQ places can work as well. Try
to steer clear of pizza joints and smaller Mexican • Meat, chicken, or fatty fish that isn’t breaded or
or Italian restaurants which may be limited to fried. Ask for a side of butter to help add the fat
carb-heavy options.
• When all else fails, a cup of coffee with heavy
• Take a look at the menu in advance. Most cream is a readily available on-the-go filler until
restaurants post their menus online so you can you find a better option
review your options without stress.
Alcohol: Many people like to share a bottle of
• Don’t be afraid to ask questions. You may need to wine or grab a beer over dinner. I generally warn
ask how something is cooked or prepared to find against alcohol. It’s toxic and fuels inflammation in
out if it’s really a good choice. the gut. Most wines and mixed drinks have lots of
sugar (and phytochemicals). And there’s a reason we
• Avoid dressings and sauces or ask for them on don’t allow kids to drink. But even I, from time to time,
the side. They contain lots of hidden sugar. Oil and have something alcoholic to drink while socializing.
vinegar are your best bet for dressing a salad. When I do, it’s a very dirty martini with a couple blue
cheese stuffed olives.
• Grab a snack beforehand so you’re not starving
once you get to the restaurant—a fat bomb or Remember: If you have a bite of dessert or steal
some chunks of parmesan cheese. The basket a fry from a friend’s plate, it’s not the end of the world
of bread is a whole lot more tempting when your and certainly not worth beating yourself up over. Do
stomach is grumbling. the best you can to make smart keto choices and
move on from there.

68 6969

• Anti-inflammatory: The glycine may have Whether you buy it or make it, the health and flavor
some anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. of the bone broth is ultimately dependent on the
• Weight Loss: It’s low in calories and sugar-free, quality of the ingredients: where did the bones
but still helps you feel full. This may be due to its come from? What did the animals eat? How long
gelatin content, which can promote satiety. was it cooked? If you don’t have the time to make it
yourself, be sure to read the ingredients of various
• Joint Health: Glucosamine and chondroitin bone broths before you settle on one to try. Kettle &
improve joint health and reduce symptoms of Fire makes a good one, but there are other quality
osteoarthritis. bone broths out there.
• Bone Health: Calcium, magnesium and If you make it right, you’ll see bits of “jelly” in your
phosphorus all promote good bone health. broth. Bones, marrow and connective tissue are all
• Sleep and Brain Function: Glycine taken largely made up of collagen, which turns into gelatin
before bed has been shown to improve sleep and when cooked.
brain function.


Should Be Drinking It Too INGREDIENTS

• 2–3 pounds of beef bones.

Now it’s ready.

You can also add other meat, veggies or spices to
ave you seen the term “bone broth” popping Bone: The bone itself yields minerals like calcium • 4 liters (1 gallon) of water. your broth. Popular additions include parsley, bay
up on keto blogs and recipes? You may have and phosphorus. Sodium, magnesium, potassium, leaves, carrots, celery, ginger, lemon rinds and liver,
seen it on the shelves of your local grocery sulfur and silicon are also present. • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar.
but they are not required.
store or Trader Joe’s and wondered what it was. So,
what is it and why should you be jumping on the Marrow: Bone marrow gives you vitamin A, vitamin • 1 onion (optional).
Broth may be stored in an airtight container in the
bandwagon? K2, omega-3s, omega-6s and minerals like iron, zinc,
• 4 garlic cloves (optional). refrigerator for up to 5 days, or in the freezer
selenium, boron and manganese. Marrow from beef
for up to 3 months.
Bone broth is exactly what its name implies. It’s a and lamb also contains CLA.
• 1 teaspoon of salt and/or pepper (optional).
broth made from cooking down animal bones and For those who prefer to multi-task (cook and sleep),
other connective tissue (feet, beaks, spines, gizzard, Connective Tissue: This tissue provides
DIRECTIONS you may also want to use a pressure cooker, slow
legs, hooves, hocks, or even the whole carcass) with glucosamine and chondroitin, which are popular
dietary supplements for arthritis and joint pain. cooker or Crock-Pot. You can use a Crock-Pot to
water and adding an acid like vinegar or lemon juice Put bones and vegetables in a big, stainless steel pot*.
make bone broth overnight.
to help break down the collagen. It can be made from
While it can be used as an ingredient in soups and Pour cold water into the pot so it covers the contents.
chicken, turkey, lamb, pig, beef, fish, and other wild *For extra flavor, roast the bones before adding
sauces, many people drink a cup as part of their Add the vinegar, and then raise the temperature to
game. Many people roast the bones first for a richer, to pot. Preheat oven to 450°. Roast bones on a
regular daily routine. It’s a great snack and a soothing
deeper flavored broth. bring to a boil.
way to start or end the day. Adding a bit of extra sea parchment-lined rimmed baking sheet for
Bones contain lots of nutrients which provide some salt to your bone broth and drinking it in the early Reduce heat, add salt and pepper, and then let 30 minutes.
pretty impressive health benefits. It’s high in various stages of transitioning to keto can help ward off the simmer for 4–24 hours (the longer it simmers, the
minerals, collagen, glycine, glucosamine keto flu. When you stop eating so many processed tastier and more nutrient-dense it will be).
and chondroitin. foods, you take in a lot less sodium, some of which
your body needs. This is one way to add it back. Allow the broth to cool, and then strain the solids out.

70 71
Wine or Water: “The truth is alcohol is
Which Do You Choose? the deadliest drug and
lcohol in any form is Just because cocaine and heroin
deadly. There’s a reason
we don’t advise kids or
are illegal doesn’t make them more
dangerous than alcohol. The World
the research and statistics
pregnant women to consume Health Organization estimates
alcohol. If it’s not good for them,
why would it be good for
risks linked to alcohol cause 2.5
million deaths worldwide each year
drinkers slowly. Any drinking can
prove this.”
any of us? from heart and liver disease, road
weaken the heart and affect how
accidents, suicides, and cancer. On
oxygen and nutrients are delivered
Wine also comes with a lot of the scale given by the scientists,
to certain organs in your body.
sugar, yeast, tannins, and sulfates alcohol received a score of 72 out
Prolonged and excessive alcohol
that don’t do our bodies any of 100. Heroin received a 55, while
use can also interfere with brain
favors. And though the opioid crack received a 54.
function and structure. Not to
epidemic and other prescription
mention the secondhand events
pills steal the spotlight on the Alcohol is the direct cause of 7
that occur like car accidents,
nightly news, alcohol is a deadlier forms of cancer. Even light to
DUI’s, drunken injuries, toxic
drug. Here’s why: moderate drinkers are at risk. The
relationships, and destruction
• Alcohol is socially accept study, published in the journal
of property.
able and easily accessible Addiction, provided evidence
• Alcohol kills more that alcohol is the direct cause of
The truth is alcohol is the deadliest
people than all other drugs breast, liver, colon, esophagus, and
drug and the research and
combined other types of cancer. Researchers
statistics prove this.
• Alcohol is three times have found growing evidence that
as harmful as alcohol causes skin, prostate,
cocaine or tobacco and pancreatic cancer. Alcohol
• Alcohol directly also causes fatty liver disease,
causes a variety of cirrhosis of the liver, and alcohol
diseases hepatitis. These conditions can kill

72 7373
Drugs & Hallucinogens
Are Plant-Based Too!
e don’t often take the time to think
about where drugs like heroin, cocaine,
and marijuana come from . . . PLANTS!
Opium, morphine, codeine, and heroin are all
derived from the milky latex found in the poppy
plant’s unripe seed capsule.

Anyone who’s seen the news knows the

heroin is highly addictive. It can change how
your brain functions, your emotions, and your
physical appearance—none for the better!
Long-term use has a very long list of
effects on every part of your body.

It is best not to use any of these drugs

recreationally. They affect your brain
chemistry, even if only temporarily,
and wreak havoc on other systems
throughout the body, particularly
with repeated use.

“All dope can do for

you is kill you– and
kill you the long,
slow, hard way.”
—Billie Holiday
74 75
74 75
Kiltz’s Keto Kitchen

Steak and Butter Steak and Eggs

Salmon Bunless hamburger

Chicken Thighs

Salami & Cheese- Great Snack!

76 77
Rib eye steak Duck Pork Belly Deviled Eggs Dr. Kiltz in his Kitchen
The Gratitude

here’s no better way to set the tone for your Gratitude has physical, psychological, and social
day by waking up and greeting the day “Thank benefits. The practice of gratitude has been shown
you, God, for this awesome and amazing day to improve your immune system, regulate blood
you have gifted me.” This is how I start my day every pressure, reduce aches and pains, and help with sleep.
day. I speak these words out loud and my day begins Gratitude can help achieve higher levels of joy and
from there. allows those who practice it to feel less lonely and
more optimistic.
Gratitude has been found to be one of the strongest
positive emotions and is often linked to happiness. The mind-body connection is very real and should not
Most of us are confused when it comes to gratitude. be ignored when it comes to health and wellness.
We think we need to achieve certain goals or get to
a certain place in our lives before we take a breath
Part of the gratitude attitude is being kind to others “Thank you, God, for this
and to yourself. I firmly believe that kindness begins
and express appreciation for all that we have. In fact,
happiness isn’t what brings you gratitude, gratitude is
what brings you happiness!
with the person in the mirror. Make sure you are
saying positive and uplifting things to yourself when awesome and amazing day
you look in the mirror. Love thyself first.
Some people find it helpful to make gratitude part of
their family dinner, going around the table with each
you have gifted me.”
person sharing something good that happened to
them that day and/or why they are thankful. Teaching
the next generation that there is good in every day
is an important lesson to pass along and will be the
building blocks for happiness.

78 79
Nourish Your Mind
& Feed Your Soul
s medical professionals, we spend a lot of There are so many wonderful books out there and
talking about what you should be eating or some really smart, insightful people to learn from.
what medicines you should be taking (as few
as possible), but not as much time discussing how
Learning is a life-long pursuit. It shouldn’t stop the
day you get your high school, college, grad school, “What you put into your
mouth and your mind
important what you put into your mind is as well. or even medical school diploma. We all have lots to
learn and that means making a concerted effort to
I’ve spent a lot of time reading the works of great

matters most”
expose yourself to ancient texts (the Bible, the Koran,
philosophers and spiritual leaders, both past and
the Bhagavad Gita), the writings of Buddha, Lao Tzu,
present, and can tell you that the phrase “food for
and newer books by present-day thinkers who were
thought” hits the mark. As much as you worry about
inspired by ancient healers and philosophers.
what and how you to eat, you need to think carefully
about what you’re listening too and reading. What Share what you’re learning and thinking about.
are you filling your conscious and subconscious Whether it’s a tweet, a vlog, a Facebook/Instagram
mind with every day? Is it positive, amazing things post, or an email to friends. Pass along those
that expand your mind and make you feel good or surprising/insightful/moving “nuggets” that you’re
negative self-thought that brings you down? absorbing from whatever you’re reading or listening to.

SLOW IT DOWN & BREATHE! Practice daily You can practice this 24/7/365, anytime of the day
meditation, prayer, and visualization. or night. The 5-6-7 rule is a meditative practice. You
don’t need to be sitting in a lotus position or at an
We need to slow it down and focus on the beauty of
ashram or the yoga studio. Right where you’re sitting,
the universe and the creativity that we’ve all been
standing, lying, resting, or relaxing is just fine.
given. The gift is life.
Just stop what you’re doing and focus on
MEDITATIVE BREATHING: 5-6-7 Breathe in Through your breathing.
the Nose and Out Through the Smile
Come visit for more inspiration and
I do this meditative breathing practice several times ideas on how you can take your health and wellness
a day. You breathe in through the nose for 5 seconds; to the next level and improve your Mindy, Body, and
you hold it for 6; and you breathe out through the Smile.
mouth for 7. I say, “In through the nose, out through
the smile.”
80 81
Try Something New
re-useable and moldable and changeable. I guess it’s FIND INSPIRATION ANYWHERE & EVERYWHERE

kind of like the human being. It doesn’t matter where
tudies link being open to new experiences with (although try it if it’s always been your dream, just be I’m inspired by others. That’s really what life is all
you’ve been. It is possible to reshape yourself in a
lower levels of inflammation. Get out there safe and get the proper training!). about: finding inspiration. Whoever you’re around,
new way, and learn to do things differently. Tapping
and try something new. It will benefit your begin to learn and listen. If you want to learn to
Trying something new doesn’t have to be a grand into that creative part of my brain does wonders for
mind and your body. If you’ve wanted to learn how to build and do something, spend time around those
gesture. It can be as simple as taking a new route stress and helps me feel connected to a higher power
paint, knit, make pottery, master calligraphy, write a successful people who have learned to build and grow
on your drive home from work so that you see and the bigger picture.
poem, learn an instrument, plant a garden, go do it! something. You are as capable as any other human
different landmarks along the way and you get a new
I’ve since learned to paint, make jewelry, operate, learn being. Your past doesn’t matter or your physical
new ideas of health and wellness, but ultimately it capabilities. Mentally we are all capable. All of us,
It can mean pushing yourself creatively. Write comes down to sticking to the loving, in one way or another, are capable of shifting and
something every day. It doesn’t have to be a three- living, and learning. creating and making change, building on the old and
act play or short story. It can just be a few words building anew.
about your day in a journal that you keep by your bed. FERTILIZE THE UNIVERSE: MAKE SOME MISTAKES
Put pen to paper and write-out in long hand a couple
of sentences or helpful reminders to yourself about Fear of failure shouldn’t hold you back. If you’re not
how you’re feeling and your goals. Or keep a digital making mistakes, then you’re not trying anything new.
diary on your phone if you want to be more high-tech. I like to say that mistakes are fertilizer. Fertilizer is a
good for the soil. It gives renewed growing power and
For me, painting and potting have always been a strength to the seedlings that grow out of it. Failure
creative outlet. I started working with pottery when I is much the same. Failing makes us stronger, smarter,
I took up flying and earned my pilot’s license in my was in high school. Mrs. Wong in my ceramics class in and more driven. Instead of saying, “I failed,” say “I
mid-50s. Talk about stepping out of your comfort the 10th or 11th grade at John Marshall High School fertilized.” There’s a lot more truth to the latter.
zone! Hitting the skyways at 10,000 feet behind in Los Angeles inspired me through pottery and clay.
the yoke with just you and the clouds is literally out I enjoy working in my pottery studio making pots When I first took up painting, my daughter told me I
of most of our comfort zones, but it’s tremendously and throwing on the wheel, making slab pieces. Small wasn’t very good (and frankly, she was right), but that
empowering. I’m now working toward getting certified pieces and big pieces, medium pieces, and pieces didn’t stop me from trying. I worked at it and over
to fly a jet. But trying something new doesn’t have that end up in the bucket or on the floor. I make lots time saw great improvement and found much joy in
to be an expensive, dangerous new hobby. I’m not of mistakes, but I take something and do it and then the act of painting itself.
suggesting we all start free-climbing on weekends do it again. The beauty of clay is that it is actually

82 83
Are You
Enough Sleep?
The Power I
f you’re like 35% of Americans, you’re not getting • Prepare for bedtime. Give your body and
enough rest. Between job stress, family stress, your mind time to wind down. Take a warm
blue light, and occasional Netflix binge watching, bath or shower. Dim the lights and stay off
more and more adults don’t get the recommended your tablet or laptop. A little yoga or stretching
7-9 hours of sleep each night. We’re trying to fit it all before bed is a great idea.

of Laughter & Kindness

in, and our sleep suffers. Most people don’t recognize
the long-term effects of night after night, year after
• Turn off all electronics 15-20 minutes
year of sleep deficiency. Many people cut their rest
prior to lights out. It’s a good idea to keep
short to do something else they think is healthy—
all electronics out of the bedroom to decrease
early morning exercise. But getting less than about 6
hours of sleep has real heath consequences, including temptation and eliminate interruptions.

a higher risk for memory problems, obesity, heart
he act of laughing decreases the secretion
of epinephrine and cortisol. It reduces stress,
promotes relaxation, and improves circulation.
“One minute of anger disease, diabetes, infections, and depression. If you’re
focused on your health (and you should be), you need
• Invest in your sleep space. Buy a
comfortable mattress, light blocking curtains

Deep belly laughter is positively linked to the

lymphatic and immune systems.
weakens the immune to make sleep a priority.
or shades, comfortable sheets, and keep the
thermostat low. Studies have found that the
optimal temperature for sleep is quite cool,

And if you’re holding onto anger, the opposite is true.

system for 4-5 hours. • Get on a regular schedule and commit
to a bedtime that gives you 6+ hours of
around 60° to 68° F. Temperatures in this range
help to decrease core body temperature that in
Just thinking about an angry situation from the past
can cause a six-hour dip in levels of the antibody One minute of laughter sleep. Work back from your wake-up time and
stick to your plan! That means no late nights
on weekends either. It’s better for your body to
turn initiates sleepiness.

immunoglobulin A. These are the cells that form the

first line of the defense against infection, thereby boosts the immune maintain a consistent schedule 7 days a week.
Big swings can make it difficult to fall sleep.

system for 24 hours.”

weakening the immune system, even in healthy
• Embrace naps! If you can’t get to bed on
time or get a bad night’s sleep, going to bed
earlier the next night isn’t the fix. Fit in a short
20-30 minute nap, but make sure you do it
before 4:00 pm or it will affect your ability to go
to sleep at your regular bedtime.

84 85
HOW DOES IT WORK? WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW Your decision to use CBD must be based on some of
your own research.
There is evidence that it reduces the reactions of the CBD products labeled “full spectrum” can include less
white blood cells and other inflammatory markers on than 0.3 percent levels of THC (not enough to get you WHERE TO BUY:
a local and systemic level. CBD works with the body’s high, but enough to have an effect) while products
CNY Fertility has an assortment of high-quality
endocannabinoid system, or EC, which is a network noted “broad-spectrum” do not contain any THC at
WHAT EXACTLY IS CBD? of receptors that power the immune system and all. Be prepared to experiment and be patient! The
CBD tinctures, gummies, and salves available with or
without THC for purchase online at:
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a chemical compound regulate hormones and a variety of brain functions, single use of a CBD salve on your painful neck may
found in hemp and marijuana (cannabis) plants. like recognizing and responding to pain. CBD binds not alleviate the pain overnight, or it might. You may https://shop.cnyfertility. com/
The cannabis plant contains around 100 different to various ECS receptors and activates them, thereby need to try the combination of taking CBD orally and
chemical compounds called cannabinoids. THC, or producing a therapeutic effect, like lowering anxiety topically to achieve the desired results. Be prepared
tetrahydrocannabinol, is the most well-known as and decreasing inflammation. CBD can also “unlock” for some trial and error before you find the formula
the one that gets you high. The second best known certain chemicals and block others to create a that works best for you.
extract is CBD, which by itself, will not get you high. calming effect.
The same species that is used for THC and marijuana Whether you take it as a vapor, an oil under the
has also been used for thousands of years to make THE BENEFITS OF CBD tongue, rubbed on the skin, in tablet form, or baked in
clothing, rope, plastics, fuel, and medicinals. something, the choices seem unending. 15 mg of CBD
CBD can help with aches, pains, skin issues, and
1-2 times per day is a good starting point for many,
digestion. It has also been found to help with
REDUCE INFLAMMATION although the exact dose has not been determined
depression, anxiety, and epilepsy, and may even help
and can vary from person to person. Different
Beyond diet, which is the easiest change to make, with certain metabolic disorders, like diabetes. From
varieties have been mixed with MCT oil, olive oil, or
we’re always looking for ways to reduce inflammation. a fertility perspective, CBD is thought to improve
hemp seed oil in order to dilute the concentration of
We use aspirin, NSAIDs, steroids, antibiotics, and sperm and egg quality. But be mindful of the fact
the CBD oil.
more recently, I’ve been recommending CBD oil, or that everyone responds differently to CBD depending
Cannabidiol. Cannabidiol has recently been touted as on the specific product they are using and their own
The intent here is not to create a high or a buzz. There
the “go to” herbal medicine for reducing inflammation unique body chemistry. And CBD is not known to be
may be side effects, so everyone must be cautious
and you can find it in a wide range of products from addictive. The World Health Organization reports that
in deciding whether to use it. Certainly, if you are
lip balms and lotions to cocktails and coffee. “CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or
pregnant, we currently recommend against using
dependence potential.”

86 87
“Omega-3 fatty acids are
very important for your
health and considered
Other Ways to essential because they cannot
be made by the body.”
Reduce Inflammation:
INCORPORATE EASTERN LOW DOSE NALTREXONE (LDN): LDN makes the immune system begin working at
THERAPIES. optimum levels which helps to correct many of the
LDN is a therapy that has shown promise in treating body’s imbalances.
We have also found integrating eastern therapies a variety of health issues. It was originally developed
into your health and wellness routine to be helpful decades ago for the treatment of heroin/opioid OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS:
in reducing inflammation. Yoga, meditation, prayer, addiction because of its ability to bind with opioid
acupuncture, regular massage, and light therapy receptors in the brain, thereby blocking the effects Omega-3 fatty acids are very important for your
are all good options. Inflammation is triggered in of the drugs. It was discovered that in very low doses, health and considered essential because they cannot
response to stress. The more you can do to reduce naltrexone is also helpful in treating autoimmune be made by the body and must be consumed through
stress, the less likely you are to become inflamed. disorders, HIV/AIDS, cancer, and central nervous food or supplements. The three types of omega-3s
It’s important to try various options in order to find system disorders. Because it can balance and include ALA, DHA, and EPA. ALA is found in plant
the one (or two or three) that work best for you regulate the immune system without over-stimulating foods such as flaxseed, walnuts, and soybeans. DHA
personally. You might love Tai Chi but you might find it, any condition that involves immune dysregulation and EPA are found in certain types of cold water fish,
acupuncture is not for you. may benefit from LDN. such as pollock, salmon, herring, sardines, albacore
tuna, and mackerel. All omega-3s are considered
in a quality mattress. Remove distractions from your healthy fats, but EPA and DHA from fish oil have been
In lower doses, naltrexone still causes a very mild
INTEGRATING EASTERN THERAPIES room--no buzzing cell phones or TV. the most studied and have shown beneficial effects
blockage of endorphin receptors throughout the
INTO YOUR HEALTH AND WELLNESS body. The body’s response to this binding is to for a variety of conditions.
ROUTINE TO BE HELPFUL IN CUT OUT CHEMICALS. compensate by increasing production of endorphins
and enkephalins (our natural opioids). The brief Omega-3s have been shown to support a healthy
REDUCING INFLAMMATION. Exposure to pesticides and preservatives can cause immune system and triglyceride levels, promote
blockage every night appears to be enough to effect
inflammation by invading cells and destroying tissue. a prolonged change in many aspects of the immune joint health and mobility, and promote heart, brain,
Chemicals are in everything from processed foods, system and increases the body’s ability to heal itself. prostate, and eye health. Healthy individuals who
MAKE SLEEP A PRIORITY. food containers, and home cleaning products to In addition to treating Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, eat fatty fish more than twice a week may not
cosmetics, shampoo, and other personal care items. chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, need a daily supplement. Those who don’t eat fish
Sleep time is absolutely necessary for your body to Learn how to read an ingredient label and make often may want to consider taking a supplement.
Parkinson’s, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Crohn’s disease,
heal from the physical and mental traumas of the sure you know what’s okay and what isn’t. Avoid We recommend TherOmega® Omega 3 Fish Oil by
autism, and rheumatoid arthritis, LDN can also be
day. If you’re not getting uninterrupted or enough phthalates and parabens as much as possible. Theralogix, which contains EPA and DHA, two of
helpful for depression because of its endorphin-
sleep, your body isn’t healing the way it should be. the key omega-3 fatty acids in fish. But you should
boosting effect.
Find a way to get on a regular sleep schedule. Invest always consult with your healthcare provider to
determine the amount of EPA/DHA
that is best for you.

88 89
Keto Resources “When you feed your brain and
body properly, they will respond
Making the decision to go keto can seem overwhelming at first. You wonder, “Where do I even begin?” Fortunately,
there are lots of resources to reference: websites, articles, books, cookbooks, etc. At CNY Fertility, we are very
fortunate to have Keto-experts Maria and Craig Emmerich as a CNY Fertility special consultants. Their books,
by functioning at their best.”
website, blogs, and seminars are a priceless resource for anyone wishing to boost fertility and achieve countless — Dr. Georgia Ede,
other health benefits by going keto.
Nutritional Psychiatrist
Maria’s Books
MARIA EMMERICH is a wellness expert in
nutrition and exercise physiology. She has
a passion for helping others reach their
goals of optimal health. She strug-
gled with her own weight throughout
childhood and decided enough was
enough. She decided to study health
and wellness so she could help herself
and others stop wasting time feeling
discouraged with their outward appear-
ance and not feeling their best mentally.
Maria is an international and best-selling
author of several books and cookbooks. She
understands the connection between food and
how it makes us all feel on the inside and out and shares answers to lots
of nutrition questions at her website
Other Resources:
Our diets have drastically changed due to the
invention of agriculture around 7,000 years ago.
Carnivore Cookbook explores what our bodies
were really designed to digest and gives
compelling evidence that we were designed to
be primarily meat-eaters.

You’ll learn why all plants come with a downside. Antinutrients are chemicals and
compounds that act as natural pesticides or defenses for the plants against being
eaten. Maria explains how antinutrients can rob your body of minerals and other
nutrients and lead to autoimmune issues and leaky gut. There is even a protocol for
healing autoimmune issues called the Carnivore Autoimmune Protocol: a detailed
system for stepping you through the various levels of carnivorous eating to find the
point where your body responds best and is symptom free. You will also learn which
foods are the highest in nutrient density to help your body heal.

90 91 91
Success Story
In July, the week after my loss, I feel good boost were enough Unfortunately, I couldn’t stick
started and never looked back. I to keep us going. Add in the with Keto during pregnancy no
had my ratios at 75% fat, 20% amazing weight loss, and how matter how hard I tried. The high
protein, and 5% carbs. I was could we stop? In December, fats were hard on my stomach. I
consuming less than 20 grams of we tried an IUI, which was have definitely been feeling the
STEPHANIE ARANA: KETO + IUI carbs a day. I would say the first 2 unsuccessful; January and difference not being on Keto,
weeks of switching was the most February, too. In March, we and I plan on starting Keto again
Hector was being sent overseas Recovery from retrieval was difficult. My body craved the had a positive pregnancy, but the moment our little boy is born
to Korea that October. So, we difficult, but we ended up with sugar, but I never gave in. After unfortunately lost that too. I was in a couple weeks. I’m hoping
started trying right away 7 beautiful embryos that we breaking through the cravings, so discouraged, but tried once the weight I’ve gained during
for family. Knowing it froze. In April, we prepared and I had a crazy amount of energy more in April. By then, I had lost pregnancy will fall back off and
would be an issue, we did our first frozen transfer of 2 and mental clarity. I never felt 80 pounds. That IUI was the keto will also give me the energy
started seeing Dr. embryos. It was an exciting and better! The first month I was miracle we’d been hoping for. I need for a newborn! 
Kiltz. scary time, hoping and praying keto, I lost 30 pounds. The
all that work and money would second month another
Before my husband pay off. It was a negative result. 20, and after that 10 to
left the country, And again, in May and June, both 15. In October 2017, I had
we stored 6 vials of times transferring 2 embryos. All laparoscopic surgery to
sperm in hopes that failed attempts. My final embryo remove the large cyst
I could keep trying was transferred in July 2017 and still on my ovary. I was
for pregnancy while he resulted in pregnancy, which I lost upset because this was
was gone and knowing 9 weeks later.  I was left with no the 3rd time I had to
it would take a while. In embryos and no baby. I consulted have a cyst removed due
November 2016, we were again with Dr. Kiltz, and since my to the PCOS. But after
keeping an eye on a cyst I had husband wouldn’t be home from that surgery, I never had
on my ovary when we tried our Korea until that November, we another cyst form. And

y name is Stephanie first IUI. It resulted in a pregnancy took this opportunity to take a even during that 4-month
Arana, and my husband that was quickly lost. I went back break for 4 months during which break from fertility
is Hector. We have been again for 4 more IUIs, all with treatments, my cycles
together for three and a half negative results. With 1 vial left I finally listened to Dr. Kiltz’s regulated themselves.
years, married for 2. I have had of sperm and after consulting suggestion to try Keto. I figured In November, when my
issues with my cycles for a long with the Dr. Kiltz, we decided to what would it hurt? After being husband returned, we
time. Having PCOS and not being take the leap and move to IVF. on so many medicines and took that month and tried
able to ovulate on my own, we In March of 2017, after a couple supplements and it not working, on our own hoping for a miracle. I’m now 35 weeks pregnant. In My advice:
never worried about preventing weeks of stimulation, we had a lot why not give this a shot? Unfortunately, it didn’t work, so in 2 weeks, I’ll be getting induced For anyone trying Keto is NEVER
pregnancy. After getting married of eggs to retrieve. December, we decided to just go because of some blood pressure give up on it; diligence is key,
in July 2016, we found out that back to Dr. Kiltz and keep trying concerns. I know for a fact that never have a cheat day, it takes
IUIs along with timed intercourse. had we not stuck with Keto, we too long that way to get your
wouldn’t be where we are today. body back into ketosis. Also,
At that time, my husband also Not only did I lose 80 pounds, meal prep is important and try
decided to go Keto with me so but my cholesterol dropped 40 intermittent fasting. It works and
IN HER OWN WORDS: I wouldn’t be tempted by other points and after being on Zoloft is so worth the hard work of this
foods. He didn’t need to lose for anxiety for 14 years, I was able diet. There are also big support

“For anyone trying keto, you won’t regret this weight, but just for the health
benefits he tried it. He ended
to stop taking it. I was having
such great mental clarity that my
networks out there with advice,
recipes and others going through

decision, especially when the end result is a baby!”

up losing 30 pounds and felt doctor didn’t see a need for me to the same process. Use these
amazing.  We continued to eat be on it anymore. I also feel that resources, you won’t regret this
dairy because of the added the medication could have been decision, especially when the end
protein. The instant energy and complicating things for us.  result is a baby!  
-Stephanie Arana

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Success Story
I’ve always been chubby. Since college, I’ve been overweight.
Self-esteem has never come easily to me. Whenever I
look at my adorable baby pictures, I feel a disconnect.
Sometimes it’s hard to associate that precious child with
OUR MIRACLE BABY THANKS TO KETO-ANONYMOUS the woman I see in the mirror.

Despite my continuous battle with self-esteem, not even

I had been trying to conceive for over 4 years. I can
middle school bullies could compare to the blow that
remember going to the store to get pregnancy sticks infertility dealt to my self-image. The strongest word I can
and looking down to notice it was negative numerous associate with my body’s struggle to conceive is defective.
times. Finally, I decided to go see a doctor who tried That’s how I’ve felt since I realized I wasn’t going to get
to help by saying let’s check your hormone levels, then pregnant without reproductive assistance. Being pregnant
check to see if your ovaries are blocked along with is an expectation for my gender. Bearing a child is supposed
your tubes. Those results all came back normal. to be natural for a woman. Even if you don’t want children,
the ability to carry one is an innate part of your makeup.
But I just knew something was off! I was diagnosed
with endometriosis. Finally, I found a doctor who So, what happens when your body refuses to perform as helped me get my head in a better place. I have no doubt
decided to do surgery in my belly to take a look expected? I can answer that. Your self-worth crashes. that increased self-esteem was a factor in our ability to
Realizing that I had PCOS and would need help to conceive finally—after almost five years—achieve a pregnancy.
around. He found a huge 4.5 cm cyst on my left
was a lot to handle. At first, my natural optimism helped me For you, losing weight may not be the key, but there is
ovary that was filled with hard stuff—kind of like
deal with needing fertility treatments, but, as the bumps in something you can do to make yourself feel more fabulous.
a chocolate cyst, but not. We did the surgery, and
the road got bigger and bigger, my positive outlook melted
he removed 45% of my left ovary! That was life away. My body seemed to be constantly betraying me, and Losing thirty pounds on Keto was amazing, but I want to
changing. Three months later, I got pregnant, and each negative pregnancy test chipped away a little more at make something clear. I wasn’t skinny. According to the BMI
it was a miracle, but then we lost the baby. This my self-esteem. calculator, I was still overweight, not even close to “normal”
happened a few more times. We didn’t know why, and at my new weight of just over 200 pounds (I’m 5’11’’). The
then I saw Dr. Kiltz who LITERALLY WAS A MIRACLE The harsh truth is that infertility gives you a whole new big difference was that I was doing something super
MAN!!! list of reasons to hate your body. It is so hard to watch an positive for my body. I was getting healthier and lowering

We did the Keto diet, and I was able to maintain this

“We did the Keto diet, and ultrasound on that little screen, hear that your follicles
are great, be told that the sperm is excellent, and then
the inflammation in my body (one of the main reasons
why Dr. Kiltz supports Keto). Before the diet, I had been at
current pregnancy!! It was all due to my diet and
keeping down the inflammation!! I’ve suffered from
I was able to maintain get another “no pregnancy” phone call. Each failed cycle
wheedles away at your self-image and makes you feel like
my emotional low, almost to the point of believing that we
would never have children. With my weight loss, my attitude
your body is broken. It was very difficult to make myself evolved, and I was finally able to make the life-changing
inflammatory disease called RA my whole life, and
now it was causing infertility-- until I met Dr. Kiltz this current pregnancy!! see past the fact that nothing seemed to be working.
Sometimes hope felt too far away to grasp.
decision to try IVF.

who literally saved me. I feel without his knowledge

or practice, my baby wouldn’t have survived!! We’re It was all due to my diet One of my strongest recollections of my time with CNY “The big difference was
happily 34 weeks pregnant and our baby is very
strong! I believe in the Keto diet and CNY Fertility. and keeping down the Fertility was a meeting that Chuck and I had with Dr. Kiltz.
We knew that we needed to change our treatment plan that I was doing something
Love this man!!! I would tell other women to talk because we’d done several failed IUI cycles. I can still hear
and be open. Knowledge is POWER!! It helped me a
lot to talk about my story with other women every
inflammation!!” Dr. Kiltz saying “you’re beautiful” at the beginning of that
meeting. I smile every time I think of that moment. He also
super positive for my body.
day, everywhere. That’s how I healed: talking and
knowledge. So, thank you to Dr. Kiltz and his team. I
said that I didn’t need to change anything about myself,
but, if I was willing, I should try the Keto Diet. Chuck and I was getting healthier and
I were already committed to losing weight together, so
would recommend any woman to go here! The staff is
amazing and very professional! starting Keto made sense. Between that meeting and our
successful embryo transfer—about three months—I lost
lowering the inflammation in
thirty pounds.
my body.”
I’m not suggesting that you need to lose weight to get
To read this success story in its entirety, visit:
pregnant. I’m also not implying that you need to lose weight
to feel good about yourself. But, if you’ve read anything
about the emotional side of infertility, you know that
94 mindset matters. Losing that weight made me feel good. It 9595
DR. KILTZ’S Learning Library

“Read something
positive or listen to
something positive
every day.
Get inspired!”
P E R S P E C T I V E , AT T I T U D E , A N D O U T LO O K .

By Dr. Robert Kiltz, M.D.

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