Group 4 - Field Trip Project

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Compiled to Fulfill One of the Assignments of the
Field Trip Project (FTP)
Supporting Lecturer:
Anis Azimah, M. Pd.

Presented by:
Group 4
1. Waqiatun Nurul Hidayah (126203201052)
2. Muhammad Mahali Rosyad Arif B. (126203201065)
3. Rona Kamilia Qothrunada (126203202114)
4. Arel Reza Artila Putra Bili Pradana (126203203223)




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, We offer
praise and thanksgiving for His presence, who has bestowed His grace, guidance
to us, so that we can complete this paper entitled Assignment Of Field Trip
Project ‘An Intinerary, Accessibility And Planning For Field Trip Project ’.
We are very grateful to have received assistance from various parties so as to
facilitate the preparation of this paper. For that we express our gratitude to:
1. Mr. Prof. Dr. Maftukhin, M.Ag, as the Rector of the State Islamic
University of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung and his staff.
2. Mrs. Prof. Dr. Hj. Binti Maunah, M.Pd.I, as the Dean of the Faculty of
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training and the staff.
3. Mrs. Dr. Erna Iftanti, S.S., M.Pd, as the Head of the English Education
Department and her staff.
4. Mrs. Anis Azimah, M. Pd. as a Lecturer of Field Trip Project who provide
guidance, advice, ideas, and opportunities.
5. My friends who have encouraged each other and also to our parents who
have given the spirit and encouragement to us.
Despite all that, we are fully aware that there are still shortcomings both in
terms of sentence structure and grammar. Therefore, with open hearts, we
welcome all suggestions and criticisms from readers so that we can improve this
paper to be better.
Finally, we hope that this paper can be useful and can provide inspiration
to readers.

Tulungagung , 21 March 2023





TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................iii

CHAPTER I......................................................................................................................1


A. Background of the paper.........................................................................................1

B. Problem Formulation...............................................................................................1

C. Purpose of the paper................................................................................................1

CHAPTER II....................................................................................................................2


A. Defining of an Initerary......................................................................................2

B. Make A Travel Itinerary.....................................................................................2

C. The 5 types of itinerary.......................................................................................3

D. Advantages of having an Itinerary......................................................................5

E. Accessibility in field Trip...................................................................................6

F. Planning for field trip project.............................................................................7


A. Conclusion..............................................................................................................8

B. Suggestion...............................................................................................................8



A. Background of the paper

Field trip method or works travel is a fun learning method, where students
required to study outside the classroom or outdoor. Not just dropping out of class
study, but in a student field trip invited to see and observe the object being studied
directly. Wang and Carlson (2011) stated that “A Field trips are a common
strategy used by educators to bring out-of-school learning experiences into
schools”. This statement implies that field trips are a general strategy used by
educators to bring learning experiences that exist outside school to school.
For that it is very important to plan a trip so as not to hinder our vacation.
In this case planning or making an Initerary is very important because it will make
it easier for us to carry out field trips. Certain aspects of the itinerary must be
considered, which may interfere with the effectiveness of the pre-travel
consultation. The travel medicine community must be aware of the limitations
imposed on travel health consultations due to the lack of certainty about travel
plans, and their advice must be comprehensive enough to prepare uncertain
travelers for a variety of unanticipated health risks. So that this field trip will go
according to the original plan.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What are the defining of an Initerary?
2. How to make a Travel Itinerary?
3. What are types of Itinerary?
4. What advantages of having an Itinerary?
5. What are accessibility in field Trip?
6. How to planning for field trip project

C. Purpose of the paper

1. To know about the defining of an Initerary
2. To know how make a Travel Itinerary
3. To know about types of Itineraryt
4. To know about the advantages of having an Itinerary
5. To know about the accessibility in field Trip
6. To know about make a planning for field trip project

A. Defining of an Initerary
Itinerary is a list of activities along with estimated costs required during
the trip to the destination. Besides being able to maximize time, the itinerary
can also manage expenses during the trip. With an itinerary, all your needs
during your vacation will be taken into account, starting with simple things
from eating and drinking to unexpected costs. Therefore, before going on a
tour, it is very important to make an itinerary.

B. Make A Travel Itinerary

The first step in creating a travel itinerary is to figure out when to leave and for
how long. A well-crafted travel itinerary should include the date and destination
of the trip, activities planned for each day, emergency contact information, and
departure times from airports or train stations (if applicable). So for this step we
have to determine a list of questions that will help us in compiling the itinerary :
 Where do I want to go and why?
 What is the budget I should aim for?
 How much time will the trip take?
 Who am I traveling with? How do I best coordinate with the crew?
 Do I have any dietary restrictions or allergies?
 Am I looking for adventure or relaxation?
 What mode of transportation am I most comfortable with, and
which one offers the best value based on distance traveled vs.
 Do I know anyone who’s been there to give me tips?
For this answer you can make some plan for your travel today.
Here are the simple steps to create a perfect travel itinerary :
1. Be original
If adventure is your top priority, you’ll want to make sure the venue
has what you need with options such as watersports or canyoning. Or
perhaps relaxation and ambiance appeal to you more. You can also use
ready-made itineraries to help get things started. If you’re looking for
hidden gems, looking for travel bloggers who share your travel
tastes/style is probably the best way to find trustworthy ideas. You can
also collect ideas in Facebook groups from like-minded travelers.
2. Research
Once you have decided on your destination, the first thing to do is
gather all the relevant information about your trip. For example
looking for flight numbers, hotels, restaurants, car rental services, etc.
Research helps when planning travel plans because it lets you know if
there are any special arrangements that need to be made before arriving

at your destination, such as vaccination certificates, carry-on fluid rules
or residence permits. It also gives you a better idea of what activities
are available in each city. Before making actual plans, make sure you
research all possible locations and gather information about them,
including their prices.
3. Choose a compatible travel package
If you are planning to stay in a package from any travel agency, make
sure to check the details of the trip (hotels, airfare, tours, etc.) before
purchasing to avoid hassles in the future. Once you’ve purchased your
tour package, half your itinerary is already planned, and there’s no
room for improvisation.
4. Make a 3-day plan
After booking flights and hotels, make daily plans for at least three
days straight. Break your day into morning tasks, daytime activities,
and evening commitments. It will help if you write this down in a
notebook or notepad on your phone. Check out local tour guides and
blog about events happening in the city that will make your visit even
more memorable. Follow up on these activities as they can be fun and
exclusive only last for a few days or weeks. Consider how much time
you will allocate for each activity. Second, if your friends and family
accompany you, get their input while listing what you want to do.
Note: If possible, try to book flights in advance.
5. Time to map
When you know the places and activities for your trip, create a map to
visit these places sequentially. If there is more than one city in your
plan, make sure you’re not passing by a town more than once.
Use the most updated maps for your plan. But, more importantly,
consider the local maps for accurate planning.
6. Do the budgeting
Budget your trip depending on your priorities. While creating a budget,
tools like MS Excel and Google Sheets will provide automatic
calculations and suggestions. Also, there are several budgeting apps
and websites.
7. Include emergency contact information
Write down the local law enforcement numbers, hospitals you can
contact, and any reliable taxi services for immediate help.

C. The 5 types of itinerary

A package tour itinerary may be divided into five types with the primary
objective of reminding the duties and responsibilities of different stakeholders
involved in organising a package to such as tour managers, vendors, coach
drivers, interpreter, escorts and guides. Thus, the five types of itinerary can be
tourist’s itinerary, tour manager’s itinerary, escort or guide’s itinerary, vendor’s

itinerary and coach driver’s itinerary. Another classification of itinerary may also
be done keeping in mind the needs of tourists and convenience of tour operators
such as GIT itinerary, FIT itinerary, Tailor-made itinerary and special interest
itinerary. Let us now learn the nature of these types in detail.Classification to
remind individual responsibilities:

1. Tourists’ itinerary
Tourists’ itinerary is given to a particular tourist for his reference
as part of the package tour. A tourist expects the tour to be
organised as per the itinerary mentioned in the package tour he/she
has purchased. For planners it is important to check its feasibility.
Generally planners organise FAM trips in advance to have the feel
of the itinerary and identify the limitations and they are rectified
before they are incorporated into a package tour and made
available for the reference of the tourists. Hence tour planners
should take into consideration various aspects such as purpose of
tour, budget, accommodation, transportation, choice of destinations
and attractions, activities at destinations, legal issues, host and
guest behaviour and so on. They may also keep certain things as
optional. Basically, a tourist itinerary is a reference for the tourist
to follow during his journey like points of halt, hotel, time taken
between two points, meal plans, activities, attractions to visit etc.
apart from arrival and departure points/time and check-in check-
out time.
2. Tour manager’s itinerary
The role of tour manager is crucial to any package tour as he/she
has to perform different duties from planning to actual operation of
the tour continously on the spot. Professional expertise, knowledge
of different travel issues, crisis management and his/her own
personal experiences matter a lot in organising a tour. Tour
manager’s itinerary includes the complete details of the whole tour
from day one to the last day. Apart from the general details as
listed in a tourist’s itinerary a tour managers itinerary also carries
information about alternative arrangements, contact details, quick
references, differential rates and tariff details, details of coach
drivers and escorts and guides. This helps him/her to have
complete control over the smooth conduct of the tour as well as to
execute contingency plans if required at times.
3. Escort or guide’s itinerary
An escort or guide should know in detail where the group is being
taken to, what activities and events are to be organised, time
management of the tour and other group details. Vast experience,
knowledge of practical ground difficulties, presence of mind and

readiness to handle crisis of an escort or guide adds to the
successful conduct of a tour. The escorts being physically with the
group/tourist all through the journey, they are more than expected
to deliver and keep the image of the company in high esteem.
4. Vendor’s itinerary
Vendors play a major role in delivering what is mentioned in the
clients itinerary. Hence it is unavoidable but to be aware of the
specific parts of the itinerary so as to make the necessary
arrangements in advance and delivery to the fullest satisfaction of
the guests when they arrive at their place. For instance, a hotel may
organise a surprise welcome event when the group arrives as per
the nature of the group and time of arrival, may offer special
services and enhance the service satisfaction and value addition. It
is possible only if the vendors know at least the specific part of
clients itinerary which is expected from them.
5. Coach driver’s itinerary
A typical coach driver’s itinerary includes group arrival point and
time, pickup points and time, turn around points, restricted areas of
driving,sightseeing activities, other entertainment activities,
parking spaces, entry points, drop-in points all with specific time.
For instance, it may be seen that at places a driver is asked to drive
slow which is mentioned in his itinerary so that tourist may have a
better view of a monument and take photographs. A copy of the
client’s itinerary resembles a coach driver’s itinerary with the
above mentioned additional informations. This helps the driver in
coordinating with the escort and managing the group.

D. Advantages of having an Itinerary

1. The Itinerary is time-saving. As it leads directly to the spot without
wasting time. Instead of wondering what to do, you are wandering in a
fantastic destination. 
2. Having an itinerary means having a road map of how the next few days
will be during your vacation.
3. Physically and mentally relaxed while on your vacation. Your research
and efforts to know the place is listed on that Itinerary which is
undoubtedly a relaxing thing.
4. Itinerary makes you pack limited. Nor less, nor more. Unless you like
to have extra clothes or a pair of shoes just in case you need those.
When you have an itinerary, you know exactly what to do. That leads
you to load the suitable clothes, shoes, and even different dinner or
activity (adventure excursion ) items. So you do not pack extra and
have just the required items in your luggage. 

5. Help make a budget trip successful. One can calculate the approximate
budget and prepare themselves. So that’s what we do. Sometimes we
write down the cost of each excursion we chose. And add more or
remove extra or let the super cool activity win over cool things.
6. The itinerary contains travel details and keep one’s travel papers ready
at the airport. When you check the Itinerary, you double-check if you
have the visa, passport, hotel reservation, covid vaccine certificate or
any other essential documents ready. And kept together to show at the
time of check-in at the airport or at the immigration.
7. The Itinerary has all the emergency contact info right in front of you,
saving you from panicking at the time of emergency or delay in the
8. Keeps the backup plans ready at the time of need. So here’s what I do
most of the time. I keep the backup tour or activity we can do if the
previous one’s cancelled or anything uncertain.  
9. The itinerary contains a list of shopping and touring places preventing
you from missing anything. Applies mainly for small things like
checking for particular jacket in some shop or checking for that hidden
gem by asking the taxi driver. Just make a little note on your itinerary.
10. At last, a planned Itinerary is a well-organised trip, and an organised
trip is always better. 

E. Accessibility in field Trip

All types of transportation facilities and infrastructure that support
the movement of tourists from the tourist’s origin area to the tourist
destination as well as movement within the tourist destination area in
relation to the motivation for tourist visits.
Factors that affect accessibility can include infrastructure, transportation,
physical accessibility, information, and available resources. To improve
accessibility in tourist visits, several things need to be done, including:
1. Improve physical accessibility: Tourist destinations and facilities should
be designed taking into account the needs of people with disabilities,
parents with infants and young children, and people with mobility
difficulties. This can include adding ramps and stairs, adding lifts, large
parking areas, and other accessibility facilities.
2. Provide environmentally friendly and easily accessible transportation:
Tourist destinations must be easily accessible via public transportation that
is environmentally friendly and has accessibility for people with
disabilities. Special shuttle and bus services should also be available to
take tourists from point A to B.

3. Provide accurate and easily accessible information: Accessibility
information must be easily accessible and accurate, including available
facilities, restrictions that may exist, and alternative routes.
4. Staff training: Staff who are friendly and knowledgeable about
accessibility needs can help improve the traveler experience by providing
sound support and dealing with requests or complaints quickly and
5. Develop diversified tourism products: Tourist destinations should develop
diversified tourism products and packages to meet the needs and
preferences of travelers with special needs, such as city-friendly
sightseeing tours or family vacation packages that provide special facilities
and services for children.

By increasing accessibility in tourist visits, it can improve the tourist

experience and strengthen the attractiveness of tourist destinations for
various types of tourists.

F. Planning for field trip project

Planning for field trip project, there are several things that must be
considered, including:
1. Destination: Clearly define the destination or place you want to visit. This
is important in order to be able to plan activities and agendas in
accordance with these objectives.
2. Budget: Determine the budget or budget available for the activity. By
knowing the available budget, we can adjust the activities and places to be
visited with the budget we have.
3. Transportation and lodging: Choosing the right mode of transportation and
ensuring all participants have access to the venue. Choose comfortable
and safe transportation. If a trip requires lodging, it is necessary to find
lodging that suits your needs, such as sufficient rooms, adequate facilities
and a strategic location.
4. Availability of time: Adjusting the right time for the visit so that it does
not collide with other activities.
5. Weather: Check the weather and season conditions at the destination, to
ensure that the visit is safe and comfortable to make.
6. Backup plan: Have a backup plan in place in case of unforeseen
circumstances, such as schedule changes, inclement weather conditions, or
other emergencies.
7. Physical preparation: Prepare equipment and physical needs, such as
clothes according to the conditions of the place, medicine and food
needed, as well as other equipment needed for the activity.

8. Documentation: Setting up a camera or other equipment for
documentation during the trip. It is important to capture the important
moments during the trip.


A. Conclusion
Field trip is one of learning methods used to give the students experience out of
their daily activities in the class. An Itinerary is a list of activities along with
estimated costs required during the trip to the destination. every field trip
activity, of course, we will need an intinenary that will make it easy to
organize activities during the holidays. not only that, we also have to see what
accessibility we can use in doing field trips, not forgetting that we are obliged
to make a regular schedule so that the activities we plan during the holidays
will run more smoothly and there will be no clashes with schedules.

B. Suggestion
It is hoped that this paper will be useful for the readers. There are still
many mistakes and shortcomings in the preparation of this paper, therefore we
expect constructive criticism and suggestions to improve the preparation of our
next paper.

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