Community Based Rehabilitation

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A field trip is a visit especially planned for its possible contribution to the objectives
of the curriculum, course, project, lesson or other unit of instructions.


An education trip is defined as ‘an educational procedure by which the students

obtain first hand information by observing places, objects, phenomena or activities
and process in their natural setting, to further learning’.


The main purposes of the field trip are

 To provide real life situations for first hand information.

 To supplement classroom instruction, to secure definite information for a specific
 To serve as a preview of a lesson and for gathering instructional materials.
 To verify various information, class discussions and conclusion of individual
 To serve as a means of arousing specific interest in material objects, places or
 To create teaching situations for cultivating observation, keenness and discovery.
 To serve as a means to develop positive attitudes values and special skills.


The essential prerequisite to any successful field trip is a well thought out plan.

 KNOWLEDGE:- Teacher has to survey the area to know whether the field trips
planned will contribute to the attainment of desired objectives.
 RAPPORT:- The teacher should establish and maintain cordial relations with those
incharge of the situation to be visited.
 OBJECTIVES:- Objectives should be stated carefully and completely.
 TIME AND TRANSPORTATION:- Necessary arrangements have to be made with
the administrative personnel of the place to be visited regarding the time, place of
meeting and the length of visit.
 PREPARATION OF THE STUDENTS:- Students should be given an opportunity to
list cooperatively the objectives for which the trip is planned.
 SUPERVISION:- Trip should be supervised carefully. The teacher can assist the
student by calling attention to pertinent point.
 FOLLOW-UP AND EVALUATION:- Following the field trip, an hour shld be
allotted for an open discussion. It can be done by means of student’s report.


1. Classroom experiences could be further enriched with field trip experiences.

2. It provides the opportunity for learner to get first -hand information from natural
3. The monotony and boredom of classroom teaching may be supplemented with
natural interesting and exciting teaching methods.
4. It give natural stimulation that motivates and makes learners interactive and creative.
5. It helps the learners learn things very quickly and remember them for a longer period.
6. They provide an opportunity to solve the individual’s problems by interacting with a
group in a natural setting.


1. Field trip is time consuming.

2. Careful planning is required.
3. Many parties to be involved, cooperation, coordination of various agencies required.
4. Transportation may be a problem.
5. Since the students are going out of school/college premises it is risky, safety
precaution essential.
6. If the group is too large, effective observation becomes difficult.
7. Inability to schedule the trip in time when the unit is taught.
8. It involves cost, i.e. sometimes cost involvement is more.

1. Basavanthappa B.T. “Nursing Education”, I edition 2003, Jaypee Brother’s
Medical Publishers. Pg-568-569, 614.
2. Sharma Suresh K. and Sharma R. “communication and educational technology
in nursing” I edition 2012 Elsevier
3. Sudha R. “Nursing Education ,principles and concept ’’I edition, 2013, Jaypee
Brothers medical publishers. Pg -88-89
4. Nima Bhaskar “Text Book of Nursing Education” I Edition, 2013, EMMESS
Publication, Pg- 192-193

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