Increased Dialysis Dose Improves Response To.256
Increased Dialysis Dose Improves Response To.256
Increased Dialysis Dose Improves Response To.256
HEMODIALYSIS. John Moran, C. David Finch, Tewksbury, MA
According to the DOQl guidelines for vascular access, prospective
Preventmg vascular access complications remains one of the greatest
monitoring of static venous dialysis pressures can be used to detect challenges for dialysis providers and clinicians. A new subcutaneous
outflow stenoses. However, with this method it is not possible to access device (Lifesite@Dialysis Access System, Vasca, Tewksbury.
identify stenoses which are localized between the arterial and venous MA) has been designed to offer an alternative. The device consists of a
titanium alloy valve and attached silicone cannula. It is lmplanted
dialysis needle. below the clavicle dunng an mpatient or outpatient procedure, with the
9 dialysis patients (7 fistulae, 2 grafts) with severely stenotic access single lumen cannula placed in the central venous circulation for
hemodialysis (HD). Two systems are implanted, one for draw and one
were studied. Both arterial and venous static pressures were monitored for return. The LifeSite utilizes an mternal pinch clamp mechanism that
and corrected for hydrostatic offsets. Height differences between access is actuated with a 14-ga dialysis needle. When the needle is mserted,
site and fluid level in the extracorporeal circuit were found to cause a the internal metal pinch clamp opens, allowing fluid flow; when the
needle is removed, the mechanical pinch clamp closes and flow stops.
pressure change of 0,75 mm Hg per cm. Patients with venous outflow Access to the Lifesite System is obtained utilizing the buttonhole
stenoses showed static arterial and venous pressure ratios >0, case technique (insertion of the needle in the same location each tune). The
advantages of the buttonhole technique mclude easier and quicker
of intra-access stenosis between the needles the venous pressure ratio
cannulation, less pain and patient anxiety, reduced scarring, and the
was normal (<0.5), but the arterial pressure ratio was increased >OS. ability to dismfect the valve, smus pocket and smus tract with an
After static access pressure measurement all patients were referred to antmicrobial irrigation solution. Problems typically associated with
implantable devices for HD relate to the presence of foreign bodies
angiography, with subsequent angioplasty of stenotic lesions or which must be accessed transcutaneously 3 timesiweek or more. and
complete access revision. Following the intervention. access pressures the resulting mherent risk of infection. The design of the LifeSite
System allows for antmicrobial irrigation utilizing a 25-ga needle. This
returned to normal values.
slze needle does not actuate the system's internal metal pinch clamp,
Conclusion: Arterial and venous access pressure normalized by mean ensurmg that antimicrobial solution does not enter the circulation. We
blood pressure detects venous stenosis as well as stenosis between the report our experience utilmng up to Iml of Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA)
pre- and post-dialysis. With 27 patients totaling 1997 days of use, we
arterial and venous dialysis needle. To minimize the rate of access report no device-related infections. Patient tolerance has been excellent,
thrombosis both arterial and venous pressure should be monitored. with only one m 28 patients unwillmg to continue IPA irrigation. We
fmd the ability to utilize an antirmcrobial solution a superior design
characteristic of the LifeSite Device. IPA provides excellent results as
W. Kleinekofort, C. Rode, M. KrZmer. V. Wizemann' an inexpensive, safe and effective antirmcrobial agent.
Fresenius Medical Care AG, Bad Homburg, Germany
'Georg Haas Dialysezentrum, Giessen, Germany
As shortcomings in conventional hemodialysis have become The use of stents to maintain the lumen is widelyspread
apparent, hemodiafiltration (HDF) seems to be an option. However, in many fields including coronary artery, bronchus, biliary tract
HDF has not gained a wide acceptance because of its complexity and and esophagus. The aim of this study was to evaluate the
expense. Meanwhile, OUT previous analysis in dialyzer modification
showed that a reduction in the fiber diameter as well as an increase in efficacy and safety of self-expanding stents in the canine ureter.
the fiber length and density ratio increase the total water flux across Actively expanding nitinol Accuflex stents (diameter 8-10 mm,
the membrane (i.e. internal filtration), thus improving convective length 4-6cm, Boston Scientific Corp., MA, USA) were used
elimination of high molecular weight substances and achieving HDF- for this experiment. Under general anesthesia, through a
like treatment without necessitating reinfusion fluid. midline-abdominal incision, stents were inserted directly into
In order to evaluate the effects of the modification, four types of the ureter through a small incision in 8 mongrel dogs (20-26
celliilose triacetate dialyzers with different fiber diameters, lengths kg). Each animal had unilateral stent insertion. The observation
and density ratios (as below) were manufactured by NISSHO (Osaka, period was 6, 23 days, 2, 5 (n=2), 6 (n=2) and 7 months. The
Japan) and cmplvycd in four slablc cnd-slagc rcnal discasc palicnts.
specimens were evaluated macroscopically and microscopically.
They received dialysis sessions with one of these dialyzers once
weekly for 12 weeks. Contamination in dialysate was carefully Macroscopically, all stents were patent. No urine leakage was
monitored. No adverse effects such as extracapillary leakage or observed in any of the animals. One dog at 5 months and
excessive intracapillw clotting were observed. No significant another at 6 months had hydronephritis with
increase in B2-microgloblin (B2M) clearance was seen. but a tendency hyperepithelialization inside the stent, while all others had no
was nolcd that B2M clcarancc incrcascd grcally in Ihc dialymn with dilatation of the renal pelvis. On day 6, the inserted stent was
175pm of fiber diameter than in those with 200 pm on increasing the widely patent with clots in the mesh. A smooth shiny lumen
b l d tlow through the dialyzers. was obtained in one dog at 5 months and another at 6 months.
Although ultrapure water is necessary, the enhanced internal- Microscopically, at 6 days, denuded epithelium and bleeding in
filtration dialyzer is readily applicable without any further equipment the ureteral wall were observed. At 5 months, epithelialization
and can be an altematne to conventional hemodralj7er.
of the lumen was complete and the inserted stent was
incorporated in the wall. It was concluded that self-expanding
nitinol stents can be used for ureteral stenosis.
Tomizawa Y, Goya N, Nishino S, Ishikawa N, Toma H,
LDj I 200 I 216 I 61 -!I Nishida H, Endo M and Koyanagi H
Mineshima M”, Tshimori I”, Agishi T”,Masuda T”, Hattori Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Tokyo, Japan
1) Kidney Center, Tokyo Women’s Medid University
Songbiao Zhang. In-Line Diagnostics Corp., Riverdale. Utah USA.
RLl Stubenitsky', MI1 Booster'. L Brasile', D Araneda'. CE Haisch'
and CI Kootstra'
'Surgery. arM.Maastricht, Netherlands: '. Breonics. Inc., Schenectady. To provide a real-time hernodialysis end point monitor, a multiple-
SY.United States; and 'Surgery, ECU. Greenville. NC, United States wavelength+& unique optical technique for noninvasive continuous
determination of Urea in a flowing bath is described. Two wavelengths
Purpose- Ischemia, both warm and cold, inhibit cellular metabolism. corresponding to Urea (L,)and water (h) absorptionbands were selected.
This inhibition ofmetabolism has been postulated to influence tne The transmittance (%TJ at h,was used as a reference to compensate the
se\enty of the repertbsion injury. Reestablishing renal metabolism prior baseline absorption from the bath while %Tuat L, represented the peak
to imphtation could potentially amcliorate posnransplant graft absorption of Urea. First, transninanceat these two wavelengths in a non-
function. Using a canine autotransplantation model combining both Urea circulating bath was recorded continuously through 1.2 mm chambers.
warm and cold ischemia the impact of EMS perfusion was evaluated Then small increments of a Urea stock solution were added to the bath at
given time intervals to achieve different Urea concentrations, prea].
.Methods- kidneys were exposed to 30 minutes of warm ischemia
followed b) 24 hours static storags in Viaspan at 4OC. Kidneys in the Stepwise changes in %T were monitored as [urea] changed. The
logarithmic ratio of these %T values was directly related to [urea].
control group were reimplantated after the period of hypothemic
preservation: kidneys in the experimental group were transitioned to 3 The slope and R' of the %T ratio in the concentrationrange of 0 0.4 -
hour5 of EMS perfusion at 30C prior to reimplantation. Contralateral g/dL were - 0.024 and 0.9955. The standard deviation of the points from
nephrectomy was perfomed before reperfusion of the preserved kidne). the regression line in ratio units was equivalent to 8.3 m@dL Urea detection
Posnransplant renal function was assessed by serum creatinine and sensitivity limit. While further improvements in stability and precision are
sun ival. still ongoing. it can be concluded that prea]can be determined
noninvasively and continuously in real time by using this new multiple
Results- EMS perfused kidncjs had lower 24 hours posmransplant wavelength optical technique.
serum crcatinine values than control kidneys (mean of3.1 mg/dL vs 4.0
mg dL). 'lhe sun,ival rate tor EMS perfused kidneys was 90 % (9 10) vs
73 90( 8 ~I I ) of the control kidneys
l'hese results pro\ ide evidence that ex VIVO restoration of cellular
metabolism reduces damage seen upon actual reperfusion tiom the cold.
thereby improving posnransplant graft function and survival.
Robert R. Steuer and SongbiaoZhang. In-Line Diagnostics Corp., L. Kramer, A. Gendo, G. Funk, C. Madl, D. Fakenhagen', A. Gangl.
Riverdale, Utah,USA. Dept. of Medicine IV, Univ. of Vienna, Austria; 'Center of Biomedical
Technology, Danube-University, Krems, Austria.
Measurement of Q. b y saline dilution techniques can be used to To clarify the role of extracorporeal detoxification in advanced cirr-
assess vascular access function, but it is time consuming, requires hosis with hepatic encephalopathy (HE), we tested the hypothesis that a
line reversals and is inconvenient to perform during routine six-hour episode of extracorporeal detoxification but not conventional
hemodialysis. We propose a new approach without line reversals for treatment would lead to clinical and neurophysiological improvement.
measuring Q,. A 30-ml saline bolus is injected into the dialyzer After obtaining ethics committee approval, 35 patients with cirrhosis
venous line from which cardiac output, Qh, is determined. T h q the and HE grades I1 to IV not improving with standard treatment have
been enrolled. HE was assessed clinically and by sensory evoked
previously described AH technique is performed with Crit-Line by potentials, an objective parameter of cerebral function. In study A, 20
changing ultra filtration rate, Qf, &om 0 to 30 mumin for 4 minutes, cirrhotic patients were randomized to six hours of ongoing medical
but in the normal h e configuration. A differential equation solution treatment or, in addition, sorbent suspension dialysis (BioLogic-DTB).
for Q. was obtained as a function of Qh, Qf, and AHnomd(measured In study B, the newly-developed FPSA (fractionated plasma adsorption
at 60 seconds). This was determined retrospectively against a Q. system, Falkenhagen et al., Int J Artif Org 1999;23:81) has been
reference in 47 patients. evaluated similarly involving 10 treated and 5 control patients so far.
Results: with a Q h measurement error off 7%. Q. was determined Groups were comparable at baseline. Clinical grade of HE
to within f 225 &,in., R' = 0.805. These data suggest that reliable (means1SEM) did not change after sorbent dialysis (2.9i0.2 at baseline
routine measurement of Qa,without line reversals, can be done with vs. 2.910.4 following treatment, p=NS) but improved after FPSA
this new approach. Therefore, c a r d a c pulmonary recirculation, (3.5i0.3 vs. 2.410.5, p=0.04). There was no change in conventionally
treated patients (2.4i0.4 vs. 2.510.7, p=NS). Cerebral function as
CPR can be determined as well. measured by sensory evoked potentials improved after sorbent dialysis
am (N70 peak latency, 12817 vs. 1 I0110 ms, P<O.O5) and FPSA treatment
, ,
(1291-10 vs. lI41l1, p=0.05). Again, there was no change in standard
treatment (N70: 114i9 vs. 113i7 ms, P=NS). Bilirubin increased
(+23%) after sorbent dialysis and decreased (-24%) after FPSA. Plate-
lets dropped by 65% after sorbent dialysis and by 19% after FPSA.
In summary, these controlled studies suggest that neurophysiological
dysfunction in severe HE can be rapidly improved by extracorporeal
detoxification. The clinical stage of HE was ameliorated in the FPSA
group only. This suggests additional benefit from removal of albumin-
bound toxins. If biocompatibility can be improved, extracorporeal
detoxification may become a defmite therapeutic option in patients
with cirrhosis and severe encephalopathy.
N.L.Manohar, St.Vincent's Med Ctr, Staten Island, New York EXPRESSION DURING HEMODIALYSIS (HD) PROCEDURE
Chronic renal failure induces a clinical state of
Both fat soluble & protein bound toxins accumulate in HRF
immunodeficiency, that is also depend on widely spectrum of dialysis
pts. HD against LPD (food grade soy bean oil) has been used membranes use in hernodialysis patients. Dialysis with complement-
to remove LPD soluble drugs such as Glutethimide in the activating cellulose membranes is associated with leukopenia which
1960's. Hence HD against LPD might benifit pts with HRF. has been related to an increase in adhesion molecule expression on the
A 52 yr old female with ethanol abuse, cirrhosis, worsening surface of circulating leukocytes. The expression of CD45+. CD4+8+.
hepatic & renal h c t i o n & increasing ascites & edema was CD4+8. CD18+1 Ib+, CD18+1 Ib-. and CD18-1 Ib+- adhesion
subjected to 2 high flux & one low flux HD sessions, without molecule on granulocytes was evaluated during HD in 10 patients
using flow cytometric analysis. The study protocol included the
drop in either serum bilirubin (SB) or international normalized measurement of molecules expression using Clirans RSI S(Terumo)
ratio (INR).Four sessions of ALB-HD on high flux dialyzer, cellulose membrane at the time"0" "phase-I", and after 10 dialysis
(1000 cc of 5 % ALB, single pass, in the middle of a conven- session "phase 2". After of 2 weeks of adaptation period with Vitamin
tional 4 hour HD), lead to only - 1-2 % intra dialytic drop in E modified dialysis membrane (ExcerfaneR. Terumo) we started to 3rd
SB. In the inter dialytic period, there was further 3 4 mg YO phase of our study, and finally to 4'hphase after 10 session of Exc. R
drop in SB. One session of HD against LPD (500 cc of membrane using. Results of adhesion molecules expression (%) pre-
emulsified soy bean oil of intra-venous hyperalimentation *, and post-** HD period are presented as below:
HDmemb. CD45+ CD4+8- CD4+ CD18+ CD18+ CD18-
quality) plus 750 cc of ALB, lead to an inter dialytic drop of Adh. Mol. 8+ Ilb+ Ilb- Ilb+
SB by 9.2 mg %. The highest SB of 30.8 mg YOdropped to 11.2 *RSIS-phasel 91.556 3.7_+7 35.5+8 17.2k12 50.6-6 0.22M.I
mg??at the time of discharge home. The highest INR of 8.8 **RS15-phasel 9 7 . 4 s 3 . 7 ~ 49.79 16.5511 72.1513 0.59B.6
*RS15-phase 2 9 5 . 9 s 1 7 . 6 3 42.89 l5.9&8 65.3?14 0.33M.4
dropped only transiently with fresh frozen plasma (FFP),but **RS15-phase2 94.1+3 13.1k6 44.758 14.5% 55.3516 0.51B.3
after the LPD plus ALB-HD, the INR fell to 2.5 without further *Exc. R-phase3 91.154 9.1510 42.4L5 28.7k18 46.7-4 0.57M.S
FFP. The Ascites and edema improved with ultra filtration on **Exc.R-phase3 90.6M I1.8i7 5 0 . 7 9 18.8514 52.1520 0.89io.9
HD and the patient could ambulate again. The grade 1 hepatic *Exc. R-phase4 92.19 15.1+7 34.9+8 38.6+17 34.1i15 0.46M.3
coma resolved by discharge. **Exc.R-phase4 90.754 12.957 4 1 . 1 9 26.2513 4 3 . 1 s 0.44M.3
LPD as emulsified soy bean oil is about 10 times less Significant decreases in the pre-post HD values of CD45+.
and C D 18+1 I b-adhesion molecules expression during session with
expensive than ALB and may be a more efficient binder of fat Vit.E modified Excerfane membrane in comparison to classical
soluble toxins than ALB-HD alone in HRF. cellulose has been observed.
W. Zatuska', A. Ksiqek'. J. Rolinski'
Dept. ofNephrol.', and Immunolog): Med. Academy, Lublin, Poland
SPECTROSCOPY @JS) VERSUS DLF'FERENT FORMULAS FOR The standard REDY dialysate flow of 250 d m i n limits the
DETERMININGOF KTN. clearance of small solutes. To increase clearances, we investigated:
The most extended index for quantification of dialysis 1) recirculating the dialysate. The inlet and outlet of the malysate
dose is Kt/V calculated by urea kinetic modeling (UKM). side of the dialyzer were connected to a pump and the dialysate
Based on principle, that volume of urea distribution (V) is equal was recirculated at a flow rate of 250 d r m n thereby resulting in a
to post dialysis total body water (TBW) in human objects, we flow of 500 d m i n through the halyzer (recirc), 2) two dialyzers
meaured regulalry TBW using whole body bioimpedance (BIS) were connected in parallel and 3) two dialyzers in series. The
technique. BIS analysis has been validated using multifrequency control was the standard system. The REDY machine was prepared
BIS approach (4200 Hydra, Analyzer. Xitron, San Diego, CA. with bicarbonate dialysate (Kit 2). The "blood was the same
U.S.A.). The purpose of our study was to evaluate of Kt/V index lalysate to which had been added 100 mg/d of urea-N and 15
in 321 hemodialysis (HD) patients where V is measured by BIS mgidl of creatinine. The dialyzers used were Baxter CA 170. The
technique (Kt/Vsls), versus different formulas based on UKM blood and dialysate were warmed to 37 degrees and both flows
calculation: single pool spKt/V, 2"d generation Daugirdas were adjusted to 250 d m i n . Pre and post blood pumps were
adjusted to revented ultrafiltration. The results were as follows:
formula (Kt/Vbup) = -LnBUN,,JBUN,,,-(O.O08*T~)-UFIW,,,,
and equilibrated Daugirdas-Schneditz formula (eKt/V) =
Variable Average Clearances &
spKtN-0.6 x WV + 0.03; where BUN,,, and BUN,,= pre. and
ContTol 164k7.9 133f15
post HD blood urea nitrogen concentration, UF4trafiltration
Recirc 138k7.6 124f15 <0.001 0.292
rate. Td=dialysis time, and Wpos,=postHD weight.
Parallel 169k6.4 141f4.9 0.229 0.256
Kt/VB,s spKt/V KtlVD,,, eKt/V
Series 20258.4 175k9.1 <0.001 <0.001
meanSD 1.3310.29 1.04i0.32 1.05i0.34 0.9210.28
P. p< 0.001 p< 0.001 p< 0.001 The change in flow from countercwent to diaiysate recirculation
gave a lower clearance even though the dialysate flow rate was
r 0.991 0.999 0.992
doubled whch possibly increased &A. Doubling the area using 2
BIS technique can be reccomended for accurate and non dialyzers in parallel was no better than the control Evidently
invasive measurement of TBW=V. but K~/VBIShighly dividing the flows to give 125 mumin in each reduced clearances.
overestimated of eKt/V as "gold standard". because of Double the area in series gave significantly higher clearances. T h ~ s
incorrect manufacture prescription of dialyzer clereance. indicates that a single long dialyzer may be the optimum dialyzer.
W. Zatuska, A. Ksiqzek. T. Maiecka
Department of Nephrology, Medical Academy, Lublin, Poland M. Roberts, S.W. Wong, E. Dinovo, N. Yanagawa and D.B.N.
Lee. Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System. North Hills, CA
T Cells of Dialysis And Praedialysis Patients Are Undergoing HEMODIALYSIS OF THE NORMAL GOAT.
CD9YFas) Mediated Apoptosis Ing T, Thomhill J, King W, Lascio M, Driscoll M, Schroeder C,
J.Ankersmit'. B.Moser', LTeufel', M.Schuste?, G.Wieselthaler'. M. Prakash D, Kuna P, Kiellstrand C. Aksys Ltd and Hines VA, IL.
Grimm', G. Bolz-Nicoulescu', S. Itescu2, E.WoIner' Dept of CT Surg Pre-clinical studies of hemodialysis equipment is increasingly
Vienna, Austria', Columbia University New York, Transplant requested by governments. We studied the suitability of normal goats
Immunology to test a dialysis machine with 10 hemodialyses using 1.8 m2
Purposeof Study: T cells of Left Ventricular Assist Device polysulfone dialyzers.
(LVAD) recipients are akrrantly activated via the CD95 pathway with Methods: Blood-access was by per-cutaneous jugular vein
high levels of apoptosis in vivo and low lymphocyte counts. Since LVAD
recipients and Dialysis patients are reported to have high incidence of catheters, (CV-C), normal chemistries and deficiencies checked by
infections we sought to investigate whether similar activation pathways pre-dialysis electrolyte tests, hemolysis by free Hgb, clearances by
are induced. Methods: Thus we explored 20 hedialysis (PD) and 20 arterio-venous BUN differences and urea-volume (V-U) and urea
Dialysis (D) patients. 10 Healthy Humans (HI+) served as controls. By dynamics and transport by pre-and post- and rebound BUN and total
FACS analysis we stained T cells for CD95. HLA DR expression. and dialysate collection.
utilized HIV batch analysis to evaluate absolute counts of subpopulations. Results: The goats weighed 61 and 51 kg. Prominent jugular veins
For detecting apoptosis we utilized annexin V mABs, an AB binding to made CV-C easy to place, the long, mobile neck made them difficult
phosphatidylserine,a phospholipid present on cell membranes undergoing to position. Anti-coagulation was with sc. Heparin, oral aspirin and
apoptosis. Results: D vs PD patients demonstrated in a cross warfarin. The latter is useless in ruminants. No goat bled from the
sectional analysis signifcantly lower CD4 T cells (mean 420/mm3 vs anticoagulation. 4 CV-Cs were needed the first 15 days before CV-C
668/mm3,p<0.05). In conmt CD8 T cells showed no difference success. There was no evidence of clinically important hemolysis.
(334/mm3 vs 363/mm3, p<NS). This reduction of lymphocyte levels was Urea- or PO4 deficits did not develop. V-U was 55% 19%SD. of
accompanied with high expression of CD95(Fas) of CD3 cells on both body-weight, rebound difficult to estimate at low BUN values,
groups studied (mean 72.2% vs 80% - HH 33.5%). HLA-DR expression achieved clearances in agreement with predicted and
as sign of T cells activation was not increased in both groups studied achievedprescribed KtN was 1 .&0.24 SD. Hematology, liver-
(mean 10% vs 10%). As CD95 triggering is initiatmg programmed cell enzymes and electrolytes remained stable. The goats were easy to
death, we compared the levels of annexin V D and PD patients
demonstrated a 7 fold increase in annexin binding in comparison to HH
(72% vs 74% vs 10%). Togehter, these results suggest that dialysis and Conclusion: Goats are ideal animals for dialysis experiments. They
predialysis patients are susceptible to undergo AICD (Activation Induced are docile, friendly and easy to handle. Have weight in line with
Cell Death) and are likely to be responsible for decreased T lymphocyte humans, favorable venous anatomy but require x-ray for catheter
counts in the patients evaluated. This increase of this apoptotic pathway position . They do not develop deficiencies by intense dialysis. For
might suggest another mechanism of immunosuppresion besides uremic maximum precision urea-determinations should be calibrated for low
sideproducts and might suggest an additional explaination for the values.
increased incidence of systemic infections in the patient populations
Total Body Water (TBW) Content in Chronic Maintenance CORRELATES OF SURVIVAL IN HEMODIALYSIS (HD)
Hemodialysis (HD) Patients: Comparison to the National PATIENTS (PTS): 12 YEARS OF FOLLOW-UP
Health and Nutrition ExaminationSurvey 111 (NHANES Ill) Disappointingly poor survival during treatment for end stage renal disease
(ESRD) in the United States has been attributed to various causes including
An accurate definition of TBW in HD Patients is a requisite inadequate dialysis and malnutrition. The objective of this study was to
for precise quantitation of the amount of dialysis delivered, urea identify the factors that are associated with long-term survival on HD. We
kinetic modeling, estimation of body cell mass, and dry weight have prospectively examined enrollment demographic, and visceral and
monitoring. Routine clinical methods are based on age, sex, height somatic nutritional markers in 530 HD pts from 1987 onwards (monitored
and weight. We evaluated TBW values obtained with various through October, 1999). For the prealbumin study, 126 pts were enrolled
formulae (Watson, Hume, Tzamaloukas, Randall, % body weight, from June 1991. Pre-albumin was measured by rate nephelometry on a
and adjusted % body weight) to direct measurements using Beckman Array Protein System. Serum intact PTH was measured by
bioelectrical impedance (BEI) in 154 HD patients (age: 62 f 16 y; radioimmunoassay. Mean age was 60116 (SD) y s ; female, 54%; Afiican
46% female; 32% black). Bias confidence intervals for TBW were American, 57%; diabetic, 47%. Enrollment levels of nutritional markers
lowest with the Watson (2.0 L), Hume (2.4L) and Tzamaloukas were significantly lower in diabetics compared to non-diabetics (P<O.OOl).
(2.4L) equations (Bland-Altman method). Direct BE1 resistance Over 12 years of observation, the observed survival (Kaplan Meier) of
diabetic pts was significantly lower than that of non-diabetics (P<O.OOOl).
(R) and reactance (Xc) measurements in HD patients were also
Survival was positively influenced by enrollment levels of biochemical
compared to those obtained in the general population (NHANES
markers of nutrition such as albumin (P<O.OOl), prealbumin (P<O.OOl) and
111). To minimize bias between HD patients and NHANES 111
creatinine (P<O.OOl) as well as PTH (P=0.002) (Univariate Cox's
subjects, R and Xc values were normalized by height (H), and proportional hazard model). Over 12 years of observation, the survival of
comparisons made only within 40 to 90 years of age. HD pts with lower enrollment levels of albumin (P<O.OOOl), creatinine
Female (P<O.OOOl) and PTH (P=0.009) was significantly lower compared to those
HD NHANES HD NHANES with higher levels of these markers (Kaplan Meier method). After
WH: 288561 277f24 354f52 372+29 adjustment for confounding variables the results were similar. Over 8 years
XcIH: 2459 36+3 28+9 46+4 of observation, pts with higher levels of enrollment prealbumin had
Vector: 295 63 279 5 24 355 f 52 375 f 30 significantly (P=O.008) increased survival compared to those with lower
Angle: 37+7 5 8 ~ 8 36f7 56+7 prealbumin levels. After adjustment for confounding variables the results
HD patients have vectors of normal magnitude but lower angle, that were similar (P=0.025). Serum PTH and serum prealbumin levels correlated
although fall within the 75-95% tolerance limits, imply higher TBW positively with other nutritional markers. After longer follow-up and with
and decreased body cell mass than in the general population of more enrolled pts, this study c o n f m s OUT findings regarding the prognostic
similar age (NHANES Ill). importance of enrollment nutritional markers in HD pts. Diabetic HD pts
had poorer nutritional status, which may be partly responsible for the excess
Francis Dumler. Division of Nephrology, William Beaumont mortality seen in this population.
Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan, U.S.A. M.M. Avram. N. Mittman, R. Sreedhara, A. Henry, J.Chattopadhyay.
Avram Center for Kidney Diseases, The Long Island College Hospital,
Brooklyn, New York.
BPD was introduccd t o cnhance solutc rcmoval cfficicncy in Previously we reported that HD treatment dose by urea reduction ratio
conventional PD thcrapies such as CAPD. In thc BPD: wc (URR) is an important and independent determinant of more than 7 years
inscrt a conventional P D cathetcr into intrapcritoncal space. survival in 253 HD pts. In the present work we have studied the effect of
through u.hich a ccrtain amount of pcritoncal dialysatc is dialysis dose measured by URR with larger number of pts and extended
introduced. With a recersiblc pump, a prcsct volumc of thc follow-up period (more than 12 years). The objective of this study was to
pcritoncal dialysatc rcciprocates bctwccn thc peritoncal determine whether dialysis treatment dose as measured by URR is an
cavity and a dialysatc rcscrvoir? giving thc system a drain independent predictor of long-term mortality in HD pts. We enrolled 404
phasc and an infusion phasc altcmativcly. I n thc drain phasc. HD pts treated at the Long Island College Hospital from January, 1987 and
a part of thc dwclt dialysatc is drained through the PD followed them up to June, 1999. Mean age was 60*16 (SD) y s ; female,
cathctcr at 100 mbmin (Ql11t) and cntcrs thc rcscrvoir. In thc 55%; African American, 56%; diabetic, 47%. Mean cumulative URR was
infusion phasc. the dialysatc in thc rcscrvoir is rcturncd to thc 62% i 6.3 over the 12-year study period. Mean URR was higher in females
(65% vs. 60% males, P<O.OOOI), and non-diabetics (63% vs. 62% diabetics,
pcritoncal carit!' at 300 ml!min (QII.;). In both phascs. thc
P<0.05). Over a period of 12 years, mean cumulative URR correlated
add-on dial),zcr purifics thc pcritoncal dial!salc con ti nu all!^. positively with hematocrit ( ~ 0 . 3 3 ,P<0.05) and ferritin ( ~ 0 . 3 2 ,Pc0.05)
Thc dialysatc flow ratc (OD) from thc machinc MYIS 100 and negatively with body weight (F-0.33, P<0.05), creatinine (I=-0.18,
ml/min. In this study. solute removal characteristics of BPD P<0.05)and anion gap (I=-0.31, P<0.05). Observed 12 years cumulative
were cxamincd in a caninc and a clinical stud!. Solutc survival of pts stratified by three groups of URR was determined by Kaplan
rcduction ratc in BPD with a dialysatc rcscrvoir volume ( I n) Meier method. Pts with URR 60%-65% had the best survival. Interestingly,
of 200 ml: 350 ml, 500 ml was compared u%h that in the survival rate of pts with URR>65% (highest URR group) was
convcntional PD (CPD, 120 min dwelling s 2) and tidal PD significantly lower than pts with URR 60%-65%. Expected survival,
(TPD, 70 min d u d l i n g x 12, 50 c/o of tidal volumc ratio) ovcr adjusting for confounding variables, yielded similar results. Mean serum
thc samc period o f t i m e (740 min). Thc urca rcduction riltc in creatinine level was significantly lower in pts with highest URR (>65%)
BPD, CPD and T P D wcrc 20.0*7.2'% (n=16). 3 5 3 . 6 % group (9.9 vs. 11.5 for <60% and 11.4for 60%-65%, P<O.OOOl). In Cox's
(n=7). and 1 7 . 3 4 . 7 % (n=h), respcctivcl! . Thc crcatininc proportional hazards model, when we adjusted for mean creatinine, the
rcduction ratc in BPD, IPD and TPD wcrc 2 1 . 0 ~ 7 . 0 % relative risk of mortality for pts with URR>65% became significantly lower
(n=16), 2 . 1 ~ 4 . 1 % (n=7), and 1 7 . 2 ~ 6 2 %(n=6). In the compared to those with URR<60%, and similar to those with URR 60%-
clinical stud),. BPD and C P D (180 min s 2) trcatmcnts u'crc 65%. This suggests that higher mortality in pts with URR>65% may be due
applied to 7 renal failurc patients. Highcr solutc rcmocal to poor nutritional status, particularly lower muscle mass. Dialysis treatment
cfficicncy u'as shown in BPD than in CPD trcatrncnts. The dose in terms of cumulative URR can independently predict more than 12
urea rcduction rate was obtaincd as 9.720.4% (n=8) in BPD, years survival in HD pts.
N. Mittman, R. Sreedhara, K.K.00, J.Chattopadhyay, M.M. Avram. Avram
shighcr (P<O.OI) than thc 1.0~2.8 5 in CPD (n=10).
Center for Kidney Diseases, The Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn,
M.. S. Suzuki. 1'. Sato, I. Ishimori. K.Ishicla. Y. New York.
Okuda. I. Kancko and T. Agishi, Kidney Ccntcr, Toky)
Women's Mcdical Univcrsity, Tokyo: Japan
Adsorption Technology, based on microsphere technology using particles VIRUS (HIV) INFECTION. T.K.S. Rao, E.A. Friedman. S U N Y ,
smaller than 5- pm, kept in suspension is accompanied by different Health Science Center at Brooklyn, Brooklyn, New York.
problems, especially related to patients safety. On the other side the use of W e initially described a syndrome of HIV associated renal disorders
adsorbent particles in a range between 1-5 pm offers tremendous
advantages especially related to efficiency and flexibility. Aim of the in 1983, three years following identification of A D S as the result of
study The aim of the investigations was to develop safety systems in order infection with HIV. HIV-associated nephropathy (HIVAN)
to avoid the entrance of microadsorbents in the patient for the MDS characterized by massive proteinuria and focal and segmental
(microspheres based detoxification system)-technology which was glomemlosclerosis, in our early experience, typically led to ESRD in
developed by our group and can be used for any type of specific weeks to months. Since 1983, we have maintained a registry of all
adsorption-therapy using adsorbent-microparticles in a range between 1-5 patients with HN infection who develop either potentially reversible
pm. The safety system, therefore, should detect microparticles in the blood acute renal failure (ARF)and/or ESRD. Tabulated below are the total
circuit in concentration in a range of 10.' in order to ensure safety for number of ESRD patients who were begun on maintenance
patients. Method: For this purpose we add particles marked with a special
fluorescence dye in order to get an emission of higher wavelength (525 nm) hemodialysis at a large municipal hospital in inner city New York
after excitation by (490 nm). The measurement of the emission has been ESRD
done using a photomultiplier tube in combination with a lock in-amplifier to (ALL) D.M. -
pick the very low signal out of noise. The spectral selectivity was reached 1983 -85 303 (27) (24) (61
by using a special arrangement of optical filters for excitation and for 1986-YO 436 (25) (21) (21)
emission to prevent the influence of cross light. Results: The use of the 1991 -9.5 440 (28) (29) (24)
newly developed sensor system enables the evaluation of particle 1996-99 271 (33) (34) (12)
concentrations for particles smaller than 5 pm in concentration until 10'' in Number within ( ) represents 8 of total ESRD patients for that period
blood circuits blood flow: (50-500 mumin.) using conventionally only D.M. = Diabetes mellitus, HTN = Hypertension
slightly modified blood lines with absolute safety. Conclusion: The new Starting about 1994, highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)
particle sensor based on fluorescence microparticles (<5 pm) enables a high and other prophylactic regimen were introduced in the management of
effective detection of microparticles in extracorporeal blood purification
system based on MDS-technology or other membrane based HlV pts. Between 1986 through 1995, HIVAN accounted for 22.5%
microadsorbent-systems. Therefore a clinical use of the MDS-Systems can of all causes of ESRD. But over the past 4 years (1996 - 99), there has
now be prepared for the next time. The new technology also offers been a significant decline to 12% in the number of pts with new onset
possibilities to control membrane filtration processes, especially in aqueous of ESRD secondary to HIVAN. W e speculate that modem
systems, getting a detection rate of l o 8 management of HIV infected patients may be responsible for this
D. Falkenhagen, J. Hamnann*, A. Schrefl, W. Strobl, F. Aussenegg**, A. decline in the incidence of ESRD secondary t o HIVAN. A similar
Leitner** C.Doppler Institute for Adsorption Technology in Medicine * decrease was also noted in ARF in pts with HIV disease at our hospital
Centre of Biomedical Technology, Danube University Krems, Austria **
Institute for experimental physics, Karl-Franzens University Graz, Austria over the same observation period.
Health Science Center at Brooklyn, Brooklyn, New Yoric. Onyekachi Ifudu, J o s e p h Feldman, Leila J. Macey,
HIV infection was identified in 1980 and its renal manifestations
potentially leading to ESRD were recognized in 1983. W e main a
Eli A. Friedman; SUNY-HSC, Brooklyn, USA.
registry of all patients with HN infection who develop either The relation between dialysis adequacy and anemia was
omitted in the recent guidelines on anemia management in
potentially reversible acute renal failure (ARF) andor end stage renal
ESRD. We studied 60 hemodialysis patients on a fixed
disease (ESRD). For the purposes of this retrospective study, we
dose of EPO to determine the effect of increased dialysis
define severe ARF as the abrupt loss of renal function inducing a rise
dose on hematocrit.
in those patients in whom the serumcreatinine (Scr) concentration rises
Patients were randomly assigned to receive increased
to >6 mgldl, a n d o r requires dialysis support. The annual incidence of
dialysis dose (FSO dialyzer; 4.5 hours thrice weekly;n=30)
severe ARF for each 5 or 6 year period from 1983 through 1999 is
or standard therapy (MCA 160 dialyzer, 4 hours thrice
tabulated below:
weekly:n=30)and hematocrit was measured weekly for 12
(All) Incidence HIVPts Incidence With adjustment for EPO dose, the odds of achieving a
1983- 1988 259 43 84 ( 3 2 % ) 14 hematocrit o f 33 ?hover three consecutive weeks was 3.8
1989- 1993 216 43 72 ( 3 3 8 ) 14 times more likely among study subjects than the control
1994 - 1999 203 34 33 ( 1 6 % ) 6.5 subjects (95%CI=1.01-14.19; P = 0.04).
() number within represents % of ARF from all causes A second outcome used was the percentage of all follow-
Over the first 11 years of study (1983-93), while the incidence of up weeks during which patients attained a hematocrit of
severe ARF from all causes was 4 3 cases per year, HlV patients 33%. This occurred during 30% of the control patients'
represented 33.5% (14 per year) of the total. Over the last 5 years follow-up weeks compared to 45% of the follow-up weeks
(1994-99), while there was an overall slight decrease in the annual for the study subjects. This difference was statistically
incidence of ARF from all causes (34 cases per year), there has been a significant (P = 0.02) after adjustment for EPO dose. The
more than 50% decline in HIV pts. During the past 5 years, only 1 6 8 estimated mean percent of such visits after adjusting for
of all ARF cases were seen in HIV pts, for an annual incidence of 6.5. EPO dose was 26% for controls and 49vo for the study
Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and other regimens for subjects.
HIV infection introduced about 1994 may have caused the We conclude that anemia improves with increased
renoprotective benefit detected. W e noted a similar decrease in the dialysis dose in EPO-treated hemodialysis patients.
number of new onset ESRD cases ifi pts with HIV disease over the
same observation period.
HEMOFILTERATION (CAVH). Moro 0. Salifu, MD and Eli A.
MS Markell, A Ehrlikh, J Sherman, J Cheung, H Surya, CD Brown, Purpose: In conventional CAVH, the ultrafiltrate (UF) volume is
EA Friedman; SUNY Health Sci Ctr at Brooklyn, NY controlled imprecisely with an UF clamp, which is labor intensive and
Hemodialysis necessitates a disruption in routine lifestyle which requires frequent adjustment to avoid excessive fluid removal. We present a
may create anxietyidepression. A cohort of 20 randomly chosen simple method for precisely controlling the UF volume.
patients dialyzed in-center at an inner-city unit were evaluated using Method: 7 consecutive CAVH’s were performed in 4 patients with
Beck’s depression scale, a standard anxiety scale, and a newly massive edema. A standard circuit was accomplished in each case by using
blood tubing sets and an HF400 obtained from Renal Systems. A 3-way
created form designed to measure adjustment to dialysis (ADJUST), stopcock was connected to the dialysate port at the venous end. The air
which includes 11 statements regarding loss of control, chamber of a standard intravenous infusion tubing was cut out and the
frustration(boredom), and physical symptoms (pain, muscle tubing itself connected to the stopcock and secured safely with a tape. The
discomfort). Patients rate each statement (from 1, “doesn‘t bother tubing was flushed to remove air bubbles and connected to a regular
me at all” to 5,”I can barely stand it”) and the scores are summed. intravenous infusion pump (UF pump). The patient side of the tubing was
Depression and anxiety scores were highly correlated ( ~ 0 . 9 , inserted into the tubing of a drainage bag and secured with tape. The desired
p<O.OOOl), and both correlated with ADJUST (FO.5, piO.05: ~ 0 . 8 , amount of fluid losshour was estimated based on the patients weight gain
and hemodynamic parameters. This amount was dialed into the UF pump,
p<O.OOOl) and were inversely correlated with age of onset of renal which then pumped UF into the drainage bag at a constant rate. Electrolytes
disease (F-0.5, p<O.O5, F-0.5, p<O.O5), but not education or income were replaced using the predilution method. No additional replacement
level. There were 14 black and 6 non-black patients. Black subjects fluid was required since the ultrafitration rate was constant and
had significantly lower anxiety (9.511.8 vs. 21.3i7.4, p<O.O5) and predetermined. Additional adjustments were made as necessary. No heparin
better ADJUST scores (22.212 vs. 3 1.6*4.6, p<O.O5), and lower was used. Treatments ranged from 27-78 hrs.
depression scores (7.5*1.8 vs. 14.8*4.1, p=0.07), hut did not differ Results: The target fluid removal was achieved in all treatments and the
UF rate required only daily adjustments for total fluid intake. The average
from non-blacks for age (53.4*3.1 vs. 50.5i5.9 yrs), education or
time to reporting a problem by the intensive care nurse was 30 hours and
income level, or time on dialysis. the average time to filter clotting was 38 hrs.
We conclude, in our population I . Poor adjustment to dialysis may Conclusion: Our modification offers an effective. safe. less laborious
relate to underlying anxiety/depression; 2. Patients who develop alternative method to more expensive equipment for CAVH. Predilution
renal disease at an earlier age report more anxietyldepression; 3. may be effective in patients in whom heparin is contraindicated. Tubing for
Black patients have better adjustment, and less anxiety/depression, UF designed as above may be more effective than tubing with graded
irrespective of income or education. The underlying reasons for this clamps. Until such tubing is commercially available, the above technique
affords constant rate ultrafilteration.
finding and whether it contributes to the better survival of blacks on
hemodialysis remain to be investigated.
Scott L. Nvberg, Christopher Hughes, Margaret Benda, E l i b e t h Garr, PATIENTS USING A KINETIC MODEL
Craig Hocum, James McCarthy, Sylvester Sterioff, Mark Stegall. Divisions
of Transplantation and Nephrology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN. Introduction: Beta-2-microglobulin (l3,-M) has been proposed as a
marker of middle molecules to assess the efficacy of dialysis. Only a few
Background- Thrombosis is the leading complication of synthetic data have been published about extra renal clearance and generation rate of
hemodialysis grafts and stenosis at the graft-vein anastomosis is a l3,-microglobulin which are necessary for calculation of total clearance and
contributing factor in many cases. A new cuffed ePTFE graft (VENAFLO, mass removal of l3,-M in hemodialysis patients. Here we have developed a
Impra, Inc.) was developed to decrease the incidence of outflow stenosis simple method to derive extra renal clearance and generation rate of l3,-M
and improve long-term graft patency. from measuring the pre-and post-dialysis blood concentrations of l3,-M
Purpose- The purpose of this study was to determine the one-year graft using kinetic modelling.
patency and blood flow rates in a new cuffed ePTFE graft. Methods: Ten stable hernodialysis patients are included in this study.
Methods- A pilot study was conducted on twelve (7 male, 5 female) Pre- and post-dialysis concentrations of B1-M were measured during
consecutive patients 36 to 76 yr of age (mean=65yr). Seven were high risk dialysis with low flux dialysers(F6 HPS) and after ten days switching to
due to a prior history of clotted hemodialysis accesses (1-6, mean=3.3). high flux dialysers(F60S). With a validated two pool model the generation
Placement sites included forearm (2), upper arm (S), and leg (2). The rate of a,-M can be determined if extra renal clearance is known.
outflow vein diameter ranged from 3 - 8 mm (mean=6.8mm). Blood flow Assuming the generation rate of O,-M to be constant in each patient, the
rates were determined by ultrasound dilution technique (HDOI Transonic computer reiterated the calculation of extra renal clearance until the
System) at 3 month intervals. calculated generation rate was equal both for the low flux and the high flux
Results- Two patients died (malignancy, myocardial infarction) with patent dialyser.
grafts during the first year. One patient moved and was lost to follow-up. Results: Extra renal clearance was found to be between 2.0 and 4.17
One-year patency of the remaining cuffed ePTFE grafts was 89% (8/9). ml/min(average value 3.2 mlimin). Generation rate was found in a rather
Only one graft (high risk, 6 prior grafts) was lost to thrombosis during the narrow range between 1.63 and 2.53 mgkglday(average value 1.99
fvst year of follow-up; outflow stenosis was ruled out as its cause of mgkglday). No correlation was found between extra renal clearance and
generation rate.
thrombosis. When f m t measured 3 months after p ft placement, blood
Conclusions: With this simple method extra renal clearance and
flow rates ranged from 620 to 2083 mL/min (mean=1225mL/min). No
generation rate of a,-M can be determined by means of switching
differences in flow rates were observed between 3 months and 12 months
hemodialysis patients from impermeable to permeable membranes.
(mean=l143mL/min) in the 8 grafts available for comparison.
Conclusion- Stable blood flow rates and excellent one-year graft patency
X.O.Xul, N.Grune?, A.Al-Bashi?, Ch.Trutt-Ibing', H.Melze?,
were achieved with a cuffed ePTFE graft, even in high risk patients with W.Fassbinder', S.Stille?, H.Mann2
prior history of graft thrombosis. A randomized, prospective trial has been 1 Renal division, Renji hospital, Shanghai second medical university,
initiated to compare the long-term patency of cuffed and traditional (non- China, 2 Dialysis Center Aachen, 3 Medical clinic Ill, Fulda, Germany
cuffed) ePTFE grafts for hemodialysis access.
Study Sponsor- Mayo Foundation; no industrial support was received.
P. Dierickx, L. Bouwens, B. Cuvelier, D. De Wachter,
R. Dierckx, P. Verdonck
IBITECH, Ghent University, Gent
7.58 f 0.13
5.49 k 0.22
5.97 f 0.06
92.1 f4.3
6.34 f 0.08
6.38 k0.03
with kidney epithelial cells revealed a different pattern of tissue For the usual TMP range, KUF can be considered insensitive to
compatibility with best growth and epithelial barrier function on TMP with forward and reverse flow. Because of a lower
membranes with moderate content of amine containing and backfiltration coefficient, the risk of pyrogenic reactions by non-
hydrophilic co-monomers. Blood compatibility was found to be pure dialysate could be overestimated.
good on sulfonated and hydrophilic PAN. In conclusion of the S . ,
D. De Wachter, J. Vienken*, R. Pohlmeier', P. Verdonck
investigation, PAN membranes with hydrophilic co-monomers Hydraulics Laboratory, IBITECH, Ghent University, Gent
seem to be useful for the application in a bioartificial kidney. 'Fresenius Medical Care, Germany
Supported by European Commission - grant BE97-4329.
Robers S. Aksys Ltd. REBOUND AFTER HEMODIALYSIS (HD) (Mathematical model).
Purpose V. Kislukhin, Transonic System, Ithaca, NY.
Urea rebound is usually explained as urea entering the circulation iiom
Daily hemodialysis (DHD) is thought the ”best“treatment
poorly perfused tissue after HD. The purpose of the following mathematical
for patients with ESRD. While doubling the frequency of the model is to describe the observed urea rebound by phenomena of
treatment is necessarily more expensive than 3 times a week vasomotion. This phenomena is related to the fact that a significant part (up
dialysis, better general health may offset those costs by to 80 -90%, depending on the organ) of the microvessels may be closed
reducing global health care expenditures for DHD patients. while others are perfused. If vasomotion is slow (the same microvessels are
Methods- perfused) then the byproducts of metabolism accumulate in tissue around
Proiect HOPE studied this by reviewing all available closed microvessels. The probability schema of these effects can be
described as shown below:
literature about the cost of DH% and applied an economic openvessel - a - open vessel
model that simulated costs of daily versus conventional, 3 ----I3 P Y
times a week, HD. Dialysis Consulting Group costed out closed v e s s G - closed vessel
resources used in a short daily and a long nightly HD program a =probability to be open and remain open
in the US. Costs were drawn from facilities’ books, reviewed p= to be open and become closed a+ p = 1
onsite & categorized for both programs. v = probability to be closed and remain closed
p =to be closed and become open p+ v = l
The vasomotion model that describes the process of urea accumulation
The literature review and model estimated that-at a national between HD sessions and urea removal during HD includes generation of
level, DHD would cost a facility from $39 to $73 extra per urea, q, distribution volume of urea, V, and clearance of urea during I D, K.
week and patient. Site visits estimated those extra costs to be The model shows that during HD, concentration of urea in the perfused
$213 to $345 in 2 programs. tissue approaches q V K and concentration of urea in tissue around closed
Depending on several variables, however, societal savings microvessels approaches q(VK +Tc) where Tc is the average time when
from DHD could range from $150 to $640 million per year. closed microvessels will be closed (Tc = Up) and directly related to the
value of the urea rebound. This model also shows that at the same level of
blood flow, the amount of urea retained in the tissue can vary significantiy
Different methodologies give rise to widely divergent cost due to vasomotion. Simple back extrapolation of urea changes between the
estimates but independent of this, the global cost of DHD may sessions to the end of the previous session provides an estimate of the Tc
be lower than that of the standard.3 times a week drill with its value.
unacceptably high morbidity and mortality costs. We can conclude that this mathematical model based on vasomotion can be
a useful tool for urea modeling and can explain observed clinical
Previous studies have identified specific inhibition of HEMODIALYSIS
membrane transport systems in uremia. For example, the red Previous studies have shown that blood volume (BV) measurements
blood cell (RBC) permeability to uric acid is reduced by more can be used to estimate vascular refilling from the interstitial
than a factor of 3 in dialysis patients, with a smaller reduction compartment during hemodialysis (HD). However, BV changes
for creatinine. However, the identity of the responsible uremic cannot predict extracellular volume (ECV) conditions. A further
toxins is unknown. parameter is needed to define ECV. A four-compartment model (BV,
This study examined the effect of several uremic toxins on Virunk,V,, and V,,,) that can be parameterized by segmental
RBC permeability to uric acid and creatinine. Normal RBC bioimpedance analysis (SBIA) is used to develop a relationship
from healthy donors were washed and rapidly re-suspended in
between BV and ECV (see Fig.1). kl
plasma or buffer containing uric acid or creatinine. The RBC
suspension was placed in a stirred ultrafiltration cell, with cell-
and protein-free samples collected through a semipermeable
membrane. Data were obtained in the presence/absence of
FHTE Fig.1
A new concept of estimation of dry weight (DW) for The increase in urea (Ur) KJ when increasing dialysate flow rate
hemodialysis (HD) patients is proposed. DW is defined as the is dialyzer-dependent; however, the parameters that govern this
state of body hydration in which refilling rate from arm and leg dependence have not been studied extensively. We evaluated the
tends to dissociate from that from the trunk at the end of HD. effects of blood and dialysate flow rate on Ur and creatinine (Cr)
The study investigated the relative value of measurement of KJ values for low flux (Polyflux 14L) and high flux (Polyflux 14s)
changes in extracellular fluid volume (ECV), relative blood dialyzers containing polyamide membranes of identical surface area
volume (RBV) and systolic blood pressure (SBP) in assessment (N=S each). KJ values, calculated from the mean of blood and
of dry weight. Eleven patients were studied during regular 22 dialysate side clearances, were determined in vitro at zero net
HD sessions. ECV regional refilling was measured by ultrafiltration for 3 different blood (Qb) and dialysate (Qd) flow rate
segmental bioimpedance analysis (SBIA). RBV and SBP were combinations. All values are reported in ml/min, and KJ values for
measured at IOmin, intervals. Patients were divided into two each dialvzer and solute are reuorted as mean*SEM:
groups according to the presence of hypotension at the end of
HD. (Grl n= 6, pts with hypotension; Gr2 n=16, pts without QdQ 14L-Ur 14L-Cr 14s-Ur
hypotension). Difference between estimated DW and post-HD 300/SOO 69W20 46W10 67W20 S2W10
(AW) and the changes between the final and immediately 4SO/SOO 67W10 4SW10 70W20 S3W10
previous measurement are indicated as ASBP, ARBV, AECVA,,, 450/800 72W10* 49&10** 80W20** 61W10**
AECVT,,~ and AECVL,, respectively. (*p<O.OS & **p<O.Ol, higher than that at Qd=SOO mumin)
G AW ASBP ARBV AECVk, AECV,. AECV,, KJ increased with increasing Q d but not increasing Qb; the
I 0.24k0.6 -15.21210 -1.8720.7 -0.46tl.7 -1.7820.9 -0.5320.33 increases in Ur and Cr KJI values were higher for the high flux
2 0.98t1 -1.87k13 -0.6k2.6 -3.56k5.3 -435k5.7 -2.6424.64 (16ilY0 and lSil%) than the low flux dialyzer (6i2Y0 and 7*2%).
We conclude that increasing Q d increases both Ur and Cr KJ values
The results indicate that ASBP was significantly greater and A and that this effect is more substantial for dialyzers containing high
ECVA, and AECVLe9were significantly less in group 1 patients. flux polyamide membranes. Whether this phenomenon is due to
This limitation of refilling from the periphery to the trunk in enhanced internal filtration for dialyzers containing high flux
group1 patients may indicate when dry weight is approached. membranes requires further study. This study suggests that increases
Development of the SBIA technique could provide a new in smaH solute clearances, and therefore dialysis dose, when
approach to the determination of dry weight in dialysis patients. increasing Q d can be more substantial for dialyzers containing high
F., C. Ronco, D. Schneditz, L. De Simone, and N. W. Levin, flux membranes.
Renal Research Institute & Beth Israel Medical Center, NY J.K. Leypoldt & A.K. Cheung. VA Medical Center & University of
DOUBLE FILTR4TION PLASMAF’HERESIS (DFPP) D. Starostin, N. Krivitski, D. Gerardini, T. Vesely;
Transonic Systems, Inc., Malinkrodt Radiology Institute.
Masaki Kimikawq Kei Eguchi, Micbio Mineshima, Satoshi Teraoka, Telsuzo Agishi Effective angioplasty extends the potency of the A-V
vascular access. The purpose of the study was to develop
Kidney Center, Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Japan blood flow measurement technology that can give on-time
estimation for results of angioplasty procedure to
(Purpose) We tried establishment of effective and safety treatment method by appropriate ensure high quality of the intervention.
Methodology: Bench experiments and preliminary
supplemental fluid setting in double filtration plasmapheresis (DFPP). clinical trials were performed. Intravascular Blood Flow
Monitor (IBF’M) uses electrical impedance dilution
(Methods) Patients of pre and post kidney transplanlation received DFPP treatmentS under technique. To perform the measurements, 5F catheter with
electrodes was inserted into the graft directed to the
continvous blmd volume (BV) monitoring. The Crit-Line insmment was used as a BV venous anastomosis. 5% NaCl solution was infused at the
rate of 10 ml/min for 6-8 sec through the side arm of
change monitor. We estimated the relation with patient’s BV change rate and quantity of the catheter introducer. The changes in impedance were
recorded by the IBEM. Conditioned signals were further
supplemental flui4 albumin concentration of supplemental fluid and serum albumin digitized and sent to a PC via a serial port for
automatic data interpretation.
concentration before DFPP. Furthermore from these results, we established new Results. The two main sources of errors discovered on
the bench were bad mixing and penetration of the
supplemental fluid settings methods with a condition of BV decrease rate less than 10 % electrical field out of the vessel. When electrical
field was mostly located inside the vascular access,
and IgG removal rate 70 %. And then we applied it to clinic. correlation between dilution and volumetric measurements
was r-0.98 (n=32). In clinical trials reproducibility
(Results) Loss of semm albumin was recognized accompanied with removal of globulin (relative difference between two consecutive
measurements performed within 3 minutes) was 4 . 2 ? 4 . 3 %
and decrease of BV due to hrpoproteinemia was observed Decrease of BV was
(n=70). Pacing catheters allowed by the FDA for clinical
remarkable when the volume of supplemental fluid was large, albumin wncentration of
trials. gave satisfactory relative measurements, but
failed to give high absolute accuracy due to penetration
supplemental fluid was low and serum albumin concentration before treatment was hi&.
of the electrical field out of the vessel.
Bench experiments and clinical trials demonstrated
New supplemental fluid setting methods wa established from these parameters and was
that catheter-based system allows reliable determination
of intra-access blood flow changes during the
applied to clinic. BV decrease rate was 10.0 21 6.0 % and IgG removal rate was 69.6 z
angioplasty. Further development is now devoted to
improving the absolute accuracy of technology by
8.9 90. optimization of the catheter configuration.
(Conclusion) It seems to be possible that we can enforce an effective and safety treatment
with a little BV change by the new established supplemental fluid setting methods.
TRANSPLANT OUTCOME. Sunder M. Lal, Nilakshi Gupta, Gilbert 'Greater Lafayette Health Services, Inc.
Ross, Jr., Departments of Medicine, Anesthesiology, Surgery. 2ArnettClinic, Lafayette, Indiana
University of Missouri Health Science Center, Columbia, Missouri. 'HemoCleanse, Inc., West Lafayette, Indiana
Mondlor polyclonal antibody based induction therapy was introduced T.Jniversityof Illinois, Chicago, Illinois
to delay the introduction of cyclosporine in the setting of ischemidand o The standard anticoagulant "lock" for cuffed central venous dialysis
reperfusion injury to the allograft kidney. Recently newer agents like catheters is 5-10,000 units of heparin in each lumen. Sodium citrate is an
Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF), Rapamycin. and the chimeric interleukin anticoagulant with intrinsic antibacterial activity (at hypertonic
2 receptor monoclonal antibody ((IL]-2Rmab} basiliximab and concentrations), and only transient anticoagulant effects if accidentally
Daclizumab), have been used for induction therapy. infused to the patient. Prior studies of citrate as catheter lock solution
We retrospectively, compared the safety and efficacy (decreased utilized low citrate concentrations (14%)in combination with high
incidence of rejection and the need for dialysis) of induction treatment concentrations (27 mg/ml) of gentamicin. We performed a prospective
with ATGAM (Group I) v s IL-2Rmab (Group II) in the recipients of study comparing concentrated citrate lock solution to heparin in a dialysis
cadaveric renal transplant (CRT). All patients received standard doses unit with SO-60% of patients having chronic central venous catheters (40
of Azathioprine or MMF. and prednisone. All patients received either catheters total, mostly Ash Split Cath" with some Tesio' and Hickmano).
cyclosporine (2mglkg) or FK (0.05mglkg) as a single daily dose. Heparin was the standard catheter lock. In 341011th intervals we
Standard d o s e s of CYA or FK were introduced when creatinine (Scr) implemented: 10% citrate with 3 m g h l Gentamicin@,20% citrate with 3
decreased to ~2.5mgldL. mg/ml Gentamicin, 47% citrate alone, heparin, and 23% citrate alone.
Both groups were comparable with regards to the age, sex, HLA The incidence of bacteremia in all patients in the unit was calculated and
matches, cold ischemic times, and panel reactive antibody titen. Both compared to the baseline incidence during use of heparin. In patients with
ATGAM and the ILZRmab were administered per standard protocol. bacteremia, citrate catheter lock was continued during treatment, and the
Results: Mean " SD. Five patients in Group I and two patients in Grou catheter was not routinely removed. Incidence of bacteremia was 4.6% of
II needed hemodialysis in the first 72 hours. Acute allograft rejection patients!month with heparin, and decreased to 1.9% with 10% and 20%
w a s s e e n in six patients (Group I) and in two patients in Group II citrate with gentamicin, and to 0% with 47% citrate alone (P<O.OOI).
(P=NS.) The incidence of bacteremia increased on return to heparin (2.7%). then
Group I (ATGAM): 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months decreased monthly during use of 23% citrate (2.1% average, P<0.05).
Scr(mg/dL. n=15) 3.3 2.1
" 2.6"l.l 2.3" 1.0
Group II (IL-ZRmab): 1 Month
Use of urokmase for occluded catheters significantly decreased with
3 Months 6 Months
Scr(mg/dL,n=13) 1.9 " 1.3' 1.6 " 0.4' 1.7 " 0.4' implementation of citrate for catheter lock (P=0.02), and use of tPA was
*p<0.5between Groups. infrequent after urokinase became unavailable. Catheter survival in the unit
Compared to Group I, Il-2Rmab treated patients showed (1) lower for Split Cath catheters was 83% at 1 year. Side effects were nonexistent
incidence of allograft rejection, (2) lower incidence of ATN, decreasing with 23% citrate lock and blood entry to catheters was rare. Concentrated
need for HD (3)significantly lower mean Scr, and (4) w a s well tolerated citrate is an effective catheter lock solution that provides prolonged central
venous catheter use with diminution in catheter-related infections and
occlusion by clot.
ACCESS RECIRCULATION AND THE USE OF VENOVENOUS The Duo Split Acute Hemodialysis Catheter: a Two-Limbed Acute
DIALYSIS CATHETERS Hemodialysis Catheter with Novel Technique for Insertion
m, Kianfar C, Lindsay RM Mankus RA', Ash'.' , JM', Tim Schweikert'
Optimal Dialysis Research Unit, The University of Western Ontario,
London, Canada 'Arnett Clinic, Lafayette, IN, 'HemoCleanse Inc, West Lafayette, IN;
Access recirculation (AR) is important as it can diminish the adequacy of 'MedCdmp Inc, Harleysville, PA
dialysis. It is believed that AR is common in veno-venous catheters. Acute hemodialysis catheters are designed to be placed over a guidewire
However, the frequency of AR with the use of such catheters has not been into the central veins by Seldinger technique, and therefore are rigid with a
established. pointed tip. The guidewire technique avoids the need for tunneling the
We studied 24 patients with catheters (19 Perm-caths, and S temporary catheter and threading the catheter tip through a thin-walled "sheath" with
catheters). AR was measured by the ultrasound dilution (Transonic) risk of blood loss or air embolus. Acute catheters generally provide lower
technique. Qb was increased to maximum rate (venous pressure < 250 and more irregular blood flow than chronic tunneled catheters such as the
mmHg, arterial pressure > -250 mmHg). Qb ranged from 300 - 450 mumin Ash Split Cath, and average duration of use is limited to a only a few days
(average 420 mumin). With catheters in nonnal position, 2 people had non- due to risks of infection or vein irritation. The Duo Split is a flexible acute
significant AR (4%), 3 had significant AR (>5%), and the rest had 0 catheter with two separate intravascular limbs, each with a blunt cylindrical
recirculation. AR ranged from 7% - 5 1% (average 18%) with catheters in tip and multiple side-holes similar to the Split Cath, but without a cuff and
reverse position. subcutaneous tunnel. A single-slotted "Quill" guide surrounds the catheter
In conclusion, AR is rarely present when veno-venous catheters are used
during placement, with a tapered tip that follows the guidewire into the
in the normal position. If AR is present, it usually implies that there is
vein. Simple traction on the Quill causes the tapered tip and the slot to
catheter malfunction such as thrombosis. Reversing the lines results in
some recirculation, varying with the individual, and the Qb. Therefore, to expand around the catheter, leaving the Duo Split in place within the vein.
ensure optimal dialysis adequacy, care must be taken in using veno-venous DuoSplit catheters were placed into the femoral vein (4) and IJ vein (2) of 6
catheters in reversed position, and maximal possible Qb should be used patients with acute renal failure. During dialysis blood flow rates (BFRs) of
with the lines in the normal position. 200-300 mumin were obtained (average 229 mumin) with average venous
pressures of 150 mm and average arterial pressures of 192mm.Flow rates
and pressures were similar to conventional acute catheters placed mostly in
the IJ vein. Duration of Duo Split catheter use was longer at 6.2 days
(maximum 11 days) versus 4.0 days for conventional catheters. There were
no complications of clotting, septicemia, exit infection or loss of blood
flow. The DuoSplit catheter in the femoral or IJ vein provides adequate
blood flow rate for treatment of acute renal failure, and may allow longer
catheter use than with conventional acute catheters..
AND CLINICAL EXPERIENCE Stephen'R. Ash',2, Rita A. Mankus', James M. Sutton'
T Kuczek4, DE Blake2, CH Gingrich' 'Arnett Clinic and GLHS, Lafayette, IN; 'Purdue University, W. Lafayette,
Purdue University. 'Comparative Medicine, 'Dept of Statistics; IN; 'HemoCleanse, W. Lafayette, IN
'HemoCleanse, Inc., W. Lafayette, IN; 'Amett Clinic, Lafayette, IN
The Liver Dialysis Unit is a currently marketed artificial liver that employs The Ash Split CathTMis a dual-lumen tunneled hemodialysis catheter with
hemodiabsorption (dialysis of blood against powdered sorbent) to remove a single double-D transcutaneous portion connecting to multi-holed
the numerous small molecular weight toxins of hepatic failure. A cylindrical tips in a central vein. Blood enters and exits from the entire
randomized, prospectively controlled study of Liver Dialysis in treatment of circumference of the tips, similar to Tesio catheters, but insertion is through
hepatic failure was performed in 5 centers. Entry criteria were: decrease in a single venous puncture. Since 1998, 125 Split Cath catheters have been
hepatic function associated with Stage 2-4 encephalopathy, renal failure or placed in ESRD patients in our practice, mostly by Nephrologists, with
respiratory failure allowed, but not already on dialysis or C W H Another average follow-up of 1-18 months (mean 8). Citrate has been the most
28 patients were treated in crossover studies. . Most patients had stage IV common catheter lock (10-47%, mostly 23%). Only a few catheters have
encephalopathy, renal insufficiency, and respiratory insufficiency or failure. been removed due to septicemia, exit site infection, or loss of blood flow
Of the 75 patients, 32 had fulminant hepatic failure (FHF), and 43 had rate, and interventions have been rare. Lifetable analysis indicates 83%
acute-on-chronic failure. Liver Dialysis (6 hrs, 3-5 days) significantly one-year catheter survival. Average pressures and flows were
improved neurologic (70%) and physiologic status (72%) of all patients automatically determined during one month of dialysis procedures. For
vs. control groups (27% and 10% respectively). Liver Dialysis both arterial side and venous side, the Split Cath provided the same flow
significantly improved patient outcome (improvement of condition for rates and hydraulic resistance as needles in a graft or fistula (example,
transplant or recovery of liver function) for patients with A-on-C (57%) vs. graph below) Tesio catheters were similar, hut flow rates for Hickman
control patients (36%), though not for FHF patients. In 32 patients with catheters were lower. Recirculation percentage was rarely above zero for
hepatic and renal failure on entry, Liver Dialysis significantly improved the Split Cath. The fistula is the best chronic access method for ESRD
patient outcome (41%) vs. control patients (0%). Since market patients. For patients in whom fistulas are not workable, catheters such as
introduction, more than 50 patients, mostly A-on-C have been treated in the Split Cath can provide longevity and hydraulic function at least equal to
many hospitals for hepatic failure, with 58% positive outcome, confming A-V grafts.
the above studies. The suspension is easily modified by adding dry
powdered chemicals to the sorbent bag. Branched chain amino acids
added to the sorbent result in a greater increase in Fischer's ratio during
treatment, and new ammonium sorbents increase the removal of
ammonium. Clinical effects of Liver Dialysis in treatment of hepatic failure
may be further hastened and augmented by these improvements.
0 100 200 300 400
Ash'.' ,DJ', Harker K', Truitt RBI,Korkor A'
'HemoCleanse, Inc., W. Lafayette, IN; 2Greater Lafayette Health Systems, Casani A, Andriani F, Betti GC, Szorenji E, Palla R
Lafayette, IN; 'Purity Dialysis Centers, Waukesha, WI Nepbrology and Dialysis Unit. City Hospital. 54100 Massa Italy
Extended duration dialysis (8 hours, 3 or more times per week) can
diminish morbidity and mortality of hemodialysis. What is needed is a We present our two years experience using the Permcath catheter,
hemodialysis system with simple setup and breakdown, intrinsic safety, and Quinton InsUument.The percutaneous introduction was performed by a
automaticity so it can operate overnight unattended and without bothersome nephrologist under ultrasonic real-time guidance, always in internal
right jugular vein.
alarms. The HHD is a dialysis system with pressure-controlled blood
This catheter was placed in a total of 81 patients for plasmapheresis
pumping; expansion of plate dialyzer membranes draws blood through a 10
(7 pts) and ESRD pts : f i s t choice ( 21 pts), fistula maturation (43 pts),
French single-lumen access and compression returns the blood. Direct
exhausted vascular access (10 pts).
blood flow measurement and automated fluid boluses and fmal rinse make In the 21 first choice patients the median life of the catheter was 5
the HHD considerably easier to use than standard hemodialysis machines. months: 7 patients dead with the functioning catheter. one patient was
The HHD was approved for market in treatment of renal failure using a transplanted. In remaining 13 patients the mean survival of functioning
Sorbsystem column, and clearances were only slightly less than standard catheter was 11 months. In the fistula's maturation group the median
dialysis. A clinical trial is beginning with the HHD in providing 8-hour permanence of the functioningcatheter was 3 months. In the exhausted
QOHD in-the home and in a nursing home. For this trial, dialysate is vascular access group the mean life of catheter was 6 months: 6 patients
created by adding dry salts and acid to 100 liters of purified water produced dead and one patient was transplanted with still functioning catheter.
by an RO system actuated by household water pressure. All blood-side and The 3 catheters Still in use are functioning from a mean of 7 months.
dialysate-side components are discarded after each treatment, except the The blood flow was 300-350 d m i n in all cases and the recirculation
100 liter dialysate tank (air-dried after each treatment). The study will calculated by the DOQI guidelines never was over 10%
determine: time needed for setup and breakdown of the machine, ability of Insertion complications: one hemotorax and 8 cases (9% for 90
the HHD to perform all functions of the dialysis procedure, and chemical insertions) of subcutaneous hemorragic soffision
and clinical effects of the treatments. The HHD may allow QOHD to be We observed 14 episodes of catheter failure starting treatment over
routinely performed unattended after machine setup by the patient, a 5050 treatments (0.3itreatment) Urokinase instillation completely
partner, or a dialysis technician. The resulting dialysis treatment should not recovered the normal function in 11 cases In 3 cases the substitution of
only be highly chemically effective, but economically practical. catheter was needed.
Five patients (6%) experienced episodes of fever and gram-positive
bacteriemia requiring catheter removal (without further
In our clinical experience Permcath catheters is an efficient and safety
intermediate-duration vascular access for hemodialysis. prolonged
apheresis treatment and to allow maturation of A-V fistulas, and it is a
good long-term access in patients with exhausted vascular access.
Pressurized Dialysate and Ultrafiltration Management : PRINCIPLE FOR A CHRONIC PERCUTANEOUS LEAD
a new concept for Short Daily (Home)Hemodialysis. Objective of this study is to explore the feasibility of a new
J. Traeger*, R. Galland*, C. Gharib**. P. Barthez**, L. Juillard****,M. design principle for percutaneous leads.
Ladle****, D. Raclet*. C. Mas***.R. Hadden***. A percutaneous lead is designed for an enduring connection
* AURAL. Lyon ** Physiology lab. C1. Bernard University Rockefeller, between the external world and the inner space of the body.
Lyon *** FLAVIN LTD **** H6pital E. Hemot. Lyon This is of importance for patients, who rely on such a
Purpose of study :
connection in form of a tube for a diagnosis or a therapy.
Ultrafiltrationrate is determined by transmembrane pressure. Such an application is, for example, the ambulant peritoneal
which is classically controlled either by flow measurement or by dialysis. Another application is the drive line tube of an
volumetric control. A new technique is described that directly manages mechanical cardiac assist system. All these applications are
dialysate pressure and so the transmenbrane pressure. endangered by inflammation, infection, marsupialization and
extrusion. Often percutaneous-leads become so severely
Methods : infected, that they have to be removed completely. These
Dialysate pressurisation is used to control both dialysate flow and trans- problems arise, because the infection can creep along the
membrane pressure. The following equation can be used to calculate the artificial material of the tube. Once inside the body, the
required pressures to give a desired dialysate flow and ultr'atiltrate : T = infection is difficult to fight. The new principle counteracts
Pd + Pb - (UFKUF)where T tank pressure. Pd = pressure to generate the the migration of the infection by a growing sleeve. This
dialysate flow. Pb = pressure in the blood compartment of the dialyser, sleeve separates the tube from the surrounding skin. The
UF = ultraliltrate. KUF = dialyser UF coefficient growing sleeve imitates one prominent feature of natural
percutaneous structures such as fingernails: Growth from the
Results inside of the body to the outside.
This is achieved by pumping liquid silicone rubber though
Tank Pressure in an extrusion port inside of the body. The water vapor within
40mmHgunits 9.1 11 13.6 15.1 16 16.2 18.7 the body solidifies the liquid silicone, which then becomes
Dialysate 128,X 154.8 181,2 210,5 205 208.8 234 the sleeve. The silicone rubber is selected for the attachment
UF 12.6 22.2 19.6 45 20.8 11.6 19.3
YOerror UF 1% -13% -6% -11% 0% -12% 3%
of cells. The bacterial biofilm, which tends to form at the
location, where the sleeve exits the skin, can by this action be
This has been done using a vely simple pre-prototype dewce. Further. this pushed out of the body.
device was used to conduct three days of hernodialysis on an aneplmc The technical feasibility has been shown in several lab
pig. In five hours of use over three days. the ultraliltrate was found to be models. Major problem has been the design of the port, and
accurate to 0.4 %, and dialysate accurate to between 0.8 %n to 2.7 % of the selection and modification of the silicone rubber to ensure
target volumes. the production of a straight and leak free sleeve.
Affeld K., Bagheri, M. -
Charite, Biofluidmechanics Laboratory. ..Humboldt University
Berlin, Berlin, Germany