Zanaty 2014
Zanaty 2014
Zanaty 2014
Cavernous Aneurysms
Mario Zanaty, MD; Nohra Chalouhi, MD; Robert M. Starke, MD; Guilherme Barros, BS;
Mark Philip Saigh, BA; Eric Winthrop Schwartz, BS; Norman Ajiboye, MD;
Stavropoula I. Tjoumakaris, MD; David Hasan, MD; Robert H. Rosenwasser, MD; Pascal Jabbour, MD
Background and Purpose—Several endovascular treatment options are available for cavernous carotid aneurysms. We
compared pipeline embolization device (PED) versus conventional endovascular treatment in terms of evolution of mass
effect, complications, recurrence, and retreatment rate.
Methods—One hundred fifty-seven patients harboring 167 cavernous carotid aneurysms were treated using PED placement,
coiling, stent-assisted coiling, and carotid vessel destruction. Procedural complications, angiographic results, and clinical
outcomes were analyzed and compared.
Results—There were no difference in age, sex, and mean aneurysm size between those treated with PED and those treated
with conventional endovascular procedures. The patients treated with PED had a significantly lower proportion of small-
size aneurysms (<10 mm) and a shorter follow-up duration. Multivariate analysis revealed treatment other than PED
(PED: odds ratio [OR], 0.03; P=0.002) and size >15 mm (OR, 4.27; P=0.003) to be predictors of no improvement in
symptoms. The rate of complete occlusion was 81.36% (48 of 59) for PED, 42.25% (39 of 71) for stent-assisted coiling,
27.27% (6 of 22) for coiling, and 73.33% (11 of 15) for carotid vessel destruction. Retreatment was needed in patients
with aneurysm size >15 mm (OR, 2.67; P=0.037) and those who were not treated with PED (PED: OR, 0.16; P=0.006).
The rate of major complications was 6.6% (11 of 167). Patients who were treated with PED or stent-assisted coiling had
3.84 lower odds to develop complications (OR, 0.26; P<0.05).
Conclusions—The use of PED should be encouraged, especially in symptomatic patients. We found PED to be
associated with less need for future treatment, higher improvement in symptoms rate, and lower rate of complications.
(Stroke. 2014;45:2656-2661.)
Key Words: cerebral aneurysm ◼ complication intraoperative ◼ complication peroperative ◼ complication
postoperative ◼ endovascular procedure ◼ endovascular technique ◼ intracranial aneurysm
Received May 27, 2014; final revision received May 27, 2014; accepted June 25, 2014.
From the Department of Neurosurgery, Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Hospital for Neuroscience, Philadelphia, PA (M.Z., N.C., G.B.,
M.P.S., E.W.S., N.A., S.I.T., R.H.R., P.J.); Department of Neurosurgery, University of Virginia, Charlottesville (R.M.S.); and Department of Neurosurgery,
Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City (D.H.).
Correspondence to Pascal Jabbour, MD, Division of Neurovascular Surgery and Endovascular Neurosurgery, Department of Neurological Surgery,
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Third Floor, 901 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19107. E-mail [email protected]
© 2014 American Heart Association, Inc.
Stroke is available at DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.114.006247
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Zanaty et al PED for CCA 2657
combined was 89.83% (53 of 59) for PED, 84.51% (60 of 71) or fistulization is low,12,13 except for cases with giant aneu-
for SAC, 54.54% for coiling, and 86.67% (13 of 15) for CVD. rysms.14 Conventional endovascular techniques have been pre-
ferred for the treatment of symptomatic CCA. The reported
Treatment-Related Complications recurrence rate and incomplete angiographic occlusion after
The rate of major complications was 6.6% (11 of 167). Major treatment with conventional endovascular technique remains
complications are defined as symptomatic ischemic stroke, high,15,16 discouraging their use in complex aneurysms.
hemorrhagic stroke, aneurysm rupture, and vessel perforation Recently, flow diversion has been emerging as a novel treat-
that lead to neurological damage. We had 2 (of 167; 0.03%) ment, but with not enough data to establish its superiority over
post-treatment aneurysm ruptures, 1 occurred after PED place- conventional modalities. Still, many institutions are starting to
ment and 1 after SAC. Hemorrhagic stroke developed in 2 cases consider flow diversion as first-line treatment for CCA.
(of 167; 0.03%), 1 after SAC and 1 after treatment with PED.
Ischemic stroke occurred in 2 patients with SAC, 2 patients with Angiography and Clinical Outcome
CVD, and 1 patient treated with endovascular coiling, adding Traditional methods for treatment of CCA such as carotid
up to 5 cases in total (5 of 167; 2.99%). There were no proce- sacrifice with or without bypass have been effective, but sub-
dural related deaths and only 2 (of 167; 0.03%) intraoperative optimally. Carotid sacrifice achieves a 93% (95% confidence
ruptures, both of which occurred in patients treated with coils. interval [CI], 86.0–97.0) complete aneurysm occlusion and
The complication rate for each treatment modality is included in 83.0% (95% CI, 52.0–96.0) resolution of mass effect, but is
Table 2. Univariate predictors included in multivariate analysis associated with a 4.0% (95% CI, 1.0–9.0) risk of procedure-
were treatment modality, age, and aneurysm size. In multivariate related neurological deficits.1 However, because these aneu-
analysis, the only factor predictive of major complications was rysms are often very large or giant with a wide neck, standard
the use of other than PED or SAC. Patients who have been treated endovascular coiling achieved a complete aneurysm occlusion
with PED or SAC had 3.84 lower odds to develop complications rate of only 67.0% (95% CI, 55.0–77.0) in a meta-analysis
(OR, 0.26; P<0.05). This was unchanged after controlling for from 2014.1 Furthermore, the coiling group demonstrated a
duration of follow-up and patient/aneurysm characteristics. We retreatment rate of 18.0% (95% CI, 12.0–26.0) compared with
presented 2 illustrative cases (Figures 1 and 2). 6.0% (95% CI, 2.0–12.0) for CVD without bypass (P=0.01).
However, there were no differences in the improvement of
mass effect between coiling, SAC, and CVD. On the contrary,
van Rooij17,18 found no significant difference in overall occlu-
Flow Diversion in CCA sion rates between CCA treated with coil embolization versus
CCA are associated with mass effect on adjacent cranial CVD. Therefore, the superiority of CVD over coiling in terms
nerves, whereas their risk of rupture subarachnoid hemorrhage of symptom improvement has not been established, but CVD
Figure 1. A, A 52-year-old patient presented with headache. He was found to have a right-sided carotid cavernous aneurysm measuring
20×10×22 mm, which was treated with coils. B, 12-month follow-up digital subtraction angiography (DSA) showing an incomplete occlu-
sion of the aneurysm. The patient was treated again with coil embolization. C, 12-month follow-up DSA after the second treatment show-
ing an incomplete occlusion.
Figure 2. A and B, A 68-year-old man with a large right-sided cavernous aneurysm measuring 20×15mm. The patient was treated with
pipeline embolization device (PED) placement. C and D, 6-month follow-up digital subtraction angiography after PED placement shows
100% occlusion of the aneurysm and resolution of the cranial nerve deficit.
is still preferred given the higher occlusion rate demonstrated upwards of 90% of patients.4 Starke et al2 treated 3 CCA with
by meta-analysis and systemic reviews of nonrandomized PED after incomplete occlusion with coiling, with a 100%
controlled trials. success rate. Our study supports these findings, because PED
The experience with flow diversion has somewhat been dif- was associated with a significantly lower retreatment rates and
ferent. Lanzino et al5 have conducted a retrospective matched- a significantly higher rate of improvement in symptoms when
pair comparison of paraclinoid aneurysms treated with PED compared with conventional treatments.
versus conventional endovascular techniques. The aneurysm Flow diverters seem to be more effective than the conven-
and patient characteristics were not different between the 2 tional techniques because they completely seal the aneurysm
groups. The second most common type of paraclinoid aneu- neck, diverting flow away from the aneurysm and leading to
rysm was the CCA (18 in total). The authors report a signifi- its thrombosis and shrinkage19–22 while simultaneously provid-
cantly higher rate of complete occlusion in patients treated ing a support for the diseased vessel allowing its reconstruc-
with PED (76.2%) versus the control group (21.4%) on tion.23,24 The re-establishment of the homeostasis seems to be
follow-up.5 However, the small sample of CCA in the study responsible for the favorable angiographic occlusion and evo-
imposes a major limitation. Puffer et al3 reported a complete lution of symptoms. The resolution of mass effect might be
occlusion rate of 71% (25 of 35) for CCA treated by PED because of the decreased pulsation in the aneurysm along with
embolization. Improvement of symptoms was noted in 90% a decrease in its size when successfully excluded out of the
patients (26 of 29). Of the remaining patients with incomplete aneurysm, as demonstrated by Szikora et al.25
occlusion, 50% (4 of 8) were found to have progressed to
complete occlusion at final follow-up.3 Hence, we included Complication Rates
and accounted for follow-up duration in the multivariate The safety and efficacy of PED placement have to be com-
analysis in our study. The Canadian trial reported complete pared with that of conventional endovascular therapy. Major
occlusion rates of 70% to 100% and symptom improvement in concerns after flow diversion are delayed aneurysm rupture,
distal hemorrhage, and major ipsilateral stroke.26 In patients symptomatic CCA. Finally, complete occlusion seems to be
with intracranial aneurysms, the procedure-related morbidity higher with pipeline placement; this along with vessel recon-
and mortality are 5% and 4%, respectively; the rate of intra- struction and aneurysm shrinkage confers PED a potential
parenchymal hemorrhage is 3% and that of stroke is 6%, as advantage over other modalities when treating giant CCA in
reported by Brinjikji et al27 in their meta-analysis. Puffer et al3 hope of avoiding subarachnoid hemorrhage.
treated 44 CCA using PED. They encountered in 36% (16 of
44) of procedures minor technical complications (minor vaso- Limitations
spasm, incomplete opening, vessel perforation). No patient The limitations of the present study include retrospective
who experienced intraprocedural or delayed complications design and possible selection bias. Patients in our cohort
had any clinical sequelae. Although Briganti et al28 reported were treated at a tertiary referral hospital by dual trained
a 4% mortality rate (3 of 76) for treatment of CCA with flow neurosurgeons leading to a potential ascertainment bias,
diverters, the mortality rate in a multitude of studies,2–5 includ- limiting the external validity of the results. The lack of an
ing ours, is 0%. The Canadian study4 reported a 0% overall untreated control group limits assessment of intervention
morbimortality in 70 CCA. In a meta-analysis of 316 patients strategies. Nevertheless, our study is the only one compar-
with CCA performed in 2002, procedure-related neurologi- ing results of flow diversion, including mass effect evolution,
cal deficits occurred in 5% of patients treated with CVD and head to head with other conventional endovascular studies in
0% of patients treated with coils alone.29 More recently, in a patients harboring CCA. It is also the cohort with the largest
series of 113 patients treated either by coiling or SAC, the rate sample of CCA.
of neurological complications was 3.5%.30 Recently, Turfe
et al1 performed a meta-analysis to determine the complica- Conclusions
tions associated with endovascular coiling and CVD for CCA. In the absence of randomized controlled trials, hard evidence
The perioperative morbidity rate for endovascular coiling was guidelines are lacking. Randomized controlled trials have to
3.0%, significantly lower than that of CVD (7.0%). There was overcome many obstacles, including an adequate sample size
no difference in the mortality rate between the 2 groups, which for analysis, given the low prevalence of CCA in the popula-
was 0% for the coiling cohort and 4% for the CVD. Therefore, tion. With the present findings in literature and with the results
it is safe to assume, based on the literature, that coiling is safer found in this study, the use of flow diversion should be encour-
than CVD in the treatment of CCA. On the contrary, the litera- aged, especially in symptomatic patients. We found PED to be
ture does not allow such conclusion on PED versus coiling in associated with higher obliteration rate, less need for future
terms of morbidity and mortality, because direct comparison treatment, higher improvement rates in mass symptoms, and
has not been made. Our study, however, compared PED head lower complications when compared with traditional endovas-
to head with coiling and SAC and demonstrated that PED cular treatments.
placement is associated with lower complication rates com-
pared with coiling and CVD. Disclosures
Dr Jabbour is a consultant at Covidien. Dr Tjoumakaris is a consul-
Risk–Benefit Analysis tant at Covidien and Stryker. The other authors report no conflicts.
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