Bang-Bang Control

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Bang–bang control

In control theory, a bang–bang controller (2 step or on–off

controller), is a feedback controller that switches abruptly between
two states. These controllers may be realized in terms of any
element that provides hysteresis. They are often used to control a
plant that accepts a binary input, for example a furnace that is either
completely on or completely off. Most common residential
thermostats are bang–bang controllers. The Heaviside step function
in its discrete form is an example of a bang–bang control signal.
Due to the discontinuous control signal, systems that include bang–
bang controllers are variable structure systems, and bang–bang
controllers are thus variable structure controllers.

Bang–bang solutions in optimal control
A water heater that maintains desired
Practical implications of bang-bang control temperature by turning the applied
See also power on and off (as opposed to
continuously varying electrical
References voltage or current) based on
temperature feedback is an example
application of bang–bang control.
Bang–bang solutions in optimal control Although the applied power switches
from one discrete state to another,
In optimal control problems, it is sometimes the case that a control the water temperature will remain
is restricted to be between a lower and an upper bound. If the relatively constant due to the slow
optimal control switches from one extreme to the other (i.e., is nature of temperature changes in
materials. Hence, the regulated
strictly never in between the bounds), then that control is referred to
temperature is like a sliding mode of
as a bang-bang solution.[1]
the variable structure system setup
by the bang–bang controller.
Bang–bang controls frequently arise in minimum-time problems.
For example, if it is desired for a car starting at rest to arrive at a
certain position ahead of the car in the shortest possible time, the
solution is to apply maximum acceleration until the unique
switching point, and then apply maximum braking to come to rest
exactly at the desired position.[1]

A familiar everyday example is bringing water to a boil in the Symbol for a bang-bang control
shortest time, which is achieved by applying full heat, then turning
it off when the water reaches a boil. A closed-loop household
example is most thermostats, wherein the heating element or air conditioning compressor is either running
or not, depending upon whether the measured temperature is above or below the setpoint.

Bang–bang solutions also arise when the Hamiltonian is linear in the control variable; application of
Pontryagin's minimum or maximum principle will then lead to pushing the control to its upper or lower
bound depending on the sign of the coefficient of u in the Hamiltonian.[2]
In summary, bang–bang controls are actually optimal controls in some cases, although they are also often
implemented because of simplicity or convenience.

Practical implications of bang-bang control

Mathematically or within a computing context there may be no problems, but the physical realization of
bang-bang control systems gives rise to several complications.

First, depending on the width of the hysteresis gap and inertia in the process, there will be an oscillating
error signal around the desired set point value (e.g., temperature), often saw-tooth shaped. Room
temperature may become uncomfortable just before the next switch 'ON' event. Alternatively, a narrow
hysteresis gap will lead to frequent on/off switching, which is undesirable for, e.g., an electrically ignited
gas heater.

Second, the onset of the step function may entail, for example, a high electrical current and/or sudden
heating and expansion of metal vessels, ultimately leading to metal fatigue or other wear-and-tear effects.
Where possible, continuous control, such as in PID control will avoid problems caused by the brisk state
transitions that are the consequence of bang-bang control.

See also
Euler equation
Double-setpoint control
Fuzzy Logic
Lyapunov's theorem
Optimal control
PID controller
Robust control
Sliding mode control
Vector measure
Pulse and glide
GBU-12 Paveway II – a laser-guided bomb which uses a simplified bang-bang steering

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