D E U T S Cc H Industrial
3850 Industrial Avenue_» Hemet, CA 92545
Title Drawing Number
INSTRUCTION GUIDE. for_HDT-48-00 0425-071-0000
Sym Description Date ‘Approved
B__[ Revised per E.0. P19919 6/27/08 RDR
1, WIRE PREPATION: Use Envelope Drawing HDT-48-00 for ALL wire and contact combinations
(this chart simplifies popular sizes). Strip wire as specified. Inspect for damaged/missing strands.
The Dial Position is NORMALLY the SAME as WIRE Size (see Envelope Drawing for exceptions).
Contact Contact | WIRE Range AWGs | Strip DimINCH
Size | _patNunbder_| WIRERange mes | StipDim [mm] | NOTE: Check tor Ml
20 PIN | 0460-202-20" 20 156-218 | Missing or nicked ||}
20 Socket |_0462-201-20"* {0.50} (3.96-5.54) | Strands after wire
1G PIN | 0460-202-16 16, 18, 20 2s0sizeg|) ms anoed
16 Socket | 0462-201-16"" | [1.5/1.0/0.75/0.50)} [6.35-7.92] Before crimping, be
16 PIN 0460-215-16"* 14% 250-312 sure ALL wire strands are
16 Socket |_0462-209-16" [2.0] {16.35-7.92]_} INSIDE of the crimp barrel
12 PIN 0460-204-12"* 12, 14 222-284 and visible at the inspection
42 Socket | 0462-203-12"" [3.0/2.5/2.0] [5.64-7.21) hole (sufficient wire length).
“* Plating codes: “*=31 1s “Gold” “= 141 is “Nickel”
+ NOTE: Use 1.5 dial position for these contacts on 14 AWG,
2. CONTACT CRIMPING: Cycie tool fo open handles. Remove lock clip. Raise and rotate dial to
select wire size. Replace lock clip. Adjust locator to produce crimps as shown below:
Strands should be visible through
inspection hole.
lle Grim must be CENTERED between end eX TO Rop
025.100" GAP f0.69-2.54, 0" MH barrel and inspection hole
between Contact & Insulation
NOTE: NEVER close tool ON GAGE G454. a
jose tool FIRST, THEN insert [GAGE G454) os
Do NOT use GAGE G454 with the HDP-400. [Gacecasa]
Use [GAGE G45q]in Dial Position [1.0/16 to check wear annually
under normal conditions. Check more often with high volume use.
CAUTION: To avoid DAMAGE, ALWAYS check Dial Position BEFORE Crimping.
(crimping LARGE wire at a small setting may permanently harm the tool).
3. MAINTENANCE: Clean tool and remove debris regularly. Inspect for loose or missing
hardware. To prevent rust or environmental damage, never leave HDT-48-00 tool outdoors.
Revision Letter: B___| Engineering Order Number: P1919 paps [OnE