JCosmeSci-Prevention of Hair Surface Aging
JCosmeSci-Prevention of Hair Surface Aging
JCosmeSci-Prevention of Hair Surface Aging
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The hydrophobic character of the surface of human hair is particularly attributed to the lipid
components of the epicuticle and to a layer of covalently bound fatty acids. This outer f-layer mainly
consists of 18-methyl eicosanoic acid (18-MEA), which is covalently bound to the underlying protein
matrix, forming the epicuticle as composite surface structure. Daily weathering and chemical
treatments, specifically oxidative bleaching, decrease the hydrophobicity of the outer hair surface
Multiple daily stress, simulated by an automatic test device including shampooing, blow drying and
sun light exposure, changed the lipid composition of hair significantly. A marked loss of 18-MEA was
observed. Decreasing contact angles are the direct consequence. A new method to determine the
“pseudo-static” contact angle on hair was developed. The results correlate with the corresponding
data obtained by dynamic contact angle measurements according to Wilhelmy. Besides that, the
resorption time of water droplets by the hair surface provides additional information about the
Specific proteolipids, which are lipid-modified keratins, are able to reconstruct the surface layer of
damaged hair by creating renewed surface hydrophobicity and extending the water resorption time by
Human hair is protected against extrinsic aging stress by a hydrophobic outer layer. The
intactness of which is essential for the consumer’s perception of healthy and shiny hair (5,6).
This outer layer, generally referred to as epicuticle, is a thin, chemically resistant layer, which
is estimated to contain a high proportion of lipids ranging from approx. 22% up to 44%
depending upon the method of removal and subsequent treatments (17). In addition to
solvent extractable lipids there are furthermore covalently bound lipids at the surface forming
bound as a thioester (1-3) to the cysteine residues in the underlying protein layer (4). This
Contact angle measurements of undamaged hair, taken near the scalp, show consistently
contact angles with water of 100° -110° (11,14). Due to daily aging and cosmetic influences
the hydrophobicity of the surface decreases. Hydrophilic regions are induced on the fibre
surface through the oxidation of the lipid end groups and the exposure of protein patches.
Thus hydrophilic effects increase along a hair towards the fibre tip due to removal of lipids on
the surface, leading to contact angles typically around 70° or 80° at the fibre tip (14). These
effects are mainly caused by UV light exposure, intensive shampooing, mechanical abrasion
and chemical processes e.g. oxidative bleaching. Oxidative bleaching might decrease the
established multiple day-by-day stress simulation was applied (7). This automatic test device
includes shampooing, blow drying and sun light exposure. The test procedure was carried
out by a robot, which offers a high degree of reproducibility with respect to the induced hair
damage profiles. The impact of different oxidative bleaching treatments was studied in
The contact angle of hair with water is an excellent parameter to indicate the general
damage constitution of the hair surface. It is easily measurable by means of the dynamic
principle according to Wilhelmy, a broadly published method for the determination of contact
angle on single hair fibres (10-14). Determination of the wettablility of a hair by the Wilhelmy
balance principle involves the measurement of the vertical force on hair fiber when contact
with the liquid is established (14). The forces F are recorded while the fibre is immersed into
the liquid. The contact angle is now accessible by knowing the fiber perimeter L and the
F L LV cos (1)
The resulting microbalance reading F includes the buoyancy force Fb on the fibre, the weight
F = F - Fb + Fg (2)
For a single human hair fibre the buoyancy force is negligible versus the wetting force F .
The weight of the hair is zeroed before the hair touches the surface of the liquid. Thus, the
Figure 1. Determination of the dynamic contact angle of single hair fibres in contact with water (13).
In addition to the dynamic single fibre approach a new method was developed to determine
the “pseudo static” contact angle formed by water droplets on parallel aligned hair collectives.
In order to reach the “pseudo-static” stage, hair should deliver contact angles above approx.
80°. If contact angles are lower, the water resorption by hair takes place too fast. The shape
of the droplet was recorded from a perpendicular positioned directly after deposition (approx.
1s). The evaluation is based on the asymptotical fitting of a tangent to the segment where the
The resorption time of the water droplet by the hair can be considered as an additional
parameter to evaluate the damage degree of the hair surface. Thus the droplet was
monitored over time and the elapsed time until the water was totally resorped by the hair was
resorption for severely damaged hair to no detectable resorption for virgin hair. Water
droplets remain for hours on virgin hair strands. They slowly shrink with evaporation. In
agreement with these observations medium bleached hair was used for this study. The
1s 20 s 25 s
28 s 29 s 30 s
Figure 3. Resorption process of a droplet of water on an aligned hair strand recorded from a
Objective of this study was to restore the natural properties of the virgin hair surface.
Considering the morphology of the outer hair surface, where lipids are covalently bound to a
protein matrix, lipid-modified proteins, the so called proteolipids, were tested as potential
Assuming that the adhesion and organization of proteolipids on the hair surface is controlled
forces), a lipophilic surface layer should be specifically formed, where protein patches are
exposed (Figure 4). The incorporation of proteolipids should increase the hydrophobicity of
Figure 4. Schematic diagram of hypothesis of the adhesion principle of proteolipids on damaged hair
For all tests a mixture of light brown Caucasian hair (Color Code 7/0) from Kerling
International Haarfabrik GmbH in Backnang (Germany) was used. The tests were performed
on hair strands (width 4 cm, length 13 cm, weight 250 mg) and on single fibers (length 30
An aqueous solution (pH 5.5) of 12.5% (w/v) sodium laureth sulfate was applied on hair (0.25
g / 1 g). The fibres were rubbed against each other for 1 min. Afterwards it was washed out
Aqua, sodium laureth sulfate, disodium cocoamphodiacetate, citric acid, sodium chloride,
Aqua, sodium laureth sulfate, disodium cocoamphodiacetate, citric acid, sodium chloride,
All investigations were performed with proteolipid CR which consists of an alkyl chain derived
from coco palm oil (C8-C18), a hydrolysed protein present in wool keratin and a quaternized
The stress simulation, consisting of shampooing, drying and sun exposure, was
automatically run by the RV E2 robot from Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Tokyo (Japan).
Firstly all hair samples were immersed into 160 ml of a solution of shampoo A for 3 min at a
temperature of 38°C. Afterwards the hair samples were removed from the vessel and rinsed
with 20 liter tap water at a temperature of 38°C for 2 min and dried with an air heater (LE
exposure was simulated for 60 min at 764 W with an ATLAS Suntest (CPS+, Chicago, USA).
The time for one cycle was approx. 2.5 h. 50 cycles in total are run automatically within 5
days (7).
Hair strands were treated for 45 min with a mixture of 6% hydrogen peroxide (Hyprox 500®,
Evonik) and 3% potassium persulfate (KPS-5®, Evonik) at pH 10. This mixture was spread
by using a brush and washed out with tap water at approx. 30 °C for 3 min.
Hair strands were treated for 50 min with 7 % hydrogen peroxide (Hyprox 500®, Evonik) at
pH 8.8. This mixture was spread by using a brush and washed out with tap water at approx.
30 °C for 3 min.
Hair strands were treated for 25 min with 3 % hydrogen peroxide (Hyprox 500®, Evonik) at
pH 9.5. This mixture was spread by using a brush and washed out with tap water at approx.
30 °C for 3 min.
Soxhlet apparatus. Alkaline catalyzed total hydrolysis of the hair material was performed with
2M alcoholic potassium hydroxide solution and the lipids were recovered by repeated hexane
extraction. Aliquots of the lipid extract were reacted with a silylation (MSHFBA, Macherey &
Nagel) reagent to form their trimethylsilylester derivatives and the fatty acids, namely 18-
coupling (GC-MS). Tridecanoic acid was applied as internal standard for quantitative
measurements. Duplicate sub-samples of each lipid extract were prepared and analyzed by
microscope MPM03, Zeiss, Jena, Germany). The fluorescence labeling of the proteins was
carried out with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) isomer I (Sigma, St. Louis, USA) (8, 9).
Scanning Force Microscopy (SFM) studies were conducted using a Nanoscope IIIa from
Digital Instruments operating in the tapping mode. Standard silicon cantilevers were used
frequency f0 330 kHz. Height and phase images were recorded simultaneously at a scan
rate of 1 Hz. All measurements were performed at amplitude A0 of the freely oscillating
cantilever of 30 50 nm. Set-point amplitudes Asp were in the range of 0.85 0.95A0 and
The determination of the dynamic contact angles was performed by the Tensiometer K14
(Krüss GmbH, Hamburg, Germany). The hair perimeter L was determined by immersing the
hair fiber in n-heptan (99%), which shows total wettability ( =0). Advancing contact angle
was measured in distilled water at 20 °C. The immersion rate was 1mm/min in root-tip
and fixed hair strand of 2 g weight and 18 cm length. The side of the droplet is recorded by
digital camera (D40 F/3.5-5.6, Nikon co., Japan). Camera perspective is a perpendicular to
cycles of shampooing, blow drying and sun light exposure) significant changes both in the
lipid composition and in the contact angle were detected. The contact angle dropped from
106° to 68° and the content of 18-MEA decreased by approximately 24 %. The ultra
bleaching process removed significantly more surface lipids and showed smaller contact
mg/ g hair
before aging "aged hair" ultra bleached
Figure 5. Amount of 18-MEA extracted from hair before (untreated) and after aging simulation (“aged
hair”) in comparison to the amount of 18-MEA extracted after ultra bleaching (ultra bleached).
120 106
Contact angle / °
80 68**
60 48**
before aging "aged hair" ultra bleached
Figure 6. Dynamic contact angles determined according to Wilhelmy before (untreated) and after
aging simulation (“aged hair”) in comparison to the contact angle of ultra bleached hair (ultra
bleached) (**p < 0,01 calculated between “before aging” and the samples).
A high affinity to the hair surface for the proteolipid SR was confirmed by means of
fluorescence microscopy. Hair was immerged into an aqueous solution of 0.15 % FITC-
labelled proteolipid for 5 min and rinsed out under tap water for 3 min. An intensive and
widespread surface coverage was detected for the ultra bleached hair (Figure 7a). Areas of
cuticle edges show the highest fluorescence intensity. “Aged” hair shows a much more
inhomogeneous light distribution. Here the fluorescence intensity is mainly located at cuticle
edges (Figure 7b). These differences in the fluorescence intensity correspond well to the
obtained differences in contact angles and the 18-MEA losses reported in Figures 5 und 6.
a b
Figure 7. Fluorescence micrograph of ultra bleached (a) and “aged” hair (b) treated (for 5 min) with
cuticle surface topography and possible lipid organization at the hair surface before and after
bleaching and after treatment with the lipid-modified keratins respectively. The upper graph
of Figure 8 shows the surface of the virgin hair after cosmetic relevant standard
cleansing; it is covered by a “mosaic structure” formed from stacks and terraces of lipids
demonstrated in Figure 8b. Instead a surface topography showing streaks oriented parallel to
the longitudinal axis of the hair is observed; a width of approx. 350 nm (in a range between
200 nm and 500 nm) at the basis of the streaks (black arrows in Figure 8b) is determined by
the nanoscope analysis while at their top ends a width of approx. 100 to 200 nm is measured
(pink arrows in Figure 8b). The indentations arranged parallel to the longitudinal fibre axis
high resolution in this study, smaller cavities of approx. 3 nm depths are observed on top of
The phenomenon of longitudinal “striations” has already been described for mammalian hair
by J. Smith (21) in 1997 and he assigned this “woodgrain appearance” to exocuticle material
exposed after the removal of epicuticle and A-layer due to damaging effects. Later Swift and
Smith (3) detected this striation phenomenon on the outer surface of a wide range of
mammalian keratin fibres afore subjected to a thorough cleansing procedure by either
determined the striations “to have a lateral spacing of 350 nm, to be of convex profile, and
rising to a height of approx. 9 nm”. These dimensions fit very well to those detailed above for
The rinse-off treatment of bleached hair with an aqueous solution of 0.15% proteolipid SR
changes the surface structure of the damaged hair significantly. Figure 9 shows in direct
comparison the SFM images of the virgin hair (a), the ultra bleached hair (b) and the ultra
bleached hair treated with an aqueous solution of proteolipid SR (c). In consequence of the
proteolipid treatment the striations are no longer visible and substituted by patterns which
rather resemble the multi layered structures observed for the virgin hair surface (a).
Figure 9. SFM image (topography) of a) virgin hair, b) ultra bleached hair and c) ultra bleached hair
solution of the proteolipid increases the contact angle significantly up to 54°. The effect of
proteolipid SR strongly depends on the damage degree of the hair surface, as shown in
Figure 11. The contact angle of ultra bleached hair increases more than 40% (from 48° to
69°). The surface properties of medium bleached hair do not significantly change and the
contact angle of the virgin hair surface slightly decreases. The latter effect may be explained
110 103
untreated treated
contact angle [°] 100
79 80
ultra bleached medium bleached (I) virgin
Figure 11. Dynamic contact angle of ultra bleached, medium bleached and virgin hair before and after
treatment with an aqueous solution of proteolipid SR (0.15%, m/m) (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01 calculated
Investigations by means of the droplet method delivered similar results for the medium
bleached hair (II) and the virgin hair. No significant difference between the “pseudo-static”
and the “dynamic” contact angle were found for untreated hair. In contrast to the dynamic
observed even on medium bleached hair by using the pseudo-static contact angle
measurement, as shown in Figure 12. The application of the droplet method on ultra
bleached hair is not feasible due to the quick water resorption by hair.
contact angle / °
78 Mean+/-1.96*Std.Err.
1 2
medium bleached hair (II) after treatment
Figure 12. Pseudo-static contact angle on medium bleached hair (II) before and after application of
The resorption time of the water droplet by the medium bleached hair (II) before and after the
resorption time / s
40 Mean
20 re f cro quat
Figure 13. Resorption time of water droplets by medium bleached (II) before and after application of
The multiple usage of shampoo B containing 0.15% proteolipid SR during the simulation of
approximately 100 Middle European summer days reduced the degree of aging damage
significantly. The decrease of the contact angle due to the simulated aging, as shown in
properties of virgin hair. Contact angles strongly decrease due to a significant loss of 18-
MEA. Ultra bleaching shows significantly stronger damage on the hair surface than the
simulated aging. The contact angle of hair with water is an accurate parameter to evaluate
the damage degree of the hair surface and the intactness of the F-layer. Contact angles can
strands under “pseudo-static” conditions. For the latter approach a new method was
established. The results of this method correlate well for untreated hair to the corresponding
Wilhelmy-data. The determination of the resorption time of the water droplets by hair offers
Specific proteolipids, which are lipid modified proteins, show a very high affinity to damaged
areas on the hair surface. This was confirmed by fluorescence microscopy and scanning
force microscopy studies. The distribution strongly depends on the damage degree of outer
hair surface. Due to the high surface deposition on damaged hair, proteolipids are able to
restore the natural hydrophobic properties of virgin hair. This surface restoration leads to an
The authors wish to thank Ahmed Mourran, DWI an der RWTH Aachen, for the performance
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