Daily Lesson Log: Don Carlos M. Mejias Memorial National High School
Daily Lesson Log: Don Carlos M. Mejias Memorial National High School
Daily Lesson Log: Don Carlos M. Mejias Memorial National High School
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of the emergence of the Social Sciences and the different disciplines
B. Performance Standard
The learners shall be able to connect the disciplines with their historical and social foundations
C. Learning The learners will:
Competencies/Objectives 1. The learners define Social Sciences as the study of society (HUMSS_DIS 11- IIIa-1)
2. The learner distinguishes Social and Natural Sciences and Humanities (HUMSS_DIS 11- IIIa-2
B. Establishing a purpose of the Teacher says: “What is the relevance of PICTURES INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY KWL Chart
lesson the previous activity to the lesson today?” CONCEPTUALIZATION: WORD IDENTIFICATION Completion
Sharing of ideas and concept. Ask the learners to give an idea about the The teacher will ask the Directions: Ask the learners to
pictures projected on wall students to identify if the word complete the KWL Chart about
Definition: related to social science or the definition of social science
SOCIAL SCIENCES - are all academic natural science. and natural science.
disciplines which deal with the man in
their social context. Biology History
- A science which deals with human Economics
behavior in its social and cultural Anthropology
aspects. Psychology Physics
Chemistry Political Science
Mathematics Zoology
C. Presenting Teacher says: “What is the relevance of Presenting the concept of Society in What is the connection of our Ask the learner to relate the What
examples/instances of the lesson the previous activity to the lesson today?” connection to the lesson for today. previous activity in our topic for concept of the activity in the Learn
Sharing of ideas and concept. today? KWL to the present lesson.
hat I
Definition: Want to
SOCIAL SCIENCES - are all academic Know
disciplines which deal with the man in
their social context.
- A science which deals with human
behavior in its social and cultural
practicing new skills #1 Directions: Divide the class into 4 groups PRESENTATION: The class will be grouped into PRESENTATION (15
and choose a leader to explain what their Discuss Social two. Each group will perform minutes):
presentation all about, each group will do Science as study of society. Ask the collaborative learning Show different video clips about
a role play showing the different behaviors learners to answer the following HOTS (brainstorming) about the words the different cultures and
they noticed in the community. questions: presented in the previous traditions in the Philippines.
(see attached rubrics) activity. A leader should be Then, let the learners answer
Processing of the activity, Let the 1. How does social science related to assigned for each group to the following questions:
learners give their ideas and concepts society? present their work. The teacher
about the activity. 2. What are the roles of social science in will serve as the facilitator 1. What are the different
the society? during their discussion. cultures and traditions in the
Discuss the concept of Social Science. Philippines?
2. Are cultures and traditions
related to people? If yes,
G. Finding practical As Senior High School learners, how do Ask the learner: What is social sciences Ask the learners: Ask the learner how can
applications of concepts and you apply the social science in your daily and how can it be used to study and How natural science can be humanities be applied to our
skills in daily living living? understand society? used in our daily lives? daily living?
H. Making generalization Ask the learners on how to define Social Science as study of society? Ask the leaners to differentiate Ask the learners to distinguish
and abstractions about the social science and natural between Social and Humanities.
lesson science.
I. Evaluating learning Individual Activity Pencil and Paper Test: Ask the learners to define the DIORAMA MAKING
Literacy- Sentence Completion Write True if the statement is correct and natural science? The learner will be asked to turn
Directions: The learners will complete the False if not. the classroom into mini museum.
sentence: ____1. Social Science can be used to study
The social science and understand society. (see the attached rubric for this
__________________________________ ____ 2. Socialization affects the ever all activity)
__________________________________ cultural practices or a society, but it does
__________________________________ not shape one’s self-image.
_____ 3. Most social scientists believe
heredity is the most important factor
influencing human development.
_____ 4. Social Sciences perspective can
be used to address issue or problem.
_____ Society refers to a group of people
who share a culture and a territory.
J. Additional activities for Assignment:
application or remediation Teacher will ask students to bring any
indigenous materials or art materials about
the community to be used in their diorama
activity for day 4.
A. No. of learners who
mastered the given competency
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up w/ the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share w/ other