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Height at Pt. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard in Complience To

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1 (Januari, 2023) pp 79-86


Trisno Susilo

Teknik Perkapalan, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Karimun

E-mail : [email protected]

Working at Height is very common activity in Shipyard. Working at Height is an activity which carried
out by people or workers at least at 1.8 meters high from the ground floor or bottom. Working at height
has several risks that could threaten the health of the workforce, including falls, being hit by material
from above, hypoxia, decompression, sinusitis, visual disturbances, and mental and psychological
disorders. Therefore, Managing Working at Height is very crucial and need a special attention from Top
Management of the Company or Organization. PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard has a policy to
manage the workforce which involve on Working at height to protect them from all the risk while they
are working at height. The purpose of this research is to analyse the Management system on Working
at Height adopted by PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard compere with Indonesian Regulation and the
Expertise perspective. The Result of this research showing that the Management on Working at Height
adopted by PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard is more stringent or above the Indonesian Regulation
requirement as stated in Permenaker No.9 year 2016. Therefore it can be take as a sample for other
companies to comply the similar policy on the Management of Working at Height.

Keywords: Management, working at height, regulation

Work accidents at height are mostly caused by workers who are negligent about what they are
doing, the behavior of employees who do not care about safety. For accidents caused by negligence,
work methods can be carried out by providing proper direction or training. To ensure the success of
industrial development, work safety aspects play an important role in minimizing the risks of hazards
in the workplace. In this case safety of work must pay a special attention for the success of company
programs in order to increase productivity for the company.
PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard has core business on Ship & Offshore Building, Ship’s
repair and Marine Services. PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard occupied an area of 25 Ha, which has
offices building, fabrication workshops, fabrication areas, machine shops and launch ways. PT.
Karimun Sembawang Shipyard operated the finger pier with excellent water depth. Based on the Chart
Datum sea depths greater than 30 meters in front of the yard are suitable for Very Large Crude Carriers
(VLCC). The two nearby islands, Pulau Mudu and Pulau Assam, provide shelter with calm seas for
vessels that dock in the yard for repairs. The climate is almost the same as Singapore, where ship repair
and ship building activities can be carried out all year round. The 400 meter ship repair pier (SRP)
which is equipped with traveling cranes with a capacity of 15 tons and 35 tons provides efficient
handling to serve vessels that lean on the SRP. Each pond pole in this SRP has a capacity of 100 tons
each, which can accommodate all types of vessel sizes. It is ideal for repair work as long as the vessel
and vessel are laying off. The following Integrated Management System Manual. procedures and
supporting instructions are made with reference to ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2018 standards.
Occupational Health and Safety has an important role in preventing and overcoming the risk of
accidents, as well as securing company assets. Working at Height According to Indonesian Regulation:
Permenaker 09 of 2016 Working at heights is an activity or work activity carried out by the workforce
at a workplace above the ground or waters where there is a difference in height and has the potential to
fall which causes Worker or Other Persons in the workplace Injury or Dies or causes property damage”.
PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard which specializing in the shipping industry, where the main
activity has many risks. It is clear that these risks must be minimized. In addition to the risk of loss due


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JURNAL CAFETARIA Vol. 4 No. 1 (Januari, 2023) pp 79-86

to equipment damage, another thing that can be avoided is the risk of work accidents for employees
who are working. One of the jobs that contain elements of high risk that can cause losses is work related
to height. Many problems arise when workers work at heights, for example workers do not use personal
protective equipment (Full Body Harnesses), unsafe scaffolding is used. One way to minimize risk. To
support the smooth running of work, working at heights must have a prevention and control system for
working at heights, namely work procedures, PPE and scaffolding. Procedures for working at height
and prevention of falls, PPE and scaffolding should be observed, workers who work at height must also
go through the training stage first considering that safety is the main foundation for any work carried
out at PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard. This is in accordance with Law No. 1 of 1970, that every
worker has the right to protection for safety in carrying out work.
Management (or managing) is the administration of an organization, whether it is a business, a
nonprofit organization, or a government body. It is the art and science of managing resources of the
business. Management includes the activities of setting the strategy of an organization and coordinating
the efforts of its employees (or of volunteers) to accomplish its objectives through the application of
available resources, such as financial, natural, technological, and human resources.
According to Mary Parker Follet, management is the art of getting things done through other
people. This means that a manager is in charge of managing and directing other people to achieve
organizational goals. According to Ricky W. Griffin, management is a process of planning, organizing,
coordinating, and controlling resources to achieve goals effectively and efficiently. Effective means
that goals can be achieved according to planning, while efficient means that existing tasks are carried
out correctly, organized and according to schedule. Management is getting results through people. It is
often said that management produces order and consistency while leadership produces change and

This research is adopting the Quantitative-Analytic Method where the Researcher will observe
the availability of documents which include the Management’s policy, the working procedure and
observe the actual activities in the field. The data collection method used by the authors in this study is
uni-variate, the authors identify the suitability of the variables studied and compare them with the
standards used as guidelines.
Primary data is data obtained directly in the field in carrying out Final Project activities. The
author will conduct field observations and interviews by preparing a number of questions related to
Working at Height. Secondary data is obtained from company documents, books and previous reports
in the company related to Working at Height.


To carry out Comprehensive analysis on the Management on Working at Height adopted by
PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard, Researcher using the Indonesian Government Regulation related
to Working at Height named Permenaker No. 9 year 2016 as parameter to measure the compliances. In
addition, researcher also referring to the statement from Experts to raise this research analysis to be
more comprehensive.

Working At Height As Permenaker 09 of 2016

The Government of Republic of Indonesia issued the Specific Regulation for Working at Height
which well known as Permenaker No. 9 year 2016. This regulation to be comply for all company or
organization which operating under the jurisdiction of Republic of Indonesia. Definition of Working at
Height According to Permenaker 09 of 2016: "Working at height is an activity or work activity carried
out by the workforce in a workplace on the surface of the ground or water where there is a difference
in altitude and has the potential to fall which causes the Workforce or Other Persons who are in the
workplace Injured or Died or causes damage to property thing".


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JURNAL CAFETARIA Vol. 4 No. 1 (Januari, 2023) pp 79-86

Permenaker No 09 of 2016 requires employers and/or administrators to implement K3 when

working at heights. The application of K3 can be done by ensuring the following things: 1). Planning;
2). Working Procedure (To do work at height); 3). Safe Work Method; 4). Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE), Fall Protection Devices and Anchors; 5). Competent Manpower. At the planning
stage, it must ensure that work can be carried out safely with adequate ergonomic conditions through
the access or egress routes that have been provided.
Then, still in the planning stage, the entrepreneur and/or management must: 1). Provide work
equipment to minimize fall distances or reduce the consequences of labor falls; 2). Implement
a work permit system at height and give instructions or do other things related to working
conditions. Work Procedures must also exist to provide guidance to workers, this procedure must
ensure that the Workforce understands well the contents contained therein. Some of the things that must
be included in the procedure for working at height include: 1). Fall protection methods; 2). How to
manage equipment; 3). Methodology of supervising work; 4). Workplace Safety and security;
5). Emergency preparedness and response.
Every employer and/or administrator is required to install work area restriction devices to
prevent unauthorized persons from entering. The division of regional categories includes Danger Areas,
Alert Areas and Safe Areas. Every employer and/or management must ensure that there are no falling
objects that can cause injury or death, limiting the weight of goods that workers can carry to a maximum
of 5 kilograms outside of PPE, goods weighing more than 5 kilograms must be up and down using a
pulley system. In addition, employers and/or administrators are required to plan and conduct emergency
response preparedness training. Ensure that control measures have been taken to prevent workers from
falling or reduce the impact of falls from a height whether carried out on fixed work platforms,
temporary work platforms, scaffolding or scaffolding, working at height in nature, when moving from
one place to another, working on rope access, or in an inclined working plane position. In article 31,
employers and/or administrators are required to provide a workforce that is competent as evidenced by
a certificate of competency and is authorized in the K3 field in work at height as evidenced by a K3
license issued by the Director General.

Management of Working At Height at PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard

At PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard working at a height is exactly follow and according to
the latest regulations from the Minister of Manpower No. 9 of 2016 for the category of working at
height which stated for any work with the potential for workers to fall from a place that has a different
height without mentioning minimum distance from the workplace to ground level. Referring to the
above, The Management of working at height at PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard could be specify
into the followings: a). Planing. PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard implement Multi-stages Planning
for Working at Height. The First Stage Planning is base on Master Schedule which called High Level
Planning done by Project Manager. The second Stage is Planning base on Daily activity work as
discussed very detail at Vessel Safety Coordination Committee (VSCC) meeting chaired by Project
Engineer and Assist by HSE Officer as a VSCC Secretary. Third Stage is the Planning on site by
Supervisor which conducted before Working at Height activity take place.

Figure 1. Risk Assesment (RA) Breiefing by Supervisor before Start Work


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JURNAL CAFETARIA Vol. 4 No. 1 (Januari, 2023) pp 79-86

b). Working Procedure. Working procedure for Working at Height registered in PT. Karimun
Sembawang Shipyard Documents Management System (DMS) No. WI-SF-03.

Figure 2. Document Management System (DMS)

Working at Height in the circle

Procedures for working at height are intended to explain how to work properly to organize and
coordinate work so that work can be done run well and safely. This procedure must be able to ensure
the safety of personnel, equipment and the environment including all people around the work and all
aspects involved in it. Any employee working at a height of 1.8 meters or over an inappropriate railing
or other, appropriate fall protection must be installed or used. The selection and use of a personal fall
arrest system must be selected to suit the specific hazardous situation. While a particular system may
be suitable for some situations, it should not be considered a “one size fits all.” Personal fall arrest
systems including ladders should be inspected regularly, including before each use. Any component
with significant defects must be withdrawn from service immediately, and must be marked as unusable,
or destroyed. (ISO 45001-2018)

Safe Working Method

Safe working Methods are clearly specified on the Job Safety Analysis (JSA) and Risk
Assessment (RA) Document and have to Brief and Explain to the workers involving in the Working at
Height. As for control measure, PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard has implemented the Permit for
both the Scaffolding Structure as well as for Working at Height itself. PT. Karimun Sembawang
Shipyard managing the work activities by implementing Permit To Work System (PTW). Working at
Height is one of the high risk activities which required Work Permit. The Basic Requirement for
Working at Height is the availability of working platform (commonly use Scaffolding) with following
condition: 1). Scaffolding structure Must be Checked and monitored by the HSE team; 2). There must
be a permit Tag on the scaffolding and ladder. The Next step is to alert the workers on Potential Hazard
Awareness during Working at Height which are including but not limited to: 1). Drop object; 2).
Collapsed Structure.


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JURNAL CAFETARIA Vol. 4 No. 1 (Januari, 2023) pp 79-86

Figure 3. Scafolding Tags : Do Not Use and OK to Use which using to indicate the categories of

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Base on the observation, PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard has very stringent policy for the
employees to comply with Personal Protective Equipment policy, especially on Working at Height
Management which include : 1). Individual safety equipment for all workers consisting of safety
clothing, shoes, gloves, goggles, ear plugs, and helmets. 2). Full body harness with 2 lanyards.

Competent Manpower
The Employees of PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard are compulsory to attent and passed
Safty Induction and Basic Safety Training (BST) before start working in this company. The materials
of The BST is include the “8 Life Saving Rules” which adopted as Safety Slogan and Safety Culture in
this company.
On top of the Compliance on the Five (5) Mandatory items as stated on the Government
regulation Permenaker No. 9 year 2016 as explained on the above, PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard
also implement additional measure to ensure all personal involve on the Working at Height are in the
safe condition before, during and after carried out Working at Height activities.

Preparation Stage
1) Risk assessment (RA) and Job Safety Analysis (JSA) must be conducted before start any work
2) Hierarchy of control to be fully implemented.

Figure 4. Hierarchy of Control

1) Elimination: an attempt to eliminate.

2) Substitution: the process of replacing hazardous materials or procedures with safer ones.
3) Engineering: segregation of hazards to prevent risks from occurring, engineering engineering
is usually carried out in the form of modifications in such a way that potential hazards can be

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JURNAL CAFETARIA Vol. 4 No. 1 (Januari, 2023) pp 79-86

4) Administrative control: administrative control can also be used as a means of control by

planning procedures that are deemed necessary, such as labels on scaffolding, signs or posters.
5) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Personal protective equipment is the ultimate control.
Personal protective equipment is a tool that is used on our bodies to protect ourselves from
certain objects.

Job Execution Stage

During this stage, The Respective Supervisor and HSE personal are full time on site for
Supervising the Jobs. In principle they do combine supervision, however each of them has specific roles
to follow. Supervisor is to ensure that the Jobs are carried out according to Working procedure while
HSE personal is to ensure that the job executed base on the Risk Assessment and Job Safety Analysis

Completion Stage
After the job completed or by end of the day, Supervisor and HSE personal will call the workers
to go down in an orderly manners. When all the workers have been reach back to ground floor,
supervisor will call them back for de-briefing. The topic in this debriefing is to evaluate of the overall
performance of the group for the day and how to improve the performance for tomorrow. In this regards
researcher found that PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard always encourage the employee for
“continues improvement”.
Working at height is work that requires the movement of the workforce to move vertically up
or down from a platform. From some statistical data, it shows that accidents caused by falling from a
height rank second in the statistics for the causes of accidents and can even cause death for victims.
Accidents caused by working at heights that often occur are when the worker gets up or down from the
work location or when the worker moves. Risma Haryati (2016).
Working at height has a great potential for danger. So when installing or dismantling the
scaffolding, the area must be barricaded and must be given an information board that there is
dismantling or installing scaffolding so that workers are not allowed to use or climb on the scaffolding.
This is because only people with personal authorization are allowed to climb or repair the scaffolding.
Law No. 1 of 1970 concerning Occupational Safety mandates that administrators must show
and explain to each workforce about conditions and hazards in the workplace, required safety equipment
and protective equipment, personal protective equipment and safe ways and attitudes in doing work. In
addition, management can only hire workers who are believed to have understood the requirements for
occupational safety and health for the job.
In order to have the smooth running of work, working at height must have a work prevention
and control system, one of which is with procedures. Workers may work at heights with the following
conditions (Risma Hariati, 2010): 1). Install footrests and barriers that are strong enough or semi-
permanent, and able to withstand the load if the worker falls; 2). If it is not possible to install protection
as in the point above, then scaffolding or scaffolding must be used; 3). If scaffolding or scaffolding
cannot be used, then a work safety device (body harness / safety bell) must be worn that is able to protect
workers from the risk of falling from a height; 4). If a ladder is to be used, it is necessary to ensure that
the work can be completed in a short time, the ladder is strong enough and installed in a stable position,
and do not force to reach tools or materials that are difficult to reach; 5). For painting work at height
use rollers and install poles, adjust to the height; 6). If all the alternatives above cannot be carried out,
it must be reported to the work supervisor that the work is not safe to carry out. 7). Other matters that
must also be considered include: a). Wear work clothes correctly and according to standards. b). Wear
a hat or safety helmet (safety helmet). c). Wear Safety shoes. d). Wear gloves and sleeves made of anti-
scratch material. e). Clean the workplace from dirt or other objects that can interfere with the work


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JURNAL CAFETARIA Vol. 4 No. 1 (Januari, 2023) pp 79-86

Based on the results of the research, discussion and analysis that has been carried out regarding
controlling the hazards of working at height, several conclusions can be drawn as follows:
1. The Management of Working at Height in PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard is fully
compliance and even Above the Requirement as stated in Permenaker No. 09 of 2016.where
the procedure is conveyed through training on working at height, safety induction, and safety
2. From the results of research conducted by researchers, the workers already understand a lot
about the hazard control system for Working at height.
3. The Management of Working at Height in PT. Karimun Sembawang Shipyard could be used
as a pilot project or Reference for other Shipyards or Companies/Organizations especially in
this region to boost them to be a World Class Company/Organization.


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JURNAL CAFETARIA Vol. 4 No. 1 (Januari, 2023) pp 79-86


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