Ja200299u Si 002
Ja200299u Si 002
Ja200299u Si 002
Supplementary information
1. General Considerations
NMR measurements were made on a Bruker Avance III series 400 MHz NMR
spectrometer (1H at 400.13 MHz, 31P at 161 MHz, 15N at 40 MHz) or a Bruker Avance II
series 700 MHz (1H at 700.13 MHz, 31P at 282 MHz, 15N at 70 MHz). NMR samples
were made up in Young’s tap equipped 5 mm NMR tubes.
2. Synthetic procedures
3. Sample Preparation
Samples for the substrate polarisation tests were typically prepared as follows:
The substrate to be polarised (0.062 mmol) was dissolved in d4-methanol (400 µl). To
this solution was added 0.0031 mmol of catalyst (for example, with [IrCl(cod)(IMes)],
200 µL of a 10mg/mL solution was added). The resulting solutions were then taken up
by syringe and transferred into a Young’s tap NMR tube. The sample was then degassed
on a high-vacuum line via three ‘cool’-pump-thaw cycles (the sample was cooled to –78
۫°C rather than frozen in liquid N2 to avoid cracking of the NMR tube upon thawing).
Parahydrogen, at a pressure of 3.0 atmospheres was then admitted to the NMR tube.
4. Sample Polarization
A sample was prepared as described above. The sample was shaken (to replenish the
parahydrogen level in solution) for approximately 5 seconds and rapidly (within 5
seconds) inserted into the NMR spectrometer, after which NMR spectra were
immediately acquired. After several shakes, the parahydrogen is usually depleted,
resulting in lower signal enhancement. Replenishing the parahydrogen in the NMR tube
at this stage restores the original degree of enhancement.
Vazquez-Serrano, L. D.; Owens, B. T.; Buriak, J. M. Inorg. Chim. Acta 2006, 359, 2786.
Pavlik, J. W.; Laohhasurayotin, S. J. Heterocycl. Chem. 2007, 44, 1485.
5. Evaluation of catalyst loading
The effect of catalyst loading on the degree of enhancement observed for pyridine
was investigated. A range of samples were prepared, each comprising of 600 µL of a
methanol solution of the catalyst and pyridine, with catalyst and substrate
concentrations as detailed below in
Table s1. Each sample was then degassed before 3 atmosphere of parahydrogen was
admitted. The initial reaction with H2 was monitored by 1H NMR spectroscopy until
complete consumption of the iridium starting material [IrCl(cod)(IMes)] had occurred. At
this point the sample is activated. The sample was then degassed and 3 atm. of fresh
parahydrogen admitted. The sample was then shaken at earth’s magnetic field for 10
seconds before being rapidly inserted into the spectrometer where a single scan 1H NMR
spectrum was acquired. After complete relaxation of the polarisation a second NMR
spectrum was obtained with the same acquisition parameters in order to measure the
signal due to thermal polarisation. The enhancements were then calculated as described in
section six of this document.
For each sample, three polarisation/measurement steps were completed and the
calculated enhancements from each step averaged to give the values presented below
Table s1.
Catalyst [IrCl(cod)(Imes)
Sample loading [Py] / mM ] / mM sub:cat ratio
1 0.1% 103.45 0.10 1000
2 0.5% 103.45 0.52 200
3 1.0% 103.45 1.03 100
4 1.5% 103.45 1.55 67
5 2.0% 103.45 2.07 50
6 2.5% 103.45 2.59 40
7 5.0% 103.45 5.17 20
8 10.0% 103.45 10.34 10
Table s1: Catalyst and substrate concentration for studies on the effect of substrate :
catalyst ratio on the degree of enhancement observed for pyridine. The total volume of
all samples was always 600 µL. Table s2 contains the matching signal enhancements.
1 1 1
mol % ortho H meta H para H
cat resonance resonance resonance
0.10 -8 4 -7
0.50 -19 10 -15
1.00 -41 20 -32
1.50 -58 29 -47
2.00 -59 35 -48
2.50 -138 101 -121
5.00 -235 191 -195
10.00 -367 327 -357
Table s2: Effect of the catalyst loading (precatalyst used was [IrCl(cod)(IMes)]) on the
pyridine 1H enhancements for the indicated sites when the reaction occurs in the earth’s
magnetic field.
The effect of the parahydrogen pressure on the degree of enhancement observed for the
two meta protons of pyridine was then investigated. A sample was prepared containing
600 µL of a d4-methanol solution which was 103.45 mM in pyridine and 5.17 mM in
[IrCl(cod)(IMes)]. This sample was then polarised for a series of reactions at a range of
pressures of parahydrogen and the degree of enhancement observed at each pressure was
quantified. These data are summarised in Figure s1
enhancement factor
1 1.5 2 2.5 3
pressure of p-H2 / atm
The activation parameters for H2 and pyridine exchange in [4a]Cl are presented below in
Table s3. The rate data used in obtaining these values for these processes at a range of
temperatures are presented in Tables s4 and s5. Eying plots are shown in Figure s2 and
Figure s3 The activation parameters use twice the rate constants for of forward reaction
in order to take into account reversibility at the transition state.3
T /s
268 K 0.11
275 K 0.32
280 K 0.78
285 K 1.19
290 K 2.73
295 K 5.93
300 K 11.79
3.3000E- 3.3500E- 3.4000E- 3.4500E- 3.5000E- 3.5500E- 3.6000E- 3.6500E- 3.7000E- 3.7500E- 3.8000E-
03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03
ln 2k/T
M. L. H. Green, L. L. Wong and A. Sella, Organometallics, 1992, 11, 2660
T rate / s
300 8.89
295 4.89
290 2.73
280 0.84
275 0.44
270 0.23
3.3333E-03 3.3898E-03 3.4483E-03 3.5088E-03 3.5714E-03 3.6364E-03 3.7037E-03
ln k/T
For calculation of the enhancement of 1H NMR signals the following formula was used:
E = enhancement
Spol = signal of polarized sample
Sunpol = signal of unpolarized (reference) sample
Experimentally, the reference spectra were acquired with the same sample that was used
for the hyperpolarised measurement after it had fully relaxed (typically 5-10 minutes at
high magnetic field). Reference and polarized spectra were collected using identical
acquisition parameters, particularly the receiver gain. The raw integrals of the relevant
resonances in the polarized and unpolarized spectra were used to determine the
enhancement level.
In order to complete these studies a flow system was designed to enable a solution
containing the catalyst [IrCl(cod)(IMes)] and the nitrogen heterocycle pyridine to be
polarised using parahydrogen within a reaction chamber outside the main NMR magnet.
This solution was then transferred into the Bruker Avance III series 400 MHz
spectrometer for interrogation in a NMR flow probe. Once interrogated, the solution
could be returned to a polarising chamber and this process repeated as required. A coil
surrounded the reaction chamber such that a magnetic field could be generated in the z
direction. This coil was designed to produce static DC fields in the range of -150 to 150
The reaction chamber contained a solution comprising [IrCl(cod)(IMes)] (10 mg), the
nitrogen heterocycle (0.31 mmol), and 3 mL d4-methanol. Parahydrogen, prepared by
cooling hydrogen gas over charcoal in a copper block at 30 K, was then bubbled through
the solution at a pressure of 2 bar for ten seconds before this flow was stopped. The
solution was then allowed to settle for one second before transferring into the TXO flow
probe head (flow cell volume 200 µl) that was located within the NMR system. Once the
solution had transferred into the NMR flow probe head it was allowed to settle for 1 s
before a single scan 1H NMR spectrum was collected. In order to probe the signal
intensity variation with the magnetic field experienced by the sample during the reaction,
a series of 1H NMR spectra were collected, in steps of 5 G. Five NMR spectra were
collected at each point to ensure reproducibility. The solution was allowed to equilibrate
for five minutes to ensure that the polarisation level had decayed to its thermal
equilibrium value between each run.
The following figures highlight the effect of the magnetic field on the polarisation
transfer from parahydrogen. This clearly results in a substantial variation in the degree of
signal enhancement when compared with the same NMR spectrum collected under
normal, thermal, conditions. The resonances shown in Figures s4 - s6 were recorded in
the same experiment (i.e. the data for the different resonances are extracted from a single
H trace at each magnetic field).
Figure s4: Intensity of the ortho pyridine resonance, of over the polarization transfer
field range of 0 to +150 G. Spectra were recorded in steps of 5 G.
Figure s5: Intensity of the para pyridine resonance, of over the polarization transfer field
range of 0 to +150 G. Spectra were recorded in steps of 5 G.
Figure s6: Intensity of the meta pyridine resonance, of over the polarization transfer field
range of 0 to +150 G. Spectra were recorded in steps of 5 G.
X-ray data were obtained for a crystal of 4a[PF6] at 110 K using a Bruker Smart Apex
diffractometer with Mo Kα radiation (ν = 0.71073 Å) in conjunction with a SMART
CCD camera. Diffractometer control, data collection and initial unit cell determination
was performed using “SMART” (v5.625 Bruker-AXS). Frame integration and unit-cell
refinement software was carried out with the “SAINT+” (v6.22, Bruker AXS) package.
Absorption corrections were applied by SADABS (v2.03, Sheldrick). The structure was
solved via a Patterson map using ShelXS (Sheldrick, 1997) and refined using ShelXL
(Sheldrick, 1997).
Figure s7: ORTEP plot of the cation of 4a[PF6].MeOH in the solid state. Ellipsoids are
set at 50 % probability; hydrogen atoms and solvent molecules are omitted for clarity.
Selected bond lengths (Å) and angles (°): C1–Ir1 1.989(3), Ir1–N1 2.220(3), Ir1–N2
2.192(3), Ir1–N3 2.129(3), C1–Ir1–N3 173.55(12), C1–Ir1–N2 93.89(12), C1–Ir1–N1
102.17(12), N3–Ir1–N1 83.10(11), N2–Ir1–N1 96.80(11).
Table s6. Crystal data and structure refinement for 4a[PF6].
Identification code sbd0901
Empirical formula C37 H45 F6 Ir N5 O P
Formula weight 912.95
Temperature 110(2) K
Wavelength 0.71073 Å
Crystal system Orthorhombic
Space group Pbca
Unit cell dimensions a = 14.6676(8) Å α= 90°.
b = 18.9334(11) Å β= 90°.
c = 27.3174(16) Å γ = 90°.
Volume 7586.2(8) Å 3
Z 8
Density (calculated) 1.599 Mg/m3
Absorption coefficient 3.628 mm-1
F(000) 3648
Crystal size 0.26 x 0.21 x 0.10 mm3
Theta range for data collection 1.49 to 28.32°.
Index ranges -19<=h<=19, -25<=k<=25, -36<=l<=36
Reflections collected 75388
Independent reflections 9444 [R(int) = 0.0410]
Completeness to theta = 28.32° 99.9 %
Absorption correction Semi-empirical from equivalents
Max. and min. transmission 0.696 and 0.480
Refinement method Full-matrix least-squares on F2
Data / restraints / parameters 9444 / 0 / 476
Goodness-of-fit on F2 1.031
Final R indices [I>2sigma(I)] R1 = 0.0310, wR2 = 0.0736
R indices (all data) R1 = 0.0447, wR2 = 0.0815
Largest diff. peak and hole 2.058 and -0.877 e.Å-3
Table s7. Atomic coordinates ( x 104) and equivalent isotropic displacement
parameters (Å2x 103) for 4a[PF6]. U(eq) is defined as one third of the trace of the
orthogonalized Uij tensor.
x y z U(eq)
C(1) 6572(2) 2585(2) 3717(1) 22(1)
C(2) 5142(3) 2912(2) 3468(2) 31(1)
C(3) 5479(3) 3451(2) 3727(2) 32(1)
C(4) 6899(2) 3697(2) 4184(1) 24(1)
C(5) 7456(2) 4200(2) 3956(1) 25(1)
C(6) 7973(2) 4639(2) 4265(2) 29(1)
C(7) 7934(3) 4581(2) 4771(2) 31(1)
C(8) 7355(3) 4083(2) 4981(2) 32(1)
C(9) 6823(2) 3633(2) 4690(1) 28(1)
C(10) 7471(3) 4288(2) 3413(1) 30(1)
C(11) 8512(3) 5063(2) 5088(2) 42(1)
C(12) 6174(3) 3115(2) 4919(2) 37(1)
C(13) 5640(2) 1715(2) 3230(1) 24(1)
C(14) 5377(2) 1143(2) 3520(1) 24(1)
C(15) 5242(2) 497(2) 3290(1) 28(1)
C(16) 5346(2) 415(2) 2786(1) 31(1)
C(17) 5552(2) 1007(2) 2511(1) 30(1)
C(18) 5684(2) 1668(2) 2721(1) 28(1)
C(19) 5212(3) 1224(2) 4060(1) 30(1)
C(20) 5186(3) -293(2) 2543(2) 42(1)
C(21) 5795(3) 2314(2) 2403(2) 37(1)
C(22) 9265(3) 3126(2) 3593(1) 28(1)
C(23) 10049(3) 3509(2) 3680(2) 34(1)
C(24) 10313(3) 3638(2) 4156(2) 36(1)
C(25) 9770(3) 3381(2) 4525(2) 34(1)
C(26) 8994(3) 3000(2) 4413(1) 28(1)
C(27) 8075(3) 1149(2) 2924(2) 33(1)
C(28) 8171(3) 955(3) 2442(2) 44(1)
C(29) 8165(3) 1464(3) 2084(2) 46(1)
C(30) 8058(3) 2158(3) 2223(2) 39(1)
C(31) 7955(2) 2318(2) 2716(1) 28(1)
C(32) 8692(3) 847(2) 4371(2) 31(1)
C(33) 9368(3) 360(2) 4484(2) 37(1)
C(34) 10195(3) 392(2) 4242(2) 35(1)
C(35) 10327(3) 918(2) 3900(1) 33(1)
C(36) 9612(3) 1375(2) 3799(1) 29(1)
Ir(1) 7693(1) 2023(1) 3846(1) 19(1)
N(1) 8736(2) 2860(2) 3950(1) 23(1)
N(2) 7964(2) 1830(2) 3068(1) 24(1)
N(3) 8796(2) 1341(2) 4026(1) 23(1)
N(4) 6352(2) 3253(2) 3876(1) 24(1)
N(5) 5803(2) 2386(2) 3463(1) 24(1)
P(1) 7640(1) 714(1) 6585(1) 39(1)
F(1) 8133(2) -16(2) 6667(1) 68(1)
F(2) 7822(3) 672(3) 6008(2) 95(1)
F(3) 7154(2) 1459(2) 6499(2) 76(1)
F(4) 7443(3) 766(2) 7137(1) 82(1)
F(5) 6709(2) 316(2) 6512(1) 66(1)
F(6) 8566(2) 1119(2) 6650(1) 75(1)
C(37) 8132(7) 2392(8) 5635(4) 181(7)
O(1) 7501(8) 2714(4) 6007(3) 195(5)
Table s7. Bond lengths [Å] and angles [°] for 4a[PF6].
C(1)-N(5) 1.377(4)
C(1)-N(4) 1.377(4)
C(1)-Ir(1) 1.989(3)
C(2)-C(3) 1.336(5)
C(2)-N(5) 1.391(4)
C(2)-H(2) 0.9500
C(3)-N(4) 1.395(5)
C(3)-H(3) 0.9500
C(4)-C(9) 1.393(5)
C(4)-C(5) 1.401(5)
C(4)-N(4) 1.434(4)
C(5)-C(6) 1.405(5)
C(5)-C(10) 1.494(5)
C(6)-C(7) 1.387(6)
C(6)-H(6) 0.9500
C(7)-C(8) 1.393(6)
C(7)-C(11) 1.518(5)
C(8)-C(9) 1.401(5)
C(8)-H(8) 0.9500
C(9)-C(12) 1.503(5)
C(10)-H(10A) 0.9800
C(10)-H(10B) 0.9800
C(10)-H(10C) 0.9800
C(11)-H(11A) 0.9800
C(11)-H(11B) 0.9800
C(11)-H(11C) 0.9800
C(12)-H(12A) 0.9800
C(12)-H(12B) 0.9800
C(12)-H(12C) 0.9800
C(13)-C(18) 1.393(5)
C(13)-C(14) 1.397(5)
C(13)-N(5) 1.442(4)
C(14)-C(15) 1.390(5)
C(14)-C(19) 1.501(5)
C(15)-C(16) 1.394(5)
C(15)-H(15) 0.9500
C(16)-C(17) 1.383(6)
C(16)-C(20) 1.513(5)
C(17)-C(18) 1.390(5)
C(17)-H(17) 0.9500
C(18)-C(21) 1.509(5)
C(19)-H(19A) 0.9800
C(19)-H(19B) 0.9800
C(19)-H(19C) 0.9800
C(20)-H(20A) 0.9800
C(20)-H(20B) 0.9800
C(20)-H(20C) 0.9800
C(21)-H(21A) 0.9800
C(21)-H(21B) 0.9800
C(21)-H(21C) 0.9800
C(22)-N(1) 1.344(5)
C(22)-C(23) 1.381(5)
C(22)-H(22) 0.9500
C(23)-C(24) 1.380(6)
C(23)-H(23) 0.9500
C(24)-C(25) 1.372(6)
C(24)-H(24) 0.9500
C(25)-C(26) 1.381(5)
C(25)-H(25) 0.9500
C(26)-N(1) 1.348(4)
C(26)-H(26) 0.9500
C(27)-N(2) 1.357(5)
C(27)-C(28) 1.372(6)
C(27)-H(27) 0.9500
C(28)-C(29) 1.372(7)
C(28)-H(28) 0.9500
C(29)-C(30) 1.376(7)
C(29)-H(29) 0.9500
C(30)-C(31) 1.389(5)
C(30)-H(30) 0.9500
C(31)-N(2) 1.335(5)
C(31)-H(31) 0.9500
C(32)-N(3) 1.336(5)
C(32)-C(33) 1.388(5)
C(32)-H(32) 0.9500
C(33)-C(34) 1.383(6)
C(33)-H(33) 0.9500
C(34)-C(35) 1.381(6)
C(34)-H(34) 0.9500
C(35)-C(36) 1.387(5)
C(35)-H(35) 0.9500
C(36)-N(3) 1.349(5)
C(36)-H(36) 0.9500
Ir(1)-N(3) 2.129(3)
Ir(1)-N(2) 2.192(3)
Ir(1)-N(1) 2.220(3)
Ir(1)-H(1A) 1.40(4)
Ir(1)-H(2A) 1.49(4)
P(1)-F(4) 1.540(4)
P(1)-F(6) 1.570(3)
P(1)-F(5) 1.572(3)
P(1)-F(1) 1.576(3)
P(1)-F(3) 1.597(3)
P(1)-F(2) 1.600(4)
C(37)-O(1) 1.502(16)
C(37)-H(37A) 0.9800
C(37)-H(37B) 0.9800
C(37)-H(37C) 0.9800
O(1)-H(1) 0.8400
N(5)-C(1)-N(4) 102.6(3)
N(5)-C(1)-Ir(1) 128.4(2)
N(4)-C(1)-Ir(1) 129.0(2)
C(3)-C(2)-N(5) 107.1(3)
C(3)-C(2)-H(2) 126.4
N(5)-C(2)-H(2) 126.4
C(2)-C(3)-N(4) 106.8(3)
C(2)-C(3)-H(3) 126.6
N(4)-C(3)-H(3) 126.6
C(9)-C(4)-C(5) 123.1(3)
C(9)-C(4)-N(4) 119.1(3)
C(5)-C(4)-N(4) 117.7(3)
C(4)-C(5)-C(6) 116.8(3)
C(4)-C(5)-C(10) 121.7(3)
C(6)-C(5)-C(10) 121.5(3)
C(7)-C(6)-C(5) 121.9(4)
C(7)-C(6)-H(6) 119.1
C(5)-C(6)-H(6) 119.1
C(6)-C(7)-C(8) 119.3(4)
C(6)-C(7)-C(11) 119.9(4)
C(8)-C(7)-C(11) 120.8(4)
C(7)-C(8)-C(9) 121.2(4)
C(7)-C(8)-H(8) 119.4
C(9)-C(8)-H(8) 119.4
C(4)-C(9)-C(8) 117.7(3)
C(4)-C(9)-C(12) 121.3(3)
C(8)-C(9)-C(12) 121.0(4)
C(5)-C(10)-H(10A) 109.5
C(5)-C(10)-H(10B) 109.5
H(10A)-C(10)-H(10B) 109.5
C(5)-C(10)-H(10C) 109.5
H(10A)-C(10)-H(10C) 109.5
H(10B)-C(10)-H(10C) 109.5
C(7)-C(11)-H(11A) 109.5
C(7)-C(11)-H(11B) 109.5
H(11A)-C(11)-H(11B) 109.5
C(7)-C(11)-H(11C) 109.5
H(11A)-C(11)-H(11C) 109.5
H(11B)-C(11)-H(11C) 109.5
C(9)-C(12)-H(12A) 109.5
C(9)-C(12)-H(12B) 109.5
H(12A)-C(12)-H(12B) 109.5
C(9)-C(12)-H(12C) 109.5
H(12A)-C(12)-H(12C) 109.5
H(12B)-C(12)-H(12C) 109.5
C(18)-C(13)-C(14) 122.1(3)
C(18)-C(13)-N(5) 119.2(3)
C(14)-C(13)-N(5) 118.5(3)
C(15)-C(14)-C(13) 117.6(3)
C(15)-C(14)-C(19) 120.8(3)
C(13)-C(14)-C(19) 121.6(3)
C(14)-C(15)-C(16) 122.1(4)
C(14)-C(15)-H(15) 118.9
C(16)-C(15)-H(15) 118.9
C(17)-C(16)-C(15) 117.9(3)
C(17)-C(16)-C(20) 121.0(4)
C(15)-C(16)-C(20) 121.0(4)
C(16)-C(17)-C(18) 122.5(3)
C(16)-C(17)-H(17) 118.7
C(18)-C(17)-H(17) 118.7
C(17)-C(18)-C(13) 117.5(3)
C(17)-C(18)-C(21) 120.5(3)
C(13)-C(18)-C(21) 121.9(4)
C(14)-C(19)-H(19A) 109.5
C(14)-C(19)-H(19B) 109.5
H(19A)-C(19)-H(19B) 109.5
C(14)-C(19)-H(19C) 109.5
H(19A)-C(19)-H(19C) 109.5
H(19B)-C(19)-H(19C) 109.5
C(16)-C(20)-H(20A) 109.5
C(16)-C(20)-H(20B) 109.5
H(20A)-C(20)-H(20B) 109.5
C(16)-C(20)-H(20C) 109.5
H(20A)-C(20)-H(20C) 109.5
H(20B)-C(20)-H(20C) 109.5
C(18)-C(21)-H(21A) 109.5
C(18)-C(21)-H(21B) 109.5
H(21A)-C(21)-H(21B) 109.5
C(18)-C(21)-H(21C) 109.5
H(21A)-C(21)-H(21C) 109.5
H(21B)-C(21)-H(21C) 109.5
N(1)-C(22)-C(23) 123.6(4)
N(1)-C(22)-H(22) 118.2
C(23)-C(22)-H(22) 118.2
C(24)-C(23)-C(22) 119.2(4)
C(24)-C(23)-H(23) 120.4
C(22)-C(23)-H(23) 120.4
C(25)-C(24)-C(23) 117.8(4)
C(25)-C(24)-H(24) 121.1
C(23)-C(24)-H(24) 121.1
C(24)-C(25)-C(26) 120.2(4)
C(24)-C(25)-H(25) 119.9
C(26)-C(25)-H(25) 119.9
N(1)-C(26)-C(25) 122.7(4)
N(1)-C(26)-H(26) 118.6
C(25)-C(26)-H(26) 118.6
N(2)-C(27)-C(28) 123.0(4)
N(2)-C(27)-H(27) 118.5
C(28)-C(27)-H(27) 118.5
C(29)-C(28)-C(27) 119.6(4)
C(29)-C(28)-H(28) 120.2
C(27)-C(28)-H(28) 120.2
C(28)-C(29)-C(30) 118.4(4)
C(28)-C(29)-H(29) 120.8
C(30)-C(29)-H(29) 120.8
C(29)-C(30)-C(31) 119.2(4)
C(29)-C(30)-H(30) 120.4
C(31)-C(30)-H(30) 120.4
N(2)-C(31)-C(30) 123.1(4)
N(2)-C(31)-H(31) 118.4
C(30)-C(31)-H(31) 118.4
N(3)-C(32)-C(33) 122.6(4)
N(3)-C(32)-H(32) 118.7
C(33)-C(32)-H(32) 118.7
C(34)-C(33)-C(32) 119.5(4)
C(34)-C(33)-H(33) 120.3
C(32)-C(33)-H(33) 120.3
C(35)-C(34)-C(33) 118.5(4)
C(35)-C(34)-H(34) 120.7
C(33)-C(34)-H(34) 120.7
C(34)-C(35)-C(36) 118.6(4)
C(34)-C(35)-H(35) 120.7
C(36)-C(35)-H(35) 120.7
N(3)-C(36)-C(35) 123.4(4)
N(3)-C(36)-H(36) 118.3
C(35)-C(36)-H(36) 118.3
C(1)-Ir(1)-N(3) 173.55(12)
C(1)-Ir(1)-N(2) 93.89(12)
N(3)-Ir(1)-N(2) 89.14(11)
C(1)-Ir(1)-N(1) 102.17(12)
N(3)-Ir(1)-N(1) 83.10(11)
N(2)-Ir(1)-N(1) 96.80(11)
C(1)-Ir(1)-H(1A) 88.4(16)
N(3)-Ir(1)-H(1A) 88.1(16)
N(2)-Ir(1)-H(1A) 174.8(15)
N(1)-Ir(1)-H(1A) 87.2(15)
C(1)-Ir(1)-H(2A) 89.7(16)
N(3)-Ir(1)-H(2A) 84.9(16)
N(2)-Ir(1)-H(2A) 85.6(15)
N(1)-Ir(1)-H(2A) 167.7(16)
H(1A)-Ir(1)-H(2A) 90(2)
C(22)-N(1)-C(26) 116.4(3)
C(22)-N(1)-Ir(1) 124.9(2)
C(26)-N(1)-Ir(1) 117.0(2)
C(31)-N(2)-C(27) 116.7(3)
C(31)-N(2)-Ir(1) 125.5(3)
C(27)-N(2)-Ir(1) 117.5(3)
C(32)-N(3)-C(36) 117.3(3)
C(32)-N(3)-Ir(1) 120.1(2)
C(36)-N(3)-Ir(1) 122.6(2)
C(1)-N(4)-C(3) 111.7(3)
C(1)-N(4)-C(4) 126.3(3)
C(3)-N(4)-C(4) 121.8(3)
C(1)-N(5)-C(2) 111.7(3)
C(1)-N(5)-C(13) 126.8(3)
C(2)-N(5)-C(13) 121.4(3)
F(4)-P(1)-F(6) 91.1(2)
F(4)-P(1)-F(5) 89.6(2)
F(6)-P(1)-F(5) 179.1(2)
F(4)-P(1)-F(1) 90.2(2)
F(6)-P(1)-F(1) 90.82(18)
F(5)-P(1)-F(1) 89.84(17)
F(4)-P(1)-F(3) 90.1(2)
F(6)-P(1)-F(3) 88.36(17)
F(5)-P(1)-F(3) 90.98(17)
F(1)-P(1)-F(3) 179.1(2)
F(4)-P(1)-F(2) 178.5(3)
F(6)-P(1)-F(2) 89.5(2)
F(5)-P(1)-F(2) 89.8(2)
F(1)-P(1)-F(2) 91.2(2)
F(3)-P(1)-F(2) 88.5(2)
O(1)-C(37)-H(37A) 109.5
O(1)-C(37)-H(37B) 109.5
H(37A)-C(37)-H(37B) 109.5
O(1)-C(37)-H(37C) 109.5
H(37A)-C(37)-H(37C) 109.5
H(37B)-C(37)-H(37C) 109.5
C(37)-O(1)-H(1) 109.5
Symmetry transformations used to generate equivalent atoms:
Table s8. Anisotropic displacement parameters (Å2x 103) for 4a[PF6]. The
anisotropic displacement factor exponent takes the form: -2π2[ h2 a*2U11 + ... + 2 h k
a* b* U12 ]
U11 U22 U33 U23 U13 U12
C(1) 20(2) 22(2) 23(2) 2(1) -1(1) -1(1)
C(2) 22(2) 30(2) 40(2) 1(2) -7(2) 5(1)
C(3) 23(2) 28(2) 45(2) 2(2) -4(2) 8(2)
C(4) 22(2) 20(2) 30(2) -3(1) -3(1) 3(1)
C(5) 24(2) 23(2) 29(2) 2(1) -4(1) 0(1)
C(6) 25(2) 22(2) 39(2) -3(2) -2(2) 2(1)
C(7) 26(2) 30(2) 37(2) -10(2) -4(2) 4(2)
C(8) 32(2) 33(2) 31(2) -7(2) -1(2) 6(2)
C(9) 25(2) 29(2) 32(2) -2(2) 2(2) 2(1)
C(10) 38(2) 25(2) 29(2) 1(2) 0(2) 0(2)
C(11) 39(2) 42(2) 45(2) -12(2) -10(2) -2(2)
C(12) 36(2) 40(2) 34(2) -1(2) 9(2) -5(2)
C(13) 17(2) 25(2) 29(2) -4(1) -1(1) 0(1)
C(14) 19(2) 28(2) 25(2) 1(1) -1(1) -2(1)
C(15) 22(2) 28(2) 33(2) -2(2) 0(1) -3(1)
C(16) 22(2) 35(2) 34(2) -10(2) -3(2) -4(2)
C(17) 22(2) 46(2) 24(2) -4(2) -4(1) 0(2)
C(18) 19(2) 39(2) 27(2) 3(2) -5(1) -2(2)
C(19) 27(2) 31(2) 30(2) 0(2) 3(2) -2(2)
C(20) 40(2) 41(2) 45(3) -15(2) -1(2) -5(2)
C(21) 28(2) 48(2) 35(2) 11(2) -5(2) -3(2)
C(22) 26(2) 31(2) 28(2) -1(1) -2(1) -6(2)
C(23) 32(2) 31(2) 38(2) -5(2) 4(2) -9(2)
C(24) 26(2) 36(2) 46(2) -10(2) -8(2) -7(2)
C(25) 31(2) 38(2) 33(2) -11(2) -9(2) 2(2)
C(26) 28(2) 30(2) 25(2) -4(2) -3(1) 1(2)
C(27) 27(2) 32(2) 40(2) -12(2) -5(2) 3(2)
C(28) 33(2) 52(3) 49(3) -27(2) -9(2) 8(2)
C(29) 28(2) 79(3) 31(2) -19(2) -2(2) 7(2)
C(30) 21(2) 68(3) 28(2) 2(2) -1(2) -4(2)
C(31) 20(2) 37(2) 26(2) -2(2) -2(1) -2(2)
C(32) 27(2) 27(2) 39(2) 6(2) -5(2) -4(2)
C(33) 34(2) 29(2) 49(2) 13(2) -11(2) -2(2)
C(34) 34(2) 27(2) 45(2) -4(2) -14(2) 10(2)
C(35) 28(2) 42(2) 31(2) -4(2) -3(2) 12(2)
C(36) 27(2) 34(2) 25(2) 2(2) 1(2) 8(2)
Ir(1) 16(1) 19(1) 21(1) 1(1) -1(1) 0(1)
N(1) 18(1) 21(1) 28(2) -2(1) -4(1) 2(1)
N(2) 19(1) 28(2) 25(2) -4(1) -2(1) -4(1)
N(3) 23(1) 21(1) 26(1) 0(1) -5(1) 2(1)
N(4) 20(1) 21(1) 31(2) 0(1) -4(1) 2(1)
N(5) 19(1) 22(1) 32(2) -1(1) -4(1) 0(1)
P(1) 23(1) 37(1) 56(1) 12(1) 0(1) -1(1)
F(1) 45(2) 50(2) 107(3) 6(2) -3(2) 13(1)
F(2) 106(3) 123(4) 56(2) 8(2) 9(2) -19(3)
F(3) 58(2) 41(2) 129(3) 20(2) -16(2) 7(1)
F(4) 101(3) 76(2) 69(2) -17(2) 10(2) -16(2)
F(5) 40(2) 50(2) 107(3) 13(2) -9(2) -4(1)
F(6) 33(2) 75(2) 117(3) 38(2) -16(2) -18(2)
C(37) 153(10) 288(16) 101(7) 119(10) -63(7) -129(11)
O(1) 422(16) 103(5) 61(3) 30(4) -56(6) -95(7)
Table s9. Hydrogen coordinates ( x 104) and isotropic displacement parameters (Å2x 10
3) for 4a[PF6].
x y z U(eq)
H(27) 8087 791 3167 39
H(28) 8241 472 2357 53
H(29) 8232 1340 1749 55
H(30) 8056 2523 1984 47
H(31) 7873 2799 2806 33
H(32) 8134 829 4547 37
H(33) 9263 8 4725 45
H(34) 10663 59 4310 42
H(35) 10895 966 3736 40
H(36) 9701 1730 3559 34
H(1A) 7510(30) 2081(19) 4347(15) 21(10)
H(2A) 7140(30) 1360(20) 3826(14) 30(11)
H(37A) 8636 2719 5569 271
H(37B) 7797 2302 5331 271
H(37C) 8376 1947 5762 271
H(1) 7314 2398 6198 293
Table s10. Torsion angles [°] for 4a[PF6].
N(5)-C(2)-C(3)-N(4) 0.4(4)
C(9)-C(4)-C(5)-C(6) 1.9(5)
N(4)-C(4)-C(5)-C(6) 178.8(3)
C(9)-C(4)-C(5)-C(10) -175.6(3)
N(4)-C(4)-C(5)-C(10) 1.4(5)
C(4)-C(5)-C(6)-C(7) -0.2(5)
C(10)-C(5)-C(6)-C(7) 177.2(3)
C(5)-C(6)-C(7)-C(8) -1.1(6)
C(5)-C(6)-C(7)-C(11) 179.5(4)
C(6)-C(7)-C(8)-C(9) 0.9(6)
C(11)-C(7)-C(8)-C(9) -179.7(4)
C(5)-C(4)-C(9)-C(8) -2.0(5)
N(4)-C(4)-C(9)-C(8) -178.9(3)
C(5)-C(4)-C(9)-C(12) 176.3(4)
N(4)-C(4)-C(9)-C(12) -0.6(5)
C(7)-C(8)-C(9)-C(4) 0.6(5)
C(7)-C(8)-C(9)-C(12) -177.8(4)
C(18)-C(13)-C(14)-C(15) 6.1(5)
N(5)-C(13)-C(14)-C(15) -178.7(3)
C(18)-C(13)-C(14)-C(19) -171.7(3)
N(5)-C(13)-C(14)-C(19) 3.5(5)
C(13)-C(14)-C(15)-C(16) -1.1(5)
C(19)-C(14)-C(15)-C(16) 176.7(3)
C(14)-C(15)-C(16)-C(17) -2.9(5)
C(14)-C(15)-C(16)-C(20) -179.4(4)
C(15)-C(16)-C(17)-C(18) 2.1(6)
C(20)-C(16)-C(17)-C(18) 178.6(4)
C(16)-C(17)-C(18)-C(13) 2.6(5)
C(16)-C(17)-C(18)-C(21) -172.6(4)
C(14)-C(13)-C(18)-C(17) -6.8(5)
N(5)-C(13)-C(18)-C(17) 178.0(3)
C(14)-C(13)-C(18)-C(21) 168.4(3)
N(5)-C(13)-C(18)-C(21) -6.8(5)
N(1)-C(22)-C(23)-C(24) -0.6(6)
C(22)-C(23)-C(24)-C(25) -0.5(6)
C(23)-C(24)-C(25)-C(26) 0.7(6)
C(24)-C(25)-C(26)-N(1) 0.3(6)
N(2)-C(27)-C(28)-C(29) 0.7(6)
C(27)-C(28)-C(29)-C(30) -0.3(6)
C(28)-C(29)-C(30)-C(31) -0.5(6)
C(29)-C(30)-C(31)-N(2) 0.9(6)
N(3)-C(32)-C(33)-C(34) 1.9(6)
C(32)-C(33)-C(34)-C(35) 1.0(6)
C(33)-C(34)-C(35)-C(36) -2.4(6)
C(34)-C(35)-C(36)-N(3) 1.3(6)
N(5)-C(1)-Ir(1)-N(2) 56.9(3)
N(4)-C(1)-Ir(1)-N(2) -126.4(3)
N(5)-C(1)-Ir(1)-N(1) 154.8(3)
N(4)-C(1)-Ir(1)-N(1) -28.5(3)
C(23)-C(22)-N(1)-C(26) 1.6(5)
C(23)-C(22)-N(1)-Ir(1) -163.3(3)
C(25)-C(26)-N(1)-C(22) -1.4(5)
C(25)-C(26)-N(1)-Ir(1) 164.7(3)
C(1)-Ir(1)-N(1)-C(22) -92.0(3)
N(3)-Ir(1)-N(1)-C(22) 91.8(3)
N(2)-Ir(1)-N(1)-C(22) 3.5(3)
C(1)-Ir(1)-N(1)-C(26) 103.2(3)
N(3)-Ir(1)-N(1)-C(26) -73.0(3)
N(2)-Ir(1)-N(1)-C(26) -161.3(3)
C(30)-C(31)-N(2)-C(27) -0.5(5)
C(30)-C(31)-N(2)-Ir(1) -174.5(3)
C(28)-C(27)-N(2)-C(31) -0.3(5)
C(28)-C(27)-N(2)-Ir(1) 174.3(3)
C(1)-Ir(1)-N(2)-C(31) 47.7(3)
N(3)-Ir(1)-N(2)-C(31) -138.0(3)
N(1)-Ir(1)-N(2)-C(31) -55.0(3)
C(1)-Ir(1)-N(2)-C(27) -126.3(3)
N(3)-Ir(1)-N(2)-C(27) 48.0(3)
N(1)-Ir(1)-N(2)-C(27) 131.0(3)
C(33)-C(32)-N(3)-C(36) -3.1(6)
C(33)-C(32)-N(3)-Ir(1) 176.0(3)
C(35)-C(36)-N(3)-C(32) 1.5(6)
C(35)-C(36)-N(3)-Ir(1) -177.6(3)
N(2)-Ir(1)-N(3)-C(32) -133.5(3)
N(1)-Ir(1)-N(3)-C(32) 129.5(3)
N(2)-Ir(1)-N(3)-C(36) 45.5(3)
N(1)-Ir(1)-N(3)-C(36) -51.4(3)
N(5)-C(1)-N(4)-C(3) 0.3(4)
Ir(1)-C(1)-N(4)-C(3) -177.0(3)
N(5)-C(1)-N(4)-C(4) 176.5(3)
Ir(1)-C(1)-N(4)-C(4) -0.8(5)
C(2)-C(3)-N(4)-C(1) -0.5(4)
C(2)-C(3)-N(4)-C(4) -176.9(3)
C(9)-C(4)-N(4)-C(1) -87.1(4)
C(5)-C(4)-N(4)-C(1) 95.8(4)
C(9)-C(4)-N(4)-C(3) 88.8(4)
C(5)-C(4)-N(4)-C(3) -88.3(4)
N(4)-C(1)-N(5)-C(2) 0.0(4)
Ir(1)-C(1)-N(5)-C(2) 177.3(3)
N(4)-C(1)-N(5)-C(13) -177.6(3)
Ir(1)-C(1)-N(5)-C(13) -0.2(5)
C(3)-C(2)-N(5)-C(1) -0.2(5)
C(3)-C(2)-N(5)-C(13) 177.4(3)
C(18)-C(13)-N(5)-C(1) -105.7(4)
C(14)-C(13)-N(5)-C(1) 79.0(4)
C(18)-C(13)-N(5)-C(2) 77.0(4)
C(14)-C(13)-N(5)-C(2) -98.3(4)
Symmetry transformations used to generate equivalent atoms:
Table s11. Hydrogen bonds for 4a[PF6] [Å and °].
D-H...A d(D-H) d(H...A) d(D...A) <(DHA)
O(1)-H(1)...F(3) 0.84 1.97 2.779(7) 160.0
Symmetry transformations used to generate equivalent atoms:
A series of Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were performed using the the
GAUSSIAN 03i and TURBOMOLE 5.10 suites of programsii to describe the most
energetically favorable path from reactants to products. Preliminary geometry
optimizations were performed on the reactant dihydride complex, Ir(H)2(IMes)(py)3,
using three different levels of theory, (RI-)BP86/SV(P), BP86/lanl2dz and (RI-
)PBE0/def2-TZVP. All three methodologies yielded structures closely resembling the
experimental X-ray structure but the closest match was achieved using (RI-)PBE0/def2-
TZVP, with BP86/lanl2dz a very close second. As a result, given the very considerable
computational economy savings associated with BP86/lanl2dz compared with (RI-
)PBE0/def2-TZVP, it was decided to use the former as the basis of the geometry
optimizations and vibrational frequency calculations performed for the species involved
in each subsequent step of the reaction. These calculations were followed by single point
calculations performed using the TPSSTPSS functional combined with the aug-cc-pVDZ
basis set. The objective of these higher level single point calculations was to obtain more
reliable energies.
The vibrational frequency calculations allowed for the characterization of stationary
points including transition state structures, as well as for the calculation of zero-point
energies, chemical potentials, enthalpies and Gibbs energies at 298.15 K. For each step
of the reaction, changes in enthalpy, ∆H, and Gibbs free energy, ∆G, were computed to
determine the most energetically likely outcome of a particular step. The different
possible reaction paths involved geometry optimizations of the following species
involved in ligand exchange:
or loss of H2 directly from the reactant [Ir(H)2(IMes)(py)3]+ or from the pyridine loss
product [Ir(H)2(IMes)(py)2]+.
C -2.539683000 1.616966000 3.892987000
C -2.942777000 2.181663000 2.659453000
C -2.237728000 1.854519000 1.484348000
N -1.156574000 0.999975000 1.477578000
C -0.788505000 0.434587000 2.678999000
C -1.444961000 0.720654000 3.892526000
H -3.067921000 1.858130000 4.820937000
H -3.796088000 2.863815000 2.598844000
H -2.533571000 2.252858000 0.511774000
H 0.041111000 -0.275416000 2.632849000
H -1.103448000 0.240613000 4.814889000
H -1.592855000 0.300206000 -1.024327000
H 0.480691000 0.228847000 -1.844418000
C -0.893428000 -3.647199000 0.064747000
C 0.478146000 -3.684233000 0.123481000
H -1.630961000 -4.443465000 0.098568000
H 1.168983000 -4.516915000 0.217819000
C -0.138628000 -1.438741000 -0.096111000
N -1.267892000 -2.291950000 -0.071816000
N 0.933198000 -2.347736000 0.025338000
C -2.669538000 -1.938427000 -0.275011000
C -3.549250000 -1.893834000 0.838943000
C -3.146592000 -1.783586000 -1.612310000
C -4.918649000 -1.603556000 0.597235000
C -4.518494000 -1.499675000 -1.799786000
C -5.421878000 -1.393462000 -0.707945000
H -5.606235000 -1.560076000 1.452020000
H -4.896366000 -1.373680000 -2.822818000
C 2.364248000 -2.084842000 -0.056675000
C 2.985438000 -2.131648000 -1.339728000
C 3.125830000 -1.957841000 1.137029000
C 4.393731000 -1.998689000 -1.402779000
C 4.534339000 -1.833052000 1.020845000
C 5.188201000 -1.851088000 -0.235467000
H 4.883707000 -2.036659000 -2.384388000
H 5.132561000 -1.738658000 1.936475000
C -3.091382000 -2.206972000 2.255547000
H -2.004866000 -2.075890000 2.382778000
H -3.608171000 -1.562913000 2.988966000
H -3.330479000 -3.256194000 2.519422000
C -2.219459000 -1.938471000 -2.805870000
H -2.775151000 -1.823922000 -3.752163000
H -1.412415000 -1.182944000 -2.776711000
H -1.735187000 -2.933945000 -2.816495000
C -6.892819000 -1.087124000 -0.946859000
H -7.465123000 -1.078442000 -0.003283000
H -7.024006000 -0.100852000 -1.431794000
H -7.354525000 -1.838835000 -1.614625000
C 2.481315000 -1.953401000 2.514554000
H 3.165081000 -2.380097000 3.268937000
H 2.252988000 -0.916953000 2.834406000
H 1.540880000 -2.530629000 2.538729000
C 2.174191000 -2.344442000 -2.607484000
H 1.410106000 -1.554742000 -2.733383000
H 2.827134000 -2.343581000 -3.496798000
H 1.636219000 -3.311506000 -2.585668000
C 6.704104000 -1.770114000 -0.330497000
H 7.027932000 -1.244108000 -1.246519000
H 7.140957000 -1.249191000 0.539723000
H 7.150066000 -2.783499000 -0.363809000
C 4.417163000 2.306719000 0.895085000
C 4.142646000 1.798919000 -0.395924000
C 2.884670000 1.223286000 -0.662495000
N 1.889641000 1.132190000 0.284324000
C 2.166894000 1.631582000 1.536413000
C 3.404000000 2.215756000 1.877321000
H 4.888692000 1.843729000 -1.194797000
H 2.633131000 0.826948000 -1.647229000
H 1.363782000 1.565530000 2.274716000
H 3.559630000 2.594136000 2.892649000
H 5.386246000 2.760123000 1.127183000
C 3.662539000 0.879158000 -0.197660000
C 5.016404000 1.081279000 -0.551950000
C 5.865689000 1.761591000 0.353244000
C 5.328198000 2.212404000 1.583077000
C 3.960653000 1.973153000 1.853127000
H 2.979486000 0.347768000 -0.870925000
H 5.388679000 0.712479000 -1.512868000
H 6.918683000 1.936680000 0.107550000
H 5.948313000 2.739790000 2.315060000
H 3.510488000 2.314842000 2.793048000
N -0.889036000 1.323228000 1.245268000
C -2.137737000 1.887361000 1.367619000
C -2.542226000 2.575265000 2.529258000
C -1.643919000 2.688598000 3.616603000
C -0.356145000 2.115091000 3.490819000
C -0.007524000 1.450627000 2.297570000
H -2.805535000 1.766221000 0.511717000
H -3.545679000 3.009001000 2.573131000
H -1.936558000 3.212540000 4.532339000
H 0.375070000 2.182796000 4.302237000
H 0.996259000 1.040358000 2.129827000
H 0.193045000 -0.281104000 -1.997573000
H -1.697696000 0.409897000 -1.220338000
C -0.698774000 -1.529927000 -0.052022000
N -1.958801000 -2.127891000 0.123140000
C -1.841413000 -3.510397000 0.393680000
C -0.497603000 -3.806284000 0.396171000
N 0.190034000 -2.601802000 0.122164000
H -2.711751000 -4.140590000 0.550671000
H 0.028490000 -4.742030000 0.560423000
C 1.642628000 -2.554583000 0.017019000
C 2.250284000 -2.828393000 -1.241607000
C 3.666497000 -2.888201000 -1.293009000
C 4.468557000 -2.708467000 -0.137711000
C 3.821017000 -2.450901000 1.098572000
C 2.411546000 -2.378905000 1.203477000
H 4.149462000 -3.102987000 -2.254719000
H 4.426004000 -2.316661000 2.004454000
C 1.420431000 -3.081697000 -2.489217000
C 5.984104000 -2.810428000 -0.210148000
C 1.746868000 -2.168753000 2.554871000
H 0.739683000 -3.944179000 -2.356632000
H 0.791353000 -2.205152000 -2.731654000
H 2.068543000 -3.294093000 -3.356154000
H 6.335224000 -2.939476000 -1.248458000
H 6.352610000 -3.673117000 0.377188000
H 6.467584000 -1.906278000 0.205726000
H 1.307595000 -3.111578000 2.935444000
H 2.479601000 -1.818958000 3.301721000
H 0.925437000 -1.432635000 2.500505000
C -3.251205000 -1.464077000 0.034727000
C -3.901416000 -1.067959000 1.236033000
C -5.180373000 -0.463248000 1.130909000
C -5.815474000 -0.265179000 -0.121288000
C -5.140404000 -0.696260000 -1.294151000
C -3.865985000 -1.311855000 -1.242522000
H -5.694910000 -0.153413000 2.049594000
H -5.625598000 -0.567962000 -2.270402000
C -3.267461000 -1.304295000 2.597884000
C -7.199297000 0.360353000 -0.209828000
C -3.198000000 -1.824222000 -2.509152000
H -2.206831000 -0.995683000 2.615742000
H -3.294288000 -2.376557000 2.872571000
H -3.805220000 -0.747563000 3.383845000
H -7.492311000 0.840262000 0.739972000
H -7.963840000 -0.405607000 -0.443927000
H -7.249541000 1.121961000 -1.009547000
H -3.790796000 -1.558034000 -3.400622000
H -3.098503000 -2.926750000 -2.489070000
H -2.179768000 -1.411428000 -2.630697000
N 0.491318000 1.079614000 1.633944000
C 1.754910000 0.839902000 2.127814000
C 2.153416000 1.247209000 3.417069000
H 1.511376000 2.248600000 5.252997000
H -0.825208000 2.685341000 4.349293000
H -1.396389000 1.912735000 2.020330000
H 2.439103000 0.299290000 1.465913000
H 3.170826000 1.033456000 3.758022000
H -1.590021000 0.708697000 -0.206300000
H -0.469612000 0.401919000 -1.958007000
C -1.085031000 -3.521613000 -0.243646000
C 0.284771000 -3.631651000 -0.344263000
H -1.859625000 -4.281851000 -0.206090000
H 0.926357000 -4.504490000 -0.420316000
C -0.227610000 -1.364217000 -0.262359000
N -1.389128000 -2.141945000 -0.192089000
N 0.801283000 -2.315035000 -0.349832000
C -2.748002000 -1.630281000 -0.071694000
C -3.289877000 -1.426419000 1.228277000
C -3.510132000 -1.406642000 -1.253540000
C -4.625969000 -0.964008000 1.325117000
C -4.840655000 -0.944658000 -1.102706000
C -5.418696000 -0.720133000 0.174189000
H -5.060018000 -0.803711000 2.320288000
H -5.442393000 -0.765359000 -2.002903000
C 2.219593000 -1.994882000 -0.418254000
C 2.787746000 -1.581421000 -1.660084000
C 3.017094000 -2.176902000 0.749917000
C 4.175380000 -1.291879000 -1.688173000
C 4.400755000 -1.879176000 0.665072000
C 4.999703000 -1.433251000 -0.541733000
H 4.626078000 -0.971535000 -2.636111000
H 5.026421000 -2.015145000 1.556655000
C -2.469758000 -1.703389000 2.478520000
H -1.543496000 -1.099103000 2.495650000
H -3.049130000 -1.472356000 3.388342000
H -2.162603000 -2.765055000 2.536265000
C -2.922149000 -1.655528000 -2.632427000
H -3.647569000 -1.397541000 -3.422268000
H -2.008867000 -1.051348000 -2.788313000
H -2.637671000 -2.716194000 -2.769750000
C -6.863379000 -0.262409000 0.302833000
H -7.056926000 0.208615000 1.282339000
H -7.131614000 0.462511000 -0.486704000
H -7.557422000 -1.120101000 0.206023000
C 2.422073000 -2.696026000 2.050842000
H 2.278885000 -3.793188000 2.015659000
H 3.090993000 -2.482547000 2.902169000
H 1.433417000 -2.250826000 2.262438000
C 1.958053000 -1.495860000 -2.931757000
H 1.171343000 -0.721978000 -2.855605000
H 2.596504000 -1.255942000 -3.798519000
H 1.446697000 -2.454696000 -3.140194000
C 6.493184000 -1.158009000 -0.618688000
H 6.718316000 -0.321503000 -1.303953000
H 6.916420000 -0.916473000 0.372025000
H 7.035111000 -2.045681000 -0.999520000
H -4.993872000 -1.291864000 2.128889000
H -5.155604000 -1.244234000 -2.208333000
C 2.502732000 -1.796747000 -0.293801000
C 3.106323000 -1.476614000 -1.545699000
C 3.248853000 -1.805228000 0.921123000
C 4.473005000 -1.101882000 -1.543119000
C 4.611839000 -1.417594000 0.868537000
C 5.242691000 -1.061158000 -0.351025000
H 4.951789000 -0.852346000 -2.498433000
H 5.198017000 -1.417212000 1.796530000
C -2.345623000 -1.958068000 2.417825000
H -1.449945000 -1.311538000 2.470151000
H -2.977207000 -1.745083000 3.296820000
H -1.992893000 -3.003571000 2.504358000
C -2.535114000 -1.899462000 -2.709110000
H -2.155229000 -2.931777000 -2.831781000
H -3.238186000 -1.700145000 -3.535305000
H -1.668414000 -1.220595000 -2.815925000
C -6.732450000 -0.892447000 0.023824000
H -7.009641000 -0.412445000 0.978688000
H -7.033555000 -0.220411000 -0.799564000
H -7.339006000 -1.814568000 -0.069349000
C 2.634610000 -2.270476000 2.234028000
H 3.235077000 -1.926919000 3.094157000
H 1.597579000 -1.913897000 2.364681000
H 2.599718000 -3.376072000 2.282619000
C 2.331047000 -1.562584000 -2.850140000
H 1.508110000 -0.824118000 -2.879410000
H 2.993476000 -1.376779000 -3.712128000
H 1.873068000 -2.561219000 -2.981223000
C 6.716462000 -0.689219000 -0.389963000
H 6.918207000 0.095164000 -1.141020000
H 7.072773000 -0.327522000 0.590329000
H 7.334610000 -1.567176000 -0.661654000
C -0.272000000 5.422059000 -1.639931000
C 0.538803000 4.997332000 -0.562094000
C 0.579044000 3.630665000 -0.224709000
N -0.136699000 2.673478000 -0.912183000
C -0.926390000 3.095297000 -1.963257000
C -1.016595000 4.446269000 -2.344821000
H 1.134979000 5.709553000 0.015964000
H 1.189961000 3.273895000 0.607563000
H -1.472019000 2.309509000 -2.488180000
H -1.658788000 4.721094000 -3.186644000
H -0.321628000 6.478158000 -1.922759000
H 3.303067000 1.438117000 -0.858562000
H 3.064653000 2.144373000 -0.745380000
Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies = -1527.046568
Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpie s= -1527.005467 a.u.
Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies = -1527.124048
H -1.339099000 -1.659233000 2.339323000
H -2.941050000 -2.062979000 3.030332000
H -1.910976000 -3.341658000 2.339409000
C -1.915351000 -1.991013000 -2.900974000
H -1.363515000 -2.945854000 -2.993779000
H -2.559345000 -1.887015000 -3.790468000
H -1.163762000 -1.179624000 -2.917102000
C -6.452926000 -1.604171000 -0.590470000
H -6.893743000 -1.312278000 0.378609000
H -6.742476000 -0.847395000 -1.342051000
H -6.924745000 -2.559130000 -0.893587000
C 2.716929000 -1.769433000 2.498240000
H 3.173778000 -1.276663000 3.374189000
H 1.645687000 -1.502536000 2.460000000
H 2.765434000 -2.861262000 2.677490000
C 2.940224000 -1.540530000 -2.629483000
H 2.025599000 -0.933535000 -2.762861000
H 3.644924000 -1.284682000 -3.438384000
H 2.648446000 -2.600332000 -2.757376000
C 6.951962000 -0.103880000 0.183779000
H 7.160931000 0.663368000 -0.583238000
H 7.178822000 0.328644000 1.173712000
H 7.664842000 -0.934583000 0.015178000
C -0.602085000 5.460398000 -1.546281000
C 0.191771000 5.097188000 -0.433584000
C 0.366944000 3.733589000 -0.127653000
N -0.204189000 2.727755000 -0.873942000
C -0.980408000 3.086559000 -1.954598000
C -1.196298000 4.430688000 -2.313212000
H 0.674916000 5.853820000 0.191482000
H 0.974876000 3.418620000 0.723788000
H -1.412825000 2.261453000 -2.522678000
H -1.818704000 4.657790000 -3.183608000
H -0.751142000 6.512408000 -1.808757000
H 1.903829000 0.947292000 -0.520079000
H 1.769642000 1.059843000 0.311448000
C -1.067975000 4.351542000 -2.502686000
C -0.859303000 3.014619000 -2.117437000
N -0.363122000 2.670486000 -0.876948000
C -0.075261000 3.690059000 0.001636000
C -0.258575000 5.048936000 -0.321772000
H -0.912664000 6.443080000 -1.875339000
H -1.460759000 4.564044000 -3.501382000
H -1.072145000 2.179732000 -2.786861000
H 0.307207000 3.386546000 0.977753000
H -0.009138000 5.815446000 0.418134000
C -2.059574000 1.482436000 4.093990000
C -2.785420000 1.720768000 2.902950000
C -2.181710000 1.452537000 1.657910000
N -0.899504000 0.962065000 1.547783000
C -0.202894000 0.722126000 2.711442000
C -0.743758000 0.970630000 3.988461000
H -2.505714000 1.683850000 5.073088000
H -3.808754000 2.106969000 2.929447000
H -2.710809000 1.611784000 0.715761000
H 0.801786000 0.313119000 2.582902000
H -0.143552000 0.761056000 4.879344000
H -1.443135000 0.298884000 -0.997905000
H 0.552652000 0.494771000 -1.906408000
C -0.262978000 -3.627132000 -0.323958000
C 1.105274000 -3.504016000 -0.277529000
H -0.898639000 -4.506285000 -0.371663000
H 1.890726000 -4.254095000 -0.275457000
C 0.213476000 -1.339061000 -0.258874000
N -0.798900000 -2.320398000 -0.310128000
N 1.392333000 -2.118952000 -0.236046000
C -2.236941000 -2.093620000 -0.386653000
C -3.007881000 -2.138949000 0.806738000
C -2.839373000 -1.930074000 -1.667592000
C -4.411202000 -1.961918000 0.698911000
C -4.243443000 -1.759281000 -1.722376000
C -5.048119000 -1.768365000 -0.552346000
H -5.018864000 -1.990588000 1.612527000
H -4.721240000 -1.626105000 -2.701630000
C 2.763610000 -1.640892000 -0.167460000
C 3.443568000 -1.287569000 -1.373347000
C 3.434264000 -1.658838000 1.090322000
C 4.794279000 -0.863250000 -1.272377000
C 4.791115000 -1.244982000 1.133312000
C 5.487799000 -0.836757000 -0.032509000
H 5.325550000 -0.580036000 -2.189768000
H 5.317598000 -1.256881000 2.096372000
C -2.366520000 -2.401986000 2.160153000
H -1.456227000 -1.794349000 2.306247000
H -3.070261000 -2.177152000 2.979587000
H -2.066783000 -3.463241000 2.262608000
C -2.006299000 -1.942407000 -2.938651000
H -2.642087000 -1.789869000 -3.827189000
H -1.238093000 -1.146878000 -2.916147000
H -1.474414000 -2.904892000 -3.065614000
C -6.557785000 -1.606715000 -0.648250000
H -7.009534000 -1.401622000 0.337847000
H -6.834071000 -0.781943000 -1.330574000
H -7.029879000 -2.526710000 -1.044424000
C 2.743305000 -2.141364000 2.357135000
H 2.816810000 -3.242570000 2.448904000
H 3.216265000 -1.710430000 3.257145000
H 1.667109000 -1.895982000 2.364499000
C 2.771053000 -1.408170000 -2.730350000
H 1.838760000 -0.816904000 -2.775096000
H 3.443066000 -1.063791000 -3.534321000
H 2.499759000 -2.460136000 -2.942672000
C 6.951346000 -0.429290000 0.028984000
H 7.175413000 0.393171000 -0.673592000
H 7.244641000 -0.106699000 1.043140000
H 7.604615000 -1.279712000 -0.247575000
O 2.139413000 1.355747000 0.214178000
H 2.757467000 0.788129000 -0.313563000
C 2.823437000 1.913126000 1.399384000
H 2.069067000 2.471774000 1.973128000
H 3.622458000 2.604548000 1.077073000
H 3.252303000 1.109743000 2.026563000
H -0.079673000 5.123937000 -2.793711000
H 0.261491000 2.660322000 -2.369165000
H -0.435636000 3.135195000 1.743231000
H -0.801664000 5.609780000 1.483313000
C -3.816274000 0.937087000 2.679853000
C -3.835181000 1.385920000 1.337998000
C -2.687088000 1.251511000 0.538545000
N -1.511606000 0.692772000 1.016784000
C -1.505812000 0.234499000 2.324390000
C -2.624657000 0.349348000 3.167786000
H -4.697897000 1.037848000 3.320400000
H -4.732125000 1.835300000 0.901711000
H -2.667277000 1.571256000 -0.504507000
H -0.566976000 -0.206223000 2.662817000
H -2.552569000 -0.018349000 4.196008000
C -0.139405000 -3.548547000 -0.173522000
C 1.217938000 -3.434882000 -0.000807000
H -0.768557000 -4.425387000 -0.293121000
H 1.992840000 -4.191401000 0.079724000
C 0.337498000 -1.259645000 -0.035944000
N -0.673360000 -2.238910000 -0.200889000
N 1.508744000 -2.051721000 0.078299000
C -2.087339000 -2.018323000 -0.480799000
C -3.053219000 -2.439745000 0.477243000
C -2.473957000 -1.497572000 -1.751452000
C -4.425739000 -2.278243000 0.157361000
C -3.857001000 -1.352035000 -2.017606000
C -4.850747000 -1.736631000 -1.080123000
H -5.177201000 -2.594658000 0.892481000
H -4.165698000 -0.951181000 -2.991878000
C 2.879519000 -1.579283000 0.193584000
C 3.747938000 -1.731030000 -0.932143000
C 3.358670000 -1.082092000 1.441775000
C 5.107021000 -1.344929000 -0.785818000
C 4.724948000 -0.721506000 1.536375000
C 5.618838000 -0.849310000 0.439433000
H 5.781133000 -1.456304000 -1.644613000
H 5.103782000 -0.344142000 2.494849000
C -2.665661000 -3.078938000 1.803445000
H -1.689081000 -2.721856000 2.172619000
H -3.426512000 -2.865671000 2.574203000
H -2.597219000 -4.180982000 1.711942000
C -1.448155000 -1.117497000 -2.803792000
H -1.939896000 -0.809145000 -3.742232000
H -0.815338000 -0.281498000 -2.434020000
H -0.770999000 -1.963037000 -3.033928000
C -6.329107000 -1.611760000 -1.415895000
H -6.947487000 -1.511209000 -0.506399000
H -6.527397000 -0.740908000 -2.066166000
H -6.686639000 -2.509758000 -1.957052000
C 2.429384000 -0.925485000 2.630429000
H 1.882983000 -1.863281000 2.844652000
H 2.985833000 -0.633030000 3.536632000
H 1.673524000 -0.144551000 2.405769000
C 3.268839000 -2.322516000 -2.255433000
H 2.214381000 -2.078183000 -2.480454000
H 3.896401000 -1.969829000 -3.092136000
H 3.336180000 -3.427220000 -2.242413000
C 7.089141000 -0.492494000 0.588681000
H 7.568922000 -0.317739000 -0.389847000
H 7.228178000 0.412109000 1.207598000
H 7.642251000 -1.313357000 1.085352000
O 1.964468000 0.972421000 -1.243237000
H 2.381132000 0.087808000 -1.422195000
C 3.036118000 1.881182000 -0.718038000
H 2.561090000 2.856202000 -0.555567000
H 3.824250000 1.959468000 -1.485480000
H 3.435942000 1.480036000 0.227273000
C -3.064588000 0.488295000 3.078170000
H -5.076820000 1.350036000 3.086816000
H -4.854828000 2.189224000 0.692641000
H -2.713899000 1.768777000 -0.555654000
H -1.030738000 -0.235591000 2.719335000
H -3.105331000 0.099515000 4.100336000
C -0.667524000 -3.569849000 -0.159223000
C 0.667686000 -3.569860000 0.158105000
H -1.355696000 -4.390700000 -0.335988000
H 1.355921000 -4.390716000 0.334599000
C 0.000009000 -1.332834000 -0.000185000
N -1.076780000 -2.218687000 -0.253378000
N 1.076850000 -2.218701000 0.252720000
C -2.460941000 -1.891860000 -0.579852000
C -3.483583000 -2.272947000 0.338275000
C -2.779815000 -1.314107000 -1.843265000
C -4.833216000 -2.029884000 -0.022487000
C -4.143202000 -1.089388000 -2.153437000
C -5.188019000 -1.444240000 -1.262278000
H -5.624637000 -2.316559000 0.682314000
H -4.394618000 -0.646299000 -3.125879000
C 2.460927000 -1.891887000 0.579569000
C 3.483816000 -2.272596000 -0.338391000
C 2.779443000 -1.314438000 1.843256000
C 4.833378000 -2.029525000 0.022810000
C 4.142691000 -1.089755000 2.153858000
C 5.187801000 -1.444286000 1.262852000
H 5.624991000 -2.315895000 -0.681895000
H 4.393841000 -0.646951000 3.126503000
C -3.180310000 -2.945381000 1.670279000
H -2.213825000 -2.621174000 2.092360000
H -3.972721000 -2.721600000 2.405440000
H -3.136332000 -4.047198000 1.566035000
C -1.701762000 -0.930662000 -2.838333000
H -2.140728000 -0.624266000 -3.803137000
H -1.109227000 -0.086754000 -2.421802000
H -1.002707000 -1.768599000 -3.025334000
C -6.645655000 -1.239252000 -1.645038000
H -7.285579000 -1.100160000 -0.755643000
H -6.775537000 -0.362185000 -2.303898000
H -7.035293000 -2.119361000 -2.193366000
C 1.701079000 -0.931312000 2.838114000
H 2.139755000 -0.625116000 3.803114000
H 1.108593000 -0.087351000 2.421618000
H 1.002031000 -1.769342000 3.024718000
C 3.181069000 -2.944625000 -1.670728000
H 2.214037000 -2.621511000 -2.092366000
H 3.972978000 -2.719313000 -2.405971000
H 3.138702000 -4.046570000 -1.567113000
C 6.645248000 -1.239176000 1.646266000
H 7.286733000 -1.107586000 0.756891000
H 6.775695000 -0.357605000 2.299033000
H 7.032468000 -2.115939000 2.201616000
C 4.159663000 1.183658000 -2.513159000
C 3.064650000 0.488245000 -3.078135000
C 1.896718000 0.292966000 -2.318238000
N 1.763977000 0.765701000 -1.026095000
C 2.843977000 1.431833000 -0.474355000
C 4.036508000 1.655136000 -1.184364000
H 3.105379000 0.099508000 -4.100318000
H 1.030739000 -0.235500000 -2.719374000
H 2.714007000 1.768556000 0.555755000
H 4.855002000 2.188882000 -0.692487000
H 5.076966000 1.349790000 -3.086689000
C 3.464821000 1.713122000 0.319418000
C 2.813236000 0.776537000 -1.891687000
C 4.817362000 1.414805000 0.015374000
C 4.177945000 0.498142000 -2.146086000
C 5.197621000 0.812400000 -1.209603000
H 5.590321000 1.669329000 0.751743000
H 4.453028000 0.043754000 -3.106675000
C -2.469879000 1.455984000 0.420001000
C -3.471843000 1.621964000 -0.577876000
C -2.799441000 1.092594000 1.758265000
C -4.820493000 1.372314000 -0.215597000
C -4.159821000 0.853782000 2.067805000
C -5.187747000 0.989533000 1.097610000
H -5.600713000 1.491093000 -0.978409000
H -4.425591000 0.574719000 3.095664000
C 3.117486000 2.396148000 1.634056000
H 2.163262000 2.030778000 2.052879000
H 3.911614000 2.229155000 2.381689000
H 3.015095000 3.491355000 1.506313000
C 1.752968000 0.439456000 -2.924025000
H 2.210199000 0.082454000 -3.862218000
H 1.087031000 -0.354387000 -2.524975000
H 1.118893000 1.315374000 -3.160064000
C 6.659493000 0.543463000 -1.530808000
H 7.273134000 0.476426000 -0.615439000
H 6.786399000 -0.394536000 -2.100816000
H 7.081515000 1.358994000 -2.150061000
C -1.732036000 0.958867000 2.829635000
H -2.184333000 0.801585000 3.823302000
H -1.075300000 0.095595000 2.596253000
H -1.089791000 1.858553000 2.880599000
C -3.145369000 2.076651000 -1.993113000
H -2.141902000 1.751231000 -2.317271000
H -3.886989000 1.682998000 -2.709561000
H -3.170932000 3.181073000 -2.074502000
C -6.644925000 0.768468000 1.472484000
H -7.269721000 0.571639000 0.583884000
H -6.762518000 -0.079316000 2.171449000
H -7.060889000 1.663143000 1.975637000
C -4.039911000 -2.420213000 -2.221503000
C -3.000169000 -1.787792000 -2.944554000
C -1.882097000 -1.284062000 -2.256253000
N -1.753972000 -1.383828000 -0.881819000
C -2.790106000 -1.975215000 -0.176205000
C -3.922590000 -2.510260000 -0.813790000
H -3.044173000 -1.691317000 -4.033529000
H -1.050029000 -0.806347000 -2.776665000
H -2.669850000 -1.997015000 0.909224000
H -4.702913000 -2.979352000 -0.207680000
H -4.914470000 -2.827459000 -2.738446000
Gaussian 03, Revision B.03, Frisch, M. J. et al. Gaussian, Inc., Wallingford CT, (2004).
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