MetFloor Magnelis
MetFloor Magnelis
MetFloor Magnelis
The expected life time provided by ArcelorMittal Magnelis® is the estimated duration of effective protection of the steel substrate.
The following table displays the estimated life time based on ArcelorMittal’s extensive accelerated tests:
Application / Category Guarantee
ZM310 ZM430
C3 Exterior: urban inland or mild coastal > 60 years > 80 years Guarantees are
dependent upon
C4 Exterior: industrial inland or urban coastal > 40 years > 55 years location and
C5 Exterior: high salinity coastal (>300m from sea) > 35 years > 50 years environmental
C3 Interior: moderate condensation and/or pollution e.g. food processing, laundry, brewery > 45 years > 65 years provided on a
project by project
C4 Interior: high frequency condensation and/or pollution e.g. swimming pools, fabric factory > 30 years > 40 years basis.
NB: Lifespans may vary with project location and usage – must be confirmed per project
When used in more corrosive environments, such as car park structures, additional steps to ensure adequate waterproofing, drainage and crack mitigation must be taken.
Due to access for coating repair being impractical to the underside of decking at beam locations, Magnelis® is considered as not suitable
for through deck stud welding. CMF recommend single span decking with pre-studded beams for Magnelis® applications.
For further information please contact CMF: December 2019; v4.1 Magnelis® is a registered trademark of ArcelorMittal.