Engineering Physics LAB Syllabus
Engineering Physics LAB Syllabus
Engineering Physics LAB Syllabus
List of Experiments
Any ten experiments (at least four from each group).
Group A
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
CO CO Statement
Apply the principle of interference and diffraction to find the wavelength of
CO-1 Apply
monochromatic and polychromatic light.
Compute and analyze various electrical and electronic properties of a given
CO-2 Analyze
material by using various experiments.
Verify different established laws with the help of optical and electrical Apply
Determine and calculate various physical properties of a given material by using Apply
various experiments.
Study and estimate the performance and parameter of given equipment by using Apply
graphical and computational analysis.
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Reference Books
1. Practical Physics- K. K. Dey & B. N. Dutta (Kalyani Publishers New Delhi)
2. Engineering Physics-Theory and Practical- Katiyar & Pandey (Wiley India)
3. Engineering Physics Practical- S K Gupta ( Krishna Prakashan Meerut)
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