Sediment Yield and Transportation Analysis: January 2008
Sediment Yield and Transportation Analysis: January 2008
Sediment Yield and Transportation Analysis: January 2008
4 102
2 authors, including:
Tetsuya Sumi
Kyoto University
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Integrated Reservoir Operation System for Mitigation of Flood Damage due to Super Typhoon View project
The impacts of hydropower dams uptream on the Vietnamese Mekong Delta View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Tetsuya Sumi on 15 June 2015.
Sediment system in watershed is not only sediment yield but also including sediment transportation
along the rivers. In this study, the Geographic Information System (GIS) combined with sediment yield
model can be enhancing the evaluation of soil erosion estimation. Surface erosion on Managawa river
basin is computed with the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE) and it is verified to reflect
the hydrological processes be able to estimate soil losses. In the sediment transport routing module, total
load equation is applied to carry sediment from soil surface erosion to deposit in Managawa dam.
According to annual accumulation sediment volume data in Managawa reservoir during 1981 – 2003, the
establish model and simulation results are satisfy. The efficiency of the Modified Universal Equation with
sediment routing in rivers is more than the simple Modified Universal Equation.
Key Words : Sediment Yield, Sediment Transportation, Soil Erosion, MUSLE, Managawa Dam
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Fig.1 Managawa river basin Fig.2 Land use 1997, 2 = Agricultures, 5= Forest, 6=Waste
Land, 7=Building, A= Small Building, B=Water Body
Kumokawa Dam and Sasougawa Dam situated on
up stream of Managawa Dam as shown in Fig.1, most of land use of the study area is forest and it
sediment will be captured by those dams but does not so much change by time as shown in Fig.2.
Kumokawa Dam has been filled full by sediment. Calculating soil erosion, Modified Universal
Therefore sediment supply to Managawa Dam is Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE), in this study apply
also generated from watershed above Kumokawa with the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
Dam. During the study period, 1981-2004, the that the watershed modeling framework is
average annual rainfall is 2391 mm. The area is delineated starting from the digital description of the
covered by forest where accounts for 94% area of landscape as Digital Elevation Map (DEM), land
total watershed. The major soil types in the study use and soil data sets using ArcView interface,
area are sandstone, mudstone and conglomerate Spatial Analyst, with geomorphologic assessment
(Managawa Dam office, 2005) procedures to obtain soil erosion from each
sub-basin. Managawa river basin was divided in to 9
3. METHODOLOGY sub-basins which one sub-basin on upper
Sasougawa Dam is neglected because that dam will
capture all sediment from upper part. After that the
In this study, the computing an annual sediment calculated daily sediment supply from each
volume depositing in dam by mathematical model is
sub-basin will be taken to input as lateral sediment
necessary to input the models; soil erosion model, inflow to Managawa River model which
hydraulic model and sediment transport model, with hydrodynamic (HD) and sediment transport (ST)
hydrology data, hydrodynamic data, sediment data,
models are calculated by MIKE 11 developed by
geographic data and topographic data. DHI Water and Environment. Flow chart of this
study is shown in Fig.3.
(1) Data collection and data analysis
Hourly rainfall data from 1981-2004 were Soil type
Rainfall DEM Land use
collected by 8 rain gauges located on Managawa
river basin and the results from plotting double mass
curve of each rainfall stations are reliable.
Distribution of rainfall could be affected by MUSLE (SWAT model)
topographical data such as elevation and so on, the Output
Thiessen method was used to estimate rainfall
within the entire catchment. Soil erosion
Discharge and water level data are available in
hourly to input as boundary condition in hydraulic Discharge X-section Sediment
model which outflows from Kumokawa Dam and River line Property
Sasougawa Dam are the upper boundaries and water
level at Managawa Dam is the lower boundary. Input
Geographic Information System (GIS) data used Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport model
for finding out parameters in soil erosion model are
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) 50m x 50m, land Output
use and soil type. For land use information, there are Sediment volume
available in 1976, 1987, 1991 and 1997 however the
Fig.3 Scope of this study
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(2) Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation
The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is
a long term distributed parameter model, designed
to predict the impact of land management practice in
a watershed (Arnold et al., 1998). In this study, the
SWAT ArcView interface (DiLuzio et al., 2001)
was used to write SWAT input files from GIS data
layers. SWAT model calculates soil erosion caused
by rainfall-runoff process using MUSLE. The model
is a modified form of the USLE. The difference
between the two approaches that in MUSLE rainfall
energy factor is replaced with a runoff factor which
represents energy used in detaching and transporting
sediment. SWAT model requires a Digital Elevation Fig.4 Sub-basins in this study
Model (DEM) from which it determines the No.6
drainage network and divides the basin into No.1 No.4 No.7 No.8
sub-basins defined by grid cells, spatially related No.2 No.5
one to another, that each has geographic position in No.3
the watershed defined by surface topography.
Sub-basin No.
This study applies SWAT model only to find out
the soil erosion of each sub-basin at each outlet
point. The MUSLE is used in this study which is 8.2 km
given as Eq.(1). From MUSLE, the shortest time
10.6 km
interval of output is daily and this study need daily
sediment yield data to input in sediment transport 14.4 km
model. Fig.5 Location that sediment yield of each sub-basin from
MUSLE supplied to the main river system
Y = 11.8(Qs q p Aarea ) 0.56 K ⋅ C ⋅ P ⋅ LS ⋅ CFRG (1) (3) Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport
Where Y is the sediment yield on a given day The hydrodynamic module (HD) contains an
(ton), Qs is the surface runoff (mm), qp is the peak implicit, finite difference computation of unsteady
runoff rate (m3/s), Aarea is area (km2), K is the USLE flows in rivers. The non-linear equations of open
soil erodibility factor, C is the USLE cover and channel flow (Saint Venant Equation) can be solved
management factor, P is the USLE support practice numerical between all grid points at specified time
factor, LS is the USLE topographic factor and intervals for given boundary conditions.
CFRG is the coarse fragment factor. SWAT The basic equation is governed by the continuity
estimates the surface runoff (Qs) with the SCS curve and momentum equations:
number method and the peak runoff rate is
calculated with the rational method: ∂Q ∂A
+ =q (3)
∂x ∂t
c ⋅ i ⋅ Aarea ⎛ Q2 ⎞
qp = (2) ∂⎜⎜ α ⎟⎟
3 .6 ∂Q ⎝ A ⎠ ⎛ ∂h ⎞ n gA Q Q
+ + gA⎜ + S 0 ⎟ + = 0 (4)
∂t ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠
A2 R 3
Where qp is the peak runoff rate (m3/s), Aarea is
area (km2), c is the runoff coefficient, i is the rainfall
intensity (mm/hr) and 3.6 is a unit conversion factor. Where Q is discharge (m3/s), A is cross section
There are 8 sub-basins which sub-basin no.1, 2 area (m2), q is lateral inflow (m2/s), α is
and 3 are on the dam area so those sub-basins will momentum distribution coefficient, h is water level
directly supply sediment into dam. The soil erosion (m), S0 is bed slope, n is Manning’s roughness
of those areas from MUSLE will be directly sum up coefficient (s/m1/3) and R is hydraulic radius (m)
to total sediment volume as shown in Fig.4 and The sediment transport computations are made
Fig.5 and the sub-basin No.9 is not supplying in parallel with the hydrodynamic computations.
sediment to Managawa Dam. The sediment transport equations are solved in time
and space as an implicit function of the
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corresponding values of the hydraulic parameters. In 80
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Sub-basin No. 2 and 3 show high erosion rate 5. DISCUSSION
because these slopes are so steep. The average
sediment yield from the whole watershed calculated The computed sediment volumes in this study
from Eq.(5) is about 60,161 m3/year. show large differences with the observed data
because the observed data have some errors in some
∑ Ya ⋅ Area ⋅ 100 year. Therefore, total accumulated sediment
Sy = (5) volumes were compared between them. Observed
and computed total sediment volumes until year
Where Sy is the average sediment yield (m3), Ya
2003 were 1,747,197 m3 and 1,560,381 m3
is the sediment yield (t/ha), Area is sub-basin area
respectively, which error is about 10%. In some
(km2) and σ is soil density about 2.65 t/m3.
year, the accumulative data are not much difference
as shown in Fig.9. Therefore, the sediment yield and
(3) Sediment volume in dam
sediment transport model in this study can be used
The volume of sediment depositing in the large
to estimate the sediment accumulation volume in
dams are measured every year in Japan. Sediment
Managawa Dam.
volume data of Managawa Dam is also available
In order to determine efficiencies of the MUSLE
from starting operation until recently year but some
model, a logarithmic form of Nash-Sutchliffe model
data was disappear because of technical error as
is adopted, which is given by:
shown in Table 3.
After sediment yield from each sub-basin was
computed by MUSLE, those data were used to input
in total load transport model, Acker and White ∑ (ln( A
e =1
eo ) − ln( Aep )) 2
(1973). And then sediment will be routed along the Z ln = 1 − n (6)
river and deposited in the dam reservoir. Computed
results are shown with observed ones in Table 3.
∑ (ln( A
e =1
eo ) − Aln m ) 2
1994 - 52,652
1996 - 52,339
2000 - 50,654
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reservoir sedimentation volumes and its tendency if
basic characteristics of each catchment such as
Annual Rainfall (mm)
2500 topographical, geological, meteorological conditions
2000 may change.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Annual Disharge (MCM)
This study is an attempt to estimate the yearly
volume of sediment deposition in Managawa Dam
Fig.10 Relationship between Annual Discharge and Annual using the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation
Rainfall, 1981-2004 (MUSLE) with sediment transport model. The
Computed Sediment Volume
200 sediment accumulating volume for this study area
150 show large differences with the observed data but
100 total volumes almost coincided very well. In order
to improve the model, other modifications may be
0 1 2 3 4 5 needed to compute sediment yield and transport
Annual Discharge (MCM) process in high flood periods. However, this model
can be used to estimate reservoir sedimentation
Fig.11 Relationship between Annual Discharge and Computed
volumes and its tendency if catchment’s conditions
Sediment Volume
may change.
Observed Sediment Volume
300 ACKNOWLEDGMENT: The authors would like
to express our sincere gratitude to Managawa Dam
150 Office and NEWJEC for their willingness to supply
100 the necessary data for analysis in this research.
0 1 2 3 4 5
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(Received September 30, 2007)
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