Performance Assessment ... SUndan National Grid
Performance Assessment ... SUndan National Grid
Performance Assessment ... SUndan National Grid
Prepared By:
Mosab Basher Omer Mohammed
Supervised By:
Dr. Mohammed Osman Hassan
August 2018
To my family
To my teachers
To my colleagues
First and foremost, I must acknowledge my limitless thanks to Allah, the
Ever-Magnificent; the Ever-Thankful, for His helps and bless. I am totally
sure that this work would have never become truth, without His guidance. I
am grateful to some people, who worked hard with me from the beginning till
the completion of this thesis particularly my supervisor Dr. Mohammed
Osman Hassan, who has been always generous during all phases of the
thesis. I would like to take this opportunity to say warm thanks to Mr.
Ahmed Mohammed Abdelgadir, who have been so supportive along
the way of doing my thesis. I also would like to express my whole hearted
thanks to my family for their generous support they provided me throughout
my entire life and particularly through the process of pursuing the master
In this thesis a method based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
algorithm, which represents one type of modern optimization techniques is
presented to determine the optimal parameters of Power System Stabilizers
(PSSs) found in Sudanese National Grid, instead of classical control
approaches. In addition TCSC is implemented in the National grid to
increases the performance of the system by decreasing reactance of the
transmission lines and hence increases the power flow in the lines as well as
reduces the line losses. Optimal location for placing of TCSC is found by
performance indices calculation to reduce overloading of each transmission
line in normal case and contingency cases. TCSC improve system damping.
The simulation carried out through MATLAB and POWER FACTORY
software. Therefore as a result the TCSC enhance National Grid performance
through decreasing transmission lines overloading under normal and
contingency conditions. Also activation of power system stabilizers found in
the National Grid and TCSC implementation had a significant role in
enhancing damping in National grid.
في هذه األطروحة تم تقديم طريقة تعتمد على خوارزمية تجسيم سرب الجسيمات (، )PSO
عا واحدًا من تقنية التحسين الحديثة لتحديد المتغيرات المثلى لمثبتات نظام القدرة ()PSS
والتي تمثل نو ً
الموجودة في الشبكة القومية لكهرباء السودان ،بدالً من طرق التحكم التقليدية .باالضافة لذلك تم تمثيل
معوض التوالي المتحكم به عن طريق الثايرستور( )TCSCفي الشبكة القومية لزيادة فعالية النظام
عن طريق تقليل المفاعالت الحثية لخطوط النقل وبالتالي زيادة القدرة المنقولة عن طريق هذه الخطوط
وتقليل الفقد فيها .الموقع االمثل لربط معوض التوالي المتحكم به عن طريق الثايرستور ( )TCSCتم
حسابه عن طريق معامالت األداء لتقليل التحميل على خطوط النقل في الحالة الطبيعية وفي الحاالت
الطارئة .وأيضا تم مالحظة زيادة تخميد النظام بعد اضافة معوض التوالي المتحكم به عن طريق
الثايرستور ( .)TCSCالمحاكاة تم عن طريق برنامجي الماتالب وال . DIGSILENTوعليه كنتيجة
وجد ان معوض التوالي المتحكم به عن طريق الثايرستور لعب دورا مهما في تحسين مستوى االداء
في الشبكة القومية وذلك عن طريق تقليل تحميل خطوط النقل في حالة التشغيل الطبيعية وكذلك في
حالة فقدان الخطوط .وايضا تفعيل وضبط مثبتات نظام القدرة الموجودة في الشبكة القومية واضافة
معوض التوالى المتحكم به عن طريق الثايرستور لعبا دورا مهما في تحسين مستوى التخميد في
الشبكة القومية.
االية i
مستخلص v
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Problem Statement 2
1.3 Objectives 3
1.4 Methodology 3
1.5 Thesis Outlines 4
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Past Research on Transmission Lines Congestion Elimination 5
2.3 Historical and Evolution Perspective 7
2.4 PSS Design Concepts 7
3.1 Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) 10
4.1 Introduction 21
4.2 Particle Swarm Optimization 22
4.2.1 Introduction 22
4.2.2 Computational Implementation of PSO 24
4.3 PSS Parameter optimization applying PSO 26
4.3.1 Optimization problem 26
4.3.2 Typical values of the PSS parameters are
5.1 Introduction 28
5.2 Power System Stabilizers Parameters after PSO Tuning 28
5.3 TCSC Optimal Location under Normal condition calculations 30
5.4 The Effects of adding PSSs and TCSC on the Dynamic Stability 35
in Sudanese National Grid
5.4.1 Damping Ratio Improvement 35
5.4.2 The Effects of Adding PSSs and TCSC on Eigen Values 36
5.5 Implementation of TCSC in Sudanese National Grid under 38
Contingency Condition
5.5.1 Violation in Transmission Lines when line 79 out 41
5.5.2 Violation in Transmission Lines when line 20 out 42
6.1 Conclusion 44
6.2 Recommendations 44
Figure Title Page
Table Title Page No.
5.1 PSS parameters after tuning using PSO 29
5.2 Ranking based on active power performance 30
index (Pip)
5.3 Line data with TCSC and without TCSC under 33
normal condition
5.4 System damping ratio comparison 35
5.5 Oscillatory modes egine values with and without 36
5.6 Ranking based on contingency performance 37
5.7 Comparison of lines overloading violations when 41
Line79 out
5.8 Comparison of lines overloading violations when 42
Line 20 out
FACTS Flexible AC Transmission system
TCSC Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator
PSS Power System Stabilizer
PSO particle swarm optimization
OPF Optimal Power Flow
ISO Independent System Operator
IL Interruptible Load
GA Genetic algorithm
POD power oscillation damper
PIp Active power performance index
CPI Contingency capacity Performance index
1.1 Overview
In present days, Power demand is increasing every year to meet this demand the
expansion of power generation and transmission is necessary. But at the same
time it is limited due to limited resources and environmental restrictions.
Installation of new transmission lines with the large interconnected power
system are limited to some of the factors like economic cost, environment related
issues. As a consequence some transmission lines are heavily loaded. The
proposed concept is power electronics based technology has been mainly used
for solving various power system control problems. [1]
Continuous and fast improvement of power electronics technology has made
FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission system) a promising concept for power
system development in the coming decade. Among a variety of FACTS devices,
Thyristor controlled series compensator (TCSC) is chosen and well designed to
enhance the transient stability of the power system. [2]
TCSC increases the performance of system decreasing reactance of line and
hence increases the power flow in the line but cost of FACTS device is high. An
approach to determine the most suitable location for placing the TCSC in order
to enhance the power flow in transmission line using contingencies analysis and
ranking. So it is required to find optima location of FACTS device. Performance
indices are defined and ranked to place TCSC in line which informs to locate
TCSC in better position.
Over the last half-century, many power system researchers and engineers have
worked on and contributed to the understanding and solution of the problem of
power system oscillations. It is now well recognized that the main cause of
power system oscillations is the poor damping of the so-called electromechanical
oscillation modes of the power system. Poor damping could be brought out by
the (1) large amount of long-distance power transmission, (2)weak
interconnection of large power sub-networks, and or (3) negative damping due to
the fast-acting high-gain AVRs. Most of the new generators connected to electric
utility systems were equipped with continuously-acting voltage regulators. [3]
Thus, the power system stabilizers are developed to aid in damping these
oscillations via modulating the generator excitation.
1.3 Objectives
The objectives of this thesis are:
i. Reactivate all power system stabilizers (PSSs) found in Sudanese National
ii. Tuning the PSSs parameters using modern optimization technique through
using particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique.
iii. Solving the transmission lines over loading using Thyristor Controlled
Series Compensator (TCSC) under normal condition and under
contingency condition. Then performance indices are used to find the
optimal location of TCSC.
iv. Comparing the damping ratios of the system with PSSs and TCSC and
without them under normal operating condition.
1.4 Methodology
The first stage in this project; Sudanese National Grid was implemented in
DIGSILENT (Power Factory) software environment then power flow was
performed for the national grid.
On second stage all power system stabilizers (PSSs) found in the system
were activated and then tuned using particle swarm optimization (PSO)
technique through linking POWERFACTORY software with MATLAB.
On the final stage TCSC parameters were calculated then the effect of
TCSC modeling in the transmission lines over loading was considered also the
effect of PSSs and TCSC on damping ratios under normal operating conditions
was illustrated.
1.5 Thesis Outlines
This thesis including six chapters as follow: Chapter one is
introduction including overview about the role of TCSC in improving
power systems performance through decreasing line reactance and hence
increasing power flow in transmission lines under normal and contingency
conditions. In addition the overview presents the effect of PSS on power
system damping. Also this chapter contains problem statement, objective
and methodology; while chapter two is literature review. Chapter three
gives information about TCSC and PSS modeling also introduces the
performance indices which used to find TCSC optimal location. Chapter
four includes an introduction of optimization methods and focus on PSO
and how to use it to determine optimal parameters of PSS. Chapter five
consists of study calculations and simulations results. And finally chapter
six includes the conclusion and recommendations.
2.1 Introduction
Power system is facing new challenges and opportunities in the
environment of the internet of things. Under the circumstance of Internet of
things, the transmission congestion management of interruptible load is the
important measure to improve system reliability and operating economy.
Considering the condition of target selected under different circumstances.
active power flow exceeding the permitted limit and the node voltage off-limit,
etc. In order to eliminate the congestion, the management mode of congestion
presents diversification. In the traditional congestion management mode, power
grid companies adjust power plant power plan, and generator outputs to invoke a
high power. This kind of congestion management usually concentrates on the
side of power generation. Literature [5] proposes a congestion management
model of joint mode; its essence is to consider all kinds of security constraints of
the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problems. Due to the fluctuation of node
electricity price under this model is very big, and trade surpluses can be
produced, which produce wrongful stimulate to the Independent System
Operator (ISO). Therefore the PJM energy market in the United States and
electricity market in the New England use financial transmission rights to solve
the transmission congestion [6]. User demand elasticity is also used to solve the
transmission congestion. Under the market structure of both sides of supply and
demand quoting at the same time, the load of each node is a decision variables
affected by price, ISO can control electricity to ease congestion flexibly.
Literature [7] structures congestion management model with the method of
sensitivity analysis. Literature [8] uses generator rescheduling to solve the
congestion, and provides a kind of congestion cost allocation method.
Using IL (Interruptible Load) to solve the congestion management is a new
solution of the congestion management in recent years. IL can make full use of
the electricity elasticity, eliminate or relieve congestion and the power supply
tension in peak load. According to the interruptible power supply contract signed
by the power company and power users [9], it allows power companies to
remove part of the user load as the contracted purview at a particular period of
time (such as peak load). Meanwhile giving the user certain power shortage
compensation can reduce the electricity load during peak hours to relieve the
tense situation of power supply, thus achieve the purpose of congestion
The developments in the area of PSS in the power systems have been discussed
through the various PSS system designs methods. Most of the PSS designs are
based on the application of techniques developed in the area of control system
designs. Recently, heuristic search algorithms such as genetic algorithm (GA)
have been applied to the problem of PSS design [10]. Supplementary constant
output produced to improve stability while the operating condition changes and
is always suited to operating conditions. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
technique was developed by Eberhart and Kennedy [10] which was inspired by
the Social behavior of Bird flocking and fish schooling. The results show the
potential of PSO technique for optimal design of PSS and can work effectively
over a wide range of loading conditions and system configurations. The
performance of the proposed PSOPSSs is compared to that of GAPSSs It is clear
that the system performance with the proposed PSOPSSs is much better than that
of GA-PSSs and the oscillations are damped out much faster than CPSS.
The PSS designed using conventional method performs well around the nominal
operating condition. However, its performance degrades as the system becomes
more loaded [5].Breeder Genetic Algorithm, BGAPSS performs slightly better
than the GA-PSS. GA however has some limitations such as premature
convergence, difficulties in selecting optimal genetic operators as well as the
high computational capacity required in solving complex optimization problems.
In order to deal with some of the limitations, BGA was proposed by John Greene
[10].This paper uses a slightly different version of BGA known as adaptive
mutation BGA.
multiband power system stabilizers in a multi machine infinite bus system is
better in terms of settling time and peak overshoot under fault conditions and
provide good damping characteristics during small disturbance and large
disturbances for local as well as inter area modes of oscillations [10].
Fig (3.1): a block diagram of a control system designed for controlling power
Pref:is the active power reference.
Pkm: is the active power transmitted by the line between nodes k and m.
POD: is the power oscillation damper (POD) signal.
bTCSC:is the susceptance of the TCSC.
xc:is the control signal (output of the first order delay).
xkm:is the line reactance between nodes k and m.
Kp:is the proportional gain of the PI controller.
KI:is the integral gain of the PI controller.
Tr:is the first order delay time constant.
The operation of the TCSC control system permits measuring the active
power flow through the line (Pkm) and comparing it with the active power
reference (Pref). Thus, when Pkm is higher than Pref, the control reactance xc is
negative, which means that bTCSC is positive. This means that the equivalent
reactance of the line increases, causing a decrease of the transmitted active
power (simulating the effect of increasing the line length). On the contrary, if Pkm
is lower than Pref, then xc is positive, which means that bTCSC is negative;
therefore, the equivalent reactance of the line decreases causing an increase in
the transmitted power (behaves as if the line length be shortened). TCSC
implementation in DigSILENT Power Factory is performed through a fixed
series capacitor in parallel with a controlled series reactor (Thyristor controlled
reactor—TCR). For this configuration, the variable to be controlled is the value
of the input reactance of the series reactor (xin) given in ohm [18]. Figure 3.2
shows the TCSC scheme in series with the line, whereas Fig. 3.3depicts the
implementation in Power Factory.
Fig (3.3): Implementation of TCSC in POWER FACTORY
Considering the scheme of Fig. 3.2, the total branch reactance (xT) is as follows:
XT=Xkm + XTCSC ………………………. …... (3.2)
Besides, the xTCSC reactance is the parallel equivalent between the capacitor and
reactor reactance, and its expression is as follows:
( . ).( . ) . .
j.XTCSC = -j = = = -j ……….. (3.3)
. . ( ) ( )
xcap: is the reactance of the fixed capacitor.
Xin:is the controlled reactance of variable reactor.
bTCSC: is the total TCSC susceptance (xTCSC = 1/bTCSC).
From (3.3), and considering that xcap is a priori defined (i.e. the fixed capacitor
does not change its reactance, which is appropriately chosen during the design),
it is possible to determine the expression that relates xin as a function of bTCSC
Xin = - ……………….…. (3.4)
Since the reactor in parallel with the fixed capacitor might eventually
make up together a resonance circuit, it is necessary to ensure that the xTCSC does
not surpass determined minimum and maximum thresholds. Thus, there is an
operating zone where xTCSC might acquire extremely high values (i.e. parallel
resonance), which necessarily has to be avoided (i.e. not-allowed operating
zone). Consequently, the requirement of limiting the TCSC operating zone, so
that xTCSC∈ [xTCSCmin, xTCSCmax], has to be considered in the TCSC controller
design. This fact highlights the requirement of specifying a limit of line
compensation. Therefore, in order to ensure the system stability, it is
recommended to compensate up to a maximum compensating fraction (CF) of
the line reactance nominal value (xkm), both in the capacitive (CFcap) and
inductive (CFind) TCSC operating zones. Therefore, XTCSC will be in the range
given by (3.5).
-CFcap.xkm ≤ xTCSC≤ CFind. xkm ………………………… (3.5)
Based on system experiences, a rational CF might be 0.3 (30 % of xkm).
From (3.5), it is easy to determine that the TCSC susceptance bTCSC will satisfy
The following relations:
Replacing (3.1) in (3.6), and after solving the in equations, the range of xc
(output of the first-order delay) can be determined as follows:
≤ xc ≤ ………………………… (3.7)
Therefore, the limits of the first-order delay Xcmax and Xcmin are as follows:
These last presented limits allow ensuring the line compensation does not
exceed the pre-defined thresholds, and also, the TCSC actually operates outside
the not allowed zone.
As explained beforehand, in DigSILENT POWERFACTORY, the TCSC
is implemented via the adequate control of the input reactance of the series
reactor (xin) [18]. Thus, xin is the signal to be controlled (i.e. the required output
of the DSL model of the controllers). Then, it is necessary to replace the last
block of the controllers (i.e. the block that computes bTCSC from the control
signal xc, shown in Fig. 3.1) by a block that allows establishing the relationship
between the control signal xc and xin(i.e. the available signal to be controlled in
the POWER FACTORY object). For this purpose, the existence equivalency
between (3.1) and the inverse of (3.3) can be used, as shown by (3.9).
- = …………………………………… (3.9)
( ) .
Pi=Active power flow in line i.
Pmax=Maximum power flow in line i
n=specified exponent (Here value of n is kept unity)
Maximum power transfer can be expressed by formula:
Pmax = …………………………………………………………. (3.12)
Vi=Voltage at bus i obtained from power flow
Vj=Voltage at bus j obtained from power flow
X=Reactance of line connecting bus i and bus j
PIp value is calculated for all the lines .the line with least positive value is
considered and ranked first. Next least valued is second and so. TCSC is placed
on line having rank 1.
3.2.2 Contingency capacity Performance index (CPI)
Contingency capacity Performance index (CPI) is introduced in this
section for installing TCSC at suitable location to achieve secured power flow
under contingency condition. Contingency capacity performance index is
calculated as follows:
Pi=Active power flow in line i
CPI value is calculated for all the lines .the line with highest positive value is
considered and ranked first. Next highest valued is second and so. TCSC is
placed on line having rank 1.
3.3 Power System Stabilizer Design
Calculated Method:
The contribution of the PSS to the torque-angle loop (assuming ∆Vref = 0 and ∆δ
= 0) is shown in figure 3.4 [20]:
From figure 3.4:
∆ ( )
= ( )( )
= ( ) ( )
( )( )
( )= = ( ) …………. (3.15)
( )( )( )
( )= ( )( )
…………………….... (3.16)
2. Calculate from ω = .
8. Prepare G1 from G =
9. Then =| || |
The PSS should be activated only when low-frequency oscillations develop and
should be automatically terminated when the system oscillation ceases.
The washout stage has the transfer function G = since the washout filter
should not have any effect on phase shift or gain at the oscillating frequency, it
can be achieved by choosing a large value of so that is much larger than
unity. Hence, its phase contribution is close to zero. The PSS will not have any
effect on the steady state of the system since, in steady state [21].
4.1 Introduction
Optimization is the act of obtaining the best result under given circumstance-s. In
design, construction, and maintenance of any engineering system, engineers have
to take many technological and managerial decisions at several stages. The
ultimate goal of all such decisions is either to minimize the effort required or to
maximize the desired benefit. Since the effort required or the benefit desired in
any practical situation can be expressed
as a function of certain decision variables, optimization can be defined as the
process of finding the conditions that give the maximum or minimum value of a
function [11].
In recent years, some optimization methods that are conceptually different from
the traditional mathematical programming techniques have been developed.
These methods are labeled as modern or nontraditional methods of optimization.
Most of these methods are based on certain characteristics and behavior of
biological, molecular, swarm of insects, and neurobiological systems [11].The
most important methods mentioned below:
1. Genetic algorithms
2. Simulated annealing
3. Particle swarm optimization
4. Ant colony optimization
5. Fuzzy optimization
6. Neural-network-based methods
Most of these methods have been developed only in recent years and are
emerging gas popular methods for the solution of complex engineering
problems. Most require only the function values (and not the derivatives). The
genetic algorithms are based on the principles of natural genetics and natural
selection. Simulated annealing is based on the simulation of thermal annealing of
critically heated solids. Both genetic algorithms and simulated annealing are
stochastic methods that can find the global minimum with a high probability and
are naturally applicable for the solution of discrete
optimization problems. The particle swarm optimization is based on the behavior
of a colony of living things, such as a swarm of insects, a flock of birds, or a
school offish. Ant colony optimization is based on the cooperative behavior of
real ant colonies, which are able to find the shortest path from their nest to a food
source. In many practical systems, the objective function, constraints, and the
design data are known only in vague and linguistic terms. Fuzzy optimization
methods have been developed for solving such problems. In neural-network-
based methods, the problem is modeled
as a network consisting of several neurons, and the network is trained suitably to
solve the optimization problem efficiently [12].
4.2.1 Introduction
Particle swarm optimization, abbreviated as PSO, is based on the behavior of a
colony or swarm of insects, such as ants, termites, bees, and wasps; a flock of
birds; or a school of fish. The particle swarm optimization algorithm mimics the
behavior of these social organisms. The word particle denotes, for example, a
bee in a colony or a bird in a flock. Each individual or particle in a swarm
behaves in a distributed way using its own intelligence and the collective or
group intelligence of the swarm. As such, if one particle discovers a good path to
food, the rest of the swarm will also be able to follow the good path instantly
even if their location is far away in the swarm.
Optimization methods based on swarm intelligence are called behaviorally
inspired algorithms as opposed to the genetic algorithms, which are called
evolution-based procedures. The PSO algorithm was originally proposed by
Kennedy and Beernaert in1995 [12].
As an example, consider the behavior of birds in a flock. Although each bird has
a limited intelligence by itself, it follows the following simple rules:
i. When one bird locates a target or food (or maximum of the objective
function), it instantaneously transmits the information to all other birds.
ii. All other birds gravitate to the target or food (or maximum of the objective
function), but not directly.
iii. There is a component of each bird’s own independent thinking as well as
its past memory. Thus the model simulates a random search in the design
space for the maximum value of the objective function. As such, gradually
over much iteration, the birds go to the target (or maximum of the
objective function) [12].
j = 1, 2….N
Figure (4.1): Flowchart of particle swarm optimization algorithm
The “particle” is defined as a vector that contains the desired variables to be
optimized. There is a trade-off between the number of particles and the number
of iterations of the swarm, and the fitness value of each particle has to be
evaluated using a user-defined function at each iteration. Thus, the number of
particles should not be large because computational effort could increase
dramatically. Swarms of 5-20 particles are normally chosen as appropriate
population sizes [13].
Fitness Function:
The PSO fitness function used to evaluate the performance of each particle
corresponds to a user-defined objective function [13].
4.3 PSS Parameter optimization applying PSO
= ………………………... (4.4)
Equation 4.4 is the damping ratio of the ith critical swing mode. The objective of
the optimization is to maximize the damping ratio (ζ) as much as possible. There
are three tuning parameters of the PSS namely, the controller gain (KSTAB), lead
and lag time constants (T1 and T2), these parameters are to be optimized by
minimizing the desired objective function “J” given in Equation 4.3. With a
change of parameters of PSS, the damping ratio (ζ) as well as J varies. The
problem constraints are the bounds on the controller parameters [13, 14]. The
optimization problem can then be formulated as follows:
Minimize J as in 4.3
Subject to
K ≤K ≤ K
T ≤T ≤ T
T ≤T ≤ T
4.3.2 Typical values of the PSS parameters are
KPSS is in the range of 0.1 to 50.
T1is the lead time constant, 0.2 to 1.5 sec.
T2is the lag time constant, 0.02 to 0.15 sec.
T3is the lead time constant, 0.2 to 1.5 sec.
T4is the lag time constant, 0.02 to 0.I5 sec [8].
5.1 Introduction
All the simulation in this chapter was carried out using DIG SILENT
(POWER FACTORY) software and MATLAB m-file environment. First all four
PSS found in Sudanese National Grid were activated and retuned using PSO
code (see appendix A). In the second step optimal location for TCSC under
normal operating condition was defined using power performance index to
reduce transmission lines loading. Then after placing TCSC in the grid the
damping ratios was compared when there is PSS and TCSC with the case
without them. Also the improvement of the transmission lines loading was
stated. In the last step contingency performance index was used to define optimal
location for TCSC under contingency condition which improves system
performance under contingency condition.
All four PSSs found in Sudanese national grid were activated and tuned
again using PSO code (see appendix A). The tuning process done through
linking PSO code (MATLAB – m-file) with DIGSILENT (Power Factory)
software. The parameters of the PSSs illustrated in table (5.1) and the graph of
PSO tuning process represented in figure (5.1)
Table (5.1): PSS parameters after tuning using PSO
K T1 T2 T3 T4 Tw
1 36.794 2.259 1.6525 2.4949 0.33233 20
2 27.118 1.5949 1.4804 0.70887 1.8694 20
3 21.42 1.7307 1.1606 2.2165 1.5258 20
4 39.71 1.7148 1.2833 1.6195 0.9045 20
5.3 TCSC Optimal Location under Normal condition
27 22.8 281.3 291.3 13.892 5898.552 1.4941E-05 25
28 14.9 291.3 296.9 9.966 8678.203 2.9479E-06 14
29 10.8 296.9 304.3 18.12 4986.019 4.6918E-06 17
30 3.4 304.3 306.3 11.929 7813.487 1.89351E-07 5
31 40.1 240.7 240.2 24.6583 2344.693 0.000292494 53
32 91.5 240.7 240.2 26.0928 2215.789 0.001705239 68
33 9.6 238.5 241.6 71.734 803.2676 0.000142831 57
34 189.6 241.6 236.8 10.075 5678.499 0.001114832 64
35 15.9 540.6 538.1 10.1568 28640.6 3.08198E-07 6
36 22.3 230.2 230.2 3.926 13497.72 2.72954E-06 13
37 6.3 227.2 230.2 4.53 11545.57 2.97749E-07 7
38 68.2 106.7 105.9 1.441 7841.45 7.56443E-05 35
39 22.6 106.7 106.7 1.614 7053.835 1.02652E-05 21
40 71 106.7 105.6 1.614 6981.115 0.000103435 40
41 3.5 105.6 105.6 1.076 10363.72 1.14053E-07 3
42 154.4 227.3 232 6.191 8517.784 0.00032858 46
43 76.1 105.6 104.4 1.25085 8813.719 7.45506E-05 34
44 121.7 106 104.2 2.21925 4976.997 0.000597925 58
45 5.5 104.4 104.2 0.79355 13708.63 1.60967E-07 4
46 27.9 105.7 106.7 2.7667 4076.405 4.6844E-05 32
47 154.9 105.7 106.7 0.6795 16597.78 8.70969E-05 38
48 82 105.7 105.4 0.4304 25884.71 1.00355E-05 22
49 67.7 104 103.8 0.4035 26753.9 6.40329E-06 19
50 50.4 103.8 102.9 1.883 5672.342 7.89471E-05 36
51 87.5 104 103.7 0.4035 26728.13 1.07171E-05 23
52 2.1 103.7 103.6 1.0491 10240.51 4.20528E-08 2
53 19.4 103.6 103.6 1.4795 7254.451 7.15145E-06 20
54 56.2 104.2 103.6 1.0222 10560.67 2.83198E-05 30
55 83.1 105.7 103.6 4.842 2261.57 0.00135015 61
56 195.7 224.8 227.1 5.587 9137.655 0.000458682 54
57 71.2 104.7 104.3 0.6315 17292.49 1.69529E-05 27
58 34.5 104.3 104 1.263 8588.44 1.61365E-05 26
59 34.4 104 104 7.532 1436.006 0.000573858 56
60 2.8 105.9 105.2 1.076 10353.79 7.31336E-08 10
61 27.9 105.2 104.4 4.035 2721.903 0.000105066 41
62 15.8 105.2 104.7 32.417 339.7736 0.002162395 67
63 10.9 104.4 104.1 4.7685 2279.132 2.28725E-05 29
64 54.9 105.2 104.4 5.78875 1897.28 0.000837301 55
65 127.9 104.4 113.4 14.9455 792.1421 0.026069631 78
66 155.9 124.1 113.4 12.8826 1092.399 0.020367119 73
67 459.1 253.6 259 23.103 2843.025 0.026076741 76
68 45.5 259 270.2 22.68624 3084.769 0.000217559 44
69 0 270.2 270.8 9.059999 8076.177
70 43.3 270.2 273.1 9.44354 7813.979 3.07066E-05 31
71 12 273.1 273.2 7.37937 10110.74 1.40863E-06 9
72 16.7 273.1 274.5 11.2495 6663.936 6.28017E-06 18
73 0 274.5 274.9 6.610779 11414.7
74 4.1 111.2 111.5 0.52625 23560.67 3.02826E-08 1
From table (5.2) it observed that transmission line 74 (line from SNJA to
SNAR) is having least Pip value 3.02826E-08 so ranked first. Table (5.2)
provides optimal solution for optimal placement of TCSC in line 74 (rank 1).
However this improvement in transmission lines overloading represented in table
Table (5.3): Line data with TCSC and without TCSC under normal
Loading without TCSC Loading with TCSC
1 22.70% 22.60%
2 10.70% 10.70%
3 7.10% 7.10%
4 12.60% 12.60%
5 31.40% 31.30%
6 100.17% 99.70%
7 7.70% 7.90%
8 8% 9.20%
9 14.60% 13.90%
10 20.70% 25.10%
11 15.30% 7.90%
12 39.30% 24.90%
13 49.40% 44.60%
14 49.50% 44.50%
15 36.70% 34.80%
16 37.50% 40.70%
17 50.90% 62.90%
18 11.60% 12.90%
19 35.30% 30.90%
20 37.40% 32.90%
21 51.60% 48%
22 100.82% 96.87%
23 4.70% 4.80%
24 52.90% 54%
25 46.60% 47.70%
26 43.50% 44.40%
27 36% 36.70%
28 27.40% 27.90%
29 24% 24.40%
30 8.10% 8.20%
31 10.20% 12.20%
32 21.50% 17.10%
33 7.00% 41.50%
34 29.50% 20.60%
35 5.70% 5.80%
36 4.90% 11.30%
37 29.40% 21.70%
38 17.80% 17.00%
39 4.90% 6.00%
40 19.20% 16.70%
41 1.60% 3.20%
42 77.30% 77.70%
43 24.30% 21.80%
44 29.30% 29.50%
45 5.80% 3.10%
46 23.00% 14.70%
47 46.30% 41.90%
48 21.40% 21.10%
49 17.60% 17.30%
50 13.50% 13.30%
51 24.30% 23.90%
52 1.80% 1.50%
53 4.60% 4.50%
54 33.00% 30.80%
55 19.20% 19.10%
56 38.10% 34.40%
57 70.20% 74.90%
58 60.60% 64.00%
59 15.70% 16.70%
60 28.60% 10.80%
61 13.80% 13.00%
62 27.90% 28.30%
63 12.90% 11.80%
64 29.10% 20.20%
65 85.90% 72.20%
66 38.10% 39.40%
67 81.40% 71.70%
68 50.70% 64.70%
69 75.20% 6.80%
70 18.50% 23.20%
71 3.90% 4.80%
72 10.00% 12.40%
73 4.20% 5.00%
74 10.60% 15.09%
75 24.40% 25.00%
76 2.40% 20.70%
77 65.20% 15.30%
78 73.20% 62.60%
79 75.20% 36.40%
80 39.30% 11.50%
81 11.50% 11.50%
Table (5.3) shows that placement of TCSC in the line between SNJA and
SNAR decrease overloading of overloaded lines (L6 and L22) from 100.17%
and 100.82% to 99.7% and 96.87% respectively. Also other lines having
overloading within limits.
The activation and tuning process of all PSSs found in Sudanese National
grid has a significant role in enhancing system damping. However this
improvement of system damping represented in table (5.4) and in the figure (5.2)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Table (5.5): Oscillatory modes egine values with and without PSS and TCSC
Figure (5.4): Eigen values plot with PSSs and TCSC
Line Reactance
Pi(MW) Vi(KV) Vj(KV) Pmax CPI Ranking
NO (Xi) ohm
1 149.9 228.6 228.4 6.961825 7499.792 0.980012779
2 68 225.7 227 28.06895 1825.287 0.962745592
3 34.6 225.7 223.3 28.08507 1794.505 0.980718921
4 69.9 223.3 228.4 28.08507 1815.973 0.961508232
5 94 209.4 223.3 25.066 1865.436 0.949609637
6 90.4 203 209.4 30.95 1373.447 0.934180229
7 83.6 519.6 524.8 65.3292 4174.031 0.979971397
8 18 229.8 230.4 21.14 2504.537 0.992813044
9 51.3 230.4 228.9 17.365 3037.061 0.983108668
10 94.4 228.9 228.9 0.755 69397.63 0.998639723
11 29.5 228.9 228.9 9.059999 5783.136 0.994898962
12 81.4 223.2 225.2 2.114 23777.03 0.996576528
13 214.7 223.2 221.3 4.228 11682.63 0.981622289
14 214.9 221.1 221.3 0.453 108012 0.998010406
15 136.3 216.6 221.1 6.493 7375.675 0.981520336
16 156.6 216.6 216 8.304999 5633.426 0.972201642
17 71.2 231.3 216 71.734 696.4731 0.897770636
18 22.2 537 519.6 95.49599 2921.853 0.992402081
19 122.4 228.7 230.2 3.0955 17007.51 0.992803178
20 123.3 225.5 228.7 5.738 8987.774 0.986281365
21 244.4 224.4 225.5 5.738 8818.787 0.972286438
22 550.4 239.3 224.4 22.3027 2407.732 0.771403111
23 7 239.2 239.3 16.1872 3536.162 0.998020453
24 57 239.3 253.1 12.684 4775.058 0.988062971
25 52.2 253.1 264.3 11.8233 5657.839 0.990773863
26 45.9 264.3 280.2 19.026 3892.403 0.988207799
27 22.8 280.2 290.2 13.892 5853.3 0.996104761
28 14.9 290.2 295.7 9.966 8610.49 0.998269553
29 10.8 295.7 303.1 18.12 4946.284 0.997816543
30 3.4 303.1 304.1 11.929 7726.776 0.999559972
31 28.9 293.3 239.6 24.6583 2849.94 0.989859436
32 21.7 237 239.6 26.0928 2176.279 0.99002885
33 67.7 233.9 237 71.734 772.7758 0.912393738
34 53 233.9 231.3 10.075 5369.833 0.990130047
35 10.5 534.5 537 10.1568 28259.54 0.999628444
36 29.2 228.9 228.6 3.926 13328.21 0.997809158
37 18.6 228.6 225.2 4.53 11364.4 0.99836331
38 68.2 106 105.2 1.441 7738.515 0.99118694
39 18.4 106 106.1 1.614 6968.154 0.997359415
40 75.9 106.1 104.9 1.614 6895.843 0.988993368
41 1.4 104.9 104.8 1.076 10217.03 0.999862974
42 154.1 225.6 230.2 6.191 8388.487 0.981629582
43 80.7 104.8 103.5 1.25085 8671.543 0.990693698
44 119.2 105 103.3 2.21925 4887.462 0.975611063
45 1 103.3 103.5 0.79355 13473.06 0.999925778
46 35.4 103 105.1 2.7667 3912.712 0.990952567
47 162.4 105.1 106.1 0.6795 16410.76 0.990104052
48 82 105.1 104.1 0.4304 25420.33 0.996774235
49 67.7 103 102.8 0.4035 26241.39 0.997420106
50 50.4 102.8 101.9 1.883 5563.101 0.990940305
51 87.8 103 102.7 0.4035 26215.86 0.996650882
52 2.3 102.6 102.7 1.0491 10043.87 0.999771005
53 17.4 102.6 102.6 1.4795 7115.079 0.99755449
54 58.2 103.3 102.6 1.0222 10368.4 0.994386791
55 80.8 102.6 104.6 4.842 2216.431 0.963545
56 198 224.4 221.1 5.587 8880.408 0.977703727
57 66.1 103 102.6 0.6315 16734.44 0.996050062
58 29.4 102.6 102.5 1.263 8326.603 0.996469148
59 29.3 102.5 103 7.532 1401.686 0.979096604
60 5.9 100.6 101.9 1.076 9527.082 0.999380713
61 27.9 100.6 99.8 4.035 2488.198 0.988787067
62 11.4 100.6 103 32.417 319.6409 0.96433498
63 10.9 96 96.4 4.7685 1940.736 0.994383574
64 65.4 100.6 96.4 5.78875 1675.291 0.960962003
65 306.4 108.5 96.4 14.9455 699.8361 0.562183185
66 413.6 108.5 138.4 12.8826 1165.634 0.645171722
67 496.6 288.3 294.9 23.103 3680.027 0.865055348
68 46.3 294.9 308.9 22.68624 4015.412 0.988469429
69 0 308.9 309.6 9.059999 10555.79
70 43.3 308.9 312.5 9.44354 10221.93 0.995764011
71 12 312.5 312.7 7.37937 13242.15 0.999093803
72 16.8 312.5 314.4 11.2495 8733.721 0.998076421
73 0 314.4 314.7 6.610779 14966.72
74 35.3 110 110 0.52625 22992.87 0.998464742
75 15 110 104.3 29.049 394.9534 0.962020832
76 0.3 110 109.9 40.416 299.1142 0.998997039
77 17.6 100.6 96.4 14.735 658.15 0.973258375
78 27.1 110 100.6 25.26 438.0839 0.938139707
79 33.22 0
80 1.6 235 233.9 13.59 4044.628 0.999604414
81 71 228.4 228.6 28.06895 1860.142 0.961830876
According to table (5.5); line 45 (from BANAT to Omdurman) is having
the highest CPI value (0.999925778) so ranked first. Table (5.5) provides
optimal solution for optimal placement of TCSC in line 45 (rank 1) under
contingency condition.
The transmission line overloading violations when line 79 taken out has
been illustrated in table (5.6) and figure (5.5) as shown bellow.
22 45 6 65 66
From the above table (5.6) and figure (5.5) it is observed that with optimal
location of TCSC in line 45 (from BANAT to Omdurman) decrease the
overloading from 141% to 6.8% through distributing the loading to other lines.
The transmission line overloading violations when line 20 taken out has been
illustrated in table (5.7) and figure (5.6) as shown bellow.
Line Loading witout TCSC
Line Loading with TCSC
22 42 45 6 67
From the above table (5.7) and figure (5.6) it is observed that with optimal
location of TCSC in line 45 (from BANAT to Omdurman) decrease the
overloading from 390.23% to 21.9% through distributing the loading to other
6.1 Conclusion
As per the objective study of the thesis, the simulation result shows that
the effective placement of FACTS device TCSC in optimal location of the
transmission line based on performance indices decreases the overloading of line
under Normal operating condition and contingency condition. The TCSC
changes the real and reactive power of the system in any location, but the
optimal location presents the best benefit on power losses. Also system damping
was improved when TCSC connected in its optimal location.
6.2 Recommendations
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load Particle.csv;
load Particle2.csv;
load Particle3.csv;
load Particle4.csv;
if x1>0
%Define the PSS gain and time constants within the definition domain
for i=1:nr_PSS
particle_pt_validare=[particle_pt_validare K, T1, T2, T3, T4]; %The
new particle for validation
%END Define the PSS gain or time constant within the definition
%Damping ratio
[size_caz1, r]=size(Eigen);
for i=1:size_caz1
damp_caz1_var=-Eigen(i, 1)/(sqrt(Eigen(i,1).^2 + Eigen(i,2).^2));
damp_caz1=[damp_caz1; damp_caz1_var];
%END Damping ratio
for i=1:x
first=(teta_0-Eigen(i, 1))^2;
second=(epsilon_0-damp_caz1(i, 1))^2;
Fobj_caz1_var=beta*first + alfa*second*gama;
Fobj_caz1=[Fobj_caz1; Fobj_caz1_var];
csvwrite('index.csv', index); %Increment the index
index_best_Fobj_pop=find(vect_Fobj_pop==min(vect_Fobj_pop)); %Index of
the best obj. function from the population
best_Fobj_pop=vect_Fobj_pop(index_best_Fobj_pop); %Best objective
function from generation 'x'
best_particle_pop=original_pop(index_best_Fobj_pop, :); %Best particle
from generation 'x'
vect_best_Fobj_ever=[vect_best_Fobj_ever; best_Fobj_pop]; %Vector of
best obj function ever
best_particle_pop];%Vector of best particle ever
%Index of the best obj. function ever
best_Fobj_ever=vect_best_Fobj_ever(index_best_Fobj_ever);%Best fobj
particle ever
best_particle_eever=best_particle_ever'; %Written as collumn
if gen_act==1
if gen_act>=2
[original_pop, vect_Fobj_pop]=Elitism(original_pop, vect_Fobj_pop,
best_Fobj_ever, best_particle_ever);
%END Elitism
evolutie = [evolutie best_Fobj_ever]; %The objective function evolution
pop=[]; vit=[];
%Swarm and speed actualization according to the particle pozition
if gen_act>=2
for kk=1:ki
if vect_Fobj_pop(kk,1) > past_vect_Fobj_pop(kk,1);
pbest(kk, :)=past_original_pop(kk, :);
v(kk, 1)=past_v(kk, 1);
%END swarm and speed actualization according to the particle pozition
for ll=1:ki
particle=original_pop(ll, :);
%Particle speed computation
%END Particle speed computation
particle=particle+v_crt; %Actualization of the particle pozition
pop=[pop; particle];
vit=[vit; v_crt];
%Prevent particle to go out from it's definition domain
[cv, bn]=size(pop);
for ii=1:cv
for z=0:5:15
if pop(ii, 1+z) > Khigh
pop(ii, 1+z) = Khigh;
else if pop(ii, 1+z) < Klow
pop(ii, 1+z) = Klow;
Appendix B: Sudanese National Grid
Appendix C: Generators Data
GBA disel GT2 6.6 3.5 2 1.85 0.89 0.235 0.89 0.3 0.22 4.8 0.02 0.59 0.08
GBA kaplain GT1 6.6 6.6 2 1.138 0.306 0.205 0.683 0.3 0.2 6 0.05 0.59 0.1
GBA kaplain GT2 6.6 6.6 2 1.138 0.306 0.205 0.683 0.3 0.2 6 0.05 0.59 0.1
GBA pump 1 6.6 2.6 2 1.28 0.32 0.25 0.92 0.3 0.315 5.2 0.05 0.59 0.06
GBA pump 2 6.6 2.6 2 1.28 0.32 0.25 0.92 0.3 0.315 5.2 0.05 0.59 0.06
GBA pump 3 6.6 2.6 2 1.28 0.32 0.25 0.92 0.3 0.315 5.2 0.05 0.59 0.06
Appendix D: Transmission Lines Data